February 2015 Dear Colleague, The

 February 2015 Dear Colleague, The Leadership of the California Center for Early Childhood Mental Health will be offering a pilot series for endorsed Reflective Practice Facilitators I and II across a 9-­‐month period to deepen their skills and allow them to develop the hours needed to become Reflective Facilitator Mentors. The groups will be limited to 6-­‐8 people and individuals will need to commit to the entire 9 months of 2 hour skype-­‐style mentoring calls. These calls will be facilitated by an experienced mentor-­‐level Reflective Practice Facilitator to deepen understanding of the reflective practice process, to address issues and concerns that come up in reflective practice sessions, and to help individuals to develop the skills and experience required to be a RPM. This consultation will meet part of the requirements for endorsement as a RPM (18 hours of required consultation) under the California Training Guidelines and Personnel Competencies. The cost is $900 for 9 months and there will be no refunds for missed sessions or cancellations. The groups will begin in March and run through November of 2015. We are inviting a select group of people who are already endorsed as Reflective Facilitator I and II to participate in this pilot project. This pilot is limited to two groups of 6-­‐8, and individuals will be selected on a first come first served basis. The groups will be offered on the second Monday of every month from 9 -­‐11 am or 12-­‐2 pm. If you are interested please complete the attached form and mail with your check to the following address by February 20, 2015. Mailing Address: WestEd, Attn: Angela Fernandez, 1000 G Street, Suite 500, Sacramento, CA 95814. Sincerely, Virginia Reynolds on behalf of the CA Center LEADERSHIP TEAM
Marie Kanne Poulsen, Ph.D.
University of Southern California
University Center for Excellence
in Developmental Disabilities
at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Mary Claire Heffron, Ph.D.
Children’s Hospital &
Research Center at Oakland
Division of Developmental and
Behavioral Pediatrics
Maurine Ballard-Rosa, Ph.D.
California State University,
Sacramento, Department
of Special Education,
Rehabilitation, School
Psychology and Deaf Studies
Barbara Stroud, Ph.D.
Barbara Stroud Training
& Consultation
Patsy Hampton, M.R.A.
Project Director
WestEd Center for Prevention
and Early Intervention
Karen Moran Finello, Ph.D.
Project Director
WestEd Center for Prevention
and Early Intervention
Virginia L. Reynolds, M.A.
Program Director
WestEd Center for Prevention
and Early Intervention
1000 G Street, Suite 500 | Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 492-4000 | www.cacenter-ecmh.org | info@cacenter-ecmh.org