OFFICIAL Day 1 24 February BEST NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH W IN N E R Residential Property Law Family Law Criminal Law Contract and Commercial Law Day 2 25 February Commercial Property Law Private Client Law Employment Law Civil Litigation Law Agenda SJ Live 24 & 25 February 2015 CCT Venues Canary Wharf I London Law Firm Management Speaker Biographies Join now SJ Live, the award-winning legal event 6 CPD hours for only £120 + VAT 020 7549 8673 #sjlive Residential Property DAY 1 24 February 08:30Registration 11:10 Morning refreshments 09:00 Introduction to residential property law 11:40 Lender exchange (1hr) Speaker: Megan Tyler, Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) Speaker: Paul Tobias, Solicitor (ret’d), Lecturer Life has never been so difficult for conveyancers and of particular importance is the relationship with lenders. Next to contend with is “Lender Exchange”. • What is it? A look at the issue of multiple lenders asking for similar information from law firms in for management of their conveyancing panels. • Are there any benefits? Possibly for the lenders but for conveyancers? • Law Society and CML views and reservations • Why has lender exchange come about, are many lenders involved how much will it cost you and how will this impinge on panel membership generally? • How do you apply, what information do you need to supply and how confidential is the scheme? • Is it time to opt for separate representation entirely? • A word about “VEYO”? Presented as the “Home of Conveyancing” Will it be secure, efficient, how will it work – what could possibly go wrong? • A look at the appeal decision in AIB v Mark Redler [2014] and how the courts view damages for breach of trust 09:10 Case law update 2014 (1hr) Speaker: Paul Tobias, Solicitor (ret’d), Lecturer This year has produced a number of important cases for conveyancers, although often in the heat of battle the busy practitioner cannot find the time to look at them in any detail. We will note some of these: On easements and covenants • Donovan v Rana [ 2014] EWCA Civ 99 • Emmet v Sisson [2014] EWCA Civ 64 • Yeung v Potel [2014] EWCA Civ 481 • Coventry v Lawrence [2014] UKSC 1 • Morningside [2014] UKUT 70(LC) Liability of conveyancers to lenders in negligence • E.Surv v Goldsmith Williams Solicitors [2014] EWHC 1104 (Ch) • Santander v RA Legal [2014] EWCA Civ 183 On leases • Youssefi v Mussellwhite [2014] EWCA Civ 885 • Marks and Spencer plc v BNP Paribas [2014] EWCA Civ 603 • Leasehold Reform (Amendment) Act 2014 On squatting • Best v Chief Land Registrar [2014] EWHC 1370 On Party Wall Agreements • Dillard v F & C [2014] EWHC 1219 • Patel v Peters [2014] EWCA Civ 335 Plus any up-to-date breaking news… 10:10 Co-ownership update (1hr) Speaker: Adrian Carr, Barrister, Tanfield Chambers This session will explore the up-to-date position on co-ownership of land, with particular emphasis on the practicalities for both contentious and non-contentious lawyers who are considering: Adrian Carr, Barrister, Tanfield Chambers • Types of co-ownership: joint tenancy and tenancy in common in law and express, resulting/implied and constructive trusts in equity • Express trusts: declarations of trust, formalities, practical differences between joint tenancy and tenancy in common and severance • Trusts imposed by law: implied/resulting and constructive trusts, identification of nature of trust and equitable accounting between beneficiaries • Impact of Stack v Dowden and Jones v Kernott: where Stack and Kernott principles apply and do not apply, co-ownership in commercial enterprises, co-ownership between friends and subsequent change in beneficiaries’ intentions 12:40 Top Ten Tips when Buying New Build Property (1hr Speakers: Karen Webb, Partner - Head of Residential Property and New Homes, Coffin Mew Hedley Winter, Business Development Manager – New Homes, Coffin Mew • Help to Buy – process, procedures and pit falls • Quoting for New Build – do you know the site, are you charging sufficient fees. • Know your client – money laundering and identification issues • Plans and Specifications – when is it acceptable for these to be changed. • Amendments to standard contract documents – can you ask for changes? • Planning Permissions and Planning Agreements – satisfaction of conditions • Road and Sewers – who will maintain. What do you need to report to the lender • Lender Requirements – How well do you know the CML Handbook, reporting incentives. Reservation deposits, • Completion Dates – completion notices, mortgage expiry, completion statements. • Stamp Duty Land Tax – what are the implications of extras or upgrades ordered by your client 13:40Lunch 14:40 Easements (1hr) Speaker: Malcolm Dowden, Consultant, Charles Russell LLP • Acquiring rights through long user • Abandonment: how long is too long? • Remedies for unlawful interference: is an injunction still the default position? • Change of use: will your easements survive? 15:40 Afternoon tea 16:10 Covenants (1hr) Speaker: Malcolm Dowden, Consultant, Charles Russell LLP • Restrictive covenants: how do you determine whether they are enforceable? • Remedies for breach: can you buy your way out of trouble? • Positive covenants: is the benefit and burden principle making a comeback? • Modification and discharge 17:10 Close of day one BOOK TODAY VISIT US AT Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Family DAY 1 24 February 08:45Registration 09:15 Family law update (1.5hrs) Speaker: Simon Bruce, Partner, Farrer & Co • Income cases • Capital cases • Funding of costs • Emergency remedies • Expert evidence • Illegally obtained documents •Non-disclosure 10:45 Morning refreshments 11:15 Pensions Reform – What it meant for you (1.5hrs) Speaker: Margaret de Valois, FIA, Actuary • Budget 2014: Will you really be able to buy a Lamborghini with your pension pot? • Providing a pension as an