The Messenger of Arndt’s Church - February, 2015 Arndt's Lutheran Church 1851 Arndt Road, Easton, PA 18040 610-253-3732 Email: Website: Regular Worship Services (9/6/14 thru 5/17/15): Saturday, 6:00 p.m. - Sunday, 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Activities for February Boy Scout Breakfast As a thank you to the congregation of Arndt's, a free breakfast prepared and served by Troop 29 scouts and leaders will be held on Sunday, February 8th. There will be three sittings, 8:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Please use the sign-up sheet in the narthex to indicate what time you will be joining us for breakfast. Fastnacht Sale for Shrove Tuesday You may order fastnachts for Shrove Tuesday. An order form is included in this newsletter. Fastnachts may be picked up from 6:30 a.m. thru 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 17th. Cost is $6.00 per dozen and you have a choice of four different varieties. The order deadline (with payment included) is Wednesday, February 11th. You may place your order in the offering plate or drop it off at the church office. Shrove Tuesday Service and Bible Study for Lent We will have a short Shrove Tuesday service on Tuesday, February 17th beginning at 7:00 pm. This service includes readings, prayers, and burning of the palms. Bible study will follow this service. Each Tuesday from February 17 – March 24, we will engage in a Bible study of the Parables which were used the previous Sunday in church. Please join us for this time together to talk more about the Parables. Ash Wednesday Service - Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. We will begin the season of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday, February 18th, at 7:00 p.m., at the church. Holy Communion will be celebrated. Annual Congregational Meeting - Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. The second part of the Annual Congregational Meeting of Arndt's Lutheran Church will be held on Sunday, February 22, 2015, following the 10:30 a.m.worship service. At this meeting we will review the annual reports of the various groups and committees of the church. Please plan to attend this important meeting in the life of our congregation. Looking Ahead Palm Sunday will be celebrated with one service on Sunday, March 29th, beginning at 10:30 a.m. (no 8:15 service that day) and will include Holy Communion and the distribution of palms. Preceding the service there will be a pancake and sausage breakfast. Watch for more details. 1 The Pastor's Page Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Transfiguration……..Challenged by Change One day on a mountaintop the disciples saw Jesus in a "new light". We use that expression sometimes to describe an experience in life where all that we knew about a person was suddenly changed by an act or glance or insight that challenged us to rethink our former perceptions. Peter and James and John have been loyally following Jesus, but not completely understanding what was going on. When they saw him in a "new light" they were both astonished and terrified. Sometimes we are scared by glimpses of new light that challenge our understanding of Jesus and the way that we are called to serve him. I believe it is hard for us to tell the difference between a light that blinds us to truth and a light that reveals more about Jesus for us. It is tempting to close our eyes to any change or even to go running back down the mountain to the safety of the plain. But fortunately for us, God’s grace gives us the courage to step fully into the new light that Jesus brings into the world. Even if we are terrified of change, we can trust that God will guide us to be faithful stewards of change, so that the church can be a light for the world. If we wonder how we can lead by a new light, I think we discover we that God gives us the answer later in the story of the Transfiguration when a voice from the cloud covering the mountain says, “This is my Son, the Beloved, listen to him!” We heard similar words from God at the Baptism of Our Lord in the beginning of Epiphany. These two sets of words are like book ends for us and can be used as directional signals from Jesus to guide us. I believe that we as members of Christ’s church are called to guide each other up to the mountaintop to look into the dazzling light of Christ and then to travel by that light for the rest of the journey with him. Following the New Light with you into this Lenten Season, Pastor Jean 2 Arndt's Administrative Items Interesting Items from Council From the January Council Meeting: + + + + + + Council elected new officers for the upcoming year. President: Bruce Sandt, Vice- President: Chris Johnsen, Secretary: Alecia Coates Reviewed new mandates regarding background