List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings This list identifies works approved by Lloyd’s Register Group Limited (LR) for refining and the manufacture of aluminium alloy plates, sections, bars and castings in accordance with the requirements of LR's Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, Chapter 8. The information listed for each works is a summary of the product, grade and maximum thickness (for round bar, maximum diameter and for castings, maximum weight) Where required further information should be obtained from the current certificate of approval issued to the manufacturer by LR. Works designated "MQS Approved" are also approved under the Materials Quality Scheme in accordance with LR's Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials, Chapter 1 Section 2. Approval only covers the manufacturing location listed, it does not extend to other works owned by the same company. The local LR surveying office is also listed. Lloyd's Register Group Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as 'Lloyd's Register'. Lloyd's Register assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Lloyd's Register entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract. As at 11 February 2015 © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Category Grades Sections Bars 6082-T5, 6082-T6 6082-T5, 6082-T6 Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Office Australia CAPRAL LIMITED 22.00 22.00 Melbourne 151, Barry Road CAMPBELLFIELD VIC 3061 Tel: +61 (0)3 9358 8138 Fax: +61 (0)3 9357 9952 Email to: Web: Certificate # MD00/4126/0001/6a Expiry date: 27/02/2016 Austria AMAG ROLLING GmbH Refining & Semi Finished 3003* Plates 5083-H116, 5086-H116 5083-H321 Coils 3003-H14* Vienna 63.50 76.20 7.00 A-5282 Ranshofen P.O. 32 tel: +43 7722 801 3697 fax: +43 7722 809 511 E-Mail Web *Approved applications only. Certificate # MD00/3189/0005/6a Expiry date: 17/09/2014 Belgium SAPA RC PROFILES NV/SA Kortemarkstraat 52. BE-8810 Lichtervelde Sections 6005A-T6, 6082-T6 10.00 Antwerp Castings Al-Si7Mg 75.00 Vancouver BC Tel: +32 51 72 98 11 Fax: +32 51 72 54 41 Email: Web: http// Certificate Number: MD00/3856/0002/6a Expiry date: 07/11/2016 Canada HASTINGS BRASS FOUNDRY LTD. 236 Clark Drive Vancouver, BC V5L 3H3 Tel: +1 604 253 2811 Fax: +1 604 253 3133 Email to: Approval includes ASTM B26/B26M-12 Grade 356 Certificate Number: MD00/4325/0001/6a Expiry date: 28/05/2017 China, People's Republic of ALERIS ALUMINUM (ZHENJIANG) Co., Ltd. Refining & Semi Finished 5083, 5086 Plates 5083-O, 5083-H116, 5083-H112, 5086-H116 Nanjing 50.00 No. 1 Cai Jia Road, Jing Kou Industrial Park Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212141 Tel : +86 511 85307347 E-Mail : Web: Certificate #: MD00/4332/0001/6a Expiry date: 06/06/2017 LONGKOU CONGLIN ALUMINUM CO., LTD. Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg-Si grades Sections 6005A-T6, 6061-T6, 6082-T5, 6082-T6 555.00 43.00 Qingdao Conglin Industry District Longkou City Shandong Province 265705 Tel: +86 535 8562517 Fax: +86 535 8563202 Certificate #: MD00/4430/0001/6a Email to: Web: Expiry date: 03/02/2018 Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 2 As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Category Grades SOUTHWEST ALUMINIUM (GROUP) CO., LTD. Plates 5083-O, 5754-O 5083-H321 5083-H112, 5754-H112 2618-T6 Forgings* Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Office 5.00 20.00 30.00 500.00 Wuhan 20.00 Prague 116.00 Prague Xipeng Jiou Long-po District, Chongqing City Chongqing City, Grade 5754 plate is acceptable for approved applications not in direct contact with seawater, *Accepted for approved applications. Note: Forgings supplied as blanks in the non-heat treated condition. Tel: +86 (23) 65808767 Fax: +86 23 65808767 Email: web: Certificate #: MD00/2921/0005/6a Expiry date: 12/10/2017 Czech Republic ALCAN STROJMETAL ALUMINIUM FORGING s.r.o. Ringhofferova 66, 251 68 Kamenice Forgings* 