Weekend of February 14 & February 15, 2015 Greeters 5:25 Sanctuary 8:00 Chapel 9:30 Chapel 9:30 Sanctuary 10:55 Sanctuary Kevin Cetroni & Bruce Fratanduano Steve Carr Pete Barringer Hank & Ann-Marie Barber Brenda & John Eastham Acolytes Emma Ahlborn Isabella Eversmeyer Chris Wright Lindsey Compton Ryan McAuley We hope that you enjoy worshiping with us here today and will experience God’s love to be real in song, fellowship and word. Hopewell United Methodist Church 852 Hopewell Road, Downingtown, PA 19335 (610) 269-1545 Fax. No. (610) 269-3355 Email - Hopewell@hopewellumc.org Website - www.Hopewellumc.org COFFEE AND FELLOWSHIP Join us in the Family Life Center (downstairs) for coffee, refreshments and lots of conversation between worship hours. Meet the people who worship with you, greet old friends, and make new ones. Coffee hour is for all ages - snacks for children will be offered as well. Page PRAYER NEWS Circle of Concern New Anita & Todd McCoy & family Dot Dowlin Fayann (Steve Harvey’s mother) Joe Lisowski’s mom John Wolfe Millersville University Community - grieving the death of Anita’s father - struggling with serious health issues - struggling with congestive heart failure - in hospice care - in Neighborhood Hospice in West Chester - grieving the death of freshman, Karlie Hall Ongoing Mary Barringer Ed Donnon Yvonne (Donna Hepner’s mom) - prayers for healing - continued prayers - prayers for relief from severe back pain Recent Visitors to Hopewell UMC Welcome! Jonathan & Molly Light This Week’s Prayer Calendar: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday - For healing of body, mind and spirit Our president and leaders who serve in local, state & national governments Art Therapy for those affected by cancer That we would focus on Christ as the Lenten season begins Our military personnel Confirmands and their leaders across their weekend Retreat Prayers for safety for the elderly Page 2 HOPEWELL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH WORSHIP SCHEDULE This Weekend Saturday, February 14 5:25 Contemporary - Sanctuary Sunday, February 15 8:00 Traditional - Chapel (Qumran) Anointing with Oil and Healing Prayers 9:30 Traditional - Chapel (Qumran) 9:30 Contemporary - Sanctuary All Services “Come Today and Be Cured” Luke 13:10-17 Pastor Steve, Speaker Thanks to Dave Durbanis, Sandy Garland, Linda Hall, and Ron Ruth for their testimonies in Pastor Steve’s messages this weekend. 10:55 Contemporary - Sanctuary Ash Wednesday Worship Join us Wednesday, February 18th at 7:15 pm in the Sanctuary as we begin the Lenten season with worship. The liturgy of the hour will include scripture, song, a children’s moment and the imposition of ashes. Pastor Amy Banka will offer the message “Hey, Fox, Talk to the Hand” based on Luke 13:31-35. Next Weekend Saturday, February 21 5:25 Contemporary - Sanctuary Sunday, February 22 8:00 Traditional - Chapel (Qumran) Holy Communion All Services “The Vultures Gather” Luke 17:22-37 Pastor Steve, Speaker Repentance and Obedience: It Is Necessary! 9:30 Traditional - Chapel (Qumran) 9:30 Contemporary - Sanctuary First Sunday in Lent 10:55 Contemporary - Sanctuary Page 3 Hopewell Weekly Calendar for February 15 through February 22, 2015 Sunday, February 15 8:00 AM Traditional Worship in Qumran 9:30 AM Traditional Worship in Qumran, Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary, Sunday School 10:55 AM Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary, Junior Church/Nursery, Adult Bible Study 12:00 PM Coffee with the Pastor 2:00 PM Men’s Basketball 4:00 PM 30 Hour Famine Kick-Off 4:30 PM Youth Praise Team 4:45 PM Youth Bell Choir 6:00 PM Children’s Choirs & Fellowship, Sunday Night Youth Fellowship, Crocheting Group 6:30 PM Disciple I Monday, February 16 6:00 PM Creative Arts 6:30 PM Disciple I Fast Track, Young Adults Tuesday, February 17 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Hopewell Christian Preschool 9:15 AM Tuesday Morning Moms Group 9:30 AM Disciple I 4:00 PM Art Therapy Support Group 5:30 PM Flute Choir Rehearsal 6:00 PM Celebrate Recovery 7:00 PM DACSL Basketball, Pet Ministry Team, SPRC, Preschool Sale Committee, Youth Worship Leaders Mtg. Wednesday, February 18 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Hopewell Christian Preschool 6:00 PM Pioneer Club 7:15 PM Ash Wednesday Worship Thursday, February 19 8:30 AM NIA 9:00 AM Hopewell Christian Preschool 9:30 AM Lenten Study/P. Wiehler, Lenten