BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA COMMISSION AGENDA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2015 - 9:00 A.M. County Commission Chamber Indian River County Administration Complex 1801 27th Street, Building A Vero Beach, Florida, 32960-3388 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT Wesley S. Davis, Chairman Bob Solari, Vice Chairman Joseph E. Flescher Peter D. O’Bryan Tim Zorc District 1 District 5 District 2 District 4 District 3 Joseph A. Baird, County Administrator Dylan Reingold, County Attorney Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller PAGE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION Stan Boling, Community Development Director 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA / EMERGENCY ITEMS 5. PROCLAMATIONS and PRESENTATIONS 9:00 A.M. None 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of January 20, 2015 A. B. February 17, 2015 Special Call Meeting of January 28, 2015 Page 1 of 8 7. INFORMATION ITEMS FROM STAFF OR COMMISSIONERS NOT REQUIRING BOARD ACTION A. B. C. 8. PAGE Town of Indian River Shores, City of Vero Beach, and Indian River County Mediation – December 17, 2014 Meeting Minutes 1-13 2015 Election of Beach & Shore Preservation Advisory Board Chairman and Vice Chairman (memorandum dated February 9, 2015) 14 Florida Department of State Minority Appointment Reporting Calendar Year 2013 (memorandum dated February 2, 2015) 15-25 CONSENT AGENDA A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. February 17, 2015 Approval of Warrants January 30, 2015 to February 5, 2015 (memorandum dated February 5, 2015) 26-34 Escheated Properties Located Within the Municipal Boundaries of the City of Fellsmere (memorandum dated February 6, 2015) 35-38 Miscellaneous Budget Amendment 007 (memorandum dated February 9, 2015) 39-43 Declaration of Excess Equipment as Surplus for Sale or Disposal (memorandum dated February 2, 2015) 44-47 Work Order No. 1, Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc., 45th Street Left Turn Lane at US1, IRC Project No. 1355 (memorandum dated February 9, 2015) 48-54 Award of Bid Old Dixie Highway Sidewalk from 38th Lane to 45th Street, IRC Project No. 0845B, Bid No. 2014032 (memorandum dated January 28, 2015) 55-65 Florida Blue – Administrative Services Agreement Renewal (memorandum dated February 9, 2015) 66-69 Authorize County Administrator to Execute the Business Associate Agreement and Confidentiality Agreement pertaining to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) (memorandum dated February 9, 2015) 70-86 Authorize County Administrator to Execute the BlueMedicare Group Master Agreement (memorandum dated February 9, 2015) 87-106 Page 2 of 8 8. CONSENT AGENDA J. K. L. M. N. O. 9. Approval of Release of Retainage for GFA Work Order #GFA-3 for Osprey Marsh Stormwater Park (memorandum dated February 9, 2015) 107-109 2015/2016 Budget Workshop / Hearing Schedule (memorandum dated February 9, 2015) 110 Approval of State Sovereignty Submerged Lands Fee Waived Lease 5-Year Renewal for Boat Club Island (Spoil Island IR-25) (memorandum dated February 10, 2015) 111-123 John and Kari Tench’s Request for Partial Release of an Easement at 5821 Bent Pine Drive (Bent Pine Subdivision, Unit 4) (memorandum dated February 10, 2015) 124-130 Approval of Release of Retainage for Various Tasks of Work Order No. L-1, and Associated Change Orders with G.K. Environmental, Inc. for Egret Marsh Stormwater Park (memorandum dated February 6, 2015) 131-133 Consent to Assignment and Assumption of License by Vertical Bridge Acquisitions, LLC (memorandum dated February 10, 2015) 134-137 CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS and GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES A. 10. PAGE Indian River County Sheriff Deryl Loar Request for Funding for Improvements to the Indian River County Jail (letter dated February 9, 2015) 138-143 PUBLIC ITEMS A. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. February 17, 2015 Tracy Sabol’s Request for Abandonment of a Right-of-Way for a 16’ Alleyway Running from 129th Place to 130th Street and Lying Behind Lots 1-10, Block 1 of the Townsite Plat of Roseland Subdivision (memorandum dated February 6, 2015) Legislative 144-156 Page 3 of 8 10. PUBLIC ITEMS A. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. B. PAGE Public Hearing to Consider Amending the Code of Indian River County to Create “The Indian River County Driver Education Program Trust Fund” to Implement the Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act (memorandum dated February 5, 2015) Legislative 157-163 PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS (As a general rule, public discussion items should be limited to matters on which the commission may take action.) Request to Speak from Susan Mehiel Regarding the county’s efforts 1. to fight AAF and in support of the county setting aside funds for the legal efforts to stop the train C. 164 PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS None 11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS None 12. DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS A. Community Development Authorization for 45th Street Beautification Project: Phase I and 1. Resurfacing Improvements (memorandum dated January 26, 2015) 165-171 Condemnation, Demolition and Removal of Unsafe Structures Located at 2313 3rd Avenue SE, 4401 31st Avenue, 2460-2480 41st Street, and 1165 6th Avenue (memorandum dated January 23, 2015) 172-201 Review of INEOS New Planet BioEnergy LLC’s Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Annual Report (memorandum dated January 29, 2015) 202-218 2. 3. B. Emergency Services None February 17, 2015 Page 4 of 8 12. DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS C. PAGE General Services 1. Replacement of Weathered Seats in Historic Dodgertown’s Holman Stadium (memorandum dated February 10, 2015) 1. 219-226 Human Services None 2. Sandridge Golf Club None 3. Recreation None D. Human Resources None E. Office of Management and Budget 1. 2. F. Potential Refunding of Land Acquisition Bonds Series 2006 (memorandum dated February 10, 2015) 227 Approval of Firm Selection for RFP 2015024 – Lessee to Provide Concessionaire Services at Sandridge Snack Bar (memorandum dated February 9, 2015) 228-237 Public Works None G. Utilities Services None 13. COUNTY ATTORNEY MATTERS A. B. February 17, 2015 First Amendment to Court Funding Interlocal Agreement (memorandum dated February 11, 2015) 238-246 Resolution Regarding the Florida Auditor General’s Preliminary and Tentative Audit Findings and Recommendations Concerning FMPA and the Plans of the City of Vero Beach in Response to that Audit (memorandum dated February 11, 2015) 247-251 Page 5 of 8 14. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS A. Commissioner Wesley S. Davis, Chairman 1. B. District 1 Announcement (memorandum dated February 11, 2015) 252 Commissioner Bob Solari, Vice Chairman 1. 2. C. PAGE All Aboard Florida (memorandum dated January 30, 2015) 253 IRL – NEP (memorandum dated February 11, 2015) 254 Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher None D. Commissioner Peter D. O’Bryan None E. Commissioner Tim Zorc 1. 