employer • Joining a pension, workplace or private, the pros and cons 12:45Lunch 13:45 Ante-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements (1.5hrs) Speaker: Simon Bruce, Partner, Farrer & Co • The Law Commission report • How the court is dealing with pre-nups post Radmacher • The impact of the European Maintenance Regulation • Post-nuptial agreements • Settlement agreements • Arbitration agreements 15:15 Afternoon tea 15:45 Child law update (1.5hrs) Speaker: Ruth Cabeza, Specialist international family law barrister, Field Court Chambers This lecture will provide a general update on significant changes in substantive law and practice across the board in private and public law children cases and will include: • The Family Court – practical impact for court users • Child Arrangement Orders – update on case law • Care cases and the 26 – week rule – update on case law post B-S • Abduction – review of recent Supreme Court cases 17:15 Close of day one Find out more: Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Criminal DAY 1 24 February 08:30Registration 09:00 Regulatory and Corporate Offending: Sentencing Update (1.5hrs) Speaker: Mark Watson, Barrister, Six Pump Court • The draft Sentencing Council Guideline on Health & safety offences, corporate manslaughter and food safety and hygiene offences • Recent health & safety, food safety and fire safety sentencing cases • Recent Proceeds of Crime Act cases in regulatory field Speaker: Christopher Badger, Barrister, Six Pump Court • Changes in sentencing following R v Sellafield; R v Network Rail • The environmental sentencing guideline • Corporate manslaughter update • Other recent sentencing developments in regulatory law 10:30 15:30 Update on the Criminal Procedure Rules (1.5hrs) Speaker: Narita Bahra, Barrister, Jonathan Laidlaw QC • Introduction to Criminal Procedure Rules • The overriding objective • Court case management powers and Criminal Practice Directions 2013 • Discussion on particular areas for example rules 2736 which cover hearsay, bad character and special measures • Set exercises/Q&As on the above 17:00 Close of Day One Total 6 hours training Morning Refreshments 11:00 Mental health issues at the police station (1.5 hrs) Speakers:Francis Fitzgibbon, QC and Kirsty Brimelow, QC, Doughty Street Chambers • Familiarity with signs of mental illness/impairment • The custody record • ‘Mentally vulnerable offenders’: PACE Code C • Role of mental health professionals 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Implications of getting it wrong at the police station (1.5hrs) Speaker: Peter Bartlett, Practising criminal defence advocate and member of the Duty Solicitor scheme • The right to silence – a crucial choice • Mental illness and capacity – the advisors role • The prepared statement – the importance of content and timing 15:00 Afternoon tea Find out more: Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Contract & Commercial DAY 1 24 February 08:45Registration 15:15 Afternoon tea 09:15 Best practice for outsourcing contracts 15:45 Commercial contracts: lessons from the last 12 months (1.5hrs) Speaker: Sam De Silva, Partner, Penningtons Manches LLP • Considering the appropriateness of post-contract verification • Latest developments in limitations and exclusions of liability • Getting the benchmarking provisions right • Ensuring a balanced approach to step-in rights • Best practice for contract renewals and exit management. Speaker: Mark Lucas, Partner, Barlow Robbins • How to interpret • How to draft and how not to draft • Developments and trends in the law 17:15 Close of conference 10:45 Morning refreshments 11:15 New Consumer Rights Act (1.5hrs) Speaker: Matthew Gough, Partner, Eversheds LLP • Introduction and background to this significant change to consumer law • Changes applying to the supply of goods, including new statutory remedies • The supply of services to consumers and the key changes in consumer law • Digital products and the new specific laws applying to the supply of such products • Unfair contract terms and important changes • Summary of the key changes 12:45Lunch 13:45 Insolvency: The top ten things every commercial lawyer needs to know (1.5hrs) Speaker: Steven Allinson, Consultant Solicitor and Licensed Insolvency Practitioner, Lester Aldridge • The test of Insolvency - recent legal developments • Administration; when to use and the steps to undertake • Pre –packaged Administrations-how to ensure the creditors are onside • Secured Creditors and Insolvency: what role should they play • Company Voluntary Arrangements - an underused rescue procedure • Directors and Insolvency: understanding their risks • Buying from an Insolvency Practitioner; what should be in the agreement • Challenges by the Insolvency Practitioner: are your agreements at risk? BOOK TODAY 6 CPD HOURS FOR ONLY £120 Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Commercial Property DAY 2 25 February 08:30Registration 15:00 Afternoon tea 09:00 Update (1.5 hrs) 15:30 Environmental issues (1.5hrs) Speaker: Lina Mattsson, Barrister, Hardwicke Speaker: Malcolm Dowden, Consultant, Charles Russell LLP • Contaminated land: what effect will removal of local authority funding have on clean-up costs? • Contaminated land exclusion tests • Understanding environmental permits • Enforcement, prosecutions and civil sanctions An update of commercial property law with a look at tenants’ applications for a new tenancy and landlords’ grounds for refusal under the 1954 Act and then moving onto forfeiture and Section 146 notices • Applying for a new tenancy - Lie v Mohile considered • Grounds for refusing a new tenancy –Youssefi v Mussellwhite considered • The requirements of s 146 notices – Anders v Haralambous considered • Forfeiture – peaceful re-entry v possession proceedings, tactics and considerations 17:00 Close of conference 10:00 Solving title problems with