Memories of the Future - St. John Brebeuf Catholic Parish, Niles IL

February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Memories of the Future
The Future is as Bright as the
Promises of God
St. John Brebeuf Parish
8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714
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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
Dear Parishioners,
Ash Wednesday and Lent begins this week!
I invite you to journey with the Lord for the next 40 days. Try to keep your time with God
down-to-earth and don't try too hard to be absolutely perfect! Very often, you and I are
very hard on ourselves, almost harsher on ourselves than we would be on another. During
these days of prayer, fasting and alms giving try to be understanding, forgiving and
encouraging to yourself! Take it easy! Please let me be clear. I'm not discounting the
tensions that arise within or the seriousness of the season but we need not fear, after all it is
God who inspires and directs us.
In all of this I use the paschal image of our life as a journey. St. John of the Cross also uses
this image of journey for the spiritual life, and he has this advice: we will not make it far,
he says, unless we can distinguish the absence of God from our feelings of God's absence.
We must be able to move ahead, despite the feeling of absence, confident of God's
You are in my prayers!
Fr. Mike Meany
Pavel Jurkulak, a parishioner of St. John Brebeuf, is scheduled to be
ordained to the Order of Deacon on May 17, 2015 at Holy Name
Cathedral by Archbishop Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago.
This is a public announcement of the upcoming ordination and fulfills the canonical requirement. Catholics are obliged to reveal any
impediments or circumstances that would prevent Pavel Jurkulak
from receiving Sacred Orders and should contact the pastor or the
archbishop with such information as soon as possible if there is a
serious question about the candidate’s suitability for ordained
Distribution of ashes will take place at the following Masses and Services on Ash
Wednesday, February 18th:
6:30 & 8:45 AM Masses
12:00 PM Bi-lingual Service & 3:30 PM English Service
6:00 PM (English) & 7:30 PM (Polish) Masses
February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lenten Regulations
Abstinence from meat is
to be observed by all
Catholics 14 years old and
older on Ash Wednesday
and on all the Fridays of
Lent. Fasting is to be
observed on Ash Wednesday by all Catholics who
are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who are
bound by this may take only one full meal. Two
smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain
strength according to one’s needs, but eating solid
foods between meals is not permitted. The special
Paschal fast, as well as abstinence, are prescribed for
Good Friday and encouraged for Holy Saturday.
Lenten Mission
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the Great, he served nine years as Vicar Provincial, and is
now a member of the Provincial Council. Composer of
over 200 sacred music compositions, his work is published by World Library Publications, a division of J.S.
Paluch Company, Inc., of Chicago. Fr. Jim’s unique
ministry successfully combines the Dominican preaching
charism with a professional career in sacred music.
Altar Bread and Wine will be
Offered in Memory of
Joseph Zirko
Donated by Elaine & Jim Merkel
during the week of
February 15, 2015
Please plan to join us for our Parish’s Lenten
Mission with Fr. James Marchionda, OP on March
2nd, 3rd & 4th. We will not have a Reconciliation
Service since we just finished the Festival of
Forgiveness on February 27 & 28th. Additional
Reconciliation will be held on Monday, March 23
from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the English and Polish languages. Please use this Lenten Mission as your opportunity to renew your spirit in preparation for
Sr. Ann Willits, OP
Sr. Ann is a member of the Sinsinawa, Wisconsin,
Congregation of the Most Holy Rosary. In 2003 she
completed 21 years as the Co-director of the PARABLE
Conference for Dominican Life and Mission. Sr. Ann has
also served as a member of her congregation’s General
Council, as Vicaress General of the Sinsinawa Dominicans, and as a high school principal and teacher for many
years. An author, poet, and expert storyteller, Sr. Ann
incorporates many gifts into her ministry of full-time
For Catholics around the world, Ash Wednesday
marks the start of the Season of Lent. It is a time of
new beginnings. This year, Lent offers us a unique
opportunity to invite people to seek healing and participate in the Festival of Forgiveness. The Catholic
faithful, especially those who have been away from
the sacraments, are urgently invited to come and
share in God’s mercy. From noon on Friday. February 27, to noon on Saturday, February 28, the Sacrament of Penance will be celebrated at 24 locations
Fr. Jim Marchionda, OP
for 24 hours. St. John Brebeuf has been selected as
Fr. Jim is a Dominican priest, preacher, composer,
conductor, singer, and woodwind instrumentalist (clarinet one of the parishes. We will be open for sacramental
and saxophone) who offers parish missions, workshops, celebration, prayer and Adoration for the 24 hours of
and concerts throughout the United States and abroad. A the Festival of Forgiveness.
