FISH ON! RACINE, WISCONSIN FEBRUARY 2015 A Monthly Publication of Salmon Unlimited Wisconsin 4 FISHERIES AND OCEANS MINISTER PROPOSES CRITICAL INVASIVE SPECIES REGULATIONS. HAVE STUFF TO SELL?? VENDOR AND SWAP MEET NIGHT IS COMING UP! via: GREAT LAKES BASIN REPORT Ann Arbor, MI – The Great Lakes Fishery Commission recently congratulated Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea for proposing new regulations to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful invasive species. The regulations would prohibit the importation, possession, transportation, and release of more than 100 species like Asian carp, zebra mussels, round goby, and sea lamprey, all of which are known to cause considerable economic and ecological harm to ecosystems they invade. The regulations, which also bolster law enforcement authority, bring Canada... 6 SALMON-A-RAMA More weigh-in sites and we’ve received a grant from Real Racine! 5 NEXT MEETING: FEBRUARY 11, 2015 MEMBER BUSINESS OF THE MONTH: DeCore Tool & Mfg, Inc. ...article on page 8... PRESIDENT’S LETTER HI Everyone! Where did January go? February is here already.... it’s time to renew or grab yourself a new membership! Off shore, on shore, kayak... it doesn’t matter “how you fish” we are all passionate about what we do, and are all in this together to keep our sport, and our fishery the best it can be, and that means many voices speaking to the DNR, local governments (anywhere along our shore..not only Racine), the State of WI, and the Federal government. I am so proud of all the hard working volunteers that have been collaborating and making things happen just in this past month! I’m sure the club is behind me when I say that we all appreciate the long hours and hard work, from all our volunteers, board members, and committee members, that goes into running this club and keeping the Salmon-a-Rama machine rolling along! Behind the scenes we are starting to get real committees formed; Salmon-a-Rama committee is rockin’ along doing their thing, (though, we could use much more help before these hard working people get a bad case of burnout); membership committee is getting all the records in order and situated for the new year; the fishing committee has all the rules and dates set for our outings this year (the are available in this issue); the member banquet is coming together and will be upon us next month. Tis the season for fishing clinics around our area, along with our own Kids Fishing Clinic at Quarry Lake Park in April. Bring your children and grandchildren out to learn and share experiences, as they are the future of our sport and fishery. That’s about it for this month. Please remember that if you have concerns or questions, feel free to come to me with them, and I will handle them or I will direct you to the person that can help you. Our General Meeting is 7pm..Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at the 5th Street Yacht Club. Our speaker in February is Captain Jim Stepp of the ‘Jawzon’, out of Illinois. Here is to: dreaming of warm weather, full coolers, heavy weigh-ins, and time out on the water with good friends! Sincerely, Amy Hansen Club President FISH ON! SALMON UNLIMITED WISCONSIN PO BOX 081333 RACINE, WI 53408 Published monthly by: SALMON UNLIMITED WISCONSIN; a nonprofit sport fishing association. Copyright 1981-2015; SALMON UNLIMITED WISCONSIN All materials contained are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of 02 FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 SALMON UNLIMITED WISCONSIN or in the case of third party materials, the owner of that content. Editor-in-Chief: Amy Hansen Assistant Editor: Advertising: Need Volunteers! Need Volunteers! OFFICERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT TWO YEAR BOARD ONE YEAR BOARD Amy Hansen 414-412-9134 RJ Guarascio 262-939-5140 Paul Issacson 262-930-0920 VICE PRESIDENT Roger Hellen 262-488-2161 Randy Kisley 262-719-9517 Jeffrey Kingsfield 262-994-3694 262-456-4427 Jim La Fortune 262-995-3459 Pat Schmutzer 414-405-6578 Trad Schluechtermann 262-672-1856 Greg Seitz 262-620-9670 Chris Strege 262-221-3122 Eric West 262-456-0364 TREASURER Steve Bernstein 262-989-6885 SECRETARY Ms. MaryLee Both-Hetland 262-221-2034 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS ALTERNATES Scott Schmoll 414-915-4770 Donald Kirby 262-939-6594 SALMON-A-RAMA MEMBERSHIP SCHOLARSHIPS Jim La Fortune 262-995-3459 Pat Schmutzer 414-405-6578 Ms. MaryLee Both-Hetland 262-221-2034 cell CLUB OUTINGS VETERAN’S OUTING SU WI OPEN Trad Schluechtermann 