Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center Training Course Catalog: February 2015—April 2015 Specialized Training Events and Distance Education Opportunities “Integrity is the Basis for Community Trust” Available Courses Please be advised, the courses listed are briefly described. Full descriptions are located at WWW.KLETC.ORG. As always, if you have any Specialized Training needs or questions, contact either Mark Damitio, Deputy Assistant Director, KLETC, 620-694-1532 or email mdamitio@kletc.org or Heather Buller, Education Program Coordinator, KLETC, 620-694-1537 or email hbuller@kletc.org. 9th Annual Kansas Gang Investigators Association Conference—Feb. 10-13, 2015 This year’s conference will highlight: East Coast Gangs, 211 Gangs and Interview Techniques for Prison Gangs, Hells Angels Undercover Operation with Jay Dobyns, Survival Story with Enrique Hernandez and the Influence of Music on Gangs. Project #: LE150308 Times: 2/10: 1300-1700; 2/11: 0800-1700; 2/12: 0800-1700; 2/13: 0800-1200 Location: Four Points Sheraton, 530 Richards Dr., Manhattan, KS 66502 Fees: The conference registration fee includes tuition for the conference, conference materials, lunch, certificate of attendance and membership. Conference registration is $150.00 which includes the $25.00 membership dues. Membership dues are required to attend the conference. All registration should be submitted online at the link below: https://wsuwebcheck.wichita.edu/C21797_ustores/web/store_main.jsp? STOREID=38&SINGLESTORE=true Domestic Violence Training for Law Enforcement Officers—February 19, 2015 Presented by: Audra Fullerton, YWCA Center for Safety and Empowerment This training will provide comprehensive, up-to-date information to address basic, as well as new emerging issues, and moves beyond information-based training towards building skills. The following information will be included: DV Overview; Protection Orders; Arrest Decision and Investigation; Stalking; and Strangulation. Project #: LE150319 Times: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Location: City of Horton “Blue Building”, 716 1st Avenue West, Horton, KS Fees: TUITION FREE!!! In Stealth Mode: An Interactive Illustration of Stalking and Intimate Partner Abuse in the Digital Age—February 19, 2015 Presented by: Stephine Bowman, KS Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence This interactive class will address how abusers, perpetrators, and stalkers misuse common technologies to further abuse victims of sexual and domestic violence and stalking. Participants will experience the life of a victim experiencing technology abuse through a hands on multimedia journey. The perpetrator stalks, harasses, threatens, and intimidates the victim by misusing cell phones, GPS, spyware, e-mail, internet, and more. Best practices, safety considerations, and strategies for law enforcement will be provided. Project #: LE150320 Times: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Location: City of Horton “Blue Building”, 716 1st Avenue West, Horton, KS Fees: TUITION FREE!!! Page 2 Available Courses Ready, Aim, Speak: How to Quickly Develop & Deliver Impressive Presentations— February 25, 2015 Presented by: Tina Lewis Rowe This one-day class gives participants fail-safe methods and easily applicable ideas for developing impromptu and planned presentations in any setting or situation. Focused solely on presentations made by public safety professionals. Topics covered include, but not limited to: Applying VOICE to every speaking opportunity; Using Engagement Activities to move a presentation along; Five concepts for developing and presenting with ease; Developing a mental file of speaking components; etc. Project #: LE150322 Times: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C Fees: $55/student. Meals and Lodging—$85/Double Occupancy or $100/Single Occupancy; rates include the $55 tuition fee. Leading & Developing a Supervisory Team: Techniques for Lieutenants & Commanders—February 26, 2015 Presented by: Tina Lewis Rowe This one-day class is the only training that focuses on those who are responsible for the work of sergeants—and through them, the officers and employees who are supervised. It is an expanded view of the role of those in command ranks in both police departments and sheriffs offices, as it relates to developing and coordinating the work of sergeants in a positive way. Project #: LE150323 Times: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C Fees: $55/student. Meals and Lodging—$85/Double Occupancy or $100/Single Occupancy; rates include the $55 tuition fee. Sex Crimes Investigations Training—February 25-26, 2015 Presented by: Sedgwick Co. Dist. Attorney’s Office, Wichita Police Department and EMCU Few other crimes are the focus of as much attention and scrutiny as sex offenses, particularly with respect to the prosecution and ultimate disposition of these cases. This two-day training has been developed to enhance the skills, knowledge and abilities of the first responder as well as the criminal investigator. Areas of focus, will include: Patrol Response to Sexual Assault; Interviewing Sexual Assault Victims; Interviewing