COMENIUS UNIVERSITY IN BRATISLAVA THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION THE INSTITUTE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND CIVIC ASSOCIATION KINEZIS KLUB TATRA invites you to participate in the International Conference entitled DIMENSION OF MUSIC THERAPY IN PRACTICE, RESEARCH AND EDUCATION 10th – 11th February 2015 Račianska 59, Bratislava Main Aims of the Conference To present innovative trends and processes in music therapy in preprimary, primary, secondary and tertiary education, in musical education, as well as in diagnostic process and counseling in the conditions of the countries from EU To encourage dissemination of latest scientific and research information in the music therapy and help to increase the interdisciplinary cooperation To refer to importance of innovative trends in the music therapy to improve the process of education, practice and the quality of the life of the people with disabilities as well the intact people. Conference Topics 1. Innovation in music therapy in practice and education in pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary education, in musical education as well as in diagnostic process and counseling in the conditions of the countries from EU. 2. Innovation in interdisciplinary correlations music therapy practice, research and education. 3. Innovation in the process of music therapy interventions in practice and research. Conference Scientific Committee prof. PaedDr. ALICA VANČOVÁ, CSc., Comenius University, Faculty of Education, Bratislava prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. WOLFGANG MASTNAK, University of Music and Art in Munich, University of Shanghai, University of Taipei prof.(FH). Priv.Doz. Mag. Dr. GERHARD TUCEK, IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems prof. dipl. mth. NIKOLAUS BUZASI, Department of Arts Therapy Faculty of Arts University, Pécs prof. PhDr. MARIE VÍTKOVÁ, CSc., Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, Brno prof. Mgr. art. IRENA MEDŇANSKÁ, PhD., Faculty of arts, University of Prešov, Prešov prof. RNDr. ELENA FERENCOVÁ, CSc., Comenius University, Faculty of medicine, Bratislava doc. PaedDr. TERÉZIA HARČARÍKOVÁ, PhD., Comenius University, Faculty of Education, Bratislava doc. PhDr. ZUZANA VITÁLOVÁ, CSc., St.Elizabeth University of Health & Social Sciences, Bratislava doc. Mgr. art. JAROSLAVA GAJDOŠÍKOVÁ ZELEIOVÁ, PhD., University of Trnava faculty of education, Trnava doc. PaedDr. MIROSLAVA BARTOŇOVÁ, Ph.D., Masaryk University, faculty of education, Brno Dr. ELYANA DANILOVICHYUTE, PhD., Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev doc. PhDr. TIBOR VOJTKO, Ph.D., University of Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Education, Hradec Králové Official conference languages: Slovak, Czech, Polish, Russian, German Presentation of the reports: main reports in the extent max. 20 min, co-reports in the extent max. 15 min. The main reports prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. WOLFGANG MASTNAK Professor at the University of Music and Art in Munich, Professor at the University of Shanghai, Taipei, member of the Scientific Council of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Academy of Sciences in New York City, an honorary member of the York St. John University (therapist, a neuropsychologist, a psychotherapist, a mathematician, a music teacher, pianist, composer, Germany. Functional somatic and psychological music therapy: mechanisms and applications. Working with sound for polymorbid patient: practical applications and functional background (workshop) prof.(FH). Priv.Doz. Mag. Dr. GERHARD TUCEK Director of the Institute of etno music therapy IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, a member of the Scientific Council of the World Federation of Music Therapy, organizer of the World Congress of Music Therapy 2014 Krems, Vienna, clinical therapist, etno music therapist , cultural, social, medical anthropologist, Austria. Music therapy in clinical practice, research and education in Austria Research: strategies, models and designs The Krem´s model of music therapy training Who will be the next at the conference prof. dipl. mth. NIKOLAUS BUZASI Department of Arts Therapy Faculty of Arts University of Pécs, Hungary, University of Hamburg, Germany), Hungary, Germany. Comparing educational standards and practice of music therapy in Hungary and Germany prof. Mgr. art. IRENA MEDŇANSKÁ, PhD. Institute of music and fine arts, department of music faculty of arts, University of Prešov. Reflection on ten years´ activity of prof. Wolfgang Mastnak at prešov university in Prešov (1991-2001) prof. RNDr. ELENA FERENCOVÁ, CSc. Department of medical physics, biophysics, informatics and telemedicine, medical faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava Physical Aspects of the Sound Waves Used in Music Therapy and their Impact on the Human Organism doc. Mgr. Art. JAROSLAVA GAJDOŠÍKOVÁ ZELEIOVÁ, PhD. Faculty of Education, University of Trnava Professional standards musictherapeutist - possibility of fulfillment education and practice in Slovakia doc. PhDr. ZUZANA VITÁLOVÁ, CSc. College of Health and Social Sciences Vol. Elizabeth, Bratislava The application of music