7022-T6, 2618A-T6 Castings Al-Si10Mg Tel: +420 204 672 302 Fax: +420 204 672 028 Certificate #: MD00/3898/0002/6a Expiry date: 23/03/2017 SLEVARNA A MODELARNA NOVE RANSKO, s.r.o. Nove Ransko 234 582 63 †dírec nad Doubravou Tel No +420 569 669 480 Fax No. +420 569 669 487 Email Web Certificate #: MD00/4186/0001/6a Expiry date: 23/06/2016 France CONSTELLIUM FRANCE Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg grades Plates 5086-H116, 5086-H321 5086-O, 5086-H111, 5086-H112 5083-H116 5383-H116, 5383-H321 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5083-H321, 5383-O, 5383-H111, 5383-H112 Lyon 30.00 40.00 50.00 80.00 170.00 Flat Rolled Products BP 42 63502 Issoire Cedex Tel: +33 4 7355 5050 Fax: +33 4 7355 5090 Email: Materials Quality Scheme approved - MQS 037 Certificate #: MD00/1241/0009/6a Expiry date: 26/02/2016 FORGES DE BOLOGNE 39 rue des Forges BP 82138 BOLONGE 52310 BOLOGNE Tel: +33 3 25 32 80 13 Forgings* 7175-T6 220.00 Lyon 5083 200.00 Lyon Fax: +33 3 25 32 39 21 Email to: Certificate #: MD00/4324/0001/6a Expiry date: 27/05/2017 L'UNION DES FORGERONS 12 Rue De La Pierre Follège BP 16 - Z.A. 91660 Méréville Forgings* Tel: +33 (0) 1 64 95 02 25 Fax: +33 (0) 1 64 95 09 89 Email: Web: Certificate #: MD00/3229/0003/6a Expiry date: 24/03/2015 SABART SAS - Tarascon sur Ariege Refining & Semi Finished 7175-O* Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 3 Marseille As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Category Grades Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Sections 6082-T6 130.00 Office BP 29, 09400 Tarascon sur Ariege Tel no: +33 561 024 004 Fax no: +33 561 024 011 Email Certificate no. MD00/4351/0001/6a Expiry Date 28/06/2017 Appproved supplier to Forges de Bologna *7175 included in this scope of approval * for approved appplications only Germany ALERIS EXTRUDED PRODUCTS GERMANY GMBH WERK BITTERFELD Devillestrasse 2 06749 Bitterfeld Dortmund Tel: +49 (0) 3493 75475 Fax: +49 (0) 3493 75477 Email: Web: Mechanical testing is carried out by approved test house. Certificate: MD00/3781/0002/6a Expiry date: 27/04/2016 ALERIS EXTRUDED PRODUCTS GERMANY GMBH WERK BONN Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg-Si grades, Al-Mg grades Sections 5083-O, 5083-H112, 5083-H321, 5086-O, 5086-H112, 5086-H321, 6082-T6 Bars 5083-O, 5083-H112, 5083-H321, 5086-O, 5086-H112, 5086-H321, 6082-T6 Dortmund 60.00 60.00 Friedrich Wöhler Straße 2 D-53117 Bonn Tel: +49 (0) 228 558 2755 Fax: +49 (0) 228 558 2874 Web: Including ingots with a maximum diameter of 400 mm. Certificate No. MD00/1623/0007/6a Expiry date: 03/02/2016 ALERIS ROLLED PRODUCTS GERMANY GMBH Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg-Si grades, Al-Mg grades Plates 5083-H116 5059-O, 5059 H111, 5059 H116, 5059 H321, 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5083-H321, 5086-O, 5086-H112, 5086-H321, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Sections 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5083-H321, 5086-O, 5086-H112, 5086-H321, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Bars 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5083-H321, 5086-O, 5086-H112, 5086-H321, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Dortmund 70.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 Carl-Spaeter-Straße 10 D-56070 Koblenz Tel: +49 (0)261 891-7527 Fax: +49 (0)261 891 9 7527 Email: Certificate No. MD00/0697/0010/6a Expiry date: 19/04/2016 ALERIS ROLLED PRODUCTS GERMANY GmbH Refining & Semi Finished All Grades Dortmund Schleusenstr. 