TAWAS AREA LODGE NO. 2525 BPO ELKS A FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION Telephone: 989-362-6788 1002 Monument Road • Tawas City, Michigan 48763 Website: www.tawaselks.org FEBRUARY 2015 - Vol. XXXX No. 11 Members All Gee whiz! It’s time for me to put this article for the bulletin together again! It seems like I just did this a couple days ago! At any rate...here it is! First off, the Big Buck Dinner. I am sorry to say that Sam did not attend due to medical issues, but we finally have surgery scheduled for next week. Yay! Just a few more days after that and he won’t be broken anymore! So I asked Brad Saegesser how the dinner went and this is what he told me. There were approximately 50 people in attendance and a great time was had by all. So there you have it! A fun night! All kidding aside, I myself really want to thank Roger Spencer for keeping this dinner going! And thanks to all that helped put it together. I believe this event was created in memory of Spencer Welch, who was a long-time member of our lodge. I remember Spencer when I was a young girl. He was one of my favorite post office people! Maybe because he gave me a ride home from the ice skating rink one bitterly cold day and saved me from a nine-block walk. Hard to believe he’s been gone so long. Ahhh, nostalgia! Elks are never forgotten, so here’s to you Spencer. You will never be forgotten either! E-mail: bpoelks@gmail.com We also had our pizza party on the 17th and holy cow – were there ever a lot of people there! The lodge was packed! Like I said before...pizza, music and dancing... what more could you ask for? Well, maybe a beverage or two! Many thanks to Dave Conn, Mike Bowman and the rest of the crew for great pizza and Lin and Chuck Anderson, also known as “Side by Side”, for the great music! I can’t wait for the next one! As we move on into February, I am reminded that my year as Exalted Ruler is getting closer to being over. Two more months...where did the time go? All your officers will be getting into practice mode for District Ritual competition coming up in March. This will be held at the Flint lodge, so wish us luck when the time comes. I can’t really think of anything going on in February at the lodge, so there isn’t anything to tell you about. There will be a super football party on Sunday, February 1, but I’m not much of a football fan, so just check out the rest of the bulletin for more information on that. I guess that means that I should close this and quit boring you to pieces! Have a great month everyone and see you at the lodge! Patricia Spriggs, Exalted Ruler VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Sunday, February 1st New England Patriots vs. Seattle Seahawks Party starts at 5:00 p.m. and your lodge will furnish hot dogs and chips. — DONATIONS ONLY — Feel free to bring an appetizer to share. Hale Area Schools will be hosting Rachel’s Carnival this year on Saturday, March 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The purpose of the carnival is to bring together the Rachel’s Challenge groups from Oscoda, Tawas, Whittemore-Prescott and Hale schools to showcase and celebrate the impact of Rachel’s Challenge and to infuse our communities with kindness. Please sign up for a two-hour shift to help with this event. There is a sign-up sheet at the lodge or call 7283551, ext. 102, to volunteer for the 10 a.m.-noon or noon to 2 p.m. shift. The school is located at 200 W. Main Street in Hale. Volunteers will oversee the four inflatables and assist with carnival games. MENU Prices WENT up! As of January 1st, the lodge was forced to raise menu prices due to increases in food costs. We always do our best to keep prices as reasonableas possible. Changes are as follows: BURGER NIGHT - THURSDAY Hamburger - $3.00 • Cheeseburger $3.25 TACO NIGHT - TUESDAY Tacos - $1.25 each — MENU CHANGES — Hamburger - $3.75 • Cheeseburger - $4.00 Hot Dog - $2.00 • Onion Straws - $2.50 Nachos (one size only) - $4.00 Page 2 — MEMBERS ALL — PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Proposal for Amendment to Bylaws for Tawas Area Lodge 2525 B.P.O.E. ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS Section 1. The regular meetings of this shall be held on the first and third Tuesday evenings in each month throughout the year, except the months of July, August and November, in which the Lodge shall meet on the third Tuesday. PROPOSED CHANGE Section 1. The regular meetings of this shall be held on the first and third Tuesday evenings in each month throughout the year, except the months of July, August and November, in which the Lodge shall meet on the third Tuesday in July and August and the first Tuesday in November. ARTICLE V: ELECTIVE OFFICERS AND DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY Section 4. …For the faithful performance of his duties he shall receive as compensation $1500 per annum, payable semi-annually. PROPOSED CHANGE Section 4. …For the faithful performance of his duties he shall receive as compensation $1700 per annum, payable semi-annually. OF THE TREASURER Section 4. …For the faithful performance of his duties he shall receive as compensation $1000 per annum, payable semi-annually. PROPOSED CHANGE Section 4. …For the faithful performance of his duties he shall receive as compensation $1200 per annum, payable semi-annually. ARTICLE XIII: BILLS AGAINST THE LODGE PROPOSED CHANGE — ADD Section 3: The Treasurer may pay recurring bills upon approval of the Board of Trustees (or Board of Directors as may be applicable) without obtaining prior Lodge approval. Any such payments shall be at the next Lodge meeting. Section 4: The Treasurer may designate a specific member of the Board of Trustees (or Board of Directors as may be applicable), or chair officer, subject to Lodge approval, to sign Lodge checks in the Treasurer’s absence. Any such designee shall be bonded in the same amount as the Treasurer. The above proposed Amendment changes, proposed by the Board of Directors, will be voted on at the February 17, 2015, regular Lodge meeting. A majority vote of Members at the meeting shall be required for adoption. 365 Bank Club MICHIGAN ELKS 365 CLUB PLEASE HELP SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN A FEW COIN S EVERY DAY Neil and Ellen Mochty Scott and Aggie Hartsig Don Seymour Jr. Roger Spencer Kurt Sias Don Seymour Scott Hartsig Major Project Chairman 1 1 1 1 1 1 Because “Elks Care and Elks Share” TAWAS AREA ELKS - FEBRUARY 2015 IMPORTANT NOTICE: If, for some unforeseen reason, a member of the TawasArea Elks Lodge wishes to no longer remain as a member of this lodge, you should contact the secretary to apply for an Absolute Dimit. It must be applied for before the last meeting of the lodge year (March 17, 2015). It shows that you were a member in good standingwhen you took the dimit. “A member who shall receive an Absolute Dimit shall become an unaffiliated member, but shall remain subject to the jurisdiction of the Lodge granting such dimit.” Members shall: a. Submit a written request for the Absolute Dimit. b. Attach membership card to written request. Members: If you are planning to transfer to another Lodge, please do it as soon as possible. The closer we get to the end of the Lodge year (March 31), the more difficult it becomes. NOTICE: NOMINATION OF OFFICERS FOR 2015 – 2016 In accordance with Section 3.080 of Grand Lodge Statutes and Article VII, Section I, of the bylaws of TawasArea Lodge #2525, nominations for the following officers will be held at our regular meeting on February 3, 2015: Exalted Ruler • Esteemed Leading Knight Esteemed Loyal Knight • Esteemed Lecturing Knight Secretary • Treasurer • Trustee (5-year term) Alternate to Grand Lodge Meeting in July (PERs only) George T. Sermon, Secretary To Tim St. Aubin for bringing attention to the need for grab bars to be installed for a local girl. Thanks also to Dave Revord to installing the bars in the girl’s home. Following is her response: Thank you for installing the metal bar in my bathroom. It works perfect. I am so glad to be able to do this myself now! It took a while to practice, but I eventually