Government of India Animal Quarantine & Certification Services (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organization) (Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries) Kapashera, New Delhi-110037 Email: AQCS, New TEL: 91-11- 25063272, Fax: 91-11-25060647 F.No.2-9/2014-15/AQCS, NEW DELHI (ND) - Admin TENDER ENQUIRY SUBJECT: HIRING OF VEHICLE (CAR) Sealed quotations in the prescribed pro-forma are invited from registered firms/transporters within the National Capital Territory of Delhi for hiring of one vehicle (Car) of TATA Indica/Indigo/Maruti Desire make (model of 2012 and above) non A/C as per Annexure-III for 3000 Kms. in a month, 10 hours per day (with possibility of odd hours or night hours), for the official use of Animal Quarantine & Certification Services (AQCS, NEW DELHI), Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Kapashera, New Delhi-110037. The said contract will be awarded initially for the period of one year (from the date of award/signing of contract) on monthly basis, which may be extended at the discretion of the tender calling authority for further period. These services are required on all days of the year irrespective of leave or holiday. 1. Tenders A. Must be delivered, to the Regional Officer, Animal Quarantine & Certification Services (AQCS, NEW DELHI), Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Kapashera, New Delhi-110037 up to 03.03.2015, latest by 11.00 Hrs. B. Tenders must be written in Hindi/English. All correspondence in connection with or arising from a bid shall be in Hindi/English. C. The price should be quoted in Indian Rupees. D. Single cover system with two separate sealed cover (Technical and Financial) inside will be adopted. The Tender shall contain each and every page dully signed and sealed of tender document of AQCS, NEW DELHI as acceptance of terms and conditions along with all other required documents as per Annexure- II (Technical Bid) in one sealed envelope and Annexure-III (Financial Bid) in another sealed envelope. E. Tenders may be deposited in the tender box or sent by post in dully sealed envelope super scribed “Tender for providing the vehicle for Official use’’ due 03.03.2015 (11.00 Hrs) addressed to: Regional Officer, Animal Quarantine & Certification Services (AQCS, NEW DELHI), Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India Kapashera, New Delhi-110037. Page 1 of 14 F. In case there is any change of the date of opening of tender, the same will be communicated to the tenderer in advance telephonically if contact number is available. In any situation, if the tender cannot be opened on the opening date, the new date will be communicated on the same day. 2. Late Tenders Any tender received after stipulated date/time shall not be entertained. 3. Opening of Tender: All Tenders will be opened in public on 03.03.2015 at 11.30 Hrs in the Conference Room, Animal Quarantine & Certification Services (AQCS, NEW DELHI), Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Kapashera, New Delhi-110037. Tenderers or their Representatives should be present during this meeting. 4. Period of Validity of Tenders A. Validity of Tenders shall be 120 days after the date of tender opening. A tender valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the AQCS, NEW DELHI as non-responsive. B. In exceptional circumstances, the AQCS, NEW DELHI may solicit the Tenderer’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing. The Earnest Money provided shall also be suitably extended. Tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting its Earnest Money. A Tenderer granting the request will not be permitted to modify its tender condition. 5. Terms & Conditions A.I. AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi has full right to cancel the tender even after declaration of L1 without assigning any reason. L1 has no right to claim for contract even after declaration of L1 by AQCS, NEW DELHI on tender opening day or after. In case no approval is communicated to L1 within the validity period (120 days), the tender may be deemed as cancelled. L1 has no right to ask for the reason in this regard. II. In case there is any change of the date of opening of tender, the same will be communicated to the tenderer in advance. In any situation, if the tender cannot be opened on the opening date, the new date will be communicated on the same day if not communicated in advance. III. In case of tie in L1 the decision of AQCS, NEW DELHI Tender committee in evaluation of most responsive bid and declaration of L1 will be final and no claim for the same will be entertained. The Tender opening committee has the right to ask the Bidders more information/documents required to decide L1 in case of tie. IV. Service Tax/ other taxes and charges (as per applicable rates) are mandatory in the bid. V. The net payment to the contractor will be made after deducting T.D.S from grand total of bill/invoice amount. VI. The Grand total may be rounded off to nearest value of Rupees per month for counting L1 at the time of opening of Tender if not done by the Tenderer. Page 2 of 14 B. The rate quoted must be as per details mentioned in Annexure III of the tender. C. Documents Establishing Tenderer’s Eligibility (Copies must be attached with Tender) I. Earnest Money a. The Tenderer shall furnish, as a part of its tender, Earnest Money of Rs.5000/b. The Earnest Money is required to protect the