Psychiarry Research, 46:175-199 Elsevier 175 Factors of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test as Measures of Frontal-Lobe Function in Schizophrenia and in Chronic Alcoholism Edith V. Sullivan, Daniel H. Mathalon, Robert 6. Zipursky, Zoe Kersteen-Tucker, Robert T. Knight, and Adolf Pfefferbaum Received June 3, 1991; revised version received April 17, 1992; accepted June 13, 1992. Abstract. The purpose of this study was to examine the factor structure of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The scores of 22 patients with schizophrenia, 20 patients with chronic alcoholism, and 16 normal control subjects were entered into a principal components analysis, which yielded three factors: Perseveration, Inefficient Sorting, and Nonperseverative Errors. WCST performance of seven patients with lesions invading the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, available from another study, provided criterion validity for the Perseveration factor and, less strongly, for the Inefficient Sorting factor. Two patterns of performance characterized the three patient groups: the schizophrenic group and frontal lobe group had the highest Perseveration factor scores, whereas the alcoholic group had the highest Inefficient Sorting scores; the Nonperseverative Errors factor showed no significant group differences. Construct validity of these factors involved assessing, in all but the frontal group, the degree of overlap (convergent validity) and separation (discriminant validity) of each WCST factor with scores from tests of other cognitive functions. The convergent and discriminant validity of the Perseveration factor, but not the remaining two factors, received support only within the group of schizophrenic patients. Key Words. Dorsolateral ponents analysis. prefrontal cortex, neuropsychology, principal com- Classical studies of brain-behavior relationships pose questions about impaired and spared cognitive functions in patients with known brain lesions. Clinical assessment, by contrast, typically uses neuropsychological tests to document patterns of functional sparing and loss in an effort to determine the presence and locus of brain Edith V. Sullivan, Ph.D., is Health Science Specialist, Psychiatry Service, Palo Alto Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and Senior Research Associate, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine. Daniel H. Mathalon, Ph.D., is a medical student, Stanford University School of Medicine. Robert B. Zipursky, M.D., was Staff Psychiatrist, Psychiatry Service, Palo Alto Department of Veterans Affairs Medical-Center, and Assistant Professor, Department of Psvchiatrv and Behavioral Sciences. Stanford University School of Medicine. Zoe Kersteen-Tucker, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral associate; School of Education, University of California, Berkeley, and Department of Neurology, University of California, Davis. Robert T. Knight, M.D., is Professor of Neurolcgy, University of California, Davis. Adolf Pfefferbaum, M.D., is Chief of Psychiatry Research, Psychiatry Service, Palo Alto Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Zipursky is now at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto. (Reprint requests to Dr. E.V. Sullivan, Psychiatry Service, 116A3, DVA Medical Center, 3801 Miranda Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.) 0165-1781/93/$06.00 @ 1993 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd. 176 pathology. Criterion validity is usually inferred from the sensitivity of a neuropsychological test to selective functional impairments in patients with known focal lesions. Patients with focal lesions in a common location, forming the criterion group, are likely to have deficient test performance for a common reason-their shared pathology. Deficient performance on the same test by patients without demonstrable brain lesions, however, may be attributable to the dyshnction of brain regions other than or in addition to the region implicated in the criterion group. Thus, it cannot be assumed that the criterion validity of a neuropsychological test will generalize to populations of patients with unknown or diffuse brain pathology. Outside of the original criterion population, the use of a neuropsychological test for the assessment of a specific brain function (or dysfunction) requires additional evidence of validity in the particular population under study. The difficulty in establishing this additional validity is that no single validity criterion is available in patients with unknown or diffuse brain pathology (see also Bornstein, 1986; Cur et al., 19900, 1990h; Heinrichs, 1990; Matarazzo. 1990; Yeo et al., 1990). Given this criterion problem, the only recourse is to demonstrate construct \wlidit~~ (Cronbach and Meehl. 1955) by showing patterns of convergence or correlaiions among neuropsychological tests that have established sensitivity to focal lesions (i.e., tests for which similar criterion validity has been demonstrated). We present here an example of an approach that addresses both criterion and construct validity of a commonly used neuropsychological test, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), in psychiatric diseases in which the underlying pathology is global or poorly localired in this case, schizophrenia (Zipursky et al., 1992) and chronic alcoholism (Pfefferbaum et al.. 1992). Perhaps the earliest evidence for the dorsolateral prefrontal cortical (I)l.Pl-(‘) specificitv of the WCST comes from Milner’s (1963) description of patients who had undergone cortical excisions of epileptogenic foci. Patients with frontal-lobe lesions invading the Dt.PFC were impaired in the number of categories sorted and committed a large number of perseverativc errors as compared with patients with trontallobe lesions sparing the DLPFC and patients with temporal-lobe excisions. An observation of particular importance and relevance to psychiatric patients, who do not typically have large focal cortical abnormalities. is Milner’s observation that the WCST performance of patients whose epileptogenic focus included the DLPFC was impaired even before surgery, suggesting that such physiological derangement is sufficient to impair function. Schizophrenia and chronic alcoholism are characterized by global cortical pathology, involving (among other structures) the frontal lobes (Weinberger et al., 1986; Pakkenberg, 1987; Ron, 1987; Freund and Ballinger, 1988; Shimamura et al.. 1988: Harper and Kril, 1990; Lishman, 1990; Zipursky et al., 1992; Pfefferbaum et al., 1992). The WCST is widely used in psychiatric studies as a quantitative measure of function of the frontal lobes, in particular, the DLPFC (e.g., in schizophrenia: Kolb and Whishaw, 1983; Weinberger et al., 1986, 1988; Goldberg et al., 1987; Berman et al., 1988; Yates et al., 1990; Braff et al.. 1991; e.g., in chronic alcoholism: Tarter, 1973; Malmo, 1974; for reviews, see Heaton, 1981; Ryan and Butters, 1983; Parsons et al., 1987). Its construct validity in nonlesioned groups, however, is not yet fully established. 177 Furthermore, while it is tempting to attribute poor performance on the WCST by schizophrenic and alcoholic subjects to frontal-lobe dysfunction, a clear attribution is obscured for at least two reasons: (1) Several studies of patients with circumscribed lesions do not fully support the frontal specificity of the WCST (Eslinger and Damasio, 1985; Heck and Bryer, 1986; Kersteen, 1989; Anderson et al., 1991). (2) The WCST is a complex problem-solving task that probably requires multiple cognitive processes rather than a single function (e.g., Anderson et al., 1991; Dehaene and Changeux, 1991). An expanded scoring system developed by Heaton (198 I), referred to here as “conventional scores,” offers an opportunity to differentiate these processes. Although a high degree of intercorrelation exists among the WCST scores, the possibility remains that the scoring methods do not simply measure a unitary function. Rather, several dimensions could underlie the various WCST scores, not all of which would necessarily reflect the cognitive function associated with DLPFC integrity. The multiple measures of the WCST (Heaton, 1981) have never been submitted to factor analysis, which could reduce redundancies of the many scoring systems and, further, suggest dissociable cognitive processes contributing to performance. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was three-fold: (1) to identify multiple dimensions of WCST performance by principal components analysis; (2) to examine the criterion validity of the resulting factors as reflected in their sensitivity to impairment in patients with lesions invading the DLPFC; and (3) to assess the construct validity of each WCST factor against other measures of frontal-lobe and nonfrontal-lobe functions in two psychiatric populations. In connection with construct validity, we used bivariate and multivariate approaches to examine both the convergent and discriminant validity of the WCST factors in schizophrenia and alcoholism. To this end, we used tests previously demonstrated to be sensitive to DLPFC function (i.e., tests with demonstrated criterion validity), other than the WCST, to seek evidence supporting the convergent validity of the WCST factors as potentially valid measures of the executive function of the frontal lobes. Although Goldberg et al. (1988) used four tests of frontal-lobe function (WCST, Category Test, Trail Making B, and verbal fluency) in an attempt to characterize the relationship among them and to determine which was the best to detect impairment in schizophrenia, only one test (WCST) was known from lesion studies to be sensitive specifically to DLPFC function. The discriminant validity, or specificity, of the WCST factors as measures of executive function would be supported by showing that WCST performance was not associated with tests of nonexecutive function. Thus, we used memory tests known to be dependent upon medial temporal-lobe integrity and dissociable from frontal-lobe integrity (Mimer, 1958, 1971; Milner et al., 1985, 1991). The tests used here (i.e., self-ordered pointing and temporal ordering tests) to assess the construct validity of the WCST factors have been shown in studies of patients with circumscribed lesions to be specific in double dissociation paradigms. In particular, studies by Petrides and Milner (1982; Milner et al., 1985) have shown that patients with frontal-lobe lesions (mostly chronic epileptic patients treated with resection) were selectively impaired on self-ordered pointing tests (but 178 see Kersteen, 1989), but not on tests of fact memory. By contrast, patients with large excisions of the temporal lobes could show impairment on self-ordering tests, but patients with small excisions of the temporal lobes were not impaired; moreover, both temporal-lobe groups showed significant impairment on tests of fact memory. Clearly, if the alcoholic and the schizophrenic patients of the present study have medial temporal-lobe pathology at all, it is more likely to fall in the category of small rather than large lesions. Thus, it is unlikely that the contribution of the potential medial temporal-lobe pathology in producing an ordering deficit would be significant. Furthermore, an unqualified double dissociation has been shown for the temporal ordering tests, whereby patients with frontal-lobe lesions are impaired in making temporal-order judgments but not,in item recognition, whereas patients with temporal-lobe lesions invading the hippocampal complex show the opposite pattern of sparing and loss (Mimer, 1971; Milner et al., 1991). The selection of tests for demonstrations of construct validity is necessarily imperfect. No single study can provide the definitive answer to the question of construct validity. Rather, the test relationships reported in this article can only contribute to the accumulating “nomological network” of associations and dissociations on which the ultimate answer to the construct validity question must rest (after Cronbach and Meehl, 1955). Methods Subjects. All schizophrenic patients, alcoholic patients, and normal control subjects were right-handed male veterans of the United States armed forces. The schizophrenicpatients met DSM-III-R criteria for the diagnosis of schizophrenia (American Psychiatric Association, 1987) and were recruited from the inpatient psychiatric service of the Palo Alto Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (PADVAMC) (Table 1). All but one of the subjects were inpatient{ on the unlocked voluntary ward of the Mental Health Clinical Research Center (MHCRC); the remaining patient was housed on a locked ward at the time of the study but had previously been a patient on the MHCRC ward. Informed consent for participation in this study was obtained for all subjects. Patients meeting criteria for current DSM-III-R alcohol abuse or who had ever met criteria for DSM-III-R alcohol dependence were excluded from the study. Other reasons for exclusion were a history of significant medical illness, head injury resulting in loss of consciousness for more than 30 minutes, or current DSM-III-R diagnosis of drug dependence. DSM-III-R diagnoses were determined in clinical interview by a psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, or psychiatric research fellow. The diagnoses for all but one of the subjects were reached by consensus of two of the above clinicians; the remaining patient was diagnosed using an earlier system for establishing diagnoses at the MHCRC in which the DSM-III-R diagnosis was determined by a single clinician. All schizophrenic patients met DSM-III-R criteria for chronic schizophrenia and were subtyped as follows: paranoid (n = 5), disorganized (n = 4) undifferentiated (n = IO), and residual (n = 3). In all patients were diagnosed by Research addition to receiving DSM-III-R diagnoses, Diagnostic Criteria (RDC; Spitzer et al., 1975). The Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Lifetime Version (SADS-L; Endicott and Spitzer, 1978) was administered to each patient by a trained research assistant or research nurse. RDC diagnoses were established by a process%consensus among the same clinicians involved in the DSM-III-R diagnosis along with the SADS-L interviewer. Of the 22 patients inthis study, 19 met RDC for chronic schizophrenia of the following subtypes: paranoid (‘n = IO), disorganized (n = 4) undifferentiated (n = 2) and residual (n = 3). The three remaining patients met RDC for schizoaffective disorder with the following subtypes: chronic, depressed type, mainly schizophrenic (n = 1); chronic, depressed type, other (n = I); and subchronic, manic type, mainly schizophrenic (n = 1). (n = 20) (n = 22) SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean 9.4 61.92 5.1 37.9 5.6 34.4 4.1 14.1 1.8 12.02 2.2 1 2.62 2.1 15.3 Education WI - 4.0 18.8 5.6 18.7 5.5 21.9 Handedness score’ 3.7 3.73 7.7 1 8.33 6.7 12.03 - Disease duration (yr) ’ - 7.9 106.0 9.1 106.7 7.5 107.4 NART IQ 1. Based on a quantitative measure of handedness (Crovit! and Zener, 1962). Right-handers score between 14 and 31. 2. Age was significantly different from the control group, and education was significantly different from the remaining groups (analysis of variance, p <’ 0.001). 3. All comparisons were significant:frontal < schizophrenic < alcoholic (analysis of variance, p < 0.0001). 