member of the Chicago Dominican Province of St. Albert
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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Devotions in the Church
Monday through Friday
After 8:45 AM Mass
After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday
Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group
After 7:00 PM Mass
(Including Benediction )
First Friday Devotions
To the Sacred Heart of Jesus
After 8:45 AM Mass and
After 7:00 PM Polish Mass
First Saturday Devotions
To Immaculate Heart of Mary
After 7:30 AM Mass and
After 6:30 PM Polish Mass
Devotions in the Adoration Chapel
Marian Prayer Group
February 15, 2015
Sunday, February 15
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Annual Catholic Appeal Follow-up
1:45—Baptisms (Polish)
Ash Wednesday, February 18
6:30, 8:45, 12:00 Noon—Bi-lingual Service
3:30 Service, 6:00 pm English Mass & 7:30 pm Polish Mass
February 22
First Sunday of Lent
10:45—Family Mass
Friday, February 27 & Saturday, February 28
Festival of Forgiveness
12:00 noon Friday to 12:00 Noon Saturday—Confession
Monday 7:00 PM
Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group
Thursday 8:00 AM
Hour of Divine Mercy
Friday 3:00 PM
(Includes Stations of the Cross)
Pray for priests every Thursday
The Marvelous Rosary
Join in Rosary Prayers daily,
Monday through Friday,
immediately following the 8:45
AM Mass; Saturday following
the 7:30 AM Mass; Sunday
before the 7:30 AM Mass.
Praying the rosary
together in front of the Blessed Sacrament
gives many graces and is so peaceful.
Christ's followers were
skeptical when He preached
the reality of His Body and
Blood as food and drink. St.
John said, "many of His disciples withdrew and no longer
went about with Him."
Seeing this, Jesus asked the Twelve, "Do
you also want to leave me?" Simon Peter did
not understand any more than those who left
Christ, but his loyalty was more firm. "Lord,"
he said, "to whom shall we go? You have
the words of eternal life."
We have the "Word of Eternal Life"
right here with us day and night in our
Adoration Chapel. Do you have something
you want to ask Him? There are several
hours needing adorers. Please pick one for
your personal hour with Him.
Altar Server Schedule Week of February 16—22
8:45—Megan John,Vincent Macam
8:45—Grace Seitzinger, Stanislaw Swiatek
8:45—Alexis Gandeza, Alex Cichon
Wednesday: 6:00—Jeremy Ermilio, Katie Zalesny
Colin McNamara
7:30—Christian Guzek, Robert Guzek
Agata Soltys
8:45—Bryanna Manogura, Brandon Manogura
8:45—Grace Seitzinger, Peter Seitzinger
Stations of
3:15—Vincenzo Genualdi, Anthony Genualdi
the Cross
Ryan Inumerable
7:00—David Jozefczak, Erik Karpinski
Agnes Folga
7:30—Julia Sadko, Lucas Teng, Gabriella Vos
5:00—Jesse Anamoo, Joey Hodge
Joshua Vernon
6:30—Karolina Orzech, Dariusz Jozwiak
Simon Rostkowski
7:30—Katie Zalesny, Caitlin Aguada
Kaitlyn Maczek
9:00—Jason Parinas, Ray Joseph
Rebecca Joseph
10:45—Bryanna Manogura, Brandon Manogura,
Benjamin Manogura
12:30—Tomasz Bartyzel, Piotr Mialkowski
Gloria Majka
6:00—Jeremy Ermilio, Jesse Healy
Nathaniel Caamoan
February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Scripture Study
During lent and Easter plan to
attend our Scripture study sessions.
Our study is titled Good News in
New Places. Explore the challenges
faced by the early church in bringing the gospel to the gentiles from a
Jewish culture. This study is 9 sessions.
Our sessions begin on February
15. Sunday mornings 10:00 am 11:55 am. Study fee is only $10.00.
Contact Chester Gilbert at 847-9664789 or
As we begin a Parish Bereavement
Ministry, we ask that you pray about
God’s call to YOU into this ministry.
Think of how rewarding it will be to
help those in their time of special need.
