16/02 2015 10:49 FAX 022+24925900 GREAT EASTERN SHIPPING C ]001/002 A-/. _ _ ....„-- ---= THE-GREAT-EASTER-1'1- -SHIPPING COMPANY LIMITED L35110111111948PLC006472 OCEAN HOUSE, 134/A, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Ubdi, Mumbai - 400 018, INDIA. Tel. +91(22)CIM: 6661 3000/2492 2100 Fax: +91(22) 2492 5900 Our Ref.: S/21/2015/JMT February 16, 2015 Bombay Stock Exchange i st Floor, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, MUMBAI - 400 001 Fax No.22723121/3719 Dear Sir, We wish to inform you that the Company has signed a contract to sell, a 1996-built Capesize Dry Bulk Carrier "Jag Arjun" 1164,796 dwl). The vessel will be delivered to the buyers during Q4 2014-15. A Press Release to be issued in this connection is enclosed. You are requested to kindly take note of the above. Thanking You, Yours faithfully, For The Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ud. 0«»k «t,« Jayesh M.,d„«i Vice President (Secl. & Legal) & Company Secretary CC: National Stock Exchange, Mumbai Fax No. 26598237/66418124/25/26 CC: Wholesale Debt Market, National Stock Exchange, Mumbai Fax No. 26598238 Luxembourg Stock Exchange, LUXEMBOURG. ost@bourse.lu CC: www.greatship.coril 1 10002/002 B 1 N ER ST EA COMPANY LIMITED THE GREAT SHIPPING CHN: L351 10MH1948PLC006472 2100 Fax : +91(22) 2498 5335 OCEAN HOUSE, 134/A, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400 018. IMDIA, Tel.. +91(22) 6661 3000 / 2492 PRESS RELEASE G E Shipping contracts to sell 0 Capesize Bulk Carrier g) signed a contract to sell, a 1996-built E -1-he Great Eastern Shipping Conipany Ltd. (G Shippin The vessel will be delivered to the buyers Capcsize i.91·y Bulk Carrier 'Vag Arjun" (164,796 dwt). during the Q4 2014-15. comprising 21 tankers (8 crude cari·iers, 12 -Lhe Colilpany's current fleet slailds at· 30 ves<els, rs (1 Capesize, 3 Kaimsarmax, 5 Supranlax) product tank.ers. 1 LPG carrier) and 9 dry bulk catrie 5 dwt. The current orderbook coiliprises wit]i an average uge of ]0.6 years aggregating 2.45 mn bulk carriers and 1 product tanker. Place: MUMBAI Date: 16 l''ebruary, 20 15 ------ Visit us at www.greatship.com ------atship.com For further details, please email us at: corp_comm@gre
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