15. Discussion on Planning of Future Fire Station Locations (memorandum dated February 9, 2015) 255 SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS A. Emergency Services District 1. Approval of Minutes Meeting of December 16, 2014 2. Approval of Minutes Meeting of January 13, 2015 3. Emergency Services District Capital Improvements (memorandum dated February 10, 2015) 256-260 Work Order #4 for Fire Rescue Station #13 (4th Street and 43rd Avenue) (memorandum dated February 10, 2015) 261-267 4. February 17, 2015 Page 6 of 8 15. SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS B. Solid Waste Disposal District 1. Approval of Minutes Meeting of January 6, 2015 2. Approval of Minutes Meeting of January 20, 2015 3. CCNA-2014 Work Order No. 1 to CDM Smith, Inc. for Engineering Services with the 2015 Annual Permit Compliance Monitoring and Reporting (memorandum dated February 6, 2015) 268-282 CCNA-2014 Work Order No. 2 to CDM Smith, Inc. for the 2015 Annual Financial Assurance Report (memorandum dated February 6, 2015) 283-289 Amendment No. 1 to Work Order No. 1 to Kessler Consulting, Inc., for Solid Waste Procurement & Technical Services (memorandum dated February 6, 2015) 290-297 4. 5. C. PAGE Environmental Control Board None 16. ADJOURNMENT Except for those matters specifically exempted under the State Statute and Local Ordinance, the Board shall provide an opportunity for public comment prior to the undertaking by the Board of any action on the agenda, including those matters on the Consent Agenda. Public comment shall also be heard on any proposition which the Board is to take action which was either not on the Board agenda or distributed to the public prior to the commencement of the meeting. Anyone who may wish to appeal any decision which may be made at this meeting will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal will be based. Anyone who needs a special accommodation for this meeting may contact the County’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator at (772) 226-1223 at least 48 hours in advance of meeting. Anyone who needs special accommodation with a hearing aid for this meeting may contact the Board of County Commission Office at 772-226-1490 at least 20 hours in advance of the meeting. The full agenda is available on line at the Indian River County Website at The full agenda is also available for review in the Board of County Commission Office, the Indian River County Main Library, and the North County Library. February 17, 2015 Page 7 of 8 Commission Meeting may be broadcast live by Comcast Cable Channel 27 Rebroadcasts continuously with the following proposed schedule: Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. until Wednesday at 6:00 a.m., Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Thursday at 1:00 p.m. through Friday Morning, and Saturday at 12:00 Noon to 5:00 p.m. February 17, 2015 Page 8 of 8 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2015 County Commission Chamber Indian River County Administration Complex 1801 27th Street, Building A Vero Beach, Florida, 32960-3388 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT Wesley S. Davis, Chairman Bob Solari, Vice Chairman Joseph E. Flescher Peter D. O’Bryan Tim Zorc District 1 District 5 District 2 District 4 District 3 Present Present Present Present Present Joseph A. Baird, County Administrator Dylan Reingold, County Attorney Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Leona Adair Allen, Deputy Clerk 1. CALL TO ORDER 3. Present PACKET PAGES DVD TIMES 2. Present Present Present 9:00 A.M. INVOCATION Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dylan Reingold, County Attorney 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA / EMERGENCY ITEMS 9:02 a.m. Addition: Emergency Item 13.C. Request to Appeal Final Orders Issued by the Department of Juvenile Justice Addition: Emergency Item 14.A.1. Venue Request from American Coalition for Property Rights and Florida Not All Aboard ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Commissioner O’Bryan, the Board unanimously approved the agenda as amended. BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page1 5. PROCLAMATIONS and PRESENTATIONS 9:03 a.m. A. 9:09 a.m. B. Presentation of Proclamation Recognizing the Saint Edward’s School for Their Contributions to Indian River County Presented by Vice Chairman Solari and received by Saint Edwards Head of School Michael Mersky. 1 Presentation of Vero Beach Chamber of Commerce Annual Report for 2014 and Announcement of Events Scheduled in 2015 by Dan Stump, Esq., Chairman of the Vero Beach Chamber Board of Directors Attorney Daniel Stump announced that the City of Vero Beach Chamber of Commerce was celebrating its one year anniversary as of January 4, 2014; listed the goals and accomplishments that were met in the first year; and requested the Board grant the Chamber representation on the Economic Development Council (EDC) after the application is received. Charlie Wilson outlined the local events that will be taking place throughout the year. Ben Costello, 102 Trotters Court, Venetia, PA, Director of the 1715 Fleet Society, elaborated on the County events that will take place in March and July to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the lost treasure from the 1715 Spanish Fleet. 6. 9:38 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of December 16, 2014 A. ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Solari, the Board unanimously approved the regular meeting minutes of December 16, 2014, as written. 7. 9:39 a.m. INFORMATION ITEMS FROM STAFF OR COMMISSIONERS NOT REQUIRING BOARD ACTION A. Florida Public Service Commission Notice of Final Order Approving Florida Power and Light’s Proposed Non-Standard Meter Rider Tariff Effective January 2, 2015, has been received and is available for review in the Office of the Clerk to the Board B. Information Regarding Cancellation of Three Inactive Local Jobs Grant Agreements (memorandum dated January 12, 2015) Noted for the record were the following inactive grant agreements: Aeroshade Technologies, Inc., XStream Systems, Inc., and SMI Telecoms, LLC. BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 2-14 Page2 C. D. E. F. G. 8. Revision to Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Appointees for 2015 (memorandum dated January 13, 2015) U.S. Kids Golf Honoring Bela Nagy, Sandridge Golf Professional, as a U.S. Kids Golf Master Kids Teacher During a Special Ceremony at the PGA Merchandise Show Commissioner O’Bryan announced that Bela Nagy was selected as “U.S. Kids Golf Master Kids Teacher” and will be honored with an award as one of the top 50 teachers for the youth. 15-17 18 Proclamation Designating January 25 – 31, 2015, as Indian River County School Choice Week 19 Proclamation and Retirement Award Honoring Cheryl Wilkinson on Her Retirement from Indian River County Board of County Commissioners Department of General Services/North County Library with Twenty-Six Years of Service 20-21 Proclamation and Retirement Award Honoring Charles Edwards on His Retirement from Indian River County Board of County Commissioners Department of Public Works/Road & Bridge Division with Nineteen Years of Service 22-23 CONSENT AGENDA ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved the Consent Agenda, pulling Items 8.I. and 8.J. for discussion. 9:39 a.m. A. B. Approval of Warrants – January 1, 2015 to January 8, 2015 (memorandum dated January 8, 2015) Approved the list of warrants (checks) and wires as supplied by the Comptroller’s Office. Resolution Formally Designating a Portion of County Owned Property Along 26th Street as Right-of-Way (memorandum dated January 9, 2015) Approved: (1) Resolution 2015-007, formally designating certain County owned property for right-of-way, and directing the Property Appraiser to cut out the property designated as right-of-way from the parent parcel (Lot 1, Block G of Dodgertown Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 49, of the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida); and (2) authorized the Chairman to execute same for recordation in the Public Records of Indian River County, Florida. (Javier Franco and Baylee Franco) BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 24-32 33-38 Page3 C. D. E. F. G. H. 9:40 a.m. I. Out of County Travel to attend the 29th Annual Governor’s Hurricane Conference (memorandum dated January 14, 2015) Approved out of County travel for Commissioners and staff to attend the 29th Annual Governor’s Hurricane Conference in Orlando, from May 10, 2015 through May 15, 2015. Miscellaneous Budget Amendment 005 (memorandum dated January 14, 2015) Approved Resolution 2015-008, amending the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Budget. M.A.C.E. (Multi-Agency Criminal Enforcement Unit) Project Generated Income (PGI) Miscellaneous Budget Amendment 006 (memorandum dated January 14, 2015) Approved: (1) the utilization of Project Generated Income totaling $3,214.15; (2) Budget Amendment 006; and (3) Resolution 2015-009, amending the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Budget. Approval for Release of Final Payment to Weller Pools, LLC (memorandum dated January 13, 2015) Authorized the release of final payment of $67,386.00 to Weller Pools, LLC, for repair work on the competitive pool at the North County Aquatic Center. 