11 D-46562 Voerde Tel: +49 0281 9421 Fax: +49 0281 94212 26 Email: Web Approval is for round vertical cast billets 202 to 348 mm diameter, maximum weight 2000 Kgs for alloy's series 5xxx and 6xxx, also alloy's series 3xxx and 7xxx for approved applications. Certificate: MD00/3665/0003/6a Expiry date: 24/08/2015 ALUMINIUM WERKE GMBH VILLINGEN Goldenbühlstraße 14 78048 Villingen-Schwenningen Castings Al-Si10Mg, AlSi7Mg0,3*, AlSi9Mg* 234.00 Hamburg * For Approved Applications. Tel: +49 7721 846031 Fax: +49 7721 846051 Email: Web : Certificate No. MD00/3355/0003/ 6a Expiry date: 13/07/2016 ALUMINIUMWERK UNNA AG Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg-Si grades, Al-Mg grades Sections 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5086-O, 5086-H111, 5754-O, 5754-H111, 6061-T5, 6061-T6, 6082-T5, 6082-T6 Bars 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5086-O, 5086-H111, 5754-O, 5754-H111, 6061-T5, 6061-T6, Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 4 Dortmund 160.00 160.00 As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Category Grades Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Office Germany 6082-T5, 6082-T6 Uelzener Weg 36 D-59425 Unna Includes approval for pipes and tubes with 250 mm outer diameter (max.) and 40 mm wall thickness (max). Tel: +49 2303 206 148 Fax: +49 2303 206 117 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/3152/0007/6a Expiry date: 16/03/2017 ANALYTIK NORD GmbH Castings Al-Mg3, Al-Si12, Al-Si10Mg, Al-Si7Mg, Al-Si5Cu*, Al-Si9Cu*, Al-Si(Cu)* 150.00 Hamburg 350.00 Hamburg 600.00 Dortmund Hermannstrasse 35a D-25421 Pinneberg Tel: +49 4101 374 570 Fax: +49 4101 374 5719 email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/2630/0005/6a Expiry date: 01/01/2015 C.F. MAIER LEICHTGUSSWERK GMBH & CO. KG Königsbronn Postfach 1165 D-89548 Königsbronn Castings Al-Si10Mg, Al-Si7Mg Tel: +49 (0)7328 81152 Fax: +49 7328 81193 EMail: Web Certificate No. MD00/2037/0006/6a Expiry date: 12/07/2016 CONSTELLIUM SINGEN GmbH Sections 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5086-O, 5086-H111, 5086-H112, 6005A-T6, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5086-O, 5086-H111, 5086-H112, 6005A-T6, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Bars 600.00 Alusingen Platz 1 D-78224 Singen Tel: +49 7731 80 2917 Fax: +49 7731 80 2224 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/2654/0005/6a Expiry date: 17/03/2015 HAL ALUMINIUMGUSS LEIPZIG GMBH Gutenbergstraße 20 04178 Leipzig Castings Al-Si10Mg, Al-Si7Mg 510.00 Dortmund 10.00 Dortmund 10.00 Hamburg Tel: +49 341 453 40 50 Fax: +49 341 453 40 90 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/3363/0003/6a Expiry date: 01/08/2016 HYDRO ALUMINIUM ROLLED PRODUCTS GmbH Coils 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5083-H116, 5083-H321 Aluminiumstraße 1 D-41515 Grevenbroich Tel: +49 (0)2181 66 1381 Fax: +49 (0)2181 661864 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/0095/0007/6a Expiry date: 20/01/2018 HYDRO ALUMINIUM ROLLED PRODUCTS GmbH Plates Coils 5083-H112, 5083-H321, 5086-O, 5086-H111, 5086-H112, 5086-H321 5083-O, 5083-H111 3003-O*, 3003-H111* Castings Al-Si10Mg, Al-Si7Mg Castings Al-Si7Mg 12.00 5.00 Aluminiumstraße 21129 Hamburg Tel:- +49 (0)40 74011-417 Fax:- +49 (0)40 74011-244 EMail: Web: Certificate No. MD00/2218/0008/6a Expiry date: 13/06/2016 METALLGIEßEREI GUTSCHERA GmbH Industriestraße 4 D-59379 Selm 750.00 Dortmund 1200.00 Dortmund Tel: +49 (0) 2592/1538 Fax: +49 (0) 2592/20826 Web: Certificate No. MD00/2269/0006/6a Expiry date: 19/11/2016 METALLGUSS SEIFERT GMBH Boschstraße 8 - 10 D-56457 Westerburg / Sainscheid Tel: 0049 (0) 2663 91540 Fax: 0049 (0) 2663 915429 Email:mail to: Web Page: Certificate No. MD00/3449/0003/6a Expiry date: 20/11/2015 Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 5 As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Name and Address Category Grades Metallgießerei an der Mulde GmbH Castings Al-Mg3, Al-Si12, Al-Si10Mg, Al-Si7Mg, Al-Si5Cu*, Al-Si9Cu*, Al-Si8Cu3*, Al-Si(Cu)*, Al-Cu4Ti*, Al-Mg5(Si)*, Al-Zn10Si8Mg*, Al-Zn15Si8* Office 750.00 Dortmund 500.00 Dortmund Muldenhütten D-09627 Hilbersdorf Tel: +49 (0) 3731 39690 Fax: +49 (0) 3731 39693 Email: * accepted for approved applications. Certificate Number: MD00/2745/0004/6a Expiry: 05/10/2015 OHM & HÄNER METALLWERK GMBH & CO. KG Web: Castings