checks for all paid employees who work with children under 18 Chris Rex said altar railings will be installed as soon as the weather is warmer Mission District workshop for all council members in the district will be held at Arndt's on Saturday, February 21 from 9 -12 Liaisons from council to different church groups were assigned Members of council and their spouses will salt and shovel the sidewalks to help defray the cost with snow removal *************************************************************************************** December, 2014 Total Operating Income Total Operating Expenses $18,242.04 $12,573.64 $ 5,668.40 Year to Date (1/1/14 - 12/31/14) Total Operating Income Total Operating Expenses $147,881.90 $141,845.01 $ 6,036.89 **************************************************************************************** Second Sunday, Second Offering The next Second Sunday, Second Offering collection will be received on Sunday, February 8, 2015, and will benefit the Bread for the World program. Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation's decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. By changing the policies and conditions that allow hunger to persist, we provide help and opportunity far beyond the communities in which we live. Altar Flowers or Food Box Altar Flowers or Food Box. You have a choice! You may sponsor our weekly, traditional altar flower vases or a food box for $35. You may purchase your own $35 worth of food and bring it in to place on the altar or you may write a check to the church and our volunteers will make the $35 purchase of food. Both sponsorships would include your personal dedication message. A new order form has been prepared for you to use--please remember to indicate your choice (flowers or food) on the form. 3 February Prayer Calendar You are asked to pray for the member listed on each day of the month. All of the members of our church family will be lifted in prayer many times throughout the year. Members are listed alphabetically. If someone is missed, please contact the secretary in the church office. February 01 February 02 February 03 February 04 February 05 February 06 February 07 February 08 February 09 February 10 February 11 February 12 February 13 February 14 February 15 February 16 February 17 February 18 February 19 February 21 February 22 February 23 February 24 February 25 February 26 February 27 February 28 - Marshall and Janie Brown, Emma, William and Gracie Steve Bueker Kerry and Jon Castro, Mia and Megan Chuck and Karen Chapman, Kelsey and Connor Jennifer and Michael Cleffi, Caitlinm Mackenzie and Madison Alecia Coates Angela Coxe and Steven Berkowitz Lou and Carol Ann Coxe Nancy Deutsch, Joe and Allison Tim and Debbie Donbar William Donbar Janet and Sherry Exley Heather and Joe Faust Kurt and Bernice Flad, Katie and Jack Kyle Flad Randy and Kathy Fogel, Brandi and Krysta Roland and Marjorie Frace Amanda, Jonas and Nolan Feliciano and Jack McCleish Peg and Rebecca Freeman Heather and Andrew Frey, Andrew and Amber Decca Frey James and Elizabeth Frey, Annabella and James, Jr. Tabatha Gartner Donald and Debbie Gebhardt Donald and Dorothy Gebhardt Marianne Ghris Ruth Gehris 4 Church Activities "ABC" Book Club Book Club will meet on Monday, February 23, 2015, at 7:00 p.m., at the church. We will be discussing Anna Quindlen's "Still Life With Bread Crumbs". Children's Sunday School Sunday School is held on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. for children 3 years of age through sixth grade. Adult Sunday School Adult Sunday School meets Sundays at 9:00 a.m. We are using the "Adult Crossings" study which encourages use of the bible, questions, answers and discussion. All are welcome. Confirmation Class Confirmation class will meet on Saturday February 28th, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Arndt's Youth Youth will participate in the Birthday Bash at Gracedale on Sunday, March 8th, with youth from the other Lutheran churches. Watch for more information as the date approaches. Open Arms Senior Connection Open Arms meets at the church on Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Pick up an Open Arms newsletter in the narthex or ask to be put on our newsletter mailing list and have one delivered to your home. Arndt's Preschool - February News February is a month for showing our friends how much we care and share by giving each other valentines. We will look to the groundhog to see if he sees his shadow. Do we have six more weeks of Winter or is spring around the corner. We will learn about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. The seniors (4 yr. olds) will make a book called All About Me and then they will present it for Show and Tell. The seniors will wear their favorite Pajamas to