08:00am - 08:45am 08:45am - 09:00am 09:00am - 09:30am 09:30am - 10:00am 10:00am - 10:30am 10:30am - 11:00am 11:00am - 11:30am 11:30am - 12:30pm Continental Breakfast and Registration Welcome and announcement of the EECS Distinguished Alumni awardees Profs. Tsu-Jae King Liu and Michael Franklin Computational Illumination for 3D Phase Microscopy - Professor Laura Waller Making Visual Data a First-Class Citizen - Professor Alexei Efros Pipelines for Machine Learning at Scale - Professor Benjamin Recht Interaction Breakthroughs in Wrangling Data - Professor Joe Hellerstein Break Hot Topics at EECS Research Centers - Graduate Student Presentations Graduate student researchers from across the EECS research centers will share their work with a rapid fire sequence of fun, 5 minute presentations. • Personalized Modeling for Human-Robot Collaboration - Aaron Bestick, Tele-Immersion Lab • Video Digests: A Browsable, Skimmable Format for Informational Lecture Videos - Amy Pavel, VCL (Visual Computing Lab) and BiD (Berkeley Institute of Design) • 3D Printing Interactive Devices - Andrew Head, BiD (Berkeley Institute of Design) and CITRIS Invention Lab • Learning by Observation for Surgical Subtasks: Multilateral Cutting of 3D Viscoelastic and 2D Orthotropic Tissue Phantoms - Animesh Garg, Cal-MR (Center for Automation and Learning for Medical Robots) • Correctness and Control in Human Cyber-Physical Systems - Dorsa Sadigh, CHESS (Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems) • Tachyon - A Reliable Memory Centric Distributed Storage System - Haoyuan Li, AMP Lab (Algorithms, Machines, and People Laboratory) • PILOT: An Actor-Oriented Learning and Optimization Toolkit for the Swarm - Ilge Akkaya, TerraSwarm • Babump — Health Data for Employers - Lark Buckingham, BCNM (Berkeley Center for New Media) • QUASAR: A high performance time-series database - Michael Andersen, SDB (Software Defined Buildings) • Advancing Towards Energy-efficient and Sustainable Buildings - Ruoxi Jia, CREST (Center for Research in Energy Systems Transformation) • Collective Assessment and Feedback Engine (CAFE): Machine Learning For Constructive Democratic Discourse - Sanjay Krishnan, CITRIS (Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society) • PHLOGON: Computing with Phase Logic - Tianshi Wang, DOP Center (Donald O. Pederson Center For Electronic Design Systems) • How Governments Hack Their Opponents- William R. Marczak, ICSI (International Computer Science Institute) • RISC-V: A Free, Open, Extensible ISA for the Heterogenous Future - Yunsup Lee, ASPIRE (Algorithms and Specializers for Provably Optimal Implementations with Resilience and Efficiency) Sponsored by EECS (Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences), UC Berkeley Algorithms, Machines and People Lab 465 Soda Hall Algorithms and Specializers for Provablyoptimal Implementations with Resiliency and Efficiency 565 Soda Hall Berkeley Center for New Media 426 Sutardja Dai Hall Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center 403 Cory Hall Posters & lunch eating area - Rm. 400 Berkeley Wireless Research Center 490 Cory Hall Center for Evidence-based Security Research (Joined with ICSI) 1947 Center Street Suite 600 (between Milvia and MLK Center for Automation and Learning for Medical Robots 1169 Etcheverry Hall Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems 545 Cory Hall Center for Neural Engineering and Prostheses 490 Cory Hall Center for Research in Energy Systems Transformation 406 Cory Hall Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Center 545 Cory Hall International Computer Science Institute 1947 Center Street, Suite 600 Software Defined Buildings 410 Soda Hall SWARMLab 490 Cory Hall Tele-Immersion 133 Sutardja Dai Hall TerraSwarm 545 Cory Hall Visual Computing Lab 510 Soda Hall Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society CITRIS Tech Museum, 3rd Floor, Sutardja Dai Hall Invention Lab: Invention Lab Tours 1st Floor, Sutardja Dai hall 03:30pm - 05:00pm RISC-1 Dedication Ceremony - 3rd floor, Soda Hall Sponsored by EECS (Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences), UC Berkeley Laura Waller, Professor, EECS UC Berkeley. Prof. Waller heads the Computational Imaging Lab, which develops new methods for optical imaging, with optics and computational algorithms designed simultaneously. The specific focus is on measuring and controlling wave effects (such as phase, coherence or nonlinearity) in microscopes and cameras. Laura was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Electrical Engineering and Lecturer of Physics at Princeton University from 2010-2012 and received B.S., M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2004, 2005, and 2010, respectively. She is a Baker Fellow, Moore Foundation Data-Driven Investigator and NSF CAREER Awardee. Alexei (Alyosha) Efros, Professor, EECS UC Berkeley. Prof. Efros joined UC Berkeley in 2013 as associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Prior to that, he was nine years on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University, and has also been affiliated with École Normale Supérieure/INRIA and University of Oxford. His research is in the area of computer vision and computer graphics, especially at the intersection of the two. He is particularly interested in using data-driven techniques to tackle problems which are very hard to model parametrically but where large quantities of data are readily available. Alyosha received his PhD in 2003 from UC Berkeley. He is a recipient of CVPR Best Paper Award (2006), NSF CAREER award (2006), Sloan Fellowship (2008), Guggenheim Fellowship (2008), Okawa Grant (2008), Finmeccanica Career Development Chair (2010), SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award (2010), ECCV Best Paper Honorable Mention (2010), and the Helmholtz Test-of-Time Prize (2013). Benjamin Recht , Professor, EECS and the Department of Statistics at the UC Berkeley. Ben was previously