AUCTION LOT LISTING Auction date: 17/02/2015 Lots listed: 1,007 SMALL & WHITFIELD 9.30am Antique, Period & General Furniture, Porcelain, Glass & Collectables Items marked with an * indicate that the lot is offered on behalf of a GST registered source Lot No Description Lot No Description 1 Tricycle [$20-30] 41 Kitchen scales and weights [$20-30] 2 Plaster bust of Venus A/F [$20-40] 42 3 Mantle clock with modern movement [$50-80] Contnental buterfy design tray with salt and pepper, candlestcks, spice tray, etc [$25-40] 4 Funky balance scales [$15-25] 43 Royal Worcester trio with another [$20-40] 44 Maxwell Williams 'Antque Blue' two tered cake stand [$30-50] 45 Amber glass etched lemonade set with six glasses [$20-30] 46 Delf bell with woods blue and white sugar bowl [$20-30] 5 Vintage fan [$20-30] 6 Blue art glass bowl [$20-30] 7 Two foral McRobertson's chocolate tns [$30-50] 8 Coopers advertsing botle opener [$20-30] 9 Family scale [$20-30] 10 Outback golfer statue [$15-20] 47 Cut crystal decanter and another (A/F) [$20-40] 11 Two fy sprays [$15-25] 48 Set of six Russian vodka glasses and tray [$15-25] 12 Oriental jardiniere stand with cranes [$30-50] 49 13 Sylvac china hat and jug [$20-40] Set of four interestng wine glasses made in South Africa from recycled botles [$15-25] 14 Wooden framed oval wall mirror [$20-30] 50 15 Barrie A.F. Clark Spitire print [$30-50] Ruby and gilt glass six person wine and decanter set [$40-60] 16 Box of old tns [$30-50] 51 Lord Nelson foral dish with side plates [$10-20] 17 Two vintage money tns [$30-50] 52 Old hat box [$30-50] 18 Koster hot water jug and Australian vases [$15-25] 53 Large silver plated champagne bucket [$40-60] 19 Meccano no.3 outit [$20-40] 54 Tonka dump truck and digger [$20-40] 20 Early Masons tureen (heavy crazing) [$20-40] 55 Heavy concrete statue of a dog [$20-25] 21 Group of four blue and white cups and saucers [$15-20] 56 Classical brass lamp [$20-30] 57 2 old green botles [$20-30] 58 Inlaid wood plaque [$20-30] 59 Large English fruit bowl with silver plated rim, Imari patern [$30-50] 60 English foral biscuit barrel [$30-50] 61 Four trios including Royal Doulton 'Japonica' [$30-40] 62 Quantty of glassware [$20-30] 63 Hand painted wood saw [$20-30] 64 Steam window cleaner [$20-30] Pair of modern funky tle hangings [$20-30] 22 Toaster/ketle and mincer [$20-25] 23 Three modern vases [$10-20] 24 English sandwich plate with English scene plate [$25-40] 25 Pressed glass dish with Australian map to base [$20-30] 26 Collecton of assorted tns [$30-50] 27 Quality silver plated serving tray with another [$30-50] 28 Two leather briefcases [$30-50] 65 29 Large oak serving tray [$30-40] 66 Digital photo frame [$25-40] 30 Box of Bendigo Potery, etc [$50-100] 67 Retro bar botle stoppers [$20-40] 31 2 computer bags [$40-60] 68 32 Black bakelite telephone [$40-60] Sudoku wooden boxed game with pieces in drawer [$30-50] 33 Black bakelite telephone [$40-60] 69 34 Black bakelite telephone [$40-60] Large collecton of assorted paints and brushes [$40-60] 35 Box of silver plated wares [$20-30] 70 Group of china, etc [$20-40] 36 Kylie La La La one volume [$10-15] 71 Bric a brac [$20-30] 37 Insulators [$10-15] 72 Sunbeam mixer and accessories [$20-30] 38 Art deco bakelite serving tray [$20-40] 73 Three coloured engravings [$20-30] 39 Box of assorted lace doilies, etc [$20-30] 74 Vintage tn 'The Musicians' etc [$10-20] 40 Tin of assorted world coins [$20-25] 75 Large printed wall hanging [$20-30] 76 One old leather suitcase [$30-50] Printed on 13/02/2015 Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 1 Lot No 77 Description Lot No Description 'Cars' child's skate board [$10-12] 124 Silver plated card tray [$20-30] 78 Valiant brand new sheet sets (fve) [$30-50] 125 79 Bathroom basin, brand new conditon [$30-50] Beswick Coronaton mug (hairline) with Doulton dish [$20-25] 80 Deco sewing cabinet fted with Singer machine [$50-80] 126 Mikasa boxed crystal statue of Angelic violin fgure [$50-80] 81 Box of glassware (some A/F) [$10-15] 127 82 Set of six Malcolm Arnold block framed South Australian prints [$30-50] Victorian handpainted vase with art glass jug [$20-30] 128 Crystal dressing table set [$40-50] 83 Various cat groups [$10-15] 129 84 Modern picture frame and hanger [$10-20] Bennet Australian potery vases - three (chip to botom) [$20-40] 85 Japanese gilt decorated cofee set for two [$60-80] 86 Miniatures shelf [$15-25] 87 Vases (three) [$10-20] 88 Tribal carvings [$10-15] 89 130 * Eight Strachan coasters [$10-20] 131 Pewter spirit fasks and tankards [$10-15] 132 3 potery vases by Diana [$20-30] 133 Royal Doulton cup and saucer, and Stanley cup and saucer [$20-30] Seven pussy cat plates [$15-20] 134 90 Marigold carnival glass plate with six glasses [$20-30] Silver plated punch or soup ladle with crumb scoop [$30-50] 135 Two cocktail glasses, retro [$10-20] 91 Large lustre 'Amalf' vase [$20-30] 136 Large Trent potery bowl [$20-30] 92 Group of LP's Status Quo, Madonna, Kylie, etc [$40-60] 137 English pinched edge foral bowl [$20-30] 138 Assorted English china A/F including Doulton Centenary mug [$15-25] 93 Tin roof model house [$20-30] 94 Foley part tea service including teapot [$30-50] 139 Blue and white china, Meakin [$10-15] 95 Foley part tea service [$30-50] 140 Three pieces of crystal glassware [$20-30] 96 Minstral heritage collecton mix master [$20-30] 141 Spodes Byron patern tea wares (three) [$10-12] 97 Art Deco bowl Coronet Ware by Burslem [$30-50] 142 Burleigh Ware three compartment dish [$20-30] 98 Nascar Collector's Editon barbie [$20-30] 143 EPNS sundries [$10-20] 99 Large crane hook [$20-30] 144 Alabaster vase with bird vase, egg cups, etc [$15-25] 100 Old suitcase [$20-30] 145 101 Pair of porcelain lamps [$20-30] Group of English china and glassware, bud vase with sterling silver rim, etc [$25-40] 102 Classical print in convex frame [$30-40] 146 Six gold rimmed dessert goblets [$10-15] 103 Bentley mirror [$20-30] 147 104 Leather brief case [$30-50] Two Adelaide Grand Prix packaged port botles [$15-25] 105 Vintage tartan suitcase [$30-50] 148 Meakin tureens, serving plates, etc [$20-30] 106 Decoratve brass table lamp [$40-60] 149 Potery cofee service for 12 [$20-30] 107 Toy wheel-barrow, metal [$20-30] 150 Set of four gilt comports [$15-25] 108 Watercolour and print [$10-20] 151 109 Brass fruit bowl with crystal insert [$20-25] Hof Western Australian potery vase with two Hof jugs [$20-30] 110 Brass comport with crystal liner [$20-30] 152 Five piece condiment set [$15-25] 111 Four trios including Foley 'Windsor' [$30-40] 153 Two novelty belt buckles made in USA [$20-30] 112 