Principal: Alberto Bernardi: 1146 Anna Maria Avenue Innisfil Ontario L9S 4X5 Phone: (705) 431-5950 Fax: (705) 431-7921 Email: Vice-Principals: Liselle Prickett: Doug Woods: \ CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AT: Principal’s Message Hello to the Triton community. As another semester begins, semester one comes to an end. This past semester has been a very busy one with many reasons for celebration. Our junior football team made us proud by bringing a championship home to Nantyr. Our hockey boys travelled to Barrie and brought home the Kempenfelt Cup. We have a swimmer representing us at OFSAA and now our girls’ volleyball are on a march to the championship as well. Let’s also not forget the pep rallies, talent show and of course our Christmas Assembly. Academically we brought back the Honour Roll and the next time you are in the building, please take a look. We celebrated academic excellence by having our first annual Academic Awards of Excellence celebration. Semester two promises to be just as busy with extracurricular opportunities and additional academic supports such as Math help and our TIPs program for supporting students with the Literacy Test. Get Ready for the Ontario Literacy Test! Grade 10 students will be taking the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) on Thursday, March 26, 2015. Successful completion of the OSSLT is one of the graduation requirements for all secondary school students. Our school board and our school are using a variety of literacy strategies to help students prepare for this provincial assessment in each of their classes. Nantyr Shores’ students will be completing literacy tasks in every grade 10 class and then will have the opportunity to participate in remedial workshops at lunch in our 6 week Targeted Implementation and Planning Supports (TIPS) program and during class with our literacy coach March 3,4,11 and 12. All eligible students will be participating in a practice test with tutorial on March 10th. This explicit instruction is designed to help students see what success on the OSSLT looks like and how they can be successful. There will also be a final half day Literacy Carnival on March 23 or 24 highlighting successful test writing strategies. Students with IEP’s will be given special instruction in the use of assistive technologies to help them in writing the test as well in the weeks leading up to the test. The resources parents will find at explain the reading and writing skills being measured by the OSSLT and include a tips and planning guide. The direct link to the parents’ section of the EQAO website is For more information, visit or please contact Vice Principal LIselle Prickett at extension 40284 or Special Education Resource Teacher J. Brownlee-Goll at extension 40297. OSSLT BUSSING Grade 10 students will be writing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) on the morning of Thursday, March 26, 2015. For those students writing the test, busses will run as usual. All other bussed students will be picked up at their usual stop 31/2 hours later. All students not writing the test and don’t take a school bus are to arrive for 11:55 am. FAMILY DAY This year, Family Day falls on Monday, February 16, 2015. Family Day is the third Monday of February and observed as a public (or statutory) holiday in the three Canadian provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario. Nantyr Shores will be closed on Family Day. S:\Newsletters\Newsletters 2014 - 2015\February 2015.docx SEMESTER 1 REPORTS – Report Cards Go Home February 11, 2015. Your child should have brought home their Final Report Card for Semester I and a Completion of Requirement for Graduation form. These show your child’s total credits earned and the compulsory requirements that have been satisfied. If you have any concerns about your child’s report or overall progress towards graduation please call any member of administration, your child’s teacher or Mr. Rob Poissant, the Guidance Chair. REPORTING OF STUDENT ABSENCES It is very important that you notify our Attendance Office to report and verify your child's absences. You can notify us in any of the following ways : 1. 2. 3. E-mail our Attendance Hotline at Call our Attendance Office at (705) 431-5950 Ext. 40281 Send a note to the Attendance Office. Black History Month Every year, Canadians are invited to participate in Black History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy of black Canadians, past and present. Canadians take this time to celebrate the many achievements and contributions of black Canadians who, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate and prosperous nation it is today. During Black History Month, Canadians can gain insight into the experiences of black Canadians and their vital role in the community. Guidance News ONLINE OPTION SHEET Students will be selecting their courses for the 2014/2015 school year during the month of February. Course selections take place online at home (computer time at school will be available for those that require it). Due dates for courses selections will be announced in Feb on the school website under the guidance tab. GRADUATING STUDENTS AND PARENTS Continue to check your EMAIL for graduation and college/university updates from guidance Parents Send an “ADD ME” email to to be included in the information loop on graduation