Training will be provided, and as in
many ministries, the schedule is up to
you. Pray for the Bereavement Ministry and speak to any parish staff
member for more information.
First Reading— I will set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant
between me and the earth (Genesis 9:8-15).
Psalm — Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant
(Psalm 25).
Second Reading — The water of the flood prefigured baptism, which saves you
now (1 Peter 3:18-22).
Gospel — Jesus was tempted by Satan, and the angels ministered to him (Mark 1:12-15)
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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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1. JOIN US THIS SUMMER! SJB Youth Ministry is registering teens for our Summer Service
camp “ALIVE IN YOU 2015”. Be part of an inspirational summer experience! We will be traveling
to Springfield, Illinois, from June 23 through June
28, 2015. Registration fee is $140. Interested? Contact Mrs. Pam Perez by texting (847-239-2379) or
emailing her for the registration form. Tell your
2. Our next OPEN ROOM is this Sunday, February 15th, in the Youth Ministry Office from 7:00
-9:00pm. Enjoy video games, board games, or
watch a new DVD. Invite your friends, and make
new ones! Youth Ministry provides snacks and
pop. Pizza is $3.00. ALL TEENS ARE WELCOME!
3. TEENS join SJB Youth Ministry for our
February 21st to Sunday February 22nd in the
Parish Ministry Center. We start with our
LIFETEEN MASS at 5:00 in the church. Then we
gather for the evening and overnight activities in
the PMC until 11:00am on Sunday. Enjoy food,
games, inspirational prayers, worship music, witness talks, and fellowship with other youth. $5.00
donation and permission form are required to attend the overnight event. Contact Mrs Perez by
texting her (847-239-2379) to get permission form
and more details. ALL TEENS ARE WELCOME!
The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women
(ACCW) offers a $1,000 college scholarship
(renewable to $4,000) and applications are now
available. Please contact Judi Stephens at 847-8429295 for an application or more information. Open
to high school senior girls in Cook and Lake counties. The deadline is March 1.
Find us on Facebook! Search for St John YM or
our group St John Brebeuf YM
Questions? Contact Pam Perez, Youth Ministry
Director, 847-966-9815
Check out our upcoming events at and select Parish Ministries,
then Youth Ministry, then select Calendar.
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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
Rice Bowls will be distributed beginning Ash
Catholic Relief Services
Wednesday and throughout Lent.
Rice Bowl
Sponsored by the
Archdiocesan Office
for Peace and Justice
February 15-Sixth Sunday in
Ordinary Time:
In the Gospel today Jesus moved with
pity touched the leper and healed
him. Let us pray today for the grace to be generous
with our gifts to help those who are suffering.
For 40 years, CRS
Rice Bowl has been an
innovative way for
Catholics in the Archdiocese of Chicago and nationwide to pray, fast and give alms during the Lenten By your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
you indeed put your faith into action as you
Season. Each parish and Catholic school in Lake
bring healing to the poor, hungry and troubled.
and Cook Counties is encouraged to participate in
this Lenten faith-formation tool, which goes beyond
Parish Office: (847) 966-8145
just donating. Numerous resources are provided to
engage Catholics through daily reflections, weekly
prayers, meatless recipes and a mobile app to track
sacrifices and Stories of Hope from five different
At an abortion clinic: What if
there was no one to witness here?
What if there was no one to intercede on behalf of
Sixty-five percent of the donations to the Catholic
Relief Services Rice Bowl will be used to help the the innocent babies moments away from certain
poorest around the world and assist them with pro- death? What if there was no one to warn the mothers of Post Abortion Syndrome? What if there was
jects such as forming farm cooperatives in Tanzano one to bring them to repentance and conversion?
nia, sustainable agriculture projects in Nicaragua,
community development in Niger, quality education We must not abandon the babies, mothers, fathers
for refugee children in Lebanon and job training in who have participated in their
baby's death.
the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love
you very much. I beg you to spare
The remaining thirty-five percent of donations
will be used locally in the Archdiocese of Chicago the life of the unborn baby that I
have spiritually adopted who is in
for educational and advocacy efforts to alleviate
hunger and poverty. Grants of $500 to $1,500 dol- danger of abortion.”
lars will be awarded to different food pantries, soup
kitchens, community gardens, hunger and nutrition SJB WOMAN OF THE YEAR
Nominations are open for the SJB Woman of the
education and advocacy initiatives and other proYear.