Vintage ketle cosy [$20-30] 154 Three cutlery sets [$25-40] 113 Small Japanese jardiniere, etc [$10-15] 155 Three wild fowers plates [$10-15] 114 Blue glass jug, etc [$10-15] 156 Set of four German scene plates [$10-20] 115 Raynham potery vase [$20-30] 157 Potery canoe vases (two) [$20-40] 116 Burleigh ware vase A/F [$10-20] 158 Collecton of costume jewellery with box [$30-50] 117 Collecton of glass lollies [$25-40] 159 Pair of basket weave bowls with enamelled fowers [$20-30] 118 Pair of Royal Worcester 'Avon Scenes' hand engraved plates [$20-30] 160 Six retro side plates and three Martn Boyd ramekins [$20-40] 119 Pair of carved Thai fgures in rosewood [$20-30] 161 Pair of Contnental wall plaques [$30-50] 120 Set six pressed glass strrup glasses [$30-50] 162 Coloured glassware [$20-40] 121 Group of three Bristol green Victorian wine glasses [$20-40] 163 Cutlery sets [$20-30] 122 Two cloudy glass fower troughs [$20-40] 164 Two chamber stcks [$15-25] 123 Cornish potery Truro dish and Wade potery jug [$20-30] 165 Crown Stafordshire salad strainer and stand [$1-25] 166 Two Australian plates [$10-15] 167 Jasperware vase [$15-20] Printed on 13/02/2015 Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 2 Lot No 168 Description Lot No Description Australian potery glazed water jug with lid [$20-40] 215 Box of assorted cutlery [$25-40] 169 Pair of heavy pewter beer mugs [$15-25] 216 Boxed Rudd spoon and box of cutlery [$20-40] 170 Set of three graduated fying ducks [$50-70] 217 Knitng needles, etc [$20-30] 171 Maling lustre dish [$20-30] 218 Oddments of cutlery [$20-30] 172 Pair of 'Regency' trios [$20-25] 219 173 'End of Day' art glass vase [$20-40] Set of coasters and place mats World Expo 1988 [$10-20] 174 Deco candlestck, etc [$20-30] 220 Heraldic bar items [$10-20] 221 Boxed set of Grosvenor teaspoons [$15-25] 222 Box of assorted costume jewellery, brushes, etc [$30-50] 223 Two boxed cutlery sets [$20-40] 224 Box of knives and other cutlery [$10-15] Two metal plaques [$30-50] 175 Sure Fit hair net advertsing [$10-15] 176 T.G. Green Cornishware four canister, condiments, etc A/F [$30-40] 177 Wedgwood powder bowl and commemoratve plate [$15-25] 178 Four various Wedgwood ceramics [$20-25] 225 179 Pair of amethyst glass candles [$10-15] 226 20 various motorcycle posters, etc [$10-20] 180 Victorian pink glass basket [$30-50] 227 Camera tripod [$20-30] 181 Glass condiment set [$20-30] 228 Three assorted storage boxes [$10-20] 182 Silver plated cruet set on stand [$25-40] 229 Pair of table lamps [$20-30] 183 Deco bakelite funnel [$20-25] 230 Pro Hart print [$20-30] 184 Set of Bakelite ashtrays [$10-20] 231 Picnic hamper [$20-30] 185 Set of fve Contnental porcelain fgurines [$30-50] 232 Cadburys and horse nail boxes [$30-50] 186 Delf tle, etc [$10-15] 233 Record player and records [$30-50] 187 Pair of English trios by Colclough [$30-50] 234 Arnots vintage biscuit tn [$10-20] 188 Group of vine etched glassware, etc [$20-30] 235 Group of assorted cabinet plates [$20-30] 189 Majolica leaf plate [$20-25] 236 Box of lace and linen [$20-30] 190 Majolica leaf plate [$20-25] 237 Bric a brac [$10-20] 191 Five hand painted 'Naughty Nudes' tumblers with six cut crystal sherry glasses [$20-30] 238 Box of bric a brac, retro wares etc [$20-30] 239 192 Tonka model Ferrari F50 [$20-30] Irish linen tablecloth and napkins (in original box) [$20-30] 193 Burago model viper RT/10 [$20-30] 240 Box of books [$10-15] 194 Racing champions model Honda Civic [$20-30] 241 Box of books [$10-15] 195 Victorian English foral tray [$40-60] 242 Bric a brac [$10-20] 196 Pair of blue and white condiments [$15-20] 243 Box of books [$10-15] 197 French mortar and pestle and another [$20-30] 244 Box of books [$10-15] 198 McCredie Australian potery vase [$20-30] 245 Box of books [$10-15] 199 Lancaster 'pett point' design vase [$15-25] 246 Box of books [$10-15] 200 HMV microphone and stand, etc [$10-20] 247 Group of pictures and prints [$20-30] 201 Stanley Roger 'Lady Catherine' six person cutlery set [$40-60] 248 Potery tazza and three various vases [$10-15] 249 202 Beaded green glass light shade [$20-30] Boxed set of six English teaspoons [$10-15] 250 203 Model of a Spanish frigate [$20-30] Vintage boxed pastry server and boxed cake slice [$15-20] 251 Vintage 'Choice Honey Tin' [$10-20] 204 Collecton of assorted silver plated servers, spoons, etc [$30-50] 252 Brass oil lamp (converted to electricity) [$30-40] 253 Jug and basin set A/F [$30-50] 205 Group of various local soaps, etc [$10-20] 254 Set of fve retro canisters [$15-25] 206 Bowl of painted eggs [$20-30] 255 Two Optc fbre lamps and lava lamp [$30-40] 207 Pentax vintage camera with 200m lense and fash [$50-80] 256 Three framed mirrors [$10-20] 257 Group of lace tablecloths [$15-25] 208 Group of four brass framed silk pictures [$10-20] 258 Marigold dessert/punch set [$20-40] 209 Cutlery boxes [$20-30] 259 Glass punch set [$10-20] 210 Evening gloves including leather [$20-30] 260 Queen Anne six person dinner service [$40-60] 211 Big bag of Army play fgures [$15-25] 261 Wine glasses, champagne (ten) [$20-30] 212 Bag of loose postage stamps [$10-20] 262 Retro tn bread box [$20-30] 213 Avant tea lights (brand new) [$10-20] 263 Box of trios, Arzberg cups and saucers, etc [$20-30] 214 Boxed mobile phone with charger [$20-30] 264 Various racks [$10-15] Printed on 13/02/2015 Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 3 Lot No 265 Description Lot No Set of 11 pianola rolls [$20-30] 266 * Vases, jug and Spode jar (A/F) and Johnsons dinner plates [$10-20] 267 Box of assorted glass and cut crystal wares [$20-30] Description 311 Spode blue and white Italian patern salt and pepper [$50-80] 312 Spode blue and white Italian patern large ginger jar [$50-80] 313 Spode blue and white Italian patern sauce boat [$20-30] 314 Spode 'Blue Room' Collecton jug, Byron patern [$20-30] 315 Masons blue and white 'Crabtree' and 'Evelyn' design toothbrush and soap holders [$30-50] 316 Boxed Spode 'Blue Room' cabinet plate 'Lucano' [$30-50] 317 Group of Spode blue and white miniatures [$20-30] 318 Boxed Spode 'Blue Room' cabinet plate 'Castle' [$30-50] 319 Spode blue and white Italian patern lidded pot [$30-50] 320 Spode blue and white Italian patern leaf dish [$15-25] 321 Spode blue and white Italian patern cofee pot [$50-80] 322 Calico Burleigh Ware two large graduated serving platers [$60-100] 323 Spode blue and white Italian patern scalloped edge dish [$20-25] 324 Calico Burleigh Ware blue and white teapot and sugar [$60-100] 268 Box of bric a brac [$10-15] 269 Bag of cushion covers [$10-20] 270 Box of various books [$10-20] 271 