got it. My mom is happy about this, too. I could not wait for the support rail to be installed. It works very well. It’s very secure as well. I am so glad that I no longer need anyone’s help. Thank you so much for this! Sincerely, Taylor “Star” Feese CHANGE OF ADDRESS Name_____________________________________ Membership No. ____________________________ Street Address______________________________ City_____________________State____Zip_______ NEW ADDRESS Name_____________________________________ Membership No. ____________________________ Street Address______________________________ City_____________________State____Zip_______ This “CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTICE” must be received at the Lodge office by the 15th of the month in order for mailings to reach you in the succeeding month. To be sure a requested change of address is effective and properly recorded. USE THIS FORM. Don’t phone this information to the office. TAWAS AREA ELKS - FEBRUARY 2015 TAWAS AREA ELKS #2525 COMMUNITY COLLEGE Through a generous donation from member Bill Dyer, we are starting a new scholarship program this year that will be awarded to two students from our area high schools who are going to attend one of our local community colleges, Kirtland Community College, Alpena Community College and Delta Community College. We will be awarding two $750 scholarships. Applications for this new scholarship have been sent to our area high schools, but please pass the word along to any of your friends and family that have a high school senior. The scholarship application can be downloaded from the Tawas Area Elks Lodge website at http://www.elks.org/ lodges/LodgePages.cfm?LodgeNumber=2525&ID=15006. The deadline for submitting completed applications is April 30, 2015. If you have any questions about this new scholarship or if you would like to make a donation to help fund this scholarship in 2016, please contact Brad Saegesser, Scholarship Chairperson, at 820-7171 or BradSaegesser@ gmail.com. Americanism Judging Contest Essay & Coloring On Sunday, December 28, lodge members got together to judge the Americanism Contests for both essay and coloring. Each contest has two divisions. In the essay contest, Division I is 5th and 6th grades, Division II is 7th and 8th grades. The coloring contest also has two divisions, with Division I made up of 1st and 2nd graders, while Division II is 3rd and 4th graders. Here is how the contestants from our lodge faired: Essay D1 (5th & 6th): Thomas Bruning, Tawas Middle School; Avery Coleman, Hale Middle School; Autumn Sundberg, Hale Middle School; Essay D2 (7th & 8th): Jolene Leonard, Hale Middle School; Raymond Bruning, Tawas Middle School; Amber Leonard, Hale Middle School. Color D1 (1st & 2nd): Nathan Sides, Brooke Sheldon, Lilly Vliet, all from Hale Elementary School; Color D2 (3rd & 4th): Bethany Sides, Samantha Powell, AJ Short, all from Hale Elementary School. The lodge would like to thank the following judges for helping with this contest: Ami Edmonds, Patty Spriggs, Colleen Bagwell, Jack Kindt, Sam Spriggs and George Sermon. We appreciate your time. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Pete Hupcik in the recent death of his mother and to John Hamilton in the recent death of his father. Page 3 Spencer Welch “Big Buck” Banquet The evening of January 13 saw the Tawas Elks Lodge filled with 54 people celebrating the 25th Annual Spencer Welch Big Buck Contest Awards Night. Spencer would have been very proud of the eight racks displayed by the successful hunters. Deer talk was loud and ongoing well into the evening with stories about the strategy used to gain success or excuses for missing the wily 30 pointer. This year’s trophy antler display featured one 6-point, two 7-points, three beautiful 8-points and a once-in-a-lifetime 12-pointer! Believe it or not, no spikes, 3- or 4-pointers or even a 5-pointer were harvested by this wily group of nimrods. I don’t know if it was because of last year’s harsh winter and its toll on the deer herd or the state of Michigan’s new