Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Part III (b) Bandages 1. The term “bandage” used in a prescription form without qualification is to be interpreted to mean an Open-Wove Bandage, Type 1 BP 5cm x 5m. All bandages supplied are to be of the lengths and widths specified in the Tariff. Where a bandage longer than those specified in the Tariff is ordered, the number of bandages, that will, in total, provide the length nearest to that ordered, should be supplied. Where a bandage in a width other than those specified is ordered, the next wider specified width should be supplied. 2. All bandages to be supplied completely wrapped as received from the manufacturer or wholesaler. Elastic Adhesive Bandages and Plaster of Paris Bandages to be supplied sealed in containers as received from the manufacturer or wholesaler. Except where otherwise stated all bandages possessing elasticity to be not less than 4.5m in length when fully stretched. Contents: Conforming Bandage (Synthetic) ............................................................................................................ 2 Cotton Conforming Bandage BP 1988 .................................................................................................... 2 Cotton Crepe Bandage ............................................................................................................................ 2 Cotton Crepe Bandage BP 1988 ............................................................................................................. 2 Cotton, Polyamide and Elastane Bandage.............................................................................................. 2 Cotton Stretch Bandage BP 1988 ........................................................................................................... 3 Crepe Bandage BP 1988......................................................................................................................... 3 Elastic Adhesive Bandage BP 1993 ........................................................................................................ 3 Elastomer and Viscose Bandage, Knitted ............................................................................................... 4 High Compression Bandage (Extensible) ............................................................................................... 5 Multi-layer Compression Bandaging ....................................................................................................... 6 Open-Wove Bandage, Type 1 BP 1988 ................................................................................................ 10 Plaster of Paris Bandage BP 1988 ........................................................................................................ 10 Polyamide and Cellulose Contour Bandage.......................................................................................... 10 Polyamide and Cellulose Contour Bandage BP 1988 ........................................................................... 10 Polyamide and Cellulose Contour Bandage Knitted ............................................................................. 11 Short Stretch Compression Bandage .................................................................................................... 11 Sub-Compression Wadding Bandage ................................................................................................... 12 Suspensory Bandage, Cotton ............................................................................................................... 12 Triangular Calico Bandage BP .............................................................................................................. 12 Tubular Cotton Surgical Stockinette Lightweight BP (Seamless) ......................................................... 13 Two-Layer Cohesive Compression Systems ........................................................................................ 