262-672-8875 Shane Schneidewind 262-770-0734 BANQUET PICNIC KIDS CLINIC Chris Strege 262-221-3122 Mike Westfahl Ms. MaryLee Both-Hetland 262-221-2034 cell Travis Manard 262-719-7973 CHAIRMEN FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 03 SALMON UNLIMITED WISCONSIN New $45 or Renewal $35 Membership Application Date: ___/___/____ Name(s): _______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: ______ Zip: __________ Phone: (____)_____-________ E-Mail: __________________________ Our “FISH ON” publication will be sent to your Email address and available on the web. If you do not have access to a computer, please inform us, and it will be mailed via USPS. Boat Name: _____________________ Length: _______ Make:_________ Charter Captain #: ____________ and/or Business Name: ______________ Make checks payable to: Membership Chairman: Salmon Unlimited, WI Pat Schmutzer PO BOX 081333 414-405-6578 Racine, WI 53408 GENERAL MEETING DATE CHANGE FOR VENDOR/SWAP MEET NIGHT! To help coincide with other clubs and to make available the most vendors, who are visiting and setting up in the area that week, we have changed our regular general meeting night! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING WILL BE HELD ON APRIL 15, 2015 More info to come!! 04 FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 We can’t succeed without your involvement in the club. Please consider helping us in our yearly events and community projects! I’m interested in: Children’s Fishing Clinic _____ Spring Banquet................._____ Club Picnic........................_____ Veteran’s Outing..............._____ Kid’s Outing......................_____ Weir Day with WI-DNR._____ Salmon-a-Rama..............._____ SU Wisconsin Open........_____ FISH ON Newsletter........_____ Club Outings...................._____ Scholarship Committee.._____ SU Community Projects._____ Fishing WI - Angler & Aquatic Education Be a part of Wisconsin’s conservation tradition by becoming an Angler Education Instructor. The angler education program is looking for people who enjoy working with children, like to fish or would like to learn by helping to teach others. Instructors provide opportunities to learn basic fishing skills, explore Wisconsin’s aquatic resources and develop a set of conservation ethics to help ensure that Wisconsin’s lakes and streams will remain bountiful for generations to come. The program provides training workshops to clubs, schools, youth development organizations and service groups. Trained instructors have access to educational resources and loaner fishing equipment. More information at Presented by Wisconsin DNR SUNSHINE BRING CHEER! Bring cheer to a fellow member. If you are aware of a member who is hospitalized or who has suffered the loss of an immediate family member, please help us cheer them up. CONTACT: DENNY QUELLA 262-902-0723 DQUELLA@MSN.COM MEETINGS SECOND WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT: FIFTH STREET YACHT CLUB 761 MARQUETTE STREET RACINE, WI 7:00 PM NEXT MEETING: FEBRUARY 11, 2015 FISHERIES AND OCEANS MINISTER PROPOSES CRITICAL INVASIVE SPECIES REGULATIONS - GREAT LAKES BASIN REPORT {continued from front page} ...and the United States closer together in harmonizing the approach to the trade of live organisms and attacking the problem from a North American perspective. “The Great Lakes Fishery Commission is deeply concerned about the impact of invasive species on aquatic ecosystems,” said Robert Lambe, the Commission’s executive secretary. “Invasive species cost us billions of dollars each year and inflict unquantifiable, permanent damage to ecosystems they invade. Each new invader hurts the livelihoods of those who depend on the fishery for food and income and degrades the resource, depriving ourselves and future generations of what we enjoy today. The trade of live fish—like Asian carp, snakeheads, and many others—is a major way in which harmful organisms can be introduced into new ecosystems. The new regulations are badly needed to stop such trade.” Lambe continued: “Invasive species are difficult, if not impossible, to eradicate once they make a new ecosystem home. The Great Lakes Fishery Commission is extremely pleased with Minister Shea’s announcement to enhance significantly Canada’s efforts to prevent the introduction of harmful species and to thwart their spread.” Lambe added: “Minister Shea’s actions also acknowledge the key role law enforcement plays in addressing the invasive species problem. The new regulations will allow officers