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February 11, 2015
Volume 18, Issue 50©
America’s Best Conservative Newspaper since 1997
Muslims Plan to
Visit Legislators
Page 3
Corbett Mason
“...was a deliberate, carefully planned evil act of the
long waged war on the West by
Koran-inspired soldiers of Allah
around the world. They hated us
before George W. Bush was in
office. They hated us before Israel existed. And the avengers of
the religion of perpetual outrage
will keep hating us.” - Michelle
Chris Kyle seems to be the
subject of much debate, snipers
take out the enemy to protect
their fellow countrymen. They
have been used to take out Islamic
terrorists setting up IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices) along
roads being used by our convoys.
Any combat soldier with his
“boots on the ground” trying to retake a town, would want a sniper
on every high vantage point possible. For the simple reason, they
hit what they’re shooting at and it
might make the difference if they
make it home or not.
Liberal film maker Michael
Moore and other Progressives
deplore the use of military snipers
and call them cowards. I have a
good friend that was a sniper in
Viet Nam on one of his tours, his
longest confirmed kill was at a
distance of 600 yards. He could
and still has the ability to start a
fight in a empty elevator. During
one of these fisticuffs, he has no
though of his own well-being or
that of his opponent, he fights
with a no holds barred mentality.
He was a “tunnel rat” during his
second tour in Nam and killed
several Viet Cong while making
his way through tunnels. His heart
was in his throat more than once,
but he did what was required of
him. Any man in combat would
be grateful for any one taking out
the enemy. My friend also suffers
from “Post Traumatic Stress.”
“Of course people don’t
want war. Why should a poor slob
on a farm want to risk his life in
a war when the best thing he can
get out of it is to come back to his
farm in one piece.” - Hermann
A reporter from Time Magazine asked Chris Kyle if he had
regrets for killing over 160 people
during his deployment as a Navy
Seal? Kyle responded, “I had
to do it to protect the Marines.
You want to lose your guys, or
would you rather take out one of
Union General William T.
Sherman in America’s Civil War
said, “War is hell.”
The “political correct
crowd” is in an uproar about
Chris Kyle’s calling the enemy,
“savages.” When ISIL or al-Qaeda kills and beheads innocent
children, rapes women and sells
them for sex slaves, they also sell
children, behead journalists, kill
innocents by cruxification, kill
individuals by fire, while beheading and shooting “innocents” on
an incalculable scale, what would
you call them, innocence lost?
I haven’t heard many Progressives complain about the
enemy and many innocents being killed by our country’s use
of drones. Drones are being
used in Pakistan, Yemen, and
Brandon Bryant served in
the U.S. Air Force as part of a
crew piloting America’s drones.
It’s estimated he participated
in the killing of 1,626 people.
He started in early 2007, being
based in the Nevada desert, during which he logged thousands
of hours of flight time. He finally
had enough, when the next target
See Mason, pg. 3
AG nominee eyed in massive
Obama cover-up
Loretta Lynch tied to world’s biggest banking scandal
By Jerome R. Corsi
NEW YORK – Attorney general
nominee Loretta Lynch could
be facing new confirmation
problems in the U.S. Senate after
being tied to the world’s biggest banking scandal, involving
HSBC, which
used its power to
temporarily shut
as the news site
was breaking a
series of stories
on the megabank’s moneylaundering practices – practices
that resulted in
more than $1.2
billion in fines
Wednesday, Eric Holder’s Department of Justice appears to
be stonewalling the release of
documents that could implicate
Lynch in a massive cover-up of
Obama administration involvement in international moneylaundering of Mexican cartel
drug money.
John Cruz in interview with
WND’s Jerome Corsi
vestigation and avoid the filing
of criminal charges.
torney for the Eastern District
of New York, oversaw the
willingness to prosecute HSBC
was exposed by a former HSBC
vice president and relationship manager
in New York,
John Cruz, who
called the bank
a “criminal enterprise.” Cruz
was ignored by
law enforcement authorities
until he brought
to WND 1,000
pages of customer account records that
document his claims.
Loretta Lynch
investigation of drug-related international money laundering allegations against London-based
HSBC Holdings LLC.
WND published a series articles
documenting charges HSBC
laundered billions of dollars
that traced back to the Mexican
drug cartels, culminating with a
$1.256 billion fine paid to the
U.S. government to end the in-
Cruz called the $1.92 billion fine
the U.S. government imposed
on HSBC “a joke” and filed a
$10 million lawsuit for “retaliation and wrongful termination.”
Whistleblowers in India and
London joined Cruz in charging
See Cover-up, pg. 4
‘High horse’ jab just president’s latest attack on his own professed faith
By Garth Kant
The latest example came during his
remarks Thursday at the National
Prayer Breakfast, but it was
hardly the first
time Obama has
criticized Christianity or defended Islam.
In order to better understand
what Obama
truly believes,
WND looked
at the history
of Obama’s relationship with
religion, beginning with those
most recent remarks.
Page 12
by Tom DeWeese
Never Underestimate the
Power of a Pebble in Your
In 2012, Lynch, as the U.S. at- The federal government’s un-
‘Committed Christian’? Obama’s
religious history unmasked
WASHINGTON – Why would
President Obama, who professes to
be a Christian, apparently harbor
such animosity toward what he
claims is his own faith?
to apologize, pointedly noting that
the Inquisition was political, and
the Crusades were a defensive effort against jihad.
It was William Wilberforce who
led the campaign against slavery.
It was Martin Luther King who
fought (segregation.)”
Obama’s remarks came just two
days after the release of a video
of the burning death of a captured
Thiessen wondered why the president would criticize those who
criticize ISIS atrocities, asking,
“What does he
mean by get off
our high horse?
And what kind
of person looks
at a video of
a man being
burned alive and
his reaction is to
say ‘Let’s not
forget, we in the
West did that,
Thousands of grassroots activists across the nation have taken
up the fight against Agenda 21
and its policy of Sustainable
Where once there were only
a very few of us speaking out
against this “comprehensive
blueprint” for the complete
transition of American society,
now hundreds speak in meetings and testify in legislative
We know it is an assault on
property rights, energy use,
building development, even
education and health care. The
policy’s impact is massive and,
to many, overwhelming.
Yet, our voice of opposition
continues to be ignored. We get
the roll of the eyes, the snide
remarks, the accusations of
conspiracy theorists and fringe
fanatics. They smirk. They
laugh and they move forward
with their plans conceived in
the back rooms out of sight of
a sleeping public.
How can we stop it? Where do
we start? How do we overcome
the almost unlimited political
power and funding controlled
by the other side?
I have fought this mega-force
for over 20 years. I have been
thrilled to see our little rag tag
band of grassroots activists
score enough victories to make
the planners and Non-governmental organization (NGOs)
very nervous.
But it’s not enough. They continue, regardless of opposition
because we fail to make them
feel pain for their actions. They
suffer no personal or political
consequences, even when their
plans go so very wrong.
We need a plan. We need to
“With all due organize the many individual
r e s p e c t , t h e activists into one mighty fist of
Crusades were opposition. We need to show
almost a thou- the planners that their actions
sand years ago. have consequences that are
The Inquisition forcing American citizens to
was in the 15th
“And lest we
century. ISIS is
get on our high
burning people
Then-Sen. Obama during a visit to Kenya in 2006
horse and think
alive today. Now. I have such a plan. It’s divided
into three sections:
that this is unique to some other Jordanian pilot by ISIS and just Not Christians,” he added.
place, remember that during the one day after word that the radical
Crusades and Inquisition, people Islamic army is selling, as well as
See Agenda, pg. 7
See History, pg. 8
committed terrible deeds in the crucifying, children.
name of Christ,” Obama said at
Mon Tues
the breakfast.
WND CEO Joseph Farah inter- Wed
preted Obama’s remarks as an
“In our home country, slavery excuse of Islam, by drawing an
and Jim Crow all too often was equivalence between the current
Sunny Sunny
justified in the name of Christ,” murderous reign of terror perHigh 53 High 38 Cloudy- Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Showers
he added.
petuated by Muslim radicals and
High 56 Hign 41 High 43 High 51 High 43
Low 27 Low 27
long-past misdeeds by Christians
Low 32 Low 22 Low 31 Low 39 Low 23
Incensed critics are interpreting long-since condemned by virtually
those remarkable words as both all Christians.
an attack on Christianity and a
defense of Muslim atrocities.
Marc Thiessen, former chief
Page 11
speechwriter for President George
Crossword Puzzle/Horoscopes
Page 10
As WND reported, among the W. Bush, was incredulous, stating
Editorials/Comments /Politicos
Page 2
many Christian leaders outraged on Fox News Thursday evening,
Fishing Report/Golf Report
Page 10
by the president’s comments, one “It was evangelical Christians
Catholic leader called for Obama who fought slavery and Jim Crow.
Page 2 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 11 , 2015
Governor Mary Fallin’s “Oklahoma Now”
Governor Mary Fallin Renews Executive Orders,
Clears out Dozens of Others
Mary Fallin today signed an executive order that carries forward
24 executive orders from her and
previous administrations and
eliminates dozens of others.
executive orders that are pertinent to managing government,”
said Fallin. “This is just another
example of getting rid of the
clutter that state government
accumulates over the years and
making it more efficient.”
Legislative Mischieviousness
Under the terms of an amend- in my opinion acceptable and does
contracted for use by the state of ment to the Oklahoma Constitu- not seem to be aimed at promoting
Oklahoma, excluding residents tion passed some years ago, the massive vote fraud. That one would
Legislature is required to open its require that ALL local candidate
at state veterans homes.
· Designating Lt.
Gov. Todd
Lamb as
Thirteen of the 24 executive O k l a h o orders renewed in today’s execu- ma’s small
tive order were issued by Fallin. b u s i n e s s
They include:
The governor has decided not
to renew nearly 70 executive
orders, some of which date back
56 years. Many of the orders
not being renewed deal with
outdated policies and agencies or
are inconsistent with federal law. · Prohibiting the use of tobacco
products on all properties owned,
Some of them include:
leased or contracted for use by
A 1986 order dealing with the the state of Oklahoma.
now defunct Oklahoma Pecan
· Requiring state agencies to
submit an electronic copy of
A 1997 order designating the proposed permanent rules to the
now defunct Oklahoma Amateur governor and the appropriate
Sports Commission to advise the Cabinet secretary.
governor on the promotion of
· Prohibiting the use of electronamateur sports.
ic cigarette or vaping devices on
“I’m bringing forward just those all properties owned, leased or
By Neil Carson (CKA Bob McDowell)
Gov. Mary Fallin
The governor also carried forward several executive orders
from former Governor Brad
Henry, including one that prohibits state employees from texting
while driving when using state
vehicles, state electronic equipment or when on state business.
Other executive orders carried
forward were issued by former
Governors Frank Keating and
David Walters.
Rep. Bennett Praises Passage of Bill to
Protect Religious Rights
has co-authored, was approved
by a vote of 7-2 in the Oklahoma
House Judiciary Committee
Rep. John Bennett today praised
the committee passage of a bill
that will protect pastors to participate in same-sex marriage
House Bill 1007, which Bennett
be able to force pastors or businesses to take part,” said Bennett,
R-Sallisaw. “I believe religious
rights trump gay rights. If religious rights don’t trump gay
rights, then we’re heading down
the road of Iran, where citizens
are forced to convert to Islam or
die. I always hear the phrase of
separation of church and state by
the left when it benefits them, but
the reality is if we want to have
a separation of church and state,
we must use it for its factual
meaning and keep the state out
of our churches.”
The legislation states: “No regularly licensed, ordained or authorized official of any religious
organization shall be required to
solemnize or recognize any marriage that violates the official’s
conscience or religious beliefs.”
It gives religious officials and
clerical individuals immunity
from lawsuits based on a refusal
to participate in the ceremony.
“Gay people can find someone
to marry them and provide wed- This bill now proceeds to the full
ding services, but they shouldn’t House for consideration.
Senate Review
A Weekly Column by Senator Marty Quinn
As the State
Senate begins its first
session of
the 55th
I wanted to
take a minute to acknowledge
some of the
legislators who have served as
my mentors, friends and colleagues at the Capitol and in our
district over the years.
I’d like to recognize former Majority Floor Leader, Representative Tad Jones. A supporter of
roads, educations and the museums, I will always be especially
thankful he believed enough in
me to encourage me to run for a
seat in the House in 2010 when
he was term limited. At the same
time, I’d like to wish Rep. Mark
Lepak all the best as he begins
his first term in House District 9
and I’m looking forward to seeing him accomplish many good
things during his tenure there.
I also want to recognize former
State Senators Stratton Taylor
and Sean Burrage. Their public
service to the people of District
2 was outstanding in both representation and service. Senator
Taylor’s efforts were instrumental in driving the improvements
to Highway 20 and Highway 88,
as well as transitioning Rogers
State University into a 4-year
university, while Senator Burrage was a champion for education and road programs and was
also a defender of the museums.
All of these legislators have an
exceptional legacy at the State
Capitol, and I have some big
Toll Free Capitol Switchboard 1-877-762-8762
Sen. James M. Inhofe
Washington Phone 1-202-224-4721 FAX 202-228-0380
Tulsa Phone: 1-918-748-5111 • Oklahoma City 1-405-608-4381
Sen. Tom Coburn
Washington 1-202-224-5754 FAX 202-224-6008
Tulsa Phone: 1-918-581-7651 Okla. City 1-405-231-4941
U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Dist. 1)
216 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington DC 20515
1-202-225-2211 FAX (202) 225-9187, Tulsa, 2448 E. 81st. St.,
#5150, Tulsa, OK 74137, 1-918) 935-3222 FAX (918) 935-2716
shoes to fill. I was honored to
serve in the House for 4 years,
and now I’m looking forward to
continuing on with our work in
the Senate.