13 Zinc Paste Bandages ............................................................................................................................ 13 February 2015 1 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Conforming Bandage (Synthetic) Hospiform 6cm x 4m (stretched) 8cm x 4m 10cm x 4m 12cm x 4m 0.13 0.17 0.19 0.23 5cm x 3.5m 7.5cm x 3.5m 10cm x 3.5m 15cm x 3.5m 0.68 0.83 1.02 1.39 5cm 7.5cm 10cm 15cm 5cm 7.5cm 10cm 15cm 0.45 0.62 0.81 1.18 0.44 0.62 0.80 1.17 7.5cm 10cm 3.07 3.94 Hospilite 5cm 7.5cm 10cm 15cm 0.36 0.50 0.61 0.89 Neosport 5cm 7.5cm 10cm 15cm 0.54 0.73 0.91 1.12 Setocrepe *10cm 1.18 Soffcrepe 5cm 7.5cm 10cm 15cm 0.69 0.97 1.23 1.79 Cotton Conforming Bandage BP 1988 Type A Easifix Crinx Cotton Crêpe Bandage Hospicrepe 229 Hospicrepe 239 Cotton Crêpe Bandage BP 1988 Cotton, Polyamide and Elastane Bandage * see also Multi-layer Compression Bandaging February 2015 2 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Cotton Stretch Bandage BP 1988 Hospicrepe 233 5cm 7.5cm 10cm 15cm 0.52 0.72 0.96 1.36 PremierBand 5cm 7.5cm 10cm 15cm 0.45 0.63 0.79 1.18 5cm 7.5cm 10cm 15cm 0.96 1.35 1.77 2.56 5cm 7.5cm 10cm 3.61 5.23 6.95 Crêpe Bandage BP 1988 Elastic Adhesive Bandage BP 1993 (Syn: Zinc Oxide Elastic Adhesive Bandage) Where no size is stated by the prescriber, the 7.5cm size should be supplied February 2015 3 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Elastomer and Viscose Bandage, Knitted BS compression type 2, for light support CliniLite 5cm 7.5cm 10cm 15cm 0.44 0.61 0.80 1.16 5cm x 4.5m 7cm x 4.5m *10cm x 4.5m 15cm x 4.5m 0.55 0.76 0.99 1.44 *10cm x 5.25m 1.14 5cm 7cm 10cm 15cm 0.36 0.51 0.66 0.96 10cm x 8.7m 1.80 8m stretched 10cm x 6m 15cm x 6m *10cm x 8m 2.57 2.76 3.29 Elset S 12m stretched 15cm x 12m 5.52 K-Plus 8.7m stretched *10cm x 8.7m 2.26 *10cm x 10.25m 2.61 10cm x 8.6m 2.19 K-Lite 4.5m stretched K-Lite Long 5.25m stretched Knit-Firm BS compression type 3a, for light compression CliniPlus Elset 6m stretched K-Plus Long 10.25m stretched L3 8.6m stretched February 2015 4 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages High Compression Bandage (Extensible) K-ThreeC SurePress *10cm x 3m (unstretched) 10cm x 3m (unstretched) Specification No 52 P.E.C. High Compression Bandage (Syn: Polyamide, Elastane, and Cotton compression (High) Extensible Bandage; "PECCHE" Bandage) Setopress 10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) 2.81 3.61 3.50 V.E.C. High Compression Bandage (Syn: Viscose, Elastane and Cotton Compression (High) Extensible Bandage; "VECCHE" Bandage) Tensopress 7.5cm x 3m (unstretched) 2.67 *10cm x 3m (unstretched) 3.43 * see also Multi-layer Compresson Bandaging Performance The table below gives approximate sub-bandage pressures at the ankle according to the size of its circumference, including any sub-bandage dressings or padding. These are obtained when applied at the constant extension shown and in accordance with the technique indicated by the manufacturer: Application Technique Wound spirally with 50% overlap Bandage Extension Ankle Circumference 10% Less than 18-26cm 27-35cm 36-50cm 18 cm Approx. P.E.C 70% Not 38-27mmHg 26-20mmHg Applicable 100% Not 50-35mmHg 34-27mmHg 26Applicable 19mmHg SubV.E.C 50% Not 36-25mmHg 24-18mmHg Bandage Applicable Pressure 75% Not 50-37mmHg 37-28mmHg 28Applicable 19mmHg Labelling 1. The Drug Tariff title. 2. The label on the package states the nominal lay flat width. 