Click here for RFP - Shenandoah County Public Schools

RFP Issue Date:
February 11, 2015
Proposals Due:
February 23, 2015
Issue Date:
February 11, 2015
Managed Internal Broadband Services
Issuing Entity:
Shenandoah County Public Schools
Technology Department
600 N. Main Street, Suite 200
Woodstock, VA 22664
The School Division will receive sealed proposals until 2:00 PM on February 23, 2015, for
furnishing Managed Internal Broadband Services for Shenandoah County Public Schools
(SCPS). Inquiries for information should be directed to Doug Culler, Network Systems
Schools, Technology Services Office, 600 N. Main Street, Suite 200, Woodstock, Virginia,
The intent and purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals
from qualified firms to provide two proposals as outlined:
(1) Management and operation of the LAN/WLAN, to include replacement of all
current network hardware.
(2) Hardware replacement of all LAN/WLAN equipment to include installation,
activation and initial configuration of eligible components.
A Request for Proposal (RFP) is being utilized in lieu of an Invitation To Bid (ITB) as
deemed in the best interest of the SCPS due to the nature of the contract.
1.2.1 Wired and Wireless Managed Services with Bundled Equipment SCPS is requesting an all-inclusive solution to upgrade the district’s wired and
wireless network infrastructure at all buildings. This includes all equipment,
installation of equipment, configuration of equipment, any necessary cabling,
warranties and technical support and represents complete installation and
integration with the existing network where necessary. This solution is referred
to as Category 2 - Broadband Internal Connections Managed Services. For that
reason we would like all vendors to provide a complete description of the
services, diagrams and clear explanation of the managed solutions being
proposed. At the pre-bid meeting, SCPS will provide floor maps and other
documentation that may be needed to prepare a cost-effective proposal. Vendors
will be able schedule a visit to each facility. All technology equipment included in any vendor’s proposal must be new
equipment and purchased from the manufacturer. No grey market, third party, or
used equipment will be considered. Proposals must include proof of authorization to resell and install the products
being proposed. Proposals which do not include installation and configuration of
the equipment proposed will not be considered. SCPS recognizes that suppliers of wired and wireless managed services may find
it necessary to work with other partners to propose a cost-effective solution. The
proposal must describe how it will use subcontractors and local resources if
awarded a contract. SCPS will not accept agreements that require multiple billing
agents to be paid. SCPS expects to pay one vendor and that vendor will serve as
the primary point of contact. The winning vendor will assume all responsibility
for the solution. Contract “out clauses” for continued poor performance of the
solution will be included in any final agreement or award. PoE GIG Switches (48 and 24 port) with options for 10 GIG uplinks Access Points UPS for all E-Rate eligible equipment in MDFS and IDFS (if needed) Additional Network Components, as needed, to upgrade the entire network.
1.2.2 Local Area Network Specifications SCPS’s local area network equipment is greater than 7 years old. Upgrading the
local area network is a priority. SCPS is seeking bids from vendors on costeffective proposals that will overhaul the current infrastructure. Creative
solutions may include replacement UPSs, Wireless LAN Controller, firewall,
network switches, routers, cabling and additional racks and other networking
components. Vendors will use the proposed 2015-2016 ESL to identify any equipment that is
necessary to provide a solid network. The district realizes the upgrade may
include components that are ineligible for E-Rate funding. Vendors must identify
those ineligible components and provide separate pricing.
1.2.3 Specification of Wireless Managed Service Infrastructure The vendor may propose either a controller or controller-less wireless solution.
The controller-less solution must have the ability to be centrally managed. Provide Advanced RF and radio resource management Support Multicast video delivery across WLAN Support Guest access Must include a management system with the access points capable of 802.11 AC Powered via 802.3af PoE. Capable of connecting to wired network via 10/100/1000BASE-T RJ-45.
1.2.4 Access Points Support 802.11 N and AC at 2.4GHz and 5GHz
Use enterprise-class radios for maximum RF performance and coverage
Support rogue access point detection and denial of service attack protection
Support management frame protection
Support coverage for legacy 802.11 N/AC clients
Support client load-balancing across frequencies in mixed client environments
Support multicast video delivery across WLAN
Support radio resource monitoring, dynamic channel assignment, interference
detection Cable of at least 300 Mbps on 5 Ghz 802.11 AC connections, preferably dual
radio Be IPv6/IPv4 dual stack capable and able to manage IPv6/IPv4 clients Support 802.11N/AC Be capable of supporting autonomous and central control operation Offer features to optimize multicast, quality of service, and video delivery Be certified for use with antenna gains up to 6 dBi (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz)
1.2.5 Cabling for Access Points Other Considerations: Vendor installed Switches, Patch Panels and Cabling Any cables run by the vendor will be terminated into a patch panel on one end
and in a wall mounted full box jack on the other. If current cables are used, the vendor will be allowed to use the same cable and
patch panels regardless of the rating category. Vendor will be responsible for labeling and testing all new connections and
providing a document showing all drop locations, as well as, test results. All wiring must be concealed either in wall or conduit. No exposed cable runs
will be allowed. Vendor may use any available open port on any PoE switch currently in use in
the district. If there are not enough open PoE ports available, vendor will be required to
provide and install PoE switches. Vendors may use any patch panels currently in place if there are sufficient open
jacks in the patch panel. HOWEVER, if the current patch panel is rated anything
lower than Cat 6 and the vendor chooses to use it, the vendor will replace the
entire patch panel with a Cat 6 unit and reconnect all currently connected cables. If the vendor chooses to install a new patch panel and there is not room on the
rack, the vendor will be required to install another, larger rack, placing all of the
equipment currently in the small rack into the larger rack. If current cables are used, the vendor will be allowed to use the same cable and
patch panels regardless of the rating category. The vendor will be responsible for labeling and testing all new connections and
providing a document showing all drop locations, as well as, test results.