Finally, I’d also like to thank my
former colleagues in the House
of Representatives. I learned so
much in my term in the House,
and I’m looking forward to
bridging that experience as I
transition to the Senate and get to
know the legislators on this side
of the Capitol. There is a wealth
of knowledge and experience
here that I’m enthusiastic to learn
from and understand.
As a recap from this week,
members of the State Senate
convened Monday for the first
day of the legislative session,
first in the Senate chamber, and
then we reconvened in joint session later on the House side to
hear the Governor’s State of the
State address. Governor Fallin
spoke of the budget constraints
this year and summarized the
challenges the state will face
with less revenue to appropriate
than last year.
The budget will have legislators’
attention this session as we work
to meet the needs of the state
while facing a $300 million dollar
See Quinn, pg.
annual session on the first Monday
of February, which in 2015 means
February 2. This amendment also
mandates that the session MUST
adjourn on or before the last Friday
in May. In my opinion, this was a
wise change, since it had become
the practice over the years since
statehood in 1907 to have sessions
extend later and later in the year.
That made it less likely that
the members could afford to have
their outside vocation, and thus
become the quintessential ‘professional politician’. The Republic
called the United States of America
was founded on the basis of ‘part
time legislators’ who were gainfully occupied in a job or business
outside of the duties of the elective
In the case of the Oklahoma
Legislature each house has, of necessity, adopted its own rules on the
filing of bills in advance of opening,
in this case December 12. In the
Senate, there is no limit on the number of bills each of he 48 members
can file, while in the House each of
the 101 members is allowed to file
up to 8 bills. It seems to me that
some members, with some few notable exceptions, seem to think that
it is their sworn duty to file as many
bills each year as they can dream
up or be requested by constituents
or lobbyists.
Thus for the first session of
the new Legislature, there have
been 815 bills filed in the Senate,
which amounts to just under 17 per
member. In the House there have
been 1219 bills filed for the 2015
session, which calculates out to 12
each. However, my representative
has informed me that those in leadership offices have no limits.
In the January 24 issue of the
daily paper there was an editorial
about one member, listed as in the
House, who it was said has filed 9
bills, all proposing to “reform elections”. A better term would have
been “remove vote fraud obstacles”.
On checking other sources, it turns
out that he is ‘Senator’ David Holt,
R-OKC (error No.1).
Of the nine listed, only one is
The Conservative View
By Russell Turner
Forming Habits
While I was growing up my
parents instilled in me the value of
work. As soon as I was physically
able I was ready to do any odd jobs
to make some spending money. I
would pick strawberries or haul
hay; while it was hard work, it
taught me the value of money and
it got me into the habit of being
self-sufficient. My parents, and
most of our neighbors, believed in
the American work ethic. It was
their goal to pass on the traits of
self-sufficiency and the freedom
that has made our country great.
Recently I read an article about two
young men living in the northeast
part of our nation; this winter those
areas have experienced record
snowfalls. These two young men
saw an opportunity to make a little
extra money shoveling snow on
peoples’ driveways and sidewalks,
sadly while they were knocking
doors to solicit some jobs they were
informed by the police that shoveling snow required a permit and they
couldn’t do it. It never ceases to
amaze me how people in the government class want to regulate and
control all aspects of our lives. In
my opinion there were several losers in this scenario. The people who
needed to have the snow cleared
couldn’t get it removed; many
people who weren’t physically able
Rep. Markwayne Mullin, (R-Dist. 2)
Washington 1-202-225-2701
Claremore 1-918-341-9336
Muskogee 1-918-687-2533
Rep. Frank Lucas 1-202-225-5565/Stillwater 1-405-624-6407
Rep. Tom Cole 1-202-6165/Norman 1-405-329-6500
Oklahoma State Offices
Governor Mary Fallin
OK State Capitol, 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Room 212
Oklahoma City, OK 73105 • Phone 1-405-521-2342 Fax 405-521-3353
Tulsa Office: 440 S. Huston Ave. , Suite 304, Tulsa, OK 74127
Phone: 1-918-581-2801 • Fax 1-581-2835
elections would have to be held in
a single cycle in the Spring or in
the Fall. It falls
short in restricting itself to ‘local candidate’
elections, and
should include
bond issue
The others listed in the
editorial would abolish going to the
polls and vote by ‘mail’. Would
effectively take political parties out
by having an ‘open’ primary with
the top two, of whatever registered
position, going to the final election.
Would allow citizens to register
to vote ‘online’ (how could it be
determined if the person was actually eligible). Would allow citizens
to register at the election board
in person at early voting. Would
eliminate the notarization of absentee ballots. Would add Wednesday
and Saturday afternoon to the early
voting days.
Other of his bills would also
lower the percentage of recent
election voters required to sign
a petition for ballot positions for
parties and presidential candidates
from 5 to 2. And a resolution to
amend the Constitution to lower the
percentage of petition signers from
8 to 2 for new statutes and from 15
to 10 for proposed Amendments.
It seems to me that the reduction
numbers are grossly excessive,
but would consider 5 to 4 or 3 and
8 to 6.
In checking the recorded
Conservative vote evaluation on
Sen. Holt for the 2014 Session,
it was found that he was listed as
only 60%, while the cumulative is
64 as reported in the “Oklahoma
Constitution” newspaper. That
rating would put him very close
to the “RINO” status (Republican
In Name Only), especially when
compared to the 100 by my Sen.
Nathan Dahm and Rep. Mike Ritze
who, along with another Senator
and Representative from Broken
Jay Vickers, Editor
Editorial & Advertising Offices:
Located/Mailing address is:
433301 E. 350 Road, Adair, OK 74330
Published by Banner Weekly Corp.
Donna Vickers, President/Publisher
To Subscribe, call 918-783-5657
Subscription Rates: $70 Annually for mailing.
An Independent Newspaper, All Reproduction Rights of Advertising and
Articles are Reserved by Banner Weekly Corp.
Copyright© 1997-2014
would have been glad to pay some
young person to clean the snow
from their sidewalk. The young
entrepreneurs who had some spare
time couldn’t use it because of an
overreach by the government.
For our economy to work we
need ambitious people to start businesses; as the population grows we
need to have
more business start ups
than businesses closing. While
we Americans are the
of a bunch
of feel good
Russell Turner
talk and biased poll numbers, the business
closings are more than the new
business openings. Habits that are
formed can be good or bad. Like
the two young men who wanted to
shovel snow, if they were allowed
to do the odd job just maybe in
the future they might want to start
another type of business. Instead
of helping to cultivate the habit
of the American work ethic our
government is helping to form the
habit of setting on their butts and
asking the government to take care
of their every need. I feel that we are
beginning to see the results of habits
formed by do-gooder lawmakers
who were never taught self-reliance and a good work ethic. If we
don’t encourage young people to
become go-getters, there will be no
one willing to start businesses in the
future. Contrary to what our elected
leaders like to spout off, government is not the answer to all of
our needs. Most successful people
have thrived in spite of the government, not because of government.
We all form habits. Like a world
class athlete who forms the habit
to train more than his competitors,
it is time that we help the younger
generations form good business
habits that will allow us to compete
on a world stage.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
From My Pointless Ruth Bivens Global warming?
Reporting In
Dear Friends,
Since our last letter we have
made quite a circle, and are back at
the house in Pharr for a few days.
Believe me, I am ready for some
down time, and this poor little old
house looks like it needs some loving care.
On January 8th we left the
Getsemani Children’s Home in
Coahuila and headed for Alabama.
We consider ourselves so blessed
to be included in their Annual Mission Conference. We made it to
Northport late on the 9th, so had a
chance to sleep in and get some rest
before the first rally at the Northport First FWB Church on the 10th.
As usual, when we walked into the
church we were met by dear friends
who feel like family.
The Alabama conference
covers their state, involving those
churches that choose to participate.
This year there were 60 churches
that took part with 132 services and
22 different speakers. Bud and I
were hosted in 17 different events.
There were three different rallies, a
Prayer Breakfast and a Luncheon.
The balance of our services were
regular worship service times. At
each event we were given the opportunity to share our burden for
the people and the Free Will Baptist
work in Mexico. For three weeks
we were privileged to return to several churches we had visited before,
and also the great opportunity to
visit new places where people knew
very little about our work,
The only slide program I
have is one I put together three
years ago, so we used it. Bud didn’t
really want to, but I convinced him
that there would be some people
there who had not seen those
pictures, and a picture is worth a
thousand words. Of course, in three
years the children at Getsemani
Home have really grown. But, the
pictures I have still give folks the
understanding of their need for
prayer and support.
I had some work done on my
computer about a year ago. I won’t
mention the name of the store
where I went. In the process of the
work they did I lost a bundle of
manuscripts and the programs that
I used to put the slides together. I
have been back to the repair shop
once, but, that was before I discovered that I couldn’t make an
updated slide program. I’m going
back again!
So, each time we spoke, with
our outdated slides, we shared
stories about the work in Mexico.
Bud could talk all day if given
the chance. So, he always laid his
watch out where he could see it,
then started talking. There is really no shortage of stories we can
share that show how the Lord has
taken care of us in the war zone that
Mexico has become, and how He
has blessed and provided for the financial needs throughout the work
there. People have just stepped up
to the plate and right when there
was a great need a check would
come in the mail. We want to thank
you dear servants of the Lord, with
all our hearts, you who share our
burden for Mexico and who invest
in it with you prayer and funds.
One of the sweetest things
about the annual conference is the
chance to just sit and visit over
a meal and get better acquainted
with the people of the local church.
There are some great cooks in
Alabama, and Bud was frequently
asking for recipes that he could use
at the Getsemani Children’s Home
when he cooks. He came home with
a good collection, and tried out a
chicken pot pie for us yesterday. It
was delicious.
We had a message from our
IBLAC treasurer a couple of days
ago. Classes there started on Jan.
13th, but, only night classes. They
are meeting Tuesday and Thursday
evenings and have 16 adults and 7
children attending. Pray with us for
young men to answer the call of
the Lord to study and preach. We
have such a shortage of pastors,
and several of the churches in the
area were started by deacons with a
heart burden for their people. With
the great facility that we have there
at IBLAC it just breaks my heart
that it is not being used full time!
The local pastors are insisting that
we need Bible College trained
teachers. Maybe a change in the
staff would increase enrollment.
Pray with us about that too. You
could move right into our house
on campus!
Pastor Macario Sanchez, at
the church on the canal road in
Reynosa, is struggling with the
aging church building. Bud and I
started that work under a tree in ’96
after he met
lots of families while
he walked
down the
road and
handed out
candy to
the children. While
Bud walked
down that
section of
Ruth Bivens
the road,
where there were 26 little squatter
shacks, I drove the car every morning on our way to the Seminary
of the Cross down the way. Since
then, it has always been a joy for us
to drive down the road and see the
two story Palabras de Vida Eterna
church. (That translates Words of
Eternal Life.) It always reminds
us that we had a hand in starting
the work and many people have
come to know the Lord because
of it. And we are always reminded
of Yolanda and her children who
were killed when a plane skidded
off the runway and crashed through
her little house, right next to the
church building. Yolanda was our
first convert and she and her father
donated the property where the
church now stands.
Over the years the wooden
walls of the second floor have rotted due to leaks that developed in
the roof. Brother Macario is tearing
out those wooden walls and his
plan is to put up concrete block
walls and replace the leaky roof
with a metal roof. He calculates that
the whole project is going to cost
around $5,000. Pray about that, and
if the Lord lays it on your heart to
help out, send checks designated
for Macario’s church and we will
take 100% of your gift to him.
Just in the last few days we
have heard from Adrian Hernandez, a graduate of our IBLAC
Bible Institute, who pastors up in
the Hidalgo mountains among the
Nahuatl people. He and his wife
have a new baby girl, so it is no
longer safe for them to travel those
mountain roads on his motorcycle.
They are looking at buying a used
VW car that he has located in Veracruz state. He is ministering in four
different villages and doing a great
job reaching his own people.
Pastor Valentin Castillo, at
the Cues de Palmas Altas church
across the lake and up the river,
needs more chairs for his congregation. They continue to reach new
people and the last we heard the
children were sitting on benches
made from boards laying across
blocks and boxes. God is blessing
there and the work is growing.
They are still working on their
parsonage and hope to get moved
in soon. That will give them more
one on one time with the folks in
the neighborhood and eliminate
the expense of gas for the frequent
crossings in our little boat.
Brother Lalo Gonzalez, director of the Seminary of the Cross
in Reynosa, reports that the pastor’s
meeting, that was scheduled for
last Saturday to decide whether he
would remain in his position as director, was put off until June. The
last time I spoke with Sister Elvira
she was encouraged that several
pastors had expressed their support
of Brother Lalo. It seems that there
is only one pastor in Reynosa who
wants his job. This is a rather arrogant young man and has caused
other problems in their association
in the past. We are confident that
the Lord is in control and we know
of the wonderful work Brother Lalo
and his family have done there at
the Seminary over recent years.
In the past two years their
funding for the Seminary has
drastically fallen. He told me at
one point that they did not go out
and recruit students because if more
came they could not feed them. If
you are acquainted with Brother
Lalo Gonzalez and the Seminary
of the Cross and would like to
help them out, just send us a check
and designate it for them. Lalo is
our older son’s father-in-law, so
they are family, and we love them
See Pointless. pg.
