February 2015 - Temple Israel

February 2015
the bulleTIn
A monthly newsletter of Temple Israel. Also available online at www.templetulsa.com.
Worship Schedule:
All are welcome at Shabbat services.
Childcare is available if needed.
Sunday, February 1
Community Tu Bishvat Seder | 11:00 a.m. - noon
Kindly RSVP to the Temple office by 1/27.
Friday, February 6
TGIS (Thank God It’s Shabbat!) “Unplugged”
Pre-Oneg 5:30 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service 6:00 p.m.
in the Convocation Center. A joyful service for all ages
with a variety of musicians. Followed by catered Shabbat
Dinner by Orr. RSVP to reservations@templetulsa.com
or 918-747-1309 by 2/4, prepay on website. Adults $12,
kids $5 (under 5 free). Dinner is generously sponsored
by The Goldie Cash Family Shabbat Dinner Fund.
Special Young Adult Oneg.
Friday, February 13
Picnic Dinner 5:45 p.m. Bring your dinner or RSVP for
pizza/salad $7/person (children under 5 free); drinks,
utensils provided. Shabbat Evening Service 6:30 p.m.
Sermon: “Israel’s Future and You”
Music with Cantor Faith Steinsnyder
Friday, February 20
Shabbat Evening Service 7:30 p.m.
Sermon: “The Pursuit of Happiness”
Music with Cantor Ted Labow.
Saturday, February 21
Shabbat morning experience 10:00 a.m. for Shorashim
Religious School families followed by lunch.
The camp-style family-friendly service begins at
10:30 a.m. - all are welcome.
Friday, February 27
Shabbat Evening Service 7:30 p.m.
Sermon with Scholar in Residence Professor
Marc Dollinger, “Is It Good For The Jews?”
Music with Jenny Labow
Saturday, February 28
Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 a.m.
Inviting prayer and study with our scholar in residence
followed by communal catered lunch bring a side dish or dessert to share.
Friday, March 6
Sisterhood Shabbat 7:30 p.m.
Scholar in Residence Marc Dollinger Ph.D
Comes to Temple Israel February 27-March 1
Please join us in welcoming Professor Marc
Dollinger, our 2015 Scholar in Residence. Marc
Dollinger is the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Chair
in Jewish Studies and Social Responsibility at San
Francisco State University.
Friday, February 27 Shabbat Evening Service - 7:30 p.m.
“Is It Good For The Jews? Liberalism and the Challenges of the
1960s” We’ll hear about the American Jewish community’s activities
after the civil rights movement including paths to neo-Conservatism,
American Zionism, the Soviet Jewry movement, and rediscovering
Saturday, February 28 Shabbat Morning Service - 10:30 a.m.
“Jews and WWII” How is it that American Jews have come to
understand this period in history and who we are today?
Saturday Evening with Young Kehillah - 6:00 p.m.
“Jews and Whiteness” Are American Jews white? How do we
define ourselves today? The question, answered differently by different
generations of American Jews, gets at the heart of American Jewish
Sunday, March 1 Brotherhood Breakfast - 9:30 a.m.
“Jews and Eastern European History” A multi-media presentation
detailing Jewish life in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania, both
historically and today. This talk grows from the bat mitzvah journey of
Professor Dollinger’s daughter, Shayna, who spent a month in eastern
Europe to discover what it means to be named “Shayna.”
Professor Dollinger will also facilitate a lunch learning session with
Religious School and Mizel teachers on Sunday and will lead the Dr.
E.N. Lubin Clergy Institute on Judaism on March 2.
For more information about our scholar, continue on page 4.
Continued on page 4
Shabbat in the Woods Congregational Retreat Information Enclosed!
Education - Jennifer Lorch
Is there a part of our history and story that YOU would
like to learn about? As our Shorashim students continue
our journey through Jewish time, Rabbis Citrin, the Adult
Education Committee, and I encourage ALL members of
the congregation to participate in the Sunday morning
adult learning sessions. Additionally, many of the
Brotherhood Breakfasts are connected to the Shorashim
learning themes.
It Takes a Village
We are all teachers. When you greet a family at Shabbat
and wish them “Shabbat Shalom” or sing together in
services, you help to teach how we celebrate Shabbat.
When you cast bread crumbs into the river for Tashlich
between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, you teach that
we all make mistakes and we can all ask for forgiveness.
When you plant a tree to celebrate Temple Israel’s
birthday, you teach the importance of celebrating our
history and future as a community.
