St Joseph’s Primary School “Living, Loving and Learning” Newsletter No. 2 Wednesday 11th February 2015 PO Box 77 Millmerran * Telephone: 4695 1349 * Fax: 4695 1680 * Email: * Website: Dear Parents/Guardians, Thank you to all of our families who were able to lend a hand at the recent working bee. We managed to complete the major task of installing the new play area along with many other jobs. The students and I cannot thank you enough for all of your hard work and I greatly appreciate your efforts. I would also like to acknowledge our parents and past parents who helped top dress the school grounds prior to the Christmas break. The grounds have responded well to the top dressing. It was great to see a good number of parents attending our annual Parent Information Night last Monday. I hope that you found the evening useful and that you walked away with a greater understanding of what will be happening in your school this year. I would once again like to remind parents that if you were unable to attend the evening, please ensure that you have touched base with your teacher either at the Parent Teacher interviews this week or sometime soon. This will ensure you are fully updated with what your child will be doing this year as well as being aware of individual classroom procedures such as homework routine, reading and expectations. One final reminder is in regards to school uniforms. I ask parents to please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform each day. A few key areas that require attention are girl’s hair accessories, ear rings and black shoes. A summary of the uniform requirements can be found on the website or parent handbook. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Kind Regards Luke Barrett PRINCIPAL BEFORE! AFTER! NB: OPENING SCHOOL MASS TIME IS NOW 9AM 1. OPENING SCHOOL MASS The Opening School Mass will be celebrated by Fr Thomas on Friday 13th February, commencing at 9am. Once again we look forward to Soul Connection Band playing and thank them for their continued support. All families and parishioners are most welcome as we ask for God’s blessings on our 2015 School Leaders. There will be a shared morning tea after the Mass, back at school, so please provide a plate to share. 2. ASH WEDNESDAY MASS Ash Wednesday Mass will be celebrated on 18th February at 9.30am. All parents and parishioners are welcome as we prepare for the start of the season of Lent. 3. PE PROGRAMME Due to our Opening Mass this Friday the Year 1/2 PE lesson will be shifted to tomorrow, Thursday. Your child is encouraged to wear their sports uniform on this day. Year 6 school leaders are required to wear normal school uniform on Friday and bring along their sports uniform to change into later in the day. 4. NETBALL TRAINING Netball training will commence this Friday, at lunch time, with Miss Ivey. An afternoon training day will be decided upon soon. 5. CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING Training for cross country will commence on Wednesday 18th February at 3.15pm for students in years 3 to 6. 6. INNER DOWNS SWIMMING CARNIVAL Congratulations to all St Joseph’s students who competed at the Inner Downs Swimming Trials in Pittsworth last Friday night. The standard was high but all students competed strongly. 7. PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS Thank you to all parents who took the opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher by coming along to the ‘Getting to know your student’ Parent/Teacher Interviews held earlier this week. Thank you also to the teachers. 8. P&F AGM The P&F Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th February 2015 at 5.30pm followed by a General Meeting. Please come along and show your support. All positions will be declared vacant. 9. TUCKSHOP Thankyou to the ladies who have volunteered to assist with tuckshop for term one. Please check the roster below as more helpers are still required. The students really appreciate your efforts and love seeing Mum at tuckshop! 10. SCHOOL FEES Term One school fees have been issued with the newsletter. Due date for payment is Friday 20th February. The cost of the Qld Targeting Handwriting for Prep and Year 1 students has been included in the school fees. 11. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 2015 FLUTE, CLARINET, SAXOPHONE OR PIANO!! Give the gift of music to your child! Instrumental music lessons are available during school time. If your child is in grade 4 or above they can learn any of the wind instruments. Hire of these is available at reasonable cost. Grade 2 is the starting point for piano. Lessons are given in small groups of 2 or 3. Accounts are sent each term and each half hour lesson is $18. Pick up and return a form at the school office. Email Chris at for more info. 12. MILLMERRAN SHOW Teachers and students will be busy preparing entries for the upcoming Show on 28 th February and 1st March. 13. INNER DOWNS TENNIS TRIALS Students born 2003 or later and are efficient and effective at the game of tennis are eligible. Friday 6 th March, 9.30am to 12.30pm, Millmerran Tennis Courts. Contact the school office to nominate. 14. FOR SALE A number of school desks are still available for purchase for $20. Also some second-hand pavers to give away. 15. SYMPATHY Our deepest sympathy to the Twidale family, Maree, Mark, Sophie, Grace, Tom and Charlotte on the loss of their precious Mother and Grandmother Margaret Morris. May she be at peace reunited with her beloved husband Len. REFLECTION OF THE WEEK From the APRE: Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Lent is forty days, leading up to Easter, when we think especially about our relationship with God. It reminds us of the time when Jesus spent forty days in the desert, thinking deeply about HIS relationship with God, his Father. While there, Jesus prayed for the strength and courage to do his Father's will - to save Man from sin. At Mass next Wednesday 18th of February, we receive the Ashes which were burnt palms from last year’s celebration of Passion Sunday. We will carry a sign of the Cross, on our foreheads, drawn in ash. We are making a conscious effort to try again to live in the New Way of Jesus. During Lent, we will try extra hard to do what is right. We will try hard to make the right choices. Father in Heaven, Protect us in our struggle against evil. As we begin the discipline of Lent, make this season holy by our self-denial. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (International Committee on English in the Liturgy (ICEL)) God Bless, Kristy Cameron P & F NEWS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Wednesday 18th February – 5.30pm. Followed by a General Meeting. Term One Tuckshop Roster Date Convenor Mon 16th February Nicole Farrington Mon 23rd February Mon 2nd March Mon 9th March I am available to cook chocolate cake Helper Katie French Yvonne Watts Date Mon 16th March Mon 23rd march Mon 30th March Convenor Helper Yvonne Watts Katie French Katie French Name:_______________________ LST NEWS Sensory Movie Day ~ Sensory Movie Day is an inclusive event for families with special needs: Lighting is on Dim, Sound lowered. Fire exit doors are monitored by Volunteers. "Big Hero 6" Birch Carroll & Coyle Toowoomba Grand 11am Sunday 15th February 2015 Tickets cost $8each Children 2years and under are free Companion I.D. cards accepted Tickets can be purchased on the day Fordsdale Horseback Adventures introducing One on One Horse Riding for families with Special needs Bookings essential - Chanelle Avison 0422416509 Please see below some wonderful workshops specifically for parents and carers of children with ASD aged 6 and under. The information below is directly from the Autism Queensland. Autism Queensland Early Days Workshops Workshops specific to parents of children with ASD 6 years and under Toowoomba - bookings open Thursday 12 February Understanding Behaviour Tuesday 28 April Toowoomba Everyday Tips Contacts: Tel: 07 3273 0000. Email: For more information on other workshops and to register go to: LIBRARY NEWS How lovely it’s been to meet all of the new preppies and to watch the other students settle into their new year levels! I hope the library will continue to be an inspiring place for your children to learn about the world around them. We have many new books currently on display which are available to students, so I’m sure you will see some of these over the coming term. Book Club was issued last Friday, with orders due back by Monday 16 th. You may have noticed the new format as well. Please do not feel obligated to buy, however, any purchases you do make directly benefit the school, not to mention your child’s interest in reading their own special books! The last 2 weeks have seen us exploring Australia’s unique creatures, with the focus being on mammals. We embarked on our first craft activity for the term last week which was a lot of fun – we had so many variations of kangaroos, platypus, koalas and possums! Throughout the term, we will be on a ‘voyage of discovery’. This week