Only the data is
Page 3
Muslims Plan to Visit
Sent by Mike Ray
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Besides whelmingly endorsed State
Blogger blows lid off ‘1 of
the raft of typical events held Question 755. That measure
greatest scientific scandals of
at the State Capitol during the would have barred the Oklahoma
all time’
annual legislative session, Okla- judiciary, when interpreting
WASHINGTON – Skeptics of homa Muslims have set aside a cases for state law, from considman-made catastrophic climate day this month to visit their Rep- ering any court case in which the
Islamic system of Sharia law figchange of the kind pimped by resentatives and Senators.
ured prominently in the decision.
Al Gore have been ridiculed,
scoffed at and dismissed sneer- The Oklahoma chapter of the SQ 755 also forbid Oklahoma
Council on American-Islamic jurists from embracing internaingly as “deniers.”
Relations (CAIR) has scheduled tional law as a precedent when
For years, anyone in public life “Muslim Day” at the Capitol making decisions that affected
who expressed doubts about on Feb. 27. “We already have Oklahomans.
the apocalyptic claims of gov- 50 of our members who have
ernments, the scientific estab- registered for the event, and we U.S. District Judge Vicki Mileslishment and the lemming-like hope to attract twice that many LaGrange in Oklahoma City
popular culture was treated like for the day,” said Adam Soltani, approved a temporary restraining
a card-carrying member of the executive director of the Okla- order that barred certification
homa chapter of CAIR.
of the election’s results; subseFlat-Earth Society.
quently that decision was upheld
comby the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of
Worse yet, dissident scientists
were categorically denied the munity have come to me, asking Appeals in Denver.
ability to publish in scientific how they can get their voices
journals, let alone get govern- heard and how they can get in- The appellate court ruled that the
volved in public affairs,” Soltani initiative violated the Establishment grants for research.
said. “Muslim Day at the Capi- ment Clause of the 1st AmendYet the doubts have persisted tol” is intended to encourage ment to the U.S. Constitution,
– driving one noble blogger to followers of Islam to be more because it singled out the Muslim
faith among religious laws for
do something others had failed involved in the public arena.
Capidiscrimination. Furthermore, the
to do: Check the original official temperature records and tol the Muslims plan to discuss 10th Circuit Court declared, there
compare them with what was issues such as racial profiling, was no “compelling state interactually recorded by the science free speech guaranteed by the est” for the law because it was a
establishment issuing the dire 1st Amendment to the Constitu- solution looking for a problem:
warnings of doom and gloom tion of the United States, and proponents of the initiative failed
unless coercive, top-down ac- the teaching of religion in public to “identify any actual problem
tion was taken to reduce carbon schools. The Oklahoma Muslims the challenged amendment seeks
also plan to meet with their state to solve.”
emissions worldwide.
legislators during the day.
What Paul Homewood found The event will provide an op- Defenders of the proposed ban
is shocking and is being called portunity to attempt to ease the acknowledged at the prelimiThe-fiddling-with-temperature- friction between members of the nary-injunction hearing that they
data-is-the-biggest-science-scan- Islamic faith and their Oklahoma did not know of a single instance
in which an Oklahoma court
dal-ever.html “one of the greatest neighbors.
had applied Sharia law or used
scientific scandals of all time.”
One GOP legislator in particular the precepts of other nations or
“When future generations look has been a rather vocal critic of cultures, let alone that such applications or uses had resulted in
back on the global-warming CAIR in recent weeks.
overproblems in Oklahoma.
scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than
the extent to which the official Quinn, from pg. 2__________________________________
temperature records – on which
the entire panic ultimately rested shortfall that, in reality, could be Natural Resources & Regulatory
even more when the Equalization Services.
– were systematically ‘adjusted’
Board meets to give its final certito show the Earth as having
fication on February 17 at 10AM. As we begin the 2015 legislative
warmed much more than the In addition to the budget, legisla- session, I encourage you to track
actual data justified,” wrote tors will also be paying close to bills and follow the legislative
Christopher Booker in the Lon- attention to other important issues process by logging onto the State
don Telegraph after reviewing like education, prison reform and Senate website at www.oksenate.
Homewood’s findings.
water quality concerns as we move gov. It’s simple to follow the link
through the legislative session.
Homewood began by checking
the temperature graphs for three
weather stations in Paraguay.
What he found was the recorded temperatures were simply
reversed dramatically – from
showing a cooling trend to a
warming trend.
After that, he checked more
South American weather stations and found more evidence
of upward adjustments. These
bogus records were recorded by
the U.S. government’s Global
Historical Climate Network and
then broadcast by the Goddard
Institute for Space Studies and
the National Climate Data Center
– the very records scientists and
governments use to justify their
“global warming” claims.
February will be a busy month as
our committees meet throughout
the week to consider bills that have
been filed. If approved in committee, bills will then move onto the
Senate floor.
As you can imagine, with more
than 800 Senate bills and more
than 30 joint resolutions, Senators
will be working at a fast pace to
hear and consider as many bills
as we can.
Our work in standing committees
is a crucial component of a bill’s
path through the Legislature, and
I’ve been appointed to serve on
several committees this year. I
am currently a member of the
Education, Finance, Insurance,
and Appropriations standing committees. I’ve also been appointed
to serve as the Vice-Chair for the
But what about the rise in sea Appropriations Subcommittee for
levels and the thawing of arctic
ice caps?
Homewood investigated the
temperatures taken there, too,
finding in nearly every case the
upward temperature adjustments
that have made climate change
an article of faith for governments and scientists around the
Perhaps the ice is melting for
another reason – the flow of
warmer water from the Atlantic,
which occurs in a cyclical manner over many decades rather
than rising atmospheric temperatures, speculated Homewood.
On Friday, Barack Obama’s administration released a national
security strategy claiming rising seas, worsening droughts,
melting Arctic ice and extreme
weather events rank among the
See Warming, pg. 7
to monitor legislation at the top of
the homepage. The Senate website
also features daily agendas, meeting notices, calendars, and other
helpful information. Additionally,
there is also a link for live audio
and video streaming from the Senate Chamber, as well as from all
committee rooms available on the
website. If you’re visiting the State
Capitol, wireless internet access is
accessible throughout the Senate
gallery, rotunda, committee rooms,
offices and press rooms.
If you have any questions about
state government or concerns about
legislation, please do not hesitate
to contact my Senate office at the
Capitol by calling (405) 521-5555
or writing to me at Senator Marty
Quinn, 2300 North Lincoln Blvd.
Rm. 528B, State Capitol Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105.
I can also be reached via email at
Corbett, from pg. 1_________________________________
in line was an American citizen.
He thought, we were doing the
wrong thing. This American was
one of the people that he took
an oath to protect. He turned his
back and walked away.
The ole Rancher says,
“History should be the guiding
light of experience for mankind
and nations and yet we walk
blindly down the same ruts of
those who rose from despair only
to sink again because of corruption and greed. A man or nation
that walks upright in their convictions of freedom for all, will
usually find himself walking
alone. Our nation is involved in
wars around the world. Our leaders tell us, we’re fighting to give
other countries their freedoms,
while at the same time they’re
reducing ours along with our god
given rights.”
Phone: 918-785-2446
Fax: 918-628-5170
P.O. Box 199 • Adair, OK 74330
Page 4 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 11 , 2015
Samsung: Don’t discuss personal
info in front of TV
We’re Being Cooked!!... by Joe Esposito
This is the 43rd article in the BANNER NEWSPAPER, February 11th, documenting the
problems with Oklahoma utilitiesʼ (GAS/WATER/ELECTRIC) “Spy” Smart Meters (a
microwave radiation data mining device) being placed on your property through stealth
Your SmartTV just might be fine print?
and forced implementation in Oklahoma When Federal Legislation was passed concerning
smarter than you think.
More such products are com- the implementations of Smart Meters the law stated they were to be an Opt-In by the ratepayDid you know someone might ing online every day – like ers, however the Utilities have made them MANDATORY. There is no law that says you
be listening on the other end of Amazon’s connected speaker have to accept a Smart Utility Meter to destroy your health.
Warns other people may actually be listening
your TV?
with a Siri-style assistant that
can perform a variety of tasks This weekʼs article is a NEWS RELEASE for the upcoming MUSKOGEE TOWNHALL
Would you have guessed that including adding items to your MEETING Location: 801 W. Okmulgee St. Muskogee, OK 74401 Phone: 918-682many someones are indeed lis- e-commerce shopping basket.
tening if you are using a voicerecognition SmartTV?
“The potential privacy intrusion Microwave Radiating Structures in a 4 mile radius from the Muskogee Library, as of 02/06/15,
of voice-activated services is
consist of ~ 69 Tower Structures, ~ 1 new tower ~ 156 Antennae www.AntennaSearch.
Convenience may come at the massive,” reports TechCrunch.
expense of privacy and secu- com.
rity in the expanding world
of interconnected devices and Electronic privacy activists are
voice control recognition, cau- apoplectic about what’s already
tions Samsung, which issues here and what’s on the horizon –
this warning on its SmartTVs: comparing it to George Orwell’s NEWS RELEASE -- for Muskogee Patriot Townhall meeting Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015
“Please be aware that if your Big Brother world of “1984.”
spoken words include personal
or other sensitive information, Where does this all lead?
Another Muskogee Patriot Townhall meeting is scheduled at the Muskogee Library, Tuesday,
that information will be among
February 24, 2015 at 6:30pm. The townhall meetings are the first Thursday of each month,
the data captured and transmitted The TechCrunch report conusually; however, this townhall meeting is the second one in the month of February because
to a third party through your use cludes with this question: “When
of its great importance to human health and the onset of “unexplained” symptoms of illnesses.
of Voice Recognition.”
all the objects in your home
have networked ears that are The speaker, Joe Esposito, from Owasso, Oklahoma, will address this topic along with givWhat do YOU think? Sound off fine-tuned for commercial intel- ing pertinent information about what he sees as the remedy for this phenomenon. We, The
on reports of your SmartTV spy- ligence gathering, where will People, need to be well and accurately informed with the truth about civic issues and our
ing on you. Take the WND Poll you go to talk about ‘personal’ duties as citizen voters. We have an obligation to keep in touch in person and via telecommunication methods with those we elect and send to state and federal government to represent
or ‘sensitive’ stuff?”
But how many are reading the
us. The monthly townhall meetings have been held since April 2013. At each meeting there
Cover-up, from pg. 1________________________________
the HSBC settlement amounted “When an individual finds out
they got a loan they never knew
to a massive cover-up.
about, 5 percent of that loan went
In response to WND’s report- to the accounting firm that made
ing of Cruz’s evidence, HSBC up the phony tax returns and the
lodged a complaint that blocked other 95 percent of that loan went
Internet access to one of the to the manager,” he explained.
WND stories, and senior reporter
Jerome Corsi was fired by the “One manager was involved in
New York City investment firm the transaction, another manager
he had worked with for two years was involved in notarizing the
as a senior managing director, transaction, and senior management was involved where they
Gilford Securities.
signed off permission to give the
WND also reported on evidence loans even when the loans get
Holder’s Justice Department did rejected by underwriting.”
not investigate money-laundering charges in deference to bank In an attempt to make his charges
clients of his Washington-based public, Cruz in 2011 published
law firm, where he was a part- a book titled, “World Bankner prior to joining the Obama ing World Fraud: Using Your
In addition, WND reported
HSBC was engaged in a systematic scheme to defraud citizens
of India who live abroad out of
billions of dollars in investment
‘Continuing to cover up’
In a telephone interview Friday,
Cruz said the Obama administration “is continuing to cover
up its role in the HSBC money
laundering scandal.”
“The IRS has blocked every legal
effort I have made to be credited
as a whistleblower in the HSBC
billion-dollar settlement,” Cruz
said. “It is impossible that the
Obama administration did not
know HSBC was laundering
drug money for the Mexican cartels, because the documentation I
had showed the laundered money
passed through the federal wiretransfer services.”
On July 17, 2012, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, released a majority and
minority 330-page staff report
titled, “U.S. Vulnerabilities to
Money Laundering, Drugs, and
Terrorist Financing: HSBC Case
History.” It documented HSBC’s
role in illegally laundering hundreds of billions of dollars of
drug money for the Mexican
cartels and for terrorist-affiliated
Middle Eastern groups.
“In an age of international terrorism, drug violence in our
streets and on our borders, and
organized crime, stopping illicit
money flows that support those
atrocities is a national security
imperative,” said the committee’s chairman at the time, Sen.
Carl Levin, D-Mich.
are materials – free and/or for minimal cost - for the audience to use and to share: each one,
teach one.
At the Tuesday, February 24, 2015, meeting the topic will be about household radiation and
its effects on human health. What is important to keep in mind is the radiation emitted from
smart meters along with other sites emitting high levels of radiation causing adverse conditions in people. The persons who experience the adverse effects of the radiation are unaware
of their danger.
Mr. Esposito is a life-long resident of Oklahoma, is self-employed in construction specializing in concrete. He has lived in Owasso for the past 20 years, is married and the father of
two children. His interest in radiationʼs effects has made him an activist on behalf of peopleʼs
health which is being adversely effected by exposure to radiation emitting from microwaves,
cell phones, cordless telephones, computers, modern lightbulbs, smart meters and other sources
of household appliances. Added to the sources of radiation are the smart meters installed on
household locations without the consent or knowledge of the home residents. The radiation
is most damaging to human health at all times because the radiation is emitted every second
of the day and night, but especially it is hazardous to the residents during the night into their
bedroom during their sleep.
Radiation comes into the home, into the bedroom unobstructed leaving the occupants in the
line of exposure and harm. Upon awakening, the occupant experiences symptoms which Mr.
Esposito will describe causing the person to seek health care for relief. Unknowingly the residents are being radiated continuously and at high levels but which are not seen in relation to
symptoms the resident reports. The symptoms are then mis-diagnosed and subsequently mistreated as the health care provider does not factor in the radiation causative component.
