JOM Institute for the Joining of Materials

18th International Conference on Joining Materials
In association with the IIW
April 26 to 29, 2015
Konventum LO-Skolen, Helsingør-Denmark
JOM, Osama Al-Erhayem
Second Announcement
Accepted Contributions ¤ Call for Papers ¤ Main Topics ¤ Conference &
Exhibition Information ¤ Registration & Accommodation
18th International Conference on Joining Materials
In association with the IIW
Helsingør-Denmark, April 26 to 29, 2015
Second Announcement
Accepted Contributions ¤ Call for Papers ¤ Main Topics ¤ Conference &
Exhibition Information ¤ Registration & Accommodation
Supported by: American Welding Society AWS, Cranfield University, Brazilian Welding
Society ABS, Danish Welding Society DSL, FORCE Technology, Japan Welding Society
JWS, TWI, University of Liverpool, Welding Technology Institute of Australia WTIA.
Organizing team: Bill Lucas, Vladimir Ponomarov and Osama Al-Erhayem
For further information please contact:
JOM. Gilleleje Strandvej 28. DK - 3250 Gilleleje. Denmark.
Telephone: +45 48355458. E-Mail
Conference Focuses
The JOM series of biennial International Conferences & ‘know how’ Exhibition in Welding
Technology go back five decades to the nineteen seventies.
The JOM Conference is unique in that it is dedicated to the advancement of joining and
material technologies and fabrication techniques in all the key industry sectors.
As the latest R & D results and recent industrial applications will be presented,
participation in the conference technical programme will be essential for those engineers
wishing to advance their knowledge as part of Continuing Professional Development
More recently, training, qualification and certification of welding personnel have become
increasingly important. The implementation of recent knowhow through Education and
Training is now a key part of modern welding technology. Thus this topic is also in the
JOM Conference focus.
Main Topics
The conference programme will cover all aspects of developments in joining and material
technology but papers are especially invited on the following topics:
Recent developments in joining processes - welding, surfacing, soldering, brazing,
Advances in fabrication techniques
Developments in joining equipment including automation and robotics
Advances in materials, consumables and weldability
Applications with relevance to industry needs - automotive, oil & gas, power
New developments in conservation, energy efficiency and alternative energy
Weld quality, structural properties and environmental considerations,
Structural integrity and inspection
Process monitoring, sensors, control.
Mathematical modelling and simulation
Quality requirements for welds and quality management
Testing of welds, assessment of defects and life estimation
Repair and maintenance of welded structures and plant
Education, Training, Qualification & Certification of welding personnel
Interpretation of International standards for welded fabrications
Call for Papers
As we would welcome your participation at the JOM 18 International Event for presentation
and/or the exhibition, please fill in the attached Registration form and return it by either email or post with a title and a short abstract of your paper before January 31st, 2015.
Notification regarding author guidelines for the preparation of the full paper will follow after
pre reviewing of the abstracts for compliance with JOM 18 topics by February 10th, 2015.
The full paper for publication in the Conference Proceedings will be required by February
28th, 2015.
For those organisations or individuals wishing to have a display about their products,
training courses with brochures, please indicate the size of space you will require. The
poster display and distribution of your brochures are free of charge for the delegates of
JOM 18 conference.
Publication of Conference Papers
Papers for presentation at the conference will be selected and approved by a Technical
Committee on the basis of technical merit and relevance to the conference program. Each
paper will be peer reviewed for technical accuracy by the Technical Panel of International
Experts in order to ensure the quality of the Conference Proceedings. The JOM 18
Conference Proceedings will be assigned an ISBN number for publication (JOM ISSN:
The peer review panel for JOM-18 papers:
Principal reviewer: Bill Lucas
¤ M. Chaturvedi ¤ P. Colegrove.¤ F. Corpace ¤ J. Dowden ¤ Stephan Egerland ¤ C.H.J
Gerritsen¤ S. Goecke ¤ K. Hardam ¤ E. Hodulova ¤ A. Jørgensen¤ L.P. Karjalainen ¤ J.