26th Street – Advance Acquisition of Right-of-Way, 5030 26th Street, 5920 26th Street, Ronee Suzan King and Stephen Allan Block, as Co-Trustees under the Benjamin Block Trust – 1999 (memorandum dated January 12, 2015) Approved and authorized the Chairman to execute the Contract for Sale and Purchase of the King/Block property for $68,268; directed staff to take the needed right-of-way from the property after purchase; and authorized the sale of the remaining property, if any, at sealed bid or by auction. GHO Lake Sapphire Corp’s Request for Final Plat Approval for a Subdivision to be known as Lake Sapphire (memorandum dated January 12, 2015) Granted final plat approval for the Lake Sapphire Subdivision. Utility Construction Standards, March, 2014, January 2015 Revision – UCP 3110 (memorandum dated January 12, 2015) Chairman Davis pulled this item to question whether there would be additional permitting fees with the revision, and staff informed him that the revision only entailed procedural changes. BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 39-42 43-50 51-58 59-61 62-81 82-88 89-96 Page4 Commissioner Zorc sought and received clarification regarding fire hydrant guard posts. ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Chairman Davis, the Board unanimously adopted the revised Indian River County Department of Utility Services Water, Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Utility Construction Standards, dated March 2014, revised January 2015, as presented. 9:43 a.m. J. Hutton Growth One, LLC / Family Dollar Store, Developer Agreement for Developer Contributions to Culvert Pipe Improvements on the South Side of 45th Street (memorandum dated January 7, 2015) Commissioner Zorc pulled this item to comment on the value of the culvert headwalls, and the agreement with the developer to pay the County $30,000, which would offset some of the piping costs. 97-101 ON MOTION by Commissioner Zorc, SECONDED by Chairman Davis, the Board unanimously approved Developer’s Agreement with Family Dollar Stores, Inc. (Hutton Growth One, LLC). K. L. 9. Authorization for NASPO Contract SW300 for Automated External Defibrillators (AED) Equipment (memorandum dated January 7, 2015) Approved the Participating Addendum to the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) Contract, designating Indian River County as a Participating Entity, and authorized the Chairman to execute same after the County Attorney has approved it as to content and legal sufficiency. Approval of Agreement for Payment of Costs Associated with Creation of the Oslo Park Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit, Oceanside Subdivision Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit, Oceanside Subdivision Street Paving and Maintenance Municipal Service Benefit Unit (memorandum dated January 14, 2015) Approved the “Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs for Oceanside Street Lighting District Oceanside Paving District Oslo Park Street Lighting District Municipal Service Benefit Unit,” and authorized staff to proceed with the required public hearings. 102-106 107-110 CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS and GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES None BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page5 10. PUBLIC ITEMS A. 9:46 a.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Beth Ann Atamer’s Request for Special Exception Use and Conceptual Planned Development (PD) Plan Approval for a Project to be known as Hampton Woods East (memorandum dated January 8, 2015) Quasi-Judicial 111-123 PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD Each Commissioner, as requested by the Chairman, disclosed ex parte communications, site visits, or independent investigations. They also affirmed that they have an open mind and can base their decisions on the evidence presented and applicable law. The Chairman opened the Public Hearing. The Deputy Clerk administered the Oath to all persons who wished to speak at the hearing. Community Development Director Stan Boling explained the Special Exception Use and Conceptual Planned Development (PD) approval request for the Hampton Woods East project; described the project process; identified the dedications and improvements; defined the proposed PD waivers for the project; discussed the public benefits for the project; and pointed out the environmental issues associated with the proposed project. He urged the Board to approve the PD plan with the recommendations outlined in staff’s report (relating to tree mitigation, and providing for a street light, fire hydrant, a tree preservation area, and utility easement). He informed the Board that the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) unanimously recommended that the special exception use and conceptual PD plan be approved with staff’s recommendations. Commissioner O’Bryan sought and received information regarding sewer services. Wesley Mills, of Mills, Short and Associates, 800 8th Street, Vero Beach, Project Engineer, in response to Commissioner Zorc’s question, conveyed that the storm water design would capture all storm water runoff and hold it on site. BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page6 Thomas Sherman, 1415 43rd Court, voiced concern over a house that had burned down near Hampton Woods. Chairman Davis said he would ask Code Enforcement to look into the situation. There being no additional speakers, the Chairman closed the Public Hearing. ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Solari, the Board unanimously granted special exception use and conceptual Planned Development (PD) Plan approval with the following conditions: (1) prior to preliminary PD Plan/Plat approval, the applicant shall obtain Environmental Planning staff approval for the project’s tree mitigation plan; (2) prior to issuance of Certificate of Completion for the project, the applicant shall install the required street light and fire hydrant, as depicted on the conceptual PD Plan; and (3) Prior to or via the final plat process, the applicant shall: (a) establish a 25’ wide tree preservation area along the project site’s entire 46th Avenue frontage, and (b) establish a 15’ utility easement along the project site’s north property line. 10:02 a.m. 2. Approval of a Resolution Electing to Use the Uniform Method for the Levy, Collection and Enforcement of Non Ad Valorem Assessments for the Oceanside Subdivision Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit (memorandum dated January 14, 2015) Legislative 124-129 PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD Deputy County Attorney Bill DeBraal spoke about the creation of a new Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) to recover the costs of street lighting improvements in Oceanside Subdivision; described the process of establishing the MSBU; and recommended the Board approve the Resolution and authorize staff to proceed with the second public hearing. Discussion ensued between the Board and staff regarding the petition-driven request of the residents for street lighting and road improvements. The Chairman opened the Public Hearing. BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page7 Kathleen Taylor, 2180 Waltons Court, said she and 88% of her neighbors were in favor of the project, and reported that the neighbors who would be affected had been notified in writing. There being no other speakers, the Chairman closed the Public Hearing. ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously: (1) authorized staff to proceed with the second public hearing; and (2) approved Resolution 2015-010, electing to use the uniform method for the levy, collection, and enforcement of non ad valorem assessments pursuant to Florida Statute 197.3632 to recover the costs of street lighting and maintenance in the Oceanside Replat Subdivision area. 10:09 a.m. 3. Approval of a Resolution Electing to Use the Uniform Method for the Levy, Collection and Enforcement of Non Ad Valorem Assessments for the Oceanside Subdivision Street Paving and Maintenance Municipal Service Benefit Unit (memorandum dated January 14, 2015) Legislative 130-135 PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD Attorney DeBraal informed the Board that this Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) would recover the costs of road repaving in the Oceanside Subdivision. He recommended approval of the Resolution and authorization for staff to proceed with the second public hearing. The Chairman opened the Public Hearing. Kathleen Taylor, 2180 Waltons Court, revealed that this started because one of the developers had passed away, and the other left town abruptly, and for this reason the roads were never turned over to the County. There being no other speakers, the Chairman closed the Public Hearing. A brief discussion ensued regarding the MSBU process for roads and streetlighting. Public Works Director Chris Mora explained the repaving assessment. BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page8 ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Solari, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously: (1) authorized staff to proceed with the second public hearing; and (2) approved Resolution 2015-011, electing to use the uniform method for the levy, collection, and enforcement of non ad valorem assessments pursuant to Florida Statute 197.3632 to recover the costs of street paving and maintenance in the Oceanside Replat Subdivision area. 10:14 a.m. 4. Approval of a Resolution Electing to Use the Uniform Method for the Levy, Collection and Enforcement of Non Ad Valorem Assessments for the Oslo Park Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit (memorandum dated January 14, 2015) Legislative 136-143 PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD Attorney DeBraal advised the Board that this Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) would recover the costs of street lighting and maintenance for the Oslo Park area (17th Street SW north to 7th Street SW and 27th Avenue SW east to the Lateral J Canal). He recommended the Board approve the resolution and authorize staff to proceed with the second public hearing. A brief discussion ensued pertaining to the security lights in the neighborhood. The Chairman opened the Public Hearing. There being no speakers, the Chairman closed the Public Hearing. ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Chairman Davis, the Board unanimously: (1) authorized staff to proceed with the second public hearing; and (2) approved Resolution 2015-012, electing to use the uniform method for the levy, collection, and enforcement of non ad valorem assessments pursuant to Florida Statute 197.3632 to recover the costs of street lighting and maintenance in the Oslo Park area. B. 10:19 a.m. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS (As a general rule, public discussion items should be limited to matters on which the commission may take action.) BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page9 1. Request to Speak from Mike DeGeorge, President and Sherri Davis, Vice President, Trillium Homeowner’s Association Trillium Homeowner’s Association (HOA) President Mike DeGeorge and Vice President Sherri Davis used a PowerPoint presentation to communicate their concerns over the landscaping and irrigation damage they said occurred from the 66th Avenue widening project. They elaborated on the damage to the plants in their landscaping beds along 66th Avenue from lack of water, heavy equipment, and their landscaping company being restricted from the construction zone, which resulted in damages of about $14,446. 144-146 Administrator Joseph Baird and Director Mora reiterated the County’s policy that if vegetation or irrigation is put on the County’s right-of-way, the County is not responsible for the damage, if work needs to be done in that area. Discussion ensued regarding the right-of-way between the HOA’s wall and the sidewalk; and the need to obtain a permit for any work within the right-of-way. Commissioner O’Bryan supported the County’s Policy and reasoned that the sidewalk delineates public from private property even though the right-of-way goes to the wall. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Solari, to approve the replacement of the dead plants in the bed that is west of the sidewalk (between 26th and 33rd Streets and up to the wall), and authorize staff to issue the permit so the HOA could reestablish irrigation in the right-of-way at their own risk. Mr. DeGeorge felt the policy should had been explained better and believed they should receive compensation. Further discussion ensued regarding the original design standards; safety issues; and the cost estimate of the damage. MOTION WAS AMENDED by Commissioner O’Bryan, to replace any dead plants in beds that are west of the sidewalk and up to the wall (between 26th and 33rd Streets). Motion DIED for lack of a SECOND. MOTION WAS AMENDED by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Solari, to TABLE this item; direct staff to walk the sidewalk and identify the damage to the landscaping beds west of the sidewalk up to the wall; and return to the Board with accurate estimates. BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page10 Administrator Baird asked if three bids should be obtained and the Chairman agreed. Commissioner Zorc suggested the HOA define the damage east of the sidewalk and west of the sidewalk, as two separate estimates, and bring the information back to the Board. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried unanimously. The Chairman called for a break at 10:47 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at 10:55 a.m., with all members present. C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS None 11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS None 12. DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS A. Community Development None B. Emergency Services None C. General Services None 1. Human Services None 2. Sandridge Golf Club None 3. Recreation None BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page11 D. Human Resources None E. 10:56 a.m. Office of Management and Budget 1. Policy Direction – Dori Slosberg Driver Education Fund (memorandum dated January 14, 2015) Management and Budget Director Jason Brown provided background on the Dori Slosberg Driver Education Fund, and noted that in 2010, the Indian River County School District stopped providing driver education courses in the high school because of funding constraints. Due to the significant interest to help provide driver education to local students, staff inquired whether the School District would consider restarting a driver education program, and they expressed interest, with the understanding that the program would be funded by the Dori Slosberg fee. He explained the options available for the provision of driver education for Indian River County students, and asked the Board to make a policy decision on whether to charge the Dori Slosberg fee of $5.00 on traffic citations. 