Al-Si10Mg, Al-Si7Mg, AlSi9Mg* Im Grüntal 1 D-57462 Olpe Tel: +49 02761/921-457 Fax: +49 02761/921-555 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/2257/0006/6a Expiry date: 25/09/2016 OTTO FUCHS KG Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg-Si grades, Al-Mg grades Sections 5083-O, 5086-O, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Bars 5083-O, 5086-O, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Forgings* 5083-O, 5083-F, 5083-H321, 5086-O, 5086-F, 5086-H321, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Dortmund 260.00 160.00 2000.00 Derschlager Straße 26 D-58540 Meinerzhagen Tel. 49(0)2354 73 897 Fax 49(0)2354 73 201 Web page * accepted for approved applications Certificate No. MD00/0553/0006/6a Expiry date: 06/03/2017 SECO GmbH Castings Al-Si12, Al-Si10Mg, Al-Si12CuMgNi* 0.35 Dortmund 250.00 250.00 Dortmund Gross Orden 23 D-06484 Quedlinburg Tel: +49 (0) 3946 9079250 Fax: +49 (0) 3946 9079215 Email mailto: Web Certificate #: MD00/3525/0003/6a Expiry date: 25/06/2017 WESERALU GmbH & Co. KG Sections Bars 6061-T6, 6082-T6 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Am Osthafen 5 D-32423 Minden Tel +49 (0)571 38705 22 Fax +49 (0)571 38705 55 Certificate #: MD00/1664/0007/6a Expiry date: 12/08/2017 WIELAND-WERKE AG Graf-Arco-Strasse 36 D-89079 Ulm Email: mailto: Extrusions Web: Al-Mg-Si Grades 76.00 Hamburg Tel: +49 731 944 2508 Fax: +49 731 944 4208 Email: Web: The scope of approval is for extruded finned tubes only with a maximum 5mm wall thickness in grades AlMn1 and AlMgSi0.5 supplied in the as extruded condition, accepted for approved applications. Certificate Number: MD00/3216/0003/6a Expiry: 28/01/2015 Greece ANOXAL S.A. 3rd km Inofita-Agios Thomas Road, 32011, Agios Thomas, Viotia, Refining & Semi Finished 6005A, 6061, 6082, Al-Mg-Si grades 230.00 Piraeus 5.00 40.00 Piraeus Tel: +30 226 205 3569 Mob: +30 697 440 3569 email: Certificate No: MD00/4357/0001/6a Expiry date: 03/07/2017 Approval includes grades EN AW 6060 and 6063. Grades not covered by LR Rules are accepted for approved applications only. COSMOS PROFIL S.A. Sections Bars 6082-T6 6082-T6 Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 6 As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Category Grades Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Office 8th km National Road Larissa - Athens, Larissa, Tel No: +30 2410 567567 Fax No: +30 2410 567510 Email: or Web: Certificate No: MD00/4306/0001/6a Expiry Date 06/04/2017 Approval includes bars of square, rectangular, round and hexagonal shapes and section profiles of various shapes (flat or hollow) up to 5mm in thickness Sections within Circumscribed Circle Diameter maximum 250mm x 5mm thickness. Bars within Circumscribed Circle Diameter maximum 250mm x 40 mm thickness ELVAL HELLENIC ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY S.A. Plates 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H116, 5083-H321, 5086-O, 5086-H111, 5086-H116 12.70 Piraeus Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg-Si grades, 3103* 203.00 Piraeus Extrusions 5.00 130.00 Piraeus 57 km Athens Lamia National Road GR-32011 Inofyta-Viotia Tel: +30 22620 53600 Fax: +30 22620 31347 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/2990/0007/6a Expiry date: 02/09/2015 EPALME S.A. Inofita, Viotia 32011 Tel: +30 22620 30806 Fax: +30 22620 56300 email: Web Certificate No. MD00/4303/0001/6a Expiry date: 02/04/2017 ETEM SA 6082-T5, 6082-T6 6005A-T6, 6005A-T5 1,Iroon Polytechniou Street Magoula 19018 Tel: +30210 4898 525 Fax: +30210 4898510 email Web Certificate No. MD00/3581/0003/6a Expiry date: 06/04/2015 India HINDALCO INDUSTRIES LTD Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg-Si grades, Al-Mg grades Plates 5083-O, 5083-H112, 5086-O, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Sections 5083-O, 5083-H112, 5086-O, 5086-H112, 6061-T6, 6082-T5, 6082-T6 Bars 5083-O, 5083-H112, 5086-O, 5086-H112, 6061-T6, 6082-T5, 