1.2.6 Wiring Specifications (if needed) General Speed Cable 6000 (Cat 6 rated) horizontal backbone cable shall be used
for all data applications. Plenum rated shall be used in plenum rated areas or approved equal. Cable jacket
shall be blue for all data cables. Using the preferred General/ Panduit solution, both wall and raceway-mounted
outlets shall be mounted in single gang utility boxes and covered with dual or
quad face plates CFP*EI. Complete outlet shall consist of utility box, jacks, caddy clips, and cover plate.
Outlets shall be Panduit or equal consisting of 8-position, Category 6 complaint,
RJ-45 modular jacks Part number CJ688T or approved equal.
When possible, vendors should use existing conduit; however, if PVC or INNER
DUCT is proposed it shall be a non-metallic, flexible conduit intended for power
and communications applications. Duct shall be suitable for underground
Raceway shall be Panduit or equal raceway system and will include all elbows,
T’s, boots, and connectors needed.
Data station cables shall terminate on rack mounted 24-port or 48-port patch
panels as required.
The successful bidder(s) will be responsible for qualifying for and adhering to the Federal
E-Rate program. Items not eligible for E-Rate must be itemized in the bid. Prices must be
held firm for the duration of the E-Rate Year. These projects and services depend on partial
funding from the E-rate program and should be completed within the funding year.
Applicant expects each Service Provider to make themselves thoroughly familiar with
any rules or regulations regarding the E-rate program.
All contracts entered into as a result of this RFP will be contingent upon the specific
funding of the FRN at the percentage rate submitted.
The maximum percentage the Applicant will be liable for is the pre-discount amount
minus the funded amount or ineligible portion as shown on the form 471 Block 5.
In the event of questions during the E-Rate PIA review process, the successful vendor
is expected to reply within 3 days to questions associated with their proposal.
The contractor is responsible for providing a valid SPIN (Service Provider
Identification Number) at the time the bid is submitted.
Any potential bidder found to be in Red-Light Status will be disqualified from
participation in the bidding process and will be considered non-responsive.
Vendor understands that they may be asked to work around school schedules to avoid
impacting classroom or busy office times.
The Applicant reserves the right to deny any or all proposals associated with this RFP, even
with SLD funding approval. Applicant reserves the right to consider existing piggyback,
open RFP, open 470, etc.
Failure to follow the above criteria and requirements may be considered grounds for
An authorized representative of the Offeror shall sign proposals. All information requested
must be submitted. Failure to submit all information requested may result in the proposal
being considered unresponsive. Mandatory requirements are those required by law or
regulation or are such that they cannot be waived and are not subject to negotiation.
Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward,
concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis should
be placed on completeness and clarity of content.
Proposals can be submitted in print or electronic format. Each copy of the proposal should
be bound or contained in a single volume where practical. All documentation submitted
with the proposal should be contained in that single volume.
Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared for the SCPS
pursuant to the RFP shall belong exclusively to the SCPS and be subject to public
inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Trade secrets or
proprietary information submitted by an Offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure
under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; however, the Offeror must invoke the
protection prior to or upon submission of the data or other materials, and must identify the
data or other materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary.
Release RFP
February 11, 2015
Proposal Due February 23, 2015 2:00 PM School Board Office
600 N Main St
Suite 200
Woodstock, VA 22664
A. Proposals should be as thorough and detailed as possible so that SCPS may properly
evaluate your capabilities to provide the required services. Offerors are required to
submit the following items as a complete proposal:
The return of this complete RFP signed and filled out as required.
Complete Data Sheet (Note: This should be included as an attachment to
the RFP)
The Template for Financial Submission (Template A) must be completed
and included with the proposal.
A written narrative statement to include:
Experience in providing the services described herein.
Names, qualifications and experience of personnel to be assigned
to the project.
Resumes of staff to be assigned to the project.
Evaluation Criteria
Prior Experience
Distance from District
E-rate experience
Scoring ranges are based on category judged.
Excellent equals 100% of available points to 0% for Unacceptable scoring in a given
SCPS shall select offeror(s) deemed to be fully qualified and best suited among those
submitting proposals, on the basis of the factors involved in the request for proposal,
including price if so stated in the request for proposal. Price shall be considered, but need
not be the sole determining factor. After negotiations have been conducted with
offeror(s) so selected, the School Board shall select the offeror(s) which, in its opinion,
has made the best proposal, and shall award the contract accordingly. Should the School
Board determine in writing and in its sole discretion that only one (1) offeror is fully
qualified, or that one (1) offeror is clearly more highly qualified than the others under
consideration, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that offeror.
The signed proposal should be returned in a separate envelope or package, sealed and
identified as follows:
From: ______________________
Name of Offeror
Due Date
RFP – Category 2 Services
Street or Box Number
County and City, State, Zip Code
The envelope should be addressed as directed on Page 1 of the solicitation.
These general terms, conditions and instructions apply to all purchases and are a part of each
solicitation and every contract awarded by SCPS, unless otherwise specified in such solicitation
or contract. Bidder/Offeror or their authorized representatives are expected to inform themselves
fully as to the conditions, requirements, and specifications before submitting bids/proposals:
failure to do so will be at the bidder’s/offeror’s own risk.
These general terms, conditions and instructions are subject to all applicable Federal, State and
local statutes, policies, resolutions, and regulations (collectively “laws”), and are to be interpreted
so as to be consistent with such laws. In the case of irreducible conflict, these general terms and
conditions are preempted by applicable laws.
ACCEPTANCE PERIOD: The response shall be binding upon the offeror for a minimum of 110
calendar days following the bid receipt and opening date. Any response on which the Offeror
shortens the acceptance period may be rejected as determined by the Director of Finance.
ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS PROCEDURE: Any protest to award a contract shall be in
writing and shall be delivered so that it is received by the Superintendent of Schools not later than
ten (10) businesses days after announcement of the award or award, whichever comes first.