Box of linen and lace, table cloths [$20-30] 272 Irons, etc [$20-30] 273 Box of various books [$10-20] 274 Box of books including Australians at War [$10-20] 275 Boxes of various books [$10-20] 276 Box of books including Japan [$10-20] 277 Box of various books [$10-20] 278 Box of various books [$10-20] 279 Collecton of HMV Jazz records [$30-50] 280 Box of pianola rolls [$40-60] 281 Box of pianola rolls [$40-60] 282 Old gramophone, speaker and HMV box [$30-50] 283 Vintage air pump [$30-50] 284 Sony hif record player music centre [$60-100] 285 Interestng Colonial Australia print [$15-25] 286 Large Cylindrical cushion [$20-40] 287 Big group of Dr Seuss children's books [$40-60] 288 Noddy radio controlled car [$20-40] 325 Spode blue and white casserole dish [$40-60] Three small Noddy cars [$10-15] 326 Calico Burleigh Ware sandwich plate [$20-30] Three Noddy fgures by Corgi [$30-50] 327 Spode blue and white pie dish [$50-70] 291 Boxed gum ball machine [$10-15] 328 292 Group of Noddy porcelain lidded boxes, egg cup, etc [$15-25] T.G. Green Cornishware master bowl (green mark) [$60-80] 329 293 Group of Enid Blyton books Noddy, etc [$20-30] T.G. Green Cornishware teapot with green mark [$60-100] 294 Noddy batery operated car [$10-20] 330 295 Group of Garfeld comics [$20-25] T.G. Green Cornishware vinegar (green mark, crazed) [$20-30] 296 331 Enid Blyton Famous Five two puzzles [$20-30] T.G. Green egg cup (black mark) with sugar shaker [$20-25] 297 Noddy carpet bowling set [$20-30] 332 Gresley Green and Co milk jug [$30-50] 298 Noddy wooden toy car [$15-25] 333 Wedgwood 'Sahra's Garden' milk jug [$20-40] 299 Lledo Noddy boxed fgure with money box [$20-30] 334 300 Group of four nursery bowls and mug [$15-20] Enamelled liqueur decanter and three glasses [$25-40] 301 Noddy brand new mechanical wind up tn toy car [$30-50] 335 Set of six blue and white napkins [$20-30] 336 T.G. Green Cornishware oil botle (green mark) [$40-60] 337 T.G. Green Cornishware, set of three graduated jugs [$50-60] 289 290 302 Noddy storybook and foor puzzle, boxed [$20-30] 303 Noddy toy land play set [$30-50] 304 Wedgwood 'Blue Landscape' Millenium Series plate [$30-50] 338 305 Spode blue and white Italian patern sauce boat and stand [$30-50] Wedgwood Archive Collecton boxed mug 'Pink Cameo' [$30-50] 339 306 Spode blue and white 'Winters Eve' cake stand [$60-80] Wedgwood Archive Collecton boxed mug 'Floral Brocade' [$30-50] 340 307 Spode blue and white Italian patern tureen [$60-80] Wedgwood Archive Collecton boxed mug 'Pink Cameo' [$30-50] 341 Pair of tall embossed tankards [$20-30] 308 Boxed Wedgwood Anthemion blue cabinet plate [$20-30] 342 Royal Doulton 'Meridian' patern milk jug [$15-25] 343 Sadler milk jug [$15-25] 344 Novelty teapot - Blue Cross tea [$30-50] 345 Novelty teapot - White Rose Ceylon tea [$30-50] 309 310 Spode blue and white Italian patern casserole dish [$40-50] Spode boxed 'Momentos' small dish [$20-25] Printed on 13/02/2015 Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 4 Lot No Description Lot No Description 346 Boxed Wedgwood Anthemion blue cup and saucer [$30-50] 387 * Silver cloisonne snuf box (hinge A/F) [$80-100] 388 347 Hardstone box in the form of a ball [$40-80] Sadler collectable teapot - Romeo and Juliet [$30-50] 389 Chinese carving of a horse [$200-300] 390 Carltonware 'Rouge Royale' pagoda bowl [$150-200] 391 Carltonware 'Rouge Royale' hand painted stork's comport (slight rubbing) [$60-100] 392 Atractve Oriental vase of small proportons [$20-30] Two hardstone Oriental horses [$20-40] 348 Villeroy and Boch ornamental car [$30-40] 349 Villeroy and Boch ornamental lidded box [$30-40] 350 Peter Pan Series nursery ware bowl [$20-30] 351 Herend pin dish [$10-20] 352 Grimwades 'Black Cats' nursery ware (four) [$30-50] 393 353 Five nursery egg cups together with a beaker [$15-20] 394 * Cantonese 'Famille Rose' teapot (no lid) [$60-90] 395 354 Pair of carved bone ornaments [$20-40] Wedgwood 'Colonnade' patern teapot [$40-60] 396 355 Carltonware 'Bleu Royale' pagoda bowl [$100-150] Bohemian blue glass gilded vase [$20-30] 397 356 Copper and clay Aboriginal motf ornament [$30-40] Blue fash lustre crystal carafe and tumbler [$40-60] 398 357 Set of four Wedgwood plates, Historical Australia Series no. 1-4 (with original David Jones box) [$50-80] Royal Doulton 'Rondo' patern serving plate [$30-50] 399 Beswick vase [$30-50] 400 John Campbell drip glazed potery vase [$30-50] 401 John Campbell drip glazed potery vase [$30-50] 402 Eight long stem champagne glasses [$20-40] 403 Pair of 1920's brass vases of good gauge [$50-100] 404 Rare Wedgwood table lamp base [$30-50] 405 Dutch pewter tea/cofee set [$20-30] 406 Quality art glass vase with tree decoraton [$100-150] 407 Quality blue fash lustre crystal jug [$60-100] 408 Lalique France leaf bowl [$180-280] 409 Pendelfn English made rabbit fgurine with four other English fgures [$30-50] 410 Rare Royal Worcester fgurine 'Black Watch' [$200-300] 358 Royal Albert 100 years boxed trio [$30-40] 359 Advertsing and Heraldic wares [$10-15] 360 Set of four Royal Worcester coasters (in box) [$40-60] 361 Pair of Chinese bowls with box [$30-50] 362 Six glass comports [$30-50] 363 16 piece Royal Worcester 'English Scenes' cofee set, signed Hart [$350-550] 364 Pair of ruby side dishes, scalloped rim [$20-30] 365 Ruby rim glass bowl [$20-40] 366 Oblong white Aynsley serving plate [$30-50] 367 Carltonware sunfower plate [$20-30] 368 Carltonware leaf dishes (two) [$20-30] 369 Silver plated fsh service from Shefeld [$40-60] 411 Pair of Royal Worcester gilt fgurines (A/F) [$80-120] 370 Royal Copenhagen Year plates (ten) [$40-60] 412 Victorian green glass and enamelled jug [$20-30] 371 Eight various Australian Wedgwood jasperware scenes and another [$50-80] 413 Two signed art glass vases c.1998 [$50-70] 414 Kosta Boda art glass vase [$30-50] 415 Art glass 'Cornucopia' purple vase [$40-60] 416 Vaseline glass basket [$30-40] 372 Royal Albert Aristocrat set of eight ramekins and saucers [$80-120] 373 Group of three Wedgwood jasperware items [$20-60] 374 Ten pieces of silver plated fruit set [$50-80] 418 375 Royal Doulton fgurine 'Soiree' with Wendts label [$70-100] Waterford crystal heavy lion paperweight [$150-250] 419 Pair of sterling silver salts [$60-90] 376 Old Foley trio [$15-20] 420 377 Royal Crown Derby Posie patern cofee pot (A/F to lid) [$30-50] Two sterling silver pin dishes, Birmingham 1907 [$50-80] 421 Crystal and sterling silver small shaker [$50-80] 417 * Royal Crown Derby vase A/F [$40-60] 378 Coalport conserves pot and dish 'Pageant' patern [$20-40] 422 Ruby and gilt metal French perfume Atomiser [$80-120] 379 Meissen foral pin dish [$20-40] 423 380 Copeland Spode vine leaf patern plate [$15-25] A Lladro group fgurine of a young couple under an umbrella [$200-300] 381 Three various vases including Beswick [$20-40] 424 Pressed glass perfume botle [$40-60] 382 Pair of Wedgwood silver plated candlestcks [$20-30] 425 Limoges cup and saucer [$15-25] 426 Boda art glass dish, signed by H. Vallien [$20-30] 383 Christofe silver plated dish [$20-30] 427 Amethyst pinched edge carnival bowl [$40-60] 384 Bosley Ware SA Centenary 1936 plate (slight A/F) [$100-200] 428 Handpainted foral vase with Sunset Ware vase [$20-30] 385 Wade lustreware jug [$10-15] 429 Pair of pink art glass vases [$40-60] 386 Wedgwood blue jasperware lidded box [$20-30] 430 Bristol blue footed enamelled comport [$40-60] Printed on 13/02/2015 Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 5 Lot No Description Lot No Description 431 Bristol blue enamelled dish with Venetan scene [$30-50] 473 Belleek Shamrock patern bowl (brown mark) [$50-70] 432 Silver plated shoe pin cushion [$30-50] 474 433 Quality silver plated fsh servers c.1900 [$60-80] Belleek Shamrock design ashtray (brown mark) [$20-30] 434 Strachan botle/decanter coaster [$30-40] 475 435 Cut crystal and silver plated hat pin dish [$30-50] Belleek Shamrock patern small bowl (brown mark) [$25-40] 436 Hobnail cut crystal trinket pot, sterling silver top, Chester 1903 [$60-80] 476 Chromium plated vase with grapevine decoraton against a black enamelled background [$30-40] 437 Boda Zoo art glass fgure of a lion, boxed [$50-70] 477 Royal Albert 'Poppy' foral arrangement [$15-25] 438 Three assorted pieces of Limoges handpainted china [$30-40] 478 Belleek model of a swan (green mark) [$50-80] 479 439 Villeroy and Boch lidded botanical jar [$30-50] Royal Worcester painted fruit small plate, signed [$80-150] 440 Two silver plated serviete rings [$20-25] 480 441 Royal Crown Derby cabinet plate, 1918 year mark [$50-80] English lustreware teapot [$30-50] 481 442 Aynsley Orchard Gold trio [$30-40] Dancing girl in crinoline skirt (gold anchor mark) [$50-80] 443 Prety lidded contnental silver box [$30-50] 482 Dancing girl in crinoline skirt [$40-60] 444 Masons Imari patern candle snufer and three thimbles [$20-30] 483 Sevres porcelain hand painted and gilt cup and saucer [$50-80] 445 Royal Worcester pin dish in original box [$15-25] 484 Lapis lazuli clock [$20-30] 446 Three boxed Royal Copenhagen pin dishes [$20-30] 485 Two small Royal Crown Derby cream jugs [$30-40] 447 Portmeirion vase, duck series 'Harlequin Duck' [$50-80] 486 Israeli 800 silver condiments [$20-40] 487 Crystal swan [$15-25] 448 Large glazed tle wall plaque [$30-60] 488 Biters botle with sterling silver top [$30-50] 449 Crystal cream jug and bowl [$20-40] 489 450 Three Wedgwood dishes with miniature vase [$20-40] Pair of early 19th C. English plates by New Hall [$80-120] 490 451 Five Wedgwood jasperware pieces [$20-30] Pair of Contnental vases on stand c.1900 [$200-300] 452 Aesthetc movement lidded tureen (staining) [$20-30] 491 Contnental porcelain wall plaque in relief [$60-90] 492 Welch vintage mantle clock with key [$80-120] 453 English trio with extra plate [$20-40] 493 Revolving condiment set [$30-50] 454 Three Wood and Sons Captain Cook plates [$20-30] 494 455 Stafordshire 'Birds of Paradise' eight dinner plates [$60-80] Three piece silver plated tea set and entree dish [$30-40] 495 456 Three Aboriginal plates, boxed [$30-60] Gilded green bohemian glass liqueur set - decanter and six glasses [$100-150] 457 Wedgwood graduated set of three platers with matching tureen [$40-60] 496 * Contnental Equestrian fgure [$40-60] 497 Bohemian fash lustre vase with prisms [$80-100] 458 Wedgwood 'Sahra's Garden' large bowl [$20-30] 498 Stuart crystal bird decorated comport [$20-30] 459 Portmeirion Pomona tray [$30-50] 499 Revolving condiment set [$30-50] 460 Wedgwood cabinet plate [$20-40] 500 Group of six green hock glasses [$50-80] 461 Royal Doulton 'Coaching Scene' bowl [$30-50] 501 Pair of Venetan enamelled glass vases [$50-80] 462 Art glass pink elephant lidded box [$20-30] 502 Large hand cut crystal vase [$40-60] 463 Limoges bowl [$15-25] 503 Two decanters [$30-50] 464 Set of six Royal Doulton trios 'Old Leeds Sprays' patern [$80-100] 504 Miniature brass railway lantern [$30-50] 505 Pair of Philip Ashberry salts [$40-60] 506 Pair of vine patern silver plated coasters [$40-60] 507 Victorian opaline glass lamp base [$30-40] 508 Yalumba and Lindemans botles [$10-20] 509 Gilded bohemia glass liqueur set - decanter and six glasses [$80-100] 510 Webb and Corbet wine glasses (eight) [$40-60] 511 Metronome in tmber case [$20-30] 512 Silver plated claret jug [$40-60] 513 Bronzed Art Deco bookends [$80-120] 465 Austrian porcelain swan [$20-30] 466 Large sterling silver photo frame [$100-150] 467 Vase with hand painted decoraton, restored [$30-50] 468 Stuart crystal mint jug and lid [$20-30] 469 Doulton design teapot [$30-50] 470 Villeroy and Boch sugar and cream 'Farm' patern (two) [$25-40] 471 472 Eight piece Royal Worcester tea service 'Bacchanal' patern [$100-150] Villeroy and Boch polar bear [$30-40] Printed on 13/02/2015 Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 6 Lot No Description Lot No Description 514 Beswick 'The Cardinal' liqueur set of eight pieces including decanter and tray (one goblet chip) [$100-150] 556 Trench Art brass shellcase with Egyptan scenes [$30-50] 557 Shell oil tn [$25-40] 515 Stuart crystal jug [$30-50] 558 Golden feece petrol tn [$25-40] 516 Cut crystal table lamp (needs re-wiring) [$30-60] 559 * Pair of large vintage brass oil burners [$60-100] 517 American mantle clock [$60-80] 560 Pennant can [$30-40] 518 Late 19th C. walnut brass bound writng slope with fted interior and original inks [$200-300] 561 Castrol drum [$40-60] 562 Castrol agri drum [$20-30] 563 Shell drum [$30-50] 564 Geof Mathews 'In the Flinders' ink and watercolour [$30-50] 565 Bird's eye maple frame (with four reproducton prints) [$30-50] 566 J.C. Goodhart 'Mollie Street Bridge, Hobart' Tasmanian etching, signed [$60-80] 519 14 fsh shaped potery dishes (marked rock) [$20-30] 520 Pair of Stafordshire style fgurines 'Dick Turpin' and 'Tom King' [$80-120] 521 Art Deco silver plated bowl with glass liner [$40-60] 522 Pair of French 'Vases de Marriage' [$15-25] 523 Batery operated motorcyle police [$40-60] 524 Two decanters [$20-30] 567 Jaycees enamelled sign [$40-60] 525 Shop counter bell and mini gong [$25-40] 568 An early hard plastc doll (as is) [$20-40] 526 Toby jug by Woods and Sons [$20-30] 569 An early 1920's violin with bow, etc (as