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Tuesday, February 17
6:45 a.m. Administrative Team meeting
12:00 noon Worship Team meeting
Wednesday, February 18
6:15 p.m. Praise Team rehearsal for 2/22
Children’s Evening Activities
5:00 p.m. LOGOS & Kids’ Choir, gr. TK-6
TK-3rd: 5:00 Choir, 6:45 pm LOGOS
4th-6th: 5:00 LOGOS, 6:45 pm Choir
Group Dinner: 5:45 pm
Theme: Compassion
6:30 p.m. FOCUS Youth Group, gr. 7-8
7:00 p.m. CHAOS Youth Group, gr. 9-12
Thursday, February 19
8:30 a.m. Priscilla Shirer Bible Study
6:30 a.m. Elders’ meeting
7:00 p.m. Deacons’ meeting
7:30 p.m. Consistory
Friday, February 20
6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible study
3:00 p.m. Crown Pointe Coffee
Saturday, February 21
7:00 p.m. Young at Heart
Sunday, February 22
8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Breakfast Fundraiser for
Haiti mission trip team
8:00 a.m. Praise Team rehearsal
8:30 a.m. Central Choir rehearsal
9:10 a.m. Consistory prayer time
9:30 a.m. Morning Worship
10:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
Memory Verses
Prayer Line Updates
Shari Boone – diagnosed with cancer and
has begun 5 weeks of treatments in Sioux Falls.
LaRue Van Muyden – recuperating from a
chemotherapy treatment on February 10.
Cathy Wagenaar – admitted to Avera
hospital in Sioux Falls.
Don Brommer – moved to the VA hospital
in Sioux Falls for physical therapy.
Please begin praying for the team of
participants that will be going to work in Haiti
this year from March 2-9. Rob Harrison, Bruce
Roetman, Lisa & Jeremy Koerselman, Sarah
Rathbun, and Patrick Van Muyden.
Mission Trip
February 22
Serving 8:00-9:00 a.m.
Come early to church! The Haiti group will be
serving up breakfast for freewill donations.
Menu: Egg Bake, Muffins, Fruit, Juice and Coffee
Supplies are needed for the trip. If you can
provide any of the items listed, please drop
those off at the church office.
Household items: such as,
Dishes, Cups, Towels, Sheets, etc.
For School: #2 Pencils
Medical Supplies: Antibiotic Cream, Cough Syrup,
Advil, Children’s and Adult Ibuprofen
Beds: We are looking for cash donations to
purchase beds, which cost $150 each.
Nursery services are provided during morning
activities. (The nursery is in the basement level
of church.) Nursery workers are asked to be
in the nursery no later than 9:00 a.m. to
accommodate those who participate in the
This Sunday, February 15:
TODDLER: Ryan & Tonya Bakke
Jaycee & Kady Hoekstra
INFANT: Marv & Greta Siebersma
Wednesday, February 18:
Julie Franken, Nell De Gooyer,
Joyce Brommer
Next Sunday, February 22:
TODDLER: Ryan & Erika Boone
Tatum Schmalbeck, Ellee Vogel
INFANT: Bruce & Mary Roetman
This Sunday, February 15
Narthex: Orlin & Kathy Van Essen
Dennis & Sandy Van Kley
South: LaRue & Donna Van Muyden
Coffee Servers: Lyle & Joyce Vermeer
Children in Worship: Ellen Mouw
Greeters: Jodi Vogel, Ellee Vogel,
Louis Vander Velde, Sydney Mouw
Next Sunday, February 22
Narthex: Art & Joan Van Riessen
Lynn Van Putten, Joanna Van Velzen
South: Rob & Pam Van Riessen
Coffee Servers: Dave & Ellen Mouw
Children in Worship: Megan Moeller
Greeters: Payton Boone, Anna Mouw,
Jordan Vanden Brink, Joshua Rathbun
Every verse is to be learned
during the week for the listed
Sunday. The kids will learn
the bold sections, and the
congregation will learn the whole piece.
Verse for Sunday, February 15:
1 John 4:7-8
Dear friends, “Let us love one another,
for love comes from God.” Everyone who
loves has been born of God and knows God.