ANTITRUST: By entering into a contract, the Contractor conveys, sells, assigns, and transfers to
SCPS all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of the action it may now have or hereafter
acquire under the antitrust laws of the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia, relating
to the particular goods or services purchased or acquired by SCPS under said contract.
APPLICABLE LAWS AND COURTS: This solicitation and any resulting contract shall be
governed in all respects by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including but not limited
to the Public Procurement Act, and any litigation with respect thereto shall be brought in the courts
of the Shenandoah County, Virginia. The Contractor shall comply with applicable federal, state
and local laws and regulations.
ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT: A contract shall not be assignable by the Contractor in whole
or in part without the written consent of SCPS.
AUDIT: The Contractor hereby agrees to retain all books, records, and other documents relative
to this contract for five (5) years after final payment, or until audited by SCPS, whichever is sooner.
SCPS, its authorized agents, and/or auditors reserve the right to perform or have performed an
audit of the records of the Contractor and therefore shall have full access to and the right to examine
any of said materials within a reasonable period of time during said period.
AUTHORITY: The Director of Finance has the sole responsibility and authority for issuance of
invitations to bid, invitation for bids, requests for proposal, requests for proposals, negotiations,
placing and modifying invitations, requests, purchase orders and awards issued by and for SCPS.
In the discharge of these responsibilities, the Director of Finance may be assisted by delegating to
other staff. No other School Board officers or employee is authorized to order supplies or services,
enter into purchase negotiations or contracts, or in any way obligate the School Board for any
indebtedness. Any purchase order or contract made which is contrary to these provisions and
authorities shall be of no effect and void, and the School Board shall not be bound thereby.
AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: It is understood and agreed between the parties herein that SCPS
shall be bound hereunder only to the extent of the funds available or which may hereafter become
available for the purpose of this contract. Furthermore, if funds are not appropriated for any
succeeding fiscal year subsequent to the one in which this contract is entered into, for the purpose
of this contract, then SCPS may reduce or terminate this contract upon thirty (30) days prior written
notice to the Contractor. Should termination be accomplished in accordance with this Section,
SCPS shall be liable only for payments due through June 30 of the calendar year.
CARE OF DATA: The selected firm shall take all steps necessary to safeguard any data, files,
reports, or other information from loss, destruction or erasure. Any costs or expenses of replacing,
or damages resulting from the loss of such data shall be borne by the contractor when such loss or
damage occurred through its negligence.
CHANGES TO THE CONTRACT: SCPS may, upon mutual agreement with the Contractor, issue
written modifications to the scope of work/specifications of this contract, and within the general
scope thereof, except that no modifications can be made which will result in an increase of the
original contract price by a cumulative amount of more than $50,000 or 25%, whichever is greater,
without the advance written approval of SCPS. In making any modification, the resulting increase
or decrease in cost for the modification shall be determined by one of the following methods as
selected by the Director of Finance:
The written modification shall stipulate the mutually-agreed price for the specific
addition to or deletion from the scope of work/specifications which shall be added
to or deducted from the contract amount.
The written modification shall stipulate the number of unit quantities added to or
deleted from the contract and multiplied by the unit price which shall be added to
or deducted from the contract amount.
The written modification shall direct the Contractor to proceed with the work and
to keep, and present in such form as SCPS may direct, a correct account of the cost
of the change together with all vouchers therefor. The cost shall include an
allowance for overhead and profit to be mutually agreed upon by SCPS and the
Changes can be made to the contract in any one of the following ways:
SCPS may order changes within the general scope of the contract at any time by
written notice to the Contractor. Changes within the scope of the contract include,
but are not limited to things such as the method of packing or shipment, place of
delivery, installation or performance of work, etc. The Contractor shall comply
with the notice upon receipt. The Contractor shall be compensated for any
additional cost incurred as the result of such order and shall give SCPS a credit or
any resulting savings. Said compensation shall be determined by one of the
following methods:
By mutual agreement between the parties in writing; or
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By agreeing upon a unit price or using a unit price set forth in the contract, if the
work to be done can be expressed in units, and the Contractor accounts for the
number of units of work performed, subject to SCPS’s right to audit the Contractor's
records and/or to determine the correct number of units independently; or
By ordering the Contractor to proceed with the work and to keep a record of all
costs incurred and savings realized. A markup for overhead and profit may be
allowed if provided by the contract. The same markup shall be used for determining
a decrease in price as the result of savings realized. The Contractor shall present
SCPS with all vouchers and records of the Contractor as it deems necessary to
determine costs of savings. Any claim for an adjustment in price under this
provision must be asserted by written notice to SCPS within thirty (30) days from
the date of receipt of the written order from SCPS. If the parties fail to agree on an
amount of adjustment, the question of an increase or decrease in the contract price
or time for performance shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures for
resolving disputes provided by the Disputes Clause of this contract. Neither the
existence of a claim or a dispute resolution process, litigation or any other provision
of this contract shall excuse the Contractor from promptly complying with the
changes ordered by SCPS or with the performance of the contract generally.
The parties may agree in writing to modify the scope of the contract. An increase
or decrease in the price of the contract resulting from such modification shall be
agreed to by the parties as a part of their written agreement to modify the scope of
the contract, and must be consistent with the limits otherwise specified in the Public
Procurement Act.
CLARIFICATION OF TERMS: If any prospective offeror has questions about the specifications
or other solicitation documents, the prospective offeror should contact in writing the individual
whose name appears on the face of the solicitation by the time specified on the face of this
solicitation. Any revisions to the solicitation will be made only by written addendum issued by
the Director of Finance.
COMPLIANCE WITH PROCEDURES: The Contractor shall comply with all procedural
instructions that may be issued from time to time by SCPS. However, the terms and conditions of
the contract will not change.