Study/L. Chapman 1:00 PM Disciple II 5:30 PM Upward Basketball Practice 6:00 PM CR Step Group 6:15 PM Wesley Ringers 6:30 PM Lenten Study/M. Dawson 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Friday, February 20 6:30 AM Lenten Study/A. Puy 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Hopewell Christian Preschool 5:30 PM Upward Basketball Practice Page 4 Saturday, February 21 8:30 AM Upward Basketball, Lenten Study/R. Chapman 5:25 PM Contemporary Worship Sunday, February 22 8:00 AM Traditional Worship in Qumran 9:30 AM Traditional Worship in Qumran, Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary, Sunday School, Lenten Study/Frame 10:55 AM Contemporary Worship in Sanctuary, Junior Church/Nursery, Lenten Study/Lisowski, New Member Class 2:00 PM Men’s Basketball 4:00 & 4:30 PM Youth Praise Teams 4:45 PM Youth Bell Choir 6:00 PM Children’s Choirs & Fellowship, Sunday Night Youth Fellowship, Crocheting Group 6:30 PM Disciple I, Lenten Study/Oberholtzer !!!LUNCH BUNCH!!! Sponsored by Older Adult Ministries Date: Tuesday, February 17th, Time: 11:30 to approx. 12:45, Where: CRACKER BARREL What to do: contact the church office, 610-269-1545 or vicki@hopewellumc.org no later than 9 AM on Tuesday to say you’ll be there! Why not punctuate your day by taking a little time out for good food and great fellowship with Hopewell friends? All are welcome to join us. If you are thinking about membership at Hopewell UMC, a newcomer, or someone seeking a church home … Pastor Join Pastor Steve and Pastor Vicki for coffee and informal conversation, where you can learn more about Hopewell and what is involved regarding membership. Page 5 Sunday, February 15th 12:00 pm Adult Ministry Center United Methodist Women’s News We will be collecting new clothing for our Spring Ingathering on April 18th. We need new clothing for women, men, children and babies. Please put any clothing in our UMW box at the Donation Station! New Members Classes The next opportunity for joining Hopewell UMC will be March 7 & 8, 2015. The membership process consists of two classes. Dates and times for the next set of classes are as follows: Coffee with the Pastor - TODAY at noon in the Cornerstone Cafe Orientation class: Sunday, February 22, 10:55-11:55 AM Membership class: Saturday, February 28, 8:30-11:30 AM Please contact Lynne in the church office (610-269-1545 or Lynne@hopewellumc.org) if you are interested in joining. Deadline to register is February 17. Childcare is available during both classes. Have You Remembered To Include Hopewell UMC In Your Will? One inescapable reality in Life is that we all must pass someday…sometimes with anticipation, sometimes unexpectedly. An important consideration for those of us who have been generous to our church throughout all our lives is, “How can I continue to support its ministry even after my death?” Making a provision to Hopewell UMC in your estate planning is as simple as a couple of lines included into your will - but don’t wait to make those plans. For assistance with this important feature of your own discipline of stewardship, talk with your financial planner or just call the church office. More elaborate gift bequests can be brokered through the church professionals at the Mid-Atlantic Foundation. Consider leaving a tithe (10%) of your estate to Hopewell UMC at your death…or even a flat gift amount which you specify…and then enjoy the length of your days knowing that you have made this faithful choice! HOPEWELL IS GOING BACK TO CRISFIELD, MD FOR HURRICANE SANDY RELIEF Adult Mission Team Soon Forming Trip Dates: May 24 (afternoon departure) – May 27 (afternoon return) When Hurricane Sandy raged up the east coast as the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the 2012 season, the little town of Crisfield, Maryland on the Chesapeake Bay was one of the hardest hit by the storm. Intense winds and devastating waves flooded the entire town in 5 feet of water. Crisfield residents are still struggling to rebuild. And so, Hopewell will be returning to once again help to restore hope and offer healing to the people of Crisfield. This adult mission trip is being scheduled as part of a holiday weekend to accommodate days-off from work, and structured to be inexpensive to participate. Much of the work to be done by Hopewell’s team will not require construction knowledge or skills, or any prior mission trip experience. If you are interested in