to enforce the ban on the movement of harmful species. Given enforcement officers are on the front lines of this battle, and given their proven track record of spotting harmful species and arresting lawbreakers, it is gratifying to see added powers in the regulations for this important component of invasive species management.” Lambe concluded: “We know all too well how adept invasive species are at spreading. An introduction in one part of the continent will eventually lead to the spread to other parts of the continent. Canada, the United States, provinces, states, and tribes have been working for years to stop the movement of harmful species and to harmonize their laws. Minister Shea’s proposed regulations are a major step forward in instituting a North America-wide approach to the problem.” DNR SURVEILLANCE EFFORTS DETECT VHS VIRUS IN WILD COHO USED FOR EGG COLLECTION The fish virus was detected in ovarian fluid samples taken from coho salmon used to produce eggs for DNR’s ongoing Lake Michigan stocking program. After receiving test results indicating the presence of VHS in females donating to two batches of eggs, these eggs and others that lacked complete data were destroyed as a precaution. Ron Bruch, DNR fisheries chief, said no impact is expected on spring 2016 stocking plans. This year’s successful spawning run resulted in the collection of 25% more coho eggs than anticipated and this volume should cover the number of eggs that were destroyed, providing for the 2016 stocking of 400,000 yearlings. The Root River facility serves as one of the state’s two sources of wild steelhead eggs and also serves as a collection point for coho eggs. VHS, which has been found in the Great Lakes since 2003 and, since 2007, in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Michigan, Superior and Winnebago. The virus can kill fish by weakening their blood vessels, although no large scale die-offs of game fish have been observed. As part of the fall egg collection procedures at Root River, as well as at Strawberry Creek Chinook Facility in Sturgeon Bay and the C.D. “Buzz” Besadny Anadromous Fish Facility near Kewaunee, ovarian fluid samples are sent to the La Crosse Fish Health Center for analysis. The lab uses cell culture testing to detect VHS, a process that takes 30 days to complete and the only process recognized by the USDA {continued on page 7} FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 05 SALMON-a-RAMA REPORT Updates: • Thanks to Kim Otto’s hard work, we received a sizable grant from Real Racine to help us promote and advertise our event. • We have added the BP Gas Station in Algoma to our line-up of weigh stations along the lakeshore. • In March we will be attending the MI Sports Show to promote our even over there. • With the hard work and dedication of Monica Jansta, Michelle Dawson, and Mike Hanke our Salmon-a-Rama magazine is coming along nicely. The layout is being worked on currently and we are looking for people who would like to write helpful and informative articles to add to it. • We can still use help with the pre-tournament and planning work. • The Salmon-a-Rama committee is looking for advisors/consultants in the areas of: Kayak fishermen, Charter captains, On-shore fishermen. The more knowledge we have, the better we can work with all the styles of fishing in our tournament. Please remember that this is our only revenue source for the club, if this fails we, in essence, have no club. We need people to spend a little time to help out with administrative projects (making calls, etc) and helping with the prize committee. If everyone can take a little portion of all that has to be done it will alleviate a lot of pressure on the people that are currently handling everything behind the scenes. If you are interested in helping you can contact me at: 262-995-3459 or Sincerely, Jim LaFortune Salmon-a-Rama Chairman 06 FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 VHS VIRUS IN WILD COHO continued from page 5.. for confirmation of the presence or absence of the virus in a sample. DNR has been in communication with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection regarding the VHS detection and preventive actions. DATCP is responsible for regulating the health of fish that are found on private fish farms and DNR hatcheries while USDA has oversight on trade restrictions involving VHS. “The DNR is very thorough in its efforts to ensure fish health beyond state and federal requirements and we are working with the department’s fisheries management