Klæstrup ¤ V. Kumar ¤ J. Norrish ¤ V. Ponomarov ¤ S. Salem¤ A. Scotti ¤ A. Sadek ¤ J.
Skovfo ¤ J. S.Smith ¤ J. Tusek.
The Conference and Exhibition Venue, Registration and Accommodation:
The Conference venue as well as accommodation and the exhibition all take place at the
scenic LO-Skolen Konventum in Helsingør, the same Conference venue for the hitherto
JOM Conferences. The Conference Venue has excellent facilities and cuisine at
reasonable cost. With easy access from Copenhagen airport (by rail), the venue offers an
outstanding location on the Danish coast.
The Programme Outline
¤ Sunday, April 26th:
14.00 –22.00
8.30 - 17.30
8.30 - 12.00
12.00 - 13.00
13.30 - 18.00
¤ Monday, April 27th:
¤ Tuesday, April 28th:
19.30 - 23.30
¤ Wednesday, April 29 : 9.00 - 12.00
12.00 - 13.30
Arrival of delegates and registration
Informal Gathering, Dinner and beverages
Technical Sessions
Technical Sessions
Social event (accompanying persons
cordially invited)
Gourmet Dinner and Entertainment
Technical Sessions
Lunch and Farewell
So far accepted papers:
Influence of thin film coatings on solid wire electrodes for gas metal arc welding on the
mechanical- technological properties of the weld metal
Kai Treutler, V. Wesling, A. Schram, ISAF - Institut für Schweißtechnik und Trennende
Fertigungsverfahren Technische Universität Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Study of fundamental laser material interaction parameters in powder melting
W.A. Ayoola, S.W. Williams and W.J. Suder, Welding Engineering and Laser Processing Centre,
Cranfield University, United Kingdom
The Possibility of Using Technogenic Raw Materials for Producing a Welding Electrodes Coating
Anna Ignatova, Mikhail Ignatov, Stanislav Naumov, Perm National Researcher Polytechnical
University, Perm, Russia
The Measurement of Hardness and Elastic Modulus of Non-Metallic Inclusion in the Steely
Welding Joints
Ignatova A.M., Faynburg G.Z., Ignatov M.N., Kuznecov D.A., Russia
New Viewpoint on Certification Welding Materials from Position Reduce Hazard Level for
Manufacturing Employees
Ignatova A.M., Faynburg G.Z., Ignatov M.N., Kuznecov D.A., Russia
Influence of welding position on the integrity of resulting welds
Vinod Kumar, TWI Ltd, United Kingdom
Amorphous rapidly solidified brazing foils: principles of engineering and design
O.N. Sevryukov, National Research Nuclear Institute – Moscow Engineering Physical Institute
(MEPhI), Moscow, Russian Federation
Influence of the pulsed magnetic field on the level of residual stresses in welded joints
V.A. Glouchenkov, Samara Aerospace University, Russia
Study of the effect of tool geometry on semisolid stir welding of a AZ91 magnesium alloy
V.A. Hosseini, H. Aashuri, A.H. Kokabim, Department of Engineering Science, University West,
Trollhättan, Sweden and Materials Science and Engineering Department, Sharif University of
Technology, Azadi Ave, Iran
A critical analysis of welding heat input measurement through a comparison between a watercooled stationary anode calorimeter and a cryogenic calorimeter
Kjell Hurtig, Isabelle Choquet, Lars-Erik Svensson and Americo Scotti, Dept. of Engineering
Science, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden
Submerged Arc Welding of High Strength Steel for shipbuilding applications
Kari Erik Lahti, AB Bayrock, Alingsås, Sweden, LUT, Finalnd and Uniuversity West, Sweden
Monitoring of laser beam welding by a non-intrusive optic sensor system using photodiodes
Morgan Nilsen, Fredrik Sikström, University West, Trollhätta, Sweden
The resistance seam welding of CP titanium for the plate heat exchanger
Sungwook Kim, Chang-Keun Chun, RIST, Pohang City, South Korea
Spot weld fatigue life prediction- New criteria
Simon Duraffourg, Renault SAS - Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, France
Using Artificial Neural Networks to Identify and Optimise the Key Parameters Affecting Geometry