learning more about how YOU can be a part of this team, contact Deb Boyd (boyd@hopewellumc.org). Page 6 Bower Chapel Renovation Project - An Exciting Update Last week preparations were completed for the installation of our newly refurbished organ. This included placing a time capsule in the renovated area containing items such as hymnals, a bulletin, and copies of the original plans from the early 20th century. How exciting to discover this in 50 years! Also this week a group from Hopewell went to the Patrick Murphy Co. in Stowe PA to view the organ before it is installed. With the approval of Church Council, a few choir pews are still available for purchase to take home as well as the opportunity to donate a pipe in memory/ honor of a loved one (only one small pipe remains.) Please contact Sheri in the church office to make arrangements. Social Action Event, Human Trafficking Saturday, February 28th Christ Middletown UMC – 600 East Dutton Mill Road, Brookhaven, PA What are the signs of human trafficking? What can we do, as the hands and feet of Jesus, to help the victims of human trafficking? What can we do to alleviate this horrific practice? Hear from speaker Pastor Obed Almeyda, Co-Chair for the Montgomery County Anti-Human Trafficking Coalition and Executive Director of the Mid-Atlantic Dream Center. Light breakfast at 9am, and program at 10am. RSVP registration to Ann Daniel, 267-408-1168 or acardan@verizon.net. Dear Hopewell UMC, Thank you so much for your contributions to Safe Harbor of Chester County this past year. Your cumulative 2014 donation total is $9,036.00. We are extremely grateful for your generosity. You have continued to be great friends to Safe Harbor. Warmest Regards, Glenn L. Fricke, Chief Executive Officer Dear Hopewell, Thank you for your December 31, 2014 donation of $500.00 to the Lord’s Pantry. This support does more than just provide food - it restores hope, it restores relationships, it keeps families whole, and it provides a measure of peace of mind for our neighbors. Sincerely, Jan Leaf, Director Page 7 NOONTIME LENTEN SERVICES FOR THE COMMUNITY Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Thorndale United Methodist Church 3503 Lincoln Hwy, Thorndale (610) 384-2433 Rev. Mark Moore Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Downingtown Friends Meeting 800 E. Lancaster Ave., Downingtown (610) 269-4223 Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Downingtown United Methodist Church 751 E. Lancaster Avenue, Downingtown (610) 269-1496 Rev. Charles C. Cole Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Central Presbyterian Church 100 W. Uwchlan Ave., Downingtown (610) 269-1576 Rev. Timothy Black Rev. Emily Chudy Wednesday, March 25, 2015 St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church 338 Manor Avenue, Downingtown (610) 269-8294 Rev. Msgr. Joseph McLoone Worship is noon to 12:30 p.m. Lunch will be served after the service Please come and enjoy the Worship and Fellowship Page 8 The Four Major Reasons People Stay Away From Church…And How to Win Them Back Plan on joining the Hopewell group attending the 2015 Faith Sharing Workshop on Saturday, March 21st (9am-3:30pm) featuring Thom and Joani Schultz, co-authors of the book “Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore.” Thom and Joani will be sharing startling statistics, compelling stories, and a surprising Jesus based approach to reversing the “stay away” trend. This event will be at New Hanover UMC in Gilbertsville, just 45 minutes from Hopewell. For more information, contact Deb Boyd at boyd@hopewellumc.org. Tools for Ministry for the Southeast District at West Grove UMC Saturday, March 7th – 8:30am to 12:30pm The annual Tools for Ministry event is designed to facilitate leadership development within our congregations. Come, learn, and grow! Each participant will have the opportunity to attend 2 workshops among 16 relevantly valuable workshops being offered. Our own Patrick Welch, CSM will lead: Me? Do Prison Ministry? Offering Financial Peace to Your Church Members and Community will be led by Simon Brain, CGMA, Chartered Global Management Accountant with Scott Wachter, Chris Compton, Dick Pry, Russ Campbell and Dave Westwood. For more information about the workshops and to get registered, contact Deb Boyd at boyd@hopewellumc.org. Note: In order to receive the discounted registration cost, Deb needs to hear from you by Tuesday, February 17th. Hopewell