team to ensure the health of fish being raised in Wisconsin,” said state Agriculture Secretary Ben Brancel. WISCONSIN’S LAKE MICHIGAN RECORD FISH The following fish are the current record fish for Wisconsin on Lake Michigan. For a complete list of all record fish in Wisconsin, you can access the Wisconsin Record Fish site at: CHINOOK SALMON 44 lbs. 15 oz. Josh Bostedt - Door County - 1994 RACINE GAME WARDEN BRAD LUTZA (262) 822 - 6454 1-800-TIP-DNR 1-800-847-9367 1-888-WDNRINFO UPCOMING EVENTS COHO SALMON 26 lbs. 2 oz. Milwaukee County - 1999 • FEBRUARY 11 - GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING SPEAKER - JIM STEPP OF JAWZON STEELHEAD 27 lbs. 2 oz. Debbie Morrison - Kewaunee County - 1997 • MARCH 11 - GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING LAKE TROUT 40.2 lbs. Robert L. Brault - Manitowoc County - 2007 BROWN TROUT 41 lbs. 8 oz. Roger Hellen - Racine County - 2010 BROOK TROUT 10 lbs. 1 oz. Nick Randazzo - Ozaukee County - 1999 ATLANTIC SALMON 23 lbs. 15 oz. Jack Remus - Milwaukee County - 1980 • MARCH 28 - SPRING CLUB BANQUET • APRIL 11 - KID’S FISHING CLINIC APRIL 15 DATE CHANGE!! SWAP MEET/VENDOR NIGHT AT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 07 MEMBER BUSINESS of the MONTH: DeCore Tool My name is Scott DeCore, and I am the owner of DeCore Tool & Mfg. Inc. located in Carol Stream, Illinois. I am also the captain of the Hawg Gone fishing team in Racine Wisconsin. I am honored that R.J. asked me to write a short article about my company and to share some information about our fishing team. I have been in the tool & die industry since 1980. I started my tool & die apprenticeship as soon as I graduated high school. After working and helping start a family business in 1983 and working there for 13 years I decided to start my own business in 1996 with my wife Carol. We had 2 small children at the time and we knew that it was going to take a lot of long hours and financial struggles to get started. But both of us had the dream and the drive to have our own business someday. We started in a small building and bought as much equipment as we could afford. It is a scary feeling when you first get started and you have everything on the line and now it’s all up to you. But we worked hard and put in long hours and every year we purchased 1 or 2 larger major pieces of equipment and added employees. We now own a 10,000 square foot building which we have out grown and are debating if we should take the next step and keep expanding. My son Bobby, who also fishes with us, is taking a great interest in the business and has the drive to keep on growing which helps me keep the drive going also. We now have 20 employees and one of the problems in the tool & die industry is finding young kids out of school who want to work hard and start a tool & die apprenticeship. It is a very good trade to get into especially if you like to work with your hands and make things out of steel. There are so many directions you can go in this trade from being a die maker, cnc machine programmer operator, wire edm programmer operator, tool & die designer and a lot of your top engineers at large companies have all started out as tool & die makers. For those of you who do not really understand what tool & die making is I will try my hardest to explain it. Any kind of metal bracket that is on your car or in your computer or anything that is made out of sheet metal is usually made from a metal stamping die. A good example that everyone knows is a top of a beer can is made in a metal stamping die. A tool & die maker will make the metal stamping die that goes into a punch press. Then a large coil of steel (which we have all seen on flat bed trucks) gets loaded onto a decoiler and feed into a straightener and a feeder. This coil of steel gets feed into the die that’s in the punch press. The punch press goes up and down as the material gets feed into it and stamps out the part. Most larger punch presses will run approximately 60 strokes per minute which means you will get 1 part every second. They do have high speed punch presses that are used for making smaller parts mostly electrical contact parts and these presses will run up to 1200 strokes a minute. At our company we have 3 die designers which design the dies from a piece part print or cad file. We have 3 cnc Haas machining centers with largest travel being 40” x 86”, 5 Mitsubishi self threading wire edm machines, 2 punch presses that we use for trying the dies out, one of them is a 200 ton press the other is a 