Below are the upcoming dates for our Shorashim
sessions, with the times and information about the
communal adult learning opportunities. As always, if
you have any questions or comments, please be in touch.
I look forward to seeing you!
We’ve heard the teaching, “it takes a village,” and trends
in Jewish education are shifting more and more to this
approach. Dr. Isa Aron in Becoming a Congregation of
Learners explains that communities around the country
have come to “the realization that the learning is the
responsibility of the entire community and not just the
teachers.” Throughout the year, you are an excellent
January 25 – The People of the Book: Adult learning
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
February 1 - The Land of Israel & Community Tu Bishvat
Seder from 11:00 a.m. - noon - Parents and community
members, we need your help to set up for the Seder from
9:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
February 8 - Am Yisrael: Jews Around the World
(Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Morning)
Parents and community members not participating in
Grandparents’ and Special Persons’ Morning are invited
to learn with Rabbis Citrin from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
in the Youth Lounge.
Our Shorashim Religious Program focuses on Sunday
morning learning, and includes monthly Shabbat
experiences and communal holiday celebrations. Our
educational theme for the year is “From Torah to Tulsa:
Our People’s Story.” Each week our students learn about
a main topic that is a part of that theme. We began with
creation, exploring how we are partners with God, and
continued with our patriarchs and matriarchs, learning
about the beginning of Judaism and the values we learn
from our ancestors. Travelling through history, we have
explored how the prophets, King David, King Solomon,
and the building of Jerusalem, and the Maccabees have
all helped to shape who we are as Jews today. We
chose this theme to coincide with Temple Israel’s 100th
birthday, helping students and their families see the
bigger picture of Jewish history and how Temple Israel in
Tulsa, Oklahoma fits in as a part of that story.
February 21 - Shorashim Religious School Shabbat
Morning Experience and Potluck Lunch. There will be
a family activity beginning at 10:00 a.m. The service
will begin at 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch. Please bring
a salad, side dish, or dessert to share. Activities for
preschool age children also available.
March 1 - Our Eastern European Roots - Brotherhood
Breakfast featuring Scholar-in-Residence, Professor
Marc Dollinger, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. The topic will be
Jews and Eastern European History. Gary Goldberg for
breakfast at 9:30 a.m. at gg1884@gmail.com.
Trends also indicate that “parents who value Jewish
learning and who enact that value by participating in
learning themselves are sending a strong message to
their children, who are likely to internalize that value
themselves (Becoming a Congregation of Learners).” At
Temple Israel, we take into account the trends of Jewish
education, and apply them to our Shorashim program.
Each Sunday, Rabbi Karen and Rabbi Micah offer parent
sessions that correlate to the topics of the day. Parents
have participated in these learning opportunities
throughout the year.
March 8 - Purim Fun & Celebration - Adult-rated
learning will take place from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. in
the Youth Lounge. At 11:00 a.m., join your Temple family
for the Megillah Reading and Purim Shpiel, followed by a
fantastically fun carnival!
March 29 – Preparing for Passover - Adult learning
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Shabbat in the Woods 2015
Congregational Retreat April 25-26
It is back! Last year nearly 90 congregants ages 4-84 enjoyed a day of fun, friends, and relaxation.
This year will be even better! Come for the day or sign up for the NEW overnight option.
Join with other members of our Temple Family on Saturday, April 25th starting at 10:00 a.m. at
PostOak Lodge in the Osage Hills. Saturday ends at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday ends at 11:00 a.m.
Activities include:
• Spirited Shabbat worship
• Learning and discussion
for adults, camp activities for kids
• Art, singing, and dancing
• Hiking and sports
• Family time
Adult time
Special programming for
Young Kehillah / Young adults
Good food, campfire, and smores
The overnight option in PostOak lodges includes a comfortable private room/bathroom
with one king size bed or two double beds. Extending the retreat overnight will add more bonding,
more campfire, and more FUN!
Shabbat in the Woods is a great way to deepen connections and make new friends
within the Temple Israel community.
Temple Israel Shabbat in the Woods ~ Registration Form 2015
Names of Retreat Participants:
Home Phone:Cell Phone:
Saturday Day option - $75/adult, $15/teen, 12 and under are free
# of Adults___________ # of Teens_________ # of Kids_____________ = Total__________
Overnight option Adult Single occupancy $150; Adult Double occupancy $120; $18/teen, 12 and under are free
# of Adults___________ # of Teens_________ # of Kids_____________ = Total__________
Please list any dietary or medical needs:
_____ Please charge my Visa/Mastercard/Discover Card
Cardholder nameCard #
Exp. Date
Code Signature
Payment enclosed $_________ (make payable to Temple Israel indicating “Shabbat in the Woods”)
Additional retreat information will follow. Please return forms/payment no later than March 18.
