CHAPTER 76 ACQUIRED DEMYELINATION OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM BRENDA L. BANWELL, MD Acquired inflammatory demyelination of the central nervous system (CNS) may occur as a monophasic illness or as a component of a chronic disease such as multiple sclerosis (MS). This chapter focuses on treatment of acute demyelinating attacks and management of specific symptoms and on long-term immunomodulatory therapies. Acute demyelination of the central nervous system (CNS) is associated with immune-cell targeting of white matter, leading to dysfunction of the neurologic processes subserved by the affected white matter pathways. Individual patients may experience clinical symptoms referable to dysfunction of a single white matter pathway or multiple deficits due to simultaneous demyelination of multiple sites in the brain, optic nerves, or spinal cord. Many children with acute CNS demyelination experience a single episode (monophasic disease). However, some children will experience recurrent episodes of demyelination over time, leading to a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). This chapter discusses manifestations of acute demyelination, treatment of acute attacks and specific symptoms, and chronic immunomodulatory therapies. Clinical Phenotypes Optic Neuritis Optic neuritis (ON) caused by demyelination of the optic nerves presents with acute visual loss of one or both eyes (simultaneously or sequentially), in the presence of at least two of the following symptoms: impairment of color vision, pain with ocular movement, afferent pupillary defect, disc pallor, abnormal visual evoked potentials, and central or centrocecal field defect. In children, ON is often associated with a febrile illness and is more likely to be bilateral than when it occurs in adults. The prognosis for Current Management in Child Neurology, Third Edition © 2005 Bernard L. Maria, All Rights Reserved BC Decker Inc visual recovery is generally excellent, with approximately 80% of children recovering to better than 20/100 vision in the affected eye. Transverse Myelitis A recent international panel defined transverse myelitis (TM) as bilateral sensory or motor dysfunction localized to the spinal cord, a defined sensory level, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or myelography exclusion of spinal compression, plus one of the following: (1) cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pleocytosis or increased immunoglobulin (Ig) G index or (2) gadolinium-enhancement of cord, progressing to maximal deficit between 4 hours and 21 days after symptom onset. Bladder and bowel dysfunction may also occur and must be managed acutely. Neuromyelitis Optica (Devic Disease) Devic disease is characterized by acute, severe transverse myelitis and bilateral optic neuritis occurring simultaneously or sequentially (within 2 years, but often within weeks). Symptoms may occur as a monophasic syndrome (ie, no further attacks after the initial ON and TM) or may be associated with multiple relapses of ON and TM. A key distinguishing feature from typical MS is that clinical and MRI evidence of white matter involvement in the brain is absent. The spinal cord involvement in Devic syndrome is also distinct, in that it involves multiple, contiguous spinal cord segments. Symptoms are often severe, leading to permanent disability or even death. Pathological studies Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System Pages 486–493 Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System / 487 demonstrate a severe necrotizing myelopathy, distinct from the typical pathological features of transverse myelitis in MS patients. Devic syndrome has been reported in children and seems to have a more favorable prognosis. In the pediatric series, however, ON and TM occurred within 8 weeks of each other, a factor that was also associated with a better clinical outcome in a series of adult Devic syndrome patients. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is the most controversial of the demyelinating phenotypes. Clearly defined clinical criteria for ADEM have not been established. The classic description of ADEM includes polysymptomatic demyelination with at least two of the following: fever, encephalopathy, meningismus, and headache. ADEM may be associated with a history of viral illness or vaccination within 2 weeks of symptom onset. ADEM after measles infection was particularly severe. Effective measles vaccination programs have led to fewer cases of severe ADEM. MRI typically demonstrates bilateral, asymmetric white and gray matter lesions. However, MRI cannot be used to confirm a specific diagnosis of ADEM and cannot