is) [$20-40] 527 Boda decanter [$30-50] 570 Old magazines [$10-15] 528 18th/19th C. Russian 'Double Eagle' repousse Alms bowl [$200-300] 571 One vol. Hiistory of Children's costume [$10-12] 572 J. Rodgers Old Public Schools of England [$10-12] 573 N.Bartlet With the Australians in Korea 1954 [$10-12] 529 19th C. Saltglaze jug A/F [$30-50] 530 Silver plated dome or meat cover [$100-150] 531 Pair of silver plated candlestcks [$50-60] 574 One volume Ivor Hele, etc [$20-40] 532 Two decorated boab nuts with Aboriginal designs [$20-30] 575 Older World Stamp collecton [$25-40] 576 Technical books [$10-15] 577 Collecton of Ofcial World Wildlife fund First Day stamp covers showing various animals [$15-25] 578 One Vol. Paintng China for Pleasure and Proft [$5-10] 533 Early PNG tribal fgure [$30-40] 534 Early PNG tribal mask, hanging [$20-30] 535 Early Aboriginal hardwood boomerang [$20-40] 536 Early PNG tribal fgure [$50-80] 537 Early PNG tribal monetary shell necklace [$20-40] 579 Brass bar mounted cork screw [$30-50] 538 Rona Harrison 'English Scene, Plymouth' watercolour [$100-200] 580 539 Well framed print [$20-40] One volume The Hain Steamship Co LTD St Ives Cornwall' by O'Donoghue and Appleyard 1986 [$20-30] 540 Large toilet jug [$30-50] 581 1951 Archibald Prize catalogue [$15-25] 582 Pair of South African etchings by H.M. Pemberton 'The Oak' and 'The Ash' [$250-350] 583 Vintage ink etching 'London News' Geelong, Victoria [$30-50] 584 A.E. Hall enamel sign, Adelaide [$150-250] 585 French foreign legion kepi (Moroccan) on stand [$80-120] 541 Pair of Persian/Indian prints A/F [$10-15] 542 Two decorated brass trays [$30-40] 543 Australian well framed 'Vintage Holden in the Outback' print [$40-60] 544 Australian well framed 'Vintage Holden in the Outback' print [$40-60] 545 Australian well framed 'Vintage Holden in the Outback' print [$40-60] 586 Small 1950's oak mantle clock [$25-40] 546 Pair of 19th C. portraits, canvas laid down on board, later frames [$250-400] 587 Ansonia cotage clock [$80-120] 588 Pool kero drum [$30-50] 547 Metal ware pots, etc [$20-30] 589 Ampol grease drum [$30-50] 548 Oriental lacquered box [$30-50] 590 Mobil turps drum [$30-40] 549 Victorian inlaid mother of pearl and papier mache writng slope [$70-100] 591 One volume 'The Best of Beardsley' [$30-50] 592 550 Internatonal University Course books [$20-30] Large hardstone and lacquer box [$50-70] 593 551 John Blacket 'Missionary Triumphs' 1914 [$30-50] Oriental lacquered box with drawer [$50-60] 594 552 Stamp album - Australia, States, etc [$50-80] W.J. Sowden 'The Roving Editors Witness the War Operatons' 1919 [$30-50] 553 Stamps - New Zealand Millenium album/Lloyd's List World stamps, etc [$30-50] 595 Book 'Photo Journalism' [$10-20] 596 554 Book 'Federaton House' and one other [$10-20] Shell tn [$25-40] 597 555 A.E. Hall egg box, Adelaide (fted) [$50-80] Byrne 'History of the Catholic Church in SA' 1896 [$40-60] Printed on 13/02/2015 Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 7 Lot No Description 598 Five various Girl's Own Annuals [$20-30] 599 Six various Girl's Own Annuals [$40-60] 600 H.V. Morton 'In The Steps of St Paul' 1936 etc [$10-20] 601 Lot No Books on Huntng, Shootng and Fishing including 'Shootng by Moor, Field and Shore' E. Parker and others 1929 [$40-60] Description 640 Collecton of ancient and medieval coins and artfacts [$30-40] 641 Wrist watches [$20-30] 642 Stamp Album, etc [$30-40] 643 Pilots' log books [$20-30] 644 1kg mixture of world coins [$10-20] 645 Rio lizard skin evening bag [$30-50] 646 Ladies purse (lizard skin) [$20-30] 647 Japanese Sword Society Publicatons/Gun book, etc [$10-20] 602 Book 'Fruit Tree Pruning' 1910 [$10-20] 603 Five books of military interest [$10-20] 604 Biggle books [$20-30] 605 Book 'Images of SA' and three others [$20-30] 648 Boxed Hohner Melodica [$20-40] 606 One volume Wilfrid Noyce 'South Col' 1955 [$10-20] 649 Box of interestng collectables [$30-40] 607 Jane Austen novels, etc [$20-40] 650 Salter Spring balance scale [$50-80] 608 Collecton of various art books [$30-50] 651 Salter Spring balance scale [$50-80] 609 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam [$30-50] 652 Salter Spring balance scales [$50-80] 610 Quantty of wine books [$20-25] 653 Super Zenith 12x50 binoculars in case [$25-40] 611 Quantty of books about antques [$10-20] 654 Old cookery books [$20-30] 612 1930's Adelaide Street Guide [$15-25] 655 613 Reprinted volume John Ogilby's Britannia 1939, Road Maps of England and Wales (original volume 1675) [$60-90] Victorian papier mache corner stand c.1870's [$40-60] 656 Sharp's needlework set [$20-30] 657 Tray of collectables [$20-30] 614 Motorcycles book [$10-20] 615 658 Book 'Elder Smith the First Hundred Years' [$10-20] Binatone GPS unit, boxed [$20-30] 616 Five volumes Letering, Advertsing and Ornament [$40-60] 659 Pair of sterling silver serving spoons, London 1850 (146gr) [$100-150] 617 660 Box of old Australian children's books [$15-25] Box of marbles (glove box) [$30-60] 618 661 General books [$10-20] Two vintage long clay pipes [$20-30] 619 662 One volume Phil May 1864-1903 [$20-40] Collecton of Australian postcards [$30-50] 620 Two odd volumes including Anthony Eden 'Memoirs' [$5-10] 663 Boxed Dunhill vintage cigarete lighter [$40-60] 664 621 One volume 'Punch for Kids' [$20-25] Grifn and Tatlock LTD bakelite cased weights [$25-40] 622 665 Biggles and Co one volume [$15-25] Vintage brass padlock and keys [$40-60] 623 666 Various books on Don Bradman [$25-40] Brass pill box [$5-10] 624 667 Leo Tolstoy 'War and Peace' 1960 [$10-15] Brass box - Ye Elizabethan House [$30-50] 625 668 Three Antque Collectng Reference Books [$20-30] German made barometer [$30-60] 626 669 Railway modeller magazines [$5-10] Police whistle Acme City [$10-20] 627 Three books on Hampshire (England) including J.F.R. Hope's 'A History of Huntng in Hampshire' 1950 [$40-60] 670 5kg Lapidary rocks and crystals from Queensland [$20-30] 671 1kg lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, gemstone rough [$25-40] 628 Victorian Family Bible 1859 A/F [$80-100] 672 1kg black tourmaline crystals [$25-40] 629 Five Carters Antque Reference Guides (1996, 1999, 2000, 2002 & 2003) [$50-80] 673 800gr amethyst crystal cluster [$25-40] 630 World Banknotes [$20-30] 674 631 Oriental coins and English medallion [$10-15] Collecton of 40 million year old fossil shark teeth [$30-40] 675 Box of trinkets [$30-40] 632 Parker pen (in case) [$30-50] 676 Big box of glass beads [$20-30] 633 Australian Studio wall plaque [$10-20] 677 634 Chinese pewter tea caddy [$20-30] Sterling silver earrings with ruby