defective title indemnity insurance (1hr) Speaker: Robert Kelly, Commercial Business Development Manager, Stewart Title • When to use Defective Title Insurance? • Tailoring the Policy wording to your clients’ needs • Reporting to your client on their obligations under a policy • Taking the benefit of an existing Defective Title policy 11:00 Morning refreshments 11:30 Operating break clauses (1.5 hrs) Speaker: John de Waal, QC, Hardwicke • Successfully operating break clauses on behalf of your client • Service of notice • Complying with conditions – vacant possession; material compliance with covenants • Payment and recovery of rent 13:00Lunch 14:00 Unenforceable guarantees: AGAS, SAGAS, and GAGAS (1hr) BOOK TODAY 6 CPD HOURS FOR ONLY £120 Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Private Client DAY 2 25 February 08:45Registration Speaker: Jonathan Auburn, Barrister, 39 Essex Street Chambers 09:15 Introduction to private client law 17:25 Close of conference Speaker: Daniel Curran, Managing Director, Finders International Probate Genealogists 09:25 Wills and Probate update (1.5 hrs) Speaker: Constance McDonnell, Barrister, 3 Stone Building This session will analyse recent case law concerning: • Challenges to the validity of wills • 1975 Act claims • Removal of trustees and PRs 10:55 Morning refreshments 11:25 Domicile and succession – (1.5hrs) Speaker: Jo Summers, Partner, PWT Advice • Determining domicile for succession purposes • Other countries’ concept of domicile • Dealing with conflicts of law • Will EU certification of succession help or hinder? • Will drafting and probate issues 12:55 Alzheimer’s Society – Afternoon introduction to private client law Speaker: Mike Hilder 13:05 Lunch 14:05 Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme (1.5 hrs) Speaker: John Bunker, Tax Solicitor, Lecturer in Wills, Tax, Trusts & Estates, and technical & training leader, Thomas Eggar LLP • The Law Society’s WIQS scheme: what does it mean for drafting Wills in practice? • How can WIQS both help risk management and show a “quality mark” offering? • How does it compare with the STEP Wills Code, introduced in April 2014 following WIQS? • What about the SRA Guidance on Drafting Wills which came out in May? • With so much will “regulation”, what can be learned from WIQS, even if not taken up? 15:35 Afternoon tea 15:55 The Care Bill (1.5hrs) BOOK TODAY 6 CPD HOURS FOR ONLY £120 Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Employment DAY 2 25 February 08:45Registration 15:45 Enforcement of case management orders in the employment tribunal (1.5hrs) 09:15 Holiday Pay: Holidays from hell (1.5hrs) 10:45 Morning refreshments Speaker: Laurence Anstis, Associate Solicitor, (Employment and Business Immigration Law) Boyes Turner LLP • What are the consequences of breach of an employment tribunal’s case management order? • What can you do if your opponent doesn’t comply with an employment tribunal’s case management order? • Does “Mitchell” apply in the employment tribunal? • How can a party obtain relief from sanctions in the employment tribunal? 11:15 Whistleblowing (1.5hrs) 17:15 Close of conference Speaker: Paul Epstein, QC, Cloisters • Holidays and sickness • What is included in calculation of holiday pay – commission, bonuses, overtime etc. • Practical issues – for what period can the employee claim, and where • Risk mitigation for the employer Speaker: Casper Glyn, QC, Cloisters • What now constitutes ‘the public interest’? • Is there still mileage in bringing claims based on breaches of one’s own contract? • What is the result of the abolition of the good faith test for protected disclosures? • Who falls within the new test for vicarious liability? 12:45Lunch 13:45 Shared Parental Leave (1.5hrs) Speaker: Katie Clark, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery UK LLP and Paul McGrath, Associate, McDermott Will & Emery UK LLP • Who is eligible take it? How much leave can each parent take and when? • What process must be followed? • How much of the leave should be paid? And at what level (statutory or enhanced)…? • What protections apply to employees on shared parental leave? • Practical tips on making and dealing with requests for leave 15:15 Afternoon tea BOOK TODAY 6 CPD HOURS FOR ONLY £120 Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Civil Litigation DAY 2 25 February 08:30Registration 15:30 Afternoon tea 09:00 Litigating in the post-Mitchell world (1.5hrs) 16:00Shareholder Rights: review of procedure and case studies (1hr) Speaker: Monty Trent, District Judge • Looking closely at the principles identified in the Mitchell case in the context of the Civil Procedure Rules changes • How have the courts reacted; the winners and losers? • The impact on cost budgeting • 10 ways to avoid sanctions • How to get off the naughty step 10:30 Morning refreshments 11:00 Part 36 and refusing to mediate (PGF II) (1.5hrs) Speaker: John Sykes, Partner, Charles Russell Speechlys LLP and Charlotte Pender, Senior Associate, Charles Russell Speechlys LLP • Outline of Minority Shareholders’ Rights • Unfair Prejudice Petitions – procedure and when to use them/when not to use them • The Principles of Quasi-Partnership • Just and Equitable Winding-up – procedural points • Share valuations • Reasons for the rise in Shareholder Activism 17:00 Close of conference Speaker: Daniel Gatty, Barrister, Hardwicke • Offers to settle under and outside CPR Part 36 • The effects of such offers on costs, if they are accepted and if they are refused • Changes to CPR Part 36 following the Jackson report: The Offers to Settle in Civil Proceedings Order 2013 and the amended CPR 36.14 • The costs consequences of refusing to mediate: PGF II SA v OMFS, Swain Mason v Mills & Reeve and Halsey v Milton Keynes General NHS Trust 12:30Lunch 13:30 Costs update (1hr) Speaker: Master Peter Howorth, Costs Judge, Royal Courts of Justice • Recent key costs decisions • Dealing with proportionality •Budgeting • Provisional assessment • Current problem areas 14:30 Enforcement (1hr) Speaker: Chris Badger, Director of Enforcement & AHCEO, The Sheriffs Office • An overview of High Court Enforcement • Writs of Control • Writs of Possession • Writs of Delivery BOOK TODAY 6 CPD HOURS FOR ONLY £120 Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Law Firm Management DAY 2 25 February 08:30Registration 09:00 Economic outlook for 2015 (1hr) Speaker: To be announced 10:00 Client Satisfaction – the real battleground for independent law firms (45mins) Speaker: Chris Marston, Chief Executive, LawNet • Future of legal services will be fought in the arena of client service • It’s everyone’s job, not a department • What we learned from mystery shopping • What we learned from client satisfaction surveys • The things that matter most: • first impressions • following up •communication • phone skills • Embedding firm-wide cultural change 10:45 Morning refreshments 11:45 Law firm finance (1hr) Speaker: To be announced 12:45Lunch 13:30 Partnerships (45 mins) Speaker: To be announced 14:15 Branding and marketing (45 mins) Speaker: To be announced 15:00 Afternoon tea 15:30 Technology update (45 mins) Speaker: To be announced 16:15 Risk & compliance (1hr) Speaker: To be announced 17:30 Close of conference BOOK TODAY 6 CPD HOURS FOR ONLY £120 Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Agenda SJ Live Speaker Biographies DAY 1 Stephen Allison Narita Bahra Stream: Contract & Commercial Law Day: One Stream: Criminal Law Day: One Stephen has specialised in credit, debt and insolvency work since 1987, and has extensive experience in dealing with the full range of these procedures. Prior to setting up his own consultancy in 2008, he was a Business Recovery and Insolvency partner at a major law firm. He currently undertakes work for Lester Aldridge Solicitors as well as pursuing other projects in the legal, insolvency and credit fields. His client base includes all the major Insolvency and Recovery practices as well as significant national and international companies in the fields of debt recovery. In addition he has had much experience working for HM Revenue and Customs and The Insolvency Service on their recovery work. As well as being a Solicitor Licensed Insolvency Practitioner, he is also an Associate Member of the Association of Property and Fixed Charge Receivers. Christopher Badger Stream: Criminal Law Day: One Christopher Badger has an established practice in commercial regulatory investigations and prosecutions, acting on behalf of corporate and individual defendants and the Crown. High profile cases in which he has recently been instructed include Environment Agency v WB Ltd, the largest environmental case of its kind for the illegal export of waste abroad and Walker & Son (Hauliers) Ltd v Environment Agency [2014] EWCA Crim 100, the leading authority on the construction of ‘knowingly permitting’ in the Environmental Permitting Regulations. He is often asked to provide early stage advice into ongoing investigations, both pre-interview and pre-charge. Recent written advice and lectures have included issues on environmental liabilities for private investors, training on the new Environmental Offences Sentencing Guideline and other topics including the definition of waste and confiscation in environmental prosecutions. “Recommended by Chambers UK 2014 in Environment Law (Band 2)” BOOK TODAY Narita Bahra is a defence barrister specialising in serious crime and fraud. She practises from 2 Hare Court, the Chambers of Jonathan Laidlaw QC. Her experience covers the full spectrum of criminal offences, and in recent years has seen her focus - increasingly as a leading junior - on cases of terrorism, murder, organised crime (including overseas drug cartels, firearms and armed robbery) and serious sexual offences, particularly those involving historic allegations. She has experience of complex fraud (including VAT, banking, boiler room, mortgage and “Ponzi” scheme fraud) and money laundering cases, as well as a thorough knowledge of ancillary proceedings such as criminal confiscation, asset forfeiture and restraint. Narita is also instructed in quasi-criminal and regulatory proceedings, and in particular represents professionals such as accountants, financial advisors and solicitors, as well as senior executives, facing charges relating to dishonesty or corruption in business practices. Recent work includes the successful defence of a client facing a nine count, multiple complainant, historic rape indictment, and an attempted murder case in which the Crown – on the direction of the judge - offered no evidence against her client prior to the conclusion of its case, following Narita’s successful arguments on flawed disclosure. Peter Barlett Stream: Day: One Solicitor admitted 1970 For many years Principal of a General Practice 35 years practise and experience as a criminal defence advocate. Joined Police Station and Court duty schemes at their inception in 1984. Current Court and Police Station Duty scheme membership. Tutored criminal and civil advocacy modules of the Legal Practise Course. Tutor in electives of PSC. Delivered training in Criminal Law, Evidence and Procedure throughout the UK. Accredited Mediator Guest speaker at European Conference of Advocates International (amongst others) VISIT US AT Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Kirsty Brimelow Sam De Silva Stream: Criminal Law Day: One Stream: Contract & Commercial Day: One Kirsty Brimelow QC is a leading practitioner in criminal, international and human rights law, recognized in the legal directories. She is Chairwoman of the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales. She was twice listed in Management Today as one of the most influential women in the UK. She was listed as “lawyer