distinguish an attack of ADEM from the first attack of MS. Application of the term ADEM varies among clinicians. In some centers, the presence of multiple white matter lesions alone is used to confer the diagnosis of ADEM, irrespective of the clinical symptoms. This has resulted in considerable clinical heterogeneity in published ADEM series and may contribute to the variable outcomes reported. ADEM is classically considered to be a monophasic disease. However, some children with ADEM experience recurrent neurologic symptoms. Recurrence of the same symptoms as the initial event, typically during taper of corticosteroids, is considered an incomplete response to therapy rather than a new event. However, some children develop new symptoms (clinically and associated with radiologic evidence of new areas of demyelination). If these relapses occur in close proximity to the original symptoms the term multiphasic ADEM has been applied. Children who experience a single relapse, with subsequent resolution of white matter lesions on MRI, have been diagnosed with biphasic ADEM. Recurrent demyelinating attacks, well separated in time from the initial ADEM episode and associated with evidence of involvement of previously uninvolved white matter pathways, leads to a diagnosis of MS. However, there remains considerable controversy regarding the diagnosis of MS in children for whom the first demyelinating attack was considered to be ADEM. Longitudinal studies of carefully characterized ADEM patients are required to truly determine MS risk in this population. Current Management in Child Neurology, Third Edition © 2005 Bernard L. Maria, All Rights Reserved BC Decker Inc Polysymptomatic Demyelination The presence of neurologic deficits referable to multiple sites within the CNS, but without symptoms of encephalopathy, fever, or meningismus, is termed polysymptomatic demyelination. Monosymptomatic Demyelination Clinical symptoms referable to discreet neurologic pathways other than the optic nerve or spinal cord may also be the presenting feature of CNS demyelination. Children may present with hemisensory or hemimotor deficits, cerebellar symptoms, or with symptoms referable to a discrete brainstem lesion (ie, intranuclear ophthalmoplegia). Monosymptomatic demyelination (including ON) is now referred to as a clinically isolated syndrome in the adult demyelinating disease literature. Multiple Sclerosis MS is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorder of the CNS. MS is defined by recurrent attacks of inflammatory demyelination, separated in time by more than 30 days and involving separate CNS white matter pathways. Recently proposed diagnostic criteria for MS now incorporate MRI as a means of confirming dissemination of demyelinating lesions within the CNS and for recognition of emergence of new (clinically silent) lesions over time. Clinical symptoms must persist for more than 24 hours to constitute a clinical “attack.” All attacks must be clearly distinct from acute infection. Separate from acute attack symptoms, MS patients may also suffer profound physical and cognitive fatigue, emotional lability, depression, and cognitive decline. Over time, patients may develop permanent physical disability, spasticity, tremor, or bladder dysfunction. Although MS is typically considered a disease that affects young adults, at least 5% of all MS patients present prior to their 16th birthday. The number of children diagnosed with MS has increased in recent years, likely owing to improved diagnostic awareness among pediatric health care practitioners and to MRI confirmation of active white matter disease. However, numerous barriers remain to the diagnosis of MS in children. Many pediatricians are unfamiliar with MS or do not believe MS occurs in childhood, many children who recover from an inciting demyelinating event are not followed in a systematic manner and thus the significance of their second attack is not fully appreciated, and MRI criteria for the diagnosis of MS in children have yet to be established. The clinical course of MS is variable. More than 80% of adult MS patients and more than 95% of all pediatric MS patients have a course of MS initially characterized by relapses (MS attacks) and remissions (partial or complete resolution of relapse symptoms). Over time, the vast Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System Pages 486–493 488 / The Office Visit: Other Neurologic Complaints and Conditions majority of adult patients with relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) begin to accrue disability between attacks, a phase of the disease known as secondary progressive MS (SPMS). Retrospective, longitudinal