school for the letter P. The Juniors (3 yr. olds) show and tell is something red. For the month of February the colors are red, pink and white. The shape is a heart. Arndt's Bible Study - February Schedule Bible Study will meet at Arndt's every Tuesday in Lent, from February 17th through March 24th, at 7:00 p.m., for a study of the parables used the previous Sunday in church. Please join us for this time together to talk more about the Parables. Saturday Evening Services Remember, there will be a Saturday evening service at 6:00 p.m. on the first and third Saturdays of the month during the months of January, February and March. If there is a fifth Saturday in a month, we will also hold Saturday evening worshp on that fifth Saturday. This change is on a trial basis and will be re-examined in April. 5 Lenten Lessons Lent is right around the corner. This year at Arndt's we will hear The Parables of Lent, a special series for the season of Lent. Each service focuses on a biblical parable that connects to Lenten themes. Beginning with the Ash Wednesday service and ending with the Resurrection of Our Lord. Ash Wednesday - Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. In this parable, the tax collector who repents goes home justified, while the proud Pharisee does not. It reminds us that we, too, who repent are justified through Christ. This service includes Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes. 1st Sunday in Lent – Parable of the Sower and the Seed. In this parable, the seed that falls on fertile soil takes root and grows, while seeds in other soils fail. 2nd Sunday in Lent – Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Priceless Pearl. In this parable, two men guive all that they have to buy objects of great worth. 3rd Sunday in Lent –Parable of the Good Samaritan. In this parable, a man beaten on the road gets help from an unlikely traveler. 4th Sunday in Lent – Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. In this parable, all workers in a vineyard are given the same pay from the master, no matter how long they have labored. 5th Sunday in Lent – Parable of the Prodigal Son. In this parable, a wayward son returns to the forgiving embrace of his father who welcomes him home. Palm Sunday – Parable of the Lost Sheep . In this parable a shepherd leaves his 99 sheep to find the one who is lost. We who are lost in sin are found by our loving Shepherd, who heads into Jerusalem amid a parade of praise and palm branches. Monday of Holy Week –“Parable” of the Blind Man. In this parable, we learn about getting better by degrees. Maundy Thursday – Parable of the Great Banquet. In this parable those in low positions are invited to a place of honor by the host. We who are humbled by our sins and outcast by the world are welcomed by Christ to dine at his Holy Supper. Students will receive their First Holy Communion at this service. On Maundy Thursday, we will also have an early morning service beginning at 7:30 a.m. with Holy Communion. Good Friday – Parable of the Landowner and the Tenants. In this parable, tenants in the vineyard kill the master’s son sent to gather the harvest. Easter Vigil – Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. In this parable, the Bridegroom comes through the darkness to claim his Bride, the Church. Easter Sunday- Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders. In this parable, when the storm hits, the house built on the rock remains while one built on sand is washed away. We build our lives on Christ the Cornerstone. 6 Mid-Week Lenten Worship This Lenten season the congregations of Arndt’s, St. Andrew’s, Good Shepherd, St. Paul’s Third and St. Paul’s southside will come together for midweek Lenten worship entitled “You Shall the Love the Lord Your God”. A soup supper begins at 6:00 p.m., followed by worship at 7:00 p.m. The midweek Lenten service schedule is as follows: Date Church Preacher February 25 St. Paul’s Third Pastor George Zacharda March 4 St. Paul’s south side Pastor Mike Reist March 11 Good Shepherd Pastor Laura Csellak March 18 St. Andrew’s Pastor Jean Huber March 25 Arndt’s Pastor Chris Druckenmiller During our mid-week Lenten services, we are collecting items for baby kits to be used for mothers and their babies in the Easton area. SNAP funds, formerly known as food stamps, do not allow mothers to purchase items for their babies, so a number of infants do not have these basic necessities. We are asking for donations of items for babies to be put together in kits and given to local mothers. Week One: Week Two: Week Three: Week Four: Week Five: baby wipes desitin or another diaper rash ointment Onesies size 3 months to 6 months washcloths and/or bibs baby wash The offering collected each week will be designated for formula and diapers to include in the kits, too. Continuous Fundraising Opportunities at Arndt's Gift Card Program from Great Lake Scrips Check out Arndt's gift card program (S.O.A.P.)! Gift cards make great gifts for any occasion? Why not get them from S.O.A.P.? You can pay for all of your purchases with a gift card - groceries, gas, medications--the list can go on and on! We have a great selection of cards available right now. Don't see a card you need? We can order the cards that you want! Check out the list of available cards you can purchase by visiting the following website: Then call Carole Brown (484-505-0647) or fill out an order form and place it in the S.O.A.P. box. Remember, you don't have to pay for cards until you get them. This is an easy way to do your shopping and at the same time, earn money for Arndt's! RADA Cutlery "A Cut Above the Rest" Some of you may be familiar with RADA Cutlery as it was a church fundraiser many years ago. The products are reasonably priced, well constructed--and made in America! We have many items in stock (please see the poster in the narthex). There are many other knives and items available in the RADA catalog. Please express your interest and we will try to order a specific item(s) for you. This is a great fundraiser for Arndt's because it is something that everyone can use and it gives the church a return of 40% profit. Contact Joan Kocher at 610-515-0908 or Karen Beverly 610-252-2338 for purchasing information. 7 Worship at Arndt's Sunday, February 1, 2015 - Fourth Sunday after Epiphany - Holy Communion In Deuteronomy God promises to raise up a prophet lilke Moses, who will speak for God; in Psalm 111 God shows the people the power of God's works For the church these are ways of pointing to the unique authority people sensed in Jesus' actions and words. We encounter that authority in God's word, around which we gather, the word that trumps any lesser spirit that would claim pwoer over us, freeing us to follow Jesus. Sunday, February 8, 2015 – Fifth Sunday after Epiphany - Service of the Word In Isaiah it is the one God who sits above the earth and numbers the stars--it is that God who strengthens the powerless. So in Jesus' healing work we see the hand of the creator God, lifting up the sick woman to health and service (diakonia). Like Simon's mother-inlaw, we are lifted up to health and diakonia. Following Jesus, we strengthen the powerless; like Jesus, we seek to renew our own strength in quiet times of prayer. Sunday, February 15, 2015 – Transfiguration of Our Lord - Holy Communion The Sundays after Epiphany began with Jesus' baptism and end with three disciples' vision of his transfiguration. In Mark's story of Jesus' baptism, apparently only Jesus sees the Spirit descending and hears the words from heaven. But now Jesus' three closest friends hear the same words naming him God's beloved son. As believers, Paul writes, we are enabled to see the God-light in Jesus' face, because the same God who created light in the first place has shone in our hearts to give us that vision. The light of God's glory in Jesus has enlightened us through baptism and shines in us also for others to see. Sunday, February 22, 2015 – First Sunday in Lent - Holy Communion On Ash Wednesday the church began its journey toward baptismal immersion in the death and resurrection of Christ. This year, the Sundays in Lent lead us to focus on five covenants God makes in the Hebrew Scriptures and to use them as lenses through which to view baptism. First Peter connects the way God saved Noah's family in the flood with the way God saves us through the water of baptism. The baptismal covenant is made with us individually, but the new life we are given in baptism is for the sake of the whole world. Community Service Hunger, Interfaith Food Pantry & the Peanut Butter ProJeCt Safe Harbor Meals Provided by Arndt's Safe Harbor Lunch - The next date for the Safe Harbor mac and cheese lunch will be Monday, February 9th. Safe Harbor Dinner - The next date for the Safe Harbor dinner meal is Thursday, February 26th. Thank you to everyone who participates in this community ministry. Backpack Project Arndt's continues to collect individual packs of applesauce for the backpack project. Our goal is to provide the best nutrition that we can, so we ask for the no added sugar applesauce. You may bring your donations to the church and place them in the box marked for the "Backpack Project". Thank you for your support of this project. Save the Date On Easter Monday, April 6th, we are once again offering life saving health screening tests. Future postings will tell how the test did save Don Herr’s life. So plan now to take 15 minutes out of your day to have your thyroid and carotid arteries checked. Details to follow. 