of the week” by the Times. She is contributing author to Lexis Nexis and Westlaw and delivers the annual seminar on criminal law and human rights at the Justice/ Sweet and Maxwell Conference. Currently, she is representing Amnesty International against the Security Services. Simon Bruce Stream: Family Law Day: One Simon is at the pinnacle of the profession. He is one of the most sought out lawyers for prominent individuals needing personal advice. Simon is trained as a mediator, and practises as a collaborative lawyer on international cases. His particular expertise is in advising UK and international individuals, families, trustees, beneficiaries and family offices. His cases often involve complex child-related issues, confidentiality and pre-marital agreements, trusts and tax. Simon’s track record for obtaining the best possible outcome for his clients has seen him involved in the past three family law cases that have reached the Supreme Court. “A phenomenal operator and a dedicated lawyer” (Chambers & Partners, 2013) Dr Sam De Silva is a Partner and the Head of the IT and Outsourcing practice at Penningtons Manches LLP. Sam specialises in IT and telecommunication projects including all forms of cloud computing (SaaS, PaaS and IaaS), outsourcing (IT, BPO and off-shoring), system development and supply, system integration, software licensing, support and service agreements. He is the only private practice lawyer in the UK to be appointed to the EU Commission’s Expert Group on Cloud Computing Contracts. Sam is the UK solicitor representative on the IT Committee of the Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE). At the national level, he is the immediate past Chair of the Law Society’s Technology and Law Reference Group. Sam is on the Global Board of Trustees for the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS). Sam has written and spoken extensively on IT and outsourcing and is regularly called upon by the industry as a thought leader in these areas. He has been interviewed in the press, radio, webinars and on television. Sam is also one of very few UK solicitors who is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (FCIPS), Fellow of the British Computer Society (FBCS) and a Chartered IT Professional (CITP). Sam has post-graduate degrees in information technology and business administration so is well aware of the commercial, business and technical issues facing both users and suppliers of technology. Sam also has in-house industry legal experience having been seconded to Accenture UK as a Senior Legal Counsel. He is recognised as a leading individual for IT in the most recent editions of the Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners directories. As well as being a qualified English law solicitor, Dr De Silva is also a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand and a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia. Margaret de Valois Adrian Carr Stream: Family Law Day: One Stream: Residential Property Day: One Adrian was called to the Bar in 1999 and is a barrister at Tanfield Chambers in London. He specialises in property law with an emphasis on contentious and non-contentious real property, trusts, wills, probate and administration of estates work. Adrian also practises in all aspects of landlord and tenant and is the General Editor of the 3rd Edition (2013) of Tanfield Chambers’ book, Service Charges and Management, one of the leading textbooks on this area of law. Margaret is a high profile and active member of the UK Actuarial Profession, having spent over 18 years advising companies around the world on pension scheme strategy and change. She has experienced life in a variety of City financial services organisations, including two of the “big 4” accounting practises, a well known asset manager and large global bank and now acts as an independent consultant. A keen musician and sports woman, Margaret believes that ensuring people understand pensions is key to getting the retirement culture in the UK right and that a focus on keeping things simple is key. Margaret is elective chair of the Actuarial Profession’s Finance and Investment Research Committee and is a BBC recognised expert on pension policy matters, appearing on TV regularly. She tweets from @devaloispens and blogs at BOOK TODAY 6 CPD HOURS FOR ONLY £120 Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Malcom Dowden Andrew Hedley Stream: Residential Property Day: One Stream: Skills for Lawyers Day: One Qualified in 1994, Malcolm Dowden is a solicitor and accredited legal trainer with extensive experience of property matters. He retains a role as consultant to City law firm Charles Russell, combining that role with training on general property, land law, landlord and tenant, and environmental issues. Malcolm is the author of a Practitioner’s Guide to the Land Registration Act 2002 (EG books, 2004) and a frequent contributor to legal and professional journals including the Estates Gazette and the New Law Journal. Francis Fitzgibbon Stream: Criminal Law Day: One A respected contributor to specialist management publications, authority on strategy and frequent conference keynote speaker, Andrew is the author of The Law Firm Merger: A Leader’s Guide to Strategy & Realisation (2014), Client Strategy in a Changing Legal Market (2011) and Developing Strategic Client Relationships(2008). Andrew holds Fellowships of the Institute of Directors, the Strategic Planning Society, the Chartered Management Institute, Cambridge Marketing College and the Royal Society of Art. Hedley Consulting is recognised as a leading boutique strategy consultancy to the legal sector. Francis FitzGibbon QC is a highly regarded specialist criminal silk, practising at Doughty Street Chambers, London, and Trinity Chambers, Newcastle. He has extensive experience in homicide, fraud, drugs cases and other serious crime. He