AQCS, NEW DELHI against the risk of Tenderer’s conduct, which would warrant the security’s forfeiture. c. The Earnest Money shall be in one of the following forms: A bank guarantee issued by a reputable nationalized bank located in the country and valid for 6(six) months. A Bank Draft issued by a reputable nationalized bank located in the country and payable to “Regional Officer, Animal Quarantine & Certification Services (AQCS, NEW DELHI), Kapashera, New Delhi”. d. Any tender not accompanied by Earnest Money will be rejected. e. Unsuccessful Tenderer’s Earnest Money will be discharged or returned as promptly as possible as but not later than ninety (90) days. f. The successful Tenderer’s Earnest Money will be discharged upon the Tenderer signing the contract. g. The Earnest Money may be forfeited:If a Tenderer withdraws its tender during the period of tender validity specified by the Tenderer on the Tender Form; or in case of a successful tenderer, if the Tenderer fails to sign the contract. II. Copy of PAN/TAN No. III. Copy of Service Tax Registration Certificate. IV. Latest copies of proof showing supplying of vehicle in Govt. /Private Sectors for at least 01 year. V. Registration certificate of the firm. VI. Last two years Income Tax return to be attached. VII. The firm will submit its tender duly signed and sealed on each and every page of the tender document issued by AQCS, NEW DELHI with their Bid as acceptance of all terms and conditions of the Tender along with declaration as per Annexure-I. Conditional Offer(s) shall, in no case, be accepted. D.The contract will be governed by the following Terms and Conditions: 1. The bidder should be a reputed firm/contractor for providing the services of Taxis with an experience of providing the said services in Government Offices/Public undertakings and also having sound financial stranding. Bidder should indicate their yearly turnover, PAN NO., Service Tax registration No. (Proof to be attached). 2. The vehicle to be supplied should be in excellent running condition with immaculate interiors and seat covers. The vehicle should be in good mechanical condition and conform to all the relevant rules besides being roadworthy. The vehicle should be decent looking and should have current/valid permit to go to any where in Delhi/NCR/ nearby states. The Vehicle should be 2012 or above model and should not have run Page 3 of 14 more than 30,000 k.m. The selected vendor has to get the vehicle approved by AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi before deployment and it has to be ensured that the cleaning of vehicles/upholstery is done on regular basis. Any deviation to this shall entail cancellation of the contract prematurely/without notice. 3. The duty point would be AQCS, NEW DELHI office Kapashera New Delhi or any other place intimated by the AQCS, NEW DELHI Office The mileage and duty hours would be calculated from pick up point to drop point, and not from garage to garage. No mileage will be allowed to drivers for lunch/breakfast or drawl of fuel. 4. The Drivers attached to the vehicles ought to be knowledgeable about traffic rules and other regulation prescribed by the government time to time. The drivers should also be familiar with all important places in Delhi/NCR and neighboring regions. The drivers should be presentable/well behaved and should wear clean uniforms/name badges. 5. The rates quoted in response to the tender will remain unchanged till the currency of the contract. 6. No advance payment, in any case would be made to the firm. 7. The firm shall be responsible for providing the required vehicle at any time, even at short notice. The services should be available round the clock. The firm must have a 24 hours working telephone system so that the requirement of car can be met at short notice or at odd hours on all the seven days of the week .Animal Quarantine and Certification services are round the clock services hence duty hours will also include odd hours and there will be no fixed timings. The drivers should have mobile phones so that they could be contacted during duty hours. 8. The driver of the vehicle will maintain Log-Sheets (Log Book) in respect of the car. The said book/sheet will have to be signed by the actual users on daily basis and these will have to be sent along with bills of the car to the AQCS, NEW DELHI Office. 9. As far as possible, the same car and driver shall be deployed with the office and the car/driver shall not be changed without prior notice. 10. Actual parking charges/toll taxed/entry taxed/inter state taxes for journeys/service taxes will be re-imbursed along with the hiring charges bills. The bills raised by the firm should have all tax registration numbers printed on the bills. 11. The selected firm will have to deposit a contract surety of Rs 10,000/- (Rs. Ten thousand exactly) in the form of FDR/Bank guarantee hypothecated to ‘’ RO, AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi which should be valid throughout the period of the contract. 12. In the event of the contractor backing out of the contract midstream without any explicit consent of this Office, the surety amount and also the bill amount of the month would also be forfeited. 13. In case deficiencies in above services at any point of time are noted, a penalty up to 10% of bills for the month would be deducted. However if lapses are noted for three consequent times in a row, the contract would be cancelled immediately. This is without prejudice to other stipulated terms and condition mentioned in the contract and surety amount of Rs 10,000/- would be forfeited. 