FEBRUARY 2015 The Jacksonian A Monthly Publication of the Jackson County Department on Aging 100 County Services Park, Sylva, NC 28779 Phone: 828-586-5494 Fax: 828-631-8049 Valentine’s Day!! Each Year on February 14 much of the world celebrates the Feast of St. Valentine, sharing candy, gifts and cards with their loved ones … but just WHO is this mysterious saint? St. Valentine’s Day, as we now know it, hails from both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. One legend contends that “Valentine” was a priest who served in Rome during the third century AD. When Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage so that all young, single men would have to serve as soldiers, Valentine, realizing the injustice of this, defied this proclamation and continued to perform marriages in secret for young lovers. Regardless of its origins, Valentine’s Day is now the second largest holiday insofar as the exchange of cards is concerned, with approximately ONE BILLION VALENTINE’S CARDS being shared each year! SO WHO’S YOUR VALENTINE? Share the LOVE During “Canned Food Month” February is “Canned Food Month.” Join us in supporting the Community Table during this time. We will be collecting canned food items for dona- tion. Bins for food are located in the Senior Center Lobby and in the Dining Hall. Help to feed those in need! Make a difference in our community today! The Department on Aging Mission Statement…... We aim for the highest quality of life for ALL our seniors in Jackson County! Inclement weather policy- JCDPOA will now use the JC School closings for the Nutrition Programs in case of bad weather including Cashiers Senior Center, Congregate Meals at the DOA , and Meals on Wheels for all of Jackson Co. Any school delay will not affect the meals program. Closings will be listed on WLOS and WRGC. All volunteers are urged to use their best judgment and call to inform MOW manager when unable to deliver a meal. Clients should call DOA if there is an immediate need. Have a Question? We have the answer—Q: What is the Congregate Meals program and who is eligible? A: The Congregate Meals program is open to any resident of Jackson County age 60 or better. Registration is required, with participants prioritized based on health, income and nutritional risk. Participants are given a suggested donation based on income. Meals are served in Sylva at the Department on Aging, Monday-Friday, 11:30-12:30; and in Cashiers at the Senior Center Monday-Thursday at noon. Reservations and cancellations must be made by 3pm one day in advance. Call Karen Davis at the Department on Aging 828-631-8045. Questions About Medicare-SHIIP? Call Diane Parker at the Department on Aging, 100 County Service Park, Sylva NC 28779, 1-828-631-8037 (Or) the state office at 1-800-4439354. Diane will be available at the Cashiers Center on February 3rd, and the 2nd Tuesday of each month beginning in March 2015. The Medicare Advantage Disenrollment runs through February 14, 2015. The overall savings from the Annual Enrollment is currently $181K. Join the Care Givers Education Series on Tuesday, February 17, 2:30-5 pm, in the JCDOA Board Room for an informative presentation by Ruth Jordan. Call 828-586 -5501, extension 1245 for further info. JCDOA is happy to announce the completion of the new accessibility ramp located at the back entrance near the Adult Day Care. It’s exciting to see our facility continuing to improve. ARE YOU SEARCHING HIGH AND LOW FOR SOMETHING? GET HELP NOW by calling 211, a free & confidential service that can assist you with finding food, housing, child care, health services, senior services and more. Also available at www.nc211.org. OPTIONS COUNSELING is a decisionsupport process that includes assisting you in making decisions, based on available services and your needs and preferences … helping you find the services you are looking for … and following up to make sure things are working well for you! Want More Information? Call Phyllis Phillips at 631-8039 for assistance. SENIOR CENTER HAPPENINGS! Carolina Quilters, every Wednesday morning at 9:00am—create quilts to be given to local charities for fund raising –Fabric donations can be dropped off in the lobby. Craft Time with Toni paper crafts, Thurs., Feb. 5, 5-7pm, P=$3, NP=$5, Craft Room. First Friday Book Club, Fri., Feb. 6, 10am, Room 129. Join us for a discussion of “Look Homeward Angel” by Thomas Wolfe. The Crafty Needle with Vivian Wisdom, 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month at 1:00pm Bingo, every Thursday 1:00 pm , room 125. Duplicate Bridge, every Tuesday , 1:00pm. Bridge ,every Thursday, 1:00 pm. “Hand and Foot” , every Monday/Wednesday, 12:15pm ,Games , every Friday, 12:15 pm “Mexican Train” every Tuesday, 12:15PM Chess, every Tuesday, 1:00pm—3:00 