has consistently featured as a leader in criminal law in Chambers & Partners Directory. Francis is a contributing author for A Practitioner’s Guide to the Law and Regulation of Financial Crime (Sweet & Maxwell 2011). He sits as an Immigration Judge, which has enriched his understanding of human rights law. Matthew Gough Stream: Contract & Commercial Law Day: One Matthew is a Partner in Eversheds Commercial practice group. He specialises in commercial law, particularly in the areas of intellectual property, information technology and commercial contracts. Matthew is rated as a Band 1 Leader in his field by Chambers Guide To The Legal Profession which states that Matthew’s team is “meticulous and immensely practical” and that he is “incredibly dedicated to serving his clients’ interests” and he is also a leader in the Legal 500. a member of the Law Society’s Reference Group on Consumer Law and regularly meets with the Government to discuss the proposed changes in this areas. He is a guest speaker with a number of organisations including UK Trade and Investment and the University Of Bristol’s Msc. BOOK TODAY Andrew Hedley advises law firm leaders on issues of vision, strategy and change. Alongside project engagements, he is a sought-after strategy group guide, partner retreat speaker, workshop facilitator and coach. Mark Lucas Stream: Contract & Commercial Law Day: One Mark Lucas advises on mergers and acquisitions, commercial contracts, shareholder arrangements and partnership law. He really enjoys identifying and achieving the right solutions and outcomes for clients and strongly believes that good service consists of excellent and responsive communication and the creation of long-lasting solutions that reduce complexity, delay and risk. His particular expertise is in advising schools on mergers and in relation to their commercial contracts and other commercial issues. He is the chair of the governing body at a very successful prep school in West Sussex and have served as a member of the Law Society’s Company Law Committee. He is regular contributor to the Solicitors’ Journal, for which he writes a quarterly update on commercial contract law. Dennis Sharpe Stream: Family Law Day: One Dennis was called to the Bar in 1976 and after many years of general common law practice has specialised in family law and, in particular, in cases relating to care proceedings involving children. He also appears in many wardship cases. He has law degrees from the Universities of Exeter and Oxford and is a fluent French speaker having been educated at the French Lycée and St Paul’s. He also has considerable experience of medical issues as they arise in care proceedings for example in what are known as shaken baby cases. He was Counsel for the successful applicant in the Court of Appeal in Re G 2013 EWCA Civ 965, one of the cases that followed on from the Supreme Court in Re B. He also advises in contested probate claims. VISIT US AT Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Paul Tobias Karen Webb Stream: Residential Property Day: One Stream: Day: One Paul qualified as a solicitor and after a stint in local government and a property company ran his own High Street practice for many years dealing with all sorts of property cases. After selling his practice Paul devoted his time to continuing professional development, lectures and webinars to which he is able to bring a good deal of practical experience and a knowledge of what it is like at the “coal face” of conveyancing”. Mark Watson Stream: Criminal Law Day: One “Specialist regulatory barrister shortlisted by Chambers & Partners in 2013 for the Health & Safety Junior of the Year award, having specialised in regulatory law for more than 15 years. Represents regulators and defendants in a broad range of areas, including health & safety, fire safety, maritime safety, environmental law, food safety and consumer protection. Currently instructed in a number of high profile fatal accident cases and serious environmental pollution incidents. Appointed to the Regulatory Panel “A” list.” Karen qualified as a solicitor in 1997 and joined Coffin Mew in 2001. She has been a partner with the firm since 2008. As well as overseeing the Residential Property Team, Karen also heads up the New Homes Team at Coffin Mew which is a team specialising in the purchase of new build properties. She also heads up the developers plot sale team. Karen has over 25 years’ experience of working for developers and housing associations selling new build properties and has previously worked in house for a national developer. Karen is known for her extensive and rounded knowledge of the new homes market from both a developers and plot buyers perspective. This specialism includes knowledge of planning agreements, CML requirements, Help to Buy and other affordable initiatives. Speaker Biographies DAY 2 Laurence Anstis Stream: Employment Law Day: Two Laurie Anstis is a senior associate with Boyes Turner LLP, specialising in employment law and business immigration. Carlyn Weale Stream: Skills for Lawyers Day: One Carlyn Weale is a Solicitor Advocate and an experienced Dispute Resolution Lawyer. He runs the Work/Life/Law employment law blog, sits as a fee-paid employment judge in the Birmingham region and will chair the Law Society’s Employment Law Committee from September 2014. Carlyn was admitted as a solicitor in 2008. She obtained Civil Higher Courts of Audience in early 2013. She is currently studying for a Masters in Advocacy (LLM) at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Carlyn has recently joined the Dispute Resolution Team at Davis Blank Furniss in Manchester in a new role as an advocate and senior solicitor managing her own commercial litigation caseload. She plays an active role in business development and in-house training. BOOK TODAY Jonathan Auburn Stream: Private Client Day: Two Jonathan