300 ton press, 3 Okomoto automatic surface grinders, the largest one has a 16” x 32” travel. And we also have 5 bridgeport mills, 8 surface grinders, 3 radial drill presses, 3 regular drill presses, 1 hole popper and a lot of miscellaneous equipment. At our company we design the dies, we build the dies, we 08 FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 RECIPE of the MONTH SALMON CHOWDER WITH BACON March 2007 Coastal Living Makes 9 cups 2 (8oz) salmon fillets 1/2 tsp kosher salt 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper 1/4 cup butter 1 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup chopped celery 3 TBS all-purpose flour 3 cups chicken broth 1/2 tsp salt 1 LB red potatoes, cut into 1/2-inch pieces 1 (9oz) package frozen corn, thawed 2 cups half-and-half 6 thick-cut bacon slices, cooked and crumbled Sprinkle salmon with kosher salt and pepper; place on a foil-lined baking sheet. Bake at 400° for 15 min. or until desired degree of doneness. Flake fish into 1/2inch pieces; set aside. Melt butter in a large Dutch oven over medium heat. Add onion and celery, and sauté 5 minutes or until tender. Add flour; stir until mixture is smooth. Cook, stirring constantly, 1 minute. Gradually whisk in chicken broth. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened and bubbly. Stir in 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add potato, reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes or until potato is tender. Stir in corn and half-and-half. Cook 6 minutes or until heated. Add cooked salmon, stirring gently to combine. Spoon into individual bowls; top with crumbled bacon. Member Business of Month continued... try the dies out and we do a short run to make sure they work. Then we ship them to our customers and they will run the production parts in their punch presses. Most of the parts that we make are for the automotive industry. Air bags, seat belts, radios and miscellaneous brackets. We also make a lot of dies for Weber Grill. DeCore Tool & Mfg. has also been a major sponsor for the S.U. Open and for Samon-A-rama and we are going to continue to be a major sponsor for them. I would also like to thank everyone in Salmon Unlimited of Wisconsin for all of their hard work putting these tournaments together and running the club. They have all done a great job and we really appreciate it. I know our team really looks forward to fishing all of the tournaments. A few more months and we will be back in the water. If anyone has any questions or are interested in learning more about our company please send me an email or give me a call. Our website is being redone at the moment but you can email me at or call me at work#630-681-9760 or my cell#630-805-1880. You can also come visit me on the dock at E7 23, I would be more than happy to have a beer with you and talk about fishing or my work. I will also be giving a seminar at Lake Michigan Angle along with Jim Mueller, Arnie Arredondo and Fuzzy Bear on February 28th Thank you, Scott DeCore FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 09 LAKE MICHIGAN ANGLER of the MONTH : JIM MUELLER of STORMTROOPER Hopefully everyone is enjoying their winter. Let me start by introducing myself, Jim Mueller, the captain of Stormtrooper. I have been fishing in Racine since Reefpoint Marina opened in 1987. Yes, it is hard to believe that 28 years have gone by. Over time we have experienced many ups and downs with our fishery, some good, some bad. Every year seems to leave its own signature on how we remember our fishing seasons. Challenges such as BKD disease which decimated our Chinook fishery in the late eighties. Fish die offs at hatcheries and lack of funds. All which we have overcome and will continue to do so. Focusing on 2013 and 2014 I must say fishing last year was interesting to say the least. Averaging 20.8 fish per trip in 2013 tapering off to 14.05 per trip in 2014, ouch. No matter the results always having a good time on the water. Looking back on last year’s tournaments I count my blessing with some success thanks to part from my son Brad and very talented fisherman in Craig Bender. Starting off the tournament season slow at best we rallied late in the season to capture the Southwest Series Championship. Along the way winning the Salmon-A-Rama Super Sweepstakes with a clean sweep of all three categories. Tournament, 333 and big fish, luck was on our side that day. Looking forward to 2015 fishing season and beyond, yes, we have our challenges but the sky is not falling. So RELAX enjoy