8 Don’t forget this important Ministry!!! Any donation makes a difference!!! Team Captains – I see many of you have selected your months for 2015. THANK YOU!!!! We still have a few months that are open. If you haven’t signed up, please do so. AND – don’t forget to contact your team members early enough so they can assist. Team Members – Please check the chart to see what month your captain selected. They should be calling you a week or so before to plan out the meal. OTHER CHURCH MEMBERS – Your help with items for lunches would be greatly appreciated. There are sign-up sheets for lunches (usually 3 months worth) where you can volunteer to help out with donations. REMEMBER – we need to know if you are taking it to Safe Harbor or bringing it to the church. ALSO, there is a generic sign-up sheet in the middle of the bulletin board if you want to list items you are willing to provide/make as needed. From this list, I can contact you the week prior if we see we still have a need for items. Thanks to all who help with this ministry! 9 Arndt’s Announcements Please submit any special information you may want to share with the rest of the congregation to the "Arndt's Announcements” page of The Messenger. Thank you to . . . . The congregation for supporting the January Second Sunday, Second Offering. $105 was collected to support the ELCA "Souper Bowl" program. Thank you from . . . . ProJeCt of Easton, Inc.'s Board of Directors, staff and all the people who benefit from our programs. Thank you for your donation of various food items to the Interfaith Food Pantry. It is only through the generous support of our community that we are able to offer the services we provide to the public through the Interfaith Food Pantry and the ASSIST program at no cost. Your support makes a difference to those in need. Janice D. Komisor, Executive Director The Center for Animal Health & Welfare, formerly known as the Northampton County SPCA, gratefully acknowledges your kind donation. Your kindness will help the animals here at The Center find their forever home and give them food, shelter and medical care while in residence. ProJeCt of Easton, Inc.'s Board of Directors, staff and all the people who benefit from our programs. Thank you for your donation of $900 to the Interfaith Food Pantry. Thank you for helping us "to help people help themselves." Janice D. Komisor, Executive Director Editor's Note: This donation was given to ProJeCt from the proceeds of the annual Golf Tournament at Wedgewood Golf Course. Family Promise of Warren County, Inc. I would like to convey to you the gratitude of the Board of Trustees and the families we serve for the expression of support that Arndt's demonstrated to Family Promise of Warren County, Inc., with the recent contribution of $145.35. Thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of those who need it the most. most of all, thank you for giving hope to the homeless families. Bob Frankenfield, Executive Director Editor's Note: This donation came from the collection at the Midweek Advent service held at Arndt's on December 3, 2014. 2015 Arndt's Lutheran Church Activity Calendar February 8 17 18 22 Boy Scout Breakfast, sittings at 8:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. Fastnacht Day and Shrove Tuesday Worship at 7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service at 7:00 p.m. Congregational Meeting and lunch bar provided by Open Arms - 11:30 a.m. March 7 21 29 One-Day Women's Retreat at Arndt's, "Xtreme Makeover", 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Game Night after Worship Pancake and Sausage Breakfast before Palm Sunday service Looking Ahead - Arndt's Rummage Sale in September RUMMAGE SALE time will be here before we know it. Have you set aside a space to gather items that will sell in September? If a snowy day has you cleaning out closets, be sure to think RUMMAGE. 10 ARNDT'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 1851 Arndt Road - Easton PA 18040 610/253-3732 FASTNACHT ORDER FORM- 2015 Order deadline is Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Dozen - $6.00 Half dozen - $3.00 Pick-Up at Arndt's on Tuesday, February 17th 6:30 am to 3:00 pm NAME: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHONE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____________________________________________________________ VARIETY PLAIN GLAZED POWDERED SUGAR QUANTITY COST ___half-dozen $...... ___dozen $...... ___half-dozen $...... ___dozen $...... ___half-dozen $...... ___dozen $...... ___half-dozen $...... ___dozen $...... Grand Total Ordered by dozen/half-dozen _______ Total Amount Paid $ __________ Payment due with order. - Make checks payable to "Arndt’s Lutheran Church” 11 12 13
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