4. ” = 4. Note. NART = National Adult Reading Test. Frontal lobe (n = 7) Alcoholic Schizophrenic SD 6.9 36.7 Normal control (n = 16) Mean Group characteristics Age WI Table 1. Demographic 4.8 10.0’ 2.0 9.8 2.3 9.8 3.1 11.0 Vocabulary sc+ll score 180 The schizophrenic patients underwent cognitive testing when they were considered by their treatment team to have likely achieved the maximum benefit from their medications. All schizophrenic patients were receiving treatment with standard antipsychotic medications with the following three exceptions: (1) three patients were participating in a randomized doubleblind study of a new antipsychotic, raclopride (Astra); (2) one patient was participating in an open label study of the novel antipsychotic drug, (X-943 (Parke-Davis); and (3) one patient reported that he had not taken any medication given to him during a part of his hospitalization, including the time of his participation in this study. In addition, the patients were on a broad range of additional psychopharmacologic medications during testing, including anticholinergics, benzodiazepines, lithium, and tricyclic antidepressants, as well as chloral hydrate, propranolol, amantadine, hydroxzine, and buspirone. The alcoholic group included 20 patients who were enrolled in an inpatient alcoholic rehabilitation program at the PADVAMC; all had been abstinent for 3 to 4 weeks before testing. The alcoholic patients. all right-handed men, were recruited for this study as follows: Consecutive admissions to the Alcohol Rehabilitation Program at the PADVAMC were reviewed for eligibility. Patients entered into this study met RDC for alcoholism, had no past history of hospitalization for DSM-Ill-R schizophrenia or major affective disorders, and had no history of medical or neurological illness or trauma (e.g., loss of consciousness > 30 minutes) that would have affected the central nervous system. Subjects who met RDC for substance abuse other than alcohol within the past year were excluded. These criteria were applied as follows: The hospital charts of all new admissions were reviewed for readily determinable exclusion factors. Then, patients who passed the initial chart review were invited to participate in the study and, if they consented, underwent additional screening. Psychiatric screening involved an interview by a psychiatrist or a postdoctoral fellow in psychiatry who used the SADS-L to ensure the absence of current or past psychiatric and nonalcoholic drug use problems, and to confirm the RDC diagnosis. Screening also included a medical and psychiatric history. physical examination, and a panel of blood tests (complete blood count, SMA-20) administered to all patients on admission. The rzormal c,ontro/ group comprised I6 community volunteers. recruited by newspaper and word of mouth. Other than the primary diagnoses of advertisement, posters, schizophrenia or chronic alcohol abuse, the control subjects met the same inclusion and exclusion criteria as the schizophrenic and the alcoholic patients. No schizophrenic patient or normal control subject met DSM-III-R criteria for current substance dependence or for past or current alcohol dependence. The alcoholic and the control subjects were drawn tram a larger pool of research subjects to match the schizophrenic group. The schizophrenic and alcoholic groups were matched in years of formal education and duration of illness. Although the normal control group had more years of formal education than the two patient groups (p < O.OOl), all three groups performed similarly on the National Adult Reading Test, an estimate of premorbid intelligence (Nelson, 1982) and on the Vocabulary subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (Wechsler, 1981) an estimate of current intelligence (Table I). As discussed by Zipursky et al. (1992). matching groups on the basis of premorbid intelligence may be more meaningful than matching on morbid intelligence or years of education. Group differences in years of education may result from premature dropout from school due to prodromal symptoms of the psychiatric disorder (cf. Meehl, 1971) and, in turn, could influence estimates of current intelligence based on the Wechsler scales. which are highly correlated with years of formal education. The patients with frontal-lobe lesions had been tested by one author, and their WCST data were presented previously in a study of cortical contribution to repetition priming (Kersteen, 1989; Kersteen-Tucker and Knight, 1989). Their characteristics are summarized here. This group comprised seven right-handed men, aged 43 to 73 years (Table I). These patients were selected from and tested at the Neurology Service of the Martinez Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center on the basis of having unilateral focal lesions invading the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on the left or right side as determined by lesion reconstruction with com- 181 puted tomography or magnetic resonance imaging (Frey et al., 1987; Kersteen, 1989). The average lesion volume was estimated to be 40.7 cc (SD = 13.1, range = 25.9-59.5). Six men had experienced unilateral cerebral vascular accidents (4 left-sided and 2 right-sided) and one a coloid cyst of the third ventricle, which was resected via the dorsolateral frontal cortex; these events or surgery had occurred 1 to 11 years before testing. Four patients had an expressive aphasia, but none was demented as assessed by the Mini-Mental Status Examination (Folstein et al., 1975) (mean = 27.0, SD = 1.3, range = 25-29). Procedure. Four measures of executive function (including the WCST) and four of memory function were administered to the schizophrenic, alcoholic, and control subjects. For the patients with frontal-lobe lesions, only WCST scores were used in this analysis, and their data were not used to derive the WCST factors. Tests of executive function: WCST and ordering. The ordering tests were used to assess the convergent validity of the WCST factors, derived from the principal components analysis, as measures of executive function. In the WCST (Grant and Berg, 1948; Milner, 1963), the subjects sorted 128 cards, each of which displayed 1 to 4 colored symbols, according to one of three strategies: color, form, or number. The subject attempted to arrive at the correct sorting strategy, which was controlled by the examiner but never mentioned explicitly. The correct strategy was switched without warning after 10 consecutive correct responses. In all cases except for the frontal-lobe group, testing continued for 128 cards; thus, the maximum number of categories possible to achieve was 12. Testing of the frontal-lobe patients was discontinued in two cases after six categories had been achieved, in three cases after most of the cards had been sorted (i.e., at least 110 cards), or in two cases when patients experienced extreme frustration (one patient completed 44 cards and another 64 cards) (Kersteen, 1989). To equate all groups for the number of cards sorted, the scores of the frontal patients were prorated to 128 cards. The responses were scored according to Heaton’s criteria (1981) and yielded 14 scores: number of categories achieved, total errors, total correct responses, number of correct responses excluding those achieved in successful categories, prior category perseverations, all perseverative responses, perseverative errors, nonperseverative errors, percent perseverative errors, unique responses, trial to the first category, percent conceptual responses, failure to maintain set, and learning-to-learn. Of the 14 scores, 11 were used in principal components analysis. The three excluded scores (prior category perseverations, trial to the first category, and learning-to-learn) were not used because of missing values for subjects who achieved fewer than three categories. The verbal self-ordering test (Petrides and Milner, 1982) samples working memory by requiring subjects to create, organize, and execute a sequence of acts. In the verbal version, test stimuli consisted of 54 abstract words taken from Paivio et al. (1968). Following the procedure of Petrides and Milner (1982), all words were rated below 3.2 out of 7 on a scale where the lower the rating, the less capable a word was at evoking an image. In addition, these words had medium to high Thorndike-Lorge (1944) frequency ratings, thereby excluding rare words, which could be either unknown or salient to subjects. Two tests were administered, one consisting of six words and one of 12 words. Three trials of each test were given. The test order was the same from subject to subject: the six-word test preceded the 12-word test. The self-ordering test proceeded as follows. For the six-word test, the subject saw a series of six pages shown one at a time, each displaying the same six words but in different places in a 2 X 3 matrix of squares. The subject’s task was to point to a word on successive pages not previously selected. Thus, on the first page, the subject was correct regardless of which word he chose; on the second page, only five words were potentially correct, and so on. For the 12-word test, 12 words and pages were used. One component of the nonverbal temporal ordering test assessed ordering function and another component assessed memory function; the function tested depended upon the type of question asked, and each component was