Please send a profile of your nominee of not
jects working for the common good in the Chicagomore
200 words, describing your reasons for
land area.
her nomination, her church and community activities, her family information. Deadline is March 1.
All are invited and encouraged to celebrate the
The CWC Board will make a selection on March 3
40th anniversary of Catholic Relief Services Rice
Bowl this Lent by praying, fasting and almsgiving. and the name of our Woman of the Year 2015 will
be announced March 10. Nominations may be
More resources on Rice Bowl can be found on the
dropped off at the parish office CWC box, “Attn:
Office for Peace and Justice website:
Judi Stephens”. Contact Judi at 847-842-9295 for a For
more information, contact the Office for Peace and list of past recipients of the honor and with any
Justice at 312-534-3891.
February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Parish Council is asking all of the Ministries/Organizations to represent
themselves to the Parish.
During the next four months, leaders of our ministries will be in the main vestibule to present themselves to our parishioners. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. If you are thinking
about using your time and talent, this would be a great time to join. During February we will be highlighting the Commissions that make up Spiritual Life.
North American Martyrs Council
4338, Knights of Columbus, wish to
thank all who participated in our recent Council Free Throw Championship. Congratulations and good luck
to the winners as they advance to the
District Free Throw Championship,
which will be held at Saint Juliana
Parish, Ahern Activity Center, at 9:00
A.M. on Saturday, February 21.
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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
The Holy Name Men’s Club board meeting will be held n Monday, February 16th, at 7:00 pm in
the Parish Ministry Center. All officers and committee men are requested to attend.
February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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The Holy Name Men’s Club would like to thank everyone in the parish and Niles community for
participating in our annual Super Sunday Football Party. In spite of the snowstorm, those who attended
enjoyed snacks, good food, raffle prizes and a spectacular football game! Special thanks to Dennis
O’Donovan, Deacon Andy Beierwaltes and John Jekot for organizing the day and to the board members
for their support.
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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
Please mark your calendars. The Knights business
meeting on March 4, 2015 will be held at St. Isaac
Do you need a Pre-Cana class in preparation for your
Jogues, 8149 W. Golf Rd. in the lower level of the
marriage? St. John Brebeuf is offering marriage
church. We thank them for offering their facility to
preparation classes facilitated by married couples.
Discussions and presentations will be offered on the our Council to host our business meeting.
many facets of married life. Join us on Wednesday,
February 25th at 6:30 pm. To register for the class,
please call the parish office at 847-966-8145.
The upcoming 57th Knights of Columbus corned
beef and cabbage dinner is scheduled for March 14,
2015 in the SJB Ministry Center. The corned beef is
being catered by Harrington's and will be as good as
Per Archdiocese policy, all employees and volun- always. The social hour begins at 6:00 p.m. with
teers working with children, in any Catholic Parish dinner at 7:00 p.m. The entertainment will include
the Dillon-Gavin Irish dancers. The price will be
and/or School must attend a Virtus Training Ses$32 for adults $30 for widows and $20 for children
sion, before beginning their service to their faith
community. We will be offering this training, here at under 12 years old. Reservations need to be made no
later than March 7. Tables of 8 to 10 can be reserved
St. John Brebeuf on the following dates:
in advance. Invitations have been mailed out. If you
have any questions regarding this event, please conMonday, February 23,
tact PGK Gary Zalesny at: or
7:00 PM—10:00 PM, PMC-A
mail your reservations to Gary Zalesny at 5033 West
Roscoe Street Chicago Illinois 60641.
You need to only attend one session; however,
you must be present for the entire three hours to get
Have a good week, stay safe and healthy and do
credit and to receive your certificate. You must also
something kind for your neighbor.
be registered on-line in advance of the date of the
Upcoming Events:
To register, access and
February 21 - District Free throw Championclicking on the lower left side of the screen, where it
at St. Juliana Parish Ahern Activity Center at
reads: Protecting Children. The screen will then
9:00 AM: Contact D.G.K. Steve Baggio with queswalk you through the registration process. For further information call Larry Skaja at 847-966-8145. tions at 773-315-1621
Please arrive 30 minutes before the class to sign
February 25 - Officers Meeting at PMC at 7:00
in. No one will be allowed in after the session starts.