On January 22, 2015, Mr. Esposito surveyed five homes in Muskogee for radiation levels
only to find four of the five in need of changes to reduce or eliminate the radiation sources
and levels. For example, change a cordless phone to the “old fashioned” wall-plug in type as
cordless phones emit unbelievable amounts of radiation continuously 24/7. At one residence
he surveyed, he discovered 75 registered cell towers in the radius of four miles from the home
along with 151 antennas and 50 unregistered towers. The towers have a distance of 30 miles
for their individual emission of radiation.
Mr. Esposito said that his life and that of his family dramatically changed November 7, 2012
after watching the video -“Smart Meters & EMR: The Health Crisis of Our Time”, by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, September 27, 2012 (43:11 minutes).
See also
“Because of this youtube video,” he said, “I laid my life aside for the past two years and four
months in order to STOP SMART METERS in Oklahoma.” See - The “PSO SMART METER PILOT PROGRAM” was implemented in Owasso,
Oklahoma, and “my house received a smart meter, even after I told them I did not want it.
As a result and after a series of events,
PSO turned off my electric power for 66 days. I am trying to educate the Oklahoma State
Legislature and all Oklahomans concerning the problems with smart meters since January
2013.” Handouts will be available to the audience.
For more information, call 918-577-6352.
Submitted by Catherine White, Muskogee Patriot Townhall Coordinator, 2703 S. 26th St,
Muskogee 74401. Cell 918-686-3866
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALL WIRELESS DEVICES ARE EMITTING MICROWAVE RADIATION,
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oklahomans call “YOUR” three Oklahoma Corporation Commissioners (OCC). Tell them
to put a Moratorium on utilities’ digital wireless meters and to conduct the HEALTH studies
that neither the utilities nor OCC has conducted up to this date.
Levin said HSBC “used its U.S.
bank as a gateway into the U.S.
financial system for some HSBC
affiliates around the world to
Cruz charged the 1,000 pages of provide U.S. dollar services to
customer account records show clients while playing fast and
HSBC relied on identity theft, loose with U.S. banking rules.”
capturing legitimate Social Security numbers that were then used HSBC paid the $1.256 billion
to create bogus retail and com- fine in December 2012 in an
mercial bank accounts. Through deferred prosecution agreement
the accounts, HSBC employees with the Justice Department for
systematically deposited and violations of the Bank Secrecy
withdrew hundreds of millions Act, the International Emergency
of dollars on a daily basis, appar- Economic Powers Act and the
Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s
ently without the knowledge of Trading with the Enemy Act.
Main Telephone number - (405) 521-2211
the identity-theft victims.
Chairman/Commissioner Bob Anthony
Commissioner Dana Murphy
Commissioner Todd Hiett (new commissioner)
Call your Oklahoma State Legislators -- House and Senate members that represent you
and tell them to put a Moratorium on the utilities’ digital wireless meters.
You can also file complaints on line with the OCC and the Attorney General Scott Pruitt
(elected officials) for NOT protecting you and your family.
Questions call Joe Esposito 918-639-3421
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
“…and the State of the
Union is Strong.”
By Walt Thrun
As previously noted the
president omitted several relative ‘I’ words during his recent
state of the union address. He
did, however, use the personal
pronoun ‘I’ (or ‘me’ or ‘my’)
more than 90 times during his
One such example related to climate change. This
column has numerous times in
the past highlighted Scripture
passages confirming that God
has absolute control of the
weather and climate patterns.
President Obama’s take
on the issue:
“And no challenge – no
challenge – poses a greater
threat to future generations
than climate change. That’s
why, over the past six years,
we’ve done more than ever
before to combat climate
change…and that’s why I will
not let this Congress endanger
the health of our children by
turning back the clock on our
efforts. I am determined to
make sure American leadership drives international action.”
Another preposterous
example of claiming personal
power not granted:
“As Americans, we respect human dignity, even
when we’re threatened, which
is why I’ve prohibited torture…”
Mr. President, you are an
ardent supporter of late term
and partial birth abortions.
Have you seen the operational
procedure involved in such a
thing and the state of development of these children who
are forced to undergo such a
Just prior to entering the
Promised Land God revealed
to Israel that the day would
come when they would reject
Him and ask for a king to rule
over them instead. And 350
years later just as God had announced they asked for a king.
Their reasoning was that they
wanted to be just like all other
God gave them a king,
his name was Saul. God summarized the issue later.
“I will be your King;
where is any other, that he
may save you in all your cities? And your judges to whom
you said, ‘Give me a king and
princes’? I gave you a king
in My anger, and took him
away in My wrath.” Hosea
Israel rejected the direct
hand of God to rule them and
instead asked for a king from
one of their own. God granted
their wish and gave them a
king in His anger. That was
one of Israel’s saddest moments.
And just as God had
forewarned them, they would
be sorry for rejecting Him and
His sovereign rule.
“And you will cry out in
that day because of your King
whom you
have chosen
for yourselves, and
the LORD
will not hear
you…” 1
Walt Thrun
Samuel 8:18
The Bible is so clear
about the sovereignty of God
and His impending judgment
of all nations because they all
shunned His revealed standard
of righteousness and justice.
“Come near, you nations,
to hear; and heed, you people!
Let the earth hear, and all
that is in it, the world and all
things that come forth from
it. For the indignation of the
LORD is against all nations;
and His fury against all their
armies…” Isaiah 34:1-2
The greatest challenge
facing this great nation is definitely not climate change; it is
plainly a return to the word of
the almighty sovereign God of
all nations.
If America is really a
Christian nation, then the following should be our prayer:
“Almighty God we have
sinned and turned our backs
to you. We have hidden Your
word; not in our hearts, but on
the back shelf gathering dust.
We asked for a king and you
gave us a ‘Saul.’ Please restore us dear God and give us a
‘David’…or his Offspring.”
Note the following words
of the president as he displayed
extreme misguided confidence
in America’s ability to succeed
without God.
“At this moment – with
a growing economy, shrinking
deficits, bustling industry, and
booming energy production
– we have risen from recession freer to write our own
future than any other nation
on earth. It’s now up to us to
choose who we want to be over
the next fifteen years, and for
decades to come…the state of
the Union is strong.”
Oh, by the way, the president did mention God at the
end of his address.
“Thank you, God bless
you, and God bless this country we love.”
You decide if America
deserves God’s blessings,
Share your thoughts walt.
Page 5
The Fight Over “Waters of the United
States” Continues
by Josh Miller
14, 2014.
WASHINGTON – Congressman
Markwayne Mullin (OK-02)
said today that the fight over the Over one million public comU.S. Environmental Protection ments were received during
Agency’s (EPA) epic power grab the comment period, according
continues even as the agency in- to EPA Administrator Gina
dicates that the final rule regard- McCarthy’s testimony in today’s
ing the “Waters of the United joint hearing.
States” (WOTUS) under the
Clean Water Act may be issued Mullin’s public meetings were
held in Broken Bow, Vinita,
by April 2015.
McAlester and Okmulgee. The
Mullin has been a leader in the second-term lawmaker’s office
U.S. House of Representatives worked with the Oklahoma
against the proposed rule and the Farm Bureau, the Oklahoma
EPA’s attempts to significantly Cattlemen’s Association and
expand the definition of what the Oklahoma Pork Council to
qualifies as a water of the U.S. to get the word out to farmers and
the detriment of farming, ranch- ranchers. Oklahoma Farm Buing and many other sectors that reau President Tom Buchanan
joined Mullin in McAlester to
create jobs.
underscore the importance of
Additionally, the U.S. Sen- the issue.
ate Environment and Public
Works Committee today held “The EPA and the U.S. Army
a joint hearing with the House Corps of Engineers issued the
Transportation and Infrastruc- proposed rule to greatly increase
ture Committee to examine the their authority over large swaths
impacts on state and local gov- of land that could include our
ernments of the proposed rule. farms, ranches and even dry
The Senate committee is chaired ditches,” Mullin said. “The EPA
by Oklahoma U.S. Senator Jim calls this new rule a ‘clarification’ of what constitutes a ‘naviInhofe.
“I am glad that Senator Inhofe is
continuing to shed light on this
issue so critical to Oklahoma.”
said Mullin. “This shows how
Oklahomans are refusing to
relent and we will continue to
put pressure on the EPA and
to stand up against this terrible
Last fall, Mullin held public
informational meetings around
the Second District regarding
how the proposal will redefine
navigable waters under the Act.
The meetings were designed to
give people the facts and encourage them to get involved in the
process of fighting the federal
overreach by participating in
the rulemaking process through
the public comment period that
gable waterway.’ Unfortunately
this proposed rule would take
away from states the regulation
of navigable waters and allow
a large expansion of the types
of terrain requiring a federal
In September the House passed
legislation Mullin co-sponsored,
the Waters of the United States
Regulatory Overreach Protection Act (H.R. 5078), to uphold
the federal-state partnership to
regulate our nation’s waters by
preserving existing rights and
responsibilities with respect to
WOTUS under the Clean Water
Act. The legislation remained
alongside hundreds of other
bipartisan House-passed bills
that U.S. Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid never brought to the
Senate floor for consideration.
“The battle against this kind
of federal overreach continues
at many levels and I will keep
fighting to hold this administration accountable in its attempts
to tell farmers and ranchers how
to take care of their own land,”
Mullin said.
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Page 6 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 11 , 2015
Spring Missions Emphasis
By Bill Chupp
We have a spring mission’s
emphasis weekend at Zion Mennonite Church every year. Last
weekend we were blessed with
representatives of two missionaries visiting us. Saturday
evening Josh Armstrong gave
an inspiring report on the work
his family does in Haiti. They
are involved
with church
and two
is one of
the poorest
countries in
Bill Chupp
the world.
Without a doubt, it is the poorest in the Western hemisphere.
The earthquake in 2010 caused
massive destruction and killed
200,000 people. Basic human
necessities such as food, water
and shelter were immediately
scarce and aid was given by
many humanitarian groups.
Haiti won its independence from France in 1804.
It was the first slave nation to
do so; however, slavery is still
practiced in Haiti today. As
many as a half million children
are unpaid domestic servants
called restaveks, who are at
severe risk for physical and
sexual abuse.
With all the casualties
from the earthquake, there were
many displaced children who
either do not have a family or
any means of surviving. These
end up seeking shelter. That is
the mission of “Reach Haiti”.
Our youth group is going to visit Haiti during their
spring break in March. Several
of our youth had gone to Haiti
during the summer of 2013 and
that has sparked the desire for
another trip.
Scott and Donna Miller
will be leading the group. They
will be met by Josh and have
the opportunity to visit the
orphanages and go on street
evangelism tours.
The church planting is
done by starting what they call
Simple Churches that meet in
houses. As a leader is found for
each Simple Church, they are
expected to teach and multiply.
They have 200 church plants
already and want to expand to
300 more.
Sunday morning worship
time was also given to Brother
Josh, who again informed us
of the culture of Voodoo and
satanic influence in Haiti. But
God has rewarded their efforts.
In his sermon he described
God’s call for Abraham to go.
He also told the story of Jonah
and Nineveh. He ended with
the challenge, “What will we do
for our world’s hurting people
After the carry-in dinner
in the Family Life Center we
said farewell to Josh and his
family as they left for the Tulsa
airport to catch an afternoon
flight back to Tennessee.
Our afternoon session
was with Jamie Nofsinger. He
reported on the work in Tibet
with a Power Point presentation. He has served in China
for seventeen years.
The Nofsinger’s have been
in Tibet at the present location
for nine years. They have lived
by example to their neighbors
and are raising three children.
The youngest child was adopted
from an orphanage. They have
also fostered other children.
The primary religion is
Buddhism and Animesin. People have traditions that characterize their lives. They try to
get rid of their sin by spinning
a prayer wheel, throwing paper
fliers that have prayers on them
into the wind that they call wind
Much like Haiti, the work
is plentiful and it takes a long
term commitment to actually
live with people and befriend
them to gain their trust.
My thoughts and prayers
go out to these two young couples who are making an impact
in our world today.
Sometimes I reflect back
and think if I could turn back
the clock fifty years… Like
Boxcar Willie’s song “Once I
had a treasure… the youth of
“Let your light so shine
before men, that they may see
your good works, and glorify
your father which is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16
Have a good week. God
Rep. Markwayne
Mullin will be in
Vinita for a Town
Hall meeting.
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Craig County Community
915 E. Apperson Dr.
Vinita, OK
“The best and
most beautiful
things in the
world cannot
be seen or even
touched. They
must be felt
with the heart.”
-- Helen Keller
Happy Valentine’s Day
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Thought for the Day by
Corbett Mason
First you divide the people
with “political correctness” and
blame another party for the first
party’s injuries, whether real or
perceived. Division weakens
a country from within. These
“projected hate policies” generally take the public’s mind
from what’s going on within
the leadership of their particular
Favors are bought and paid
for. Our leaders have studied
the psychology of the masses
and fine tune their emotions to
play in perfect harmony with
decisions pointing them, in which
way to go. Everyone follows the
Master who says he can solve
his problems and become his
savior. Everyone champions the
hallowed cause of the masses,
but in the voting booth, they vote
for where their interests lie. Be
it more unemployment, higher
wages, more food stamps, affordable healthcare, just get someone
else to pay for it. All will put their
needs first and pass the leftover
crumbs to others. This holds true
in all forms of government and
in all organizations. That’s why
the laws passed upon the citizens
aren’t applied to our leaders,
that’s why the CEO’s make the
big money.
Government has put itself
above its people, its needs above
those of its followers, it has put
itself above the laws they have
put in force. They rule by decree
and force, our forefathers of long
ago knew government was to be
feared, not worshipped. A lesson
lost on the multitudes of today.