has a large practice in all areas of community care law (adults and children) for both local authorities and individuals. He has acted in the most important recent cases, including R (KM) v Cambridgeshire CC, Supreme Court, 2012, and Westminster CC v SL, Supreme Court, 2013. Jonathan is rated by Chambers and Partners as the highest ranked junior for community care work. He is also highly ranked for Administrative & Public Law, Local Government Law and Education Law. Jonathan has recently acted in reported cases on care home funding disputes, age assessment disputes, mental capacity cases and SEN cases. He is a co-author of OUP’s new practitioner’s text Judicial Review: Principles and Procedure (2013) and edits the White Book. 6 CPD HOURS FOR ONLY £120 Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Chris Badger John de Waal QC Stream: Civil Litigation Day: Two Stream: Commercial Property Day: Two Chris Badger is responsible for the successful enforcement of High Court writs and the associated legal processes relating of all aspects of High Court enforcement. This includes working closely with the large team of field based enforcement agents, the office-based pre-enforcement team and the in-house Legal department. Chris started his career in High Court enforcement over 12 years ago, prior to the deregulation of Sheriffs in April 2004. He was appointed an Authorised High Court Enforcement Officer by Senior Master Turner in November 2007 and is one of the youngest authorised officers in the country. Chris has significant expertise in dealing with Court applications at the Royal Courts of Justice, including interpleader proceedings, tools of the trade and sale by private treaty applications, as well as a wealth of experience in managing specialist and high profile writ executions. John Bunker Stream: Private Client Law Day: Two John is a freelance lecturer and trainer, who is also Head of Private Client Knowledge Management of Thomas Eggar LLP. With 28 years of experience as a specialist solicitor, John lectures on wills, trusts, estates and inheritance tax planning, seeking to bring subjects alive with enthusiasm and practical insight to illuminate technical issues. For 15 years John was responsible for his firm’s in-house will precedents, then managed the switch to an external provider, and since 2012 is responsible for technical and training within the private client practice group of Thomas Eggar. John de Waal QC specialises in chancery and commercial work with a particular focus on property law and propertyrelated professional negligence. He is regularly instructed in complex property-related litigation in the Chancery Division and Court of Appeal, and has appeared in the House of Lords. John’s professional negligence is mainly focused on defendant work. Paul Epstein Stream: Employment Law Day: Two Paul is an employment and discrimination practitioner. He also practises in commercial and regulatory work. Over the past year he has advised on a number of working time issues. Paul was elected chair of his professional body, the Employment Law Bar Association, for a two-year term in 2009. In 2012, he was elected a bencher of Middle Temple, he was also elected a member of the Employment Lawyers’ Association management committee and became a trained mediator. He teaches advocacy for Middle Temple, lectures widely, including to EU judges at the EU judicial training college in Trier, Germany, and in Poland, and has appeared on radio and television discussing employment matters. As an appellate lawyer Paul has considerable experience, appearing in the EAT, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. As a trial lawyer he is noted for his cross-examination skills. Daniel Gatty Stream: Civil Litigation Day: Two Katie Clark Stream: Employment Law Day: Two Katie Clark is a Partner and Head of the UK Employment Group at McDermott Will & Emery UK LLP. Her clients include global corporations, financial institutions, FTSE 100 companies, manufacturing companies, service providers and start-ups. Katie has experience across the whole spectrum of employment advice, but with particular experience of litigating complex employment disputes, including in relation to team moves, bonus claims and discrimination. She is also an experienced advocate, representing clients before the Employment Tribunal. Katie has been recognised as a leader in her field in the legal directories for a number of years. BOOK TODAY Daniel Gatty specialises in property litigation including landlord and tenant, real property, land registration, mortgages and secured lending, and enfranchisement. He has recently appeared in the Supreme Court in Scott v Southern Pacific Mortgages Ltd (judgment awaited); other reported cases include Mortgage Business plc v O’Shaughnessy [2012] 1 WLR 1521, Franks v Chief Land Registrar [2012] 1 All ER 326, Seeff v Ho [2011] PLSCS 102, Family Mosaic HA v Pimlico School HA [2011] All ER (D) 18 (Dec). Daniel’s practice also encompasses professional negligence (usually property related) and commercial/ Chancery disputes, and he is also an accredited mediator. He is recommended as a leading junior for property litigation in The Legal 500 and Chambers UK. VISIT US AT Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Casper Glyn Chris Marston Stream: Employment Law Day: Two Stream: Law Firm Management Day: Two Caspar advises on contentious disputes and is a trial and appellate lawyer. His practice covers the whole width of the employment relationship, contractual (including injunctive relief ) and regulatory sports’ disputes and other linked contractual and commercial claims including civil fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. His work generally affects hundreds / thousands of employees, sets national precedents, are test cases, are of very high value, seriously affect the reputations of other employees