scored separately. Subjects were shown a series of colored wallpaper swatches glued to 5- X I-inch index cards and were instructed to remember them in their order of appearance. At various intervals throughout the series, subjects received 182 one of two types of two-choice recognition tests: recency judgment tests contained two previously presented designs and measured ordering function; design recognition tests contained a previously presented design and a foil, never before seen on the test and measured memory function (see below). For recency judgments, testing ordering, patients were asked, “Which one have you seen more recently?” For design recognition, testing memory, patients were asked, “Which one did you see in this test?” In both cases, patients pointed to their choice. This test was an abbreviated version of the one described by Sullivan and Sagar (1989). Although recency judgments and design-recognition responses were made after varying intervals, only the two total scores were used in this analysis and were expressed as percent correct of 50 recency-judgment trials and percent correct of 25 item-recognition trials. Tests of memory function. These tests assessed verbal and nonverbal recognition and recall. They were used to assess the discriminant validity of the WCST factors as measures of executive function. Recognition of nonverbal material was assessed within the context of the temporal ordering test. As described above, recognition of previously seen designs (i.e., memory function) was tested in a two-choice forced-choice paradigm. A final and separate part of the verbal self-ordering test involved an unannounced wordrecognition test, assessing verbal recognition memory. For each of the 54 words used in the six-word and 12-word self-ordering tests combined, a three-choice, forced-choice recognition question was posed. The advantage of testing recognition memory in this paradigm was that the examiner had some degree of assurance that all subjects, regardless of attentional incapacities, attended to all stimuli because of the multiple pointing opportunities. In the test of delayed recall of verbal memory, patients were asked to recall the stories of the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS; Wechsler and Stone, 1945) 1 hour after immediate recall and without warning (Milner, 1958; Corkin et al., 1985). The score was the average number of points achieved for the two stories. In the test of delayed recall of nonverbal material, patients were instructed to recall the three drawings of the WMS 1 hour after immediate recall and without warning (Milner, 1958). After the recall tests, the patients copied the drawings from the cards so that the recall scores could be corrected for drawing ability (Cooper et al., 1991). The copy and delayed recall scores were derived according to Wechsler and Stone’s (1945) criteria for immediate recall. The delayed recall score used in this analysis was the delayed recall score divided by the copy score, following a similar correction approach used by Jones-Gotman (1986). Statistical Analysis. Comparisons of the frontal-lobe patients with the control subjects used t tests. One-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) compared performance across the four groups on the 14 conventional scores of the WCST, and across the three groups (control subjects, schizophrenic patients, and alcoholic patients) on composite scores of the ordering and the memory tests. Post hoc comparisons for significant F values (a = 0.05) were performed with Scheffi tests (a = 0.05). To reduce the 11 WCST scores to a smaller set of nonredundant scores, the WCST data were subjected to a principal components analysis with a varimax rotation. The three groups (control subjects, schizophrenic patients, and alcoholic patients) were pooled for the principal components analysis to identify the major dimensions along which the groups might differ, as well as to generate factor scores that could be compared across groups. On the basis of the factor solution, WCST factor scores were computed by summing the standard scores from the scores with high loadings on the factors. These WCST factor scores were then used in the subsequent analyses. Two composite scores were formed from the ordering and the memory test scores. The ordering composite was a single score derived from the three ordering measures: six-word and 12-word self-ordering tests and total nonverbal temporal ordering test. The memory composite was a single score derived from the four memory tests: recognition of verbal and nonverbal material and delayed recall of verbal and nonverbal material. The ordering composite was formed by standardizing (i.e., calculating z scores) and then summing the 183 scores from the three ordering tests; the memory composite was formed by standardizing (z scores) and then summing the scores from the four memory tests. A constant was added to each composite so as to keep all scores in the positive direction. For both the ordering and the memory composites, high scores reflected good performance. The convergent validity and the discriminant validity of the WCST factors were assessed within each of the diagnostic groups using bivariate and then multivariate approaches. The bivariate approach examined simple Pearson product-moment correlations between the WCST factors and the ordering and memory composite scores. In addition, the regression equations reflecting convergent validity were directly compared across groups using hierarchical regression analyses, which included the WCST factors, the ordering composite, and “dummy-coded” categorical variables representing group membership (Pedhazur, 1982). The multivariate approach used hierarchical regression analysis (Cohen and Cohen, 1985) to control for overlap of variance between the ordering and memory composites while examining their unique relationships with the WCST factors. Results WCST Conventional Scores. Table 2 presents the results of the conventional scoring of the WCST. The performance of the frontal-lobe group was similar to that reported by others (e.g., Milner, 1963; Heaton, 1981), and this sample therefore appears to be representative of other such samples. Of the nine instances showing nominally significant group differences when all four groups were compared, six were significant with Bonferroni correction @ < 0.004). The number of categories sorted was the only WCST measure on which all three patient groups were significantly impaired relative to the control group. The schizophrenic and frontallobe groups shared further impairment on the following scores: total errors, total correct, all perseverative responses, perseverative errors, percent perseverative errors, and percent conceptual responses. The alcoholic, but not the schizophrenic or frontal lobe groups, had significantly worse scores than did the control group on number correct minus IO/category and failure to maintain set. In no comparison did the patient groups differ significantly from each other. Five scores showed no group differences: prior category perseverations, nonperseverative errors, unique responses, trials to first category, and learning-to-learn. Principal Components Analysis of the WCST Conventional Scores. The 11 conventional scores for the WCST from all 58 subjects in the control, schizophrenic, and alcoholic groups were entered into a principal components analysis. Using varimax rotation, three factors emerged with Eigenvalues > 1, accounting for 91% of the original variance; Table 3 presents the factor loadings. In addition, the threefactor solution was readily interpretable. The first factor, accounting for 58% of the variance and representing the major dimension underlying most of the indexes of WCST performance, consisted of seven high loading variables: all perseverative responses, total perseverative errors, percent perseverative errors, total errors, total correct, percent conceptual responses, and number of categories achieved. This factor seemed to tap WCST errors due to perseverative responses, and we labeled it Perseveration. The second factor, accounting for 19% of the variance, had its major contributions from two high loading variables, failure to maintain set and total correct minus 10 per category achieved. These indexes seemed to reflect inefficiency errors % Perseverative responses 3.9 -1.6 0.6 SD 0.3 18.4 SD Mean 70.4 Mean SD 0.9 1.0 SD 11.5 0.6 Mean SD 6.6 Mean 6.2 SD 8.5 -8.6 1.2 1.0 24.3 46.0 5.0 14.0 4.4 2.4 21.6 26.2 17.4 22.7 3.8 19.4 Mean SD 28.0 32.9 36.6 39.6 8.5 7.9 SD SD 9.3 10.9 Mean 18.1 22.2 12.3 29.7 24.7 75.7 24.7 51.5 3.3 4.6 10.1 -4.0 1.4 1.5 19.2 53.4 12.5 17.1 3.5 2.5 13.9 17.0 8.5 22.1 16.0 20.6 19.4 23.4 14.7 17.1 20.3 34.2 16.7 85.7 17.9 42.9 3.2 5.2 (n = 20) (n = 22) 6.3 -6.4 1.2 1.1 24.7 39.9 4.1 15.0 2.2 1.0 19.3 30.3 9.7 20.0 24.7 38.8 34.7 47.6 17.8 21.5 9.5 33.0 24.5 69.1 24.5 56.9 2.9 3.6 1. Scores prorated to 128 cards. On average. the frontal-lobe group sorted 98 cards k 32.7. 