Mechanism analysis with Mathematica Dan B. Marghitu (corresponding author) and P. K. Raju Department of Mechanical Engineering Auburn University, AL 36849, USA E-mail: Abstract In this paper, planar mechanisms with dyads are analyzed using Mathematica. First, a classification of dyads is introduced and then Mathematica packages for the analysis of the driver link and dyads are explained. The analysis provides a consistent coding scheme for planar mechanisms. The advantage of the group classification of a system lies in its simplicity. The solution of the whole system can then be obtained by composing partial solutions. This approach will eliminate the need to store complete mechanism information in a large database. Keywords mechanism; dyad; package; Mathematica Introduction The structural synthesis of mechanisms may be accomplished using graph theory [1, 2] or the system group classification. Tsai [3] applied graph theory, combinatorial analysis, and computer algorithms to study new mechanisms. Belfiore and Pennestri [4] elaborated a method of automatically drawing kinematic chains with contours using graph theory. Fang and Freudenstein [5] presented a combinatorial approach based on a standard code method for identifying mechanism uniqueness; that approach utilized the concept of contracted graph abstraction for computationally efficient mechanism enumeration. The structure synthesis of spatial kinematic chains has been analyzed by Shujun [6] for kinematic chains with three degrees of freedom and six links. Shin and Krishnamurty [7] established standard codes for uniquely identifying mechanisms. Sen and Mruthynjaya [8] studied singularities in the workspace of planar closed-loop manipulators. The singularities were determined using the centers of rotation for closed kinematic chains with two degrees of freedom. Assur groups with multiple joints are described by Jinkui and Weiqing [9]. Designers have also generated collections of mechanisms classified according to their functional characteristics [10–16]. Mathematica [17] is a mathematical software package that integrates accurate symbolic and numerical calculation, graphics, and programming language. Both Mathematica and Matlab are widely used in engineering departments. Mathematica software is better for analytical/symbolic math computation. The advantage of the system group classification lies in the fact that the solution can be obtained by composing partial solutions. Using Mathematica packages for the system groups, the planar mechanisms can be analyzed in a systematic way. This study reflects some of the recent advances in mechanisms, changes in ABET criteria and the increased importance of both computer analysis and engineering International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 130 8/14/2009 4:50:10 PM Mechanism analysis with Mathematica 131 design. The paper encourages students to learn mechanisms in an interactive way, incorporating Mathematica packages and allowing readers to conduct and explore mechanisms analysis using dyads. A feature of this article and its main distinction from other ways of teaching students about mechanisms is that it presents a different method (the dyad method) for the kinematic and dynamic force analysis of mechanisms. The other important feature of the approach used here is the attention given to the solution of the problems using the symbolic software Mathematica. Dyads The number of independent coordinates that uniquely determine the relative position of two constrained links is termed the degree of freedom of a given joint. Alternatively, the term joint class is introduced. A joint is of the jth class if it diminishes the relative motion of linked bodies by j degrees of freedom; i.e. j scalar constraint conditions correspond to the given kinematic pair. It follows that such a joint has 6j independent coordinates. For the general case of planar mechanisms, the number of degrees of freedom is calculated with the following formula (Gruebler’s equation or Kutzbach’s equation) [18]: M = 3n − 2c5 − c4 (1) where n is the number of moving links, c5 is the number of full joints (one degree of freedom), and c4 is the number of half joints (two degrees of freedom). There is a special significance to kinematic chains which do not change their degrees of freedom after being connected to an arbitrary system. Kinematic chains defined in this way are called system groups. Connecting them to or disconnecting them from a given system enables systems to be modified or structurally new systems to be created while maintaining the original degrees of freedom. The term ‘system group’ has been introduced for the classification of planar mechanisms used by Assur and further investigated