Current Newsletter - Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School

Term 1 2015
Wednesday 11th February
Date Claimers
February 2015
Thursday 12th February
School Swimming Carnival
Thursday 12th February
Liturgy of the Week
Thursday 12th February
Assembly 2.30pm
Saturday 14th February
Sacramental Program Blessing
Mass—St Patrick’s Beenleigh
Tuesday 17th February
Parent Information Night and
Wednesday 18th February
Ash Wednesday
21st & 22nd February
P & F Masters BBQ
Tuesday 24th February
School Photos
Friday 27th February
Cross Country
March 2015
Tuesday 3rd March
P & F Meeting
Friday 6th March
School Disco
Dear Parents
The excitement is mounting and preparations are being checked and re-checked for our
first ever swimming carnival tomorrow. The weather forecast is for possible showers, but
still with an expected temperature of 29 degrees, so unless the rain comes with lightning,
we will be going ahead! I am really looking forward to the day, and I hope it is a
memorable one for the children.
The swimming carnival isn’t the only important event tomorrow. At 9.00am we will be
celebrating our first whole school liturgy with Fr Joseph, which will be another special
moment in our school year, especially for our prep students and other new families. After
our swimming carnival, we will be ending our school day with assembly. I don’t think the
teachers or students will have much trouble getting to sleep tomorrow night!
Next Tuesday we will be holding our Parent Information evenings (full details in Ms
Crawford’s message). We have changed the structure of this night to allow for social
mingling between staff and parents, and is a way to welcome new parents. As part of my
address to the parent community, there will be a short address by a staff member from
Music Corp, outlining their proposal for an Instrumental Music Program, as our previous
provider has decided not to continue their service with us. They provide a full range of
tuition (which includes the provision of the instrument) and if you are interested in your
child learning a musical instrument, I would encourage you to come along!
As mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter, we are planning a school disco as a way for
the students to welcome in the new year. I have confirmed a date with the D.J, and that
date is Friday, 6th March from 6.00pm to 7.30pm. For those who were at last year’s disco,
we are using the same D.J. who did such a great job in engaging the children. More details
regarding the disco will be sent home in the next couple of weeks, but please mark this
date in your diaries now
Have great week!
Liturgy of the Word
This Thursday the 12th February we will gather in the undercover area at 9am for our Beginning of School Year Liturgy
of the Word. All family and friends of our Mother Teresa Community are invited to attend. We hope to see you there.
Ash Wednesday
Next Wednesday the 18th of February is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent in
the Church calendar. On Ash Wednesday, Catholics receive ashes on their forehead as a symbol of penance (saying
sorry and asking God’s forgiveness). The ashes are made from the blessed palms used in the Palm Sunday celebration
of the previous year. The ashes are blessed with Holy Water and are scented by exposure to incense. While the ashes
symbolize penance and contrition, they are also a reminder that God is gracious and merciful to those who call on Him
with repentant hearts. During the season of Lent, the Church calls on us to seek that mercy with reflection, prayer and
penance. The Ashes will be distributed to children at school during a whole school prayer at 9am on Wednesday the
18th February. Parents and younger siblings are also welcome to join us should they wish to receive the Ashes at this
time. Ash Wednesday masses will be held at St Patrick’s Church, Beenleigh at 7am and 7pm.
Sacramental Program
This term we have a number of children and families preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation through St
Patrick’s Parish. We keep these children in our prayers over the coming weeks as they take this next important step in
their faith journey:
Oceana C.
William W.
Zachary D.
Sinead D.
Madison E.
Josh B.
Lucy B.
Swimming Carnival
A reminder that tomorrow, Thursday 12th of February, the whole school will be travelling to Woongoolba Pool to participate in our
first Swimming Carnival. Students in years 4-6 (who previously nominated) will swim in races whilst all other students will have a
chance to swim in novelty activities. Children are asked to come to school dressed with their swimmers underneath their school
uniform and to wear their coloured house team shirt. Please pack a separate swimming bag that contains their swim shirt,
swimming cap, sun-safe shirt, water bottle, lunch box, towel, underpants and plastic bag for wet items at the end of the day.
Students will return to school at 2pm with their class teachers. We will end the day with Assembly at 2:30pm in the undercover
Parent Information Night
Parents are invited to attend information sessions with their child’s class teachers next Tuesday the 17th of February. This is an
opportunity for you to visit the classroom to meet the teachers and for teachers to share some general information about class
routines and learning activities. All parents are invited to gather in the undercover area at 6:30pm where Mr Kerrins will address
the parent body and parents can socialise. The evening will finish at 8:00pm. Please be aware that this night is for parents only
and there is no supervision provided for children. There will be a chance for families to socialise later in the term at our Family
Disco night.