147-149 A brief discussion ensued regarding training through virtual online classes and behind the wheel, and the revenue being available equitably to all educational institutions in the County. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Commissioner Zorc, to direct staff to draft an Ordinance to reinstitute the Dori Slosberg fund. Alma Lee Loy supported Harriet Greene in her efforts to promote traffic safety for teenagers, the Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act, and the Indian River County Traffic Education Program Trust Fund. Tom Lockwood, 2230 Falls Circle, voiced support for the program. John Bolen, Drivers Education teacher in Stuart, FL, commended Ms. Greene and Ms. Loy for their efforts in promoting traffic safety for teenagers. Shawn Frost, 6700 77th Street, Education Activist, supported bringing the driver’s education program back into the schools. Debra Taylor-Long, Director for Secondary Education for Indian River County School District, spoke on behalf of the Superintendent - they both supported the program. BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page12 Harriet Greene voiced her passion for youth safety and the Dori Slosberg Driver Education Program. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried unanimously. F. Public Works None G. 11:18 a.m. Utilities Services 1. Draft Alternative Water Supply Plan – Phase I Preliminary Evaluation (memorandum dated January 9, 2015) Jill Grimaldi, Senior Project Manager with CDM Smith, Inc. (CDM), used a PowerPoint presentation to outline the draft Alternative Water Supply Evaluation report, which included: the six proposed phases of the project; existing conditions; reservoir sizing; the existing water treatment plant capacity; agricultural demand; required acreage; pollutant load reduction; cost estimates; aquifer storage/recovery; and the pros and cons of adding a surface water reservoir (SWR) or an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR). 150-168 Discussion ensued throughout the presentation as Commissioners posed questions to staff and expressed opinions regarding CDM’s report. Commissioner O’Bryan read the Indian River Neighborhood Association’s comments into the record, which supported staff’s recommendation (on file). The Chairman called for a break at 12:33 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 12:43 p.m., with all members present. MOTION WAS MADE by Vice Chairman Solari, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, to distribute the study to all stakeholders, especially St. Johns River Water Management District and incorporate their comments in the final report. Commissioner O’Bryan pointed out that the second part of staff’s recommendation was to negotiate a cost proposal with CDM to embark on Phase 2 – modeling to determine the available volume of water in the Sebastian canal system. He saw no reason to delay obtaining information on the amount of water available, because regardless of what the Board should BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page13 decide, the information will help the Board evaluate and determine which system to go with. Discussion ensued regarding data collection, unknown water factors, and identifying the source origin of nitrogen and phosphorous. MOTION WAS AMENDED by Vice Chairman Solari, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, to include authorizing staff to negotiate on a cost proposal with CDM. Robert Adair, member of the Soil and Water Conservation District for Indian River County, applauded staff’s report; felt the information would be crucial for developing a long-term water supply; and asked the Board to continue looking at the cost advantages of ASR. He also encouraged the Board to move forward, and keep the process open to the stakeholders. Chairman Davis asked staff to put the draft Alternative Water Supply Evaluation report on the County’s website. Helene Caseltine, Economic Development Director, Indian River Chamber of Commerce, supported staff’s recommendation and believed the information was crucial for economic development purposes. Chairman Davis asked if the motion was clear and Vice Chairman Solari said to make it staff’s recommendation. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried unanimously. The Board approved the distribution of the study to all stakeholders, especially St. Johns River Water Management District and to incorporate their comments in the final report; and authorized staff to negotiate on a cost proposal with CDM to embark on Phase 2 – Modeling to determine the available volume of water in the canal system. 13. 12:53 p.m. COUNTY ATTORNEY MATTERS A. 2015 Committees Vacancies – Appointments (memorandum dated January 13, 2015) County Attorney Dylan Reingold reviewed the committee vacancies and qualified applicants for the designated positions, and requested the Board review the list and decide which applicants to appoint. Although the Children’s Services Advisory Committee vacancy for Members at Large was listed in the Agenda Packet, he requested the Board wait BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 169-172 Page14 until the February 10, 2015, Board of County Commission meeting to make an appointment. In response to Commissioner O’Bryan, Attorney Reingold disclosed that the Children’s Services Advisory Committee vacancy was brought to the Board as an “Informational Item” on January 6, 2015. ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Solari, the Board unanimously appointed John Dyer to the Economic Development Council for a 4-year term. ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Solari, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously appointed Chad R. Hamlin to the Enterprise Zone Development Agency for a 4-year term. 12:56 p.m. B. Extension of Lease Agreement with Gifford Youth Activity Center, Inc. (memorandum dated January 12, 2015) MOTION WAS MADE by Vice Chairman Solari, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, to approved Resolution 2015-013, approving a First Amendment to Lease Agreement with the Gifford Youth Activity Center, Inc., for County owned property known as the Gifford Youth Activity Center, Inc. 173-179 Commissioner O’Bryan asked that the name on the documents reflect their new name, “Gifford Youth Achievement Center, Inc.” MOTION WAS AMENDED by Vice Chairman Solari, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, to approve Resolution 2015-013, approving a First Amendment to Lease Agreement with the Gifford Youth Achievement Center, Inc. (f/k/a Gifford Youth Activity Center, Inc.), for County owned property known as the Gifford Youth Achievement Center. Freddie Woolfork, 4590 57th Avenue, thanked the Board for their continued support, the Lease Extension, and for recognizing the name change. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried unanimously. 