Pics Human India - human india europe

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IEC 6114001486
(Leading registered brand in bio-organic production and export of Rare
Indian alpine herbs enlisted in CITES)
USP: Organic niche farming of alpine herbs, par excellence for Saussurea costus
HUMAN INDIA produces and process alpine herbs through niche farming with 1oo%
organic mode in Uttarakhand State. HUMAN, a group of leading professional, itself
implies for “Quality with Purity”. We are working with various registered farmers’
groups in raw material production of alpine Himalayan herbs, leading in Kuth
(Saussurea costus) and other herbs like Puskar mool (Inula recemosa), Aconites,
Angelica glauca, Swertia chirayita, Jatamansi, Kutki (Picrorhiza kurrooa), etc. We ensure
total chemical free processing at every step of production.
Office (India):
Dr. J.S. Butola, PhD, MBA
Founder member of HUMAN INDIA
is consultant scientist on rare alpine
Office (India):
Mr. Ashutosh Pokhriyal
Director, Alpine Herbal Hub
Set up a alpine farm for
production of Kuth and other
rare alpine herbs
Office (Europe):
Dr. Margit Strobl
Managing Director
Founder of Saussurea lappa project
Office (Europe):
Via Bolzano – Boznerstr. 87/3, 39044 Neumarkt – Egna (BZ), Italy, Mobile +39 366 7039254,
Email:, www.
Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch.
[Saussurea lappa (Decne.) Sch. Bip.]
Trade name: Kuth, Costus
(High value Indian rare medicinal herb, extinct from nature
is being grown by a group of registered growers in
Uttarakhand state, lead by HUMAN INDIA
Status: Enlisted in CITES, almost extinct from wild, required permit for cultivation and trade
Taxonomic Identification: Herbs, 1-2.5 m high, pubescent. Roots stout, inverted coneshaped, up to 60 cm long, greyish to dull brownish, with characteristic odour. Basal leaves
scaberulous above, glabrate beneath, margins irregularly toothed; petiole 60-90 cm long,
lobately winged; cauline leaves semi-amplexicaul, 15-30 cm long, sessile or with shorter
petiole. Involucral bracts ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, purple. Flowers in heads, 2.5-4 cm in
diam., axillary or terminal clusters of 2-5, sessile. Petals dark purple. Anther tail fimbriate.
Achenes ca 8 mm long, compressed, curved. Pappus hairs brown, double feathery.
Trade pattern: Dry roots, live plants, derivatives, extracts, oil and formulations.
Countries imported from India: Hong Kong, France, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Sri
Lanka, Siberia and Netherlands.
Root characteristics: The roots have an acrid, strong and sweet aromatic odour and bitter
taste with neutral potency. Dry roots are strongly scented and yield an aromatic oil used in
making insecticides. The roots contain an alkaloid, saussurine’, which is medicinal.
Industrial use: Anodyne, anti-arthritis, aphrodisiac, astringent, stimulant, digestive,
diaphoretic, deodorant, antiseptic, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge,
spasmodic, vermifuge and tonic properties.
Drug formulated by its roots prescribed for the treatment of cough, bronchitis,
colic, dental trouble, diarrhoea and dysentery, liver dysfunction, pulmonary disorders, fever,
flatulence, hair wash, headache, hysteria, chest complaints, nervous disorders, irregular
menstrual problems, promoting urination and rheumatism.
Production: By the growers’ group organized by Human India and registered with Herbal
Research and Development Institute (, a nodal agency of medicinal plants
by Government of Uttarakhand
Organic production of Quality seeds and roots of Kuth
Kuth production areas (2000- 3500 m asl
Kuth production areas (2000- 3500 m asl
Kuth organic fields
Kuth village: a natural reservoir of high value rare alpine herbs
Kuth Conservation Group
Himalayan Aconites: Anti-pyretic, anti-venom, anti-inflammatory
Himalayan Angelica (Angelica glauca): Aromatherapy, Stomach disorder
Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamasi): Relieve mental stress, neuro-protective
Kutki (Picrorhiza kurrooa): Hepatoprotective, Liver tonic
Puskar mool (Inula recemosa): Anti Spasmodic, Bronchiole Dilator