Prep and Year 1 sessions (classrooms)
Principal Address (undercover area)
Year 2 and Year 3 sessions (classrooms)
Year 4 and Year 5/6 sessions (classrooms)
School Photos
Our School Photo Day will be held on Tuesday the 24th of February. On Monday next week, each child will bring home their order
form for photos in their satchel. If you wish to order photos, please complete the order form and return it to school with payment
on photo day.
Kathleen Crawford
Finance News
Term 1 statement of fees and levies are expected to be emailed this week.
School fees and levies are issued 4 times a year, at the beginning of each term, and are payable by the due date. This can be paid
by either of the following methods EFTPOS, Credit Card and Debit Card at the School Office or over the phone, BPay, Direct Debit,
Cheque or Cash (ensuring you have the correct amount, due to NO cash on the premises).
Fees are broken up into tuition, student levy, capital levy, family levy and P&F.
An additional $50.00 per family per term will be charged as a voluntary building fund contribution. Families are encouraged to
contribute to the building fund in which a separate tax receipt will be issued to you at the end of the financial year in which you
can then claim this expense with your tax return as its tax deductable. This is used to help maintain our beautiful new buildings.
It’s still not too late to set up Direct Debit for paying school fees and levies, 2015 DD forms are available on our web site or from
the Admin Office. This is easy to set up and it eliminates the concern of having to pay the School Fees and Levies in a lump sum at
the beginning of each term.
If you have any questions regarding fees please contact me on the school no. 5549 5000 or by email
Warm regards
Library News
WOW, it was wonderful to have all the children come and visit the Library this week. Each child was able to
borrow a book to take home and share with their family. The children’s lessons involved an introduction to
the Library and for the Preps they were introduced to our two Library friends ‘Minty’ and ‘Stinky’.
Our two friends Minty and Stinky both borrowed a book out but when they returned their books each friend
returned their book in a different condition. The children enjoyed meeting these two characters and if you
ask them they may even be able to let you know if they are going to be a Minty or a Stinky with their Library
I would also like to thank Richard Vranesic for his work, putting our 4 new Classroom Laptop Trolleys
together. They were a challenge, but the Classroom teachers and myself, were Thankful for his perseverance.
Please help your child to remember their Library book and their Satchel this week. That way they will all be
able to borrow another book this week.
As we are all attending the Swimming carnival next Thursday:
All students will be borrowing on Wednesday 11 February.
Kindest Regards
Robyne Cooke
Teacher / Librarian
A Note from the Guidance Counsellor
Welcome back to a new school year everyone. I look forward to working with many of you, and your children during 2015.
As you may know Megan Bush (Support Teacher: Inclusive Education) and I work at school each Monday.
This year, we also welcome Mrs Kerry Riding (Speech Pathologist) each fortnight on a Monday.
We would also like to welcome Ms Cassie Lavell to our team. Cassie is in her 6th year of study and this year
will complete her Masters in Psychology. This Semester, Cassie will join us at school each Monday and will
work with a number of students in small group programs as well as some students in a 1:1 counselling context.
Please find attached to this newsletter an overview of some wonderful ‘parenting’ opportunities being
offered through the NORTHERN GOLD COAST
COMMUNITIES FOR CHILDREN. If you have not participated in a parenting education course before, I strongly recommend you make the time to attend the 1,2,3 Magic Course as it offers useful strategies, tips and theory about the rewarding and challenging role we have as parents.
Wishing you all a wonderful week,
Caroline Vakaci
Guidance Counsellor
Year 3 News
In Year Three this week we have been working hard on our beast descriptions. Some adjectives we have used
to describe our beasts are slimy, gooey, fluffy and slobbery. In Maths we have been learning about addition
and subtraction and what they have in common. In Bounce Back we are learning to turn our red thoughts
into green thoughts and that if we have a problem there are lots of people we can talk to. So far, Year Three
is amazing!
Written by Year Three students
Chloe Mc for care
PREP White
Harry R for courtesy
YEAR 1 Blue
Kimberly T for cooperation
YEAR 1 White
Tess L for cooperation
Brianna W for listening
Joshua B for showing care
Riley W for cooperation
YEAR 5/6
Caleb for cooperation
General Interest
Some seeds have different needs for germination. Seeds that need light to
germinate—Alyssum, Begonia, Coleus, Impatiens, Petunia, Primula and Snapdragon.