Rabbi’s Cont’d
All in the Family
Continued from page 1
During Temple Israel’s Centennial Year, we can all look
forward to learning with an expert scholar in American
Jewish History, Ethics, and Modern Jewish Identity. Dr.
Dollinger has a B.A. in History from the University of
California at Berkeley and his M.A. and Ph.D. in History
from UCLA. Marc Dollinger teaches a variety of subjects
including Jewish History, Jews and Public Policy, Politics, and
Jewish Culture and Identity.
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Charles and Nancy Sherman on
their 50th wedding anniversary. Please join the Temple
family on Friday, February 20 for a special Oneg in their
Additionally, Marc Dollinger frequently serves as scholar
in residence in congregations across the U.S. and enjoys
traveling to and teaching in a wide variety of Jewish
communities. His books will be for sale during the weekend.
Rabbi Karen and Rabbi Micah were privileged to learn with
him in the Bay Area. And, years ago, he was Micah’s Unit
Head (“Rosh Aydah”) at Jewish summer camp! Professor
Dollinger is excited to be with us for Shabbat and the weekend
ahead. Thank you to the Adult Education Committee.
Mazal Tov to Amy and Greg Harding. On June 27, 2014,
Nolan Spiro Harding was born to his proud parents Amy
and Greg Harding and big sister Mayim of Alexandria,
Virginia. His maternal grandparents are Harriet Garten
of Cary, North Carolina and Sam Garten of Raleigh,
North Carolina. His paternal grandparents are Benny
and Susan Harding of Leawood, Kansas. His maternal
great grandparents are the late Marian and Martin
Clayman of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Mazal Tov to Jeff and Jessica Pruitt on the birth of their
son Jackson Johan Pruitt. Jackson weighed 8 lb 10oz and
was 20 3/4 inches. He was a “miracle baby”. Jeff is the
son of Karen Sabbath and brother of Greg Pruitt.
Dr. Marc Dollinger holds the Richard and
Rhoda Goldman Endowed Chair in Jewish
Studies and Social Responsibility at San
Francisco State University.
With sorrow, the congregation notes the deaths of:
Gordon Bonner, grandfather of Kimberly Wallis
Esther Zalta, mother of Dan Zalta, mother-in-law of
Robbie Zalta
He has served as research fellow at
Princeton University’s Center for the Study
of Religion as well as the Andrew W. Mellon
Post-doctoral Fellow and Lecturer in the Humanities at Bryn
Mawr College, where he coordinated the program in Jewish
May their memories be a blessing.
He is author of Quest For Inclusion: Jews and Liberalism In
Modern America published by Princeton University Press,
California Jews, co-edited with Ava Kahn, and American
Jewish History: A Primary Source Reader, both published
by Brandeis University Press. He is currently at work on:
Is It Good For The Jews? Power, Politics, and the 1960s
and can’t stop thinking about a writing book about Jimmy
New Members: We warmly welcome
these new faces to our Temple community:
We extend a warm welcome to new members
Aron and Bill Cox. Aron is the daughter of
Barbara and Steve Levin.
He serves as board president of the Jewish Community
High School of the Bay, academic vice president of
Lehrhaus Judaica, as well as trustee of URJ Camp Newman.
He sits on the California advisory committee to the United
States Commission on Civil Rights, is past president of
Brandeis-Hillel Day School and was named 2008 Volunteer
of the Year by the SF Jewish Community Federation.
Do you know of anyone interested in learning more
about Temple Israel? Invite them to join you at a service
or program. Contact Klara, Rabbi Karen or Rabbi Micah,
or chair of our Membership Committee, Larry Lieberman
at famman.hill@gmail.com, they would be glad to share
all the exciting things happening at Temple!
Professor Dollinger helped actress Helen Hunt learn about
her Jewish roots on the NBC program, “Who Do You Think
You Are?”
Music That Moves Us: Songs Through Ten Decades
The 14th Marcia Jankowsky Memorial Cantorial Concert
Sunday, February 15 at 7:00 p.m.
This month we honor a wonderful tradition that began fourteen years ago. We have the
pleasure of hosting five cantors who will entertain and delight us with their beautiful talent.