pm we will teach you this strategic game! MAH JONGG, every Monday, 10:00am. Pool Room open daily. Pinochle Thur. 4:30pm. Line Dancing: Join the “Golden Steppers” every Tuesday & Friday, 10:45 am , Thursday 6pm-8pm GOLDENAIRES Do you like to: sing-play a musical instrument-read poetry-entertain? Join the GOLDENAIRESpractice 4th Wednesday morning each month 9:15am at JCDOA. Writing Group-every Monday, 10:00am Measure Up : weight, height, BMI, blood pressure, resting heart rate, waist, hip, neck measurements, 1st Wednesday of every month 9:45 am—10:15 am Walk with Ease: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 9:00am Learn to play the Dulcimer– Tuesday’s 10:00AM $20.00 Per Person for 4 consecutive lessons. New Normal Support Group, Tuesdays 1-3pm. Stretch & Strengthen ,Mondays and Wednesdays at 11am: class size limited– call 586-5494 to register. Healing Yoga, Mondays & Thursdays at 3pm. Tai Chi, every Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 am. Rock Around the Clock , Wednesday at 1pm.Rhythm & Balance, Thursdays 11:00 am, call 586-5494 to register. Grief Support Group, every Tuesday 10:30am—noon Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program , Tuesday and Thursday 1:00pm Use the Fitness Equipment- sign in for orientation 586-5494.Zumba Gold, every Friday at 12:30pm cost: $5.oo/or whatever your budget allows Be Active & Steady Screening, join us for FREE screenings , call 586-5494 for date and times available Craft Time with Toni paper crafts, Thurs., Feb. 26, 10am—Noon, Craft Room. P=$3, NP=$5. “Senior Swap”-last full week of each month- place items (clean and in good working order) that you no longer want on the table in the Dining Hall, for someone else to take - if you see anything you want you can take it. One persons trash is another persons treasure. Hoop It Up with Alicia: every Tuesday at 3:00 pm—no charge for this class—you do not need to sign-up just come and have fun! Covered Dish– first Tuesday each month 5pm. Bowling in Franklin-Wed 9am. Hair Day at SCC– each Tue. 8am.Woodcarving-every Tuesday 1-3 FEBRUARY ONLY!!! Shopping Trip— Thrift Shopping in Franklin-Wednesday, February 11th, 2015—cost $5.00 plus lunch on your own. Valentine’ Day Party—Friday, February 13th , 2015—12:00pm in the JCDOA cafeteria. Wednesday , Feb. 4th at 10am come by the JCDOA and have your BP checked. Dr. Provost will be at the Jackson County Department on Aging Senior Center on Wednesday March 4, 2015. The topic will be: Exercise is Medicine. No need to sign up just be in the Board Room at 1pm. !!! ATTENTION !!! ASSISTIVE DEVICE FITTING EVENT Have the professionals at Mountaineer Oxygen Services, Inc., properly fit your cane or walker to you. Let them inspect your device for safety. Friday March 20, 2015 10am-12pm at Jackson County Department on Aging Call: 586-4944 Mountaineer Oxygen Services will be at JCDOA Tuesday February 24, 2015 for a presentation on Sleep Apnea. No need to sign up just be in the Board Room at 2pm. See you there. Be Active & Steady Screenings Are you interested in ways to improve your physical function? Would you like to find out more about your balance, strength, and mobility? Join us for a FREE screening Friday February 20, 2015 AARP Tax Assistance February Schedule: Jackson County Senior Center Mondays 10:00am—3:00pm To register call: 586-4944 Fridays 10:00am-3:00pm No appt. necessary. Heating Assistance Still Available!!! The Jackson Co. DSS has announced that Low Income Energy Assistance Program funds are still available. Eligibility guidelines: -the household must be responsible for its heating bills - the household cannot have checking/savings accounts that are over $2,250-the household must include a U.S. citizen or eligible alien. Applications for the program will be taken at Social Services through March 31st. For more info. please call 586-5546. Smoky Mountain High School will be hosting , “Mark Twain”, featuring Mr. Kurt Sutton. Mr. Sutton is a former WCU History Professor and nationally acclaimed performer. It is said this is the “most entertaining Mark Twain show touring the country”. The performance will be held at the new SMHS Fine and Performing Arts Center on February 10th, from 9:30am-11:00am with Mr. Sutton taking questions following the performance. Project Fire, along with Cullowhee United Methodist, sponsored a MLK Day event to commemorate Dr. King. We delivered 21 loads of firewood during the event, bringing our total deliveries for the season to 200!!! Thanks to everyone who has made this project such a success! “LIKE” THE JACKSON COUNTY SENIOR CENTER ON FACEBOOK Jackson County Department on Aging 100 County Services Park Sylva, NC 28779 Standard Mail U.S. Postage PAID Sylva, NC 28779 Permit No. 16
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