Knightly News You Can Use
We have had a very successful year in being able to achieve
our charitable goals for the
Knights of Columbus. This is
attributed to all of the support
that we receive from the three
churches that we support. It is a nice feeling to know
that there are people out there that care enough to be
willing to do whatever is necessary to support our
events and for that we thank everyone. Without you
we would not be able to accomplish and meet our
charitable goals.
March 4 - General Business Meeting at St. Isaac
Jogues. at 7:30 PM
March 8 - Daylight Savings time begins
March 14 - Corned Beef Dinner at 6:00 PM at
If you have any questions regarding the Knights
of Columbus Council #4338, please contact Grand
Knight, Michael Curtis at 847-663-1733 or
February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Drodzy Parafianie,
Wielki Post i Środa Popielcowa zaczynają się w tym tygodniu!
Zachęcam Was do podróży z Panem przez następne 40 dni. Postarajcie się, aby czas z
Bogiem był normalny i nie starajcie się być perfekcyjni! Bardzo często, Ty i ja, ludzie
chodzący do kościoła, są dla siebie ostrzy, bardzo często bardziej ostrzy dla siebie samych
niż bylibyśmy dla innych. Podczas tych dni modlitwy, postu i jałmużny, postarajcie się
być wyrozumiali, przebaczający i zachęcających siebie samych! Wyluzujcie się! Proszę
mnie dobrze zrozumieć, nie bagatelizuję napięć, które narastają wewnętrznie i powagi
okresu Wielkiego Postu, ale nie możemy się lękać, bo przede wszystkim to Bóg inspiruje
nas i nas prowadzi.
W tym wszystkim używam paschalnego obrazu naszego życia jako drogi. Św. Jan od
Krzyża, również używa obrazu drogi dla duchowego życia i radzi on: nie zajdziemy
daleko, mówi on, chyba że odróżnimy nieobecność Boga od naszego uczucia
nieobecności Boga. Musimy iść naprzód, pomimo uczucia nieobecności, pewni Bożej
Zapewniam o modlitwie!
Ks. Mike Meany
Pavel Jurkulak, nasz parafianin Św. Jana Brebeuf, otrzyma
święcenia diakonatu 17-go maja, 2015 w katedrze Św. Imienia
przez Arcybiskupa Błażeja Cupich, Arcybiskupa Chicago. To jest
publiczne ogłoszenie nadchodzących święceń i spełnia kanoniczne
wymogi. Katolicy są zobowiązani, aby wyjawić jakiekolwiek
przeszkody lub okoliczności, które uniemożliwiałyby Pavlowi
Jurkulakowi przyjęcie Święceń i powinni skontaktować się z
proboszczem lub arcybiskupem z takimi informacjami jak
najszybciej, jeżeli są poważne wątpliwości co do osoby kandydata
i jego święceń.
Wielki Post 2015 Festiwal Przebaczenia
Dla katolików z całego świata, Środa Popielcowa rozpoczyna okres Wielkiego Postu. Jest to czas
nowego startu. W tym roku, Wielki Post dostarcza nam specjalnej szansy, aby zaprosić ludzi do szukania
uzdrowienia i uczestnictwa w Festiwalu Przebaczenia. Wierni katolicy, a szczególnie ci, którzy są daleko
od sakramentów, są zaproszeni, aby przyjść i dzielić się Bożym miłosierdziem. Od południa w piątek, 27
-go lutego do południa w sobotę, 28-go lutego, skarament pojedniania będzie celebrowany w 24
miejscach przez 24 godziny. Św. Jan Brebuf został wybrany jako jedna z parafii. Będziemy otwarci do
udzielania sakramentu, modlitwy i Adoracji przez 24 godziny podczas Festiwalu Przebaczenia.
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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Robert Murphy, Sr.
Sophie Steckly
If you would like to
remember a deceased relative
or friend in a special way, here
is your opportunity. We are
accepting donations for the altar breads and wine that are
used at Mass each week. Every week in the bulletin we
will post who the bread and wine was donated in memory
of. Suggested donation is $50. You can drop off or mail
your donation to the Parish Office, marked “Altar Bread
Memorial.” Make sure to include your name and the
name/s of whom you would like to be remembered.
Requests are published in the bulletin in the order
that they are received.
Celebrating our SJB Military
St. John Brebeuf Parish is in the
process of establishing a military
remembrance presentation for all active
and fallen since September 11, 2001. We are accepting
family members names, branch of service and photo.