6082-T6 Calcutta 12.50 25.00 50.00 P.O. Renukoot Dist. Sonbhadra 231217 Uttar Pradesh Tel: +91 5446 252077-79 Fax: +91 5446 252107/252427 Email: mailto: Web: Certificate No. MD00/0674/0007/6a Expiry date: 03/04/2016 VULKAN Technologies Pvt. Limited Castings Al-Si7Mg Al-Si12, Al-Si10Mg 12.50 64.00 Mumbai GAT No. 539B Village Kasar Amboli Pirangut Industrial Area, Tal-Mulashi Dist. Pune 412115, Maharashtra Tel: +91 20 6676 5541 Fax: +91 20 6676 5551 Email Certificate Number: MD00/3051/0005/6a Expiry: 20/01/2016 Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. Web: 7 As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Category Grades Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Office Italy ALCOA TRASFORMAZIONI S.r.l. Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg grades Plates 5083-H128 5083-H116, 5083-H321 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112 Venice 8.00 40.00 60.00 Stabilimento di Fusina Via dell' Elettronica 31 30176 Malcontenta Loc. Fusina, Venezia Tel: +39 041 2917254 Fax: +39 041 2917212 EMail Web page MATERIALS QUALITY SCHEME APPROVED - MQS 046 Certificate No. MD00/2605/0011/6a Expiry date: 14/06/2015 BODEGA G. & C. S.P.A. Via Binda di Sopra 1 24034 Cisano Bergamasco (BG) Sections 6082-T5, 6082-T6 50.00 Milan Castings Al-Si7Mg 90.00 Ravenna Sections 6005A-T5, 6005A-T6, 6082-T5, 6082-T6 30.00 Milan 65.00 Venice 700.00 Kobe Tel: +39 035 438366 Fax: +39 035 4382300 Email: web: Certificate No. MD00/3112/0004/6a Expiry date: 24/10/2016 F.A.M. S.r.l. Via Pasolini, 38-39 48018 GRANAROLO FAENTINO (RA) Tel +39 0546 41494 Fax +39 0546 41441 email: web: Certificate No. MD00/3288/0004/6a Expiry date: 27/11/2015 METRA S.P.A. Via Stacca, 1 25050 Rodengo Saiano Brescia Tel: +39 030 6819205 Fax: +39 030 6810260 Email: Certificate No. MD00/2975/0004/6a Expiry date: 05/05/2015 SA & BAR S.r.l Via A. Boldrini, 26 Frazione Quarto Inferiore 40057 Granarolo Dell'Emilia (BO) Web: Castings Al-Si7Mg Castings Al-Si12, Al-Si7Mg Tel: +39 051 767022 Fax: +39 051 0547900 Certificate No. MD00/3949/0002/6a Expiry date: 18/09/2017 Japan FUKUTATSU ALLOY MFG. CO., LTD. 15, 1, 3 - Chome Takatsukadai Nishi-ku Kobe Tel +81 78 991 2201 Fax +81 78 991 1523 Email Web: Certificate No. MD00/0556/0006/6a Expiry date: 05/08/2016 KOBE STEEL LTD. Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg grades Sections 5083-O, 5086-O, 5154A* Bars 5083-O, 5086-O, 5154A* Nagasaki 150.00 150.00 Chofu Plant 14-1, Minato-Machi Chofu, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Pref. 752-0953 Tel: +81 83 246 1810 Fax: +81 83 346 1710 Email Web * accepted for approved applications Certificate No. MD00/1947/0006/6a Expiry date: 11/11/2014 KOBE STEEL LTD. Forgings* 5083-F 5083-O, 5083-H112 Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 8 370.00 2055.00 Kobe As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Category Grades Sections 5083-O, 5083-H112 Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Office Daian Plant 1100, Umedo Daian-cho Inabe-city Mie-ken, Tel: +81 594 77 2202 Fax: +81 594 77 2249 Email: * accepted for approved applications Certificate No. MD00/2087/0009/6a Expiry date: 10/04/2017 LIGHT METALS EXTRUSION DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 2-2, 2 chome, Higashi Ogoso Yokkaichi Mie-ken 20.00 Kobe 420.00 Yokohama 1200.00 Kobe 300.00 Kobe Tel: +81 593 45 4775 Fax: +81 593 47 0355 Email: Includes approval for pipes and tubes with 280mm outer diameter and 20mm wall thickness (max) Certificate No. MD00/0930/0007/6a Expiry date: 02/06/2017 MIURA CO., LTD. 20-1 Kamitsuru, Aza Imaizumi, Sukagawa-city, Fukushima 962- 0301 Castings Al-Si7Mg Castings Al-Mg3, Al-Si12, Al-Si10Mg, Al-Si7Mg Forgings* 5083-O Tel No: +81 248 76 2662 Fax No: +81 24876 2663 Email: Web: Certificate No: MD00/4136/0001/6a Expiry Date 02/04/2016 RYOSAN INDUSTRY CORPORATION 57 Eibara Nagao-cho Kita-ku Kobe Tel: +81 (0)78 986 6617 Fax: +81 (0)78 986 4472 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/1257/0007/6a