ABOUT THE INSTITUTE Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), is one of the thirty National Institutes of Technology in India. The Institute campus is spread over 100 hectares of land on the Surat-Dumas Road. Associate Professor and eight Assistant Professors. The Department is comprehended for its Interdisciplinary research covering Materials Science, Biomaterials, Nanomaterials, Solution Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Catalysis, Polymers, Chemosensors, Waste Water treatment, Inorganic chemistry and Physical chemistry. The Department is credited with various research funding agencies like DST, CSIR, SERB, GUJCOST, etc. ABOUT THE STTP TEQIP- II SPONSORED SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAMME on Advanced Analytical Techniques for Materials Characterization (AATMC-2015) Applied Chemistry Department, established in 1961–62, is a dynamic multidisciplinary centre in all fields of Chemical Sciences. The Department offers Five Years Integrated M.Sc. and Ph.D. programme. The Department has nine qualified and dedicated faculty members consisting of one An escalating interest in interdisciplinary studies has increased the demand of this type of training program. The proposed STTP will provide the faculties and students of the technical institutes with the state of the art developments in Advance Analytical Techniques for Materials Characterization. This workshop aims to organize expert lectures covering the following topics: Microscopic Techniques (TEM and SEM) spectroscopic techniques (FT-IR, NMR, UVVis, Mass, Fluorescence etc.) Classical Diffraction, Thermal Techniques (TGA, DTA, DSC), Scattering Techniques (SANS, DLS) Further, the STTP will offer a forum among the experts from academic institutes/industry and the participants, which will facilitate mutual cooperation for knowledge sharing and research applications in the field of Materials Science & its Technological Applications. The resource persons for the program shall include faculty from host institute, various prestigious institutes as well as experts from industries. Applied Chemistry Department Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT) Surat – 395007, Gujarat , India. AATMC-2015 AATMC-2015 AATMC-2015 The Institute was established in 1961 in Gujarat State as a Regional Engineering College (REC). The same became National Institute of Technology (NIT) in, 2002. At present, the Institute is offering 6 UG and 17 PG programmes in technology. With an objective to impart high quality technical education to meet the global needs in the present competitive world, special attention is being given to interdisciplinary researches. All departments are well furnished with research facilities. ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT rd th 23 - 27 February 2015 Organized by ABOUT SURAT CITY REGISTRATION FEES Surat, historically known as Suryapur, is a port city situated on the banks of the Tapti river. Surat is awarded "Best City" by the Annual Survey of India's City-Systems (ASICS) in 2013. This beautiful city is well known for Textiles, Zari and Diamonds with several large scale industrial units. The institute is well connected through rail (about ~10 km) and air (about ~7 km) . The Registration fee for the participants is Academic/Industry delegate : Rs. 500/ PG/Research Students : Rs. 250/The payment may be made by Cash/ Demand Draft drawn in favor of “Director, SVNIT Surat” payable at Surat. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chief Patron : Dr. P. D. Porey, Director, SVNIT Convenor : Dr. G. J. Joshi, Head, ACD, SVNIT Dr. Kalpana Maheria, Faculty In-charge, ACD, SVNIT Coordinators: Dr. Bharat Dholakiya, Asst. Professor, ACD,SVNIT Dr. Premlata Kumari, Asst. Professor, ACD, SVNIT Dr. Ketan Kuperkar, Asst. Professor, ACD, SVNIT Members : Dr. Smita Jauhari, Asso. Professor, ACD, SVNIT Dr. Suban K Sahoo, Asst. Professor, ACD, SVNIT Dr. K Suresh Kumar, Asst. Professor, ACD, SVNIT Dr. Rajender Kumar, Asst. Professor, ACD, SVNIT IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Last date for Registration is 15/02/2015 till 5:30 p.m. Registration form filled completely will only be accepted. Maximum participants will be 40. Registration fee includes participation in the Training, Course material kit with tea-coffee and working lunch. ACCOMMODATION REGISTRATION FORM TEQIP- II SPONSORED SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAMME on Advanced Analytical Techniques for Materials Characterization (AATMC-2015) 23rd - 27th February 2015 Full Name: ___________________________________ (In Block Letters) Designation: __________________________________ Department: __________________________________ Institution: ___________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Free accommodation for outside participants will be provided on the prior information in the Institute hostel guest house (Narmad Bhavan) , SVNIT. ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE ______________________________________________ Phone No (M) : ________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________ Dr. Bharat Z. Dholakiya (M) : 9428949595 accommodation Required: Yes / No ______________ Dr. PremlataKumari (M) : 9904003863 Bank Name: ___________________________________ Dr. Ketan C. Kuperkar (M) : 9998651458 Applied Chemistry Department Sardar Vallabhbhai National institute of Technology (SVNIT) , Surat email: aatmc2015@gmail.com DD No. ________________ Amount: _____________ Date: ______________ Signature of the Candidate: _________________ Signature of the Head of the Department/ Institute _______________ Selected Participants will be informed by e-mail on 16/02/2015. AATMC-2015 AATMC-2015 AATMC-2015
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