CONTRACTUAL DISPUTES: Any dispute concerning a question of fact including claims for
money or other relief as a result of a contract with SCPS which is not disposed of by agreement
shall be declared by the Director of Finance who shall reduce a decision to writing and mail or
otherwise forward a copy thereof to the Contractor within ten (10) days. The decision of the
Director of Finance shall be final and conclusive unless the Contractor appeals within ten (10)
days of receipt of the written decision by formal protest.
Contractual claims, whether for money or other relief, shall be submitted in writing no later than
sixty (60) days after final payment, however, written notice of the Contractor's intention to file
such a claim shall have been given at the time of the occurrence or beginning of the work upon
which the claim is based. Pendency of claims shall not delay payment of amounts agreed due in
the final payment. Contractual disputes shall also be subject to the provisions of Virginia Code §
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2.2-4363(D) and (E) (exhaustion of administrative remedies) and §2.2-4364 (legal actions)
CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK CERTIFICATION: To protect the safety of students and
school employees, Contractor certifies to the School Board that none of Contractor’s employees,
whether new or current, full-time or part-time, permanent or temporary, who will be present on
school property and will have direct contact with students or school employees, (i) have been
convicted of a felony, or of any offense involving sexual molestation, physical or sexual abuse or
rape of a child,; or (ii) have been the subject of a founded case of child abuse or neglect.
Contractor shall conduct an investigation of the criminal history, sex offender status
and agency determinations of child abuse of each employee who will be present on
other school property and will have direct contact with students or school
employees. Contractor shall conduct all such investigations with the written
consent of affected employees and in compliance with all applicable laws.
Contractor certifies that it has conducted such an investigation for all current
employees who will be involved in the work to be performed pursuant to this
Agreement, and will conduct such an investigation for any future employees who
will be involved in the work to be performed pursuant to this Agreement.
Contractor shall keep records of all investigations and shall make such records
available to the School Board upon request.
If any employee of Contractor who will be present on school property and will have
direct contact with students or school employees is arrested for, charged with, or
convicted of any such offense, or becomes the subject of a child abuse investigation,
Contractor shall notify the Superintendent of the arrest, charge, conviction or
investigation within forty-eight (48) hours after Contractor is made aware of the
arrest, charge, conviction or investigation. The School Board reserves the right to
exclude such employee from positions that may involve contact between such
employee and students or school employees, or to exclude such individual from
school property entirely.
Contractor shall include the provisions of this section in all contracts with its
subcontractors who will provide goods or services for the Project, if any, so that
such provisions are binding on all such subcontractors of Contractor.
Failure by Contractor or one of its subcontractors to conduct investigations or to
make the certifications required by this provision may constitute a breach of this
Agreement and grounds for termination or rescission of the Agreement (Code of
Virginia § 22.1-296.1).
DEBARMENT STATUS: By submitting their proposals, offerors certify that they are not currently
debarred by the Commonwealth of Virginia from submitting bids or proposals on contracts for the
type of goods and/or services covered by this solicitation, nor are they an agent of any person or
entity that is currently so debarred.
DEFAULT: In case of failure to deliver goods or services in accordance with the contract terms
and conditions, SCPS, after due oral or written notice, may procure them from other sources and
hold the contractor responsible for any resulting additional purchase and administrative costs. This
remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies which SCPS may have.
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DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE: Pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.2-4312, during the performance of
this contract, the contractor agrees to (i) provide a drug-free workplace for the contractor's employees;
(ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, a statement
notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use
of a controlled substance or marijuana is prohibited in the contractor's workplace and specifying the
actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all
solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the
contractor maintains a drug-free workplace, and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses
in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon
each sub-Consultant or vendor. Successful consultant shall not use, possess, manufacture, or
distribute alcoho1 or illegal drugs during the performance of the contract or while on SCPS
premises or distribute it to SCPS employees. Successful Consultant understands that a violation of
these prohibitions constitutes a breach of the contract and that SCPC has the right cancel the
For the purposes of this section, "drug free workplace" means a site for the
performance of work done in connection with a specific contract awarded to a
contractor in accordance with this chapter, the employees of whom are prohibited
from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation,
possession or use of any controlled substance or marijuana during the performance of
the contract.
ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING: By submitting their proposal, offerors certify that their
proposals are made without collusion or fraud and that they have not offered or received any
kickbacks or inducements from any other offeror , supplier, manufacturer or subcontractor in
connection with their proposal, and that they have not conferred on any public employee having
official responsibility for this procurement transaction any payment, loan, subscription, advance,
deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised unless
consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged.
EXTRA CHARGES NOT ALLOWED: The proposed costs/fees shall be for providing complete
services and shall include any costs or fees incidental to providing the goods or services; e.g.,
travel, hourly rates, supplies, printing, misc. support services, etc... Extra charges will not be
FAILURE TO DELIVER OR MEET DEADLINES: Failure to comply with the terms and
conditions of this solicitation or to deliver services and meet deadlines identified in the solicitation
and contract at the costs quoted will void the contract award. The Contractor shall in this instance
be responsible for any and all costs incurred by SCPS to procure such products or services
FEES/COSTS: Negotiated costs shall be firm and fixed throughout the initial contract period.
IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986: By entering into a written contract
with SCPS, the Contractor certifies that the Contractor does not, and shall not during the
performance of the contract for goods and services knowingly employ an unauthorized alien as
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defined in the Federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
time scheduled for proposal opening, for whatever reason, sealed proposals will be accepted and
opened on the next scheduled business day, at the originally scheduled time.
INDEMNIFICATION: The Contractor shall indemnify, save and hold harmless SCPS, its officers,
agents, employees and volunteers against and from any and all injuries, death, loss, damage,
claims, patent claims, suits, liabilities, judgments, costs of investigation, attorney fees, cost of
appeals arising out of any such claims or suits, and other expenses which may or otherwise accrue
in consequence of the granting of a contract or which may or otherwise result in connection with
work thereof, if it shall be determined that the act was caused through negligence, omission or
commission of the Contractor, including its agents, subcontractors, employees, and volunteers.