Expiry date: 01/12/2017 SEO KOATSU KOGYO CO., LTD. Ichikawa Works 869-20 Kanzaki Ichikawa-cho Kanzaki-gun Hyogo-pref Tel: +81 790 28 0590 Fax: +81 790 28 1140 * accepted for approved applications Certificate No. MD00/1338/0006/6a Expiry date: 11/11/2016 UACJ CORPORATION Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg grades Plates 5083-H116 5083-O, 5083-H321 Yokohama 35.00 200.00 FUKAYA WORKS 1351, Uwanodai Fukaya City Saitama Pref. 366-8511 Tel +81 485 72 1316 Fax +81 485 73 5228 Email: Web The scope of approval includes for the manufacture of alloy 3003 supplied to ASAHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO. LTD for use for transition joints. Certificate Number: MD00/1277/0009/6a Expiry: 11/03/2015 UACJ Corporation Nagoya Works 3-1-12, Chitose Minato-ku Nagoya 455-8670 Plates 5083-O 160.00 Kobe Sections Bars 5083-O 5083-O 120.00 600.00 Kobe Tel: +81 52 654 1186 Fax: +81 52 654 0039 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/1453/0007/6a Expiry date: 15/06/2015 UACJ Corporation UACJ Extrusion Nagoya Corporation Nagoya Works, 3-1-12 Chitose, Minato-ku, Nagoya 455-8670 Tel No: +81 52 654 1186 Fax no: +81 52 654 0039 Email: Web: Certificate No: MD00/4047/0003/6a Certificate Expiry 15/06/2015 Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 9 As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Category Grades UACJ Corporation Plates 3003-O** 5083-H321 5083-O Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) 15.00 80.00 200.00 Office Kobe Fukui Works 21-1 Kurome Mikuni-cho Sakai City, Fukui-Pref., 913 - 8588 Tel No: Email: Web: +81 776 82 5843 Fax No: +81 776 82 5854 Materials Quality Scheme Approved - Approval No. MQS010 Certificate No: MD00/ 4230/ 0002/6a Expiry Date: 16/10/2015 * For thickness 29mm and above self annealing 5083 denoted as 5083(SA) ** accepted for approved applications only UACJ Extrusion OYAMA Corporation Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg grades Sections 5083-O Bars 5083-O Yokohama 20.00 200.00 560 Dotou Oyama City, Tochigi Pref. 323-0812 Tel no; +81 285 23 2113 Fax No: +81 285 25 0567 Email mailto: Web xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Accepted for approved applications Certificate No:MD00/4261/0009/6a Expiry date 15/0/2015 UACJ Foundry & Forging Corporation Forgings* 2618-T6 5083-O 1000.00 2000.00 Yokohama Forgings* 5083-O 100.00 Kobe Sections Bars 5083-O 5083-O 6061-T6 30.00 50.00 120.00 Changwon Castings Al-Si7Mg 50.00 Seoul 544.00 Ulsan Foundry and Forging Works 560, Dotou, Oyama City, Tochigi 323-0812 Tel No: +81 285 24 3611 Fax +81 285 22 2884 Email mailto: takashima. katsutoshi@uff.uacj- Web Certificate number MD00/4267/ 0001/6a Expiry date 13/02/2015 YAMASHITA TANZOSHO CO., LTD. 43-1 Ikuno 6 Chome Katano Osaka pref. Tel: (0)72 891 1421 Fax (0)72 892 2126 * Accepted for approved applications Certificate No. MD00/3249/0003/6a Expiry date: 22/07/2015 Korea ALCOA KOREA Ltd. 54, Sungju-dong, Sungsan-gu, Changwon, Gyeongnam, Tel. +82 55 269-9585 Fax +82 55 269-9501 Web: Certificate No. MD00/2078/0007/6a Expiry date: 01/04/2015 KOREA LOST-WAX CO., LTD. #74, Gongdan 1-Daero 363 Beon-Gil, Siheung-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, 429-450 Tel: +82 31 499 8485 Fax: +82 31 431 6091 email: web: Certificate No. MD00/2664/0004/6a Expiry date: 10/03/2017 * Investment castings in alloy A357 accepted for approved applications. POONGSAN CORPORATION Forgings* 2618-T6 Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 10 As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Angang Plant 2222-2, Sandae-Ri Angang-Oup Kyungji-Si Kyungbu Angang-Oup Kyungju-Si, Kyungbuk Kyungju-Si, Kyungbuk Category Grades Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Office Tel: +82 54 760 6692 Fax:P +82 54 760 6690 Email: * For Approved Applications Certificate No. MD00/3250/0004/6a Expiry date: 25/07/2015 New Zealand FLETCHER ALUMINIUM 30-32 Bowden Road Mt Wellington