Contact Information Community Foundation of Collier County Sharon Bayata│ │ (239) 649-5000 2015 Scholarship Listing Below are general descriptions of the Community Foundation of Collier County’s available scholarships for high school seniors, undergraduate/graduate school students, adults seeking continuing education and more! Scholarship Description Award Amount Who May Apply? Ashley Kelly Memorial Scholarship For a graduating Senior in the Laureate Program at Naples High School. Must enroll as a full time student in a post-secondary institution. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County resident. Graduating seniors at Naples High School in the Laureate Program. Varies Naples High School Seniors in the Laureate Program Daphne Scholarship Fund For Collier County women who are single mothers, head of household and needing financial assistance to continue their education. Applicant may enroll in in a four year, two year, public, private or vocational educational program. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County resident. Must demonstrate the financial need. Must be single mother and head of household. Awards between $300-$1,500 Can reapply each year High School Seniors, Vocational students, or Undergraduate David M. & Judy B. Jones Scholarship Fund For graduating high school seniors from Barron Collier High School to attend a four year public or private post-secondary institution. Eligibility Requirements Must be a graduating senior from Barron Collier. Must be a Collier County resident. Up to 2 students awarded $5,000 Up to 6 students awarded $2,500 Diano-Tougas Scholarship Fund For women who are/were a teen mother in Collier County or for women who are listed as a single mother and head of household. Applicant may enroll in in a four year, two year, public, private or vocational educational program. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County or a Bonita Springs resident. Must be a single mother, head of household, and claiming dependents or has been a teen mother. $3,000 ($1,500 per semester) Can reapply each year Doris Reynolds Naples Daily News Journalism Scholarship Fund For individuals in good academic standing graduating from a Collier County public high school and plan to major in Journalism. Eligibility Requirements Varies (continued on next page) Barron Collier High School Senior High School Seniors, Vocational, or Undergraduate students High School Seniors from a Collier County Public School 1|P a g e Must be a high school graduating senior from a Collier County Public School. Must be a Collier County resident. Must major or choose a program of study in Journalism. Dorothy Edwards Vocational Scholarship Fund For individuals enrolling in a vocational or technical school planning to attend a two year educational program. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County resident. Must enroll in a two year program. Up to $1,500 CCPS High School Seniors and St. John Neumann or individuals enrolling in a vocational or technical school Edith & John Meli Scholarship Fund For Collier County high school seniors enrolling/enrolled in a four year postsecondary institution. Eligibility Requirements Must be a high school senior attending a public or parochial high school in Collier County. Must be a Collier County resident. $1,000 CCPS High School Seniors and Parochial High School Seniors Jimmy Schneeberger Memorial Scholarship Fund For individuals enrolling in a four year, two year, public, private or vocational educational program in the medical field with desires of working with children in that field. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County Resident Must choose major or program of study in the medical field. Awards between $250-$1,000 Joel A. Deifik Memorial Scholarship Fund For individuals who desire to pursue a career in the law or law enforcement fields. Applicant may enroll in in a four year, two year, public, private, vocational/technical or accredited Police Academy educational program. Eligibility Requirements Does not need to be a Collier County resident. Must pursue a career path or major in law or law enforcement. Must demonstrate character under extraordinary circumstances. $1,000 High School Seniors Lorenzo Walker Education Scholarship Fund For individuals enrolling/enrolled at Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology. Eligibility Requirements Must enroll / be enrolled at Lorenzo Walker Institute. Must be a Collier County Resident. Varies High School Seniors from Public or Private schools or current Lorenzo Walker Institute Collier County Public High School Seniors 2|P a g e MacNiven Family Scholarship Fund For young leaders that have graduated from the Youth Leadership Collier program. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Youth Leadership Collier graduate. Must be a Collier County Resident. $500 Marc Scialdo Scholarship Fund For individuals that are children or grandchildren of a U.S. Veteran(s). Applicant may enroll in in a four year, two year, public, private or vocational/technical educational program. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County Resident. Must be a child or grandchild of a U.S. Veteran. Varies Michael J. Szwed Scholarship Legacy Fund For 7th graders For student entering entering 8th grade at St. Ann Catholic School involved with athletics. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County Resident. Must be entering 8th grade at St. Ann Catholic School. Must be involved in athletics. Up to $2,500 Students entering 8th grade at St. Ann Catholic School Michael J. Szwed Scholarship Legacy Fund For 8th graders For student entering entering 8th grade at St. Ann Catholic School involved with athletics. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County Resident. Must be entering 8th grade at St. Ann Catholic School. Must be involved in athletics. Up to $2,500 Students entering 9th grade at St. John Neumann High School. Naples Junior Women’s Club Scholarship Fund For graduating public and private high school students from Collier County with community service hours. For the student looking to enroll in a four year public or private post-secondary institution. Eligibility Requirements Must be a resident of Collier County. Must be a graduating senior from a public or private school. Scholarship recipients must be able to attend the Scholarship Tea the Derby Event (date to be announced). 1 student awarded $2,500 Up to 5 students awarded $1,500 Graduating public or private high school students from Collier County Patricia & F. Craig Jilk Family Scholarship Fund For graduating high school seniors from Collier County. For the student looking to enroll in a four year public or private post-secondary institution. $2,500 (continued on next page) Graduates of Youth Leadership Collier Graduating High School Seniors Adults continuing their education Graduating High School Seniors from Collier County Public Schools 3|P a g e Eligibility Requirements Must be Collier County Resident. Must be a graduating high school senior from a Collier County Public School. Ray & Sara Thomas Vocational Scholarship Fund For individuals specifically seeking a vocational / technical post-secondary institution. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County resident. Up to $1,000 Working Republicans Women’s Scholarship Fund For women who are a registered Republican voter and resident in Collier County. Applicant may enroll in in a four year, two year, public, private or vocational/technical educational program. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County Resident and registered Republican. Must have a high school diploma or GED. Formal education must have been interrupted for at least one year since high school or during college. Varies High School Graduates, undergraduate students, or adults continuing their education William D. Anderson Scholarship Fund For students who plan to major in the Arts or Health Sciences. Applicant may enroll in in a four year, two year, public, private or vocational/technical educational program. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County or a Bonita Springs resident. Must be a graduating high school senior. Varies Graduating High School Seniors from public and private Collier County and Bonita Springs schools Naples Equestrian Challenge “Deb PT” High School Volunteer Scholarship Fund For graduating high school seniors that is a barn volunteer with the Naples Equestrian Challenge. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Naples Equestrian Challenge Barn Volunteer. Must be a graduating High School Senior. Must be accepted to a post-secondary institution. $500 Graduating High School Seniors that are Barn Volunteers with the Naples Equestrian Challenge Dr. Norman & Gail Thomson Scholarship Fund For graduating high school seniors that are a member of a church or synagogue. Applicant may enroll in in a four year, two year, public, private or vocational/technical educational program. Eligibility Requirements Must be a Collier County Resident. Must be a member of a church or synagogue. Varies Graduating High School Seniors from public and private Collier County Schools Graduating High School Seniors Adults continuing their education All deadlines for scholarships are March 1st. The online scholarship application includes questions and may require you to submit additional documentation. Visit the Community Foundation of Collier County’s website ( and press on “For Students” for more information and resources. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email or call. 4|P a g e
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