studies of pediatric-onset MS patients indicate that 50% of patients will progress to SPMS after 23 years of disease. Primary progressive MS, in which patients experience progressive disability from onset, without discrete clinical relapses, is exceptionally rare in children. To date, there are no serologic or immunologic factors known to predict MS risk at the time of an inciting attack nor are there biologic markers that definitively distinguish MS from other diseases. The presence of multiple white matter lesions, in a distribution typical for MS, is associated with clearly increased likelihood of MS in adults. MRI features predictive of MS risk have yet to be validated in children. Comprehensive, longitudinal clinical and neuroradiologic assessments of all children experiencing an initial demyelinating attack, irrespective of the demyelinating phenotype, are required if the true risk of MS is to be understood in these children. Differential Diagnoses of CNS Demyelination One of the key tenets of MS diagnosis or the diagnosis of an initial demyelinating attack is that other etiologies be excluded. The clinical signs and symptoms of CNS demyelination typically peak for a few days or, occasionally, even for a few weeks. This is a helpful distinction from acute vascular syndromes, hemorrhage (posttraumatic, vascular malformations, tumor-related), or acute intoxication, in which deficits peak within 24 hours. Gradual neurologic deterioration, over weeks to months, is more typical of leukodystrophies (adrenoleukodystrophy, metachromatic leukodystrophy, late-onset Krabbe’s disease), juvenile Alexander disease (which can have MRI features very similar to MS), CNS malignancy, mitochondrial disease (although intermittent deficits can also occur, and thus mitochondrial disease must always be considered), and nutritional deficiency (ie, vitamin B12). As mentioned previously, the primary progressive form of MS, in which deficits progress over months, is exceptionally rare in children. The advent of MRI has greatly improved the diagnostic evaluation of CNS demyelination. MRI appearance of mitochondrial disorders, leukodystrophies, malignancies, and vascular disorders are well described. The main disorders included in the differential of acute CNS demyelination include viral infection, CNS vasculitis, neurosarcoid (rare), and vitamin B12 deficiency (in patients with dorsal column or spinal cord symptoms or with macrocytic anemia). Mitochondrial disease must always be considered, particularly if there is a history of Current Management in Child Neurology, Third Edition © 2005 Bernard L. Maria, All Rights Reserved BC Decker Inc short stature, diabetes, deafness, or myopathy in the patient or family. CNS vasculitis, particularly systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), can mimic CNS demyelination. Signs of systemic illness, cognitive change, and headache would prompt specific consideration of vasculitis. Serum autoimmune markers (double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA], antinuclear antigen, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and magnetic resonance (MR) angiography are performed for all children in whom this diagnosis is entertained. All children with acute demyelination seen in our institution are investigated with a comprehensive viral serology, Lyme serology, West Nile virus serology (seasonal), angiotensin-converting enzyme level, serum and CSF lactate, MR spectroscopy for brain lactate, chest radiography, and serum B12 levels (when indicated). Spinal fluid analysis for infection should be performed on all children with fever or encephalopathy but is more controversial for evaluation of otherwise well-appearing children with monosymptomatic demyelination. CSF oligoclonal bands, present in over 90% of adult MS patients, can be transiently present in children with ADEM and can be absent in children with confirmed MS. Further studies are needed to clarify the diagnostic utility of CSF oligoclonal bands in pediatric demyelination. Management of Acute Demyelination Figure 76-1 outlines a proposed treatment algorithm for acute symptomatic demyelination. Initiation of the algorithm should only be instituted for children in whom demyelinating symptoms are so severe they interfere with daily function. Mild symptoms do not require acute medical therapy. Corticosteroids The putative mechanism of action and rationale for corticosteroid therapy in acute demyelination have been reviewed. In brief, corticosteroids act at the cellular level through the glucocorticoid steroid receptor, leading to upregulation and repression of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) transcription