CPS 3740-04/Spring 2015 Database Management Systems Instructor: Dr. Ching-yu (Austin) Huang Email: chuang@kean.edu Office: Willis Hall, Room 406K Office Hours: Mon, Wed (11:00–1:00pm); Tue, Thurs (1:00–3:00pm) Dr. Huang Website: http://www.kean.edu/~chuang Phone: (908) 737-4252 Class Information: Course Content: Fundamental computing and programming concepts; use of systems software; problem solving; design of algorithms using a high-level, object-oriented programming language. Prerequisites: CPS 2232 and Math 1054 (Pre-calculus). Students without prerequisite(s) must withdraw from the class. Class & Laboratory: Tue, Thurs (11:00 - 12:15), HENNINGS HALL, Room 222 Textbook: Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management. Author: Thomas Connelly and Carolyn Begg, 6th edition. Addison-Wesley, 2014. ISBN-13: 978-0132943260 Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: A. Evaluate the role of databases in computing systems B. Design and build applications using database management systems C. Compare and evaluate diverse database models D. Implement a consistent database E. Understand transaction processing concepts F. Understand relational algebra as a basis for database query languages Course Grading: Midterm (20%), Final Exam (25%), Homework (15%), Quizzes (20%), and Projects (20%) A: 100-92%, A-: 91-88%, B+: 87-84%, B: 83-80%, B-: 79-76%, C+: 75-72%, C: 71-68%, below 68% is failing (a C or better is needed for CS and IT majors.) Assignments: Projects and homework assignments will use SQL connecting through eve.kean.edu (Linux system). Class Policies: No late work will be accepted without permission in advance from the instructor. Late work is penalized 20% off/week. No make-up exams are provided without documentation of medical or family emergency. Please arrange your schedule for the next 16 weeks to arrive in class on time and prepared. Attendance, participation and lab exercises are very important part of the final grade. Excused absences must be arranged in advance and evidence of the reason for the absence must be provided. All work turned in under your name must be your own. Programming assignments must be your own work. No credit will be given for an assignment or homework that is copied – in part or in total – from another person. Important University Policies and Information: The Kean Academic Calendar can be found online at http://www.kean.edu/KU/Academic-Calendar Tutoring and learning Support services: http://www.kean.edu/~castutor The Kean Academic Integrity Policy is online at http://www.kean.edu/admin/uploads/pdf/AcademicIntegrityPolicy.pdf. Students are expected to read and abide by the academic integrity guidelines. The Kean student code of conduct can be found online at http://www.kean.edu/KU/Code-of-Conduct. Students are expected to have read and abide by the code of conduct. The Kean Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook is available at http://www.kean.edu/KU/Forms-Policies-andPublications. Students are expected to have read and to follow all regulations. All students should register for the university’s emergency notification system at http://www.mir3.com/kean. All students must have a valid Kean email account. If you do not have one, you can request one at http://www.kean.edu/KU/Forms-OCIS; click on E-mail Account Request Form. Americans with Disabilities Statement: Students with documented disabilities who may need special instructional accommodations or who may need special arrangements in the event of an evacuation should notify the instructor ASAP no later than the second week of the term. Students may contact Kean Disability Office in Downs Hall 127 to discuss special needs, (908) 737-4910 Kean University Non-Discrimination Policy Statement: Kean University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. CPS 3740-04/Spring 2015 Database Management Systems Dr. Huang Class: Tue, Thurs (11:00 - 12:15), HENNINGS HALL, Room 222 Week Date Topic 1/22/2015 (Thur) Overview + Database Introduction 2 1/27/2015 (Tue) Database Environment, PHP Reading Ch1 1 Ch2 2 1/29/2015 (Thur) Database Architectures and the web Ch3, Ch29 3 4 5 2/3/2015 (Tue) PHP, web and database PHP 2/5/2015 (Thur) Quiz#1 & review, Relational Model Ch4 2/10/2015 (Tue) Relational Algebra Ch5 2/12/2015 (Thur) Basic SQL: Data Manipulation Ch6 Basic SQL: Data Manipulation Ch6 2/17/2015 (Tue) 2/19/2015 (Thur) Quiz#2 & review, project#1 6 2/24/2015 (Tue) Database Application Design and Development using PHP 2/26/2015 (Thur) SQL: Data Definition, keys 7 8 12 14 15 16 Quiz #1 5 6 Homework #1 7 8 Quiz #2 9 Project #2 – show data on website 10 11 3/3/2015 (Tue) SQL: Data Definition, view 3/5/2015 (Thur) Review for Midterm 13 3/10/2015 (Tue) Midterm 14 0% refund 12 Ch7 Project #3 – create DB Spring break School closed 3/19/2015 (Thur) Spring break School closed 3/24/2015 (Tue) Database Analysis & Case Study Ch11 Database System Development Lifecycle, Entity-Relationship Model Ch10, Ch12 4/2/2015 (Thur) Conceptual Database Design Ch16 4/7/2015 (Tue) Quiz#3 & review, Logical database Design for the Relational Model Ch17 4/9/2015 (Thur) Physical database Design for Relational Databases, project #3 Ch18 4/14/2015 (Tue) Normalization Ch14 4/21/2015 (Tue) Quiz#4 & review, Advanced SQL, stored procedures Homework #2 Ch8 Ch8 15 16 17 Ch29 3/31/2015 (Tue) 4/16/2015 (Thur) Advanced SQL, joins 13 4 Last day to withdraw with ‘W’ grade 3/26/2015 (Thur) Web Technology and DBMS 11 3 3/2/2015 3/17/2015 (Tue) 10 Project #1 – website on eve Ch7 3/12/2015 (Thur) Midterm review, project #2 9 Assignment 18 19 20 Quiz #3 21 Project #4 – online DB 22 Homework #3 23 24 Quiz #4 4/23/2015 (Thur) Advanced SQL, triggers Ch8 25 4/28/2015 (Tue) Transaction management Ch22 26 4/30/2015 (Thur) Database Security and Administration Ch20 5/5/2015 (Tue) Project #4 presentation 5/7/2015 (Thur) Review for final 5/12/2015 (Tue) Final exam 27 28 Last day to submit all missing homework and projects 29 30
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