by Artobolevsky. For planar systems, from equation 1 it follows that: 3n − 2c5 = 0 (2) according to which the number of system group links, n, is always even. A half joint, c4, can be substituted with two full joints and an extra link. The simplest fundamental kinematic chain is the binary group with two links (n = 2) and three full joints (c5 = 3). The binary group is also called a dyad. Fig. 1(a) shows the simplest dyad with three rotational joints. This dyad is named rotation rotation rotation (dyad RRR) or dyad of type one (D10). Fig. 1(b) depicts a dyad of type two (D20), rotation rotation translation (dyad RRT), and the particular case when L3 = CD = 0. Fig. 1(c) shows a dyad of type three (D30), rotation translation rotation (dyad RTR) and the particular case when L3 = CD = 0. Fig. 1(d) depicts a dyad of type four (D40), translation rotation translation (dyad TRT) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 131 8/14/2009 4:50:10 PM 132 D. B. Marghitu and P. K. Raju Fig. 1 Dyads: (a) rotation rotation rotation (dyad RRR), (b) rotation rotation translation (dyad RRT), (c) rotation translation rotation (dyad RTR), (d) translation rotation translation (dyad TRT), and (e) rotation translation translation (dyad RTT). International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 132 8/14/2009 4:50:10 PM Mechanism analysis with Mathematica 133 and Fig. 1(e) shows a dyad of type five (D50), rotation translation translation (dyad RTT). The advantage of the group classification of a system lies in its simplicity. The solution of the whole system can then be obtained by composing partial solutions. One can connect a dyad to a driver link to create a mechanism with one degree of freedom. The driver link, link 1 (link AB), can have rotational (R) or translational (T) motion. The driver link is connected to a first dyad, comprising links 2 and 3, with three joints, at B, C, and D. The driver link (link 1), and the last link (link 3), are connected to the ground, 0. Fig. 2(a) shows a mechanism, R-D20, where dyad D20 has length L3 = 0. Next, mechanisms with one driver link and two dyads are considered. The second dyad is comprised of links 4 and 5 and three joints, at B′, C′, and D′. Fig. 2(b) represents the ways in which the second dyad can be connected to the initial Fig. 2 (a) The R-D20 mechanism and (b) the R-D10-D10 mechanism. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 133 8/14/2009 4:50:10 PM 134 D. B. Marghitu and P. K. Raju mechanism with one driver and one dyad. For simplification, only rotational joints are considered for the following mechanism examples, R-D10-D10. Fig. 2(b) shows the first link of the second dyad, link 4, connected to the driver link (link 1), and the second link of the second dyad, link 5, which is connected to the ground, 0. Driver link A number of bodies linked by joints form a kinematic chain. On the basis of the presence of loops in a mechanical structure, closed kinematic chains can be distinguished. A kinematic chain is closed if there are one or more loops such that each link and each joint is contained in at least one of them. A closed kinematic chain (or mechanism) has no open attachment point. An open kinematic chain contains no loop. Mechanism design is a vital component of modern machine design practice. Mechanisms are used to transmit forces and moments, and to manipulate objects. A knowledge of the kinematic and dynamic properties of these machines is crucial for their design and control. Packages can be used to calculate the position, velocity, and acceleration of a driver link in rotational motion, as shown in Fig. 3(a). For the position analysis, the input data are the coordinates (xA, yA) of joint A (the joint between the driver link and the ground) with respect to the reference frame xOyz, the length of the link, AB, and the angle, ϑ, with the horizontal axis. For the analysis of velocity and acceleration, the angular velocity, w = j˙, and the angular acceleration, a = j¨, are considered. The output data are the position, velocity, and acceleration of the end point, B. The position equations for the driver link are: x B = x A + AB cos ϕ yB = y A + AB sin ϕ where xB and yB are the coordinates of point B. The velocity equations for the driver link are: vBx = − ABω sin ϕ vBy = ABω cos ϕ where vBx and vBy are the velocity components of point B on the x- and y-axes. The acceleration equations for the driver link are: aBx = − ABω 2 cos ϕ − ABα sin ϕ aBy = − ABω 2 sin ϕ + ABα cos ϕ where aBx and aBy are the acceleration components of point B on the x- and y-axes. In order to compute the position, velocity, and acceleration of joint B using Mathematica, the necessary commands can be can collected in a function. The name of International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 134 8/14/2009 4:50:10 PM Mechanism analysis with Mathematica Fig. 3 135 (a) Driver link in rotational motion, (b) RRR dyad, and (c) RRT dyad. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 135 8/14/2009 4:50:10 PM 136 D. B. Marghitu and P. K. Raju the function is Driver. The input data, the variable parts of the computation, and the output data are defined as parameters to this function. All the variables local to Driver[] are declared in the Block[] statement to isolate them from any values they might have globally. The Mathematica command Block[{x, y, . . .}, expr] specifies that expr is to be evaluated with local values for the symbols x, y, . . . . In our case, the local variables are xB, yB, vBx, vBy, aBx, and aBy, and expr is the body of the function. The Mathematica command Return[expr] returns the value expr from a function. For the driver, expr represents the output data and it is a vector that contains the elements xB, yB, vBx, vBy, aBx, and aBy. The mechanism that Mathematica provides for keeping the variables used in a package different from those used in the main session is called context. The local variables, xB, yB, vBx, vBy, aBx, and aBy, are now created in the context Private’, which is not searched when one types a variable name later on. The usage message defined for the symbol Driver is there to provide documentation for the function and to make sure that Driver is defined in the current context. If it had not been defined before entering the context Private’, it would not be found later on. The Mathematica command End[] terminates the present context and the context reverts to the previous one. The functions that the package provides are put into a separate context, which must be visible if those functions are to be used later on. This can be done using the pair of Mathematica commands BeginPackage[] and EndPackage[]. Thus, the following Mathematica package is introduced: BeginPackage[“Driver’”] Driver::usage = “Driver[xA ,yA ,AB ,phi ,omega ,alpha ] computes the driver position, velocity and acceleration vectors.” Begin[“‘Private’”] Driver[xA ,yA ,AB ,phi ,omega ,alpha ]:= Block[ { xB, yB, vBx, vBy, aBx, aBy }, xB = xA + AB Cos[phi] ; yB = yA + AB Sin[phi] ; vBx = -AB omega Sin[phi] ; vBy = AB omega Cos[phi] ; aBx = -AB omega^2 Cos[phi] -AB alpha Sin[phi] ; aBy = -AB omega^2 Sin[phi] + AB alpha Cos[phi] ; Return[ { xB, yB, vBx, vBy, aBx, aBy } ]; ] End[ ] EndPackage[ ] The command BeginPackage[“Driver’ ”] sets Driver’ to be the current context, and the command EndPackage[] ends the package, prepending Driver’ to the context search path. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 136 8/14/2009 4:50:11 PM Mechanism analysis with Mathematica 137 Note the initial back-quote in the context name inside the command Begin[‘ “Private” ’]. This establishes ‘Private’ as a subcontext of the context Driver’ (so its full name is Driver’Private’). The name of the source file for the Mathematica package Driver is Driver.m. Position analysis RRR dyad The RRR dyad is shown in Fig. 3(b). The input data for position analysis are the coordinates of joint M (xM, yM), the coordinates of joint N (xN, yN), and the lengths of segments MP and NP. The output data are the coordinates of joint P (xP, yP). The position equations for the RRR dyad are: ( x M − x P ) + ( yM − yP ) = MP 2 2 2 ( x N − x P ) + ( yN − yP ) = NP 2 2 2 where the unknowns are the coordinates xP and yP of joint P, for which there are two solutions: (xP1, yP1) and (xP2, yP2). The Mathematica function for the values of xP1, yP1, xP2, yP2 is: PosRRR::usage = “PosRRR[xM,yM,xN,yN,MP,NP] Computes the position vectors for RRR dyad” Begin[“‘Private’”] PosRRR[xM ,yM ,xN ,yN ,MP ,NP ]:= Block[ {xPSol,yPSol,xP1,yP1,xP2,yP2,eqRRR1,eqRRR2,solRRR}, eqRRR1 = (xM-xPSol)^2 + (yM-yPSol)^2 == MP^2 ; eqRRR2 = (xN-xPSol)^2 + (yN-yPSol)^2 == NP^2 ; solRRR = Solve[{eqRRR1,eqRRR2},{xPSol,yPSol}]; xP1 = xPSol/.solRRR[[1]] ; yP1 = yPSol/.solRRR[[1]] ; xP2 = xPSol/.solRRR[[2]] ; yP2 = yPSol/.solRRR[[2]] ; Return[xP1, yP1, xP2, yP2] ; ] End[ ] RRT dyad The RRT dyad is shown in Fig. 3(c). The input data are the coordinates of joint M (xM, yM), the coordinates of point N (xN, yN) in the sliding direction, the length of segment MP, and the value of the angle q. The output data are the coordinates of joint P (xP, yP). International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 137 8/14/2009 4:50:11 PM 138 D. B. Marghitu and P. K. Raju The position equations for the RRT dyad are: ( x M − x P ) + ( yM − yP ) = MP 2 2 2 tan θ = [ yP − yN ] [ x P − x N ] where the unknowns are the coordinates, xP and yP, of joint P. There are two