14. This office/ Department reserve the right to cancel the contract at any time, without assigning any reason. 15. Payments of hiring charges will be made on monthly basis. The bills for the use of cars accompanied by duty slips/log books/sheets will be considered. Page 4 of 14 16. In case a selected tenderer withdraw from the bids without the consent of the Department his EMD is liable to be forfeited. 17. The tenderer should have a well-established office, located within or around Delhi. 18. The tenderer should enclose the all pages signed Tender document stipulated for award of the contract, conveying his acceptance of the same. 19. Vehicle supplied by the firm will be regularly inspected by AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi and in case of non compliance of any of the conditions, if brought to the notice by the users a penalty of Rs 1000/- on each fault will be imposed. 20. In case of abnormal delay in reporting of vehicle, a penalty of Rs. 100/- per hour and Rs 500/- per day will be imposed in addition to the reduction of charges on pro rata basis. In case of any technical problem with the vehicle during duty hours, an immediate alternative vehicle should be provided so that official work is not disturbed. 21. The vehicle should be registered and comply with all regulations in force. The owner will be responsible for all issues arising out of negligence of the driver. In case of any untoward incident like accident/damage to vehicle or to third party, the claims if any shall be settled by the owner and AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi will not be in any way party to any claim or legal process. 22. The compensation, connected expenses and legal disputes between the firm and the staff deployed and any unforeseen accident/casualty on roads shall be borne/paid/settled by the firm and the AQCS, NEW DELHI, office in no way shall be party to the disputes and will have no liability on its account. It is also the firm’s liability to provide wages etc to the Driver and follow other statuary obligations as per extant rules. 23. Two boards displaying “ON GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DUTY “shall be displayed in front and rear of the vehicle during office hours at the contractors own cost. The vehicles h i r e d under this contract s h a l l not be used for any other purpose. 24. The firm will have to submit a list of car proposed to be supplied by them indicating the make, name of owner, Registration no., model and type of fuel used along with their letter of acceptance of this offer. The firm must own the car proposed to be supplied under this contract. 25. The vehicle may at times be asked to park at a pre designated place if the need arises. 26. The contracted firm shall not bring or attempt to bring any political or other outside influence to bear upon any official or officer of this office/department to further its interests in respect of matters pertaining to the operation of the subject contract, If the contracted firm is found guilty of violating the aforesaid provision/ condition of the Tender Enquiry/Contract, the contract with the firm will be cancelled forthwith and the firm shall be black listed for participating in any future Tender Enquiry of this Department". 27. The Drivers provided by the tenderer should be able to read and write local languages, should be able to understand English numbers/letters and to make simple arithmetical calculations. 28. The Driver provided by the tenderer should be at least 8th Pass, posses a valid Driving License for particular category with at least 01 year experience in driving of all types of LMV vehicle. Page 5 of 14 29. The Driver should be physically fit in all respects and should have good eye sight and also ready to work at any time including night. 30. The Agency shall provide photo identity card, umbrella, torches and monsoon wear i.e. Jacket/ Coat/ Rain coat etc. to the Driver. 31. The Driver provided by the Tenderer: a. Must have the knowledge of traffic regulation. b. Must be able to locate faulty and carry out minor running repairs. c. Must be able to change wheels and correctly inflate tyres. d. Driver must be punctual, prompt, obedient and well behaved. 32. The Jeep Driver will avail holiday of the concerned office. However if required in emergency, the Jeep Driver can be called. 33. The Jeep Driver must not have any criminal cases or background and running court case against him. 34. In case the information under Annexure – II is incomplete or not in compliance with the tender terms and conditions then the tender will be rejected and Annexure – III will not be considered for selection of L1. 35. No night charge will be payable. For extra charges, either extra Km. or extra hour shall be taken into consideration for particular hour of the clock and no both at the same time. 36. The vehicles supplied by the firm may be required to ply in Delhi and NCR areas, such as NOIDA, Ghaziabad, Faridabad and Gurgaon etc. Therefore, vehicle supplied should have all legal documents including valid insurance to ply in all such areas. 