Whoever does not love does not know God,
because God is love.
Verse for Sunday, February 22:
2 Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen,
but on what is unseen, since what is seen
is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Please Remember . . .
. . . turn in your ballots for consistory
nominations! You may deposit
nominations in the ballot
box in the narthex, or drop
them off in the church
office. Nominations will be
accepted until February 22.
of the Month
Please pray for our
supported missionaries.
Marlin & Sally Vis
Israel and Palestine
Visit for more
information about Marlin & Sally’s
ministry and contact information.
New Books in
Church Library
KidZone Help
As a follow-up to the video shown in church
last week, here is additional information.
KidZone is a community-wide, after-school
program hosted by First Ref. Church that
serves approximately 120 kids. Right now,
KidZone is short of staff, so they are in
urgent need of more volunteer help. Ideally,
they like 15 volunteers every Tuesday and
Thursday from 3:00-5:30 p.m.
There are many ways you can help: serve
snacks, hang out with kids in the rooms for
dress-up or blocks and cars, iron the beads
craft, play games, help with homework, and
supervise the gym. You can choose to be with
the K-1st graders or the 2nd-4th graders.
You can volunteer once a month, twice a
month, once a week, or twice a week. You
can come for an hour or for the full time.
They will work with your schedule! Please
contact Gretchen Bruhn for more information!
Center for Financial Education
Annual Meeting
Feb. 26, 7-8:00 p.m., Sioux Center Library
After her brother dies in a trauma room, nurse
Claire Avery can no longer face the ER. She's
determined to make a fresh start – new hospital, new career. But plans can fall apart.
Disaster Status (Mercy Hospital, book 2)
Charge nurse Erin Quinn escaped turmoil to
work on the peaceful California coast. But when
a hazardous material spill places the hospital on
disaster status, she’s put to the test.
Code Triage (Mercy Hospital, book 3)
Dr. Leigh Stathos likes her ER shifts fast and
furious, with no emotional complications. Life’s
taught her that nothing lasts forever, including
marriage. Then an unwelcome confrontation
with “the other woman” begins a whole new
set of lessons.
February 12, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
8:00 a.m. Praise Team rehearsal
9:10 a.m. Consistory Prayer time in
the South Chapel
9:30 a.m. Morning Worship
The Praise Team will lead worship.
Pastor Van will continue a series on
stewardship with the sermon
We will celebrate the baptism of
Maxwell John Kelderman, infant
son of Josh & Katie Kelderman.
10:45 a.m. Sunday School for
all ages.
4:30/6:30 p.m. Valentine’s Dinner
One Body, One Hope
Orphan Ministry
in Africa
In the wake of the Ebola crisis,
another crisis is quickly becoming
apparent: thousands of children
have been left orphaned. One Body, One Hope
originated in Sioux Center and has been partnering in Liberia since early 2007, and we have
felt called to respond to this great and growing
need. Christ Our Hope North, a new orphanage
for Ebola orphans has just opened its doors.
We are actively seeking sponsors for the 58
children there, and are eager to partner with
churches, families, and people passionate
about living out the gospel. To learn more, visit
us at or email us at
Find camp information on the display in the
narthex, or online at
Camp Support: Central Church will pay up to
half the cost for a camper (up to $150 per
camper). Please contact the church office with
your children’s camp information to participate. There is also an early-bird discount if
you register your camper by April 15.
Critical Care (Mercy Hospital, book 1)
113 North Main Avenue
Sioux Center, IA 51250
Phone: 722-1441; prayer line: 722-3695
Rev. R. Van Rathbun, Pastor
Registration for 2015 is now open.
by author Candace Calvert
Central Reformed Church
Sign up for Summer Camp!
Central Reformed Church
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Permit No. 17
Sioux Center, IA 51250
Community Opportunities
The video of the Sunday morning service
will be shown on Monday, 1:30 p.m.,
on Cable Channel 12.
Serve the Living Lord by
Praising God, Growing in Faith,
Encouraging One Another,
Serving All and Sharing Christ