Sowing the seed
Place seed raising mix in a seed tray, sprinkle the seeds on top of the mix and press
the seeds into the seed raising mix. (I find it best to use a flat piece of timber or a
ruler). Do not cover the seed with soil. Water the seeds with a light spray and keep the
mix moist until the seeds sprout.
I will write about needs of other seeds in the next couple of weeks.
Principal’s Contribution…..HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARRY, from all of us!
Our schools’ P and F run a very popular and successful playgroup for non-school aged children. It is held every Wednesday
between 8:30 – 10:30am for a gold coin donation. It is not exclusively for Mother Teresa families but is open to the wider
Ormeau community.
Our playgroup utilises the before and after school care room where there is an abundance of age appropriate games and
toys. We also venture out for outside activities (sandpit, playground etc). We have music and dance time which is heaps of
fun and we end with story time.
I look forward to seeing new faces and of course my regulars!
If you have any questions or would like enrolment
information regarding PCYC Outside School Hours Care or
Vacation Care please contact:
Carmen on 0417246054 or
or come in and see us.
For a quick and easy way to enrol please follow the link
The Uniform Shop is open on Thursdays from 8.00 am to 9.00 am.
If you require any uniforms outside of these hours you can simply download the order form from the
school website and enter required details. Payment can be made by credit card (complete all your details
on the order form) or eftpos. Please forward the completed form to the office (in person, by email or fax)
for processing. Your order will be processed on a Thursday and will be sent to your child’s classroom.
We are now taking orders for Jackets and Tracksuit pants for Term 2.
All jackets and tracksuit pants will need to be pre ordered as the school does not carry extra
stock of these items.
However we do currently have limited stock for purchase.
The Uniform Shop will be open for fittings on Monday 9th and 16th February 8.00am – 8.30am
Tuesday 10th and 17th February 2.30pm – 3.00pm
PLEASE NOTE: These listed days are for fittings of jackets and tracksuit pants only.
Orders close on Friday 20th February 2015.
If you are unable to attend these dates and would like to discuss your order please contact Kylie
Dodd by email
SHOES—Students are to wear black joggers (no stripes) Monday to Friday.
SOCKS—Students are to wear School striped socks only.
Leggings and stockings are NOT accepted school attire.
A valued member of our Mother Teresa community would like to offer her services as a
Justice of the Peace.
If you require this service please contact the school office and your details will be passed on.
St Patrick’s Parish News
Together—in—Faith Prayer Group would like to invite you to a High Tea Fashion Parade in St Jospeh’s School Hall on
Saturday 21st February at 10.00am. All proceeds go to the feed the homeless within the Beenleigh Community. Cost
$5.00 per head.
School Banking is available on Friday
Congratulations to the following for receiving their School Banking Certificates.
Chloe, Noah, Ashlee, Isabella, James and Ethan
Opening accounts for School Banking
School Banking accounts can now be opened at any Commonwealth Bank branch. Just go into any branch and ask to
open a Youthsaver account for School Banking. Remember to take in identification for you and your child (such as
driver’s license and birth certificate), you will receive a Dollarmites wallet and deposit book on the spot and be able
to start banking on Friday’s – it is that easy! If you are a Commonwealth Bank customer with NetBank you have the
option to open the account online as well!
When completing the deposit slip please ensure the following:
Correct money is included in the deposit wallet
Deposit slip is completed in blue or black pen
Student id number is included on the deposit slip
It is with great excitement that we are able to announce some fantastic new
rewards available this year!!
Claims will be forwarded to the Commonwealth Bank for redeeming.
Reward items will be presented at assembly once the school receives them from the Commonwealth Bank.
We're excited to launch the new reward items for 2015 from our Outer Space Savers range.
ET DVD and Planet Handball, released Term 1
Invisible Ink Martian Pen and Intergalactic Rocket, released Term 2
Glow-in-the-Dark Solar System and Cosmic Light Beam Torch, released Term 3
Outer Space Savers Money Box and Lunar Light Band, released Term 4
School Photo Day at Mother Teresa Primary School ‘Country School Photos’ will be at our school to take class, portrait and sibling photos on Tuesday 24th February 2015  Each student is to bring their envelope to the photographer on photo day.  Each student will be photographed in their class photo and individually.  Photo packages and prices are on the envelope. Payment can be made by cash, credit card or cheque.  Sibling photo needs only to be ordered on your eldest child’s envelope. Please contact Donna who will happily answer any questions you may have. Mob: 0427 946 360/Ph: 07 3890 1078 Email: NORTHERNGOLDCOAST
Oxenford and Coomera Community Youth Centre (OCCYC), 25 Tamborine Oxenford
Rd, Oxenford Ph: 55804995/55298087
(2 weeks)
During this two session program learn helpful strategies and get great ps about money ma ers including
planning, budge ng, saving, and spending.
