I.J.A.B.R, VOL. 5(1) 2015: 58-61 ISSN 2250 – 3579 STUDIES ON THE TOTAL AND DIFFERENTIAL HAEMOCYTE COUNT IN SOME BREEDS OF SILKWORM, (Bombyx mori L.) a Nisar A. Ganie, bAfifa S. Kamili, aBaqual, M.F., aSharma, R.K., aDar, K.A. & Masarat Bashir aTemperate Sericulture Research Institute, S.K. University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar, Srinagar, J&K, 190 025 (India) bDirectorate of Extension, S.K. University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar, Srinagar, J&K, 190 025 (India) ABSTRACT In the present study haemocytes isolated from the larval haemolymph of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. were classified into five types viz., prohaemocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes, spherulocytes, and oenocytoids. Micrometric measurements revealed that prohaemocyte was the smallest cell type observed while plasmatocytes were amongst the most polymorphic and prominent types. Multivoltine breeds registered significantly maximum haemocyte count during both the seasons and Nistari recorded the maximum THC value of 10550 cells mm-3 of haemolymph during spring and 11600 cells mm-3 of haemolymph during summer season. Among the bivoltine breeds, SKUAST-28 with a THC value of 9500 cells mm-3 of haemolymph during spring and 9150 cells mm-3 of haemolymph during summer season was found to be a better breed. During summer, multivoltine breeds were found to register comparatively higher cell counts, while the trend was reverse in case of bivoltine breeds. KEY WORDS: Bombyx mori, Haemocytes, Prohaemocytes, Spherulocyte, Granulocyte of haemocytes (Lavine and Strand, 2002). The total and differential haemocyte count may indicate the susceptibility status of the insect but since no such information is available with respect to breeds reared in temperate climatic conditions of Jammu and Kashmir, therefore, the need for the present study was felt. INTRODUCTION Insects have an open blood system with the blood occupying the general body cavity known as the ‘haemocoel’. This blood or haemolymph of insects consists of liquid plasma and numerous blood cells or haemocytes (Pandey and Tiwari, 2012).The haemocytes of insects comprise of several types of mesodermal cells which circulate within the haemolymph and sometimes attach loosely to other tissues (Kerenhap et al., 2005). There are three well defined types of haemocytes in most of the insects namely prohaemocytes, plasmatocytes and granulocytes and one or more of other types in some insects which include coagulocytes, spherulocytes, adipocytes and oenocytoids (Al-Robai et al., 2002). Balavenkatasubbaiah et al. (2001) studied the haemocytes in adult, Bombyx mori L. and classified its blood cells into six types viz., prohaemocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes, spherulocytes, imaginal spherulocytes and oenocytes. Zahedi (1993) identified three basic types of haemocytes namely plasmatocytes, cystocytes and prohaemocytes in Armigeres subalbatus. Haemocytes are very vital components of insect immune system. Insects show defense response through cellular and humoral components (Gupta, 1986). Humoral reactions involve slow synthesis of anti-bacterial and anti-viral principles and require several hours for full expression. Cellular responses are direct interactions between circulatory haemocytes and invading non-self material. The interaction is immediate and includes phagocytosis, nodule formation and encapsulation. Synthesis and transport of nutrients and hormones for proper growth and wound healing are the other important functions MATERIALS & METHODS Different bivoltine breeds of the silkworm viz., NB4D2, SH6, SKAU-R-6 and SKUAST-28 and multivoltine breeds viz., Pure Mysore and Nistari were used in the present study. The stock breeds were received from the Germplasm bank of TSRI, Mirgund and CSGRC, Hosur, Tamil Nadu. Rearing of all these breeds was carried out as per the standard package of practices (Raja, 2000). The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized block design with four replications for each treatment. Each replication comprised of 200 silkworms of uniform age and size. Haemolymph was obtained by puncturing the abdominal legs with sterilized needle/blade. The haemolymph thus bled was collected in pre-cooled tubes containing a few crystals of phenyl thiourea @ 1mg/sample. Phenyl thiourea was used to avoid the activity of prophenol oxidase followed by melanization of the haemolymph samples (Takeda et al., 1996). The samples were stored at -20oC till further use. The total and differential haemocyte counts were estimated using haemocytometer following standard procedure (Jalali and Salehi,2008). Total haemocyte counts (THC) were determined mL-1 of haemolymph and THC per mm3 was estimated according to the formula suggested by Jalali and Salehi (2008). 