The Contractor expressly understands and agrees that any performance bond or insurance shall in
no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the School Board
as herein provided. Furthermore, it is understood and agreed that the Contractor is at all times
herein acting as an independent contractor.
INSURANCE: The Contractor shall maintain such personal injury and property damage liability
insurance as necessary to protect itself from claims arising out of the performance of any resulting
contract. By signing and submitting a proposal under this solicitation, the offeror certifies that if
awarded the contract, it will have the following insurance coverage at the time the work
commences. Additionally, it will maintain these during the entire term of the contract and that all
insurance coverage will be provided by insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in
Virginia by the Virginia State Corporation Commission. During the period of the contract SCPS
reserves the right to require the Contractor to furnish certificates of insurance for the coverage
required by SCPS and the Commonwealth as indicated below:
Insurance Coverage and Limits Required:
Worker's Compensation - Statutory requirements and benefits.
Employers Liability - $100,000.
General Liability - $1,000,000 combined single limit with SCPS named as
additional insured with respect to the services being procured. This coverage is to
include Premises/Operations Liability, Products, and Completed Operations
Coverage, Independent Contractor's Liability, Owner's and Contractor's Protective
Liability and Personal Injury Liability.
Automobile Liability - $500,000.
Professional Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence
Contractor Insurance - The firm shall be responsible for its work and every part
thereof, and for all materials, tools, equipment, appliances, and property of any and
all description used in connection therewith. The firm assumes all risks of direct
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and indirect damage or injury to the property or persons used or employed on or in
connection with the work contracted for, and of all damage or injury to any person
or property wherever located, resulting from any action, omission, commission or
operation under the contract, or in connection in any way whatsoever with the
contracted work.
Certificate - The firm will provide an original, signed Certificate of Insurance and
such endorsements as prescribed herein, and shall have it filed with SCPS Finance
Office before any work is started.
Insurance Cancellation - No change, cancellation, or non-renewal shall be made in
any insurance coverage without a sixty day written notice to SCPS Finance Office.
Contract Control of All Tasks - Contractual and other Liability insurance provided
under this contract shall not contain a supervision, inspection or engineering
services exclusion that would preclude SCPS from supervising and/or inspecting
the project as to the end result. The firm shall assume all on-the-job responsibilities
as to the control of persons directly employed by it and of the subcontractors and
any persons employed by the subcontractors.
Subcontractor Liability Insurance - Nothing contained in the specifications shall be
construed as creating any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and
SCPS. The contractor shall be as fully responsible to SCPS for the acts and
omissions of the subcontractors and of persons employed by them as it is for acts
and omissions of persons directly employed by it.
Safety and Health Regulations - The contractor and all subcontractors are to comply
with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Public Law 91-956, as it may
apply to this Contract.
INVOICES: Invoices for items/services ordered, delivered and accepted shall be submitted in
duplicate by the Contractor directly to the payment address shown on the purchase order/contract.
All invoices shall reference said purchase order/contract number. Invoices shall be for work
completed and stored to date with no miscellaneous or mobilization charges, front loading of cost is
strictly prohibited.
LATE RESPONSES: To be considered for selection, responses must be received by SCPS Finance
Department by the designated date and hour. Responses received in the Finance Department after
the date and hour designated are automatically disqualified and will not be considered. SCPS is
not responsible for delays in the delivery of mail by the U.S. Postal Service, private couriers, or
the intra-school mail system, or any other method of delivery. It is the sole responsibility of the
offeror to ensure that its response reaches the Finance Department by the designated date and hour.
LAWS AND REGULATIONS: The Successful firm shall abide by all Federal, State and Local
laws and regulations governing the provision of the services called for in the contract. The
Successful firm shall give notice and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and
lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the performance of the work. Any legal
proceedings arising out of or related to this agreement shall be filed by the parties in the County
of Shenandoah.
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LICENSES AND PERMITS: The Successful firm shall secure and pay for all permits,
governmental fees and licenses necessary for the proper execution and completion of the work
which are legally required prior to and during the work.
response on the official SCPS form provided for that purpose may be cause for rejection of the
response. Return of the complete document is required. Modification of or additions to the
General Terms and Conditions of this solicitation may be cause for rejection of the response;
however, the Director of Finance reserves the right to decide, on a case by case basis, in his/her
sole discretion, whether to reject such a response.
METHOD OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall be paid on the basis of invoices submitted, to be
paid net thirty (30) days from receipt and approval by authorized SCPS official, upon completion
of services. Payment shall be made after satisfactory performance of the contract in accordance
with all of the provisions thereof and upon receipt of a properly completed invoice. The School
Board reserves the right to withhold any or all payments or portions thereof for contractor's failure
to perform in accordance with the provisions of the contract or any modifications thereto.
NON-DISCRIMINATION: By submitting their proposal, the offeror certifies to SCPS that they
will conform to the provisions of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, as well as the
Virginia Fair Employment Act of 1975, as amended, where applicable, and Code of Virginia
Section 2.2-4311. If the award is made to a faith-based organization, the organization shall not
discriminate against any recipient of goods, services, or disbursements made pursuant to the
contract on the basis of the recipient’s religion, religious belief, refusal to participate in a religious
practice, or on the basis of race, age, color, gender or national origin and shall be subject to the
same rules as other organizations that contract with public bodies to account for the use of the
funds provided; however, if the faith-based organization segregates public funds into separate
accounts, only the accounts and programs funded with public funds shall be subject to audit by the
public body. (Virginia Code 2.2.4343.1(E).
If the resultant contract exceeds $10,000, during the performance of the contract, the Successful
firm agrees as follows:
a) The Successful firm will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, religion, color, sex or national origin, except where religion,
sex or national origin is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the
normal operation of the Successful firm. The Successful firm agrees to post in conspicuous
places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the
provisions of this non-discrimination clause.
b) The Successful firm, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on
behalf of the Successful firm, will state that such Successful firm is an equal opportunity
c) Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or
regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting the requirements of this
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d) The Successful firm will include the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs a, b and c in
every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding
upon each subcontracted firm or vendor.