the Drugged or Mentally Incapacitated Victim; Rapist Typologies & Suspect Interview Techniques; DNA & CODIS; CODIS Investigation Tips; Legal & Defense Issues and; Child Sex Investigations. Project #: LE150310 Times: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 2/25 and 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM 2/26 Location: Heartland Preparedness Center, 2808 N. New York St., Training Room, Wichita, KS Fees: TUITION FREE!!! Page 3 Available Courses Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT)—March 2-6, 2015 Presented by: The Kansas CIT Council The training is designed for law enforcement officers and dispatchers who, in their duties, are frequently called upon to deal with individuals who are suffering from brain disorders and mental health issues. This 40-hour intensive training program provides officers and first responders with the skills, methods and tactics to safely de-escalate incidents involving persons involved in a mental health crisis. The CIT model is about doing the right thing for the right reasons. Project #: LE150331 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C Fees: Tuition FREE!!! Meals and Lodging provided for attendees who live or work greater than 50 miles from KLETC. Objective Pre-Employment Interviewing—March 3-4, 2015 Presented by: Stanley M. Slowik In an age of negligent hiring/retention litigation, fiscal restraint and demands for greater productivity and ethical behavior, the need for accurate hiring information has never been greater. Participants will: Learn how to recognize the signs of verbal, vocal, and visual behavior occurring during selection interviews as they relate to the widespread problems of exaggerations, fabrication, minimization, omission, and deceptive denials; Develop interviewing techniques that encourage accurate information particularly when the applicant perceives that candor could lead to disqualification; Refine the ability to discuss critical but sensitive topics in ways that do no offend or alienate candidates; Reduce selection time and costs while improving the quality of information necessary to make accurate hiring decisions. Project #: LE150301 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom B Fees: $210/Person: Meals and Lodging—$260/Double Occupancy or $$290/Single Occupancy; rates include the course tuition fee. Field Training Officer Program (FTO)—March 4-6, 2015 Presented by: Deputy Chief Tim Brant, Derby Police Department The course is designed for field training officers and their supervisors. This seminar will train officers who conduct training for law enforcement officers, as well as supervisors who oversee the officers and the recruits they are training. Topics: How a law enforcement agency can put better-trained, betterqualified, more professional officers to work on the street—How newly hired officers can be trained more quickly.—How to improve the selection process.—How this program improves the performance of all officers receiving this training.—How documentation of performance is an integral part of this program and how documentation will assist in making assignments and writing probationary performance reports.— How the supervisor’s role and the field/jail training officer’s role interact in the decision-making process concerning trainees. Project #: LE150345 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: Heartland Preparedness Center, 2808 N. New York St., Wichita, KS 67219 Fees: $140/Person—Participants are responsible for their own travel, meals and lodging. Page 4 Available Courses Online Data Entry—March 11, 2015 Presented by: Matt Deffner, KS-CPOST This course will prepare training officers, department support personnel or other department employees to enter training data online, instead of submitting the information on paper. The participant will interact with the web-based computer program to submit the data to KS-CPOST. A general working knowledge of the internet and computers will be required for this course. Project #: LE150329 Times: 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM Location: KLETC Brazeal Hall, Computer Lab Fees: Tuition FREE!!! Advanced School Resource Officer—March 16-18, 2015 Presented by: National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) The Advanced SRO Course is a 24-hour block of instruction designed for any law enforcement officer working in an educational environment. This course, following the SRO Triad model, advances the SRO’s knowledge and skills as a law enforcement officer, informal counselor, and educator. Training topics include: Leadership; Working Effectively with the School Community; Interviewing Skills for SROs; General Legal Updates; Technology and Social Media; Threat Assessment; CPTED; Incident Command. Project #: LE150309 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Daily Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom B Fees: $395/person—DO NOT REGISTER WITH KLETC—Register with NARO at www.nasro.org. Meals & Lodging packages available for $90 Double Occupancy or $135 for Single Occupancy. Commuting students are responsible for their own lunch meals, which can be purchased in the KLETC