58 Total and differential haemocyte count in some breeds of silkworm Haemocytes in five 1mm2 squares x Dilution x depth factor of the chamber Number of squares counted Where, Dilution = 20 times Depth factor of the chamber = 10 (constant) Number of squares counted = 05 cells mm-3 of haemolymph), SKAU-R-6 (7900 cells mm-3 of haemolymph) and SKUAST-28 (9000 cells mm-3 of haemolymph. During summer 2012, the same trend was repeated with Nistari recording the significantly highest haemocyte count of 12600 cells mm-3 of haemolymph followed by Pure Mysore (10100 cells mm-3 of haemolymph), SKUAST-28 (9300 cells mm-3 of haemolymph), NB4D2 (8100 cells mm-3 of haemolymph), SKAU-R-6 (7600 cells mm-3 of haemolymph) and SH6 (7100 cells mm-3 of haemolymph). SKUAST-28 was found to record significantly higher THC value and it differed significantly from SKAU-R-6, SH6 and NB4D2. While pooling the data of summer seasons of 2011 and 2012, it was observed that Nistari was the significantly superior breed with a THC value of 11600 cells mm-3 of haemolymph, whereas SH6 proved to be the poor performer with respect to this parameter with a THC value of 6900 cells mm-3 of haemolymph. The observations of high THC in the multivoltine breeds of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. may be attributed to their high haemolymph content which inturn contributes to their higher survival under adverse climatic conditions, while in case of bivoltine breeds, the high THC values during spring are attributed to higher feeding efficiency coupled with quality mulberry leaf during the same season. These results are supported by the findings of Chapman (1982) who reported that density of haemocytes (total haemocyte count) in insects generally depends upon the blood volume of the insects. The present findings are also in conformity with the findings of Paul et al. (1992) who revealed that feeding efficiency of the larvae increases the haemocyte count in insects. Similar results were also obtained by Ling et al.(2005) in different life stages of Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kukniella wherein he reported that the THC may normally vary greatly with amount of haemolymph, stages of development and physiological status of the insect. Another reason that could be assigned to the higher THC values in multivoltine breeds is probably the release of more haemocytes from the haematopoetic organs as haematopoetic tissue produces haemocyte population to a large extent in the form of prohaemocytes, plasmatocytes and these basic haemocytes are pluripotent and the main source for other cell types. Differential haemocyte count (DHC) was estimated by counting different haemocytes from a haemocyte population of 200. Different haemocytes were identified based on the morphological features described by Al-Robai et al. (2002).The haemocytes were measured with the aid of a grid eye piece and the values obtained were checked with a micrometric ruler. RESULTS & DISCUSSION Total Haemocyte counts (THC) The total haemocyte count estimated for different breeds of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. showed significant differences among the breeds. During spring, 2011 THC was found least in SH6 which recorded total haemocyte population of 7300 cells mm-3 of haemolymph and it was found significantly low from the haemocyte count of Pure Mysore, Nistari, SKAU-R6 and SKUAST-28. Multivoltine breeds viz., Nistari and Pure Mysore recorded high THC values of 9900 and 9300 cells mm-3 of haemolymph respectively during the same season (Table-1). The total haemocyte count was found to be significantly high in Nistari (11200 cells mm-3 of haemolymph) which was followed by Pure Mysore (9900 cells mm-3 of haemolymph), SKUAST-28 (9700 cells mm-3 of haemolymph), SKAU-R-6 ( 9200 cells mm-3 of haemolymph), NB4D2 (8900 cells mm-3 of haemolymph) and SH6 (7800 cells mm-3 of haemolymph) during the same season of 2012. Pooled analysis of the spring data revealed that multivoltine breeds i.e Nistari and Pure Mysore with their respective THC values of 10550 and 9600 cells mm-3 of haemolymph are better as compared to bivoltine breeds viz., NB4D2, SH6, SKAU-R-6 and SKUAST-28 with THC values of 8600, 7550, 8950 and 9500 cells mm-3 of haemolymph respectively. The present investigations revealed that during summer, the total haemocyte count showed an increased trend in case of multivoltine breeds, however there was a decline in the total haemocyte population of both tropical bivoltine and temperate bivoltine breeds. Nistari recorded the highest THC value of 10600 cells mm-3 of haemolymph whereas SH6 recorded the lowest