Tuesday 10th March & 17th March: 9.30 am – 12.00 pm
Oxenford and Coomera Community Youth Centre
During this course learn how to raise children that are respec ul, resilient, responsible, and coopera ve;
how to discipline without yelling, arguing, or smacking; and much more! Suitable for parents and carers of
children aged 0 – 12 years.
(4 weeks)
Monday 16th February ‐ 9th March: 9.30 am ‐ 12.00 pm
Oxenford and Coomera Community Youth Centre
Wednesday 4th February ‐ 25th February: 6.00 pm – 8.30 pm
Oxenford and Coomera Community Youth Centre
1,2,3 MAGIC &
A three session program for parents, child care workers, and teachers to help promote posi ve behaviour
and manage difficult behaviour in children 2 ‐12 years old. Strategies are also suitable for children with
Monday 16th March – 30th March : 9.30 am – 11.30 am
(3 weeks)
Oxenford and Coomera Community Youth Centre
Friday 27th February – 13th March 9.30 am ‐ 11.30 am
Oxenford and Coomera Community Youth Centre
Tuesday 10th February – 24th February: 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm
(4 weeks)
A four week program that teaches prac cal paren ng skills for a rapidly changing society; and new tech‐
niques to deal with everyday pressures that impact on ourselves and our children.
Thursday 5th March – 26th March: 9.30 am – 12.00 pm
Oxenford and Coomera Community Youth Centre
During this three session course learn new skills for resolving teenage behavioural problems, how to have
conversa ons around problems that can’t be ignored, and how to build and maintain a be er rela onship.
Suitable for parents whose children are aged 11 to 17.
(3 weeks)
Wednesday 11th March – 25th March: 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm
Oxenford and Coomera Community Youth Centre
This 6 week program offers an opportunity to explore ways to have a fabulous rela onship, to repair a
broken rela onship, or understand why the rela onship isn't working. Rela onships include parents, sib‐
lings, work associates, partners, spouses, and children.
(6 weeks)
Tuesday 24th February – 31st March: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Oxenford and Coomera Community Youth Centre
‘I can do it’
This is a 5 week nurturing program that helps build your self‐esteem and increase your confidence which
helps you feel be er about yourself.
Friday 27th February – 27th March: 9.30 am – 12.00 midday
(5 weeks)
Oxenford and Coomera Community Youth Centre
For 12 – 17 year olds, this 6 week course is a prac cal and fun approach to babysi ng. The course covers
interac ng with kids, basic first aid, basic child development, and ps on managing difficult behaviours.
(6 weeks)
Tuesday 17th February – 24th March: 3.45 pm – 5.45 pm
Helensvale Library, corner Lindfield Rd & Sir John Overall Dr, Helensvale. Ph: 5581 1625
Child minding is available during all day programs for children
0 – 5 years; $4 for first child and $1 for every child aŌer that.
Places are limited and bookings are essen al. Fee to be paid prior
to commencing program.
Communi es for Children is funded by the Australian
Government Department of Social Services
Helpful Phone Numbers
Paren ng & Child Support Services
Breasƞeeding Helpline 1800 686 686
Child Abuse PrevenƟon Service
Electricity Loss of Power 13 62 62
1800 688 009
Poisons Informa on Line (24 hours) 131 126
Coomera Police Sta on 5573 6111
24 Hour Support Services
Kidsafe Queensland (Child safety indoors and
out. Hire of safety equipment and car capsules)
3854 1829
Pregnancy Helpline 1300 139 313
Alcohol & Drug InformaƟon Service
1800 177 833
Child Health Services
Dads in Distress 1300 853 437
Child and Youth Health
DomesƟc Violence 1800 811 811
PracƟcal health informaƟon for parents, carers
and young people.
Family Drug Support 1300 368 186
Child Health Centre
Kids Help Line 1800 551 800
Helensvale 5580 7819
Men’s Line Australia 1300 789 978
Logan Central 3387 5319
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
Beenleigh 3827 9833
Lifeline Crisis Line: 13 11 14
Coomera Community Child Health 5580 7819
Alcoholics Anonymous 5591 2062
Child Health Line 1800 177 279 or 3862 2333
A er Hours Doctors Medical Centres
Chevron AŌer Hours Medical Service 5532 8666
Medico Beenleigh 3807 4999
NaƟonal Home Doctor Service
(previously Medcall)
Rural Fire Services 3202 1444
Cedar Creek 5546 4142
13 7425
Coomera Valley 5573 3566
Ormeau 5547 5869
Community Partners
You can find us at