37. The disputes emanating from the contract shall be adjudicated thorough the sole arbitration of Director/Deputy Secretary (Admn), Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries. 38. Parking stickers provided for a particular vehicle shall not be misused, and shall be returned immediately if the vehicle is taken off service. The vehicle hired under this contract shall not be used for any other purpose. 39. At night, the vehicles should not be parked at a distance more than 05 kilometers radius form the residence of the user officers or should be preferable parked at the residence premises of the officer. 40. The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation in full or part without assigning any reason thereof. The decision of this Department in this regard shall be final and binding on the firm. Any clarification in the matter may be obtained from the undersigned. 41. Jurisdiction for legal disputes, if any, arising during the currency of the contract, will be Delhi courts only. E. Scope of Work:The vehicle with driver will normally report to this office or any designated place on regular basis during office hours. However in case of work emergency, vehicle should be available any time including holidays and odd hours. Page 6 of 14 F. Duties and Responsibilities of the Agency i) The agency is responsible for due compliance of laws relating to rendering manpower services, payment of statutory wages to the Driver employed by it. The contractor is also liable for payment/deduction in bill for statutory taxes and duties. ii) The driver who would be deployed by the agency would not have any claim for employment or payment of wages or any other claim whatsoever against AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi. The Driver hired from the agency would not have any claim for compensation or any damages against AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi in any case even whatsoever and agency would be responsible or answerable for any such claim. iii) In case of the Driver so deployed by the agency does not come up to the mark in terms of general discipline or does not perform his duties properly or indulges in any unlawful activity including riots or disorderly conduct the agency on order of AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi shall immediately withdraw such person from the AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi premises. iv) The Driver who may be engaged by agency with vehicle from time to time must carry the photo identity card, which shall have to be issued to him for the said purpose. The identity card should be worn with details regarding their full name, age, identity marks, signature of the bearer and also of the issuing authority and seal. A duplicate copy of each identity card should be made available to AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi Administration in advance. Present and permanent addressees of all personnel should be made available to the AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi Administration before their deployment in AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi The agency should get the character/antecedence of Driver verified before engaging them and the verification report should be produced as and when required for any Departmental enquiry of the Institute or police concerning each personnel who may be engaged by him. v) The Agency shall deploy the full complement of the personnel all the time and shall maintain a list of the reserves to provide the replacement and supplement the strength. vi) This AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi shall have the right to ask the agency to remove Driver and/or vehicle considered incompetent or found unsuitable or for any other reason. Person and vehicle removed for the above reasons shall not be deputed again to our premises without the consent of AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi Administration. vii) A responsible person of the Agency should liaise on its behalf with the official in charge, manpower of AQCS, NEW DELHI, at least once a month or whenever called for. viii) The Agency shall not assign or transfer the contract or part thereof to anyone. 6. Award Criteria The AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi will award the contract to the successful Tenderer whose tender has been determined to be substantially responsive and finalized based on the suitability of the agency with reference to the prescribed criteria and competitiveness of the price quoted provided further that the Tenderer is determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. However, if the terms and conditions are not found as per the prescribed norms, the claim of the lowest quotee will be ignored. Page 7 of 14 7. AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi Right to vary number of vehicle at time of award/after The AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi reserves the right at the time of contract award or after to increase or decrease the number of vehicle without any change in unit price or other terms and conditions. 8. AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi Right to accept any Tender and to Reject any or all Tenders The AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, and to annual tender process and reject all tenders at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected tenderer or tenderers of the grounds for the AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi’s action. 