12:59 p.m. C. Addition - Emergency Item: Request to Appeal Final Orders Issued by the Department of Juvenile Justice (Memorandum dated January 15, 2015) Assistant County Attorney Kate Pingolt Cotner provided background on three pending administrative cases challenging the Department of Juvenile Justice’s (DJJ) implementation of the cost sharing scheme, and BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page15 the official Stipulation of Facts Agreements that Indian River County, as well as other Counties, entered into December of 2013. She said almost a year after the DJJ received jurisdiction, it issued Final Orders for the challenges, and after the County Attorney’s office received copies of the Final Orders on January 13, 2015, it was discovered that the Final Orders were flawed - they included cost-sharing calculations based on a set of administrative rules that Indian River County has been challenging in litigation. She requested the Board authorize the County Attorney’s office to file an appeal with Florida’s First District Court of Appeals for the Final Orders issued by DJJ. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Solari, to authorize Indian River County to file an appeal with Florida’s First District Court of Appeals to challenge the Department of Juvenile Justice’s Final Orders for Case Number 110995, et al., which challenged the cost-sharing estimates for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, Case Number 11-5894 which challenged the cost-sharing estimates for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, and Case Number 13-1442, et al., which challenged the cost-sharing estimates for Fiscal Year 2011-2012. Chairman Davis asked if Indian River County would be joining the other Counties. Attorney Pingolt Cotner explained that each County is in a different situation; therefore, Indian River County would be representing itself. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried unanimously. 14. 1:03 p.m. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS A. Commissioner Wesley S. Davis, Chairman Addition - Emergency Item: Venue Request from American Coalition for Property Rights and Florida Not All Aboard Chairman Davis asked the Board to consider granting the American Coalition for Property Rights and Florida Not All Aboard’s request to use the parking lots adjacent to the Administration Building for a public event on Saturday, March 7, 2015, from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Chairman Davis, to grant the American Coalition for Property Rights and Florida Not All Aboard’s request to use the parking lots adjacent to the Administration Building for a public event on Saturday, March 7, 2015, from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page16 Attorney Reingold mentioned that there may be additional requirements that need to be met before the groups proceed. He reminded the Board that if they grant approval to one group, they will essentially be agreeing to all groups. Vice Chairman Solari noted that the venue requested was for Saturday, not during office hours. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried unanimously. B. Commissioner Bob Solari, Vice Chairman None C. Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher None D. Commissioner Peter D. O’Bryan None E. Commissioner Tim Zorc None 15. SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS A. Emergency Services District None 1:09 p.m. B. Solid Waste Disposal District The Board reconvened as the Board of Commissioners of the Solid Waste Disposal District. Those Minutes are available separately. 1. Approval of Minutes Meeting of December 16, 2014 2. Amendment No. 6 to Republic Services (memorandum dated January 6, 2015) 180-184 Final Pay for CDM Smith Work Order No. 8 – 2014 Annual Permit Compliance Monitoring & Reporting (memorandum dated January 9, 2015) 185-194 3. BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page17 4. C. Request to Bid on the Former Indian River Correctional Institution (memorandum dated January 12, 2015) 195-199 Environmental Control Board None 16. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 1:28 p.m. ATTEST: ________________________________ _______________________________ Jeffrey R. Smith, CPA, CGFO, CGMA Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller Wesley S. Davis, Chairman By: _____________________________ Deputy Clerk Approved: _____________________ BCC/LA/2015Minutes BoardofCountyCommissionMinutes January20,2015 Page18 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA COMMISSION AGENDA SPECIAL CALL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2015 - 1:00 PM County Commission Chamber Indian River County Administration Complex 1801 27th Street, Building A Vero Beach, Florida, 32960-3388 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wesley S. Davis, Chairman Bob Solari, Vice Chairman Joseph E. Flescher Peter D. O’Bryan Tim Zorc DISTRICT District 1 District 5 District 2 District 4 District 3 Present Present Present Present Present Joseph A. Baird, County Administrator Dylan Reingold, County Attorney Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Terri Collins-Lister, Deputy Clerk 1. CALL TO ORDER 1:00 P.M. 2. INVOCATION Commissioner Wesley S. Davis, Chairman 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dylan Reingold, County Attorney 4. ITEMS 1:01 p.m. A. Present Present Present Present PAGE Discussion of the Preliminary and Tentative Findings by the Florida Auditor General concerning Florida Municipal Power Agency (Auditor General Report Dated January 21, 2015) 1-30 The Indian River County Board of County Commissioners held a Special Call Meeting on January 28, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. to discuss the Preliminary and Tentative Findings (The Findings) by the Florida Auditor General in his Executive Summary concerning the Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA). Attorney Reingold reviewed the financial findings and questionable expenditures of the FMPA. He indicated the FMPA has thirty (30) days after receipt of the list of written statement of explanation concerning all of the findings with actual or proposed corrective actions. SpecialCallMeeting January 28, 2015 Page1 Attorney Reingold concluded the activities of the FMPA listed in the Auditor General’s findings was a serious matter that affects all citizens in the State of Florida. He wanted the Board to focus on a statewide comprehensive solution and strategy to this problem and recommended hiring a firm to assist the County in getting out this statewide message. He suggested the Board call upon the Florida Legislature to conduct hearings and he believed the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) should have oversight of the FMPA. He mentioned State Representative Debbie Mayfield has legislation in bill drafting in regards to the PSC governing the FMPA. The Board of County Commissioners shared their concerns on the FMPA’s inconsistency, and the risks taken in excess of industry practices’ and County Administrator Baird pointed out the biggest part of FMPA’s demand charge was debt service. Discussion ensued with remarks from the Board on the FMPA’s magnitude of loss from bad decisions, interest rate swaps, salaries, and state requirements for meal and vehicle allowances. Chairman Davis opened the Public Hearing. Mr. John McCord encouraged the Board to contact their legislative delegations to make changes and was disgusted on the Auditor General’s Findings regarding FMPA’s operations. He wanted to see the City of Vero Beach (the City) seek damages on behalf of its customers and demand that its contracts with FMPA be annulled. Dr. Stephen Faherty discussed the Auditor General’s Findings and pointed out there were items that should have been picked up in a regular audit. Harry Howle, 765 Broadway Street, stated the Florida Municipal Electric Authority was another agency that needs to be audited. Pilar Turner spoke on behalf of herself and made remarks on the FMPA’s interest rate swaps. She pointed out FMPA, as part of a governmental entity, had no operational audit within 37 years of the FMPA’s history. She affirmed that FMPA’s gross mismanagement was being passed on to the ratepayers. Glenn