of a GMAW Fillet Weld
J.Cairns, A.M.Galloway, N.A.McPherson, BAE Systems Maritime, Naval Ships, Glasgow, Scotland,
UK and Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Influence of EB-Parameters on the Microstructure and the Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar
Welding Joints with High Alloy TRIP/TWIP Steels
Lars Halbauer, Anja Buchwalder; Rolf Zenker; Horst Biermann, TU Bergakademie Freiberg Institut für Werkstofftechnik, Freiberg, Germany
Safe Flame Project
Derek DAVIES, European Association for Brazing and Soldering, United Kingdom
Case stories
K.N. Ramana Rao, Dy. Gm,V. Chitti Babu, Visakhapatnam steel plant, India
Potentials of high power Laser Welding in Wind Turbine Industry
Steen Erik Nielsen FORCE Technology, Denmark
Industrial Welding in Denmark
Steen Ussing, FORCE Technology, Denmark
Atmospheric contamination and residual stress in titanium Ti-6Al-4V structures formed by cold
wire GTAW additive manufacture
Nicholas Hoye, Dominic Cuiuri, John Norrish, University of Wollongong, Australia
Progress in the development and application of Automated Offline and Self Programming for
welding robots
Zengzi Pan, Nathan Larkin, John Norrish, University of Wollongong, Australia
The development of a robotic Low Stress No Distortion (LSND) welding system suitable for
achieving real world applications with practical examples
Roger O'Brien, Gestamp Tallent Limited, Newton Aycliffe, UK
Weldability of DMR 249-A (Low alloy steel designed for combined strength & toughness of 390
Y.S & 78J at Minus 60 deg
Murali Kumar Y., Larsen & Toubro Limited, Kattupalli,Tamil Nadu, India
35 years International JOM Conferences
Dave Landon, AWS, USA
Manufacturing of Subsurface Channels in Metal Bodies by TIG Pulsed Welding Arc Application.
Anna Tokar, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil
Some techniques to manufacture of subsurface and surface channels in(on) metal bodies using arc
welding processes.
Volodymyr Ponomarov, Anna Tokar, Ruham Pablo Reis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the
Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil
JOM-18 Registration Form
Participant Details:
¤Name/Address: __________________________________________________________
¤Title of Presentation (Co - Authors): __________________________________________
Please, forward a short abstract by January 31st, 2015.
¤ Intend to exhibit: ------ Poster: ----- Booth space: ---- sq. meter.
Please Notice: No charge for exhibition for the Conference delegates.
Fees and accommodation costs:
¤ Delegate (Fee, incl. Conference Proceedings, room from April 26 to
April 29, 2015, all meals) .............................................................................. 8,900 DKK
¤ Accompanying person (incl. social event and all meals)............................... 2,900 DKK
(No registration fees for accompanying persons)
¤ Discount only for JOM Members .................................................................. - 500 DKK
................................................................................... Total Danish Kroner: ______
Please transfer the fees and accommodation costs to JOM-Institute at the same time you
register for the conference. See below for the JOM-Institute bank account details but
please include your name in the bank transfer for identification.
Alternatively (only if a bank transfer is not possible): Send a Cheque made payable to
JOM Institute but only drawn through Danske Bank, Denmark.
JOM-Institute bank information:
Danske Bank, Denmark. IBAN account: DK0830003172121683. Bic (SWIFT) DABADKKK.
Your Accommodation, Conference and Exhibition: Konventum LO-Skolen, Helsingør
The Registration Form, or request for further information, should be sent by e mail
or posted to:
JOM, Gilleleje Strandvej 28. DK-3250 Gilleleje. DENMARK
Telephone: +45 48355458. E-Mail: