SYLLABUS Course Name Prerequisite Period Date/Time Lecturer Edmodo : Business Communication : Introduction to International Business : 2nd semester / Even 2014-2015 : Tuesday / 07.30-10.00 / Room #406 : Meidiahna Kusuma, SE., MBA : Business Communication Meidi’s Class (code: buhggz) The purpose of the course Students will be able to conduct an effective business communication both verbally and non-verbally; have the knowledge on problems occurred during the process of communication and able to solve the problems from the perspective of an entrepreneur. Course description Business Communication course teaches students the foundation of business communication, including: communication at work, communication in small groups and teams, workplace listening, nonverbal communication, communication across cultures, speaking skills and business correspondences. Instructional purposes Students have the competency to conduct an effective business communication both verbally and nonverbally. References 1. Guffey, Mary Ellen,et al, 2015, Business Communication: Process & Product, 8th edition, Thompson, Canada 2. Williams, Krizan, Logan, Merrier, 2011, Communicating in Business, 8th Edition, South-Western Students’ tasks 1. Students are required to read the related material prior to the class, thus can actively join the discussion during the class. 2. Students are obligated to finish and submit the tasks given (both individual and group) on the agreed time (no lateness is tolerated). 3. During the semester, there will be one mid-term and one final exam. Class’ rule 1. Don’t be late (Maximum tolerable lateness = 0 minutes). 2. Don’t skip the class or you will miss the fun (Minimum class attendance = 75%). 3. Be active in the class hence you get the extra points. 4. Use the gadgets wisely to support your learning journey. 5. Be truthful; don’t help signing your friend attendance shall he/she skips the class. Lecturer has the right to cancel both parties’ attendance. Grading Policy Midterm Exam Final Exam (BPlan Proposal) Business Plan Presentation Individual Performance Other assignments = 20 % = 10 % = 10 % = 10 % = 50 % CLASS SCHEDULE Week Date Material Reference 1 3 Feb ‘15 Business Communication in the Digital Age Book 1, Chap. 1 2 10 Feb ‘15 Professionalism: Teamwork & Meeting Book 1, Chap. 2 3 17 Feb ‘15 Professionalism: Listening, Non-verbal, and Etiquette Skills Book 1, Chap. 2 4 24 Feb ‘15 Business Presentation Book 1, Chap. 14 5 3 Mar ‘15 Intercultural Communication Book 1, Chap. 3 6 10 Mar ‘15 Business Messages Book 1, Chap. 4, 5 & 6 7 17 Mar ‘15 Video 8 Midterm Exam 9 31 Mar ‘15 Proposals, Business Plans, and Special Reports Book 1, Chap. 13 10 7 Apr ‘15 Short Workplace Messages and Digital Media Book 1, Chap. 7 11 14 Apr ‘15 Guest Lecturer 12 21 Apr ‘15 Positive, Negative, & Persuasive Messages 13 28 Apr ‘15 Employment Communication 14 5 May ‘15 Business Plan Presentation 15 Final Exam (Business Plan Proposal Submission) Book 1, Chap. 8, 9 & 10 Book 1, Chap. 15 & 16
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