we’ve journeyed to China – such a fascinating country – and I’m sure the students will enjoy learning about its rich culture and traditions. Mrs Gunning SCHOOL COUNSELLOR NEWS St Joseph’s Families, My name is Tanya Dickenson and I am the new School Counsellor at St Joseph’s. You may hear me referred to as Mrs D. I am married and live in Toowoomba. I have three children ages, 9, 12, and 14. I am originally from Ayr, a small cane farming town in North Queensland. I have over 20 years of counselling experience including 2 years as school counsellor to St Joseph’s Stanthorpe and support for St Mary’s Primary, Warwick and Our Lady of Lourdes, Toowoomba. I have also worked for 13 years in a tertiary setting at the University of Southern Queensland within the Student Services team. Prior to that, I have worked with Endeavour Foundation, Sexual Assault Service, Domestic Violence Service and Baillie Henderson Psychiatric Hospital. I am a Psychologist by profession and my qualifications include Master of Education, majoring in Guidance and Counselling; Master of Psychology, majoring in Health and Community and a Bachelor of Psychology. I met most of your children last Wednesday, which was entertaining to say the least. When I asked if they knew what a school counsellor does, there where various responses including the person who: cleans the school looks after the school fixes headaches and my personal favourite, someone who runs the school I look forward to becoming a part of the St Joseph’s community and working with you and your children to assist them on their learning journey. I will be at St Joseph’s every second week on a Wednesday. If you would like to meet with me, please call Rose to make an appointment. Cheers Tanya STUDENT OF THE WEEK Friday 6th February YEAR Year 1/Prep Year 1/2 Year 3/4 Year 5/6 NAME COMMENT Ella Farrington Brandy Durbidge Julia Commens Lachlan Folker William Flynn Ben Cameron Chiara Gunning Amity Harvey Hayley McCashney Abouomar Mnette For starting the year with a great attitude and for working hard in all tasks. For always being enthusiastic and for trying hard during all activities. For being kind and caring by looking after the Preps. For a fantastic start to the year at St Joseph’s! For displaying enthusiasm when reading with the teacher. Keep up the great work! For learning many new routines and settling into life at St Joseph’s School. For being a lovely friend to every class member. For demonstrating wonderful eagerness to complete all classroom tasks. A wonderful start to the year by being a positive and helpful student. A wonderful start to the year by being a hardworking student. UPCOMING EVENTS DATE Fri 13th February Tues 17th February Wed 18th February 28th Feb & 1st March Thurs 12th March Sat 14th March Thurs 19th March Mon 23rd March Thurs 26th March Fri 27th March Thurs 2nd April Fri 3rd April Mon 20th April Sat 25th April Mon 27th April EVENT Opening School Mass – 9am NRL Community Visit - Petro Civoniceva Ash Wednesday – 9.30am P&F AGM – 5.30pm Millmerran Show School Performance Tours – Gismos, Gadgets and Machines Family Mass – 6pm Toowoomba Show Holiday St Joseph’s Feast Day School Photos St Joseph’s Cross Country Summer Sports Day – Pittsworth – Yr 5/6 End Term 1 Good Friday Term 2 Commences ANZAC Day ANZAC Day Holiday PARISH NEWS MASS TIMES MILLMERRAN Saturday 14th February– MASS – 6pm Sunday 22nd February–LOW –8.30am Millmerran Show Catering: Please contact Fran Folker or Aileen Taylor if you are able to assist with the Catholic Ladies fundraiser at the Millmerran Show on 28th February and 1st March. Donations of cooking and help to serve would be greatly appreciated. The Sacramental program of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist is currently being prepared and will commence early - mid February. Anyone in Yr 5 or older wishing to continue their sacramental journey contact 46951462. COMMUNITY NEWS MILLMERRAN JUNIOR RUGBY LEAGUE FOOTY TRAINING STARTS THIS THURSDAY AT 4.30PM. Sign-On times are Thursday afternoons, 29th February and 5th March, from 3.30 to 5pm at the Football Grounds. BEYOND BLUE PRESENTATION Pittsworth Function Centre, Hume St. Wed 25 February at 7.30pm. Speaker: Mr Eddie Sloane, speaking on anxiety and depression for people in rural communities. Enquiries 0400 311 402 MILLMERRAN SHOW HELP WANTED Parent helpers are required to pin school work up for display on Thursday 26th February at the Show Pavilion. Contact Julie Maher 0400353109
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