NON-DISCRIMINATION OF CONTRACTORS: A bidder, offeror, or contractor shall not be
discriminated against in the solicitation or award of this contract because of race, religion, color,
sex, national origin, age, disability, faith-based organizational status, any other basis prohibited by
state law relating to discrimination in employment or because the bidder or offeror employs exoffenders unless the County has made a written determination that employing ex-offenders on the
specific contract is not in its best interest. If the award of this contract is made to a faith-based
organization and an individual, who applies for or receives goods, services, or disbursements
provided pursuant to this contract objects to the religious character of the faith-based organization
from which the individual receives or would receive the goods, services, or disbursements, the
public body shall offer the individual, within a reasonable period of time after the date of his
objection, access to equivalent goods, services, or disbursements from an alternative provider.
against faith-based organizations.
OBLIGATION OF OFFEROR: By submitting a response, the offeror covenants and agrees that
they are satisfied, from their own investigation of the conditions to be met, that they fully
understand their obligation and that they will not make any claim for, or have right to cancellation
or relief from the contract because of any misunderstanding or lack of information.
OFFICIAL NOT TO BENEFIT: Offeror shall certify upon signing a response that to the best of
their knowledge no SCPS official or employee having official responsibility for the procurement
transaction or member of his or her immediate family has received or will receive any financial
benefit of more than nominal or minimal value relating to the award of this contract. If such a
benefit has been received or will be received this fact shall be disclosed with the response or
response or as soon thereafter as it appears that such a benefit will be received. Failure to disclose
the information prescribed above may result in suspension or debarment or recession of the
contract made or could affect payment pursuant to the terms of the contract.
Whenever there is reason to believe that benefit of the sort described in the paragraph above has
been or will be received in connection with response, bid or contract and that the Contractor has
failed to disclose such benefit or has inadequately disclosed it, SCPS, as a prerequisite to payment
pursuant to the Contractor, or at any time require the contractor to furnish, under oath, answers to
any interrogatories related to such possible benefit.
In the event the offeror has knowledge of benefits as outlined above, this information should be
submitted with the response. If the above does not apply at time of award of contract and becomes
known after inception of a contract the offeror shall address the disclosure of such facts to:
Director of Finance, Shenandoah County Public Schools, 600 N. Main Street, Suite 200,
Woodstock, VA 22664. The Request for Proposal Number should be referenced in the disclosure.
OSHA STANDARDS: All contractors and subcontractors performing services for SCPS are
required and shall comply with all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), State
and County Safety and Occupational Health Standards and any other applicable rules and
regulations. Also, all contractors and subcontractors shall be held responsible for the safety of their
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employees and any unsafe acts or conditions that may cause injury or damage to any persons or
property within and around the work site area under this contract.
OWNERSHIP OF MATERIAL: Ownership of all data, material and documentation originated
and prepared by the Offeror and successful Contractor for SCPS pursuant to this solicitation and
any resulting contract shall belong exclusively to SCPS and be subject to public inspection in
accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.
PAYMENT TERMS: Any payment terms requiring payment in less than 30 days will be regarded
as requiring payment 30 days after invoice or delivery, whichever occurs last. However, this shall
not affect offers of discounts for payment in less than 30 days.
PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: The Contractor shall be responsible for
completely supervising and directing the work under this contract and all subcontractors that they
may utilize, using their best skill and attention. Subcontractors who perform work under this
contract shall be responsible to the prime Contractor. The Contractor agrees to be fully responsible
for the acts and omissions of their subcontractors and of persons employed by them as they are for
the acts and omissions of their own employees.
PROPRIETARY INFORMATION/ DISCLOSURE: Offeror is advised that Chapter 43,
Section 2.2-4342 of the Code of Virginia (i.e., the Virginia Public Procurement Act) shall govern
public inspection of all records submitted by the firm. Trade secrets or proprietary information
submitted by an offeror in connection with a bid or proposal are not subject to public disclosure
under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. However, an offeror must invoke the protection
of this section prior to or upon submission of the data or other materials. The offeror must provide
a statement that identifies the data or other materials to be protected and states the reasons why
protection is necessary. Furthermore, the offeror shall submit trade secrets or proprietary information
under separate cover in a sealed envelope clearly marked PROPRIETARY. SCPS reserves the
right to submit to its Attorney any information an offeror designates as proprietary for concurrence of
the offeror’s claim that it is in fact proprietary.
PROTEST OF AWARD OR DECISION TO AWARD: Any offeror may protest the award or
decision to award a contract by submitting a protest in writing to the Director of Finance, no later
than ten (10) days after the Notice of Award or the Notice of Intent to Award, whichever occurs
first. The written protest shall include the basis for the protest and the relief sought. The Director
of Finance, or designee, shall issue a decision in writing within ten (10) days of the receipt of the
protest stating the reasons for the action taken.
If prior to award it is determined that the decision to award is arbitrary or capricious then the sole
relief shall be a finding to that effect. The Director of Finance shall cancel the proposed award or
revise it to comply with the law. If, after an award, it is determined that an award of a contract
was arbitrary or capricious, then the sole relief shall be as hereinafter provided. Where the award
has been made but performance has not begun, the contract may be declared void by SCPS. Where
the award has been made and performance has begun, the Director of Finance may declare the
contract void upon a finding that this action is in the best interest of SCPS. Where a contract is
declared void, the performing Contractor shall be compensated for the cost of performance at the
rate specified in the contract up to the time of such declaration. In no event shall the performing
Contractor be entitled to lost profits.
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Pending final determination of a protest or appeal, the validity of a contract awarded and accepted
in good faith in accordance with this paragraph shall not be affected by the fact that a protest or
appeal has been filed.
An award need not be delayed for the period allowed a Offeror to protest, but in the event of a
timely protest, no further action to award the contract will be taken unless there is a written
determination that proceeding without delay is necessary to protect the public interest or unless
the response would expire.
QUALIFICATIONS OF OFFERORS: SCPS may make such reasonable investigations as deemed
proper and necessary to determine the ability of the offeror to perform the work/furnish the item(s)
and the offeror shall furnish to SCPS all such information and data for this purpose as may be
requested. SCPS reserves the right to inspect the offeror’s physical facilities prior to award to
satisfy questions regarding the offeror’s capabilities. SCPS further reserves the right to reject any
proposal if the evidence submitted about, or investigations of, such offeror fails to satisfy SCPS
that such offeror is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete
the work/furnish the item(s) contemplated therein.
RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS: It is the responsibility of the offeror to assure that the proposal is
delivered to the place designated for receipt of proposals prior to the time set for receipt of
proposals. No proposal received after the time designated for receipt of proposals shall be
RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT OFFERORS: SCPS reserves the right to accept or reject any
or all proposals in whole or in part.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT: SCPS does not and will not tolerate and form of sexual harassment,
including but not limited to physical, verbal, implied or any other context that shall be interpreted
as harassment.
every effort to increase opportunity for utilization of small and minority businesses in all aspects
of procurement to the maximum extent feasible. In connection with the performance of this
contract, the Contractor agrees to use their best effort to carry out this policy and insure that Small
and Minority Businesses shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to compete for
subcontract work under this contract consistent with the efficient performance of this contract. As
used in this contract, the following definitions apply:
"Small Business" means a business concern which, regardless of ownership or
control, does not exceed fifty (50) employees; gross annual income does not exceed
two (2) million dollars; is independently owned and operated (not subsidiary of
another firm); and is not dominant in its field of operation.
"Minority Business" means a business concern which is operated and controlled by
a minority. The term "operated and controlled" shall mean that the managerial and
official staff of the business concern is comprised of minority persons, sufficient in
ratio and gross earnings to demonstrate that the business transactions are, in fact,
controlled by minority persons or a corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship
in which minority persons collectively own, operate, control and share in earnings
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of fifty one (51) percent or more of such an enterprise.
"Minority Person" means Black, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islanders; American
Indians or Alaskan Natives; and women, regardless of race or ethnicity.
Contractors may rely on oral or written representation by subcontractors regarding
their status as small and/or minority business enterprises in lieu of independent
Where Federal grants or monies are involved, it is the policy of the School Board
through its agents and employees to comply with the requirements set forth Standards governing State and Local Grantee Procurement - of the U.S. Office of
Management and Budget Circular No. A-102, Uniform Administrative
Requirements for Grants-in-Aid to State and Local Governments, as they pertain to
small and minority business utilization.
SUBCONTRACTING: If one or more subcontractors are required, the contractor is encouraged to
utilize small, minority-owned, and women-owned business enterprises. Upon award of a contract,
the prime contractor agrees to make maximum effort to provide the names and addresses of each
subcontractor, the subcontractor’s status as well as the type and dollar value of the subcontracted
goods/services provided.
TAX EXEMPTION: SCPS is exempt from the payment of federal excise or Virginia Sales and
Use Tax. The proposal price must be net, exclusive of taxes. When under established trade
practice, any federal excise tax is included in the list price; offeror may quote the list price and
shall show separately the amount of federal excise tax, either as a flat sum or as a percentage of
the list price, which shall be deducted by SCPS. Contractors located outside the Commonwealth
of Virginia are advised that when materials are picked up by SCPS at their place of business, they
may charge and collect their own local/state sales tax.
TERMINATION FOR CAUSE/DEFAULT: In case of failure to deliver goods or provide services
in accordance with the contract terms and conditions, SCPS, after due oral or written notice, may
procure them from other sources and hold the Contractor responsible for any resulting additional
purchase and administrative costs. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies which
SCPS may have.
If, through any cause, the Contractor fails to fulfill in a timely and proper manner their obligations
under this contract, or if the Contractor violates any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations
of this contract, the School Board shall thereupon have the right to terminate, specifying the
effective date thereof, at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of such termination. In such
event, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, and
reports prepared by the Contractor under the contract shall at the option of the School Board
become its property and the Contractor shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation
for any satisfactory work completed on such documents.
Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor shall be relieved of liability to the School Board for
damages sustained by the School Board by virtue of any breach of contract by the Contractor for
the purpose of set off until such time as the exact amount of damages due to the School Board
from the Contractor is determined.
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TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE: SCPS reserves the right to cancel and terminate any
resulting contract, in part or in whole, without penalty, whenever the Director of Finance
determines that such a termination is in the best interest of SCPS. Any such termination shall be
effected by delivery to the Contractor, at least ninety (90) days prior to the termination date, a
Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance shall be terminated and date
upon which such termination becomes effective. After receipt of a notice of termination, the
Contractor must stop all work or deliveries under the purchase order/contract on the date and to
the extent specified; however, any contract termination notice shall not relieve the Contractor of
the obligation to deliver and/or perform on all outstanding orders issued prior to the effective date
of termination. An equitable adjustment in the contract price shall be made for completed service,
but no amount shall be allowed for anticipated profit on unperformed services.
TESTING AND INSPECTION: SCPS reserves the right to conduct any test/inspection it may
deem advisable to assure goods and services conform to the specifications.
TRANSPORTATION AND PACKAGING: All prices submitted must be FOB Destination Freight Prepaid and Allowed. By submitting their proposals, all offerors certify and warrant that
the price offered for FOB destination includes only the actual freight rate costs at the lowest and
best rate and is based upon the actual weight of the goods to be shipped. Except as otherwise
specified herein, standard commercial packaging, packing and shipping containers shall be used.
All shipping containers shall be legibly marked or labeled on the outside with purchase order
number, commodity description, and quantity.
VIRGINIA FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT: Except as otherwise provided, and in
accordance with Virginia Code § 2.2-4342, all proceedings, records, contracts and other public
records relating to the County’s procurement transactions shall be open to the inspection of any
citizen, or any interested person, firm or corporation, in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of
Information Act (Virginia Code § 2.2-3700 et seq).
Any offeror, upon request shall be afforded the opportunity to inspect bid records within a
reasonable time after the opening/receipt of all proposals, but prior to award, except in the event
that SCPS decides not to accept any of the proposals and to re-solicit. Otherwise proposal records
shall be open to public inspection only after award of the contract.
Any inspection of procurement transaction records under this section shall be subject to reasonable
restrictions to ensure the security and integrity of the records. Trade secrets or proprietary
information submitted by a offeror or contractor in connection with a procurement transaction shall
not be subject to public disclosure under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, however, the
offeror or Contractor must invoke the protection of this section in writing prior to or upon
submission of the data or other materials, and must identify the data or other materials to be
protected, and stating the reasons why protection is necessary.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to require SCPS to furnish a statement of the
reasons why a particular proposal was not deemed to be the most advantageous to SCPS.
The terms and conditions set forth above within this Request for Proposals shall be deemed
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incorporated into any contract resulting from this procurement transaction, as if set forth therein
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All notices or other communications required or permitted to be given under this
Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered
personally in hand or mailed certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid on the
date posted, and addressed to the appropriate party at the following address or such other
address as may be given in writing to the parties:
Shenandoah County Public Schools:
Douglas Culler
Network Systems Supervisor
600 North Main Street, Suite 200
Woodstock, VA 22664
With respect to any contract resulting from this procurement transaction, the School
Board’s obligations beyond the first year of the agreement are subject to the availability
and appropriation of public funds to support continued performance. In the event that
public funding is not available or is not appropriated to support continued performance, the
School Board shall provide the vendor with 30 days advance notice, and the contract shall
automatically terminate at the end of the notice period.
In the event of a Program Integrity Audit review from USAC, winning bidder must ensure
the ability to provide resources and any documentation requested regarding the product
and services. Documentation must be retained by winning bidder for a period of five years
from the last date of service.
- 23 -
Issue Date:
February 11, 2015
Managed Internal Broadband Services
Issuing Entity:
Shenandoah County Public Schools
Mail to:
Shenandoah County Public Schools
Technology Department
600 N. Main Street, Suite 200
Woodstock, VA 22664
Hand Deliver to:
Shenandoah County Public Schools
Technology Department
600 N. Main Street, Suite 200
Woodstock, VA 22664
The SCPS will receive sealed proposals until 2 p.m. on February 23, 2015 for furnishing
Managed Internal Broadband Services that includes the replacement of all network hardware;
and a second proposal for providing network wired and wireless hardware costs, initial
configuration and setup for Shenandoah County Public Schools. Inquiries for information
should be directed to Mr. Doug Culler, Supervisor of Network Systems, (540) 459-6736.
Schools, Department of Technology Services, 600 N. Main Street, Suite 200, Woodstock, VA
In compliance with this request for proposals and to all the conditions imposed herein. The
undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached-signed
proposal or as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiation.
Names and Address of Firm:
Date: _____________________
By: _______________________
Title: ____________________
FEI/FIN NO. ____________________________
Telephone No. (___)________
SPIN NO. ______________________________
Fax No. (___)______________
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Sample contract
Shenandoah County Public Schools
Contract for Services
This contract entered into this _____________, of ______, 2015, by
__________________________________________, hereinafter called the “Offeror” and the
Shenandoah County Public Schools Board hereinafter collectively called the “County.”
WITNESSETH that the Offeror and the Shenandoah County Public Schools, in
consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements herein contained, agree as
SCOPE OF SERVICES: The Offeror shall provide the service to the SCPS as set forth in
the Contract Documents.
PERIOD OF CONTRACT: ________________ through ___________________.
CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: These Contract Documents shall consist of this signed
Contract, the description or scope of work, general terms and conditions, special terms and
conditions, specifications, and other data contained in the Request for Proposals dated February
11, 2015, together with all written modifications thereof and the proposal submitted by the
Offeror dated ___________ and modification dated __________, all of which documents are
incorporated herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this contract to be duly executed
intending to be bound hereby.
Name ________________________
Name: ______________________
Title: _______________________
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Appendix A
Template for Financial Submission
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Shenandoah County Public Schools
600 N Main St, Ste 200
Woodstock, VA 22664
Monthly Recurring Charge: $____________________________
5 Year Managed Services Contract, to include:
 60 months of managed services
 Hardware replacement of all wired and wireless hardware
o Initial Setup
o Installation
o Configuration
o Device software updates
o UPS, if needed
o Network drops, if needed
o Patch Panels, if needed
o Racks, if needed
Monthly Recurring Cost by Location
Strasburg High School
Signal Knob Middle School
Sandy Hook Elementary School
Central High School
Peter Muhlenberg Middle School
WW Robinson Elementary School
Stonewall Jackson High School
North Fork Middle School
Ashby Lee Elementary School
Triplett Tech / Massanutten Regional
Governor’s School
School Board Office / Maintenance /
Name of Vendor: ________________________________________
- 27 -
Shenandoah County Public Schools
600 N Main St, Ste 200
Woodstock, VA 22664
Cost by School for Wired and Wireless Network Hardware Replacement
Hardware Replacement to include:
 Hardware replacement of all wired and wireless hardware
o Initial Setup
o Installation
o Configuration
o Network Drops
o Patch Panel
o Racks
o Other
One Time Cost
Strasburg High School
Signal Knob Middle School
Sandy Hook Elementary School
Central High School
Peter Muhlenberg Middle School
WW Robinson Elementary School
Stonewall Jackson High School
North Fork Middle School
Ashby Lee Elementary School
Triplett Tech / Massanutten
Regional Governor’s School
School Board Office / Maintenance
/ Transportation
Name of Vendor: ________________________________________
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