This year will feature: Cantor Devorah Avery of Temple Israel of Northern Westchester, NY,
(also the daughter of Allan and Dr. Estelle Avery), Cantor Ted Labow, Board member of the
American Conference of Cantors, Cantor Elizabeth Sacks of Temple Emanuel in Denver, CO,
Cantor Faith Steinsnyder, Professor of cantorial studies at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish
Institute of Religion and the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Cantor William Tiep of Temple
Solel in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA. This concert is free to the community and will be followed by
a delicious dessert reception.
During Temple’s special centennial year, we hope you will join us as we journey through
ten decades of moving Jewish music. A special thank you to Cantor Faith Steinsnyder for
coordinating our cantorial concert this year. And thank you to the Jankowsky family for their
love and support of Jewish music at Temple Israel.
Lunchtime Talmud
Young Kehillah
Lunchtime Talmud is back Thursday, February 19, Noon
- 1:00 p.m. with Rabbi Karen. We will explore Talmudic
texts from Brachot - the blessings in our lives. You’ll
be surprised how relevant these ancient teachings are!
Bring your lunch. Newcomers are welcome.
Scholar-in-Residence Professor Marc Dollinger will
enjoy the evening with Young Kehillah on Saturday,
February 28 for a special Havdalah study session in the
home of Jen and Mike Jacobs at 6:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m.
Professor Dollinger’s topic will be “Jews and Whiteness”
Are American Jews white? How do we define ourselves
today? The question, answered differently by different
A unique private
private school
A unique
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American Jewish identity. Dinner is included! To RSVP
for the event and childcare contact Rabbi Micah.
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Offering small classes,
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We welcome students
all faiths. Art, Music,
and Hebrew
2021 E. 71st St.
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• Lillian Hellman, Director
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OK 74136
language immersion.
We welcome students
Lillian Hellman, Director
of all faiths.
& Judaic studies, Art & Music
Programs, Computer Science Lab.
Young adults are invited to a
special Oneg Shabbat following
the service on February 6.
Celebrate Rosh Chodesh Adar on Sunday, February
22 at 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Rabbi Karen will lead us
in welcoming the new Hebrew month - all women are
welcome! Explore the women of the Megillah and
the theme, “Celebrating Our Bodies and Ourselves.”
Judaism teaches that when Adar begins, we rejoice.
We’ll joyfully celebrate with our sisters and good food
and drink! The gathering will take place at the home of
Holly Burger, please RSVP to Lori Lieb-Rosas, Sisterhood
President at 918-851-0270 (llb4410@yahoo.com). Let
Lori or Mary know if you would like to coordinate a ride.
Please mark your calendars for Brotherhood After
Hours at the Spaghetti Warehouse, 221 E. Brady, on
February 11. We start at 5:30 p.m., come whenever you
can. What better way to socialize with your Brothers
than over a steaming hot plate of pasta. If you haven’t
attended a Brotherhood After Hours come join use for a
fun evening of fellowship. No RSVP required. Please call
Gary Goldberg, Brotherhood President at 918-645-5621
for more information.
Brotherhood Breakfast and Scholar in Residence
Professor Marc Dollinger Sunday, March 1 at 9:30 a.m.
All are welcome. The cost is $8.00 with an RSVP and
$10.00 at the door. RSVP to Gary at 918-645-5621 or
to gg1884@gmail.com.
Social Justice
Mitzvah of the Month: Here is your chance! As an
expansion of Temple Israel’s Mitzvah Day efforts, the
Social Justice Committee will be sponsoring a “Mitzvah
of the Month”. While Mitzvah Day remains an important
project, this new effort is seen as one which will give all
of us the opportunity to participate in many more and
varied mitzvot -- at least one a month! Some months
will feature a time-specific project such as packing
backpacks or sorting food at the Food Bank or sponsoring
a birthday party for kids at the domestic violence shelter.
Other months will feature various efforts to provide
much-needed supplies for helping agencies. That may
mean books for Marshall students, diapers & wipes for
the Parent-Child Center, blankets for kids at the Laura
Dester Shelter, etc. YOU can participate in any or all of
these projects!
Shabbat Morning at Temple
Temple Israel offers many meaningful ways to celebrate
Shabbat day. Please join us for inviting Shabbat morning
worship 1-2 times a month beginning at 10:30 a.m.
followed by a potluck lunch. If you have children or
grandchildren ages infant to early elementary grades
come sing, dance, and play at our Tot Shabbat services
beginning at 9:00 a.m.
We are adding Shabbat morning Torah study on Saturdays
when there is no Shabbat morning worship scheduled.
Join Rabbi Micah for exciting, in-depth exploration of the
Torah portion as we sip coffee and nosh. Torah study
stimulates the mind, helps us to live meaningful lives,
and creates a sense of community among participants.