3. Washing instructions in accordance with method for handwashing at 400 as defined in BS 2747. February 2015 5 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Multi-layer Compression Bandaging 3M Health Care Ltd Coban 2 - multi-layer compression bandage kit Coban 2 Lite – multi-layer compression bandage kit Coban Self-Adherent Bandage one size one size 10cm x 6m (stretched) 8.24 8.24 2.93 18-25cm 25-32cm 7.95 8.95 10cm x 3.5m 10cm x 6m 4.30 3.95 5cm x 2.75m 7.5cm x 2.75m 10cm x 2.75m 15cm x 2.75m 0.31 0.37 0.46 0.60 10cm x 2.5m 12cm x 2.5m 15cm x 2.5m 5.15 6.30 7.95 Activa Healthcare Actico 2C – multi-layer compression bandage kit Actico 2C Kits contain a combination of the following components: Actico 2C Comfort layer 1 Actico 2C Compression layer 2 Cellona Undercast Padding Rosidal Soft Aspen Medical Europe CoFlex NL cohesive self-adherent bandage (latex free) 10cm x 4.5m (stretched) 10cm x 5.9m (stretched) 1.92 2.49 CoFlex TLC – 2 layer compression bandage kit with malodour control (latex free) CoFlex TLC Lite – 2 layer compression bandage kit with malodour control (latex free) CoFlex TLC-XL – 2 layer compression bandage kit with malodour control (latex free) One size 7.20 One size 7.20 One size 8.45 CoFlex UBZ – 2 layer compression bandage kit with zinc (latex free) 7.5cm 5.25 10cm 6.35 February 2015 6 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Multi-layer Compression Bandaging (cont) BSN Medical Ltd Jobst Comprifore-multi-layer compression bandage kit 18-25cm Jobst Comprifore kits contain a combination of the following components: Jobst Comprifore #1 10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) Jobst Comprifore #2 10cm x 4.5m (stretched) Jobst Comprifore #3 10cm x 8.7m (stretched) Jobst Comprifore #4 10cm x 2.5m (unstretched) 6.74 0.43 0.93 2.13 2.65 Jobst Comprifore Latex-free-multi-layer compression 18-25cm bandage kit Jobst Comprifore Latex-free kits contain a combination of the following components: Jobst Comprifore #1 Latex-free 10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) Jobst Comprifore #2 Latex-free 10cm x 4.5m (stretched) Jobst Comprifore #3 Latex-free 10cm x 8.7m (stretched) Jobst Comprifore #4 Latex-free 10cm x 2.5m (unstretched) 7.10 Jobst Comprifore Lite-multi-layer compression bandage 18-25cm kit Jobst Comprifore Lite kits contain a combination of the following components: Jobst Comprifore #1 10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) Jobst Comprifore #2 10cm x 4.5m (stretched) Jobst Comprifore #4 10cm x 2.5m (unstretched) 4.41 Jobst Comprifore Lite Latex-free-multi-layer 18-25cm compression bandage kit Jobst Comprifore Lite Latex-free kits contain a combination of the following components: Jobst Comprifore #1 Latex-free 10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) Jobst Comprifore #2 Latex-free 10cm x 4.5m (stretched) Jobst Comprifore #4 Latex-free 10cm x 2.5m (unstretched) 4.75 Velband Absorbent Padding Bandage 10cm x 4.5m 0.72 10cm x 3m 0.56 18-25cm 18-25cm 25-32cm 6.99 6.99 7.99 10cm x 3m 10cm x 5m 10cm x 5m 10cm x 5m 10cm x 6m 4.20 3.95 3.95 4.80 4.50 ConvaTec Limited Surepress Absorbent Padding H & R HealthcareLtd Hero H-2 - multi-layer compression bandage kit Hero H-2 Lite - multi-layer compression bandage kit Hero H-2 XL - multi-layer compression bandage kit Hero H-2 kits contain a combination of the following components: Hero H-2 layer 1 Hero H-2 layer 2 Hero H-2 Lite layer 2 Hero H-2 XL layer 1 Hero H-2 XL layer 2 February 2015 7 0.43 0.93 2.22 2.77 0.43 0.93 2.65 0.43 0.93 2.77 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Multi-layer Compression Bandaging (cont) Molnlycke System 4 - Multi-layer Compression Bandage Kit 18-25cm 7.72 System 4 Kits contain a combination of the following components: Softexe (layer #1) 10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) Setocrepe (layer #2) 10cm x 4.5m (unstretched) Elset (layer #3) 10cm x 8m (stretched) Meban Self-Adherent Bandage (layer #4) 10cm x 6m (stretched) 0.62 1.18 3.29 2.76 Robinson Healthcare (Ultra Four non-latex bandages) Ultra Four -Multi-layer Compression Bandage Kit Up to 18cm 18-25cm 18-25cm 6.41 5.67 4.14 Ultra Four Kits contain a combination of the following components: Ultra Soft Wadding Bandage (layer #1) 10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) Ultra Lite (layer #2) 10cm x 4.5m(stretched) Ultra Plus (layer #3) 10cm x 8.7m(stretched) Ultra