Heran did not believe PSC control would solve the inherent inefficiencies of monies in the FMPA. He asked the Board to take some specific action in respect to promoting legislation by: 1) request auditor go back and look at the Fair Market Value of the underlining generation assets of the FMPA; and 2) amend the contracts to allow a member city to exit the FMPA through an agreement with the FMPA members or legislatively. SpecialCallMeeting January 28, 2015 Page2 Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller Jeffrey R. Smith indicated State Representative Debbie Mayfield was a member of the Legislative Auditing Committee, and he suggested giving her the information. In addition, he expounded on the comments heard, and recommended the Board look at what Purvis Gray & Company, CPA Firm, had to say about the internal control structure of the FMPA. J. Rock Tonkel voiced it would ultimately be a judicial action or legislative solution in order to bring about the changes and accountability to the FMPA. Mark Mucher, 617 Indian Lilac Road, wanted the items that “fell through the cracks” in the audit to be readdressed. Dan Stump said it would take a judicial action, not legislative acts, to get the City and outside city electric ratepayers to become customers of Florida Power & Light. Gerard Weick, as a ratepayer, questioned the amount that FMPA spends on lobbyists, and wanted to know their names. Caroline Ginn gave a brief history on FMPA and described the structure. There were no additional speakers, and the Chairman closed the Public Hearing. Discussion ensued on the audit and how it was funded, and the FMPA Board and its membership. Attorney Reingold explained the Auditor General was given authorization to spend $200,000 for subject matter experts. MOTION WAS MADE by Vice Chairman Solari, SECONDED by Commissioner Zorc, to request the Auditor General and the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee of the Florida Legislature to use the remaining $200,000 allocated for audits from funds in the State’s Specific Appropriation 2685, General Revenue Fund to: 1. Determine the Fair Market Value of the Generation Assets. 2. Determine Fair Market Value of the Florida Municipal Power Agency as a whole. 3. Prepare three years of pro forma financial statements from FMPA based on the Governmental Accounting Standards Board which would include: a balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and two cash flow statements. 4. Review the Purvis Gray & Company comments regarding the Florida Municipal Power Agency’s internal policies and controls. 5. Include the Florida Municipal Electric Authority to the scope of the audit or the pro formas to be performed. SpecialCallMeeting January 28, 2015 Page3 Discussion ensued by Commissioner Zorc for clarification of the motion. The Chairman recapped the motion and CALLED THE QUESTION, and the motion carried unanimously. MOTION WAS MADE by Vice Chairman Solari, SECONDED by Commissioner Zorc to: 1. Ask our Legislative Delegation to prompt the State of Florida to investigate through legislative hearings the activities of the Florida Municipal Power Agency. 2. Engage in a statewide dialogue with Utility Members of the Florida Municipal Power Agency or other interested entities on their activities. 3. Hire professional support to help with the statewide dialogue regarding the Florida Municipal Power Agency. Under Discussion, Vice Chairman Solari stated the fact that the overall goal was the sale of the electric system to Florida Power & Light. Chairman Davis recapped the motion and County Administrator Joe Baird asked the Board to give County staff the authority to begin the process immediately. Dr. Stephen Faherty proposed including the Florida League of Cities and the Florida Association of Counties in the statewide dialogue. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the motion carried unanimously. MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, to: (1) add to the County’s Legislative Priorities, the amendment to Florida Statutes Chapter 366, Section 02, which propose the Florida Municipal Power Agency be placed under the Florida Public Service Commission’s regulation; and (2) ask County staff to research what avenue the County should proceed with in order to get the Florida Municipal Power Agency to follow many of the laws applicable to local governments including municipalities The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the motion carried unanimously. SpecialCallMeeting January 28, 2015 Page4 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. ATTEST: ________________________________ Jeffrey R. Smith, CPA, CGFO, CGMA Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller ________________________________ Wesley S. Davis, Chairman By: _____________________________ Deputy Clerk Approved: _______________________ BCC Special Call /TCL/2015Minutes SpecialCallMeeting January 28, 2015 Page5 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2014 County Commission Chamber Indian River County Administration Complex 1801 27th Street, Building A Vero Beach, Florida, 32960-3388 COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT Wesley S. Davis, Chairman District 1 Present Bob Solari, Vice Chairman Joseph E. Flescher Peter D. O’Bryan Tim Zorc District 5 District 2 District 4 District 3 Present Present Present Present DVD TIMES 15. CALL TO ORDER 2:59 P.M. Present Present Present Present PACKET PAGE SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS A. 2:59 p.m. Michael Zito, Assistant County Administrator Dylan Reingold, County Attorney Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Maureen Gelfo, Deputy Clerk Emergency Services District 1. Emergency Services District December 16, 2014 Design Services Contract (Part I Agreement) with Barth Construction, Inc. for the Construction of Fire Rescue Station #14 (memorandum dated December 8, 2014) ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Solari, SECONDED by Commissioner O’Bryan, the Board unanimously approved the Part I Agreement with Barth Construction, Inc., as reasonable compensation for the proposed work for Fire Station 14; and authorized the Chairman to execute the Agreement to allow staff to begin negotiating the construction services (Part II Agreements) costs for each Emergency Services project site. 161-176 Page 1 3:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Pre-construction Work for Renovations on Fire Rescue Station #1 (1500 Old Dixie Highway) (memorandum dated December 5, 2014) MOTION WAS MADE by Vice Chairman Solari, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, to approve the pre-construction cost for renovations on Fire Station #1 at 1500 Old Dixie Highway. 177-193 John O’Connor, President, Indian River County Firefighters Association, International Association of Fire Fighters, I.A.F.F., Local 2201, elaborated on his concerns that Suspect Visible Mold (SVM) was noted in the inspection report for Fire Station #1. He stressed the need to protect the health of the employees at the stations, and was concerned that the contract up for approval today is with Barth Construction, Inc., which is not a Florida State Certified Mold Specialist. Fire Chief John King, Director of Emergency Services, assured Mr. O’Connor that the results of an air quality report showed no indoor air quality issues at Fire Station 1. A lengthy discussion ensued as Mr. O’Connor, the Board, and staff exchanged comments about the possibility that further investigation would confirm the suspicion of mold within the building, and regarding the steps that staff will undertake to make sure any necessary remediation is taken by accredited mold specialists. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried unanimously. 