Dedicated to the ConservaƟon of Fish, Wildlife and the Natural Resources of this Area Monthly Newsle er h p:// Issue #2/2015 February 2015 PRESIDENT Don Copeland 805‐268‐0512 VICE‐PRESIDENT Spencer Copeland 805‐757‐1146 President Message: SECRETARY Stacey Copeland 805‐757‐0384 TREASURER Mark Gomes 805‐895‐4495 BOARD OF DIRECTORS John Hotchkiss 805‐937‐8622 Brad Lenz 805‐934‐3377 Harold Morgan 805‐937‐1074 Don Pack 805‐928‐1503 Terry Rosa 805‐925‐7060 Richard Viole e 805‐720‐1875 rviole at 2pm. Tickets are $20. If unable to attend, they are excepting donations at The next event is the Friends of the NRA dinner held Thursday, March 14th. Our club is setting up a sponsor club table and if you are interested, contact Brad Lenz. There can be an additional sponsored table if needed. Finally, The Sportsman Council of Central California will be holding a meeting on Tuesday, February 24 at 10:00 AM at the San Luis Obispo Sportsman Club Gun Range. All members are welcome to attend this meeting. At our first general meeting, we discussed upcoming events and a lot of activities will remain the same. We are scheduling dates and time for these events. If you have volunteered in the past and would like to chair or co-chair for a specific event, please sign up at our general meetings. February’s general meeting will be a barbecue of burgers at a cost of $5.00 per person. There will also be a firearm drawing that evening. Our first event is a fundraiser for the Dunn Family at the Arroyo Grande Association Hall. Address is 707 Huasna, Arroyo Grande. See ad. Sincerely Don Copeland - President This fundraiser is to assist in medical expenses for Chuck Dunn. If you know of someone that is a Your support and contribution for member and have not received this fundraiser is greatly their newsletter, and/or have appreciated. The event will be held moved, we need their on Saturday, February 21st starting email/mailing address updated. Dedicated to the ConservaƟon of Fish, Wildlife and the Natural Resources of this Area Page 2 MEETINGS Team Chuck Dunn Fundraising Benefit Board of Director Mtg Monday February 2, 2015 B.B.Q./Cocktails 2:00pm-5:00pm **Drive thru available $20.00/person NEW LOCATION: Elwin Mussell Center 510 Park Avenue Santa Maria, CA **limited amount available at the door No. 000 Saturday, February 21, 2015 Arroyo Grande Association Hall 707 Huasna Rd., Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Ongoing Silent Auction • Live Auction 5:00pm • Followed by JD Hardy Band Additional donations: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. * Members are welcome Next Meeting: March 2, 2015 General Mtg Tuesday February 10, 2015 Membership is NOW DUE Adults: $30 After March 31st: $40 Family: $80 After March 31st: $100 Youth: $20 NEW LOCATION: Elwin Mussell Center 510 Park Avenue Santa Maria, CA Meeting starts early for BBQ 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. If you intend to enter our Buck Contest at the Fall Classic, you must have your dues paid before Bow Season starts. Next Meeting: March 10, 2015 To be eligible for the contests, your dues must be paid before the General Season starts. Sportsmen’s Council of Central California Please completely fill out the form on the back of the newsletter including updated info and email addresses and mail/or take to meeting with your payment. Tuesday February 24, 2015 SLO Sportsmen’s Assn. On Hwy 1 10 am - 3:30 pm You can also get the application on our webpage. AFFILIATED WITH: SPORTSMAN’S COUNCIL OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA ♦ NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION ♦ CALIFORNIA WILDLIFE FEDERATION ♦ SPORTSMAN’S COALITION OF CALIFORNIA Page 3 Dedicated to the ConservaƟon of Fish, Wildlife and the Natural Resources of this Area Donations may be made CLASSIFIEDS online at SALE .50 caliber black powder muzzle loader call Manny 805 570-3530 All members that wear your club colors Hat, Jacket or t-shirt at the general meeting will be eligible for a special drawing. Mike Streator Owner Santa Maria (805) 739-9255 WINNERS Arroyo Grande (805) 489-3851 Atascadero (805) 466-0885 AFRICAN HUNT Travis Milner COLORS Don Pack CAPSULE Mary Alaboty (Absent) Congratulations to all of our winners! AFFILIATED WITH: SPORTSMAN’S COUNCIL OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA ♦ NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION ♦ CALIFORNIA WILDLIFE FEDERATION ♦ SPORTSMAN’S COALITION OF CALIFORNIA SPONSORS & DONORS Please frequent these businesses and support theses organizations. Your help is key to our continued support from them. Let them know who you are and that you appreciate their support. BARNICK HOME INTERIORS BECK BIRDS BENDELE ELECTRIC BRICK’S RESTAURANT BRIGHT FAMILY CAL COAST MACHINERY CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY CARR’S BOOTS CENTRAL CITY TOOLS CENTRAL COAST JEWELRY CENTRAL ELECTRIC CHARLIE CARROLL COMMUNITY BANK OF S. M. CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES D G CONSTRUCTION DANIEL’S JEWERLY DEAD ON FIREARMS DEASEE’S DESIGNS DODGE CITY SHOOTERS SUPPLY DR MARK ADAM DR. WAYNE MILLER DUNN FAMILY FARM SUPPLY COMPANY FOUR SEASONS OUTFITTERS FRANK NYBACK MOTORSPORTS G & S CARPETS HAROLD MORGAN HERITAGE OAKS BANK HITCHING POST HOTCHKISS FAMILY HOUSE OF GLASS INNOVATIVE ELECTRIC CO. J.D. MARTINEZ PAINTING JEWELS BY JUAN REA JIM ACKERMAN JIM’S AMMO DEPOT JIM’S TAXIDERMY JOCKOS JOHN PERRY JOHN THE TUB DOCTOR KINYON CONSTRUCTION LAHR ELECTRIC WELDING LANDER’S ROOFING LENZ RANCH LEVI’S TOP SHOP LITTLE JOCKOS LOS PADRES FIRE PROTECTION M & W PUMPS MARK GOMES CONST. MILT GUGGIA ENTERPRISES MR. FIX IT PLUMBING MURRAY & MURRAY ORCUTT JEWELRY PACIFIC AG WATER PACIFIC OVERHEAD DOOR PATRIOT SPORT FISHING PERRY’S AUTO PARTS PHILLIP HAFFEY PITCHOUT POINT OF ACTION PRAXAIR RALPH LOPEZ RICHARD’S GUNS ROADRUNNER PLUMBING ROBERT FISHER ARCHITECT S. M. RECREATION & PARKS SANTA MARIA FRIENDS OF NRA SERVICE MASTERS ANYTIME SLO RANGE MASTERS SMV CROP SERVIE SMV SPORTSMEN STREATOR PIPE & SUPPLY SUNSHINE HAIR SUPERIOR DRYWALL THE MORGANS THE OUTDOORSMAN THE ROCK LADY TITAN INDUSTRIAL AND SAFETY TUNNEL ROOFING UNCLE ED’S OUTFITTERS VALLEY GLASS & MIRROR VIRG’S LANDING WALMART WELLS WOODWORKS WILDLIFE ARTS ZAMORA TILE Santa Maria Valley Sportsmen’s Associa on Post Office Box 362 Santa Maria, California 93456 S.M.V.S.A. Membership Application/Renewal 2015 Mail to: SMV Sportsmen Assn., P.O. Box 362, Santa Maria, CA 93456 Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________ Phone(s): Home __________________Work______________________Cell________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________________________ Yes, I want my newsletter emailed to me. Adult Names ______________________________________ $30/Adult _________ (after March 31st $40) $20/Youth _________ (after March 31st $25) $80/Family_________ (after March 31st $100) (Two adults, one or more youth) _________________________________________________ Youth Names______________________________________ _________________________________________________ Membership Signature: ______________________________________Date: _____________________
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