of antiinflammatory and proinflammatory genes, respectively. Corticosteroids also act at the endothelial cell membrane to reduce permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to immune cells, mediated by steroid-induced reduction in leukocyte receptors. This effect is seen clinically by a reduction in gadolinium enhancement of demyelinating lesions in steroid-treated patients. Steroids also reduce the total circulating lymphocyte population, as well as the circulating levels of the harmful cytokines and chemokines secreted by activated lymphocytes. Thus, corticosteroid therapy affects numerous aspects of the immunologic cascade involved in the pathogenesis of an acute demyelinating episode. Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System Pages 486–493 Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System / 489 Clinical Assessment • MRI brain ± spine • Laboratory studies Confirmation of Dx: Acute delmyelination Mild signs and symptoms Significant signs and symptoms IV methylprednisolone 20–30 mg/kg/dose Observe Improvement Dramatic improvement Minimal or no improvement Prednisone start at 1 mg/kg/d, taken as a single morning dose IV methylprednisolone 20–30 mg/kg/dose 2 additional days No further treatment Taper by 5 mg every 2–3 days Improvement Relapse of S+S during taper No improvement IVIg 2 mg/kg total dose Improved/ stabilized Pt < 50 kg 1 g/kg/d 2d Pt > 50 kg 0.4 g/kg/d 5d Initiate immunomodulatory treatment if patient meets criteria for MS diagnosis FIGURE 76-1. Once the diagnosis of acute central nervous system (CNS) demyelination is confirmed, treatment is initiated for children whose symptoms are severe enough to interfere with function. Treatment is initiated with high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP) for 3 days. If symptoms resolve completely, no further therapy (and no prednisone taper) is required. Children with incomplete resolution of symptoms should receive 2 further days of IVMP. Oral prednisone, starting at 1 mg/kg given as a single morning dose, is then initiated. The dose of prednisone is then reduced after 3 days by 5 mg q3 days until discontinued (ie, taper over 14 to 21 days). Children must be closely monitored and the speed of prednisone modified if necessary. Children who fail to respond to IVMP or those who experience clinical recurrence of symptoms during prednisone taper should either receive a second course of IVMP or should be offered intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg). IVIg is given at high dose, 2 g/kg divided over 2 days (small children) or over 5 days (children over 40 to 50 kg). In our experience, low-dose IVIg is ineffective. The efficacy of corticosteroids in the treatment of demyelination is well recognized clinically. However, there are few placebo-controlled corticosteroid trials. The Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial (ONTT) randomly assigned adult patients to placebo, low-dose oral prednisone, or intraCurrent Management in Child Neurology, Third Edition © 2005 Bernard L. Maria, All Rights Reserved BC Decker Inc venous methylprednisolone (IVMP). Patients treated with IVMP improved more quickly than did those who took oral prednisone or placebo, although visual function at 1 year was similar for all three groups. The benefit in terms of quality of life of the patients was not specifically addressed in this Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System Pages 486–493 490 / The Office Visit: Other Neurologic Complaints and Conditions study. Clinical experience dictates that rapid recovery of vision has enormous benefit to the patient’s ability to pursue normal daily activities. IVMP has also been shown to hasten clinical recovery from other demyelinating phenotypes. Several studies have confirmed the short-term benefit of IVMP and high-dose oral prednisone. There are no published trials on the use of corticosteroids in pediatric demyelination. IVMP is widely used to treat children with acute demyelinating syndromes, as reflected in several published series in which treatment is mentioned. The treatment algorithm presented in Figure 76-1 is based on our experience in treating more than 130 children with acute demyelination in the past 4 years. Management of Multiple Sclerosis Figure 76-2 outlines a proposed treatment overview for pediatric MS. This is meant as a general guideline only. As the vast majority of children with MS have relapsingremitting disease, treatments discussed will focus on this type of MS only. Primary progressive MS therapy in children is extremely rare, and treatments for these children are individualized. The Pediatric MS Clinic at the