2. One-way analysts of vanance. 3. Excluded from the principal components analysis. l 2.37 2.96’ 5.11 ** 1.51 1.33 5.90’** 0.29 5.99”’ 5.37” 2.28 l 4.01 * 6.49”’ 6.02”’ 6.32”’ F2 < 0.004. Bonferroni corrections (n = 7) Frontal lobe’ Note. Values tn boldface type were stgntfrcantly worse than those for the normal control group (Scheffe F test, a 5 0.05). ‘p < 0.05. “p < 0.01, “‘p a 5 0.05 for 14 comparisons, p 5 0.004. Learning-to-learn3 Failure to maintain set % Conceptual Trials to 1 st category3 Unique responses errors errors responses 9.1 10.9 13.4 SD SD 17.4 Mean Mean 11.4 SD 100.7 11.4 Mean 27.3 SD 2.4 SD Mean 6.3 Mean Alcoholic Schizophrenic Card Sortina Test Control (n= 16) scores on the Wisconsin perseverations3 Nonperseverative Perseverative All perseverative Prior category No. correct-l O/category Total correct Total errors Categories Table 2. Conventional g 185 Table 3. Principal components analysis of the WCST conventional scores Factors: Variance proportion: Eigenvalues: Perseveration 0.58 7.24 Nonperseverative errors 0.14 1.12 Factor loadings WCSTscores Perseverative Inefficient sorting 0.19 1.62 0.987’ 0.055 0.081 All perseverations 0.983’ 0.024 0.061 Perseverations 0.977’ 0.102 0.069 Total errors 0.927’ 0.169 0.312 Total correct -0.918’ -0.161 0.327 -0.899* -0.24 0.324 -0.808* -0.522 0.250 set -0.049 0.984’ 0.027 No. correct-l O/category 0.468 0.848’ 0.068 Unique 0.106 0.007 0.839. 0.203 0.027 0.703’ l errors % Conceptual responses Categories Failure to maintain responses Nonperseverative errors Note. Principal components analysis with orthogonal nonoverlapping loading on the factor. (varimax) rotation (n = 58). * score with high and relatively in sorting strategy, and hence this factor was labeled ZneSJicient Sorting. The third factor, Nonperseverative Errors, accounted for 14% of the variance and had its highest loadings from two indexes reflecting WCST errors of a nonperseverative nature: nonperseverative errors and unique responses. On the basis of the results of the factor analysis, factor composites were computed for each of the three factors by summing the z scores from only those conventional scores with high loadings on the factor. Each score contributed to only one factor. To form the z scores, each conventional score was standardized against the mean and standard deviation for the combined group of control, schizophrenic, and alcoholic subjects. Because the frontal-lobe patients were not included in the factor analysis and were used to provide evidence of criterion validity of the factors, these means and standard deviations were also used to standardize the conventional scores of the frontal-lobe patients. High factor composites reflected poor WCST performance. Criterion Validity of WCST Factors Based on Performance by Patients With Frontal-Lobe Lesions. A comparison of the factor scores of the frontal-lobe patients with the control subjects provided a test of criterion validity for each WCST factor derived from the principal components analysis. Comparisons with t tests revealed that the frontal-lobe group had significantly higher scores on the Perseveration (t = -4.404, df= 21, p = 0.002) and the Inefficient Sorting factors (t = -2.774, df = 21, p = 0.0114) than did the control group, but that these two groups did not differ significantly on the Nonperseverative Errors factor (t = -0.48, df = 21, NS) (Fig. 1). Therefore, the performance of the frontal group supported the Perseveration and Inefficient Sorting factors as measures of frontal-lobe dysfunction, and so provided criterion validity to these factors. The purpose of the next analysis was to test whether the schizophrenic and the alcoholic groups showed a similar pattern of deficits as that observed in the frontal- 186 Fig. 1. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) factor scores 3 2Q- . 15 0 . . 10. I! $5 e co, k e e t II o i ; 8 f COIla Schizophrenic Alcoholic Fmntal c0nuo1 Schizophrenic Alcoholic Frontal 8 0 8 4* 2 ‘2 3, 2, [ 6 z 0 8 0 0 - _:.. lri i -2, -3- 0 COnoOl 0 0 Schizophrenic 0 Alcoholic T : . FlUltal Scatterplots and means of the three WCST factor scores for the four study groups. On these measures, low scores are good. The Perseveration factw scores of the schizophrenic and frontal-lobe groups were significantly greater than that of the normal control group (p<O.OOOl), whereas the Inefficient Sorting score of the alcoholic group was significantly greater than that of the normal control group (p< 0.01). The Nonperseverative Errors score showed no significant group differences. lobe group. To this end, the pattern of performance based on the three WCST factors was compared across all four groups with ANOVAs and post hoc Scheffe tests. The Perseveration factor scores of the schizophrenic and frontal groups were significantly greater than that of the normal control group (F = 6.22; df= 3, 64; p < O.OOl), whereas the Inefficient Sorting score of the alcoholic group was significantly greater than that of the normal control group (F = 4.08; df = 3, 64; p = 0.01). With the use of a Scheffe post hoc test, which incorporated a protected p value by taking into account the number of comparisons made in an analysis, it was determined that the frontal-lobe group did not differ significantly from the 187 control group on Inefficient Sorting; this result conflicts with that obtained with a simple t test. The Nonperseverative Errors score showed no group differences (F = 1.11; df = 3, 64; NS). The correlations among the WCST factors were high in the normal control subjects, moderate to low in the schizophrenic and the alcoholic patients, and not significant in the frontal patients (Table 4). Construct Validity of the WCST Factors Based on Convergent and Discriminant Analysis Exclusive of the Patients With Frontal-Lobe Lesions. To assess the validity of the WCST factors for groups other than the criterion sample of frontal patients, a construct-validation approach was taken. Accordingly, the three WCST factors were analyzed in parallel in the subsequent analyses to elucidate the differences in their meaning with respect to the data from the other tests. Only data from the normal control, schizophrenic, and alcoholic subjects were considered in these analyses. Bivariate and multivariate analytical approaches were used. Ordering and memory composite scores. Of the total group of 58 subjects, 17 schizophrenic, 19 alcoholic, and 15 normal control subjects had data for all tests; 16 normal control subjects had data for the WCST and ordering tests. The ordering composite scores of the schizophrenic and alcoholic groups were inferior to those of the normal control group, but the differences were not statistically significant (F = 1.49; df = 2, 50; NS) and may reflect low power due to the small number of subjects. The memory composite score of the schizophrenic group was significantly Table 4. Factor and composite groups score correlational Inefficient sorting Group matrix for the four subject Nonperseverative errors Ordering Memory Normal control 0.81*** Perseveration Inefficient sorting Nonperseverative -0.07 0.84”* 0.28 0.59” 0.41 0.18 0.05 -0.28 errors 0.70” Schizophrenic Perseveration Inefficient sorting Nonperseverative 0.10 0.41* 0.11 errors -0.70*** 0.04 -0.59** -0.70”’ 0.01 -0.75*** O&i’* Alcoholic 0.52” Perseveration Inefficient sorting Nonperseverative Ordering 0.50 0.31 0.27 -0.07 0.29 0.15 errors Frontal lobe Perseveration Inefficient 0.14 -0.18 sorting ‘p < 0.05;“p < 0.01;"'p < 0.001. 