Fast Cohesive Bandage (layer #4) 10cm x 6.3m stretched) 0.39 0.85 1.89 2.59 Ultra Four RC -Multi-layer Compression Bandage Kit Smith & Nephew Healthcare Ltd Profore Multi-layer Compression Bandage Kit Up to 18cm 18 - 25cm 25 – 30cm Above 30cm Above 18cm 10.11 9.42 7.82 11.71 5.44 Profore kits contain a combination of the following components: Profore Wound Contact Layer 14cm x 20cm Profore #1 10cm 3.5m (unstretched) Profore #2 10cm x 4.5m (stretched) Profore #3 10cm x 8.7m (stretched) Profore #4 10cm x 2.5m (unstretched) Profore + 10cm x 3m (unstretched) 0.32 0.70 1.34 3.90 3.23 3.66 Profore Lite Multi-layer Compression Bandage Kit Profore Latex-free Multi-layer Compression Bandage Kit Profore Lite Latex-free Multi-layer Compression Bandage Kit 18 - 25cm 10.07 Above 18cm 5.91 Profore Latex Free kits contain a combination of the following components: Profore #1 Latex-Free 10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) Profore #2 Latex-Free 10cm x 4.5m (stretched) Profore #3 Latex-Free 10cm x 8.7m (stretched) Profore #4 Latex-Free 10cm x 2.5m(unstretched) Profore + Latex-Free 10cm x 3m (unstretched) 0.76 1.42 4.24 3.51 3.90 February 2015 8 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Multi-layer Compression Bandaging (cont) Urgo Ltd K-Four - Multi-layer Compression Bandage Kit Less than 18cm 18-25cm 25cm-30cm Greater than30cm 18cm + K-Four - reduced compression – multi layer compression bandage kit. K-Four Kits contain a combination of the following components: K-Soft Layer #1 (Listed on page 11) 10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) K-Lite Layer #2 (Listed on page 4) 10cm x 4.5m (stretched) K-Plus Layer #3 (Listed on page 4) 10cm x 8.7m (stretched) Ko-Flex Layer #4 10cm x 6m (stretched) K-ThreeC 10cm x 3m (unstretched) Please note the following components are only available individually & not as part of a kit: K-Soft Long Layer #1 (Listed on page 11) 10cm x 4.5m (unstretched) K-Lite Long Layer #2 (Listed on page 4) 10cm x 5.25m (stretched) K-Plus Long Layer #3 (Listed on page 4) 10cm x 10.25m(stretched) Ko-Flex Long Layer #4 10cm x 7m (stretched) 7.11 6.80 6.80 9.36 4.45 0.45 0.99 2.26 3.00 2.81 0.56 1.14 2.61 3.43 K Two – multi-layer compression bandage kit 0 (short) 18-25cm (8cm) 18-25cm (10cm) 18-25cm (12cm) 25-32cm (8cm) 25-32cm (10cm) 25-32cm (12cm) 6.79 7.60 8.05 10.15 8.26 8.80 11.10 K Two Latex Free – multi-layer compression bandage kit 18-25cm (10cm) 25-32cm (10cm) 8.55 9.34 K Two Reduced – multi-layer compression bandage kit 18-25cm 25cm -32cm 8.05 8.80 K Two Reduced Latex Free – multi-layer compression bandage kit 18-25cm (10cm) 25-32cm (10cm) 8.55 9.34 K Tech (layer #1) size 0 (short) 10cm x 5m size 18-25cm (8cm) 8cm x 6m size 18-25cm (10cm) 10cm x 6m size 18-25cm (12cm) 12cm x 6m size 25-32cm (8cm) 8cm x7.3m size 25-32cm (10cm) 10cm x7.3m size 25-32cm (12cm) 12cm x7.3m 3.90 4.42 4.68 5.91 4.82 5.11 6.45 K Tech Reduced (layer #1) size 18-25cm(10cm) 10cm x 6cm size 25-32cm (10cm) 10cm x 7.3m 4.68 5.11 size 0 (short) 10cm x 6.5m size 18-25cm (8cm) 8cm x 7.5m size 18-25cm (10cm) 10cm x 7.5m size 18-25cm (12cm) 12cm x 7.5m size 25-32cm (8cm) 8cm x 10.5m size 25-32cm (10cm) 10cm x 10.5m size 25-32cm (12cm) 12cm x 10.5m 2.89 3.18 3.37 4.25 3.46 3.69 4.65 K Press (layer #2) February 2015 9 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Open-Wove Bandage, Type 1 BP 1988 (Syn: White open-wove bandage) 2.5cm x 5m 5cm x 5m 7.5cm x 5m 10cm x 5m 0.33 0.56 0.78 1.02 7.5cm x 2.7m 10cm x 2.7m 1.70 2.24 2.5cm x 4m 4cm x 4m 6cm x 4m 8cm x 4m 10cm x 4m 12cm x 4m 0.72 0.47 0.55 0.66 0.76 0.89 5cm x 4m 7.5cm x 4m 10cm x 4m 15cm x 4m 0.12 0.14 0.17 0.25 Plaster of Paris Bandage BP 1988 Gypsona Polyamide and Cellulose Contour Bandage Peha-haft (Cohesive/Latex Free) PremierBand Polyamide and Cellulose Contour Bandage BP 1988 length 4m stretched Size Acti-Wrap (Cohesive/Latex Free 4cm 5cm 6cm 0.46 7.5cm 8cm 0.68 10cm 0.80 15cm - February 2015 