therapy in interdisciplinary contexts doc. PhDr. ALBÍN ŠKOVIERA, PhD., Mgr. MIROSLAV ŠMILŇÁK University of Trnava, Faculty of Education Practice music therapy for children with psychosocial disorders Dr. KRZYSZTOF STACHYRA, PhD. Music and Art Institute, Faculty of Arts, University of Maria Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin, Poland On the way of professionalization of music therapy in Poland. Challenges in education and practice. Key skills for the implementation of the receptive music therapy (workshop) ÁGNES GYOVAI Gyula Juhász Teacher Training Faculty, the University of Szeged Hungary Harmonizing role of music therapy for individuals with autism spectrum disorders Mgr. MARKÉTA GERLICHOVÁ, PhD. Department of rehabilitation medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Music therapy practice in neurorehabilitation and Psychosomatics Mgr. TOMÁŠ PROCHÁZKA President of Czech Music Therapy Association, psychotherapy sanatorium Ondřejov, Czech Republic The situation in the Czech Republic in the context of legislative basis for the music therapy department and implementation of professional standards Mgr. Mgr. MATĚJ LIPSKÝ, PhD. (former President of the Czech Music Therapy Association), Centre of Social Services Tloskov, Czech Republic Music therapy - healing process in the music media (workshop) Mgr. JIŘÍ KANTOR, PhD. Department of special-studies, Faculty of Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic Making music therapy methodology for working with individuals with severe physical and multiple disabilities Mgr. SVATAVA DRLIČKOVÁ, Mgr. MARTINA FRIEDLOVÁ Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic Specifics of group music therapy for clients with special needs (workshop) PaedDr. EVA KRÁLOVÁ, PhD., PhDr. ANNA LITVÍNOVÁ, PhD. Faculty of Health Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin Using the elements of music therapy in nursing PaedDr. MARGARÉTA OSVALDOVÁ, PhD. Department of Special Education Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, Bratislava Conservatory Aspects of the current concept of music therapy in special education Comprehensive rehabilitation for individuals with multiple disabilities (workshop) PhDr. DUŠAN FABIÁN, CSc. Faculty of Psychology, Pan European University in Bratislava Relaxation and imagination in receptive music therapy (workshop) Mgr. ANTON GÚTH The civic association Sounds through Hands, Ethnic Drum Rhythm School Rhythm - universal language for the development of socialization, communication, selfexpression and creativity rhythm - in life, in rhythm therapy in the 21st century (creating rhythmic orchestral workshop) Prof. ssa BARBARA SGOBBI AccademiaMusicaleCamilleSaintSaensdiCrosiodellaValle, Italia Music Therapy in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) for premature infants that they will do music therapy up to 3 years of age. Mgr. art. TOMÁŠ BOROŠ, ArtD., PhD. Head of the Department of Music Education Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, Efficiency means of expression Contemporary Art education of music and music therapy Contemporary music and music education of music therapy (workshop) Mgr. art. ZUZANA ZAMBORSKÁ, PhD., ArtD. Department of Music Education Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, Conservatory in Bratislava Music heals - omitted credo for bringing up professional musician PaedDr. ANDREA ŠTEFANOVIČOVÁ PREČUCHOVÁ, PhD. Department of Special Education Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, Musical activities with elements of music therapy for adult clients with mental disabilities in social care home PaedDr. MONIKA ŠULOVSKÁ, PhD. Department of Special Education Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, The proposal to increase the effectiveness of teaching music classes in special primary school through project teaching Ing. DUŠAN SLUGEŇ, PhD. Department of Biochemical Technology, Slovak Technical University in Bratislava Analogies of biotechnology and music therapy Mgr. PETER KUSÝ Faculty of Education, University of Trnava Interpersonal theory of music and mediation in children Mgr. et Mgr. JITKA PEJŘIMOVSKÁ Department of Social Studies and Special Education, Technical University of Liberec, Music Therapy Institute of the Czech Republic Dimensions of music therapy Mgr. KATEŘINA MIŠKOVSKÁ Department of Social Studies and Special Education, Technical University of Liberec, Music Therapy Institute of the Czech Republic The importance of metacognition at work of music therapist PaedDr. MARGARÉTA OSVALDOVÁ, PhD., Mgr. PETER KRAJČÍ Department of Special Education Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava Implementation of modern technologies in the music therapy process, individuals with disabilities International scientific conference is a part of the projects VEGA 1/0161/13 Determinants of the development of the artistic talent of individuals with the health disability in the inclusive environment VEGA 1/0653/14 Evaluation of the content and formal aspect of written expression of pupils with the hearing loss educated in different education environment VEGA 1/0789/14 Determinants and deviations of development of school-aged children with the health disability in the