Extrusions 6061-T5, 6061-T6 190.00 Auckland 250.00 Auckland Tel: +64 09 574 1500 Fax: +64 09 573 0418 email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/3077/0004/6a Expiry date: 07/04/2016 ULLEXCO Extrusions 6061-T5, 6061-T6, 6082-T5, 6082-T6, 6005A-T6, 6261-T6*, 6005A-T5, 6261-T5* A Division of Ullrich Aluminium 39-45 Maui Street Pukete Industrial Estate Hamilton Tel: +64 (07) 849 5095 Fax: +64 (07) 849 4453 Email Web: * accepted for approved applications. Certificate Number: MD00/3071/0004/6a Expiry: 06/03/2016 Norway ALCOA MOSJØEN AS 8655 Mosjøen Refining & Semi Finished 5083, 5086 Oslo Tel: +47 751 79100 Fax: +47 751 71887 Email: Web: Approval for semi finished products covers rolling ingots to 630mm max thickness, 2930mm max width and 8600mm max length. Certificate No. MD00/3358/0003/6a Expiry date: 21/07/2016 BENTELER ALUMINIUM SYSTEMS NORWAY AS Fabrikkveien Cast House, Building 123, 2830 Raufoss Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg-Si grades 305.00 Oslo 20.00 Oslo 405.00 Stavanger Tel: +47 81 15 60 00 Fax: +47 61 15 94 87 web: Certificate No: MD00/3995/0002/6a Expiry date: 19/10/2017 HYDAL ALUMINIUM PROFILER AS Sections 6005A-T4*, 6005A-T6, 6061-T6, 6082-T4*, 6082-T6 Raufoss Industripark, Fabrikkveien, Bygn. No. 232 (vestsiden), N-2830 Raufoss Tel: +47 61 15 30 00 Fax: +47 61 15 3062 Email Web: Certificate No. MD00/3054/0007/6a Expiry date: 29/01/2016 HYDRO ALUMINIUM A.S. KARMØY Hydroveien 160 4265 HÅVIK Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg-Si grades Tel no: +47 528 54000 Fax no: +47 528 54380 Mob +47 48028973 Email Web: Certificate No: MD00/4328/0001/6a Expiry date 28/05/2017 Approval includes SFP ingot up to 405mm diameter x 7000mm in length mechanical testing out sourced Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 11 As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Category Grades Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Forgings* 7022-T6 7.60 Katowice 40.00 Moscow Office Poland ZAKLAD OBROBKI PLASTYCZNEJ Sp. z o.o. ul. Kuznicza 13 21- 045 Swidnik Tel No: +48 81 7515008 Fax No: +48 81 4680911 Mob No: +48 504204770 Email: or Web: Certificate no: MD00/4313/0001/6a Expiry date: 01/05/2017 *For Approved Applications Raw material supply restricted to Grupa Kety SA. Russia J.S.C. KAMENSK URALSKY METALLURGICAL WORKS Plates 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5086-O, 5086-H111, 5754-O, 5754-H111 6061-T6, 6082-T6 6061-T5, 6061-T6, 6082-T5, 6082-T6 5083-O, 5086-O, 5754-O 6005A-T5, 6005A-T6, 6061-T5, 6061-T6, 6082-T5, 6082-T6 Sections Bars 76.00 330.00 250.00 406.00 KUMW J.S.Co. 5, Zavodskaya St Kamensk Uralsky Sverdlovsk Region 623405 Russia Tel: +7 3439 395 145 Fax: +7 3439 395 068 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/2917/0004/6a Expiry date: 30/09/2014 South Africa HULAMIN LIMITED Refining & Semi Finished 5083, 5086, 6061, 6082 Plates 5083-O, 5083-H116, 5083-H112, 5083-H321, 5086-O, 5086-H112, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 5083-H111 Sections 5083-O, 5086-O, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Durban 25.00 30.00 190.00 (Rolled Products) Moses Mabhida Road Pietermaritzburg 3200 Tel: +33 396 6911 Fax +33 395 6469 Email Web Certificate No. MD00/3277/0006/6a Expiry: 11/10/2015 Sweden SAPA PROFILER AB Sections Bars 6082-T6 6082-T6 30.00 70.00 Stockholm Box 72 S-612 22 Finspång Tel: +46 (0)122 795090 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/1270/0006/6a Expiry date: 21/03/2015 SAPA PROFILER AB Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg-Si grades Sections 6082-T6 Bars 6082-T6 Gothenburg 30.00 30.00 Remelt / Press P2 Sjunnen Works SE-574 81 SE- 57481 Vetlanda Tel: +46 383 94169 Fax: +46 383 15435 Email: Web: Certificate Number: MD00/3422/0004/6a Expiry date: 28/01/2017 Approval covers for semi finished products as vertically cast ingots up to 317mm diameter and nominal 7000mm length supplied in the homogenised condition. Approval for sections does not include closed profile sections. Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 12 As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Category Grades Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Office Switzerland ALU MENZIKEN EXTRUSION AG Refining & Semi Finished 3003* Extrusions 3003-O* 307.00 30.00 Dortmund Hauptstrasse 35 CH-5737 Menziken Tel: +41 62 765 29 07 Fax: +41 62 765 27 47 Email Web: Certificate No. MD00/3325/0003/6a Expiry date: 10/03/2016 CONSTELLIUM VALAIS SA Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg grades, Al-Si grades Plates 5083-H321, 5086-H321 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5086-O, 5086-H111, 5086-H112, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Sections 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5086-O, 5086-H111, 5086-H112 6005A-T6, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Bars 5083-O, 5083-H111, 5083-H112, 5086-O, 5086-H111, 5086-H112 6061-T6, 6082-T6 Hamburg 8.00 150.00 600.00 720.00 600.00 720.00 PO Box CH 3960 Sierre Tel: +41 27 457 67 70 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/2608/0006/6a Expiry date: 03/08/2017 The Netherlands NEDAL ALUMINIUM B.V. Sections Bars 6005A-T6, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 6005A-T6, 6061-T6, 6082-T6 50.00 50.00 Amsterdam 6082-T6 63.00 Newcastle upon Tyne 25.00 Southampton P.O. Box 2020 3500 GA Utrecht Tel: +31 302925819 Fax: +31 302939512 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/3429/0003/6a Expiry date: 23/06/2015 United Kingdom SAPA EXTRUSIONS UK Birtley Plant Durham Road Birtley Chester-le-Street County Durham, DH3 2AH Extrusions Tel: +44 (0)191 301 1226 Fax: +44 (0)191 301 1234 Email: Website: Certificate No. MD00/3832/0003/6a Expiry date: 21/09/2016 SAPA EXTRUSIONS UK Bedwas Plant Pantglas Industrial Estate Bedwas CF83 8DR Sections 6082-T6 Tel: +44 (0)29 2085 4600 Fax: +44 (0)29 2086 5229 Email: Web: Certificate No.: MD00/3848/0002/6a Expiry Date: 13/10/2016 SAPA PROFILES UK LTD. Refining & Semi Finished Al-Mg-Si grades Sections 6005A-T5, 6005A-T6, 6061-T5, 6061-T6, 6082-T5, 6082-T6 6005A-T5, 6005A-T6, 6061-T5, 6061-T6, 6082-T5, 6082-T6 Bars Coventry (UK Ind. Operations) 25.00 75.00 Tibshelf Plant Sawpit Lane Tibshelf Derbyshire DE55 5NH Tel: +44 1773 549296 Email: Web: Certificate No. MD00/1261/0008/6a Expiry date: 07/09/2017 Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 13 As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. List 6a Approved Refiners and Manufacturers of Aluminium Alloy Plates, Sections , Bars, Castings & Forgings Name and Address Max Thickness/Diameter (mm) Category Grades Office Castings Al-Si7Mg 1800.00 Chicago Castings Al-Si7Mg 73.00 Vancouver BC United States of America A & B FOUNDRY AND MACHINING LLC. N 835 Main Street, Franklin OH, 45005, Tel: +1 937-746-3634 Fax: +1 937-736-3635 email: web: Certificate No: MD00/4090/0001/6a Expiry Date: 08/11/2015 NU-CAST, INC. 29, Grenier Field Road, Londonderry, NH 03053 Tel No +1 603 432 1600 Fax No +1 603 432 0724 Email Web www. Certificate No MD00/ 3986/ 0001/6a Expiry Date 08/02/2015 Page © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. 14 As at 11 February 2015 This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail. Lloyd's Register Group Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as ‘Lloyd's Register’. Lloyd's Register assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Lloyd's Register entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract. © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. © Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2015. All rights reserved. This is a copy of an electronic document. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the copy and the electronic document, which is retained and published by Lloyd's Register, the original electronic and certified version shall always prevail.
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