information The equal consideration dates for University and College applications were January 15 th and February 1st respectively. Students who will meet their graduation requirements are still encouraged to apply at either (university) or (college). GRAD BREAKFAST This year’s grad breakfast will take place on Thursday, June 5th during period 1. More details will be available via email throughout the semester. COMMENCEMENT DATE Commencement will take place on Thursday, June 26th, at 6:30 pm. Potential graduates please note: a Grad Gown rental fee, $25, must be paid to Guidance by May 30th (No guaranteed refunds) o Gowns requested after May 30th are not guaranteed due to shipping deadlines community service hours need to be submitted no later than May 30th all course work must be submitted no later than the day of your exam for any given course, in order to participate in commencement. S:\Newsletters\Newsletters 2014 - 2015\February 2015.docx STUDENTS TAKING NIGHT SCHOOL OR INDEPENDENT LEARNING CREDITS Students taking courses other than regular day school and are applying to college or university need to inform Guidance of the credits ASAP. Counsellors must manually change an applicant’s status with OUAC or OCAS; not doing so may jeopardize acceptance to a program. SUMMER SCHOOL Grade 9 and 10 students may recover a semester one or two English, science, or math course with a mark greater than 35% by attending summer school for 2 weeks starting the beginning of July (date TBD). Also note, Grade 10 civics’ and careers’ half credits are usually also offered through summer school as credit courses. Information on Grade 11 and 12 full credit courses will be made available in the spring. Please go to for more information Please visit our website at: for important updates and information. SPECIAL EDUCATION The Resource Room (#120) is open and available to support all identified students. Please encourage your student to access the Resource Room and other supports available through his/ her SERT. SERTS are available to answer any questions you may have about your student’s IEP or classes. SERTS are also available to help students with course selection for next year. Nantyr’s Special Education Resource Teachers are as follows: Barb Kremer – department leader; ext. 40300 Heather Birch; voice mail 56121 Jennifer Brownlee; voice mail 56127 Will Gunn; voice mail 56147 Blair Klink; voice mail 56159 Gavin Ross; voice mail 56193 SIMCOE COUNTY SCHOOL BUS CONSORTIUM The Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC) has developed a New Website: You may also access this website through the website and find the bus icon with snowflake on the bottom left of the home page. Key Features: Daily identification of Bus Cancellations Simcoe County student transportation information Website details: Clicking through to will provide you with a single source to confirm any bus cancellations throughout Simcoe County. Individual school Weather Zone assignments are easily identified. By clicking through to the SCSTC Home page, additional student transportation information is available – including SCSTC transportation FAQ’s, policies and contact information. Please note bus delays are not listed on this site - Delays will continue to be announced through the local media. What you need to know if buses are cancelled: schools remain open for student learning all efforts are made to post bus cancellations on between 6:00 and 6:30 am bus cancellations posted on this site apply to both morning and afternoon bus transportation Be sure to “Bookmark” this website in your favorites for easy reference throughout the school year! SEVERE WEATHER PROCEDURES: SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION AND SCHOOL CLOSURES Parents are responsible for deciding if it is safe for their children to leave for school during severe weather conditions. School bus operators determine during pre-dawn hours if it is unsafe for buses to travel during inclement weather. As well, school superintendents and principals together determine whether school closures are necessary, depending on local weather conditions for each area of Simcoe County. (School closure S:\Newsletters\Newsletters 2014 - 2015\February 2015.docx decisions are based on severe weather conditions and NOT on school bus cancellation decisions.) In addition, please note the following procedures relating to severe weather: Cancellation of buses and school closures will be announced on local radio stations and the Transportation Consortium at,, as well as other media broadcasts. Please be aware of your child’s bus number and bus company name. Tune in early to radio and other media broadcasts and avoid having to phone the school. Weather Zones for School Bus Cancellations In an effort to better serve a diverse geographical region with changing weather patterns, the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC) has developed Inclement Weather Zones for school bus cancellations. These four new zones – North, South, Central and West – were determined with consideration for weather patterns, school catchment areas and existing school bus routes. Nantyr Shores is located in the Central Weather Zone. Bus Cancellation Messages - Bus cancellation messages are relayed via and the media. The messages will be as follows: If weather is severe in only part of the County, then the weather