9. Notification of award A. Prior to the expiration of the period of tender validity, the AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi will notify the successful Tenderer in writing by registered letter or by hand to be confirmed in writing by registered letter or by hand, that its tender has been accepted. B. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the contract. C. Upon the successful Tenderer’s furnishing of the contract the AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi will promptly notify each unsuccessful Tenderer and will discharge its Earnest Money. 10. Signing of Contract A. The Agency, on award of the contract should execute an agreement on with AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi incorporating the terms and conditions. 11. Security Money A. Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the Notification of contract award, the successful tenderer shall furnish to AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi the Security Deposit of Rs. 10,000/(Rs Ten Thousand exactly). The Security Deposit shall be in one of the following forms: Bank Guarantee, issued by a reputable bank or a Demand Draft payable to “Regional Officer, Animal Quarantine & certification Service, Kapashera, New Delhi” B. The Security deposit (as performance Security) shall be returned to the Agency on the expiry of the contract period on furnishing usual clearance/No Demand Certificate. The Security Deposit shall be returned on the expiry and termination of the Contract subject to conditions that the Agency has indemnified the AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi for all payments to the staff. The Agency while requesting for release of the Security Deposit shall certify that all payments including Labour Laws obligations have been fulfilled and that the AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi authorities shall not be responsible for such payments to the driver arising out of the decision of the Labour Court, if any. C. Failure of the successful Tenderer to sign the contract and/or furnish the Security Deposit shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Earnest Money, in which event the AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi may make the award to the next lowest evaluated Tenderer or call for new tenders. 12. Resolution of Disputes A. The AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi and the agency shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the contract. B. The AQCS, NEW DELHI shall have no liability, financial or otherwise, for any Page 8 of 14 C. Harm/damage/injury caused to the driver deployed by the firm in the course of performing work for this office. Neither the firm nor its driver shall have any claim on this office for compensation or financial assistance on this account. The firm shall be responsible for payment of wages etc. direct to the driver as per prevailing Acts/Orders. If any dispute arises between the firm and its driver in the matter of wages or any service conditions the same will be settled by the agency and the workers engaged by it themselves. This office in no case shall be a party to such a dispute. In case of accident, AQCS, NEW DELHI will not be responsible for any case, compensation or any other issue. The agency and the deployed driver will be completely responsible for any issue arising due to the accident. 13. Clauses attracting Action/Penalty/Termination (not exhaustive) Loss or damage to any material/property/vehicle of AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi due to negligence of Driver shall be made good by Agency at its own cost within a specified period or else deduction of the cost will be made from the following month’s bill/security deposit. For any breach of contract or due to the condition mentioned below, the Regional Officer, AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi, shall be entitled to impose a penalty/Termination. i. ii. iii. iv. v. If the Driver are not found in proper uniform and Photo Identity Card. If the Driver found indulging in smoking/drinking/sleeping during duty hours. If the Agency is not able to provide the Driver and vehicle on time. If the behaviour of personnel found discourteous. If Driver found performing duty, submitting a fake name and address. The Character and other credentials of the employees deployed shall be duly verified by the Firm and details shall be furnished to AQCS, NEW DELHI as may be required. vi. Damaged caused, if any, to the government property through the acts of the firm / driver and decision of AQCS, NEW DELHI in this regard shall be Final/binding. Page 9 of 14 Schedule of penalties Problems Late arrival a) By 10 minutes b) Between 10-30 minutes c) 30 minutes and beyond or does not turn up. Attire/turnout of the driver Penalty a) Rupees 100/b) Rupees 500/c) Rupees 1000/In all the above cases, the officer concerned, depending upon urgency, can hire a taxi for the day or take a taxi to reach the destination, payment or which shall be borne by the Contractor. a) Rupees 500/- to Rupees 1000/- depending upon the inappropriateness. a) Inappropriate b) The driver with vehicle will be sent back and b) Very inappropriate a penalty or Rupees 1000/- will be imposed. A taxi will be hired for the day and payment for the same will be borne by the Contractor. Unclean vehicle or seat cover/smell in Rupees 100/- for the 1st day the vehicle. Rupees 