2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION ●●Registration Fees (check box that applies) If you plan on attending the Sunday, July 12 Awards Luncheon, an additional fee of $15 will apply, so be sure to check the box next to the registration fee with the Luncheon added. REGISTRATION FORM Please type or print clearly all applicable information requested below. Information following asterisks (*) will appear on your Conference badge. Please make a copy for your records. If you require hotel accommodations, please complete the Hotel Reservation Form. *Last Name .................................................................................................................... *First Name .................................................................................................................... *Title ................................................................................................................................ *Nick Name (ie: Buddy, Cindy, Joe, etc.) ................................................................. *County/Organization ................................................................................................. ADDRESS: *City ................................................................................................................................ Early Bird Advance (Fax/Mail)(Fax/Mail)On-Site Postmarked by 5/29 5/30–7/9 Charlotte, NC NACo Board of Directors Luncheon Fee Added NACo County Member Luncheon Fee Added State Association of Counties Staff Luncheon Fee Added NACo Corporate Member Luncheon Fee Added County Non-Member Luncheon Fee Added Corporate Non-Member Luncheon Fee Added Government (Federal or State employees only) Luncheon Fee Added Spouse/Guest Luncheon Fee Added Youth Luncheon Fee Added Working Press (Editorial Staff ONLY) o $515 o $530 o $515 o $530 o $515 o $530 o $515 o $530 o $740 o $755 o $765 o $780 o $565 o $540 o $555 o $540 o $555 o $540 o $555 o $540 o $555 o $765 o $780 o $815 o $830 o $615 o $650 o $665 o $650 o $665 o $650 o $665 o $650 o $665 o $850 o $865 o $900 o $915 o $770 o $580 o $150 o $165 o $150 o $165 o Complimentary o $630 o $170 o $185 o $170 o $185 o $785 o $180 o $195 o $180 o $195 $ Sub-total *State ................................................................. Zip Code .......................................... Phone ......................................................... Cell ............................................................ RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGE UPDATES DURING THE CONFERENCE Fax .................................................................................................................................. Email ............................................................................................................................... o OPT OUT. Please check if you do not want your information shared. ●●Conference Tote Bag Please indicate if you would like to receive a Conference Bag and one will be ordered for you. o Yes, I would like to receive one. o No thank you. ●●Additional Conference Celebration Event Tickets (1 ticket is included with your registration fee). You may purchase additional tickets for the Conference Celebration Event on Monday, July 13 for $50 each for non-registered guests. # of Tickets: .................. @ $50 each. Sub-Total for Extra tickets: $.................................. ●●NEXTGEN Community Service Project July 10, 2015 • 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. # of Volunteers: ............ @ $25 each. Sub-Total for Volunteer Project: $......................... ●●Advance Leadership Training: Creating Working Relationships that are Effective July 12, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m o Yes, I would like to attend this session ($50) Sub-Total for Training Session: $............................ ●●Dietary Restrictions Please let us know if you have any of the following dietary needs: ●●NACo Technology Innovation Summit – Available for County Attendees ONLY July 10, 2015 • 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (no additional fee required) o Gluten Free o Vegetarian List any Allergies: o Yes, I would like to attend this session at no-charge. o Vegan o Low Sodium $ Total Registration and Ticket Fees ......................................................................................................................................... ●●Special Services (check if applicable) ●●New to NACo? (Please check any of the statements below that apply to you.) o Yes, I will require special assistance. Please let us know your requirements by attaching a separate sheet of paper outlining your needs. o My county is a new NACo member. o This is my first NACo Conference. ●●Payment Method (select one) o I am a member of the ....................................................... affiliate. o Check ●●Family/Guest Information (if applicable) Spouse/Guest and Youth registration fees include admission to all General Sessions, the Conference Celebration Event, the Exhibit Hall. Card Number................................................................................................ Exp. Date ....................................... Spouse/Guest* Full Name Signature ................................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................... * If you are a County or Corporate employee, you may not register as a guest or spouse. Youth(s) Full Name ......................................................................................................................................... Conference Tote Bag for Spouse/Guest o Yes, they would like to receive one. o No thank you. Office Use Only Date Received: ..................................................................Total: ................................ Check #: ..............................................................................Date Entered: ................ Amount of Check: ....................................................................................................... Entered by: .................................................................................................................... o PO o American Express o Visa o MasterCard o Discover Cardholder’s Name .............................................................................................................................................. Your signature authorizes NACo to charge your credit card for the total amount due. Payment Policy: Conference registration fee must accompany this form. Send check or company purchase order, made payable to the National Association of Counties, to the Conference Registration Center at the address listed below. A purchase order will only HOLD a registration. All fees must be paid in full in order to obtain your badge and registration materials at the conference Cancellation Policy: See NACo Website for more information. Please return your completed conference registration form to: NACo Conference Registration Center PO Box 79007 / Baltimore, MD 21279-0007 Or fax your completed forms to: (866) 741-5129 • On-line Registration at: www.naco.org Questions? Please call: (202) 942-4292 or email: nacomeetings@naco.org
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