zones will come into effect. The message will be: “All School Buses have been cancelled in Central Weather Zone. Schools are open for student learning.”If weather is severe throughout the entire County of Simcoe, then the message will be: “All School Buses in Simcoe County are cancelled. Schools are open for student learning.” MATH HELP SESSIONS The Nantyr Shores S.S. Mathematics Department will be making available a Mathematics EXTRA HELP Program for any student who wishes to improve their performance during Semester 2. Teachers are available on designated days and of course, if you have any concerns, you should be speaking to your teacher to set up time for extra help outside of the designated time. This is open to all students. During this time, you are to work on your homework, work on previous tests or quizzes or study for an upcoming test and get assistance from your teacher. YEARBOOKS "This year’s school memories captured forever, order your Nantyr Shores Yearbook today." Our 20142015 Yearbook on sale now. For more information please contact Mr. J. Novakovich (Yearbook Advisor) at KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Do you (or someone you know) have a child who was born in 2010? If so, it’s almost time to register them for Kindergarten in the SCDSB! Beginning on January 27, 2014, Simcoe County’s public schools will be registering children for Junior and Senior Kindergarten classes for the 2014-15 school year. Contact your local public school for registration information. As of the 2014-2015 school year, ALL schools will offer full-day, every day Kindergarten. For more information, visit: SCSTC IS NOW ON TWITTER The Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC) recently announced that school vehicle cancellations are now available via Twitter. Simcoe County students and parents can follow @SCSTC_SchoolBus for timely updates on school vehicle cancellations. With the winter weather season in full swing, everyone is also reminded that this information can also be found on the SCSTC website at Efforts are made to post and announce school vehicle cancellations between 6 and 6:30 a.m. on the SCSTC website ( and via Twitter @SCSTC_SchoolBus. S:\Newsletters\Newsletters 2014 - 2015\February 2015.docx NOTICE TO STUDENTS AND LEGAL CUSTODIANS OF STUDENTS REGARDING OUT OF AREA REQUESTS Under the Simcoe County District School Board procedures (APM A7000), it is possible for students to apply for and receive permission to attend an out-of-attendance-area school. Students will be permitted to continue in attendance as long as space is available. They may be required to return to their home school or transfer to another school when the capacity of the school they are attending has been reached and space is required for students residing within the attendance areas. Even with this permission, however, the responsibility for transportation to and from school is borne by the out-of-attendance-area student and/or parent/guardian. REMIND 101 Nantyr Shores has a new text alert communication tool REMIND101 for parents. We encourage all parents to join this great communication tool between the school and parents. Further information on how this tool works can be found at To join our Remind101 Text/Email group, please email your name and your child’s/children’s name to to receive your quick and easy instructions on how to join. The EQAO wants to hear from you 2015 Ontario's Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) is seeking input from stakeholders and the general public on a new Strategic Plan that will guide its work for the next five years. The EQAO develops and oversees reading, writing and mathematics tests that students must take in grades 3, 6, 9 and 10. It was created to provide information about student achievement in publicly funded schools and make recommendations to improve learning and teaching. EQAO test results have an impact on Ontario education policy. You can participate in an online survey at NOMINATIONS INVITED FOR CHARACTER RECOGNITION EVENING The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) recognizes students, staff and volunteers who demonstrate good character in their daily lives at our annual Character Recognition Awards Evening, taking place on May 21 this year. Each year, nominations from schools and the Education Centre are received highlighting the good character of our students, staff and volunteers. All nominees are invited to the Education Centre on May 21 to celebrate those who exemplify the SCDSB Commit to Character attributes. The nomination process opens on February 2 and ends on February 20, 2015. Recommendations can be made by email or fax. More information and the Character Recognition nomination form is available at under ‘About Us’ and then click on ‘Commit to Character.’ FREE PARENTING COURSES THIS WINTER Free parenting programs are available this winter in Barrie, Midland and Orillia. Courses include: Making the Difference Together Parenting Program (Cool Solutions) Parent Talk (for LEAP students only) Triple P: Parenting Your 2 - 10 Year Old Triple P: Parenting Your Pre-teen or Teen (for parents of children ages 10-16) These courses will help parents develop understanding, knowledge, skills and specific techniques that can be used at home to support and encourage the healthy development of their child. Parents will also S:\Newsletters\Newsletters 2014 - 2015\February 2015.docx discover ways to build a positive relationship with their child's school. Find out more, including registration information, by visiting – ‘Parents’ menu, then click on ‘Workshops.’ CIRCLE OF LEARNING PARENT ACADEMY - FREE WORKSHOPS TO HELP YOU BOOST YOUR CHILD’S SUCCESS As a parent/guardian, you were your child’s first teacher and you are still his or her most important teacher. Your involvement in your child’s education has an impact on success. Register to attend workshops throughout the year designed to help you support your child’s learning and development. The workshops are: • March: Make the difference in math with a growth mindset • April: Math 101 - all parents can support their children in math • May: Resilience: Nine things kids need from their families, schools, and communities Find workshop dates, times, descriptions and register online at The Circle of Learning Parent Academy is hosted by the Simcoe County District School Board’s Parent Involvement Committee and made possible with the support of the Ministry of Education through a Parents Reaching Out Grant. INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE COURSES IN BARRIE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS High school students have the opportunity to learn a new language in Semester 2 with the Barrie Learning Centre's International Language courses. German (Level 2), Spanish (Level 2), Mandarin (Level 2) and Japanese (Level 1) will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 9 p.m. from Feb. 10 to June 2. The Barrie Learning Centre is located in the Bayfield Mall, 320 Bayfield Street. More information can be found at The Learning Centres website at (click on ‘High School Students’ then ‘International Languages’). Registration is available online through the Student Portal or through school guidance departments. LEARN TO DRIVE AT ONE OF OUR HIGH SCHOOLS Simcoe County District School Board’s Driver Education program, for teens and adults who currently have their G1, includes 20 hours of in-class instruction, 10 hours of independent work and 10 hours of individual in-car instruction. The program meets all Ministry of Transportation requirements and is a Ministry Approved Beginner Driver Education provider. There are sessions beginning in February at Stayner Collegiate Institute, Elmvale District High School and Nottawasaga Pines Secondary School. The cost is $600 plus HST. Courses are also offered at SCDSB’s six Learning Centre locations. Visit The Learning Centres’ website ( – click on ‘High School Student’, then ‘Beginner Driver Education’) for more information, registration forms, and Frequently Asked Questions. To register, print and complete the registration form, and take the completed form to your local Learning Centre or call 705-725-8360 for more information. IT’S FLU SEASON – PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit has issued a declaration of widespread influenza activity in Simcoe Muskoka. To protect yourself and your family, consider getting the flu shot. Stay home if sick, cover your cough and wash your hands frequently. More information about the flu is available on the health unit’s website at, or by calling Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1- 877-721-7520 weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CAR SEAT SAFETY REMINDER - USE A BOOSTER SEAT UNTIL THE SEAT BELT FITS YOUR CHILD CORRECTLY Adult sized seatbelts are not designed for small children. Children between the ages of 4 to 9 do not fit into a seat belt properly. If a child is moved out of a booster seat too soon they can be hurt or killed in the event of a crash. Seatbelts are made for people who are at least 4’9” or 145 cm tall A booster seat lifts your child up so that the seat belt fits your child correctly A properly fitting seat belt crosses low on the hips with the chest strap lying across the shoulder and middle of the chest. S:\Newsletters\Newsletters 2014 - 2015\February 2015.docx For more information on booster seat safety see Parachute Canada’s Guide to Installing a Booster Seat video or visit (search ‘injury topics’ – ‘car seats’). GETTING OUT THE DOOR ON TIME IN THE MORNING Ah, the morning chaos of a household waking up: cleaning, dressing, eating and racing out the door… Any number of things can make for a stressful morning: lack of sleep, a child needing reminders every step of the way, the last minute lunches. The key is organization. Be realistic about how much time you need to get ready in the morning. Time pressures add stress to everyone. Some tips from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit: Get yourself ready first, before your child. Go to bed at a reasonable hour so you wake up rested and ready for the day. Plan ahead: pack lunches, find the mittens, and pick clothes the night before. Keep the television off! Electronics and TV can be very disruptive first thing in the morning. If there is extra time, let them use it to read, chat, or help out. Be clear and realistic about what your child can do. Praising them when they do something well encourages them to do it again and gain new skills. Remember to have patience. Your child learns from watching you and you have the unique opportunity to show these skills. In time your child will learn to plan ahead, be organized, and develop patience. For more information