We look forward to savoring words of Torah with you.
Upcoming Torah study will occur on Saturdays at 10:00
a.m. - February 7, March 7, March 21.
The plan for February is to collect items needed by clients
of the Day Center for the Homeless as they are able to
move into independent apartments. Items collected
during February will be delivered to the Day Center at the
end of the month. Donations may be brought to Temple
any time during the month of February; a collection box
can be found in the coat room at Temple.
Extended lists of needed items will be attached to the
collection box. The list includes such items as forks,
knives, spoons, drinking glasses, cups/mugs, bowls,
plates, and cooking utensils. These may be “gently used”
items which you no longer need.
Please join our efforts. Let us recognize that we are
blessed while so many are in need. Let’s make this world
a better place for ALL of us.
Honoring Jenny Brouse
Klara Bode
Carole Levy
Establishment of the Sidney M and Jenny R Brouse “Always read something that will make you look good if
Family Shabbat and Jewish Holiday Programming Fund
you die in the middle of it.”
- P. J. O’Rourke, writer and political satirist
The year 2014 was an exciting
one for many reasons. Not only
Slave and Sister by Sabra Waldfogel
did it mark Temple Israel’s 100th
Adelaide Mannheim and her slave, Rachel,
birthday, it was also the year
share a shameful secret: Adelaide’s
that Jenny Brouse turned 90! To
father is Rachel’s father, too. Their secret
celebrate both these milestones
shadows their girlhood and follows them
Jenny Brouse, Brian Brouse
into Adelaide’s marriage. As the Civil War
and Carol Brouse Windland
breaks out, as Adelaide’s husband falls in
established the Sidney M and
love with Rachel, the lives of mistress and
Jenny R Brouse Family Shabbat
slave are torn apart. Slavery made them kin. Can the Civil
and Jewish Holiday Programming Fund in the Temple War make them sisters? This is Sabra Waldfogel’s first
Israel Foundation.
David: The Divided Heart by David
David Wolpe takes a fresh look at the
biblical David in an attempt to find
coherence in his seemingly contradictory
actions and impulse. The author examines
why David holds such a high place in
history and legend. This is a fascinating
look at a complex character, much
beloved by God.
Jenny and Sidney, of blessed memory, have always been
active supporters of Jewish life in Tulsa. They, along with
son Brian, have held leadership positions in the Jewish
community and devoted countless hours to promote
cultural, social and spiritual Judaism in Tulsa along with
staunch support of Israel. For years, daughter Carol
has been coming to Tulsa from Illinois for major Jewish
holidays to celebrate with the family and the Tulsa
In keeping with the Brouse family’s devotion to Jewish
identity and worship in Tulsa, they have established this
fund to sponsor Shabbat and Jewish Holiday programs at
Temple Israel.
The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant
Addie Baum — the daughter of immigrant
parents — grows up in the North End of
Boston with the intelligence and curiosity
that takes her into the wide world of
the 1910 and 1920s. Her granddaughter
wants to know how Addie Baum got to
be the woman she is today. This is the
theme of this coming-of-age story.
Mazal Tov to Jeff
and Jenn Selco!
Save the Date for Purim 5775/2015!
Sunday, March 8
9:30 a.m. Purim Themed Learning
11:00 a.m. Community Purim Celebration
Megillah Reading & Carnival
Come in costume - food & fun for all ages!
An all-inclusive wristband is available at
the door, covers food and activities.
January Board Highlights
President, Stan Kessler
The OCCJ (Oklahoma Center for Community and
Justice) Interfaith Trialogue 2015
Thirty-one people met for the Board meeting January
13, 2015. • Rabbi Karen offered a prayer for peace and
strength based on Psalm 29. • Blake Bergman presented
the financials. • The Board is pleased to welcome Aron
and Bill Cox as new members. Aron is the daughter
of Steve and Barbara Levin. • Jon Stolper shared that
the Moe Gimp Early Learning Center has changed
management from Day Schools, Inc. to Happy Campers
at Temple Israel. Happy Campers has signed an 18 month
lease. There have been new families inquiring and visiting
the center. The Board wishes to thank Happy Campers
owner Cindy Alonso and her staff for all of their hard
work. • We have started to receive applications for the
Cantor/Cantorial Soloist position. The search committee
has reviewed resumes and listened to sound files and is
arranging for Skype interviews. • Rabbi Micah offered a
programming updated and invited board members to
attend the Brotherhood/Sisterhood Interfaith Dinner. •
Rabbi David Wolfman, Temple consultant, was with us
for the 3rd time. He worked with the Board on board
responsibilities and transitional issues.