solutions for the position of joint P, (xP1, yP1) and (xP2, yP2). If the value of the angle q is 90º or 180º, then xP = xN and the following equation is used to find the coordinate, yP, of point P: ( x M − x N ) + ( yM − yP ) = MP 2 2 2 (3) The Mathematica function for the position analysis is: PosRRT::usage = “PosRRT[xM,yM,xN,yN,MP,theta] Computes the position vectors for RRT dyad” Begin[“‘Private’”] PosRRT[xM ,yM ,xN ,yN ,MP ,theta ]:= Block[ {xPSol, yPSol, xP1, yP1,xP2, yP2, eqRRT, solRRT, eqRRT1, eqRRT2 }, If[ (theta==Pi/2)||(theta==3*Pi/2), xP1 = xP2 = xN ; eqRRT = (xM-xN)^2 + (yM-yPSol)^2 == MP^2 ; solRRT = Solve[ eqRRT, yPSol ] ; yP1 = yPSol/.solRRT[[1]] ; yP2 = yPSol/.solRRT[[2]] , eqRRT1 = (xM-xPSol)^2 + (yM-yPSol)^2 == MP^2 ; eqRRT2 = Tan[theta] == (yPSol-yN)/(xPSol-xN) ; solRRT = Solve[{eqRRT1,eqRRT2},{xPSol,yPSol}]; xP1 = xPSol/.solRRT[[1]] ; yP1 = yPSol/.solRRT[[1]] ; xP2 = xPSol/.solRRT[[2]] ; yP2 = yPSol/.solRRT[[2]] ; ]; Return[ { xP1, yP1, xP2, yP2 } ]; ] End[ ] The functions PosRRR and PosRRT are included in the Mathematica package Position. The name of the source file for the package is Position.m. Application: R-RTR-RRT mechanism The planar R-RTR-RRT mechanism considered is shown in Fig. 4(a). Given the input data AB = 0.20 m, AD = 0.40 m, CD = 0.70 m, CE = 0.30 m, the angle of the driver link, AB, with the horizontal axis, j = 45º, and the constant angular velocity, w = 5 rad/s, the problem is to calculate the positions of the joints. The distance from the slider, link 5, to the horizontal axis, Ox, is yE = 0.35 m. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 138 8/14/2009 4:50:11 PM Mechanism analysis with Mathematica Fig. 4 139 (a) R-RTR-RRT mechanism, (b) RTR (BBD) dyad, and RRT (CEE) dyad. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 139 8/14/2009 4:50:11 PM 140 D. B. Marghitu and P. K. Raju A Cartesian reference frame xOyz is chosen with the origin at A ≡ O. The Mathematica packages Driver and Position are loaded in the main program using the following commands: <<Driver.m ; <<Position.m ; Position of joint B The coordinates of joint B are obtained using the Mathematica function Driver: xB = Driver[xA,yA,AB,phi,omega,alpha][[1]] ; yB = Driver[xA,xB,AB,phi,omega,alpha][[2]] ; The RTR (BBD) dyad is represented in Fig. 4(b). Position of joint D The coordinates of joint D are: xD = 0 yD = −AD = −0.400 m and the angle, j3, of link 3 with the horizontal is: j3 = arctan [yB − yD]/[xB − xD] = 75.36º. The calculations are simple and there is no need for a package for the RTR dyad. The next dyad, RRT (CEE), is represented in Fig. 4(c). Position of joint C The coordinates of joint C are: xC = xD + CDcosj3 yC = yD + CDsinj Position of joint E In this mechanism, the coordinate, yE, of joint E is constant: yE = 0.350 m. The numerical solution for xE is obtained using the Mathematica function PosRRT: xE1 = PosRRT[xC,yC,0,yE,CE,phi5][[1]] ; xE2 = PosRRT[xC,yC,0,yE,CE,phi5][[3]] ; The input data are the coordinates of joint C (xC, yC), the coordinates of point P (0, yE) located in the sliding direction, the length of link CE, and the angle between the sliding direction and the horizontal axis, Ox, phi5 = 180º. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 140 8/14/2009 4:50:11 PM Mechanism analysis with Mathematica Fig. 5 141 Mathematica program and the numerical results. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 37/2 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 ijmee_2436.indd 141 8/14/2009 4:50:11 PM 142 D. B. Marghitu and P. K. Raju The output data are the first and third elements of the vector returned by the function PosRRT, which are the x-coordinates of joint E. The second and fourth elements are constant and equal to the y-coordinate of joint E. The correct solution for xE for the input driver angle is selected using the condition xE < xC. The Mathematica program and the numerical results are shown in Fig. 5. Conclusion The kinematic and dynamic of planar mechanisms with dyads can be studied using Mathematica packages. An example has been presented for the position analysis of a mechanism with two dyads. Using this method, new packages for planar mechanisms with one, two, and three dyads can be generated. These results are expected to play a significant role in the development of automated mechanism design procedures. This paper connects traditional mechanism design, the introduction of structural analysis, and the use of Mathematica. References [1] F. R. E. Crossley, ‘The permutation of kinematic chains of eight members or less from the graph-theoretic viewpoint’, Developments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2 (1965), 467– 486. [2] T. 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