gemstones [$20-30] 635 One volume Samuel Pepys's 'Naval Minutes' [$30-50] 678 Sterling silver ring with emerald and fve small sapphire gemstones [$15-25] 636 Wartme Military Training in Australia (booklets) [$25-40] 679 Sterling silver ring with four ruby gemstones [$15-25] 637 German Wartme items, NSDAP/Soldier's friend [$30-40] 680 10ct gold earrings with sapphire gemstones [$25-40] 681 3.2ct blue sapphire gemstones [$25-40] 638 Two vintage box Brownies [$15-25] 682 7ct peridot gemstones [$20-30] 639 Dixon EPNS Kings patern six person cutlery set [$180-280] 683 9.3ct lightning ridge black opal doublet gemstones [$20-30] Printed on 13/02/2015 Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 8 Lot No 684 685 Description Lot No Description 10.7ct cabochon cut amethyst gemstones [$25-40] 728 9ct yellow gold part sapphire, 1.6gr [$110-130] 14ct gold earrings with blue topaz gemstones [$30-50] 729 9ct yellow gold amethyst dress ring, 1.6gr [$70-100] 730 18ct yellow gold cultured pearl dress ring, 2.5gr [$160-200] 731 9ct yellow gold three diamond dress ring, 2.3gr [$130-150] 732 18ct yellow gold diamond dress ring, diamond est. 0.15ct, 15pt 2.4gr [$200-250] 733 9ct yellow gold created emerald/diamond dress ring, 2.4gr [$80-100] 734 9ct yellow gold topaz ring, 1.2gr [$50-60] 735 9ct yellow gold mult stone dress ring, 3.5gr [$120-140] 736 9ct yellow gold synthetc stone dress ring with diamonds, 2.4gr [$90-110] 737 18ct yellow gold natural ruby dress ring, 2.7gr [$180-210] 738 9ct yellow gold zircon dress ring, 2.5gr [$80-110] 739 9ct yellow gold amethyst/diamond dress ring, 2.5gr [$100-150] 740 9ct yellow gold topaz dolphin ring, 1.5gr [$60-80] 741 9ct yellow gold sapphire dress ring, 2.5gr [$80-110] 742 Vintage fve stone ring set with diamonds (valuaton available in ofce $2850) [$600-800] 743 9ct yellow gold ruby and diamond ring (valuaton available in ofce $2750) [$600-800] 686 14ct gold earrings with amethyst gemstones [$30-50] 687 14ct gold pendant with freshwater pearl [$30-40] 688 14.3ct citrine gemstones [$20-30] 689 11ct cabochon cut garnet gemstones [$20-30] 690 2.5ct pink sapphire gemstones [$25-40] 691 Matched pair 10.3ct mystc topaz gemstones [$20-30] 692 Sterling silver earrings with lightning ridge opal triplet gemstones [$20-30] 693 Sterling silver earrings with amethyst gemstones [$20-30] 694 14ct gold earrings with yellow sapphire gemstones [$30-50] 695 Collecton of salt spoons and knife rests [$20-40] 696 Malachite beaded necklace [$30-50] 697 Turquoise beaded necklace [$30-50] 698 Lapis beaded necklace [$30-50] 699 Rhodonite beaded necklace [$30-50] 700 Oriental hardstone bangle [$50-80] 701 Silver and marcasite owl brooch [$40-60] 702 Aquarius 999 fne silver pendant on chain [$20-30] 703 Silver rose cream spoon [$30-50] 744 704 Georg Jensen silver gilt and enamelled boxed spoon, 1974 [$60-80] 9ct yellow gold citrine and seed pearl dress ring (valuaton available in ofce $1550) [$500-700] 745 Sapphire and diamond 9ct gold ring [$150-200] 705 Wedgwood jasperware brooch (original case) [$20-30] 746 Strand of cultured pearl necklace, 14ct yellow gold clasp [$260-300] 706 Simon Sturt Bray sterling silver brooch [$30-50] 747 Sterling silver chain and pendant [$20-40] 707 Gucci tennis watch [$10-15] 748 708 Gold flled retractable pen [$30-50] Sterling silver designer necklace with diamonds and drop pearl [$100-200] 709 Sterling silver brush, American [$70-100] 749 710 Sterling silver identty bracelet, 12.2gr [$30-40] Sterling silver necklace set with marcasite/pearl vintage style [$130-150] 711 Sterling silver bangle, 34.5gr [$70-90] 750 Sri Lanka silver map pin dish [$40-60] 712 9ct yellow gold 10 Shillings (UK Note) pendant [$60-100] 751 Sterling silver napkin ring [$20-30] 752 713 Sterling silver bangle, 30.2gr [$70-90] Fancy gold boxed jewellery eyeglass loupe 30x21mm [$40-60] 714 Sterling silver bangle, 10.2gr [$30-40] 753 'Rose Watch Co' Swiss ladies silver wrist watch with enamelled face [$60-100] 715 Two sterling silver identty bracelets, 14.5gr [$35-45] 754 Silver gents ring with hardstone set [$50-80] 716 Silver pendant and chain, 12gr [$30-40] 755 Large sterling silver handled buton hook [$30-50] 717 Four 9ct yellow gold natural stone and zircon pendants, 4.5gr [$160-200] 756 Buton hook with silver handle, Birmingham 1910 [$25-40] 718 Sterling silver gents ring, 9.7gr [$25-40] 757 719 Two silver pendants, 2.7gr [$15-20] Victorian bread fork with ivory handle, Dixon and Sons [$30-50] 720 Silver bracelet, 36.6 gr [$80-100] 758 Victorian bread fork [$25-40] Pair of silver earrings [$20-30] 759 Silver ladies ring, marked [$40-60] 722 9ct cameo pendant [$110-150] 760 18ct gold opal set ring [$80-100] 723 New porcelain doll set [$20-40] 761 9ct gold boulder opal pendant [$200-300] 724 9ct yellow gold opal doublet ring, 2.7gr [$130-150] 762 725 9ct yellow gold amethyst dress ring, 1.3gr [$50-70] Fancy gold boxed jewellery eyeglass loupe 30x21mm [$40-60] 726 9ct yellow gold garnet/diamond ring, 1.9gr [$70-100] 763 Coral necklace [$30-50] 764 Two opal boulder pendants on chain [$100-150] 765 Silver ladies miniature purse [$40-70] 721 727 9ct yellow gold topaz dress ring, 2.1gr [$70-100] Printed on 13/02/2015 Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 9 Lot No Description Lot No Description 766 An early framed print depictng 'Contnental River Scene' [$30-40] 799 Donald Fraser 'Beach Scene' oil on board, signed lower lef, 12x16cm [$80-150] 767 Oriental silk picture [$50-80] 800 19th C. Venetan etching on goat skin [$100-200] 768 Carved framed foral oil on tn [$40-60] 801 Thea Proctor print [$50-100] 769 Set of four Antquarian lithographs [$200-300] 802 770 Maureen J. Reschke 'Grazing Lands' oil on board, signed lower right, 15x20cm [$200-300] A genuine hand coloured lithographical print by John Gould 'Sombre Egret' [$200-400] 803 771 David Dridan 'Australian Bush Landscape Scene' oil on board, signed lower right [$200-300] Vintage print in ornate frame 'Portrait of a Young Lady' [$20-40] 804 772 Limited Editon aviaton print, signed by the artst and the pilot 36/300 [$80-120] Vintage print 'Young Child with Dogs' in gold frame [$20-30] 805 773 Fay Kisos 'Peacock and Lillies in the Moonlight' mixed media, signed lower right [$80-120] Vintage print 'Children in White Dresses' in gold frame [$20-30] 806 774 Artst Unknown 'Sunset on the Tiber - Roma' watercolour, signed lower right [$100-200] Wendy Morton 'Blackbury Creek' oil on board, signed lower right [$50-100] 807 Large gilt framed 'Military Scene' print A/F [$50-80] 775 Stephen Tandori 'Stll Life' oil on board, signed lower lef [$100-200] 808 Octagonal