Local religious leaders and experts joined together to
address the topic “Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Culture:
Searching for Compassion” at the Oklahoma Center
for Community and Justice’s 2015 Interfaith Trialogue
Series in February. The programs are free and open to
the public.
“A Changing City”- February 1 from 2:00 - 4:00
p.m. at Peace Academy: Shifting demographics bring
DIVERSITY and RICHNESS to a community.
“A Divided Tulsa,” - February 8 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
at Temple Israel: Changes can make people AFRAID and
DEFENSIVE of those they don’t know.
“Moving Forward with Compassion,” - February 15 from
2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Boston Avenue United Methodist
Church - Is there a way for these differences to be
respected and for a community to COME TOGETHER?
Register online at www.occjok.org or to info@occjok.org.
Highlights of two fun December youth programs, Shul-In and ice skating
with Oklahoma City.
Ad Mea - The 1940s - War Years
by Rabbi Emeritus Charles and Nancy Sherman
At the May 1942 Board meeting, letters were
received from Henry Shane (Edward’s Grandfather),
and Elliott Davis (Barry and Lee’s Dad) tendering
their resignations as they were joining the United
States Armed Forces. The Board disregarded these
resignations and voted to continue them as members
in good standing, and on a non-paying basis. This
procedure would also apply to any person who – in
the future – resigned because of military service.
Furthermore, upon their return to Tulsa in 1945, the
congregation extended to all servicemen a one-year
complimentary Temple membership.
Part 1: The congregation numbered 155 members at the
beginning of this decade. Rabbi Schusterman left in
August 1941 to accept the pulpit of Temple Har Sinai in
Baltimore, Maryland – one of the oldest Reform temples
in America. Rabbi Ely Pilchik was elected Temple’s new
Rabbi, beginning December 1, 1941.
Reminiscing about his almost five years in Tulsa, Rabbi
Schusterman noted that “We, at Temple Israel, were
the first local religious organization to break the color
barrier when we invited a Black clergyman to preach at
our Temple and to bring a delegation with him.
The number of Jewish soldiers also made for some
High Holyday seating challenges. In 1942 and 1943
the challenge was met by using the gym and loud
speakers. In subsequent years, two services were held
on Rosh Hashanah Eve and Yom Kippur Eve.
“Nowhere else in the American Jewish community
has a congregation had so many enjoyable evenings,
rehearsing for and presenting musical shows. At
least once a year we became actors under the brilliant
leadership of our director, Lois Kahn Barall. Some of the
Temple’s most dignified members took part.”
In May 1944, Rabbi Pilchik announced he would be
entering the Armed Services as a Chaplain and asked
for a leave of absence. It was suggested that the
congregation publish a booklet to honor the men and
women of the Tulsa Jewish community serving in the
United States Armed Forces. That volume, entitled
Salute was published in 1945, with 197 names, pictures,
and brief bios. All together, three young Jewish Tulsans
died in combat – Private Jerome Feenberg, Captain
Howard Lesser, and Navy Lieutenant Earl Goodman.
Their names appear on the first memorial board in the
current Temple hall. A second, expanded edition of
Salute was published in 2009.
Within days of Rabbi Pilchik’s arrival, Pearl Harbor was
attacked. Young men of Temple Israel were beginning
to leave their homes for the Armed Forces. But, as
Rabbi Pilchik wrote: “The work of Temple had to go
on; if anything, more intensely now when people were
in desperate need of spiritual guidance.” The War
was brought closer to the Temple doorstep with the
establishment of Camp Gruber, 70 miles from Tulsa.
Over a thousand Jewish men were soon stationed at
Camp Gruber. The Rabbi and the Temple served the
men in the United States Army.
With Rabbi Pilchik gone to the U. S. Navy Chaplaincy,
President David Milsten and Sonny Williams traveled
to HUC in Cincinnati, authorized to find a temporary
replacement for Rabbi Pilchik. They interviewed and
selected Randall Falk, who began his service to the
Temple in August 1945. A senior Rabbinic student, he
wrote his Master’s thesis (on the Jews of Oklahoma)
during his almost full year in Tulsa. Rabbi Pilchik
returned to his pulpit in April 1946.
As part of Sisterhood’s war work, servicemen were
entertained in the homes of Temple members on all
Jewish holidays and on weekends throughout the year.
