The NECEA News February 2014 New England Claim Executives Association, Est. 1930 Issue # 81 FEB 2015 NECEA was founded in 1930 to promote professionalism among claims people in the New England Region. Officers Roster 2014-2015 Vincent Farricielli - Treasurer 203 985 8000 Robert Asci - Treasurer 617 921 1139 Joyce Recchia –Steward 860 480 8604 Frank Puopolo - Webmaster 978 646 9600 Bob Partridge - Golf Chairman 860 951 6387 Lisa’s husband, NECEA Past President Bill Mullen, spoke of the connection he and Lisa had to the Connecticut insurance industry through their associations with the NECEA and Blue Goose. Bill led us in a toast to her memory. President Farricielli announced that the NECEA was making a donation to “A Day For Dez” in honor of Lisa. The evening’s guest speaker was NECEA member Tom Mierzwa, PE of LWG Consulting and his topic was “Weather related damage to roofing systems’. Paula Pelletier – Scholarships & Charity He reviewed some of the most common roofing systems, ranging from the high slope systems (asphalt shingles, metal, wood, tile) to the low slope systems such as the single ply roofs (EPDM, TPO, PVC) and low slope asphalt systems (Built Up and Modified 860-418-7740 Dan Rich – Communication Chairman 860 841 7833 February Meeting Recap Last night’s NECEA meeting drew 30 members and guests to Costa Del Sol. President Vince Farricielli called the meeting to order and asked the crowd to remember NECEA member Lisa Mullen who passed away on January 18th. Bitumen). He related these systems to how they are damaged by hail or tornados, and how various installation defects may contribute to the failure of the roofing systems. , 2015 when our guest speakers will be Randall Hayes and Joe Andriola of O'Connell, Attmore His wide ranging and very informative presentation also mentioned roof ballast, insulation boards, building codes, flashings, vents, ice/water shield, roofing installation methods, and ice dams. He ended his presentation with some interesting case studies of Low Slope Roofing failures he has consulted on. President Faricielli thanked Tom for his excellent presentation and also thanked member John Mastroianni for delivering the toys collected at our Christmas Party. Next Month’s Meeting The NECEA’s next meeting will feature a presentation on one of the “hot button” issues facing the insurance community – Cyber Liability. The meeting will be on March 10 when our guest speakers will be Randall Hayes and Joe Andriola of O'Connell, Attmore & Morris, LLC. NECEA 2014-15 Schedule March 10, 2015 Dinner Meeting Speakers Randall Hayes and Joe Andriola O'Connell, Attmore & Morris, LLC Topic: Cyber Liability Costa Del Sol April 8, 2015 All Industry Night Charity Benefit Aquaturf Club May 19, 2015 NECEA Golf & Annual Meeting Glastonbury Hills . NECEA Membership Application When completed forward to President of NECEA [ ] Regular Membership [ ] Associate Membership --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: _____________________________________ Company: __________________________________ Title: ______________________________________ Years in Claims: _______ Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ Telephone __________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ All new members must be sponsored by two regular members. Sponsor Name: _____________________________ Sponsor Name: _____________________________ All new membership applications are subject to review and approval by the NECEA Membership Committee, Executive Officers & General Membership Signature of Applicant _____________________ Date of Application________________________ Questions? Contact Vincent Farricielli 203 985 8000
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