Easifix 0.35 0.42 0.50 0.85 Basic Price each Kontour Mollelast 0.28 0.35 0.40 0.66 10 0.30 - Slinky Stayform 0.59 0.71 1.02 0.29 0.36 0.40 0.68 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Polyamide and Cellulose Contour Bandage Knitted Easifix K For dressing retention – Length 4m stretched 2.5cm 5cm 7.5cm 10cm 15cm 0.10 0.11 0.16 0.18 0.32 K-Band For dressing retention – Length 4m stretched 5cm 7cm 10cm 15cm 0.20 0.26 0.28 0.49 Knit-Band For dressing retention – Length 4m stretched 5cm 7cm 10cm 15cm 0.10 0.15 0.17 0.30 Knit Fix For dressing retention – Length 4m stretched 5cm 7cm 10cm 15cm 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.33 4cm x 6m 6cm x 6m 8cm x 6m 10cm x 6m 12cm x 6m 2.38 2.79 3.21 3.33 4.24 Comprilan 6cm x 5m 8cm x 5m 10cm x 5m 12cm x 5m 2.66 3.12 3.36 4.09 Rosidal K 6cm x 5m 8cm x 5m 10cm x 5m 10cm x 10m 12cm x 5m 2.61 3.12 3.41 5.93 4.13 Short Stretch Compression Bandage Indications: Venous leg ulcers and lymphoedema Actico (Cohesive) February 2015 11 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Sub-Compression Wadding Bandage Cellona Undercast Padding *5cm x 2.75m (unstretched) *7.5cm x 2.75m (unstretched) *10cm x 2.75m (unstretched) *15cm x 2.75m (unstretched) 0.31 0.37 0.46 0.60 10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) 0.50 K-Soft *10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) 0.45 K-Soft Long *10cm x 4.5m (unstretched) 0.56 10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) 0.37 Profore #1 (100% Natural Fleece) *10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) 0.70 Softexe *10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) 0.62 *10cm x 3m 0.56 *10cm x 3.5m (unstretched) 0.39 *10cm x 4.5m(unstretched) 0.72 Small Medium Large Ex Large Small Medium Large Ex Large Small Medium Large Ex Large 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.79 1.87 1.93 2.00 2.08 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.09 90cm (sides) x 127cm (base) 1.23 Flexi-Ban Ortho-Band Plus SurePress Absorbent Padding Ultra Soft Wadding Bandage Velband Absorbent Padding Bandage * see also Multi-layer Compresson Bandaging Suspensory Bandage, Cotton NOTE: Type supplied to be endorsed Type 1 Cotton net bag with tapes and webbing waistband (each in a carton or envelope) Type 2 Cotton net bag with elastic edge and webbing waistband (each in a carton or envelope). Type 3 Cotton net bag with elastic edge and webbing waistband with insertion of elastic centre-front (each in a carton or envelope). Triangular Calico Bandage BP (Individually wrapped) February 2015 12 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages Tubular Cotton Surgical Stockinette Lightweight BP (Seamless) Tubegauz (20 metres) 1.5cm Size 01 3.55 2.6-2.8cm Size 12 4.60 3.6cm Size 34 6.75 6.7cm Size 56 9.35 7.7cm Size 78 10.75 9.8cm Size T1 14.75 15.8cm Size T2 19.00 NB To be supplied on stock orders only. Applicators for the above are not included in the list of appliances. Two-Layer Cohesive Compression Systems Indications : Lymphoedema 3M Health Care Ltd Coban 2 Comfort Foam Layer (layer #1) Coban 2 Compression Layer (layer #2) Coban 2 Lite Comfort Foam Layer (layer #1) Coban 2 Lite Compression Layer (layer #2) 5cm x 1.2m 10cm x 3.5m 15cm x 3.5m 20cm x 3.5m 5cm x 2.7m 10cm x 4.5m 15cm x 4.5m 7.5cm x 2.7m 10cm x 2.7m 15cm x 2.7m 2.5cm x 3.5m 7.5cm x 3.3m 10cm x 3.5m 15cm x 3.5m 2.86 7.45 11.32 13.26 1.43 4.79 7.14 4.69 5.81 8.77 2.24 3.57 4.59 6.22 Zinc Paste Bandages To be supplied enclosed in sealed packages, which prevent the passage of moisture, as received from the manufacturer or wholesaler. Zinc Paste (10%) Bandage BP 1993 Viscopaste PB7 (10%) 7.5cm x 6m 3.63 Zinc Paste (6%) and Ichthammol (2%) Bandage BP 1993 Ichthopaste (6/2%) February 2015 13 7.5cm x 6m 3.67 Part III (b) Appliances - Bandages PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK February 2015 14
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