Please bring them to the parish office, attention Legion of
Please remember in prayer the
following who are currently
serving in the Armed Forces:
Timothy Casey
Joseph Merkel
Robert Monaco
Thomas Neuhengen
Christopher Vick
Pvt. James Cunningham
CDR John Tutwiler
Dominic Carrabotta
Mark Honsa
Peter Merkel
Chief Ryan Morrow
Scott Rodberg
Sgt. Daniel Cunningham
Susanne Connolly Tutwiler
Kevin Michael Kozeny
Col. Barbara Jones
May they return safely to their families.
February 15, 2015
Pray for all our ill Members
Carlyn Delort
Eugenio & Antonia Dias
Diana D’Costa
Angela D’Costa
Walter Przybysz
Aidan Stotz
Virginia Penkala
Barbara Donovan
Kathy Berresheim
Sr. Rose Mary Carney
Henryk Stankiewicz
Michael Curtis
Bob Biewald
Lorraine Bielat
Lourdes Vivar
Dolores Perales
Esther Prochaska
Mary O’Toole
Irene Dodaro
Mildred Nosko
Madeline Albano
Jackie Weiss
Sally Raphael
Clem Juris
Shahla Lahijani
Anna Chacko
Terry & Dominic DiVito
Margaret Lach
Mary Hamma
Debbie Terzakis
Souk Tha Phone
Rose Ugel
Cathy Neff
Donna Miller
Albert DeLorenzo
Dorothy Cichon
Kim Travaglio
Pamela Sobie
Charlene Green
Jeffrey Bandis
Betty Weiss
Henry Zajac
Kamillus Urban
Patti Maher Tyska
Stanley Kogut
Zdzislaw Puacz
Stanley Budzinski
Laura Begale
Michael Luisi
Lorna Alba
Annette Schubert
Patrick Leahy
Eugene Mangan
Adam Rowel
Varant Minatiskan
Madeline Pukal-4 yrs. old
Cyril & Peg Maher
Elaine Friedman
Patricia Clausen
Dolores Gruzynski
John Peter Rolwes
Nanette Sadorra
Oscar Malabanan
Jeff Sefcik
Lita Rosales
Alma Kort
Randolf Abana
Noli Failma
Christina Curtis
Julie Cardone
Bernadyne Semmerling
Jerry Brazowski
Michael Likvan
Madeline Hendricksen
Mary & Mario Colosi
Ruben Pactol
Mitchell Miklas
Marcelino de la Cruz
Donna Kornovich
Geraldine Tyre
Barbara Zonsius
Edward Kolasa
Patricia Jablonski
Dolores Perales
Linda Karno
Marilyn Philippsen
Butch Reeder
Linda Bennett
James Kurtzer
John Nawodylo
Wladyslaw Policht
Franciszek Policht
Jadwiga Cudnowska
Adrian Quintana
Morgan Prellberg
Jan Martin
Dorothy Pedtke
Brian Brown
Roy Wolf
Anne Maczek
February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, February 16—Weekday
6:30—God’s Blessings & Health on Birthday for
James Emile Solton
God’s Blessings & Health for Dr. James,
Emile Solton III
8:45—Ronnie Alerta (1st Anniv. Of Death)
Amalia Pacini
Health & Recovery for Remedios Silva
Tuesday, February 17—Weekday
6:30—Elizabeth Matteoni
8:45—Antonio Ripoli, Alojza Janus
Ronnie Alerta (1st Anniv. Of Death)
Health & Recovery for Remedios Silva
Wednesday, February 18—Ash Wednesday
6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch
8:45—Steve Jazwiec
Joseph & Helen Handzel
John & Victoria Jazwiec
Ronnie Alerta (1st Anniv. Of Death)
Health & Recovery for Remedios Silva
12:00—Bi-lingual Service with Ashes
3:30—Service with Ashes
7:30—O dary Ducha Sw. i nadzwyczajne
Charyzmaty w posludze kaplanskiej
dla ksiedza Roberta Bedzinskiego
Thursday, February 19—Weekday
6:30—Elizabeth Matteoni
8:45—Daniel L. Bartnicki
Ronnie Alerta (1st Anniv. Of Death)
Tom Collins (1 month Anniv. Of Death)
Health & Recovery for Remedios Silva
Friday, February 20—Weekday
6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch
8:45—Ronnie Alerta (1st Anniv. Of Death)
Health & Recovery for Remedios Silva
3:15 & 7:00—Stations of the Cross
Saturday, February 21—Weekday
7:30—Ronnie Alerta (1st Anniv. Of Death)
5:00—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Pajor
Thomas Birt, Thaddeus Kroll
Elizabeth Matteoni, Carl Komorowski
Teresa Lach (3rd Anniv. Of Death)
Anastacia & Sofia Gimenez
Emmanuel Gimenez, Mildred Benson
6:30—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia
Jozef, Leokadia & Piotr Zajko
Daniel Wrona (30th Birthday Remembrance)
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Walenty Niemiec (15th Anniv. Of Death)