cafeteria for $5 cash or check. Hostage Negotiations—March 24-26, 2015 Presented by: Kansas Association of Hostage Negotiators This course is presented by the Kansas Association of Hostage Negotiators. Hostage Negotiation training deals with the psychology, personality, and strategies of individuals involved in hostage incidents. Students analyze representative cases and evaluate the law enforcement response to specific events. The team approach to negotiating is emphasized. Role-playing and oral-response drills are used to develop appropriate communication skills for hostage negotiation. Student teams establish policies, plan strategies, and then negotiate with a classroom ‘‘hostage taker". Project #: LE150318 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C Fees: $115/Person—Meals and Lodging: $190/Double Occupancy or $235/Single Occupancy; rates include course tuition. Page 5 Available Courses ARIDE (Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement—March 25-26, 2015 Presented by: Kansas Highway Patrol This is an advanced training for officers that have completed Standardized Field Sobriety Testing training to give them additional skills to recognize signs and symptoms of impairment from drugs other than alcohol. The officer will be able to articulate reasonable suspicion of impairment by drugs through observation and various testing to support a probable cause arrest for DUI-Drugs and to sustain a request for a toxicology specimen for drug testing and identification. Students must be currently credentialed in SFST. Officers will be required to first pass a proficiency test demonstrating their skills in conducing the three SFST tests of Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus. Officers not demonstrating a high level proficiency in the administration of the SFST Test Battery will not be permitted to complete the ARIDE course. Project #: LE150289 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom B Fees: Tuition FREE!!!—Meals and Lodging: $60/Double Occupancy or $90/Single Occupancy Helicopter Landing Zone Training—March 26, 2015 Presented by: LifeTeam Public safety personnel interact with rotary winged aircraft for a number of different agencies and organizations, including, law enforcement, firefighting, VIP transport and news media helicopters. However, the majority of public safety interactions are with EMS helicopters. This two-hour class will inform students on the following EMS landing zone procedures: how to activate; who can activate; policies; providing essential information; location; communication; weather; low ceilings, poor visibility, icing and high wind; patient status; landing zone; preferred landing zone sizes; setup; hazards; and, other special considerations. Project #: LE150298 Times: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Location: KLETC Main Campus, Classroom #1 Fees: Tuition FREE!!! Precision Sniper Rifle Armorer Course—March 30, 2015 Presented by: Greg Sullivan, Defensive Edge Training & Consulting This course covers the Precision Sniper Rifle systems of the Remington 700 series, Savage 10/110 series, and Winchester/FN 70 series type rifles. All students will have the opportunity to inspect their rifles and make any corrections in class to insure their rifle is in top working order. This is a hands on class that will cover action disassembly & repair, torqueing actions, proper torque of the actions, extraction and ejection, maintenance, truing/lapping scope rings to maximize the performance of the rifle and optic, inspection of the pillar and bedding, and more. All tools and manuals are supplied. Recommended optional equipment: personal eye protection. Project #: LE150313 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C Fees: $200/person, payable to the instructor. Meals and Lodging—$30/Double Occupancy or $45/Single Occupancy. DO NOT REGISTER WITH KLETC—Complete the Defensive Edge Law Enforcement training application at www.slr15.com and fax to the SLR15 Office at (763) 712-1434; phone: (763) 7120123; email: sully@slr15.com Page 6 Available Courses Kansas Law Enforcement Leadership Academy: Supervisor School— March 30-April 3, 2015 Presented by: KU Public Management Center The Supervisor School is a one-week course designed for front-line supervisors to train them to supervise and provide direction to staff in the law enforcement context. The curriculum is based on the PMC’s award-winning supervisory leadership training program, with adapted and added content targeted toward the unique aspects of supervising law enforcement staff and the ways the individual’s role changes with promotion into supervisory responsibilities. Participants will walk away with a much expanded toolbox of practical ideas and the knowledge that will help them to be successful in their roles as supervisors. Project #: LE150249 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom B Fees: $995/person—Meals and Lodging: $30/person/day for Double Occupancy or $45/person/ day for Single Occupancy . DO NOT REGISTER WITH KLETC—Please visit: http://www2.ku.edu/~kupmc/programs/lela/ documents/Form-RegistrationLELASupervisor.pdf to register for this