United Methodist Church Strategic Map/Long Range Plan Goal: Promote healthy living as stewards of a divine gift. Result: We are grateful for the Women’s Ministry for bringing NIA to Hopewell on Thursday mornings. NIA is a “joyful blend” of yoga, martial arts, and dance. It promotes both physical and emotional well-being and healing by addressing the whole body and mind. For information, contact Nancy Beible (nbeible@verizon.net or 610-458-6470). Page 9 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Staff Team: Cheri Miller (cheri@hopewellumc.org), Patty Wiehler (patty@hopewellumc.org) Katy Garner (katylgarner@hotmail.com) Child Care is available for these Worship Services. 5:25pm (Saturdays) and 10:55am (Sundays) – Room Mary 9:30am (Sundays) – Infants/Toddlers – Room Jerusalem Two year olds – Room Mary Sunday School @ 9:30 is offered for children ages 3 (by 9/1/14) to 6th grade. Room assignments are posted throughout the church hallways. Junior Church @ 10:55 is offered for children ages 3 (by 9/1/14) to 6th grade. Children should proceed to worship with their families and then join our Junior Church leaders at the specified time in the order of worship. Children can be picked up after worship in Room Adam (the church library). Creative Arts A cooking block will take place on Monday, February 16th, 6 to 7pm. All 1st to 6th graders are invited to participate. Contact Patty Wiehler (patty@hopewellumc.org) with any questions. Children’s Choirs All children ages 3 years (by 9/1/14) through 6th grade are invited to participate each Sunday night as follows: Cherub Choir (Preschool & Kindergarten) Room Luke J.A.M. Choir (1st-3rd Grade) Room Ecclesiastes God’s Children Choir (4th-6th Grade) Thompson Music Room Sunday Night Fellowship All children, Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to join us each Sunday night from 6-8pm for a time of fellowship with Christian friends and leaders. Each week the children gather for a time of prayer, educational games, topical discussions, hands-on missions, games and recreation. Choir participants can join in at 7pm. Please join us…and invite a friend!! Pioneer Club Join us for this mid-week program for children ages 3 (9/1/14) to 6th grade. We meet on Wednesday nights from 6 to 7:30pm. You can join at any point during the school year. Registration forms can be found in the church lobby, and on the church website. If you are interested in volunteering to teach or help in a Pioneer Club class, please contact Cheri Miller at cheri@hopewellumc.org. **There is an early dismissal of 7pm on February 18th. Children’s News - Save the Dates Boys’ & Girls’ 2nd/3rd/4th- Grade Retreat February 27th & 28th Easter Missions Festival March 28th (evening) VBS 2015 July 13th to 17th Page 10 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Staff Team: Cheri Miller (cheri@hopewellumc.org), Patty Wiehler (patty@hopewellumc.org) Katy Garner (katylgarner@hotmail.com) Mom’s Group meets every Tuesday during the school year from 9:15 to 11:15am. Child care is provided. This is a wonderful group of women who meet for Bible study, fellowship and prayer support. Please contact Cheri Miller at cheri@hopewellumc.org for more information. Children’s Ministries Weekly Email If you would like to have information regarding Hopewell Children’s Ministries sent to your email address weekly, please contact Cheri Miller in the church office, or email cheri@hopewellumc.org. ADULT MINISTRIES Contact Person: Deb Boyd (boyd@hopewellumc.org) Current Adult Sunday School Classes New people are always welcome! Revised Common Lectionary Readings - 10:55am in the Lounge, led by Joe Lisowski, jlisowski239@comcast.net This week’s scripture (February 15th) is 2 Kings 2:1-12; Psalm 50:1-6 (UMH 783); 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; and Mark 9:2-9. Next week this class will be beginning the Lenten study It Is Necessary: When God Says You Must” Hopewell’s Pet Ministry MEETING Tuesday, February 17th - 7pm Topic on the Agenda Pet Visitations All Animal‐Lovers Welcome ! Pet‐Ownership NOT Required ! For information, contact Deb Boyd, boyd@hopewellumc.org Page 11 YOUTH MINISTRIES (Grades 7-12) Director: Mike Banka, mike@hopewellumc.org Assistant: Kristin Smith, kristin@hopewellumc.org Sunday, Feb. 15th - Hungry 4 Change Kick-off Event! Join us this Sunday from 6:00 - 8:00 PM for youth group combined with a "Hungry 4 Change" kickoff! Melissa Nyoni from Thorndale UMC will give the message. She will be speaking about the "Hungry 4 Change" event which some youth attended at Thorndale UMC last spring. This year's event will be held Friday, March 6th - Saturday, March 7th at CAMP GRETNA GLEN!! Packets of information will be handed out on Sunday. Other local youth groups may also be in attendance! Come join us for a great night and invite your friends! 6:00 PM - Basketball, games, hang out time, and snacks 7:00 PM - Worship in the Sanctuary - Hungry 4 Change Kickoff! 7:30 PM - Small Group Time Many, Many Thanks! What a wonderful night of worship this past Sunday! Praise God for all those involved in leading worship! Praise God for the many, many youth and adults who committed to serving the Lord this summer through Youth Missions! Continue to pray for our upcoming trips as you remember Pastor Ray's message to start where you are now and DO SOMETHING! Mission Trip Deposit As per the Mission Trip Guidelines, each youth is required to pay a non-refundable deposit of $50 to attend the summer mission trips. It is ONE payment of $50. It is NOT per trip. The non-refundable deposit secures your spot on the mission trips. Make checks payable to Hopewell UMC and write "Mission Trip Deposit" in the memo line. Drop checks in Kristin's mailbox (C2) by the elevator. DEPOSITS ARE DUE BY MARCH 13th. If you did not return your commitment card, please do so ASAP to Kristin's mailbox. SUMMER EVENTS MS Short Term Mission Trip June 28th - July 1st MS and HS Philadelphia Project Mission Trip July 5th - 10th Vacation Bible School July 12th - 17th HS Long Term Mission Trip July 19th - 25th *Please note the change in departure date now that the location has been confirmed. MS and HS Henlopen Retreats July 31st - Aug. 4th CALENDAR OF EVENTS Feb. 13th - 15th Feb. 14th Feb. 15th Feb. 20th - 22nd Mar. 6th—7th IGR Fundraiser - Parents Night Out Sunday Night Youth and “Hungry 4 Change” Kickoff Event Confirmation Retreat “Hungry 4 Change” at Gretna Glen Page 12 Hopewell’s New Bible Study for the Season of Lent 6 Sessions in Small Class Setting Post-Easter Day Finale Session 7 Finale on Tuesday, April 7th Desserts in the FLC—6:00pm Session led by Pastor Steve—7:00pm Worship following Final Session Classes beginning February 18th Register online at www.hopewellumc.org Sunday - 9:30am Led by Dr. David Frame Starts February 22nd Sunday - 10:55am Led by Joe Lisowski Starts February 22nd Led by Brian Oberholtzer Starts February 22nd Monday - 7:00pm Led by Ellen Faller Starts February 23rd Tuesday - 6:00pm Led by Pastor Steve Morton Starts February 24th Wednesday - 9:30am Led by Pastor Steve Morton Starts February 25th Thursday - 9:30am Led by Linda Chapman Starts February 19th Thursday - 9:30am Led by Patty Wiehler & Carey Burke Starts February 19th Thursday - 6:30pm Led by Michele Dawson Starts February 19th Led by Allen Puy Starts February 20th Led by Rob Chapman Starts February 21st Sunday - Friday - 6:30pm 6:30am Saturday - 8:30am Page 13 Strategic Map Review A half-day visioning session among Hopewell leaders and other interested folks Saturday, March 28 - 9:00 AM - Noon Led by Pastor Steve, this morning retreat in the Adult Ministry center is a combination of worship, group building, and “visionary thinking” to guide our congregation through this year and beyond. Together we will review our current Strategic Map - the document which articulates our goals in the areas of EVANGELISM, WORSHIP, SPIRITUAL FORMATION, COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT, STEWARDSHIP, and MISSIONS. Our Strategic Map provides guidance on how we align our resources (budget, staff, and volunteers) with our ministry goals. In this session on March 28, we’ll review some recent successes, discuss current challenges & opportunities, and open ourselves to fresh leading from the Spirit! In addition to the Strategic Map review: We will be updated by Matt Miller (former SPRC chair) about ongoing conversations around streamlining our administrative overhead at the Church Council level for enhanced efficiency And our District Superintendent Dawn Taylor Storm will share ideas about how Hopewell can expand its leadership and resources among the Southeast District and the Annual Conference All staff and elected members of the Church Council are expected to attend, but everyone is welcome! Opportunity to Train as a Local Church Servant for Christ Servant Ministry Certification Christ Servant