Today’s children will be taught to
conform to government in ways
I can’t even imagine. Common
sense has been lost in this land
of something for nothing.
We’re living in the “Land
of the Political Correct” where
education and socialization bends
everything a child knows that is
right and proper. The B.S. artists let many words flow from
their tainted lips that sound like
honey but would in reality choke
an honest thinking man. They’re
taught everyone is entitled to
everything with no responsibility
for their own actions. Our leaders
lie and change their goalposts at
will, they change the laws as they
see fit. Truth is replaced with half
truths and outright lies.
Americans of today will
never find the respect due them
until they stand up with backbone
and demand that our leaders
are subjected to the same laws
pushed on to the working class.
Woodrow Wilson recognized
this fact and said, “Liberty has
never came from the government.
Liberty has always come from the
subjects of the government. The
history of government is a history of resistance. The history of
liberty is the limitation of government, not the increase of it.”
“Hitler was able to destroy
German democracy in only six
months, this should serve as a
warning of what can happen if the
public is apathetic,” Chancellor
Merkel said.
We have become a country
of uninformed followers following the dictation of our out of
control leaders. The public has
become a nation of sleep walkers
bending, obeying and complying
to government instruction with
no thought of their own free
will; they have accepted the fact
government knows best, if they’d
stop and think they’d know better. By accepting everything government tells you at face value
one loses his
own thought
process and
The ole
Rancher says,
and indoctrination are Corbett Mason
deep ruts for
the average man to step up and
out of. In a bygone day, questioning our leader’s actions was
an American pastime; it’s now a
lost art gathering dust.”
Our nation has had six years
of spreading the wealth around,
during this time the poor have
gotten poorer and the rich have
gotten richer. Looking at the city
of Chicago that spawned Valerie
Jarret and Obama, we see a city
of corruption that is on the verge
of bankruptcy. These two have
did well for themselves at the
taxpayer’s expense by promising
much and delivering little.
If wealth destruction can
destroy a nation, how can an
ever growing debt build one?
Our leaders have put the walking plow before the mule. We
live in a nation, whose economy
depends on the promises of more
debt and consumption, instead of
savings and investments. Government debt and taxes reduce
the amount of money left for
Several studies have shown
elitists march to a drum roll of
self interests, which override
what’s best for the nation and
its people. Those in power will
quote one of their economists or
some other expert to push whatever the cause of the day is. A
government’s expert is a lackey
for those in power, they avail
what knowledge they possess
and align their doctrine with the
doctrine of those in power.
For an example, we have
Obama’s administration consultant, a MIT economics professor
by the name of Jonathan Gruber.
He spoke of using deception
to pass Obamacare. “Lack of
transparency is a huge political
advantage. And basically, call
it the stupidity of the American
voter or whatever, but basically
that was really, really critical for
the thing to pass...”
One can hear the echo of
Hitler’s words in Obama’s and
Gruber’s words. “It is not truth
that matters, but victory.”
Remember the hue and
cry from the Harvard professors
when they learned Obamacare
was going to cost them. How do
you think those professors will
feel about this Obama comment?
“We can’t keep our homes at 72
degrees at all times ... and expect
that every other country is going
to say OK.”
“If you tell a big enough lie
and tell it frequent enough, it will
be believed.” - Adolf Hitler
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Agenda, from pg. 1_____________________________________________________________
1- Activist organization, training
and recruitment
2- Legislative action
3- Outreach to the general public
I have used my own 47 years
of activist experience to design
this plan. And, in preparing it,
I have reached out to some of
the most successful leaders and
elected representatives to help
me perfect it. Above all, while
fully aware that there are other
things that can be done, given
our limited resources, I know
that I can put my plan in place
almost immediately, if I have the
necessary funds in hand.
planning programs that are being
used to change our American
system of government and the
consequences of sustainable
development programs they are
The video is to be sent to every
Member of Congress, Governors, state legislators, mayors,
county commissioners and city
councilmen in the nation.
Proponents of Agenda 21 have
buried our elected officials under
tons of information to promote
their agenda. Yet, many still say
they have never heard of Agenda
21. Others fail to understand it.
Here is an outline of the plan 3. Field Coordinators in every
that I believe will finally produce region (4)
substantial victories in the battle
There are dedicated activists
to finally stop Agenda 21.
throughout the nation who are
ready to organize against Agenda
1. National Training Seminar
21 in their communities. But they
A gathering of national leaders, lack the knowledge of how to get
activists, and elected officials to started. APC will provide field
create a plan of action, prepare coordinators who will answer
legislative language, and open the call. They will establish a
lines of communications to or- presence in every region of the
ganize the nationwide fight to nation and will go into a commustop Agenda 21. This will not nity to work directly with local
be a conference where attendees residents (or state organizations)
sit in an auditorium and listen to to provide leadership, materials
speakers. This will be a series of and strategy for countering the
pro-Agenda 21 forces at work
working sessions.
Elected representatives (city
council, country commissioner 4. Website Clearing House listing
and state legislator levels) will pro-property rights/anti-Agenda
meet in sessions to network, and 21 candidates, organizations and
work to create effective language activists nationwide
for various legislation designed
to protect property rights and How do activists know which
stop Agenda 21. Sustainable candidates to support in any election cycle? Politicians are always
Development programs.
trying to say the popular thing to
Meanwhile, activists from across any group they are addressing?
the nation will meet in concurrent But all too often, once elected,
sessions to learn new organizing they do the opposite when faced
tactics and tools for effective with policy decisions.
ways to fight pro-SD programs
and to effectively support elected The American Policy Center
officials who introduce pro- will create a special web site
property rights/anti-Sustainable to act as a clearing house for
such information on candidates
Development legislation.
across the nation, at every level
In addition, activists will learn of government.
to use new methods to create
precinct organizations to build a Many organizations send out
permanent infrastructure to sup- questionnaires and polling to
port and elect candidates who provide such information. But
there is no central clearing house
oppose Agenda 21.
where activists can easy gain acBottom line for both of these ses- cess to the data.
sions is to create a plan of action
to write and introduce effective The site will also list contact
legislation and to then prepare a information for activists and
strong force of support in each organizations in states and local
legislative body to help pass communities so those concerned
it. Ion addition, we will build a with fighting such policy can
permanent local precinct struc- easily connect and network with
ture for local and state election like minded activists. The site
will also list any recent activities
taking place in each state.
2. Agenda 21 Video to every
Providing a steady stream of upelected official
to-date information, successful
A 15 minute video prepared legislation victories and new
specifically for elected officials tactics are the key to exposing
entitled “Your Actions Have and defeating Agenda 21. It is
Consequences.” This video will imperative that APC have the
be narrated by an elected official very best flow of information to
and it will detail the dangers of feed to the media, elected offi-
cials and the public in general.
Page 7
Vinita High School Senior Serves As
State Senate Page
5. Reaching out to the general
public with the Stop Agenda 21
message: A national television
ad campaign to build support for
property rights victims
Americans have been emotionally moved by ads on television
depicting the plight of neglected
dogs and cats. However, there is
much more unseen suffering taking place across the nation by human property owners. These are
our friends and neighbors, suffering ad the hand of their own
government. Shattered dreams,
destruction of homes, families,
businesses, even whole industries, are the result of Agenda
21/Sustainable Development
Yet most Americans remain ignorant of such disasters. Rarely
does a news program talk about
the plight of property owners.
By making the American public
aware of this plight, we can create awareness of the consequences of these outrageous policies
and gain a lot of support in our
fight to stop Agenda 21.
To that end, the American Policy
Center plans to produce an ad
similar to the animal ads, complete with a depiction of the
victims and with original music
that tells the story. The song,
“Shattered Dreams” has been
written and recorded by singer/
song writer Susan Toms. Readers can see the rough draft of the
ad below.
Regardless of the great divide in
this nation, one thing remains.
People are fair-minded and
react to injustice. Our ads are
designed to reach out to the average American and show them
how their neighbors are hurting.
That is a powerful message we
intend to tell.
In addition, as part of the outreach to the general public,
APC has created an international
symbol for Property Rights Freedom. That symbol will be used
by every activist group fighting
Sustainable Development world
wide. It will be used in our ads,
publications, web sites and correspondence to show we are
In addition, as we build support for property rights freedom
among the business community,
we will ask them to display the
symbol in their advertising to
let people know they support
our cause. To gain the right to
display the symbol will require
signing agreement to a Property
Rights Statement of Principles.
Vinita High School senior, Laura Wood served as a Senate page
for State Sen. Charles Wyrick (D-Fairland) during the first
week of the legislative session from Feb. 2-5, 2015. Wood is the
daughter of Vinita residents Jeff and Cathy Wood.
Warming, from pg. 3_______________________________
most potent threats to U.S. national proportions has been perpetrated
security, alongside violent extrem- on them all.
ism, cyberattacks and Russian
Of course, not all the scientists and
politicians were fooled.
“At home and abroad, we are taking concerted action to confront the Meteorologist Brian Sussman
dangers posed by climate change authored “Climategate: A Veteran
and to strengthen our energy secu- Meteorologist Exposes The Global
rity,” the document says, declaring Warming Scam,” back in 2010.
climate change “an urgent and And Sen. James Inhofe, wrote “The
growing threat to our national Greatest Hoax: How the Global
Warming Conspiracy Threatens
Your Future,” in 2012.
It remains to be seen how the rest
of the media, the academic world, And there have always been thouthe scientific establishment and sands of dedicated scientists who
governments will view the increas- expressed doubts about the data
ing evidence that a hoax of global and the conclusions.
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These then are the five points to
my plan to fight and stop Agenda
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See Agenda, pg. 9
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Page 8 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 11 , 2015
History, from pg. 1____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thiessen drew a parallel of his own
in Obama’s comparison, remarking, “It’s fascinating that he said
people committed terrible deeds in
the name of Christ. Has he ever said
ISIS has committed terrible deeds
in the name of Muhammad? Or in
the name of Islam? No. … He said
they kill in the name of religion.
He won’t call it Islamic radicalism,
which is a problem.”
Obama made another remark the
Christian faithful may find particularly perplexing, implying their
religion is not necessarily more true
than any other faith:
“I believe that the starting point of
faith is some doubt – not being so
full of yourself and so confident
that you are right and that God
speaks only to us, and doesn’t
speak to others, that God only cares
about us and doesn’t care about
others, that somehow we alone are
in possession of the truth.”
As to what Obama believes is the
truth, a look at his past comments
and actions regarding religion,
especially Christianity, may be
References to God removed
Obama has a history of omitting
references to God and Christianity.
Two years ago, WND reported he
issued a statement endorsing the
National Day of Prayer but excised
virtually any reference to Christianity, the primary faith of the nation’s
In 2009, he did cite the prayers
of the Continental Congress and
President Lincoln’s call for prayer
during the Civil War. But he started
turning the next year, mentioning “God” only twice, asking for
“blessings” and “guidance.” The
closest reference to the nation’s
Christian heritage was a reference
that the U.S. “counts freedom of
conscience and free exercise of religion among its most fundamental
By 2012, Obama’s proclamation
was merely giving thanks “for our
democracy that respects the beliefs
and protects the religious freedom
of all people to pray, worship, or
In 2013, his text included “faith”
only to reference it as “our faith”
and recognized “God” only for delivering liberties and guidance.
Obama has repeatedly removed the
phrase “endowed by their Creator”
from the line in the Declaration of
Independence that reads:
“We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalien- North America, an unindicted coable Rights, that among these are conspirator in a scheme to raise
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of money for Hamas.
Anti-Christian policies
In 2013, WND reported that eventual GOP presidential candidate Perhaps the most infamous examHerman Cain believed that was ple of what critics consider Obama
no slip of the tongue, saying, “I administration hostility toward
believe it was intentional because Christians was the demand by the
he did it three times.”
IRS that conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status reveal
He added, “With all of his tele- the contents of their prayers.
prompters, how could you not put
that in there? No. I believe it was A letter from the IRS to Coalition
for Life of Iowa read, “Please detail
the content of the members of your
By WND columnist Chuck Nor- organization’s prayers.”
ris’ count, Obama dropped “their
Creator” seven times in just a two- Another applicant was asked,
month span in 2012.
“Please explain how all of your activities, including the prayer meetIn 2009, WND reported Obama, ings held outside of Planned Parentwhile admitting that America has hood, are considered educational as
“a very large Christian population,” defined under 501(c)(3).”
told the Turkish press that “we do
not consider ourselves a Christian Critics also say the Obama adminnation.”
istration tried to crush First Amendment religious rights of Christians
And in December 2010 , a letter by mandating employers provide
from the Congressional Prayer certain kinds of contraceptives,
Caucus rebuked Obama for incor- including abortion-inducing drugs,
rectly replacing the nation’s motto which many Christians found obof “In God We Trust” with “E jectionable and immoral.
pluribus unum” in a speech at the
University of Indonesia.
The Supreme Court sided with
those Christians by ruling 5-to-4 in
favor of the plaintiffs and against
Defense of Islam
the government in Burwell v.
Hobby Lobby on June 30, 2014.
In a speech given to the United
Nations General Assembly on Sept. Not only many Christians, but
12, 2012, the president declared, many former and active members
“The future must not belong to of the military, have been chathose who slander the prophet of grined by Obama’s normalization
of the homosexual lifestyle in the
nation’s armed forces.