3:17 p.m. 3. Emergency Services District December 16, 2014 Final Payment to Dato Construction Inc. for IRC Bid #2014047, Replacement of Roof at Fire Rescue Station #11 (memorandum dated December 8, 2014) ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Solari, the Board unanimously approved the Final Payment request to Dato Construction, Inc., in the amount of $38,966.17. 194-196 Page 2 3:18 p.m. 4. Work Order #3 for Fire Rescue Station #13 (4th Street and 43rd Avenue) (memorandum dated December 3, 2014) MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Chairman Davis, to approve Work Order No. 3 with Barth Construction, Inc., for future Fire Rescue Station #13 at 4th Street and 43rd Avenue. 197-202 Commissioner Flescher asked for an explanation of the additional costs associated with the Design/Build Agreement Phase I with Barth Construction, Inc. Assistant Fire Chief Brian Burkeen detailed the elevation conflict that was found between the proposed water outfall structure and the existing water main along 4th Street, and confirmed that the most cost effective solution was being presented to the Board. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Chairman declared the Emergency Services District meeting adjourned at 3:21 p.m. ATTEST: ________________________________ Jeffrey R. Smith, CPA, CGFO, CGMA Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller ________________________________ Wesley S. Davis, Chairman By: _____________________________ Approved: _______________________ BCC/MG/2014Minutes Emergency Services District December 16, 2014 Page 3 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2015 County Commission Chamber Indian River County Administration Complex 1801 27th Street, Building A Vero Beach, Florida, 32960-3388 COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT Wesley S. Davis, Chairman Bob Solari, Vice Chairman Joseph E. Flescher Peter D. O’Bryan Tim Zorc District 1 District 5 District 2 District 4 District 3 Present Present Present Present Absent Joseph A. Baird, County Administrator Dylan Reingold, County Attorney Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Leona Adair Allen, Clerk to the Board DVD TIMES PACKET PAGES CALL TO ORDER 15. Present Present 4:01 P.M. SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS B. 4:01 p.m. 4:02 p.m. SolidWasteDisposal January6,2015 Solid Waste Disposal District Approval of Minutes – Meeting of November 18, 2014 1. ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Commissioner O’Bryan, the Board by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Zorc absent), approved the Solid Waste Disposal Meeting minutes of November 18, 2014. 2. Work Order No. 2 to Kessler Consulting, Inc., for Feasibility of Solid Waste Processing and Recycling Services (memorandum dated December 22, 2014) 207-213 ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Solari, the Board by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Zorc absent), authorized staff to piggy-back Okaloosa County Contract No. C10-1781-PW, approve Work Order No. 2 with Kessler Consulting, Inc., in the amount of $50,950, to provide solid waste procurement services; and authorized the Chairman to execute same. Page1 4:03 p.m. 3. CCNA-2014-Work Order No. 1 to Geosyntec to Provide Engineering Services for Class I Landfill Permit Renewal and Landfill Operations Support (memorandum dated December 30, 2014) 214-234 ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Solari, the Board by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner Zorc absent), approved and authorized the Chairman to execute CCNA-2014 Work Order No. 1, authorizing Geosyntec to provide engineering services for renewal permit applications and landfill operations support services, in accordance with the Scope of Work for a not to exceed budget of $180,945. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Chairman declared the Solid Waste Disposal District meeting adjourned at 4:03 p.m. ATTEST: ________________________________ _______________________________ Jeffrey R. Smith, CPA, CGFO, CGMA Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller Wesley S. Davis, Chairman By: _____________________________ Deputy Clerk SolidWasteDisposal January6,2015 Approved: _____________________ Page2 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 2015 County Commission Chamber Indian River County Administration Complex 1801 27th Street, Building A Vero Beach, Florida, 32960-3388 COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT Wesley S. Davis, Chairman Bob Solari, Vice Chairman Joseph E. Flescher Peter D. O’Bryan Tim Zorc District 1 District 5 District 2 District 4 District 3 DVD TIMES Present Present Present Present Present Joseph A. Baird, County Administrator Dylan Reingold, County Attorney Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Maureen Gelfo, Deputy Clerk CALL TO ORDER 1:09 p.m. Present Present Present Present PACKET PAGES 15. SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS B. 1:09 p.m. Solid Waste Disposal District Approval of Minutes Meeting of December 16, 2014 1. ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Vice Chairman Solari, the Board unanimously approved the Solid Waste Disposal District meeting minutes of December 16, 2014, as written. 1:10 p.m. 2. Amendment No. 6 to Republic Services (memorandum dated January 6, 2015) 180-184 ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by Chairman Davis, by a 4-1 vote (Vice Chairman Solari opposed), the Board: (1) approved the Sixth Amendment to Contract Agreement with Republic Services of Florida, the landfill contract for operating the Winter Beach Customer Convenience Center (CCC), and for increasing their annual contract by $250,000; and (2) authorized the Chairman to execute same. 1:10 p.m. 3. Final Pay for CDM Smith Work Order No. 8 – 2014 Annual Permit Compliance Monitoring & Reporting (memorandum dated January 9, 2015) 185-194 Solid Waste Disposal District January 20, 2015 Page 1 ON MOTION by Commissioner O’Bryan, SECONDED by Chairman Davis, the Board unanimously approved CDM Smith’s final invoice in the amount of $2,169.70. 1:10 p.m. 4. Request to Bid on the Former Indian River Correctional Institution (memorandum dated January 12, 2015) 195-199 The Commissioners discussed and debated staff’s memorandum regarding the former Indian River Correctional Institution property going up for sealed bid auction; the process; and whether it would be in the best interest of the County to pursue options to acquire the property. Fred Mensing suggested going to the State and requesting the property be sold to Indian River County for $1.00, or ask for it to be donated to us, since it is surplused property. Attorney DeBraal explained the rules regarding surplussed land. MOTION WAS MADE by Vice Chairman Solari, SECONDED by Commissioner Flescher, to decline the opportunity to participate in the bid process for the former Indian River Correctional Institution, and direct staff to observe the process to see if the property value changes, so a bona-fide offer could be made for what the Board believes it is worth. Discussion ensued regarding concerns of contamination; whether to obtain an environmental assessment; the property not being worth $815,000; the risk of someone purchasing the property; and there not currently being a strong need for the property. The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 1:27 p.m. ATTEST: _________________________________ ________________________________ Jeffrey R. Smith, CPA, CGFO, CGMA Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller Wesley S. Davis, Chairman By: ______________________________ Deputy Clerk Approved: ______________________ SWDD/LAA/2015 Minutes Solid Waste Disposal District January 20, 2015 Page 2
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