the memories that we will create in front of us. Until then, stay warm enjoy and happy fishing. Jim Mueller Stormtrooper 10 FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 FISHING REPORTS - (Have info? send it in to us!) Southern Lake Michigan Fishing Report [via: WI DNR]: January 21, 2015 Racine Co. In Racine the harbor in Reefpoint Marina is mainly frozen over. There are aerators running near some docks, so be aware of varying ice depths. Anglers fishing in Reefpoint have been catching a few browns on minnows, spawn sacs, and jigging Gulp. A few rainbows and northerns should be in the area as well. Milwaukee Co. In Milwaukee ice conditions in the harbor and river mouth have been fluctuating almost daily. When it is fishable, the area under the Hoan Bridge should be producing a few browns and rainbows. Spawn, minnows, and Gulp are generally good baits to try. The fishing pier at the Oak Creek Power Plant is closed for the winter months, and it is scheduled to reopen on March 15. Ozaukee Co. The south end of the Port Washington harbor stays open over the winter due to the power plant discharge. This area provides a good open water fishing opportunity, and anglers there have been catching a few browns and rainbows. Spawn sacs remain the most effective bait. SU WI Net Pen Project Update : Angelo Trentadue Salmon Unlimited’s net pen project was started last summer when we heard the state of Wisconsin changed the law to allow net pens. I approached the club about doing such a project and was then told I would head the project. I asked club members for volunteers to help and 8 members agreed and will put the pens in and feed the dish. The first step was to get a permit from the state. This took a lot of time and a lot of paperwork. I had asked if any club members knew of anyone at Gateway technical College who could help with welding of the net pen frame. Jeremy Dutton came through and got me in contact with welding instructor Ben McFarland. Mr. McFarland said this would be a good project for his students to get some practical experience. The welding of the first pen is complete. All the welding instructors and their students have been great to work with. I needed a truck and trailer to haul the pen from gateway to Azarian’s Marina for temporary storage that they are giving us. Jim LaFortune asked Kortendicks Ace Hardware for a truck and they provided use of one. Construction of the second pen will begin shortly. Once complete we will begin to put the floats on and to install the net Brad Eggold from the WIDNR will be setting up a class soon to instruct us on the feeding of the fingerling Chinook and the procedures we will have to follow for taking water temperature and oxygen readings. We will be moving the pens from Azarian’s Marina to Pugh’s Marina or our backup, Reefpoint Marina sometime in late March or early April. Further updates will be coming. I will keep the committee updated. If any other club members would like to help with the pens or feed the fish, let me know. FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 11 FISHING COMMITTEE - Updates - Outings - Results 2015 CLUB OUTING RULES There will be a total of 5 regular outings, plus 1 kids outing and 1 woman’s outing. • Outing #1 May 16 Rain date May 17 • Outing #2 June 14 Rain date August 15 • Outing #3 August 8 Rain date August 9 • Outing #4 August 30 Rain date September 19 • Outing #5 September 12 Rain date September 13 • Kids outing May 30 Rain date May 31 • Women’s outing July 25 Rain date July 26 Fishing times will be 5am – noon for all outings except the last outing. Fishing must stop at noon and be in the small boat basin by 12:30. The last outing will have a 1 hour delay, 6am-1pm, in the small boat basin by 1:30 (for safety because of the late sunrise) All boats must register before the start of the outing, this can be done at • SU web site • SU face book page • Marine radio channel 88A the morning of outing 12 FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 • Trad 262-672-1856 • Roger 262-488-2161 Any boat having difficulties/breakdown must contact Trad or Roger before noon. We will make arrangements to get those fished weighed. WEATHER/LAKE CONDITIONS • Any outing that is subject to weather postponement/cancellation will be called off at the latest, 15 minutes before the start of the outing on channel 88A • If the outing goes for 2 hours without issue, it will be considered a complete outing. • In the event of a small craft advisory there will be an automatic cancellation. SCORING/RULES