THC value of 6700 cells mm-3 of haemolymph (Table-1). The total haemocyte count recorded in other breeds during summer, 2011 include: Pure Mysore (9800 cells mm-3 of haemolymph), NB4D2 (8200 59 I.J.A.B.R, VOL. 5(1) 2015: 58-61 ISSN 2250 – 3579 TABLE 1: Total haemocyte count (THC) in different breeds of silkworm, Bombyx mori L THC mm-3 of haemolymph Breeds 2011 2012 Pooled Spring Summer Spring Summer Spring Summer Pure Mysore 9300 9800 9900 10100 9600 9950 Nistari 9900 10600 11200 12600 10550 11600 NB4D2 8300 8200 8900 8100 8600 8150 SH6 7300 6700 7800 7100 7550 6900 SKAU-R-6 8700 7900 9200 7600 8950 7750 SKUAST-28 9300 9000 9700 9300 9500 9150 C.D(p≤0.05) 1201.820 1901.554 928.247 1037.211 543.231 1218.284 Each value represents a mean of four replications Each value indicates the average performance of ten individuals (insects) relatively smaller than other haemocyte types with variable sizes. Micrometric measurements reveal that prohaemocytes are 5-12µm wide and 8-13 µm long (Table-2). These cells were characterized by their small size, spherical shape and large round nucleus which occupied most of the cytoplasm. Differential Haemocyte counts (DHC) The results of the present study revealed that the haemolymph of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. contained five types of haemocytes namely prohaemocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes, spherulocytes and oenocytoids. Prohaemocytes were found to be round in shape and Haemocytes observed in silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Plasmatocytes were amongst the most polymorphic and prominent types. Their shapes ranged from oval, elliptical to spindle with very pointed ends (fusiform) and have a large centrally placed nucleus. The longer axis of elliptical forms ranged from 11 to 22 µm and in fusiform cells, it varied in between 16 to 33 µm.The smaller axis measured at cells broadest point ranged from 9 to 17 µm in elliptical forms, while in fusiform cells, this axis was 7-16 µm (Table-2). The calculated area of the elliptical cells ranged from 99 to 374 µm2 and of fusiform cells from 112 to 528 µm2. Granulocytes are spherical, oval or irregular cells which were found to vary considerably in size and were characterized by the presence of a small nucleus and large amount of different sized granules. The nucleus was found to be centrally located and the cytoplasm was characteristically granular, the granules being spherical, ovoid, elongate or irregularly polygonal. The longer axis of the granulocytes ranged in between 11µm to 24 µm. The short axis length ranged between 8 µm to 22 µm (Table-2). TABLE 2: Morphological characteristics of larval haemocytes of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Size (µm) Nature of Type Shape Position of nucleus cytoplasm Width Length Prohaemocytes Round or spherical 5-12 8-13 Central Basophilic Elliptical 9-17 11-22 Generally central Basophilic Plasmatocytes Fusiform 7-16 16-33 Central Basophilic Granulocytes Spherical or oval 8-22 11-24 Central or eccentric Slightly acidophilic Spherulocytes Round to oval 6-12 11-27 Generally eccentric Basophilic Oenocytoids Rounded 13-24 13-24 Eccentric Acidophilic 60 Total and differential haemocyte count in some breeds of silkworm Spherulocytes were found to be round, oval or irregular in shape. The longer axis of spherulocytes ranged from 11µm to 27 µm and the small axis ranged 6 µm to 12 µm. The shape of the nucleus was mostly found to be irregular and eccentric in position (Table-2). Oenocytoid cells were characterised by their spherical or ellipsoidal shape, large amount of cytoplasm and small nuclei. The oenocytoid length measured in between 13 µm to 24 µm in dimensions (Table-2). Shape and structure of the insect haemocytes is also very important because these parameters, separately or in combination, have been reported to be very helpful in the characterisation of the haemocytes of different insect orders (Wigglesworth, 1959). In the present study, two types of plasmtocytes, namely, elliptical and fusiform were observed in the silkworm breeds under study. The results are in conformity with the findings of Akai and Sato (1973), who while working on the ultrastructure of the haemocytes of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. found that prohaemocytes are spherical in shape, plasmatocytes were fusiform with elongated nucleus, granulocytes to be polymorphic in size and shape, spherulocytes were characterised by their oval shape and oenocytoids were large cells characterized mostly by round shape. Jalali and Salehi (2008) observed that plasmatocytes are pleomorphic cells and are accordingly rounded, fusiform or spindle shaped. 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