Hospital for Sick Children uses a comprehensive, multidisciplinary model of care. The clinic is staffed by a pediatric neurologist, two MS-certified nurses, a social worker, a pediatric neuro- Immunoglobulin A proportion of children with acute demyelination will either fail to respond to IVMP or will demonstrate reemergence of their demyelinating symptoms upon reduction of corticosteroid therapy. The risks of prolonged corticosteroid therapy (reduced somatic growth, osteopenia, hyperglycemia, hypertension, acne, etc) are of significant concern. Several case reports and small case series have suggested a role for intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) for these children. Our experience with IVIg has been similarly favorable. IVIg is given at a dose of 2 gm/kg, in divided doses, as indicated in Figure 76-1. The mechanisms of action of IVIg are not fully understood. In general, IVIg is thought to bind circulating antibodies, thus preventing them from entering the CNS. IVIg binds complement components, inhibiting tissue damage, inhibits B cell production of antibodies, interacts with the mechanisms of action of macrophages, and may inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. A recent meta-analysis in which four trials of IVIg were analyzed demonstrated that IVIg significantly reduced the annual number of MS relapses and raised the proportion of relapse-free patients, compared with placebo. A largescale IVIg trial in adult MS is currently under way. We have used IVIg in select pediatric MS patients. In our clinic, IVIg is used to stabilize children with very frequent relapses, usually as an adjunct to their MS-targeted immunomodulatory therapy. Physical and Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation is a key component of any acute neurologic injury. Active range-of-movement exercises are important for children with severe hemi- or paraparesis to reduce the risk of secondary complications such as contractures, disuse atrophy, or skin breakdown. Children with incomplete recovery or those with a prolonged recovery phase will benefit from exercises dedicated to reduce spasticity, improve strength and coordination, and increase early mobilization. Current Management in Child Neurology, Third Edition © 2005 Bernard L. Maria, All Rights Reserved BC Decker Inc Clinically definite MS Patient and parent review of available therapies Demonstration and teaching Patient selection of therapy Baseline LFTs and CBC Contraceptive counseling First injection (done by nurse in MS clinic) Start as target dose 4 wk LFTs CBC Review tolerability Increase dose* 3 months 6 months Bi-annually LFTs CBC Review tolerability Review contraception methods FIGURE 76-2. The model used at the Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Clinic at The Hospital for Sick Children for the initiation of immunomodulatory therapy. Liver function test (LFT) abnormalities do occur in children receiving interferons and must be closely monitored. *Escalation of dose should only occur if liver indices are normal, and once the patient is tolerating their current interferon dose. Glatiramer acetate is given at full dose (20 mg/d subcutaneous) from initiation of therapy. LFT abnormalities are not a reported side effect of glatiramer acetate. CBC = complete blood count. Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System Pages 486–493 Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System / 491 physiotherapist, a clinic coordinator, two child psychiatrists, and a pediatric neuro-ophthalmologist. The clinic is linked with the local chapter of the MS Society of Canada, and patients and families are provided printed material and online literature relating to pediatric MS. Disease-Modifying Therapies Interferons and Glatiramer Acetate The development of disease-modifying therapies for MS has led to a significant change in MS care. Table 76-1 outlines dosage and mode of administration for each of the four approved medications. The presumed mechanisms of action of interferons and glatiramer acetate (GA) differ, but both act to reduce CNS inflammation. Interferons decrease syntheses within the immune system of requisite costimulatory molecules, proinflammatory cytokines, and other pro-inflammatory mechanisms leading to inhibition of reactive T cells. Interferons also inhibit trafficking of T cells across the blood-brain barrier. GA, a random polymer, acts as a molecular “decoy.” GA is engulfed by antigen-presenting cells, leading to presentation of GA-specific antigens and subsequent GA-specific T cells. These GA-specific T cells favor the more antiinflammatory Th2 T cell subtype, rather than the pro-inflammatory Th1 