Open house days sponsored at the YMCA and in the
Temple for servicemen were held under the direction of
the local USO Committee. Ann Weisman recalled being
a USO Sisterhood hostess. An outstanding dancer,
Ann reported that she wore out several pairs of shoes
dancing at these Camp Gruber and USO events. Even
though shoes were rationed, it was all right because Ann
wore the sample size and could replace them.
See the March bulleTIn for Part 2.
In January 1942, the Board extended its congratulations
to Congregation B’nai Emunah which had just completed
its new house of worship at 17th and Peoria – five blocks
12, 2015
• •April
N’davot - Offerings
In Loving Memory of Robert Davis
In Loving Memory of Elizabeth Sollosy
In Honor of Lori Lieb-Rosas
In Honor of Holly Burger
In Honor of Ben West
TI Brotherhood
In Honor of Philip & Janice Wilner
Mary Creager
In Appreciation of Rabbi Sherman
& Nancy
Eric Scholl
Happy Chanukah to Klara Bode, Administrator
In Honor of Allan Avery’s Birthday
Christie Kennedy
In Appreciation of Stan & Cathey Kessler
Eric Scholl
“Whoever is charitable and just fills the entire world with kindness.” - Talmud
In Appreciation of Rabbis Micah &
Eric Scholl
Thank You to Rabbi Sherman
Shelley Moskowitz
In Loving Memory of Rita Moskowitz
Shelley Moskowitz
Honoring Jenn Lorch’s Wedding
Mark & Mandy Lehman
In Honor of Orr Nalp
Susan Fenster
Honoring Jenn Lorch’s Wedding
Eric Scholl
In Honor of Shirley Klar’s 95th Birthday
JoAnn Klar
Jodie & Danny Coorsh
Pearl and Milton Gordon Trust
In Appreciation of Willie & Shirley Burger
Eric Scholl
Happy Chanukah to Jenn Lorch, Educator
In Honor of Jennifer & Jeff Selco’s Marriage
Lou & Marilyn Diamond
In Honor of Allan Avery’s Birthday
Lou & Marilyn Diamond
In Honor of Donna Matles, marriage of her granddaughter, Ashley Kirland
In Honor of Shirley & Bob Dormont’s 50th Wedding Anniversary
Rosalyn Borg
Dave & Barbara Sylvan Charitable Giving Fund
John & Christa Teehee
Congratulations on your 100th Birthday, Temple Israel!
Martin & Shirley Brody
Honoring beloved parents, Ione Kaiser & Louis Kaiser
Louis & Joyce Kaiser II
Happy Chanukah to Rabbi Emeritus Charles Sherman
Julia Westbrook
In Appreciation of Rabbi Karen &
Rabbi Micah
Curtis & Regina Scissons
In Honor of Allan Avery’s Birthday
Richard & April Borg
Michele Cowen
Brina Reinstein
In Loving Memory of Irvin & Sharna Frank
Frank Family Foundation
Honoring the Wedding of Jenn Lorch & Jeff Selco
Todd & Mary Arlan Family
Edgar & Judy Benarrous
Honoring the Anniversary of Bob &
Shirley Dormont
Edgar & Judy Benarrous
Stephen & Nikki Sack
Mark & Mandy Lehman
Happy Chanukah to Rabbis Karen
& Micah Citrin
In Appreciation of Rabbi Karen
Yvonne & Stuart Lorch
In Honor of Bob & Shirley Dormont’s 50th Anniversary
Ed & Betty Sherman
Malcolm & Paula Milsten
In Honor of Ben & Inez Jacob’s Wedding
Ed & Betty Sherman
In Loving Memory of Carol Kiehl
Ed & Betty Sherman
In Honor of Allan Avery’s Birthday
Jeanne Jacobs
Honoring the Marriage of Mark Goldman & WC Goad
Malcolm & Paula Milsten
Save the Date: OCCJ Operation Understanding Youth Tour
Open to all middle and high school students
Sunday, March 1 from 1:00 - 5:30 p.m.
The tour will kick off at Temple Israel, and then we will travel to
Fellowship Congregational UCC, Masjid Al-Salam Mosque, and
Chua Tam-Bao Buddhist Temple. To RSVP, contact Jennifer. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED.
Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 9:30 – 12:00 p.m.
Shorashim RS
11:00 a.m.
Tu B'Shevat Seder
2 7:00 – 8:45 p.m.
9:30– 12:00 p.m.
Shorashim RS
Grandparents & Special
Persons' Day
2:00 p.m. OCCJ Trialogue
Wednesday 3 7:30 p.m.
Board Mtg
9:30 – 12:00 p.m.