500/- per day for 2nd consecutive day and beyond. Breakdown en-route Office to hire a taxi to reach the destination, payment to be borne by the Contractor. Recurrent The vehicle will be returned. A taxi will be malfunctioning/Dissatisfactory hired, payment of which will be borne by the vehicle condition Contractor along with a daily fine of Rs. 500/-, till such time a proper vehicle is provided. Driver’s poor knowledge route Driver to be changed by the contractor. If the contractor doesn’t change the driver in 03 days times, the vehicle will be sent back and a taxi hired, payment of which will be borne by the Contractor, along with a fine @ Rs. 500/- per day. Driver’s behaviour Rs.500/- to 1000/- depending upon the gravity of the misdemeanour. If the misbehaviour continues, then the driver will have to be changed by the contractor. If the contractor doesn’t change the driver in 03 day time, the vehicle will be sent back and a taxi hired, payment of which will be borne by the contractor, along with affine of Rs. 200/- daily. Page 10 of 14 Note: If the lapses are repeated again and again, then Regional Officer, AQCS, NEW DELHI, New Delhi would terminate the contract without assigning the reason for termination of the contract. 14. A. B. Acceptance Those FIRMS agreeing with the above conditions may offer their quotations/ rates AND SIGNED TENDER DOCUMENT INCLUDING DECLARATION ON LETTER HEAD SHOULD BE SUBMITTED ALONGWITH THE TENDER AS A PROOF OF ACCEPTANCE OF OUR TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Acceptance both provisional and final regarding the contract will be by the Regional Officer, Animal Quarantine & certification Service (AQCS, NEW DELHI), Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Kapashera, New Delhi-110037 or his authorized representative. (Dr. Vijay Kumar) Regional Officer, Animal Quarantine and Certification Service(NR), Kapashera, New Delhi -110037. Page 11 of 14 Annexure-I File No: F.No.2-9/2014-15/AQCS, NEW DELHI (ND) - Admin To, The Regional Officer Animal Quarantine & Certification Services Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India Kapashera, New Delhi-110037 Subject: Sealed tender for hiring of vehicle. Sir, With reference to Animal Quarantine and Certification Services (AQCS, NEW DELHI), Kapashera, New Delhi-110037 Tender Notice No. ----------------------------------------------dated --------------------------inviting quotations for hiring of office vehicle. We hereby enclose the Technical Bid (Annexure-II) and rates in the prescribed Performa (Annexure-III) 2. We have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Tender Notice and accept the same. Yours faithfully, Signature-___________________ Name______________________ Address____________________ __________________________________________________________________ Telephone No_______________ Seal of the firm______________ Dated…………… Place……………. Page 12 of 14 Sl. No. Particulars ANNEXURE II File No: F.No.2-9/2014-15/AQCS, NEW DELHI (ND) - Admin TECHNICAL BID (for hiring of vehicle) (To be filled and enclosed by the Agency in a separate sealed cover) To be filled in by the bidder Page No. of the document enclosed 1. Name & Full postal Address of the firm with Telephone Nos. / Fax No./ E.mail 2. Registration Number of the agency R. No.__________ (Attach copy) 3. Registration No. of the Service Tax Department R. No.__________ (Attach copy) 4. PAN No. PAN No._________ (Attach copy) Attach attested copy 5. Income Tax return of last two years 6. EMD details 7. Each and Every page signed and sealed Tender document as acceptance of terms and conditions. 8. Declaration by the contractor on letter head as desired in Tender document.(Annexure-I) 9. Latest copies of proof showing supplying of Taxi/vehicle Attach attested Proof in at least 3 Govt. /Private Sectors. DD No.________Date____ Amount __________ Name of Bank_____ In favour of________ Attached/not attached Attached/not attached 10. Vehicle name and model Declaration by the Contractor: This is to certify that I/we before signing this tender have read and fully understood all the terms and conditions and instructions therein and undertake myself/ourselves to abide by the said terms and conditions. I further undertake that all Government instruction/rules in regard to supply of vehicle would be scrupulously complied with during the contract period. Place: Date: (Signature of Tenderer) Name and Designation: Address with Telephone No: Seal Page 13 of 14 Annexure-III (To be opened if the condition mentioned in Annexure-II is fulfilled) Financial Bid File No: F.No.2-9/2014-15/AQCS, NEW DELHI (ND) - Admin Monthly hiring rates of vehicles under below table including all applicable taxes and charges SN Particular 1 3000 Kms. per month & 300 hrs. of duty per month 2 Charges for extra per km. beyond 3000Kms. 3 Charges for extra per hour of duty beyond 300 hrs. per month. Tata Indica Indigo (non AC) (Non AC) Maruti Desire (non AC) Note: 1. For extra charges either extra Kms. or extra hours shall be taken into consideration, not both at same time. 2. Vehicle Charges include maintenance, fuel, driver charges etc. as per terms and condition of the tender. 3. Cutting/overwriting will not be accepted. Place: Date: (Signature of the authorized signatory of the tendering firm with seal.) Name: Designation: Address with Telephone No: Page 14 of 14
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