or owners or the business itself or are a combination of these. He is Chair of the Industrial Law Society. A career banker, Marston was previously head of professional practices at Lloyds Banking Group, leading a team of specialist bankers, in a role that was established at his instigation. He is a member of the Law Society’s Law Management Section and was keynote speaker at the Law Society’s Law Management Section Finance & Business Forum in November 2014. As well as a long history of working with the legal sector, he spent many years in commercial banking, working with owner-managed businesses of all sizes. Master Peter Haworth Stream: Civil Litigation Day: Two Peter Haworth was appointed a Master and Cost Judge at the Senior Court Costs Office in July 2006. Before that he was a solicitor in private practice in North East Lancashire for 32 years specializing in professional/clinical negligence and Construction disputes. He has been, and remains, a Deputy District Judge on the Northern Circuit for 22 years and was a Deputy Costs Master for five years. Peter is a former member of the Civil Procedure Rules Committee. He has been Chairman and member of various Tribunals, including the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal. Over the years, Peter has lectured extensively to the profession on costs and related subjects and is a tutor at the Judicial College. When not at the SCCO he spends his time sailing or hot air ballooning. Robert Kelly Stream: Commercial Property Day: Two Commercial Business Development Manager Robert joined Stewart Title in 2013 after 25 years of experience as a Commercial Property lawyer specialising in development and portfolio management. During his career, has worked with regional and national developers, retailers and landowners on a wide variety of schemes. This experience plays a vital part in his role working closely with interested parties to use Indemnity Insurance to resolve title problems and facilitate development and use of property. Robert regularly gives CPD presentations on the benefits of Indemnity Insurance and writes for a number of journals and online sites on topics related to title defects and Indemnity Insurance. BOOK TODAY Chris Marston is chief executive of member network LawNet, one of the leading providers of specialist support for law firms in the UK and Ireland. He has been closely involved with law firms throughout the recent changes experienced by the sector and understands the challenges, and the need for commerciality. Lina Mattsson Stream: Commercial Property Day: Two Lina joined Hardwicke in September 2011. She specialises in residential and commercial property, commercial and insurance disputes. Lina has a particularly busy landlord and tenant practice. She regularly deals with possession/forfeiture, disrepair, service charges, breach of covenant, unlawful eviction, anti-social behaviour, committals and Mobile Homes claims. She undertakes a range of work in real property, including adverse possession, boundary disputes, restrictive covenants, easements and claims to equitable interests in land. Lina’s academic background focused on human rights and in 2011 she was led in the Supreme Court in R (on the application of Aguilar Quila) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] 1 AC 621 successfully challenging the 21 age bar on spouse visas on human rights grounds 6 CPD HOURS FOR ONLY £120 Call: 020 7549 8673 Email: Constance McDonnell Monty Trent Stream: Private Client Day: Two Stream: Civil Litigation Law Day: Two Constance McDonnell is a barrister at 3 Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn. She has a traditional Chancery practice with an emphasis on contentious trusts and probate, and associated litigation including 1975 Act claims, claims to remove personal representatives and disputes arising in the context of the administration of trusts and estates. She has appeared during the last two years in several highly publicised High Court cases, including Schrader v Schrader (will procured by undue influence), Vegetarian Society v Scott (schizophrenic testator) and Sheffield v Sheffield (in which she defended a professional trustee against allegations of breach of trust). Constance is recommended as a Leading Junior (Band 1) by Chambers & Partners 2015. In April 2014 Judge Monty Trent retired, after 20 years practice as a solicitor in a busy London West End partnership and a further 22 years as a District Judge, serving at The Mayor’s and City of London Court. He was a founder member of the Civil Justice Council, where he served for 10 years, and was appointed President of The Association of HM District Judges in 2010. Monty is a contributor to Jordan’s Civil Court Practice, ‘the Brown Book’, has written and lectured on legal and procedural matters, and taught as an external Reader at LSE. Paul McGrath Stream: Employment Law Day: Two Paul McGrath is an Associate in the UK Employment Group at McDermott Will & Emery UK LLP. His practice covers all aspects of contentious and non-contentious employment law acting for a wide array of clients. His recent Employment Tribunal experience includes a number of pregnancy and maternity discrimination cases. Paul has experience also of working in-house in the IT and banking sectors. Jo Summers Stream: Private Client Law Day: Two Jo specializes in personal taxation, particularly with an international element. She advises on offshore trusts, offshore pensions (including QROPS and QNUPS) and other international structures (such as EBTs and EFRBS), UK personal tax, estate planning, and charities. Jo writes frequently and co-wrote a book on Shari’a succession laws, Islamic Wills, Trusts and Estates: Planning for this World and the Next, and wrote A UK Handbook for Offshore Trustees. She lectures extensively both in the UK and overseas. 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