Shorashim RS
9:30 a.m.
B'hood Breakfast with
Scholar in Residence
12:15 p.m. Teacher InService
1:00 p.m. OCCJ Youth
7:30 p.m.
B'hood Board
4:15 - 5:30 p.m.
Hebrew Learning
7:15 – 9:00 p.m.
Midrasha @ TI
7:00 – 8:45 p.m.
21 20
10:00-­‐12:30 p.m. Shorashim RS Family Shabbat Morning Experience 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service 7:30 p.m.
Shabbat Evening
28 27
7:30 p.m.
Shabbat Evening
Service with
Scholar in Residence
14 13
7:00 p.m.
Adult B'nai Mitzvah
7 10:00 a.m. Torah Study 5:45 p.m.
Picnic Dinner
6:30 p.m .
Shabbat Evening
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Lunchtime Talmud
4:15 - 5:30 p.m.
Hebrew Learning
7:15 – 9:00 p.m.
Midrasha @ TI
10:00 a.m.
S'hood Board Mtg
5:00 p.m.
S'hood Rosh Chodesh
6 5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
TGIS Service
followed by catered
4:15 - 5:30 p.m.
Hebrew Learning
5:30 p.m.
Brotherhood After
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Midrasha @ TI
No Shorashim RS
(Presidents’ Day)
7:00 p.m.
Cantorial Concert
Saturday 5 12:00 p.m.
Foundation Board
7:00 – 8:45 p.m.
Friday 4 4:15 - 5:30 p.m.
Hebrew Learning
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Midrasha @ TI
7:30 p.m.
Exec Committee
7:00 – 8:45 p.m.
Thursday 5
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service with Scholar in Residence followed by lunch 6:00 p.m. Scholar w/ Young Kehillah 7 6
9:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Clergy Institute
7:00 – 8:45 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Exec Committee
4:15 - 5:30 p.m.
Hebrew Learning
No Midrasha
7:30 p.m.
Sisterhood Shabbat
Temple Office
Malcolm Milsten
Paula Milsten
Stan Kessler Jon Stolper
Susan Woitte
Michael Rosenstein
Donnie Suter-Levin
Seth Lapidus
Clergy and Staff
Co-Rabbi Karen Citrin
Phone: 918-747-1309
e-mail: rabbikaren@templetulsa.com
Co-Honorary President
Co-Honorary President
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Co-Rabbi Micah Citrin
Phone: 918-747-1309
e-mail: rabbimicah@templetulsa.com
Todd Arlan
Dr. Estelle Levetin Avery
Blake Bergman
Lesley Bumgarner
Phillip Burger
Miriam Cook
Karen Davis
Mark Goldman
Jeanne Jacobs
Jim Jakubovitz
Chuck Langer
Rabbi Emeritus Charles Philip Sherman
Phone: 918-747-1309
e-mail: rabbisherman@templetulsa.com
Klara Bode, Administrator
Direct Dial: 918-392-8473
e-mail: klara@templetulsa.com
Jennifer N. Lorch, Director of Youth and Education
Direct Dial: 918-392-8483
e-mail: jennifer@templetulsa.com
Russ Newman
Dr. David Nierenberg
Brina Reinstein
Terry Rosenthal
Ira Rothman
Dr. John Schumann
Edward Shane
Mona Smith
Adam Weintraub
Dr. Gregg Woitte
Representatives to the Board
ARZA Chairperson
Judaica Chaiperson
Brotherhood President
Sisterhood President
Temple Israel Foundation President
Youth Representative
Mary Clare, Administrative Assistant
e-mail: mary@templetulsa.com
Jory Bollinger, Bookkeeper/Event Coordinator
email: jory@templetulsa.com
Mark Lobo
Allan Avery
Gary Goldberg
Lori Lieb-Rosas
Dr. Marc Goldberg
Brooke Wambold
Past Presidents
Lauren Zeligson, Communications Coordinator
Joseph S. Jankowsky
Dr. Michael Pollak
Barry Davis
Shirley Burger
Malcolm Milsten
Ginny Katz
Dr. Louis Diamond
Dr. Estelle Levetin Avery
Jeanne Jacobs
Russ Newman
Dr. George Pikler
Terry Rosenthal
Lee Davis
Jeff Chasen
Paula Milsten
Todd Arlan
Timothy Wallace, Head Custodian
Susan Woitte, Librarian
Direct Dial: 918-392-8477
Happy Campers at Temple Israel Moe Gimp Early Learning Center 918-747-3122
To read a copy of the Temple BulleTIn in color, go to