phenotype. Furthermore, the GA-specific T cells may further suppress autoimmunity by acting through a mechanism known as “bystander suppression.” Detailed reviews of the disease-modifying therapies have recently been published. All reduce the frequency of annual clinical relapses by 29 to 34%. Interferon β-1a (Avonex® and Rebif®) has been shown to reduce the progression of disability. All four medications have shown a reduction in inflammatory activity as assessed by gadolinium enhancement on MRI, and interferon β-1a (Avonex®) has been shown to reduce the rate of brain atrophy. Side effects of interferons include flu-like symptoms, elevation in serum of hepatic transaminases, menstrual irregularities, reduction in white blood cell count, and injection-site reactions. The flu-like side effects are usually mild and respond well to administration of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. For some patients, however, the flu-like side effects limit tolerability. GA does not lead to the flu-like side effects of the interferons but is associated with injection site reactions and with a self-limited systemic reaction characterized by an unpleasant flushingsensation, dyspnea, palpitations, and anxiety. Initiation of therapy with interferon β-1a at the time of a first demyelinating event delayed conversion to MS in adult patients at high risk for MS (on the basis of MRI findings). Recent studies also suggest that initiation of disease-modifying therapies as early as possible after confirmation of MS diagnosis leads to improved long-term outcome (as measured by reduced physical disability) compared with untreated natural history cohorts. Interferon β-1a (Avonex®) has also been shown to have a beneficial effect on cognitive outcome in adult MS patients. The available literature on the use of interferons and GA in pediatric MS patients is restricted to tolerability data in isolated small case series or single case reports. Use of these agents in children requires a carefully structured patientcare model. The fact that the disease-modifying agents are administered via injection poses a challenge for all MS patients but is a particular challenge for young children. In our clinic, we spend a great deal of time educating children and their parents about the treatment options and involve the child or adolescent in the choice of therapy. Injections are demonstrated by the use of a puppet, which also allows the parent (or adolescent if self-injection is planned) to practice injection techniques. We use an arbitrary method to determine the dose of interferons on the basis of the child’s weight relative to a normal adult female body weight (ie, a 30 kg child is 50% of a normal 60 kg woman and would have a target dose that is 50% of the normal adult dose). We then initiate therapy with one-half the target dose, and in 2-week increments increase to three-quarters the dose and then the full target dose. Escalation of dose depends on tolerability and on results of liver function tests (LFTs) and complete blood count studies. These laboratory studies are performed at baseline, and then monthly for 6 months. If liver function results are normal at 6 months, then subsequent studies can be performed every 6 months thereafter. GA is initiated at the full adult dose. Before initiating therapy, contraceptive counseling is provided to all sexually active adolescents, as the safety of these medications during pregnancy is unknown. To date, we have documented elevation in serum liver transaminases in four of our patients, necessitating TABLE 76-1. Immunomodulatory Therapies in Multiple Sclerosis Medication Trade Name Dose Route Frequency Interferon β-1a Interferon β-1a Interferon β-1b Glatiramer acetate Avonex® Rebif® Betaseron® Copaxone® 30 µg 22 or 44 µg 8 mIU 20 mg IM SQ SQ SQ Once weekly 3 times weekly Every other day Daily IM =intramuscular; SQ= subcutaneous. Current Management in Child Neurology, Third Edition © 2005 Bernard L. Maria, All Rights Reserved BC Decker Inc Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System Pages 486–493 492 / The Office Visit: Other Neurologic Complaints and Conditions reduction in dose in three and discontinuation of interferon in one child. Flu-like side effects have been noted in 20% of children on interferons, but these symptoms have been easily managed with ibuprofen. Brief episodes of chest tightness and tachycardia were described by two children receiving GA. Overall, we have found diseasemodifying therapies to be well tolerated in children. Efficacy of disease-modifying agents cannot be accurately assessed without a formal efficacy trial. Such a trial would require collaboration among