shaped lidded bin [$50-80] 809 776 Carved sideboard of small proportons [$200-300] German 19th C. watercolour, signed lower right [$200-300] 810 Arzberg white cofee service A/F [$30-50] 811 Leather top Davenport desk with eight drawers and internal drawers [$100-200] 812 Victorian mahogany chest of 5 drawers [$500-800] 813 Large Dutch style glazed display cabinet with decoratve glazing bars, glass shelves and lower drawer [$800-1200] 814 Burleigh Ware Willow patern dinner service for ten [$50-80] 815 A pette Edwardian tapestry chair [$20-40] 816 Late 19th C. cedar marble top table [$200-300] 817 Single Edwardian spindle back chair with tapestry seat [$20-30] 777 Consalva Carelli photo lithograph [$50-100] 778 Myrles Birket Foster 'Church Steeple' watercolour, signed lower right, 15x10cm [$300-400] 779 Henk Guth 'Part of the Western MacDonnell Ranges Near Ormiston Gorge' acrylic on board, signed lower right, 23x74cm [$250-350] 780 Bill Coleman pencil sketch, signed lower right [$80-120] 781 Pair of Limited Editon aviaton prints (framed as one) by K. Mallen 'Wartme Spitire and Hurricane' 64/850 and 134/850 [$60-80] 782 Limited Editon aviaton print by K. Mallen 'Wartme Spitire' 79/500 [$40-60] 783 19th C. Australian school oil [$100-200] 784 Halodt French 1950's watercolour [$40-80] 785 Nelson Pannka 'Central Australian Landscape' watercolour, signed lower right, 35x50cm [$300-500] 786 Louis Frank 'Nocturnal' oil on board, signed lower right [$200-300] 787 W.J. Wadham 'Beach Scene' watercolour, signed [$50-100] 818 * Quality chocolate leather deep butoned Chesterfeld [$800-1000] 819 Quality sideboard of small proportons [$150-250] 820 Two large turkey platers (one A/F) [$40-60] 821 French walnut extension dining table together with six matching cameo backed chairs [$400-600] 822 Johnsons Brothers 'Eternal Beau' part dinner service comprising of eight trios, teapot, tureens, etc [$60-100] 823 Late 19th C. reclining mahogany easy chair with cane back [$150-200] 824 Ladies desk fted with fve drawers and claw & ball feet [$200-300] 825 Stool with cabriole legs (matching the previous lot) [$20-40] 826 Pair of leather top and gilt embossed wine tables by Norman Turner and Notage [$80-120] 788 Lawrence Daws early watercolour [$50-100] 789 S.T. Johnson 'On The Banks of Lochness, Scotland' oil on canvas, unsigned [$100-150] 790 H. Martn 'Bush Scene' watercolour, signed lower lef [$150-250] 791 Stephen Tandori oil [$100-200] 792 Donald Fraser 'Beach Scene' oil on board, signed lower lef [$100-200] 827 793 19th C. Australian 'Waterhole' watercolour [$200-300] Australian Colonial cedar chest of fve drawers with turned mushroom knobs [$500-800] 828 Ansonia vintage oak mantle clock [$80-120] 829 Bronze eagle fgure on marble base [$150-250] 830 Cold painted bronze bird on marble column base [$100-150] 831 Wrought iron woven wicker and glass top occasional table [$50-70] 832 Wrought iron woven wicker and glass top cofee table [$100-150] 794 Jan Styka French watercolour [$400-500] 795 N. Gachwend German 'Stll Life' oil on board, signed lower lef [$50-100] 796 Freya Dade 'Australian Bush Landscape' oil on board, signed lower right [$80-120] 797 Japanese woodblock [$30-50] 798 Japanese woodblock [$30-50] Printed on 13/02/2015 833 * Collecton of eleven Carter's Australian Antque Price Guides [$100-200] Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 10 Lot No Description 834 Oriental brass dragon vase on stand [$50-100] 835 Oriental bowl on elephant stand [$30-50] 836 Quality jardiniere stand with barley twist columns [$60-100] 837 Silver plated candelabra [$20-40] 838 Lot No Mahogany pedestal desk with drawers one side and cupboard the other side and kneehole c.1900 [$500-700] Description 870 Bronze fgure of a woman in the wind on marble base [$150-250] 871 French plaster fgurine of the mandolin boy [$60-100] 872 Small wine table [$20-30] 873 Pair of Bonsai Chinese money trees [$40-60] 874 Pair of Bonsai Chinese money trees [$40-60] 875 Bronze fgure of a Carabou on marble base [$250-350] 839 Silver plated tray and eight goblets [$30-50] 840 Two similar carved blackwood Gentleman's armchairs/library chairs with deep butoned velvet covers [$200-300] 876 Rolltop desk [$100-150] 877 Folio of Britsh prints [$15-25] Pure wool 'Saphir' carpet, rose coloured, 85x250cm [$30-50] 878 Folio of French prints [$15-25] 879 Mahogany Boeing 737-800 plane [$30-50] 880 Pair of balloon back dining chairs [$100-200] 881 Polished tmber four drawer squat chest [$30-40] 882 Polished oak jardiniere two ter stand [$20-40] 883 Australian oak Federaton period piano stool with hinged tapestry seat [$40-60] 841 842 Pine and blackwood extension dining table with three leaves and turned reeded legs [$600-800] 843 Set of six Edwardian upholstered back chairs [$240-360] 844 Superb hand carved tmber crocodile [$60-100] 845 Handcarved African drum with crocodile decoraton and snake skin top [$50-100] 884 Deco design poofe [$30-50] 885 Large white chest of drawers [$50-80] 846 Pierced edge solid brass wine table [$100-150] 886 847 1920's drop leaf table [$60-90] Large Edwardian foral wash bowl and jug (hairline crack) [$50-70] 848 Wedgwood Chorale patern cofee pot [$30-50] 887 Cedar side table/wine table [$50-70] 849 Spode Opera patern cofee pot [$30-50] 888 850 Hall table fted with a drawer [$50-70] Art Deco style maiden fgure in bronze on marble base [$250-350] 851 Large Contnental porcelain fgurine (slight nick) [$200-250] 889 Carved and turned tmber jardiniere stand [$40-60] 890 Set of four cane sided armchairs [$100-200] 891 A superb Victorian 'D' end extension dining table, winding mechanism with two leaves [$800-1200] 892 Four carved back dining chairs with various upholstery [$200-300] 893 Noritake 12 person part dinner service [$60-100] 894 Australian Colonial cedar chifonier [$400-500] 895 Bavaria 12 person dinner and side plates [$30-50] 896 Silver plated tray and coasters [$20-30] Australian Colonial cedar and red pine chest of fve drawers [$300-500] 852 Fedaraton light lamp shade, pale blue [$50-100] 853 Federaton light lamp shade, white [$50-100] 854 Chippendale style two door glazed display cabinet on claw and ball feet [$200-300] 855 Ansonia cotage clock [$80-120] 856 Pair of blue and white chickens [$20-40] 857 Wedgwood Canterbury eight person dinner set [$200-300] 858 Vintage hanging light ftng with etched shades [$60-80] 897 859 Canteen of cutlery [$50-80] 898 860 Sideboard of small proportons by Sellicks of Unley [$150-250] Late 19th C. French carved footstool with shell decoratons [$40-60] 899 Doulton stoneware cofee set for four [$30-50] 861 Corner cabinet