you can call Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 and speak with a public health nurse or click on the health unit website at or visit For more tips, check out SCDSB’s Sharing Simcoe blog at and read the post “Resolve to have an organized household this year – 6 tips to get you started” (posted Jan. 14). FREE COMPUTER BASICS COURSE OFFERED AT THE BARRIE LEARNING CENTRE Do you have the skills you need for today’s culture of internet, online and technical job search? The Barrie Learning Centre is offering no cost evening computer classes starting February 2 (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 to 8:30 p.m.). Call 705-725-8360 x45165 for more information and to register. STUDENTS IN GRADES 7 TO 12 ENCOURAGED TO APPLY FOR THE MINISTER’S STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL The Ontario Ministry of Education is seeking local students for the 2015-16 Minister’s Student Advisory Council (MSAC). The MSAC is a group of 60 students from all parts of the education system (English/French, Public/Catholic) and regions from across the province. Student members share their ideas and advice with the Minister of Education on how to ensure Ontario's schools remain the best in the world. The deadline for students to apply is Feb. 28. The MSAC is open to students in grades 7 to 12. Everyone is welcome and no special qualifications are required. The council honours diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from students who combine lived experience with a perspective that they are genuinely interested in sharing and representing. For more information or to apply, visit the Ministry’s website at NOMINATE A SCHOOL FOR THE 2014-15 PREMIER’S AWARDS FOR ACCEPTING SCHOOLS The Premier's Awards for Accepting Schools recognize exceptional and innovative work being done in schools to create welcoming environments. The SCDSB welcomes staff, students and community members to nominate a local school for the Premier’s Awards for Accepting Schools. Schools should be considered who show initiative, creativity, and leadership in at least three areas related to school climate. More information, including the nomination form, FAQs and a tip sheet can be found at The deadline for nominations is Feb. 20. NEW YORK TRIP We are excited to tell you about the upcoming opportunity for the students at Nantyr Shores Secondary School to explore New York City! We have partnered with EF Educational Tour to provide a safe, high-quality coach tour at an affordable cost. I believe that an educational tour helps teach students essential life skills while enhancing their academic experience. They get to make new friends and exchange ideas; they gain confidence and become more independent. In the end, they return home with a fresh perspective on S:\Newsletters\Newsletters 2014 - 2015\February 2015.docx the world by experiencing an exciting part of North America firsthand. Our trip will be departing on April 30, 2015 and will return on May 3, 2015. Unforgettable highlights of this tour will include: - Top of the Rock - Broadway Show - National Comedy Theatre - 911 Memorial - Albright Knox Gallery - Guided Sightseeing Tour of New York Also included: - Comfortable motor coach transportation- 3 Breakfasts and 3 Dinners Hotel Accommodation - Sightseeing tours led by licenses local guides Full-time Tour Director - All scheduled activities Professional night security at the hotel - All applicable taxes and customary gratuities Based on 30-35 participants student travelers, the total trip cost is $875. Optional comprehensive insurance is available for $48. Details about the All-Inclusive Protection Plan can be found on Page 11 of the Traveller Application. Please discuss this opportunity with your son or daughter. For those students interested in participating you may enroll online by entering your tour number 1596552SJ at If you have additional questions or need some more information please contact Nicole Miller at Nantyr Shores Secondary or EF Tours at 1-800-263-2806. We are looking forward to this fanastic trip. Ms. N. Miller, Nantyr Shores Secondary & EF Educational Tours NANTYR SCHOOL OF BUSINESS! It’s not too late to join the Nantyr School of Business!!! An exciting new club for students of all grades interested in Business for their future. Every month we meet to discuss current business topics, enter fun contests, meet with interesting speakers and explore options for post-secondary business programs. Graduates of the club will receive a special certificate upon graduation that will benefit their resume, applications and portfolios. See Ms. Brincat or Ms. Morgan for details. IMPORTANT DATES Report Cards Family Day School Council Meeting 2nd Semester Progress Reports March Break O.S.S.L.T Parent/Guardian/Teacher Night Easter Weekend 2nd Semester Mid Term Reports New York Trip Prom Victoria Day School Council Meeting Arts Night Evaluation Days Commencement February 11, 2015 February 16, 2015 February 23, 2015 6:00 p.m. March 13, 2015 March 16-20, 2015 March 26, 2015 Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 5:30 p.m. April 3-6, 2015 April 30, 2015 April 30 – May 3, 2015 May 9, 2015 May 18, 2015 May 25, 2015 6:00 p.m. June 2, 2015 - 7:00 p.m. June 18-24, 2015 June 25, 2015 S:\Newsletters\Newsletters 2014 - 2015\February 2015.docx
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