multiple sites and poses numerous logistical considerations. It is unlikely that a placebo-controlled trial would be considered, given the proven efficacy of disease-modifying therapies in adult MS. Mitoxantrone Mitoxantrone is a cytotoxic anthracenedione antineoplastic agent that has potent immunomodulatory effects on both humoral and T cell–mediated immunity. Mitoxantrone is administered as a monthly intravenous dose of 8 mg/m2 or as 12 mg/m2 every 3 months. In the pivotal trial, mitoxantrone was shown to reduce the rate of disability progression. However, mitoxantrone is associated with a cumulative dose-related cardiotoxicity and a significant risk of leukopenia. Thus, the use of this agent is largely restricted to adults with aggressive MS. The use of mitoxantrone in pediatric MS has yet to be described. Cyclophosphamide Cyclophosphamide is an alkylating agent with potent immunosuppressive properties. The use of cyclophosphamide in MS is controversial. One trial found no benefit of cyclophosphamide, whereas another demonstrated a significant reduction in disease progression. Cyclophosphamide is used in pediatric patients with neoplastic or autoimmune disorders (ie, SLE). Familiarity with the use of cyclophosphamide in pediatrics, combined with data from the studies of cyclophosphamide in adults that suggest a role for this medication in patients with aggressive MS associated with frequent relapses, has led to the use of cyclophosphamide in a small number of pediatric MS patients worldwide. Cyclophosphamide is associated with long-term risks of infertility and bladder carcinoma or other malignancies and short-term risks of alopecia, immune suppression, hemorrhagic cystitis, and nausea. Thus, toxicity will restrict the use of cyclophosphamide to children with highly active disease who have failed all other forms of conventional MS therapy. Our experience, and that of other centers (personal communications), is that cyclophosphamide reduces acute relapse disability, reduces relapse frequency, and improves fatigue significantly in some highly selected patients. Current Management in Child Neurology, Third Edition © 2005 Bernard L. Maria, All Rights Reserved BC Decker Inc Novel Agents Several immunomodulatory agents are currently under investigation for use in MS. Humanized anti-α4 integrin (Antegren®), altered peptide ligand, and various statins are currently at phase I to III trials. Bone marrow transplantation with stem cell rescue is currently being investigated for patients with aggressive MS. Combination therapies may also be a logical extension of the increasing body of knowledge on MS pathogenesis. Symptomatic Therapies The most important aspect of symptomatic therapy is to fully evaluate the symptoms in the context of the child’s daily life. Increasing fatigue may be a sign of MS or a feature of poor sleep hygiene, depression, stress, or school pressures. Bladder dysfunction may be due to spinal cord involvement or to urinary tract infection. Depression can yield numerous symptoms and may not be readily identified by a young child or their parents. Management of pediatric MS patients requires an in-depth understanding of the child and a well-established relationship of trust. It is important for patients, particularly adolescents, to have an opportunity to discuss their concerns privately with their health care team. Sexual dysfunction, alcohol and drug use, pregnancy and contraception, and mental health issues may never be mentioned unless the patient has the opportunity to confide in his or her physician. There are several specific symptoms that will be discussed: Fatigue is defined in our pediatric MS population as a subjective lack of physical or mental energy of sufficient severity as to interfere with the child’s ability to complete requisite school work, engage in extracurricular activities, or interact socially with peers. Modafinil (Provigil®) and amantadine have been shown to be efficacious in reducing fatigue in MS and have proved beneficial for those children for whom therapy was indicated. Management of spasticity requires physiotherapy as well as medication. Oral botulinum toxin, tizanidine, and benzodiazepines may be effective. Neuropathic pain is managed with use of gabapentin. Bladder dysfunction may occur acutely during transverse myelitis or as a chronic condition. Treatment of acute bladder failure centers on avoidance of infection by the use of intermittent catheterization or indwelling catheters (if necessary). Chronic bladder dysfunction is a common symptom in adult MS but appears to be less frequent in children. Symptoms of urgency, hesitancy, or incontinence require careful evaluation. Infection