0.46’ -0.33 0.12 - - 0.03 - - 188 worse than the memory composite scores of the normal control and alcoholic groups (F= 8.56; df = 2, 50;~ < 0.001) (Fig. 2). Bivariate Convergent Validity. Simple (bivariate) correlations among the WCST factors and ordering composite scores were calculated within each group (Table 4). These correlations bear upon the convergent validity of the WCST factors as measures of executive function. The convergent validity of a given test is demonstrated to the extent that it is correlated with another measure of the same function (Campbell and Fiske, 1959; Wiggins, 1980). Thus, convergent validity of the WCST factors would be supported by negative correlations between the WCST factors (low scores reflect good performance) and the ordering composite (high scores reflect good performance). For the Perseveration and Nonperseverative Errors factors, the correlations supported convergent validity in the schizophrenic subjects only (Table 4, column 3). In the alcoholic subjects, the correlations were either not significant or, in the case of the Perseveration factor, the correlation was in the counterintuitive direction (i.e., a tendency to perseverate was associated with good ordering performance). In the normal control subjects, no correlations were significant. These findings strongly suggest that the convergent validity of the WCST factors as measures of a common cognitive function depend on diagnostic status (i.e., schizophrenic, alcoholic, or normal control). fiierarchical regression analyses were conducted to address explicitly the dependence of the correlations upon group membership. In predicting each WCST factor, the ordering composite was entered into a regression analysis first, followed by two dummy-coded variables representing group membership. Finally, the product of the ordering composite and the dummycoded variables was entered in step 3, allowing for a test of differences among the groups in the slopes of the regression lines. A significant predictive increment at step 3 suggested that the degree and/or direction of the relationship between the WCST’ factors and the ordering composite interacted with diagnostic status (Table 5). In predicting the Perseveration factor from the ordering composite, there was a strong group interaction (p < 0.0001) (Table 5). There was a strong and expected Fig. 2. Ordering and memory composite Ordering scores MelOrJ Means and standard errors of the mean of the ordenng and memory composite scores. On these measures, high scores are good. The ordering composite scores of the schizophrenic and alcoholic groups were inferior to those of the normal control group, but the differences were not statistically significant. The memory composite score of the schizophrenic group was significantly worse than the memory composite scores of the normal control and alcoholic groups (p < 0.001). 189 Table 5. Hierarchical regression of Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) factors on ordering composite and diagnostic group I?2 R chanae WCST factor Stet4 Predictor added Perseveration Inefficient sorting Nonperseverative *p< 0.01: errors 1 Ordering 2&3 Diagnostic composite 0.21 0.04 groups’ 0.46 4&5 Ordering X diagnostic 0.17’ 0.71 0.28*’ composite 0.10 0.01 group 0.45 0.19* 1 Ordering 2&3 Diagnostic 4&5 Ordering X diagnostic 1 Ordering composite 2&3 Diagnostic 4&5 Orderina group* group group X diaanostic arouD 0.47 0.02 0.22 0.05 0.30 0.04 0.53 0.19* ‘“p < 0.001. 1. Two dummy-coded variables were used to represent the three diagnostic groups. 2. Two product variables, obtained by multiplying the ordering composite with each dummy variable, were used to represent group differences in the slopes of the regression line. relationship in the schizophrenic subjects (r = -0.70) a moderate but counterintuitive relationship in the alcoholic subjects (r = OSO), and a weak counterintuitive relationship in the normal control subjects (r = 0.28) (Fig. 3). When the Nonperseverative Errors factor was predicted from the ordering composite, a significant group interaction effect emerged (p = 0.004) (Table 5). The slopes differed among the groups in a pattern similar to that observed with Perseveration: the schizophrenic subjects showed the expected relationship (r = -0.60) the alcoholic subjects exhibited a weak but counterintuitive relationship (r = 0.30), and the normal control subjects showed virtually no relationship (r = 0.05). In predicting Inefficient Sorting, no interaction was found (Table 5). There was, however, a significant group effect at step 2 of the regression equation, indicating that the groups showed mean differences in their tendency toward Inefficient Sorting (see ANOVA results described earlier). At step 1, with all groups combined, the Fig. 3. Perseveration factor scores regressed on ordering composite scores Schizophrenics Normal Controls 20 f % 1s 101 Uz I = e 5 m y.1.S2.371 y=-*.26+0.51x r=m . . 0 . . .=I_ j” - Alcoholics 20 . -10’ -6 -4 ordaia# -2 . 0 cmpaitc 2 scm l ’ -10’ 4 -6 -4 -2 OlJaiqWb= 0 2 4 -4 -4 ordate -2 0 2 4 CompMilc scare Convergence of the Perseveration and the ordering composite scores. Only for the schizophrenia correlation in the expected direction. The slopes differed significantly (p < 0.0001). group was the 190 ordering composite was not a significant predictor of Inefficient Sorting. Bivariate discriminant validity. Simple (bivariate) correlations between the WCST factors and the memory composite bear upon the discriminant validity of the WCST factors as measures of executive function. Discriminant validity is concerned with demonstrations of what a test does not measure and is an indication of a test’s specificity (Campbell and Fiske, 1959; Wiggins, 1980). Accordingly, one indication of the discriminant validity of the WCST factors is their lack of correlation with the presumably unrelated memory composite. Because convergent validity was not demonstrated for the normal control subjects or the alcoholic subjects, discriminant validity was examined only for the schizophrenic subjects. Table 5 presents the correlations for the alcoholic and normal control subjects for descriptive purposes only. The results revealed that Perseveration and Nonperseverative Errors were significantly correlated with the memory composite (Table 5, column 4). These correlations represent an apparent failure to support the discriminant validity of these two WCST factors in the schizophrenic subjects. Multivariate discriminant validity. The emergence of a correlation between the ordering composite and the memory composite complicates the interpretation of the bivariate analysis of discriminant validity (Table 4). This correlation may have arisen from global cortical pathology present in schizophrenia (Zipursky et al., 1992). In other words, ordering and memory may have been correlated because a single pathological process produced impaired functioning of both the frontal-lobe and the medial temporal-lobe regions in schizophrenia. The bivariate approach to discriminant validity fails to consider this ordering-memory correlation. Therefore, a multivariate approach was undertaken to examine the discriminant validity of the WCST factors while controlling for the shared variance between the ordering and memory functions in schizophrenia. In light of the shared variance between the ordering and memory composites, the simple correlation between the WCST factors and the memory composite can be explained by at least two alternatives: Alternative 1. The WCST factors lack discriminant validity. In addition to the shared variance between the ordering and memory composite scores, aspects of memory that are unrelated to ordering contribute to WCST performance. The left panel of Fig. 4 depicts this pattern of overlapping variance among the measures. Alternative 2. The WCST factors reflect specific measures of executive function. The specificity, however, is masked by correlated ordering and memory test performance in schizophrenia that produce overlap between memory and WCST performance. The right panel of Fig. 4 depicts this pattern of overlapping variance among the measures. To distinguish between these alternatives, we used hierarchical regression analysis in which the ordering and memory composite scores were entered as predictors for each WCST factor. The ordering composite score was entered into the equation first. Then, the change in R* was examined after the memory composite score was entered at the second step. A significant R2 change at the second step supports Alternative 1 (i.e., supports lack of discriminant validity), whereas an insignificant increment in R2 supports Alternative 2 (i.e., supports discriminant validity). In effect, the analysis at the second step examined the predictive utility of the components of memory performance that were unrelated to ordering performance. Thus, at the second step, 191 Fig. 4. Alternative patterns of overlapping variance among the measures Alternative 1. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) factors lack discriminant validity. In addition to the shared variance between the ordering and memory composite scores, aspects of memory that are unrelated to ordering contribute to WCST performance. The left panel depicts this pattern of overlapping variance among the measures. Alternative 2. The WCSTfactors are specific measures of executive function. The specificity, however, is masked by correlated ordering and memory test performance in schizophrenia that produces overlap between memory and WCST performance. The right panel depicts this pattern of overlapping variance among the measures. the contribution of memory to WCST performance could be evaluated while ordering was held constant. This analysis of discriminant validity was conducted only in instances where convergent validity was supported-namely, for the Perseveration and Nonperseverative Errors factors in the schizophrenic subjects. The results for the Perseveration factor showed that memory performance did not produce a significant improvement in the R2 when ordering performance was controlled for (R2 change = 0.10, NS). This result is consistent with Alternative 2. For the Nonperseverative Errors factor, memory performance did contribute a significant increment in prediction when ordering performance was controlled for ( R2 change = 0.23, p < 0.05). This result is consistent with Alternative 1 (Table 6). Discussion The results of this study were as follows: (1) the schizophrenic, alcoholic, and frontal-lobe groups all showed impairment on the conventional scores of the WCST; (2) the conventional WCST scores could be reduced to three factors, Perseveration, Inefficient Sorting, and Nonperseverative Errors; (3) of these three factors, Perseveration and, to a lesser extent, Inefficient Sorting were sensitive to dysfunction in the frontal-lobe group and therefore possessed criterion validity; and (4) the Perseveration factor, as an index of executive function, demonstrated construct validity for the schizophrenic group. Factors of WCST Scores and Patterns of Impairment. The 11 conventional scores of the WCST could be reduced to three factors, which we named Perseveration, Inefficient Sorting, and Nonperseverative Errors. This factor structure closely resembles the sources of difficulty common on this task: “inefficient initial conceptualization, perseveration, failure to maintain set, and inefficient learning across the several stages of the test” (Heaton, 1981, p. 7). The emergence of the three factors suggests that different components of cognition contribute to WCST performance and provides an attractive alternative to the redundancy of ‘p < 0.05; “p < 0.01 Nonperseverative Perseveration WCST Factor errors Memory composite Ordering Memory 1 2 composite composite Ordering composite 1 Predictor added 2 Step 0.76 0.59 0.77 0.70 R 0.23’ 0.35 0.10 0.4Y’ R 2 change -0.59 -0.70 Step 1 -0.63 -0.19 -0.42 -0.43 Step 2 fl at each step Table 6. Hierarchical regression: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) factors on ordering and memory composite scores for the schizophrenic patients 193 analyzing all scores. Indeed, use of redundant scores could obscure the assessment of the major dimensions underlying WCST performance. Furthermore, choosing a subset of the scoring methods without regard to the underlying major dimensions would be arbitrary. Examining WCST performance in terms of a reduced number of factor scores may afford several benefits, including increased reliability and a more manageable number of WCST scores. The results of the present study suggest one possible factor solution for the conventional scores of the WCST, though this factor structure requires replication. It would also be important to test the power of this factor structure in predicting performance patterns in new samples of schizophrenic, alcoholic, and frontal-lobe patients. The performance of the frontal-lobe patients suggested that Perseveration and possibly Inefficient Sorting possess criterion validity for the assessment of impairment in patients with focal DLPFC lesions. The Perseveration factor result is in accord with previously published observations that perseveration commonly accounts for the WCST impairment of patients with frontal-lobe lesions (e.g., Milner, 1963; Drewe, 1974; Heaton, 1981). The tendency of schizophrenic patients to perseverate was also observed by Fey (1951) even before the introduction of psychoactive medications, indicating that this tendency is not simply a result of medication. Regarding Inefficient Sorting, alcoholics have been shown to have a graded impairment in maintaining set, depending upon their length of drinking (i.e., < 10 years vs. > 10 years; Tarter, 1973). The patients of the present study would have been considered long-term alcoholics by Tarter’s criteria and behaved as such. Apparently, the tendency to make nonperseverative errors does not show sensitivity to DLPFC pathology. Construct Validity of WCST Factors as Measures of Executive Function. The validity pattern, based on the frontal-lobe patients, could not be assumed to hold for both psychiatric groups. Thus, an attempt was made to corroborate the criterion validity results with evidence of construct validity of the three factors. Moreover, construct validation was assessed in each group separately since the factors might be valid measures of executive function in some populations but not others. The bivariate correlations of the Perseveration and Nonperseverative Errors factors with the independent ordering composite (executive function) supported their convergent validity within the schizophrenic group, but not within the alcoholic or normal control groups. The Inefficient Sorting factor was not supported as a valid measure of executive function within any of the three groups considered. When convergent validity was demonstrated, the bivariate correlations did not support the discriminant validity of the WCST factors. To assess the multivariate discriminant validity of the WCST factors as measures of executive function, we used multivariate analysis to test whether these factors did nor measure memory function in the schizophrenic group. With this approach, which controlled for the correlation between the ordering and memory composites, the memory composite showed a significant association with Nonperseverative Errors, but not Perseveration. Thus, these multivariate results, along with the convergent validity results, suggested that (1) the Perseveration factor was a valid 194 and specific measure of executive function in schizophrenic subjects but not in alcoholic or normal control subjects, and (2) the Nonperseverative Errors factor reflected both executive and memory function in schizophrenic subjects, whereas in alcoholic and normal control subjects it was associated with neither function. The Inefficient Sorting factor was not significantly associated with the ordering composite in any group, and it therefore could not be supported as a measure of executive function despite its criterion validity in patients with frontal-lobe lesions. In construct validation studies, the failure to show convergence between two tests that theoretically measure an underlying construct raises questions about the construct validity of both tests. While this caveat applies to all of the relationships evaluated in the present study, it is particularly salient in the alcoholic subjects, where the counterintuitive relationships of the Perseveration and Nonperseverative Errors factors with the ordering composite emerged: the