Los Angeles Area Council Boy Scouts of America Presents 8 t h A n n u al P l e a se J o i n U s I n H o n o r i n g 2015 LEADER OF THE YEAR R O B E RT G AT E S Proceeds benefit the youth of the Los Angeles Area Council Honoree ROBERT G AT E S T he Los Angeles Area Council Boy Scouts has named the Boy Scouts of America National President Dr. Robert M. Gates, former Secretary of Defense, former Director of Central Intelligence and published author of DUTY as the 8th Annual Business Leaders’ Breakfast “2015 Leader of the Year”. “The Boy Scouts of America had a profound influence on my childhood and helped form the foundation of my career in public service. I’ve had tremendous opportunities in my life, but I can say without hesitation that my memories of Scouting are every bit as vivid and meaningful as what came later. I believe every boy deserves an opportunity to experience what Scouting offers,” said Dr. Gates. “Scouting teaches youth how to set and achieve goals, develops a deep commitment to serve others, and creates leaders for tomorrow who are not only prepared to serve their communities, but also prepared for life and leadership. Just as it did for me. PLEASE JOIN US W E D N E S D A Y, March 4, 2015 MILLENNIUM BILTMORE HOTEL 506 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071 $75 per person 6:30—7:30 a.m. > Coffee & Networking 7:30—9:00 a.m. > Breakfast & Program N etwork with the leaders of the Boy Scouts of America, Los Angeles Area Council and prominent leaders of the Los Angeles business community. Learn how Scouting benefits more than 17,000 youth in its Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Exploring programs. Sixty percent of families within Council borders live at or below the federal poverty line. In 2015, LAAC Scouts will perform more than 100,000 hours of community service. Learn how you can be a part of Scouting in Los Angeles and help build tomorrow’s leaders. Sponsorship opportunities are still available! You can buy tickets online at www.blbscouts.org or return the enclosed card. Sponsorship levels include $25,000 Presenting Sponsor, $10,000 Eagle Sponsor, $5,000 Merit Badge Sponsor, $2,500 First Class Sponsor, $750 Table Sponsor. For more information, visit www.blbscouts.org Contact: Diana Bates (213) 413-4400 x313 | Diana.bates@boyscoutsla.org BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA LOS ANGELES AREA COUNCIL Los Angeles Area Council Boy Scouts of America Presents 8th Annual Presenting Sponsor $25,000 First Class Sponsor $2,500 Eagle Sponsor $10,000 Table Sponsor $750 Merit Badge Sponsor $5,000 Payment Information NAME Yes, I will attend. Please reserve Enclosed is my check in the amount of individual seats $75 each. No, I am unable to attend. Please accept my donation of . Please Charge my Credit Card: $ PLEASE MAKE PAYABLE TO: Los Angeles Area Council Boy Scouts of America CARD NUMBER EXPIRATIONCVV CODE NAME (AS IT APPEARS ON THE CARD) SIGNATUREBILLING ZIP EMAILPHONE More information and ticket sales at www.blbscouts.org Diana Bates | (213) 413-4400 x313 | Diana.bates@boyscoutsla.org Thank You To Our 2015 BLB Committee SPONSORS Eagle Sponsor Thomas McDonald (Chair) Richard L. Alonso William R. Barrett Jr. Michael P. Birkholm Susan Porter Griego C. William Guy II Merit Badge Sponsors Gary W. Hankins William R. Hodgkiss John W. Jaacks David S. Meshulam Gerry T. Morton Robert F. Scoular As of 1-26-2015 day of print
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