must be excluded. Bladder spasticity, leading to difficulty with initiation of voiding, frequency, and urgency, is managed with the use of oral Ditropan®. Bladder retention, leading to overflow incontinence and risk of urinary tract infection, may require intermittent catheterization or other techniques Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System Pages 486–493 Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System / 493 to ensure bladder emptying. A full urodynamic evaluation is strongly advised to ensure proper bladder care. Cognitive deficits occur in 50 to 65% of adult MS patients and may occur early in the disease. The onset of MS during early childhood occurs during the period of primary myelin maturation and during the formative academic years. Cognitive deficits have also been demonstrated in children with MS. These deficits are notable in children with no demonstrable physical disability, suggesting that cognitive deficits may be the most functionally important consequence of early-onset MS. Cognitive rehabilitation is an area of research in adult MS and is most certainly an area that merits urgent exploration in pediatric-onset MS as well. The onset of MS in a child or adolescent invariably leads to shock and dismay for parents and caregivers facing the diagnosis of an “adult disease” in their child. The psychological impact of MS on the child or adolescent may also be profound, although in our experience most children cope well with their diagnosis. This perception of coping may reflect the common “invincible” attitude adopted by children and adolescents. Depression is diagnosed in 30 to 50% of adult MS patients at some point during their disease. The Pediatric MS Clinic is staffed by two pediatric psychiatrists who offer assessments for all children and adolescents in our clinic. This has proved to be invaluable. Summary The onset of demyelination in childhood or adolescence poses a wealth of challenges to the patient, family, and medical team. Acute symptoms must be fully investigated and managed. Many children will experience a monophasic illness. However, the risk of the subsequent diagnosis of MS must be recognized and appropriate long-term care provided. Advances in MS therapeutics highlight the importance of prompt diagnosis and early initiation of MS-targeted therapies. The long-term impact of pediatric-onset MS on physical and mental functioning, as well as on ultimate vocational and social independence, is likely to be profound. It is hoped that comprehensive care of MS-affected children will serve to mitigate the long-term impact of this disease. Current Management in Child Neurology, Third Edition © 2005 Bernard L. Maria, All Rights Reserved BC Decker Inc Suggested Readings Andersson PB, Goodkin DE. Glucocorticosteroid therapy for multiple sclerosis: a critical review. J Neurol Sci 1998; 160:16–25. McDonald W, Compston A, Edan G, et al. Recommended diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis: guidelines from the International Panel on the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Ann Neurol 2001;50:121–7 Mikaeloff Y, Moreau T, Debouverie M, et al. Interferon-beta treatment in patients with childhood-onset multiple sclerosis. J Pediatr 2001;139:443–6. O’Connor P. Key issues in the diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis. An overview. Neurology 2002;59(6 Suppl 3):S1–33. Ozakbas S, Idiman E, Baklan B, Yulug B. Childhood and juvenile onset multiple sclerosis: clinical and paraclinical features. Brain Dev 2003;25:233–6. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Sarova-Pinhas I, Achiron A. Multiple sclerosis in childhood and adolescence: clinical features and management. Paediatr Drugs 2001;3:329–36. Sahlas DJ, Miller SP, Guerin M, et al. Treatment of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis with intravenous immunoglobulin. Neurology 2000;54:1370–2. Tenembaum S, Chamoles N, Fejerman N . Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis: a long-term follow-up of 84 pediatric patients. Neurology 2002;59:1224–31. Waubant E, Hietpas J, Stewart T, et al. Interferon beta-1a in children with multiple sclerosis is well tolerated. Neuropediatrics 2001;32:211–3. Practitioner and Patient Resources National Multiple Sclerosis Society The Society and its network of chapters nationwide promote research, educate, advocate on critical issues, and organize a wide range of programs—including support for the newly diagnosed and those living with MS over time. Canadian Multiple Sclerosis Society http:// Acquired Demyelination of the Central Nervous System Pages 486–493
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