by Sellicks of Unley [$150-250] 900 Camphorwood trunk [$80-120] 862 Crown Stafordshire service [$30-50] 901 863 Australian Colonial pine and cedar chest of eight drawers with bobbin turned columns to the sides [$500-700] Victorian upholstered setee with spindle gallery [$100-150] 902 Quality towel rail [$40-60] 903 Early 20th C. Arts and Crafs solid blackwood circular dining table with matching upholstered seat chairs [$100-200] 904 Upholstered armchair [$40-60] 864 Impressive French spelter lamp on marble base 'La Fee Des Eaux' by Kossowski [$750-850] 865 Elaborate two handled classical style centrepiece [$30-50] 905 866 Large Australian Colonial blackwood sideboard with mirrored back and carved panelled doors [$500-800] Mahogany three door glazed bookcase/cabinet with three cupboards and drawers below [$500-700] 906 Encyclopedia Britannica collecton [$30-50] 867 907 Victorian 15 piece fruit service A/F [$60-120] Lacquer box [$30-50] 868 908 Large pine towel rail [$30-50] Oriental lacquerware lidded fve compartment dish [$25-40] 909 Tapestry rug, hand embroidered [$50-80] 910 Australian Colonial stained pine sideboard with extensive carving of good proportons [$250-350] 869 Verdite carving of African woman [$30-50] Printed on 13/02/2015 Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 11 Lot No Description Lot No Description 911 Bronze large fgure of a winged mythical warrior [$800-1200] 953 A duet piano/music seat with tapestry upholstered hinged top [$50-100] 912 Silver plated circular tray [$20-30] 954 Colonial child's chair [$20-40] 913 Two silver plated meat covers [$60-120] 955 Three beaten copper ewers [$60-90] 914 Pewter wares (four) [$20-30] 956 915 Large spelter fgurine [$150-250] Late 19th C. carved tmber framed over-mantle mirror with prints [$50-100] 916 Large decoratve mirror with Ellis Rowan prints [$60-90] 957 French style gilt console table with marble top and elaborate decoraton [$500-800] 917 Mahogany tall display cabinet with drawers below [$250-350] 958 Pair of tall silvered candlestcks [$30-60] 959 Four milk glass tall bud vases [$20-40] 960 Large glass fruit bowl [$10-20] 961 Gold fancy framed over-mantle mirror with ribbon and foral decoraton [$50-100] 962 Large Oriental chinoiserie wall mirror [$150-250] 963 Nest of three occasional tables [$30-50] 964 Chrome and tmber laminated two ter traymobile [$20-30] 965 Late 19th C. solid blackwood two door wardrobe with mirror panelled doors and carved side panels, two drawers below [$400-600] 918 Group of four Royal Albert trios in original boxes (yellow) [$80-120] 919 Group of four Royal Albert trios in original boxes (blue) [$80-120] 920 Group of four Royal Albert trios in original boxes (green) [$80-120] 921 Vintage tricycle [$50-80] 922 Painted bamboo child's cradle [$30-50] 923 Decoratve wall mirror [$100-150] 924 Hoover clothes dryer [$100-140] 925 LG washing machine [$150-250] 966 Glass white bedside table [$20-30] 926 Fisher and Paykel fridge/freezer [$250-350] 967 Pair of Queen Anne style single beds [$20-40] 927 Swivel sweeper [$10-20] 968 Gilt framed oval mirror [$40-60] Pair of wooden child's chairs [$20-30] 969 A French Provincial setee [$500-800] Oak bedside cabinet [$40-60] 928 Aboriginal Landscape wall plaque [$100-150] 970 930 Chaise longue with butoned upholstery [$50-100] 971 931 Pair of upholstered armchairs [$30-50] Spindle back Bentwood chair with woven wicker seat [$20-40] 932 Leather top cofee table [$20-40] 972 933 Mahogany F14 Tomcat with bombs [$30-50] Solid Tasmanian oak two door wardrobe with central glass panel [$80-120] 934 973 Pine corner bathroom cupboard [$30-50] Oak captains chair [$30-40] 935 974 Mid-Century teak two ter cofee table by T.H. Brown [$40-60] Australian oak bedside cupboard with a single drawer and door below [$30-50] 936 975 1950's retro 'Astor Mayfair' black and white television [$100-150] Blackwood bedside table with a drawer [$10-20] 976 Large well framed foral print [$30-50] 977 Early photograph 'Opening of Parliament, Adelaide South Australia, 1895' [$50-100] 978 Tiled back hallstand [$100-200] 979 Brass fre tool set [$50-80] 980 Oak cheval mirror [$30-60] Poted lilly [$50-80] 929 937 Royal Doulton cofee set (no milk) 'Frost Pine' [$40-80] 938 Retro fve piece drum kit (as is) [$100-150] 939 Quality Victorian mahogany extension table with two extra leaves and winding handle [$200-400] 940 Sony 4.1 surround sound system [$100-150] 981 941 Oriental fnely carved based folding brass top table [$200-300] 982 Blackwood side cupboard [$30-50] 983 Oak bedside cabinet [$40-60] Bronze group fgure of a woman and cherubs on marble base [$200-300] 984 Bonsai Ficus tree in pot [$120-150] 985 Set of four Bentwood chairs with steam pressed and spindle back [$50-100] 986 Pine bread box [$30-60] 987 Pine three drawer fling cabinet [$100-150] 988 Balloon back chair [$80-120] 989 Tribal CD rack [$20-30] 990 Cast iron 'Tricycle' pot stand [$40-50] 991 Set of six Canadian spindle back dining chairs with upholstered seats including one carver [$300-500] 992 Baltc pine dining table [$200-300] 993 Bufalo Hide stencil Thai serving tray [$40-60] 994 Pine cofee table with turned legs [$30-50] 942 943 * Glazed potery garden statue of cherub holding fowers on base [$200-300] 944 Pine kitchen table [$100-200] 945 Solid oak dining table with turned legs [$50-80] 946 Group of 40 tea light glass holders [$30-50] 947 10 milk glass bud vases [$30-50] 948 10 milk glass tall bud vases [$30-50] 949 Set of 6 highback dining chairs inc. 2 carvers [$80-120] 950 Table lamp on an adjustable tripod stand [$30-50] 951 Side table with print 'Sailing the Murray' [$30-50] 952 Burr walnut upright by W.M. Kuhnel and Co with steel frame [$200-300] Printed on 13/02/2015 Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 12 Lot No Description Lot No 995 Child's heavy cast iron gardening wheel barrow [$40-60] 996 Double fowering Azalea in concrete pot [$80-120] 997 Double fowering Azalea in concrete pot [$80-120] 998 Colonial cedar chest of fve drawers [$400-600] 999 Cast iron foot scraper [$50-80] 1,000 Spinning wheel with all atachments including spools, etc [$50-80] 1,001 Single highback upholstered seat chair [$50-80] 1,002 Monsteria in pot [$80-120] 1,003 Large group fgural garden statue of young couple on a plinth base [$100-200] 1,004 Concrete boy fgure [$30-40] 1,005 Hand knoted wool carpet 200x120cm [$100-150] 1,006 Two Egyptan papyrus pictures [$20-30] 1,007 Adorabella tapestry cushion cover - Toby Yoga Dog [$10-20] Printed on 13/02/2015 Description Auction date: 17/02/2015 Page 13
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