an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ben received his B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Chicago, and received a M.S. and Ph.D. from the MIT Media Laboratory. After completing his doctoral work, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Center for the Mathematics of Information at Caltech. He is the recipient of an NSF Career Award, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, and the 2012 SIAM/MOS Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization. Joseph M. Hellerstein, Professor, EECS UC Berkeley. Prof. Hellerstein’s work focuses on data-centric systems and the way they drive computing. He is an ACM Fellow, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow and the recipient of two ACM-SIGMOD "Test of Time" awards for his research. In 2010, Fortune Magazine included him in their list of 50 smartest people in technology , and MIT's Technology Review magazine included his work on Distributed Programming on their 2010 TR10 list of the 10 technologies "most likely to change our world". Key ideas from his research have been incorporated into commercial and open-source software from IBM, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. He is a past director of Intel Research Berkeley, and currently serves on the technical advisory boards of a number of computing and Internet companies. Sponsored by EECS (Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences), UC Berkeley Tsu-Jae King Liu, Professor and Chair of EECS UC Berkeley. Prof. King Liu received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1984, 1986 and 1994, respectively. She joined the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center as a Member of Research Staff in 1992, to research and develop high-performance thin-film transistor technologies for flat-panel display and imaging applications. In 1996 she joined the faculty of the University of California, at Berkeley, where she is now the Conexant Systems Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) Department. From 2000 to 2004 and from 2006 to 2008, she served as the Faculty Director of the UC Berkeley Microfabrication Laboratory. From July 2004 through June 2006 she was Senior Director of Engineering in the Advanced Technology Group of Synopsys, Inc. (Mountain View, CA). From 2008 through 2012, Professor Liu was the Associate Dean for Research in the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley. She also served as Faculty Director of the UC Berkeley Marvell Nanofabrication Laboratory in 2012. Since 2012 she has been serving as Chair of the Electrical Engineering Division in the EECS Department. Michael Franklin, Professor and Associate Chair of EECS UC Berkeley. Prof. Franklin holds the Thomas M. Siebel Chair in Computer Science at UC Berkeley, specializing in large-scale data management infrastructure and applications (these days called "Big Data"). He works primarily in the Database (DB) and Operating Systems and Networking Technology (OSNT) areas. He is currently Director of the Algorithms, Machines and People Lab (AMPLab) - an industry and government-supported collaboration of students, postdocs, and faculty who specialize in data management, cloud computing, statistical machine learning and other important topics necessary for making sense of vast amounts of varied and unruly data. He is also a founder and was the CTO of Truviso, a high-performance analytics software company in Foster City, CA, which was acquired by Cisco (CSCO) in Spring 2012. He was named ACM Fellow in 2005. He won the ACM Service Award in 2002 and the Okawa Foundation Research Grant, as well as the Siemens Faculty Development Grant in 2000. In 1995, he won the National Science Foundation CAREER Award. He completed the B.S. in Computer and Information Science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1983; the M.S.E. at the Wang Institute of Graduate Studies in 1986, and his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1993. Maneesh Agrawala, Professor, EECS UC Berkeley. Prof. Agrawala works on visualization, computer graphics and human computer interaction. His focus is on investigating how cognitive design principles can be used to improve the effectiveness of visual displays. The goals of this work are to discover the design principles and then instantiate them in both interactive and automated design tools. He received an Okawa Foundation Research Grant in 2006, an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship and an NSF CAREER Award in 2007, a SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award in 2008, and a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship in 2009. He was chosen to attend the National Academy of Engineering's Frontiers of Engineering Symposium in 2011. Sponsored by EECS (Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences), UC Berkeley ICSI/CESR 1947 Center Street, Suite 600 Downtown Berkeley CAL-MR 1169 Etcheverry Hall Visual Computing Lab 510 Soda Hall Tele-Immersion 133 Sutardja Dai Hall CITRIS Tech Museum, 3rd Floor Invention Lab 141/143 Sutardja Dai Hall BCNM 426 Sutardja Dai Hall Sutardja Dai Hall Etcheverry Hall Software-Defined Buildings 410 Soda Hall ASPIRE 565 Soda Hall AMP Lab 465 Soda Hall Lunch Eating Area: Wozniak Lounge, 4th floor Soda Hall TerraSwarm 545 Cory Hall SWARM Lab 490 Cory Hall CREST 406 Cory Hall CHESS, iCYPHY 545 Cory Hall BWRC/Center for Neural Engineering and Prostheses 490 Cory Hall BSAC 403 Cory Hall Lunch Eating Area: Ti Lounge, 2nd floor Open House: 12:45-3:00pm Cory Hall Lunches will be distributed at the end of the morning session in the Garbarini Lounge (adjacent to Sibley Auditorium). Escorts will be on hand to guide you back to Cory, Soda and Sutardja Dai Hall. Lunch Pick-up 12:30pm: Garbarini Lounge (outside of Sibley Auditorium) Sibley Auditorium Bechtel Engineering Building BEARS 2015 Lunch Pick-Up & Research Center Open House Locations
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