FOR REGULAR OUTINGS • 10 points per fish • 1 point per pound • You are allowed to bring in 15 fish, but only 10 can be weighed in. • Only 4 lake trout will be allowed to be weighed in. • Limit of 9 rods. • Fish must be 16 inches in length. There will be prizes for the top 3 places for each outing. There will also be a rod and reel combo spooled with copper line for the biggest fish of the year (regular club outings only). Make sure your biggest fish for the day is the first one on the scale. The best 4 out of the 5 outings will determine the boat of the year. If only 4 outings are fished it will be based on the best 3 out of 4 and so on…. There will be a cost of $20 per boat which will include food and soda and 1 raffle ticket for rod/ reel combo spooled with copper line. Additional raffle tickets can be purchased for $10 each. SCORING FOR THE KIDS/WOMEN’S OUTINGS • Each individual will be allowed to weigh in up to 5 fish, 2 of which can be lake trout. Prizes/awards will be for the 3 biggest fish of each species. • Unlimited rods however make sure you follow the 3 rods per person DNR rule. • There will be no entry cost. FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 13 JALENSKY’S OUTDOOR & MARINE SEMINARS - visit us at JALENSKYS.COM 14 FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 GENERAL MEETING MINUTES 1/14/15 The Salmon Unlimited General Membership was called to order by New President Amy Hansen at 7:00 pm. Secretaries Minutes were read by Mary Lee. There were no additions or corrections. There was a motion to approve by Jeff Kingsfield and a 2nd by Shane Schneidewind All were in Favor Treasurer’s Report-Was given by Steve Bernstein. He gave a December incoming and outgoing report as well as an end of year report. He went through the latest expenses that have been incurred to get the ball rolling on Salmon a Rama. 20144th Quarter Balance Sheet. He also gave a comparison 2013/2014 Profit/Loss Summary. There were no additions or corrections. There was a motion to approve by Pat and a 2nd by Roger. All were in Favor Website-Everything is going well Big Fish AwardsFishing Committee-We are just waiting on the money tournaments and will have that together tonight. The Ice Fishing Derby-Khris spoke about the Ice Fishing Committee and get some help with selling extra raffle tickets. It’s on the 31st of January. Khris asked about the scale, one of the new ones and I will bring the camera. Greg and Jim will take care of the 50/50 raffle. He made a plea for members to purchase or help sell the cash Raffle tickets. Salmon A Rama-Jim la Fortune July 11th thru the 19th. We have added 3 weigh Ins. They will be in Ludington and Sturgeon bay and Algoma. The Charter ticket will be $500 and will include everyone in the boat. It will include the Captain, as well as 1st mate and Family. They just finished with the Minnesota Sport Fishing Show. It went very well and they spoke with a lot of people that fish the Algoma area. Southwest Lake Michigan Salmon Series- (SU WI OPEN June 6th) (Kenosha Classic June 20th) (Morris June 26th & 27th) ) (Super Sweeps July 11)( Brew City August 1) ( SU IL Open August 22nd.) PicnicBanquet-It will be at the Fountain Hall Banquet Facility. It will be on the last weekend of March 28th. There will be three entrée choices. We will have the same deal all dinners need to be reserved by the March Salmon Unlimited meeting. The schedule is Cocktails @ 5pm Dinner at 6pm Awards presentation at 7pm. Membership-Membership renewals will be going out on January 16th Due back by February 28th. It is important to mention that the board approved that people wanting to come back after an absence can come back into the club without having to pay the initiation fee. Sunshine- Trad’s Brother recently passed. A moment of Silence was shared for Trad’s brother. Scholarship-The scholarship applications are being distributed tonight and there will be a scoring meeting on or about the weekend of the 21st of February. There are 15 applications. The committee members are: myself, Bob Weidman, Dave Brinkman, Jeremy Dutton & Nicole Ayala, Tracy Hetland Monica Jansta & Sarah Schneidewind. , Kids Clinic-It will be on April 11th at Quarry Lake Park from 9 am until 3 pm. We will need volunteers. 