Medard Baran
O Laske Nieba dla Adeli Wytaniec w Pierwsza
Rocznice Smierci
Marian Ksiazkiewicz (8th Anniv. Of Death)
Sunday, February 22—First Sunday of Lent
7:30—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Pajor
Albert & Georgiana Dorsch
God’s BLessings for Piotr
Birthday Remembrance for Maryanne
Ernest Witte (7th Anniv. Of Death)
9:00—Celebrant: Fr. Patrick Marshall
Rosa, Irvin Blaszynski
Ronnie Alerta (1st Anniv. Of Death)
Salvatore Pecoraro, Rosario Pecoraro
Peter Pecoraro
Wladyslaw Buczak (24th Anniv. Of Death)
10:45—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Pajor
Lorenz Gfesser
Anthony & Antoinette Schillaci
Catherine Barrett, John Bizzotto
Chester Kiel (14th Anniv. Of Death)
Andrew Beierwaltes, Harold J. Lewis
Healing for Ma. Salutaris Bentain
Marcelino Cacillan De la Cruz & All Dec’d.
Mbrs. Of Gallibus, Bitangas,Talosig &
Maltus Families
12:30—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia
Krystyna Liszka, Anna & Jan Dziwisz
Leslaw Pawlica (11-cie. Miesiecy Po Smierci)
Robert Regan (5th Anniv. Of Death)
Franciszek Kucmierz (2nd Anniv. Of Death)
Susan Scott (2nd Anniv. Of Death)
Zofia & Tomasz Boczar
Karoina & Andrzej Rygiel, Adolf Rak
Jan & Wanda Mosio, Wojciech Wiszniewski
Jadwiga & Jakub Wiszniewski
Waleria, Maria & Jan Banach
Jan & Anna Florek, Sebastian Nawrocki
Stanislaw & Anna Banka, Wincenty Budz
Dziekczynna za 50-siat Lat Pobytu na ziemi
Amerykanskiej i z prosba o dalsze zdrowie i
Blogoslawienstwo Boze dla Heleny i
6:00—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia
Elizabeth Matteoni,
Birthday Remembrance for Ross Fragale
Patricia Leahy
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St. John Brebeuf Church
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany
Associates: Rev. Piotr Rapcia
Rev. Robert Pajor
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin
Weekend Asst.: Rev. Patrick Marshall
Deacons: Larry Skaja
Andy Beierwaltes, Mariusz Kosla
Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban
Music Director: Marek Rachelski
Associate Music Director: Mariusz Kosla
Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz
School Principal: Elise Matson
Director Youth Ministry: Pam Perez
Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist
Bulletin Editor, Parish Secretary:
Barbara Bronder
Rectory: 8307 N. Harlem Ave.
Parish Office: 8305 N. Harlem Ave.
Niles, IL 60714
(847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014
School: (847) 966-3266
Religious Education: (847) 966-3269
Youth Office: (847) 966-9815
Mass Schedule
“We are a people of faith who offer each
other and those touched by us the
means to experience God through prayer,
sacraments, education
and mutual support in light of the
Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”
February 15, 2015
Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish)
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM,
12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM
Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:45 AM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish)
Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM
Holyday: 5:30 PM (English); 7:00 PM (Polish)
Vigil: 7:00 PM English
Reconciliation - Saturday
11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish)
First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish)
Last Sunday of each month during
10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service
(Polish): First Weekend of each month:
at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday &
Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM
Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction.
Four months notice is minimal.
Eucharistic Adoration
24 Hours a Day In Parish Ministry Center Chapel
St. Vincent de Paul—