In a speech in Cairo, Egypt, in
June 2009, Obama said that he In a video interview, now-retired
felt it “part of my responsibility as Coast Guard Commandant Adm.
president of the United States to Robert Papp revealed that Obama
fight against negative stereotypes personally threatened to fire any
of Islam wherever they appear.”
service leaders who disagreed
with the president’s decision to
Also in 2009, Obama told a French repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
reporter, “[I]f you actually took policy toward homosexuals in the
the number of Muslim Americans, military.
we’d be one of the largest Muslim
countries in the world.” (In fact, “We were called into the Oval Ofin 2008 Christians made up 76- fice, and President Obama looked
percent of the population at 173 all five service chiefs in the eye and
million, religious Jews 1.2-percent said, ‘This is what I want to do.’ I
at 2.6 million, and Muslims only cannot divulge everything he said
0.6-percent at 1.3 million.)
to us, that’s private communications within the Oval Office, but if
And in May 2011, WND learned we didn’t agree with it — if any of
that in October 2009, one of us didn’t agree with it — we all had
Obama’s faith advisers, Eboo Patel, the opportunity to resign our coma Muslim activist from Chicago, missions and go do other things,”
compared al-Qaeda to what he said Papp.
called Christian “totalitarians” in
the U.S. and Jewish “totalitarians” Military chaplains reportedly are
in Israel.
also under threat by regulations that
now prevent them from speaking
In February 2010, Obama named against homosexuality.
Patel to his Advisory Council on
Faith-Based and Neighborhood The Family Research Council has
documented scores of instances in
which the military under Obama
Patel is part of the official speaker’s has threatened service members
bureau of the Islamic Society of participating in religious (primarily
The new Rhino Flex-Wing
has been unleashed!
Christian) expression.
Christian bishops have been kidnapped, and one priest was recently
WND reported how U.S. Army sol- killed. These rebels are allies of
diers at a Mississippi post were in- the Islamic rebels that President
structed that the American Family Obama is now arming.”
Association, or AFA, was a “hate
group” because the radical leftist “We are now arming Islamic rebels
Southern Poverty Law Center had who are allied with al-Qaida that
advised the military that the AFA’s attacked us on 9/11. Does that make
view of homosexuality, informed any sense at all?” he concluded.
by traditional values, was hateful.
Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., exThe U.S. military teaching that the pressed the sentiments of many
American colonists were “extrem- Obama critics who charge he has
ists” was traced also back to the done little to prevent or stop the
Southern Poverty Law Center.
widespread martyrdom of Christians in Islamic lands, including
Judicial Watch, a government cor- Iraq and Syria.
ruption monitor, said it obtained
records regarding the “prepara- Pointing out the extreme dangers
tion and presentation of training Christians face worldwide, in Sepmaterials on hate groups or hate tember 2014, Franks said Obama
crimes distributed or used by the administration officials “only
Air Force.”
respond when the politics become
so antithetical to them that they
The teaching claimed: “In U.S. have to.”
history, there are many examples
of extremist ideologies and move- “I been extremely critical of presiments. The colonists who sought to dent Obama and it’s primarily for
free themselves from British rule that reason. It seemed like whenand the Confederate states who ever there’s suffering of the insought to secede from the Northern nocent, whether it’s the unborn at
states are just two examples.”
the hands of [abortionist] Kermit
Gosnell, innocent people at the
The attacks by Muslims who killed hands of [Syrian president] Bashar
nearly 3,000 people on Sept. 11, Assad or innocent Coptic Chris2001, were called a ‘historical tians in the hands of the Muslim
Brotherhood in Egypt, or innocent
Christians at the hands of ISIS in
The administration’s efforts to en- Iraq,” he said.
force acceptance of the homosexual
lifestyle extend well beyond the In August 2013, hundreds of Coptic
military and affect every federal Christians in Nashville, Tennesemployee.
see, took to the streets to call out
Obama after members of the MusIn May 2013, WND columnist lim Brotherhood, the group that
Matt Barber revealed the existence temporarily seized power in Egypt
of an internal Justice Department and was backed by the adminisdocument that forced managers to tration, burned scores of Coptic
accept the administrations policies Christian churches, schools and
on homosexuality, or else.
Titled, “LGBT Inclusion at Work:
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
Managers,” the document stated
that when it comes to LGBT pride,
employees were ordered: “DON’T
remain silent. Silence will be interpreted as disapproval.”
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The document also recommends
managers, “Attend LGBT events
sponsored by DOJ Pride and/or the
Department, and invite (but don’t
require) others to join you,” and,
“Display a symbol in your office
(DOJ Pride sticker, copy of this
brochure, etc.) indicating that it is A U.S. aide agency was tasked
a ‘safe space.’”
with analyzing the “true” causes
of the conflict.
Not defending Christians
In October 2013 WND covered a
speech by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.,
in which he warned, “there is a
worldwide war on Christianity,”
but, “The president tries to gloss
over who’s attacking and killing
The senator cited a list of atrocities around the world by radical
Islamists, including Syria, where
“Islamic rebels have filmed beheadings of their captives.”
Serviceable, durable, lighter weight
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Scriptural confusion
Obama, who professes to be a
Christian, has expressed many
fundamental beliefs with which
most Christians would likely find
flabbergasting, and disagree.
He’s not sure there is an afterlife, or a heaven or hell. He has
confessed he is not “sure what
happens when we die.”
Brent Edmonds, R.T.
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In May 2012, WND reported an
Obama administration official
claimed the ongoing Muslim
destruction of churches and
slaughter of Christians in Nigeria,
including many murdered during
worship services, was the result
of tribal disputes over land, not a
religious conflict.
“They’ve filmed themselves eatSee History, 11_________
ing the heart of their enemy. Two
Our Flex-Wing cutters are
designed for performance, reliability, and
value. With seven models to choose from
and 50 years experience, we know how to
make them durable enough for any use.
Protesters chanted, “Obama,
Obama, don’t you care? Christian
blood is everywhere.”
Support Your
Local Tea Party Group
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Agenda, from pg. 7__________________________________
plan will bring major changes
to our fight and start us down
the road to restoring local government control. And I believe
that if we can restore freedom
on the local level, then we can
restore it as a nation.
dedicated activists with new
tools and new tactics, and
bring together a great number
of elected officials who want
to do something, but now lack
the ability or the knowledge.
We will fix that.
But how do we make it happen? The budget for this plan
is $500,000. That may seem
like a lot of money for our
little movement of dedicated
activists, but it’s a drop in the
bucket considering the millions of dollars controlled by
the Sustainablists.
Step by step, we will move
forward, take the offensive
and march inland to attack
and destroy the Sustainable
Development policies that are
infesting every community in
this nation. And we will help
those officials who are blindly
implementing Sustainable
Development understand that
I need 100 volunteers – dedi- their actions have consequenccated activists – who will es on American citizens.
take one very specific action.
To raise the funds to make And so, I’m looking for just
this plan a reality, I have 100 dedicated Americans who
created the “Living Room want to stop Agenda 21. All
Money Bomb.” One hundred you have to do is go to www.
people, bringing their friends and sign
and neighbors into their living up to host a “Living Room
room for the sole purpose of Money Bomb” to help provide
teaching them about Agenda the resources I need to put this
21 and raising the money to plan in place to defeat Agenda
make this plan a reality.
21. It’s that simple.
And I don’t expect these 100
people to do the talking. I will.
It’s easy. I have recorded a one
hour video presentation that
tells the details of Agenda 21
and why it is such a threat. I
then go through the plan to
stop it and then I make the
pitch for funds. It’s that simple. The full plan, video, and
budget can be seen here.
If each of the 100 “Living
Room Money Bombs” raise
just $5,000, I will have the
$500,000 needed. Or, as one
activist said the other night
during a discussion of the
plan, if activists in each state
would raise a total of $10,000
per state, we would have the
needed funds.
That is such a small number
considering the entire nation
and the thousands of dedicated
Americans trying to save our
Of course, there are the doubters who don’t believe we have a
chance of winning. They hang
their heads in despair, crying
that we have lost the Republic.
They tell us that someone behind the scenes makes all the
decisions. “They” decide the
future of our lives goes the cry.
How can we possibly compete
with their billions of dollars,
ask the doubters? How can we
overcome their massive political power?
My plan is designed to play
to our strengths of grassroots
organizing. It uses assets that
we already have - elected
representatives who understand and are fighting from
the inside of our government.
Americans know something is
very wrong in this nation, but
many just don’t understand
what it is.
Memo To The
GOP 2016
Field: Speak
Out When
The President
Won’t, Especially On ISIS
And Iran
By Hugh Hewitt
Jordan’s swift reaction to the
savage murder of its young
fighter pilot --the rapid execution of two terrorists-- is just
the first of our ally’s responses
if King Abdullah was correctly understood by members
of the House Armed Services
The president’s muted response to the latest and most
gruesome ISIS atrocity outraged listeners to my radio
show yesterday who are longing for more clarity and especially more seriousness from
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
They will be even more disturbed when they learn that the
president’s halting comments
on ISIS are far stronger than
his complete appeasement of
Iran, detailed in Mike Doran’s
must read “Obama’s Secret
Iran Strategy.” (A companion
commentary on Doran’s article is Lee Smith’s excellent
reflection upon it from The
Weekly Standard.)
Yes, we’re small! Out numbered! Out spent! But, never
underestimate the power of a
pebble in your shoe, because a
few pebbles carefully placed,
after time, create a festering
sore that can stop an army.
And that is exactly what my
plan is designed to do.
Tom DeWeese is one of the
nation’s leading advocates
of individual liberty, free
enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy,
back-to-basics education and This double retreat, from (1)
American sovereignty and the face and facts of ISIS
barbarity and from (2) the
reality of the evil nature and
A native of Ohio, he’s been a nuclear ambitions of the recandidate for the Ohio Legis- gime in Teheran, has thrown
lature, served as editor of two American foreign policy into
newspapers, and has owned more disarray than anytime
several businesses since the since the middle of the Carter
age of 23. In 1989 Tom led years.
the only privately-funded election-observation team to the
Panamanian elections. In 2006
Tom was invited to Cambridge
University to debate the issue
of the United Nations before
the Cambridge Union, a 200
year old debating society.
Today he serves as Founder
and President of the American
Policy Center and editor of
The DeWeese Report
For 40 years Tom DeWeese
has been a businessman, grassroots activist, writer and publisher. As such, he has always
advocated a firm belief in
man’s need to keep moving
forward while protecting our
The DeWeese Report , 70
Main Street, Suite 23, Warrenton Virginia. (540) 341-8911
E-Mail: ampolicycenter@
Website: www.americanpolThis plan will unite us, train
The president has 23 months
left to wreck more havoc on
America’s national security
and it is up to the House and
Senate to do everything they
an to stop him, and to focus
the country’s attention on
the attempted appeasement
of Iran and the “strategy”
of “least possible force that
domestic politics will allow”
in Iraq and Syria. Sanctions
bill after sanctions bill ought
to be forthcoming from the
Congress directed at Iran,
as well as a demand to stop
negotiations with the mullahs
pending conclusion of the
investigation into the assassination of the Argentinian
prosecutor which has “Iran”
written all over it. The next
president can and should rip
up any “deal” done by this
feckless Administration with
Teheran, but it would be better if none is ever concluded
because of obstacles erected
by the GOP-run Congress.
Pointless, from pg. 3____________________________________________________________
dearly. We will make sure they
receive any designated funds.
Meanwhile, the violence in
Mexico just seems to keep escalating. When we got home Tuesday
evening and turned on the news
that was all we heard. The highway
from Reynosa, 10 miles south of us,
to Matamoros, south of Brownsville, was closed due to fighting
between the drug cartels and the
military. There were 14 people
killed that day, 13 drug cartel members and one civilian who walked
out into the street with a gun. The
next day a car was stopped on the
Pharr International bridge with
$400,000 worth of Cocaine, and the
Border Patrol discovered a group
crossing the Rio Grande into Texas
carrying around $750,000 worth
of Marijuana. As long as the drug
market in the U.S. continues strong,
the cartels will do all they can to get
the drugs across the border. And,
kidnapping U.S. citizens provides
them more income.
Bud went to the bank in
Reynosa on Thursday to send money to IBLAC and pastors in the Altamira area. He said there were only
two cars on the international bridge
going and coming, and the streets
were empty. The local American
Consulate has urged American
citizens not to cross into Mexico
and even the large industrial park in
Reynosa told their employees who
live in Texas not to come.
Our son John has decided not
to bring Linda back to the Seminary
for the beginning of classes on
the 9th of February. They would
have to drive six hours down the
Mexican side of the border and it
is just too dangerous. I know that
Linda will be disappointed, but,
John will bring her as soon as it is
safe. It is better not to take the risk
right now. So, keep us all in your
prayers. We do what we can to
avoid unnecessary risks. I believe
that the violence in the world today
just points to the soon coming of
our Lord.
Page 9
Happy Valentine’s Day
by Sue Gage Wilcox
Christmas had barely
passed. Right along the side
of the “Clearance Aisles” were
sparkling aisles of Valentine’s
cards, decorations, pretties of all
kinds. That was fine with me! I
LOVE Valentine’s Day. I just
love LOVE. I would venture
to say that almost everyone has
a special Valentine’s Day story
– I would have to really narrow
down my thinking to come up
with maybe twelve or seventeen
favorites! Probably my favorite story is one that my parents
Daddy and Mother (Howard
and Willie Gage) were missionary builders and on this particular
mission, they were sent to the village of Nassian in the
Ivory Coast
of West Africa. There
was another
family that
needed a
home, and
Daddy and
Mother had
gone for
Daddy to
build it. The home was to be a
three or four bedroom American
style home.
It was a long way from
where Daddy could get the supplies he would need: cement,
lumber, nails, and supplies to
wire the house for electricity that
would be powered by a generator.