7 up is on board again for donating beverages. Also the will make us 2 more banners and will give new numbers to update the ones from last year. The WIN Root-Pike initiative will be there and hopefully the Racine County Dive Team will be there to give demonstrations. New Business-Please send the new business items to Amy so she can get it into the minutes, so she can slot in your time. White Fishing Ice Fishing outing in Dykesville Wisconsin. Saturday, February 21st, 2015.. It is a Semi Guided trip $50 per person. He reviewed what would be provided for the $50. It is limited up to 30 people. Craig asked for a show of hands of how many would be interested. You need to arrange your own transportation to and from and your hotels. Craig will plan a menu for food and drink while fishing. It will be a 6:30 am start time. Dan Keating is doing a Super Salmon Clinic at Lake Michigan Angler in Winthrop Harbor, Il . It will be on February 7th and the 28th. These are at no charge. It will start at 9 am until 2 pm on the 7th and on the 28th it will start at 9 am until 3:30 pm. A member (John Scigala) of Salmon Unlimited Illinois spoke about their upcoming Swap Meet on March 7th. He handed FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 15 GENERAL MEETING MINUTES continued out flyers. Show your Salmon Unlimited membership card and you will receive the SU IL membership rate for entry. Also if any of our members would like a table to sell items. Please contact John at 630-393-3492. Old Business- Net pens.We have already paid for the pipe and the net. Some of the stuff hasn’t arrived. We will start welding it up soon. Angie stated that the Corp of Engineers has given its blessing so there will not be a need for more permits. The Nets should be built by the end of February. The net pens will be 20 x 6 x 6. We will only be able to get 30% of the Chinook, which will be approximately 23,000? Angie will have a signup sheet in the near future, hopefully by the next meeting. The fish will arrive in April. He will need people to feed the fish and monitor water conditions. They will be held at Pugh Marina and Reef Point as a backup plan. The Veteran’s outing needs to be scheduled very soon! The Wild Rose Tour will be coming up and John Hansen will keep us posted. It will be for approximately 50 people on the bus. The 5th Street Yacht Club has there Ice Fishing Contest on February 8th 2015. Fishing ReportsUpcoming Events Reviewed. April Meeting will be a Vendor Night Swap Meet. The date may need to be changed so the vendors that come from out of state and do Milwaukee and Racine. There will be a show of hands to who would be willing to swap the board meeting night to the regular meeting night. So the Vendor Night will be on April 15th and the board meeting will be on April 8th. The next speaker will be Jim Stepp from the Jawzon team. Our speaker tonight is Arnie Arredondo from the Phoenix. A year in review from 2014 and what he expects to happen in 2015. There was a motion to Adjourn by Jeff Kingsfield and a 2nd By Chris Strege. All were in Favor 1st half 50/50 –Tony Jankovec 2nd half 50/50-Jim Muleski (not present) Attendance raffle –Robert Anderson (not present) The January Board Meeting will be at The Uptown bar & Grill at the regular time. This is the incoming/outgoing board meeting and your spouse or significant other is welcome to come for dinner. 16 FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 BOARD MEETING MINUTES 1/21/15 Incoming and Outgoing Board of Directors Dinner held. MEMBER CLASSIFIEDS 88 Cruiser Inc 3380 Esprit. Duel station, mid cabin, duel ac, auto pilot. $8,000 Contact Bob 262-989-6511 FISH ON | FEBRUARY 2015 17 SALMON AND TROUT TROLLING TECHNIQUES FEBRUARY 28, 2015 PRESENTED BY LAKE MICHIGAN ANGLER 1038 Sheridan Rd Winthrop Harbor, IL 60096 Telephone: 224-789-7627 Open at 8:00am - Free Admission 9:00AM - SALMON TROLLING TECHNIQUES Speaker - Arnie Arredondo (Phoenix Charters Kenosha, WI) will discuss the methods, techniques, tactics and equipment used for catching Trout and Salmon from the port of Kenosha, Wisconsin. 10:30PM - SALMON TROLLING FROM SOUTHEASTERN LAKE MICHIGAN Speaker - Carl Stopcynski (Fuzzy Bear, Michigan City, IN) will discuss the methods, techniques, tactics and equipment used for catching Trout and Salmon from Southeastern Lake Michigan. 1:00PM - TROLLING TACTICS FOR SALMON AND TROUT Speaker - Jim Mueller (Storm Trooper, Racine, WI) will discuss the methods, techniques, tactics and equipment used for catching Trout and Salmon. 2:30PM - TROLLING TACTICS FOR SALMON AND TROUT Speaker - Scott Decore (Hawg Gone, Racine, WI) will discuss the methods, techniques, tactics and equipment used for catching Trout and Salmon. In Store Specials, Door Prizes and a raffle will be available.
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