licensing program or people just chose not to harvest the smaller bucks (Letum Go, Letum Grow)! This made for interesting judging to determine the smallest legal buck winner! This is the third year in a row that we have had this judging problem. The 12-pointer was harvested by Dave Revord (pictured above center) in archery season and was ineligible for the Spencer Welch contest, but was displayed to give us all something to hunt for in the future. Great job, Dave! I would like to THANK everyone who made this evening a huge success: Chef BOB KENNEDY, my old hunting camp partner, for the great meal; his kitchen crew of Mayday, Bob Sieloff and Brad Saegesser; Dick and Jon Look for selling tickets and collecting the funds; the wait staff, Cindy and Tammy, for making sure no one got dehydrated and kitchen advice; venison donators, Tammy and Bill Ulrich, Steve Klenow and his market; door prize donator, Jack Kindt; rifle donator, Bill Dyer; the successful hunters who brought in their racks and entertained us with their hunting tips; and ALL who ATTENDED the banquet to enjoy the evening and meal. The 2014 Big Buck Prize winners were: Smallest legal buck and best 4-6 pointer, Roger Spencer (pictured above right); Best of Show Rack, Matt Haglund (pictured above left).Other prize winners were: 50-50 Raffle Winner, Matt Haglund; Gun Rest Winner, Tim Dehl; 7 MM 08 Ber Tikka Rifle, Ericka Earl. In the closing words of the great hunter BRUSH SAGE, it is never too early to start planning for next year’s hunt. See you, my fellow hunters, in your 2015 food plots. Roger Spencer Get well wishes go out to Denny McArdle and “Tweet” Bird, who recentlyexperienced some health issues. We wish them all the best and speedy recoveries. TAWAS AREA LODGE Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid East Tawas, Michigan Permit No. 4 NO. 2525 BPO ELKS A FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION Telephone: 989-362-6788 1002 Monument Rd. • Tawas City, MI 48763 OFFICERS FOR 2014-2015 Exalted Ruler - Patricia Spriggs Esteemed Leading Knight - Mark Kubiac, PER Esteemed Loyal Knight - Michael Bowman Esteemed Lecturing Knight - Raymond Bruning Secretary - George T. Sermon, PSP Treasurer - Christine Gentges Tiler - Ami Edmonds Esquire - Cynthia Smith Chaplain - Colleen Bagwell Inner Guard - Sam Spriggs, PER Board of Directors: Lowell McArdle Patricia Spriggs David Bird Mark Kubiac, PER Jack Kindt Michael Bowman Fran Mathy Raymond Bruning Fred Duncan, PER SUNDAY 1- FEBRUARY Super Football Party TAMMY/JAN 8 VOLUNTEER MARY 15 VOLUNTEER CINDY 2 MONDAY 40¢ Wings CINDY 9 40¢ Wings CINDY 16 40¢ Wings CINDY 22 NASCAR 23 Daytona, FL 40¢ Wings VOLUNTEER MARCIA CINDY 25 3 TUESDAY Tacos 1 $ 25 ea. Trustee Mtg. 6 p.m. Regular Mtg. 7 p.m. CINDY 10 Tacos 1 $ 25 ea. WEDNESDAY 4 5 BURGER 6 Chicken NIGHT Sandwich w/FF Hamburger $3 Only $3.00! Cheeseburger $325 MARY 11 Chicken CINDY 24 Tacos 1 $ 25 CINDY 27 ea. CINDY/MARCIA 12 BURGER NIGHT Sandwich w/FF Hamburger $3 Only $3.00! Cheeseburger $325 CINDY MARCIA $ 25 17 Tacos 1 ea. 18 Chicken Trustee Mtg. 6 p.m. Regular Mtg. 7 p.m. THURSDAY CINDY/TAMMY 19 BURGER NIGHT Sandwich w/FF Hamburger $3 Only $3.00! Cheeseburger $325 FRIDAY 0 7 JAN 13 JAN 14 MARY 20 MARY 21 FISH FRY TAMMY 25 CINDY/MARCIA 26 BURGER TAMMY 27 TAMMY 28 JAN 28 TAMMY/MARY 29 MARCIA 30 MARCIA 31 JAN CINDY/MARCIA TAMMY JAN Chicken NIGHT Sandwich w/FF Hamburger $3 Only $3.00! Cheeseburger $325 FISH FRY ~ DAILY MENU SELECTIONS ~ Chicken 26 SATURDAY 4 ¢ Burger & Draft $w/FF VOLUNTEER Sandwich Hamburger $375 • Cheeseburger 400 • Hot Dog 200 • French Fries $175 • Onion Straws $250 Tacos $1$ea. $ Just $3.25 Wings Only $3.00! MARY French Fries/Onion Straw Mix $3 • Sweet Potato Fries 3 • Chicken Strips $6 • Wings 50¢ ea. • Wing Basket $5 CINDY CINDY Chicken31Sandwich w/Fries $350 • Shrimp Basket $6 • Nachos (one size) $4 (Not available on Thursdays) 30 40¢ LODGE HOURS KITCHEN CLOSES NIGHTLY AT 8 P.M. TAMMY Wings SUNDAY AT 7:30 P.M. MARCIA Every Day from 3-10 p.m. Sunday from 3-8 p.m.
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