somatic-pathological, psychoeducational, communication and social area KEGA 033UK-4/2014 The support of innovation and creating inclusive environment at university study of disabled students - the principles, the goals, the methods, the tools, the conditions Organizational instruction Registration deadline for participants: 27th January 2015 Deadline for sending of the reports: 27th January 2015 Acompanying activities: selling of scientific literature Conference fee: 25 Euros Account number: IBAN SK92 8180 0000 0070 0008 3741 Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15, Variable symbol: 109130 (variable symbol is obligatory). It is possible to pay the conference fee at the beginning of conference in Euros. If your employer pays your conference fee, please bring a relevent evidence of the payment, because we are not able to identificate these payments. The place of conference Comenius University Faculty of Education in Bratislava, Račianska 59, 813 34 Bratislava. As a part of this invitation there is also the map with the localization of the conference and the directions how you can find us. The collection of the reports will be published from the conference. The registration to the conference You can register by electronic registration form, which can be found here or it can be also found on the webpage of the Faculty of Education, in section Aktuálne, Kalendár podujatí. Detailed information and registration form can be found at the webpage of the Department of special education. On this webpage will be also programme of the conference after the deadline of sending of the reports. Organizational instructions for active participants The reports can be sent by e-mail to: Contact person: Deadline for sending of the reports: 27th January 2015 Formal Guidelines for Reports Title of Conference Report (Times New Roman, font size 14 pt, capital letters, bold, line spacing 1, single spacing) Your name and surname (Times New Roman, 12pt, italics, bold) Abstract (in language of your conference report, max 10 lines, Times New Roman, font size 12pt, normal) Key words (max 5 key words) Abstract (in English language, max 10 lines, Times New Roman, font size – 12pt, normal) Key words (max 5 key words) Conference Report Text (Times New Roman, font size – 12pt, normal, single space – 1, new paragraph: space – font size 6pt, pictures, graphs and tables must be titled and numbered) Summary/Resumé (in English or German Language, max 10 lines of text, Times New Roman, font size 12pt, normal) Bibliography (Times New Roman, font size 12pt, bold) In alphabetical order, unnumbered TARCSIOVÁ, D. – HOVORKOVÁ, S. 2002. Máme dieťa so sluchovým postihnutím,...čo ďalej? Nitra : Efeta. 2002. 118 s. ISBN 80-968584-5-9 VANČOVÁ, A. 2001. Súčasné problémy a perspektívy inkluzívneho vzdelávania žiakov so špecifickými výchovno–vzdelávacími potrebami v bežnej škole. In: Psychológia a patopsychológia dieťaťa. Roč. 36,č. 3, s. 257 – 276. Your Contact Details: Firs name and Surname, titles Workplace Address (the name of the institution, street name, postcode, town) E-mail How to find us Directions to the conference: Bus station Mlynské Nivy: take trolley 202 and 210 to the stop Račianske mýto, and then take the tram 3, 5, 6 and continue to the stop Pionierska or Ursínyho. Railway station Vinohrady: by tram 3, 5, 6 to the stop Pionierska or Ursínyho. Bratislava hlavná stanica (main railway station): take trolley 210, 201 or bus 61, 74 to the stop Račianske mýto, and then take the tram 3, 5, 6 and continue to the stop Pionierska or Ursínyho. Accommodation options in Bratislava Hotel Saffron, Radlinského 27, 811 07 Bratislava ( - Availability of stop Blumentál tram line no. 3 and no. 5, get off at the stop Ursínyho (journey time 5 min) Price 2-bed room 69 euros / 2 persons / night price 1-bed room € 59 / night Hotel Tatra, Nám. 1. mája 5, 811 06 Bratislava ( - Availability of stops on May 1 bus service. 31 or no. 39, get off at the stop Blumentál (1 stop, journey time 2 minutes) and continue the journey by tram line no. 3 and no. 5 to stop Ursínyho (2 stops, journey time 4 min) Price 2-bed standard room 57 euros / 2 person / night Other accommodation Dormitory Jura Hronca, Bernolákova 1, 811 07 Bratislava 1 ( - Availability of stops Račianske mýto tram line no. 3 and no. 5, get off at the stop Ursínyho (1 stop, journey time 2 min) - Price 1-bed room € 24 / night Dormitory Svoradov, Svoradova 13, 811 03 Bratislava 1 ( - Availability of Staromestská bus line. 31 or no. 39 Bus stop Blumentál (2 stops, journey time 3 min) and continue the journey by tram line no. 3 and no. 5 to stop Ursínyho (2 stops, journey time 4 min) - Price 1-bed room € 24 / night Dormitory Mladá Garda, Račianska 103, 831 02 Bratislava ( - Availability of the Mladá Garda station tram line no. 3 and no. 5, get off at the stop Pionierska (2 stops, journey time 3 min) - Price 1-bed room 11.95 euros / person / night, 2-bedded room is € 10.65 / person / night Hotel Družba, Botanická 25, Bratislava ( - Availability of stops Botanická záhrada tram line no. 5, get off at the stop Ursínyho (8 stops, journey time 18 min) - Price 1-bed room € 26.70 / night price 2-bed room € 47 / night
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