alcoholic subjects showing relatively poor scores on the WCST factors were the same individuals scoring well on the ordering composite. Which of these scores should be taken as the true indication of DLPFC function in alcoholics? Our results do not permit an answer to this question; rather, the findings markedly reduce our confidence in both the ordering composite tests and the WCST factors as valid and selective measures of executive function in alcoholics. We might speculate from these results that alcoholics perform these tests qualitatively differently from schizophrenic patients and normal control subjects, perhaps because the pathology responsible for the impairment in the alcoholics may involve brain regions other than the dorsolateral frontal convexity and its connections; one candidate region is the orbital frontal cortex (cf. Freedman and Oscar-Berman, 1986). The problem of showing that a test possesses discriminant validity-that is, that a test is a measure of a specific function-is complicated in disorders that may exhibit multiple localizable cognitive or neurological impairments. To the extent that the multiple impairments in a disorder are correlated, perhaps due to multiple localized lesions arising from a unitary pathogenesis, the examination of simple correlations among measures designed to assess distinct functions (i.e., the bivariate approach) can produce misleading conclusions about the discriminant validity of the measures. For example, in the schizophrenic subjects, the pattern of simple correlations observed between the two WCST factors, Perseveration and Nonperseverative Errors, and the memory composite could have come about for at least two reasons: (1) the WCST factors could lack discriminant validity (i.e., they may be tapping both executive and memory function); and (2) the WCST factors could be specific measures of executive function, but because schizophrenia may produce both a correlation between ordering (executive executive and memory impairments, function) and memory might be expected. Yet, even when these multiple impairments coexist in a disorder, the correlation between the functions is less than perfect. In other words, there are overlapping and nonoverlapping (i.e., dissociable) components of executive and memory function in schizophrenia. An important challenge for neuropsychology, then, is to find a method, richer than bivariate analysis, to distinguish between performance on a nonspecific test and correlated impairments in evaluating the discriminant validity of a test. 195 Hierarchical multiple regression models offer one promising multivariate approach to meeting this challenge. In our regression model, we could view the correlation between the ordering composite and the memory composite as a reflection of the overlapping executive and memory dysfunctions in schizophrenia. When this correlation was removed from the memory composite, the residual memory composite was able to reflect the component of memory function that was dissociable from executive function. In effect, we removed the shared aspects of memory and executive function that coexist in a disorder exhibiting both executive and memory dysfunction. If the residual memory composite was uncorrelated with the WCST factor, then we could conclude that the simple correlation between the WCST factor and the nonresidualized memory composite arose from overlap between the functions within the disorder (i.e., from the covarying aspects of multiple cognitive impairments). This was our conclusion about the Perseveration factor in the schizophrenic patients. On the other hand, if the residual memory composite (i.e., the aspect of memory function that was dissociuble from executive function) were correlated with the WCST factor, then this WCST factor would be shown to be sensitive to aspects of memory function that were dissociable from executive function. Therefore, the factor would lack specificity, or discriminant validity, as an executive measure. This was our conclusion about the Nonperseverative Errors factor in schizophrenia. Thus, the contribution of multivariate hierarchical regression was to provide evidence about the validity and specificity of a test designed to measure a specific function when applied to a disorder that causes multiple cognitive and neurological impairments. Indeed, using tests without discriminant validity could lead to erroneous conclusions suggesting the presence of “global,““diffuse,” or “nonlocalizable” impairment when, in reality, such impairment comprises a limited number of discrete deficits (cf. Sagar and Sullivan, 1988). Depending upon the WCST score or factor that was analyzed and the group that was considered, the WCST reflected dysfunction either relatively specific (e.g., the Perseveration factor) or nonspecific (e.g., categories achieved). Similarly, Kersteen (1989) reported that patients with DLPFC lesions (7 patients used in the present study), as well as patients with temporal-parietal lesions, were impaired in categories achieved and total errors on the WCST, whereas the former but not the latter group showed impairment, relative to control subjects, in perseverative errors. Teuber and Liebert (1958) also illustrated this point with a different test. Their patients with penetrating head injuries involving the anterior aspects of the brain were selectively impaired in setting a luminous line to the vertical when their bodies were tilted. By contrast, patients with posterior brain injuries were selectively impaired in this task when their field of vision was limited to a striped background set at various tilts. Interestingly, when the results were scored taking starting position of the line to be adjusted to the vertical into account, both head injury groups were impaired in the body tilt condition. The conclusion drawn was that “ and the same task could be shown to reveal general (nonlocalizable) and specific (relatively localizable) effect of brain injury” (p. 407), depending upon the analytic approach used. Thus, even in studies investigating patients with localizable lesions, the selective effects of the lesions can be elusive. 196 Construct Validity in Neuropsychology. The analysis used in this study demonstrates one approach that can be used to establish the construct validity of neuropsychological tests in populations without localized brain lesions. In populations of patients with structurally observable localized lesions, there is an obvious criterion against which to evaluate the validity of a test designed to measure a localized brain function: patients with lesions in one brain region show impaired performance on the test relative to intact individuals as well as to patients with lesions in a different brain region. In patient groups without clearly delineated structural lesions but suspected of having abnormal brain function, no single criterion can serve to validate a neuropsychological test. In the absence of observable structural or functional brain abnormalities, the inference of localized brain pathology from impaired performance on neuropsychological tests requires the accumulation of supporting evidence that is necessarily of an indirect nature. In effect, neuropsychological impairment in psychiatric populations without demonstrable lesions takes on the status of a hypothetical construct (Cronbach and Meehl, 1955). Inasmuch as constructs are not directly observable, their existence is inferred from the pattern of interrelationships among their hypothesized observable manifestations. Since there is no set of necessary or sufficient conditions (short of discovering a localized brain lesion) that can establish the validity of a test measuring a construct, the validity must be established by the “nomological network” of associations and nonassociations that the test shows with other theoretically relevant and irrelevant variables. This is what Cronbach and Meehl (1955) referred to as construct validity. Demonstrating patterns of convergent and discriminant validity within and across data domains (e.g., psychometric, behavioral, physiological, and anatomical) is a fundamental approach to the validation of “neuropsychological constructs.” Acknowledgments. 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