Not far from the site of the house,
there was a dry creek bed. It was
the dry season, but when the rains
came, there was a force behind
the water that ran down that bed
– leaving deposits of sand. That
sand was the quality that could be
used with cement for the footing
of the house. When Daddy found
the supply of sand, he started
hauling it – a pickup load at a
time. What he didn’t tell Mother
was that while he was looking for
sand, he had found a beautiful bed
of wild orchids.
On the morning of February 14 (Valentine’s Day), he
invited Mother to go with him
after sand.
He drove up
onto a flat
area off of
the primitive road.
There were
beautiful African trees in
full leaf that
Sue Wilcox
could be
seen in the background. Just in
front of the trees were some large
slate gray rocks. In front of the
rocks was the most beautiful bed
of wild orchids that Mom had
ever seen. Dad said, “Happy
Valentine’s Day, Mother Dear.”
Their love had taken them
from Chimney Rock Holler
near Salina, Oklahoma, through
Daddy’s time fighting for our
country, and back to a little farm
in the Welch Community east of
Pryor, Oklahoma. It was while
they were there that they started
the Greenbrier Free Will Baptist
Church. Then they moved to
Checotah, Oklahoma, to minister
there. While at Checotah, Dad
volunteered to use his hammer
anywhere in the world it might
be needed by the National Association of Free Will Baptists.
That offer was not a problem
for Mother. Wherever she and
Daddy were together was home.
Who would ever have thought
that their love would take them
to a special Valentine’s Day in
A Weekly Column by
Senator Wayne Shaw
As the State Senate kicks off
a busy week of the first session of
the 55th Legislature, I wanted to
give you a quick overview of the
process we’ll see in the coming
Members of the State Senate
convened on Monday for the first
day of the legislative session, first
in the Senate chamber, and then
we reconvened in joint session
later in the House chamber to hear
the Governor’s State of the State
address. Governor Fallin spoke of
the budget constraints this year and
reiterated the challenges we’ll face
with less revenue to appropriate
than last year.
February will continue to be
hectic as committees work to hear
bills that have been introduced this
year. Only the bills approved at
the committee level will move on
to be heard by the full Senate, so
with more than 800 Senate bills
and 32 joint resolutions filed in the
Senate and 1,219 bills and 26 joint
resolutions filed on the House of
Representatives side, our work is
cut out for us as we focus on more
than 2,000 bills that will be moving through various committees at
the Capitol in the coming weeks.
Committee work is an integral part of the legislative process,
and I’m honored to serve on four
standing committees, including
Education, Tourism & Wildlife,
Public Safety and Appropriations.
Additionally, I’ll be serving as the
Vice-Chair of the Appropriations
Subcommittee for Select Agencies.
As we begin the 2015 legislative session, I encourage you
to follow the bills and experience
the legislative
process by visiting the official State Senate website at
gov. There
are many options available
to keep up with
what’s happen- Sen. Wayne Shaw
ing in the Senate.
It’s simple to follow the link to
track legislation at the top of the
homepage. The Senate website
also includes daily agendas, meeting notices, calendars, and other
helpful information. Additionally, there is also a link for live
audio and video streaming from
the Senate Chamber, as well as
from all committee rooms available on the website.
I am looking forward to the
challenge of the new legislative
session. There’s a lot to be done
and I’m ready to get to work.
Throughout the legislative
session I will be keeping you
aware of Senate news and the business of the state. Please feel free to
contact me at the state Capitol by
calling (405) 521-5574 or by email
Page 10 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 11 , 2015
The Golf Corner
Prescribed burn insurance available for landowners
Prescribed fire is one of the themselves or lessees implement- Services.
By Steve Pace Certified Golf Instructor at Patricia Island Golf Club-Grove, OK (918- most powerful and important land ing prescribed fire against claims
A written prescribed burn
786-3338) (PGA-Former, US Golf Teachers Federation- Retired, NGI- Association of
also required, and a temmanagement
National Golf Instructors) Cell: 405-834-3217 – email: - or
to agricultural producers and land property. “The development of plate can be obtained from the
the prescribed fire insurance was Noble Foundation or OPBA (www.
Prescribed fire helps rejuve- need-driven for landowners and The insurance will
The Mardi Paws Benefit/Silent Auction for Second Chance Pet Rescue nate native plant communities that producers to be able to manage only cover the burn detailed in the
positively impact wildlife habitat their land properly,” said Rus- plan, and each burn crew member
will be Saturday, Feb. 21st at Big Shots on Monkey Island.
and livestock forages. However, sell Stevens, Noble Foundation must be listed in the burn plan to
liability is always a concern for wildlife and range consultant and be covered.
Interesting Results:
“These procedures may
landowners using or considering executive director of the OPBA.
the use of prescribed fire. Liability “We are working toward making sound daunting to some at first,”
is one of the main reasons pre- this insurance available to other Stevens said. “However, they do
not require an excessive amount
scribed fire is not commonly used states as well.”
In order for the insurance of time and are necessary to the
in land management.
Knowing that prescribed fire policy to be issued and take effect, successful and safe application of
prescribed fire. This is a simple step
is as important to most agricultural landowners in Oklahoma must:
Follow all federal, state and to add to the process.”
operations as grazing, rain and sunFor more information about
shine, the Oklahoma Prescribed local statutes and ordinances.
Adhere to the requirements prescribed fire and developing
Burn Association (OPBA), in
conjunction with The Samuel in “Notification Requirements a burn plan, contact the Noble
Roberts Noble Foundation and and Considerations for Safe and Foundation at 580.223.5810 or visit
The Bramlett Agency have come Lawful Prescribed Burning in For more intogether to provide a solution for Oklahoma: Guidelines, State Law formation about the insurance, conand the Burning Notification Plan,” tact Leslie Kutz with The Bramlett
For the first time, Oklahoma available through the Oklahoma Agency at 580.223.7300 or lkutz@
Includes free Golf Digest subscription for a year. Discount Green landowners can purchase pre- Department of Agriculture Forestry
Fees to over 40 courses all over the state. Several in this area. Go to scribed burn insurance to protect
NE Oklahoma Fishing Report by
Boom off the Tee:
The Oklahoma Wildlife Department
To gain extra distance (WITHOUT SWINGING HARDER), widen
on minnows and tube jigs in and McMurtry: Elevation below avyour stance slightly, position the ball further up slightly and focus on NORTHEAST
Ft. Gibson: Elevation normal, wa- around brush structure and docks erage, water 36 and semi-clear.
solid contact (not harder or faster).
ter 46 and clear. Blue, channel and at 22-26 ft.
Crappie fair on jigs and worms at
Golf Specials are just waiting on you.
flathead catfish fair on cut bait and Grand: Elevation normal, water 38. 8 ft. to bottom around docks. The
All area courses currently have specials and encourage you to take adhot dogs in the river channel and Largemouth bass fair on Alabama fishing has been slow; few crapvantage.
channel at 20-25 ft. Crappie fair rig and rouges in and around main pie have been pulled but none of
-Cherokee Grove Golf Course (Grove) @ 918-786-4100
lake and points. Crappie good on real size.
-Grand Cherokee Golf Course (Langley) @ 918-435-8727.
minnows and jigs. Blue catfish Tenkiller: Elevation below aver-Patricia Island Golf Club (Grove) @ 918-786-3338
good on cut bait in main lake and age, water 43 and clear and steady.
-Shangri-La Golf Club (Monkey Island) @ 918-257-4204
river channel. Paddlefish fair when Largemouth, smallmouth and spot-Eagle Creek Golf Club (Joplin) @ 417-623-5050
snagging in main lake.
ted bass slow on plastics and jigs
Keystone: Elevation below aver- at 15-25 ft. in and around brush
INSTA GOLF SHOES. 888-534-1202 or www.instagolfshoes.
age, water 39. Crappie excellent structure, main lake and points.
on minnows and tube jigs around Crappie slow on minnows, jigs and
These can be worn over your own shoes. Great for kids with
Tuesday, February 17th, brush structure. Blue catfish good plastics at 15-40 ft. in and around
changing shoe sizes. Great for travel.
2015, 3 to 5 PM. Mayes County Ag on cut bait along channels.
docks and brush structure.
Shangri-La Golf Club has announced the dates for their junior golf this Center, Fairgrounds, Old Highway
summer 2015 Junior Players Academy June 15th - June 18th; 8:00 - 1:00 20 East, Pryor, OK by Mayes Co.
DailyCost: Member - $230.00 Per Junior Non-Member - $250.00 Per OSU Cooperative Extension
Junior (Discounts available for multiple Player Sign Up) Camp is open
This is an opportunity for
to members and non-members alike. Price includes: 4 days of PGA golf gardeners and horticulturist to
instruction, a Camp Shirt, golf cap, golf balls, special award and event share seeds and seedling with
3. Meat from a pig (alt. sp.)
prizes, on-course golf, lunch daily and more.
4. A bottle with a stopper
There will also be a short
5. Short labored breath
presentation on saving seeds by a
6. Hair washing soap
F r o m P a t t y N o r t h r u p , N O T G O L F B U T W O R T H Y Mayes County Master Gardener
(infor7. Steam bath
…..This morning on the Interstate, I looked over to my left and there and an update about the new Pryor
8. “R.U.R.” playwright
was a Woman In a brand new Cadillac doing 65 mph. With her face up Community Garden from Christina
next to her rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner. I looked away for Stallings Roberson
9. Beside one another in
a couple continue shaving And when I looked back, she
For more information please
was halfway over in my lane, still working on that makeup. As a man, call Michael Rose at 918-82517.
10. Not straight
I don’t scare easily. But she scared me so much I had to put on my seat 3241.
12. Former OSS
belt. And I dropped my electric shaver, which knocked the donut out of
16. Truck driver’s radio
my other hand. In all The confusion of trying to straighten out the car
20. Dried-up
using my knees against the steering wheel, It knocked My cell phone
24. Million gallons per day
away from my ear which fell Into my coffee which was between my legs,
splashed and burned my privates. Ruined the phone, Soaked my trousers February
26. Encircle (archaic)
and disconnected an Important call. Darn women drivers!
15: Outdoor Oklahoma: Florida
Mayes County
Master Gardener
Seed and
Seedling Swap
-WANTEDRaw Wild Furs
Buyer will be at:
Buyer will be at:
Livestock Auction
Feb 27,
4th 1pm
at 1pm
- L&S
27 4pm
Hollingshead Furs Crowder, (918)
Largemouth Bass Production Tune in to OETA at 8:00 AM. This
episode was a year-in-the-making
as our camera crews followed
fisheries biologists through the year
long process of producing Florida
Largemouth Bass to be stocked in
Oklahoma lakes. From certifying
brooders via DNA testing, to harvesting over 2 million fingerlings
and stocking them in area lakes.
16: Presidents Day - State Offices
22: Outdoor Oklahoma: Canton
Lake Aerator Project - Tune in to
OETA at 8:00 AM.
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20
Aries, tackle a problem that’s been
puzzling you head-on this week. A
direct approach may just provide you
the unique perspective you need to
crack this nut.
LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23
Leo, you are invested in reaching a
goal, and those around you are inspired
by your gusto. Make the most of your
energy and help others harness theirs if
given the chance.
SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21
You may feel strong winds of change
blowing in your direction, Sagittarius,
and you do not know what is in store
for you. Sometimes it can be exciting
to be surprised.
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21
Taurus, state your case carefully when
you attempt to get your point across
at work. Others will appreciate your
thoughtful approach and respond
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, you work best when you have a
plan in place. While you are not usually
appreciative of surprises, this week you
are willing to be a little more flexible.
CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20
Capricorn, look forward to the weeks
ahead, as some good news is on the
horizon. Allow others around you to
share in the good times ahead.
LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23
A disagreement at work has you unsure
about what side to support, Libra. Stay
neutral for the time being until you can
get a better grasp of the situation.
AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18
Aquarius, revisit your career goals
this week. Even if your goals seem
ever-changing, it can be productive to
reexamine them from time to time.
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22
Scorpio, focus on issues at work this
CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22
week. Channel your energy into proVarious responsibilities require your ductivity at the office, and know that
full attention this week, Cancer. Don’t there will be time to daydream down
be afraid to accept some help so you can the road.
get everything done on time.
PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20
Keep things simple this week, Pisces.
You will have a lot on your plate in the
days ahead, but it’s nothing you can’t
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21
Gemini, you are up to your ears in work
and you can’t see the light at the end of
the tunnel just yet. Rest assured that it’s
there, but it could take a few more days
in the trenches.
Crossword Answers
27. DWTS host
33. In a way, smoked
34. Peat moss source
35. W. African nation Sierra
36. Cocoa plum tree
41. Holiday (informal)
44. Venezuelan capital
46. DWTS hostess
48. Hideouts
50. Actress Lupino
51. The content of cognition
53. Point one point N of due
55. Plunder a town
59. No. Albanian dialect
60. No (Scottish)
61. Blatted
64. X2 = a Pacific tourist
65. AKA option key
66. Angelina’s spouse
67. “Wedding Crashers”
68. Grassland, meadow
69. Laughing to self (texting)
1. Licenses TV stations
2. Metal-bearing mineral
27. ‘__ death do us part
28. A single unit
29. A siemens
30. Prohibition
31. V. William’s clothing
32. Scotland’s poet’s initials
37. Auto
38. Single spot card in a
39. Crow sound
40. Former CIA
42. Factory where arms are
43. Radioactive unit
44. Scoundrel
45. Freshwater duck genus
47. 9 decades
48. Makes tractors
49. 55120
51. Southeast Nigeria
52. Arab sailing vessel
54. Hay bundle
56. Blood type
57. Driver compartment
58. “Das Kapital” author
62. Consume food
63. Dental degree
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
History, from pg. 8________________________________________________
Classified Ads
Before campaigning for
president, Obama exTo place an ad in classified call 918-783-5657 or mail your ad to P. O. Box 88, Adair, OK pressed doubts about the
74330, or e-mail to All classified business ads are $6 per inerrancy of Scripture.
column inch, with 1 column inch minimum. Business ads come with a border and a tinted
background if preferred. All other ads are $4.50 per 20 words or less and $.10 per word
thereafter. All ads must be paid in advance of publication.