Ministry is a lay ministry with special training and certification, the goal of which is to give the body of Christ, through a congregation, tools for effective ministry. Those desiring to become a Christ Servant Minister first take the basic training to receive certification as a Local Church Servant. This training is being offered at Newtown UMC, 35 Liberty Street, Newtown, PA, April 17 (7-10pm) and 18 (8am-3pm). If you would like to learn more about becoming a Local Church Servant or a Christ Servant Minister, contact Deb Boyd (boyd@hopewellumc.org), or any of Hopewell’s other CSMs. But don’t delay – registration for the basic course will fill quickly and paperwork, including written approval from a Hopewell pastor, is required. Mark your calendars for UM Night at the Phillies! Spring training is right around the corner, and the Phillies promise to avenge your disappointment from last year and the year before, and… So join us for UM Night at the Phillies on Saturday, July 18 at 7:00 PM. Hopewell has secured a group of 100 tickets in section 138. Save the date and as summer approaches, see Dick Pry to make your ticket reservation at $40 each. Page 14 FINANCE Beyond the Walls - Year VII A Capital Campaign with a twist Bower Chapel Organ Haiti Bridge of Hope Hurricane Sandy Relief Camp Innabah Maranatha Christian Academy Good Works Safe Harbor Grace Café The Well South Africa, including our full-time missionary Annual Goal: $275,000 Total Received: $264,587 “Out of his anguish he shall see LIGHT.” (Isaiah 53:11a) Campaign ends February 28th Total missions dollars raised through the Beyond the Walls campaigns since their inception (April, 2008): $1,456,863.00 February Designated Giving This year’s IGR is THIS WEEKEND. Each February, folks from Hopewell UMC enjoy a weekend retreat together at Black Rock Center in Lancaster County. This intergenerational retreat is always a highlight in our year, and participants receive a significant discount on their registration costs because of fundraisers throughout the year and Designated Giving. As had been our tradition, February Designated dollars will allow some new faces at Hopewell to share in the 2016 Intergenerational Retreat. Received to date: $115.00. Connectional Ministries Fund (CMF) Supporting United Methodist missionaries, schools, and hospitals all around the world! Special CMF Challenge Goal for 2015: $12,000 (toward our total commitment in 2015 of $116,072 Total received Year-To-Date: $482.00 Page 15 DONATION STATION Please place your donations downstairs by the Family Life Center at the Donation Station. THANK YOU! Hopewell’s Haiti Mission Team Please be in prayer for our Hopewell Haiti Mission Team as they leave for Leveque, Haiti on Saturday, February 21and return Saturday, February 28. Our 19 travelers are: Darlene Alleger, Becky Bennington, Cynthia Black, Cammy Brantzeg, Carey Burke, Steve Harvey, Dan Hepner, Stan Johnson, Ray Koplinka, Jim Kreher, Jen Lisowski, Cheri Miller, John Neider, Bryan Page, Vicki & Dick Pry, Jan Smith, Bob Teter, and Leslie Wildermuth. These folks will be working with Mission of Hope in Haiti. Some activities include: roof repair, building latrines, painting, kid’s club, and water filters. WOW!!! Our Hopewell family has displayed such amazing generosity to the Haiti mission effort! As you know, we were collecting quite a variety of different items. Here is a quick recap of what we have received to date: Food/Kitchen Supplies 23 jars of peanut butter 13 jars of jelly 10 boxes of breakfast cereal 13 cans of tuna 14 cans of chicken 7 boxes of cake mix 10 cans of Gatorade powder 15 Hand Sanitizers 5 boxes of plastic wrap 5 boxes of Ziploc bags 3 containers of wipes Kid/Craft Supplies Crayons, water colors, jump ropes, tennis balls, games, puzzles Baby Supplies Multiple packs of diapers, bottles and canisters of formula Medicines Dozens of bottles of vitamins, bottles of cough syrup, tubes of antifungal cream, tubes of antibacterial creams, eye drops, ibuprofen and acetaminophen tablets. Clothing 125 dresses and 125 britches from our Stitchers 70 dresses from a confirmand Multiple clothing items for Haitian teens All of these items are being carefully and lovingly packed into 19 “extra” suitcases that each of the Haiti travelers will be carrying along with their own personal items. Many thanks everyone!! Blessings, The Haiti Mission Team Page 16
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