T:H.A.I, CHHATTISGAHH STATE BRANCH fil Registered under the $ociety Act of {860 in {9{7, Registration No. 199 lncorporated in StudenE NulBeE'Association, Health Vlsitora' League and Midwives and Auxlliary Nurse.Midwiverc' Association Affiliated to Commonwealth N nrEos' Fede ration iiob. : Preeident. (+9{} 94060 94{5{, Secretary - (+91} 942824272A E-mail : tnaichhattiegarh@gmail.com YYebaite : www.tnaich hattisgarh.com 'PRESIDENT Prof. (Dr.) Mrs. Abhilekha Bisrael 94060-941s1 . VIGE.PRESIDET{T Prof, (Dr.) Mrs, Shalini Potar 98206-16354 . SECRETARY Prof. {Mrs.} Sindhu A. fi,lenon 9425242720 . TREASUER Ms. Bhuneshuari Sahare 99261-52660 . S.N.A. ADVISOR Mrs. Beena R. Thomas 94241"32351 . CHAIRPERSOH (i.lursing Education) Mrs. Shiny Saju 9589$25032 .CHAIRPERSON (Nursing Research Commttee) Prof. (Dr.) Mrs. Shreelata Pillai 98266-64199 Reff. No. To, The Director, l,t tA; o;rfur!.&.ls.(o ?4's.(xt uU*Va 'f ct-ua"6*a {rl $4.*,tt ttJ^t'ot ( **d* Sub: . CHAIRPERSON (Soclo.Econoric Wefiare Conmittee] . CHAIRPERSON (Hambership Committee) Mr. LibinAbraham It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that xxvl sNA BIENNIAL CONFERENCE - 2015 of TNAI is going to host by TNAI Chhattisgarh State Branch at Chhattisgarh from 25'h to 28I' November 20't5 For hosting this prestigious National event bidding is done This conference is conducted across the country in the span of every two years, with the objective of uniting the Nurses for the noble mission of growing the Nursing education, developing the skills and promoting quality Nursing care with the help of evidenced based practice through nursing research. This conference provides a common platform for the Nursing leaders, Administrator, Educationist, Researcher and all those people who are associated with the field of Nursing. Around 4000 plus participants from all over country are expected this year as Nursing students & faculties from every state participate in this prestigious event The implementation of high quality Nursing education and practice Mr. Abhishek Nair 9827+74924 . GITAIRPERSON of Chhattisgarh is highly appreciable among the lndian Nursing Leaders As you being the leaders in runnlng a reputed Nursing institution of our state by providing skills and training for strengthening the health force of the Nation we require your expertise srgg"Ition, valuable participation and financial contribution for making this National Event a success story in the history of TNAI and Chhattisgarh Every Nursing Colleges/Schools have to participate actively for the same and seek their kind support in terms of.a) Supporting hostel accommodation for students and faculties from various colleges. b) Providing vehicles with drlvers for transports facility c) 75871-s2108 .CHAIRPERSOH (Programme Commiftee) National Biennial SNA Conference. Seasons Greeting from TNAI Chhattisgarh State Branch!! Me. Veena Chauhan 98274-94954 Support for Sir/Madam, . CHAIRPERSOH (Public Health Seclion) Ms. Fagani Thakur 98278-79721 it d) Financial support as per convenrence in term of advertisement of t25,000 for /" page or <50,000 for /, page which will be published in conference souvenir (Note: - This souvenir will be given to all the participating colleges across the country. ) Man power for coordinating and conducting the event. Come we together can set a bench mark with the success story for others. ln this regard we are looking forward for your positive response and kind co-operation DD may kindly be paid in the name of TNAI Chhattisgarh State Branch payable at Bhilat (A"H.il. Section) Mr. Vinod Kumar Patel 99936-07700 'CHAIRPER$ON {L.V.H. Section) Ms. Namita Sahu 83578-36247 President TNAl.CGStateBranch SNA Advisor TNAl.CGStateBranch rrti:f;IJ:l;tff:filf,ff"r,. Secretary TNAI CGStateBranch president ; pror. {Dr.) Abhirekha Bisual, - s, Hospitat sector, Bhitai (c.G.] 4e000e Secrctary : tirc. Slndhu A. Menon, Principal, Shri Shankaracharya College of Nursing, Amdl Nagar, HUDCO, Bhilai (C.G.) 490009
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