--------------------------------Taurus .410 & .45LC pistol
Wanted: Cars, old
and ammo $425. .22 mag
If you have 15 hrs per week
appliances, scrap
derringer $75. 22 Star semiyou would like to make
auto $125. DMPS Panther
metal, clean-up
productive, work out of the
LR 308 AP4 - case, scope, home using your computer &
farm dumps,
bi-pod, two 19 round mags
develop $1,000/mo income,
call Bob
$1500. Never been fired.
with a very
CASH Only Call Elektra prominent world corporation,
excellent fringe benefits...
--------------------------------GO TO:
White Sears Kitchen
Range, works excellent,
30” wide. Gas. $75. Call
White Harvest seed is open
pollinated organic seed
40 variety for 50.00 shipping is 5.00 +
Have organic corn seed
$20.00 a pound
Water containers 275gal.
food grade is 110.00
Military sleeping bags
Gray $50.00
918-402-6629 or fkiker@
Same business location 44 years.
New pools, remodeling,
restoring, Kool-Deck cleaning,
repair, refinishing.
Specialing in difficult jobs
hillsides, etc. We also do lake
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New Gov’t Programs Threaten to
Confiscate Savings
Written by Damon Geller
In his latest State of the
Union address, Obama
shocked Congress with
his proposal to tax college
savings plans to pay for
his new programs. His
proposal is nothing more
than confiscation-throughtaxation, and it comes on
the heels of a number of
alarming government programs to confiscate citizen
savings & retirement. The
United States and governments across the globe
are increasingly turning
to private wealth confiscation in order to manage their massive debts
and maintain their power
structure. Throughout
America, police seize cash
from innocent citizens
without ever charging
them with a crime. Bankers conspire with the IRS
to seize the accounts of
innocent citizens with
no notification, no court
order, and no charge of
crimes. The IMF proposes global wealth confiscation as a means of
funding bankrupt governments. And Congress
passes controversial new
laws to make your savings & retirement a prime
target for confiscation. So
if you want to protect your
hard-earned savings, the
time to act is NOW!
The U.S. Gov’t Is
Going Bankrupt
Desperate government
officials will always resort to expropriation,
be it through excessive
taxation, inflation, debt
accumulation, deficits,
or outright confiscation.
With the Federal Reserve
currently buying 90% of
the U.S. Treasury market
(and going insolvent doing
so), who do you think the
government will lean on
to finance the debt when
the Fed runs out of ammo?
The answer is YOU. In
fact, the U.S. government
has made several highly
controversial moves to
make your savings & retirement accounts a prime
target for confiscation!
They’re using legislation
and authoritarian power in
collusion with the modern
financial system to gain
access to your private assets in the name of “protection”, “security” or
“national emergency.” But
in reality, your savings &
wealth are being targeted
as a revenue source.
Obama Wants
Your Savings &
In back-to-back State of
The Union addresses,
Obama announced new
initiatives aimed at getting
to your savings & retirement money. Obama’s
latest proposal is to tax
citizens’ college savings
plans to pay for new programs, such as making the
first two years of community college free. So hardworking Americans will
now have a portion of their
children’s college savings
confiscated through new
taxation. This comes right
on the heels of Obama’s
previous initiative: the
MyRA. MyRA means
your retirement money
Page 11
will now be used to pay
for U.S. debt. The MyRA
is nothing more than an investment scam being sold
to the American people as
a you-can’t-lose, zero-risk
investment. But in reality, the Fed can’t conjure
up money from thin air to
buy the debt anymore, and
our foreign friends don’t
want our debt anymore,
so Obama needs YOU to
finance the debt.
FATCA Gives the
IRS Worldwide
The Foreign Account
Tax Compliance Act, or
FATCA, took effect in
2014. FATCA requires
foreign banks to disclose
the identity and details of
Americans with foreign
accounts. Foreign Financial Institutions must
report our account numbers, balances, names,
addresses, and U.S. identification numbers. If
they do not, they will
receive a FATCA letter
warning them to comply,
or else. What happens
if a financial institution
doesn’t comply with U.S.
demands? FATCA cuts
off companies from access
to critical U.S. financial
markets if they fail to
pass along American data
– tantamount to financial
warfare against many of
our own allies. Fearing the wrath of the U.S.
government, more than
100 nations have agreed
to the law, including the
Vatican! Even Russia and
China have been intimidated into signing on.
In a 2006 “Call to Renewal” keynote address
in Washington, he said:
“Even those who claim the
Bible’s inerrancy make
distinctions between scriptural edicts – sensing that
some passages are central
to Christian faith, while
others are more culturally specific and may be
modified to accommodate
modern life.”
tination has something
to do with being a ‘good
father’ to his children and
transferring values he got
from his atheist mother,”
before concluding Obama
“doesn’t have a clue as
to what it means to be a
Obama’s true faith?
Obama himself has often
sparked questions about
his true faith.
prayed in a mosque –
something the then-presidential candidate said he
never did. Obama’s campaign released a statement
explaining the senator had
never been a “practicing
Widely distributed reports
noted that in January 1968,
Obama was registered as a
Muslim at Jakarta’s Roman Catholic Franciscus
Assisi Primary School
under the name Barry
Soetoro. He was listed
as an Indonesian citizen
whose stepfather, listed
on school documents as
“L Soetoro Ma,” worked
for the topography department of the Indonesian
During his first presidential campaign he referred
to his “Muslim faith” and
In his memoir, “Audacity continued to speak until
of Hope,” Obama said he an interviewer interjected,
believed in the evolution “Christian faith.”
of man from primates and
did not believe, “as many “My Christian faith”
evangelicals do,” that the Obama repeated before
After attending the Assisi
Bible is without error.
Primary School, Obama
Essentially calling most In February 2012, Rev. was enrolled – also as
Catholics hypocrites, Franklin Graham revealed a Muslim, according to
Obama accused Chris- that President Obama con- documents – in the Besuki
tians of routinely modify- fided to him and his father Primary School, a public
ing their doctrinal beliefs during a recent visit to school in Jakarta.
for personal or political North Carolina: “I don’t
The Loatze blog, run by
reasons, “Which is why go to church.”
an American expatriate
the majority of Catholics
“I have no idea what he in Southeast Asia who
practice birth control.”
really believes,” Graham visited the Besuki school,
He added that he viewed said during an appearance noted: “All Indonesian
students are required to
the biblical condemna- on MSNBC.
study religion at school,
tion of homosexuality as
confined to “an obscure The following is a 2007 a n d a y o u n g ‘ B a r r y
Obama campaign flyer Soetoro,’ being a Muslim,
line in Romans.”
that describes the future would have been required
In a 2004 Chicago Sun- president as a “committed to study Islam daily in
Times interview, Obama Christian” who believes in school.
the “power of prayer”:
“He would have been
“I am a Christian. I’m Leftist Bill Maher, host taught to read and write
rooted in the Christian of HBO’s “Real Time,” Arabic, to recite his
tradition. I believe that doubted Obama is a prac- prayers properly, to read
and recite from the Quran
there are many paths to the ticing Christian.
and to study the laws of
same place, and that is a
belief that there is a higher “I just don’t believe it,” he Islam.”
power, a belief that we are said in 2012.
Indeed, in his autobiogconnected as a people.
That there are values that Maher suspects the presi- raphy, “Dreams From
My Father,” Obama actranscend race or culture, dent is an atheist.
knowledged studying the
that move us forward, and
there’s an obligation for Former GOP presidential Quran and described the
all of us individually as contender Rick Santo- public school as “a Muswell as collectively to take rum said Obama follows lim school.”
responsibility to make a “phony theology” not
based on the Bible and “In the Muslim school, the
those values lived.”
preached by radicals, hav- teacher wrote to tell mothWND CEO Joseph Farah ing learned such by at- er I made faces during
wondered in his column tending the Trinity United Quranic studies,” wrote
in October 2008, “Many Church of Christ in Chica- Obama.
paths to the same place?” go for 20 years and listening to the sermons of the The Los Angeles Times,
“This is the antithesis radical leftist Rev. Jeremy which sent a reporter to Jaof what Jesus reveals in Wright, the president’s karta, quoted Zulfin Adi,
who identified himself as
Scripture, for example, former pastor.
among Obama’s closest
in John 14:6: ‘Jesus saith
unto him, I am the way, Obama said the title of his childhood friends, stating
the truth, and the life: no 2006 memoir, “The Au- the presidential candidate
man cometh unto the Fa- dacity of Hope,” was in- prayed in a mosque, somespired by one of Wright’s thing Obama’s campaign
ther, but by me.’”
claimed he never did.
Farah also noted, “Obama
says he prays regularly. Shortly after the attacks on In a free-ranging interBut look how he describes Sept. 11, 2001, Wright de- view with the New York
that process: ‘It’s not for- clared “America’s chick- Times, Obama described
mal, me getting on my ens are coming home to the Muslim call to prayer
as “one of the prettiest
knees. I think I have an roost.”
sounds on Earth at sunongoing conversation with
God. … I’m constantly Wright also sermonized, set.”
asking myself questions “God damn America —
about what I’m doing, that’s in the Bible — for The Times’ Nicholos
why I am doing it. The killing innocent people. Kristof wrote Obama rebiggest challenge, I think, God damn America, for cited, “with a first-class
is always maintaining treating our citizens as less [Arabic] accent,” the
opening lines of the Musthan human.”
your moral compass.’
lim call to prayer.
“So whom,” Farah asked, Obama has long denied he
The first few lines of the
“is he talking to in these was ever a Muslim.
call to prayer state:
conversations? He’s talking to himself! He’s talk- But as WND reported,
ing to his under-developed public records in Indoconscience – the one that nesia listed Obama as a Allah is Supreme!
told him it was the right Muslim during his early Allah is Supreme!
thing to do to prevent doc- years, and a number of Allah is Supreme! Allah
tors and nurses from of- childhood friends claimed is Supreme!
fering life-saving support to the media Obama was I witness that there is no
to babies born alive after once a mosque-attending god but Allah
botched abortions.”
I witness that there is no
god but Allah
As for the afterlife, Farah A Los Angeles Times I witness that Muhammad
also observed that Obama report quoted a child- is his prophet …
“suggests his eternal des- hood friend stating Obama
Page 12 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 11 , 2015
Sarge’s Day
On Saturday, January 31st,
the Oklahoma Veterinary
Medical Association inducted Sarge into the Oklahoma
Animal Hall of Fame. I had
the privilege of knowing
Sarge before he was transformed into the dog who is
now the official
therapy dog at the
Norman Veteran’s
Center. His transformation is a
testament to what
can happen when
a snarly, growly,
nippy schnauzer
truly gets a second
with Sarge, he looked me in
the eye and quietly said “I
know what it means to get a
second chance. I spent two
years on death row”. No
I do not know what he did
- - I do know it happened 40
years ago and he is a Viet
Nam vet.
The Dogs of Lexington is on youtube - - 43 minutes long - - submitted by John
Otto. The stories
are compelling.
It was nominated
for a Heartland it
to draw your own
conclusions, But Saturday,
I watched as Sarge stood at
attention for the presentation, jumped in the laps of
the veterans who were there
and showed all of us the joy
that comes when a growly
dog is transformed into a
loving dog.
He spent several months living with Mr.
Miller at the maximum security prison in Lexington,
Ok. 24 hrs per day/ 7 days a
week - - they were together.
Mr. Miller slowly, patiently
brought out the real Sarge
- - a quiet, happy, loving,
non-nipping, non-growling
bundle of love who shows
that affection every day to Kay Stout Executive Directhe residents at the Center. tor e: director@paasvinita.
Each time I see him, I get a com C: 918-256-7227
huge lump in my throat.
Kay Stout, Director
When I thanked Mr. Miller PAAS Vinita
for the work he had done
Mardi Paws Benefit for
Second Chance Pet Rescue
Don’t miss the Mardi Paws
Benefit and Dinner on Saturday, February 21st, at Big Shots
Nightclub on Monkey Island.
It’s a colorful and fun entertainment experience - all to raise
funds for Second Chance Pet
Rescue of Grand Lake.
Dance to live music provided
by Mike Barham Honky Tonk
Prophets. Indulge in a delicious
Cajun Buffet prepared by The
Shebang Restaurant. Bid by
silent auction on unique and
fun items donated by local merchants and individuals. Be the
lucky winner to secure two or
four One-Day Fairway Passes
to the 97th PGA Championship
at Whistling Straits in Kohler,
Wisconsin (August 13 through
August 15, 2015); or win the bid
for a wine-filled weekend for two
in Napa Valley, California, includes hotel and airfare (Friday,
October 9 - Monday, October 12,
2015). More information about
these two vacation packages
and other Silent Auction items
is available on Second Chance’s
website at www.doitforthepets.
com. Be sure not to miss out on
this year’s Mardi Paws Silent
Auction charity event.
Doors to Mardi Paws will open
at 6 pm to begin the evening’s
festivities. But hurry - limited
seating! Tickets are $50 per person to be purchased in advance
at Second Chance Thrift Shop
located at 220 E. 3rd Street; Second Chance Pet Rescue animal
Get your ad in
The Banner
shelter located 2 miles east of
downtown Grove on Highway
10; Dar-Lynn Embroidery at 203
S. Center Street; or online tickets
available via the website www.
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night of fun and entertainment
to support Second Chance Pet
Rescue of Grand Lake.
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