course. BASIC AR15/M16/M4 Armorer—March 31st—April 1, 2015 Presented by: Greg Sullivan, Defensive Edge Training & Consulting This course covers all M16/AR15 type carbine weapons systems made and their variants. Armorers will be certified in the proper maintenance, care, and repair of these weapons systems, including semiauto and select-fire trigger systems. This program follows the Manufacturer’s guidelines and is taught by FBI and NRA Certified Instructors. Topics covered: history of the weapon; cycles of function; general disassembly/assembly; ID of common problems and parts & nomenclature; ID of group components; complete armoring disassembly/assembly barrel replacement; cleaning and maintenance; sight and distance considerations; ballistic issues/headspacing/inspections; trigger jobs; trouble shooting and repair; M16 conversions to AR15; etc. Project #: LE150314 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C Fees: $395/person, payable to the instructor. Meals and Lodging—$60/Double Occupancy or $90/Single Occupancy. DO NOT REGISTER WITH KLETC—Complete the Defensive Edge Law Enforcement training application at www.slr15.com and fax to the SLR15 Office at (763) 712-1434; phone: (763) 7120123; email: sully@slr15.com ADVANCED AR15/M16/M4 Armorer—April 2-3, 2015 Presented by: Greg Sullivan, Defensive Edge Training & Consulting This course covers all M16/AR15 type carbine weapons systems made and their variants. Armorers will be certified in the proper maintenance, care, and repair of these weapons systems, including semiauto and select-fire trigger systems. This program follows the Manufacturer’s guidelines and is taught by FBI and NRA Certified Instructors. Topics covered: ID of non-common problems and parts; chamber reaming & polishing; accessories & upgrades; barrel replacement & modifications; internal barrel/chamber inspections; feed ramps & crown repair; detailed maintenance; ballistic analysis & issues; headspacing & timing/dwell timing issues; trigger jobs & aftermarket triggers; detailed trouble shooting & repair; M16 & burst conversion & 4-pos triggers; free float barrels; custom tools; etc. Project #: LE150315 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C Fees: $395/person, payable to the instructor. Meals and Lodging—$60/Double Occupancy or $90/Single Occupancy. Prerequisite: Must have taken Basic Course within 18 previous 18 mos. $100 discount—Attend both the BASIC and ADVANCED courses for $690 (3-31 through 4/3) DO NOT REGISTER WITH KLETC—Complete the Defensive Edge Law Enforcement training application at www.slr15.com and fax to the SLR15 Office at (763) 712-1434; phone: (763) 7120123; email: sully@slr15.com. Page 7 Available Courses Basic Financial Investigation Techniques—April 7-9, 2015 Presented by: MOCIC—Mid-States Organized Crime Information Center This introductory level course is specifically designed to teach basic investigation techniques to municipal, county, or state police investigators who have little or no prior experience investigating financial cases. The course is structured to cover the most common types of financial crime investigated by sheriffs’ departments or municipal police departments. Course topics include: Preparing a financial case for court; Identify financial records available for an investigation; Organization of financial records during an investigation; Building financial profiles; Using spreadsheet software; Organize and analyze information from bank records; Identify commonly investigated embezzlement schemes; Working with Excel basics. PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO BRING A LAPTOP COMPUTER with Excel 2007 or later. Project #: LE150220 Times: 4/7: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 4/8: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 4/9: 8:00 AM to 12:00PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom B Fees: Tuition FREE!!!—Meals and Lodging: $90/Double Occupancy or $135/Single Occupancy Fair and Impartial Policing—April 10, 2015 Presented by: Kate Carter, Kansas Attorney General’s Office and Justin Branner, Johnson County Sheriff’s Office This course will utilize the Fair and Impartial Policing (FIP) Perspective developed by Dr. Lori Fridell, University of South Florida, to suggest a new way of thinking about the issue of biased policing. The course is based on the science of human bias, which suggests that biased policing is not, as some contend, due to widespread racism (and other prejudices) in policing. In fact, the science suggests that even well-intentioned humans manifest biases that can impact on their perceptions and behavior. This training presents what is known about human biases and provides guidance for promoting fair and impartial policing. This course will also identify important information about racial or other biased-based policing by exploring the new statutes and how the changes will impact law enforcement in Kansas. Project #: LE150348 0800-1200 OR LE150349 1300-1700 Location: Shawnee Police Department, Fees: Tuition FREE!!! This course will satisfy the annual training requirement on Racial Profiling & Bias Based Policing. TASER (CEW) Instructor Certification Course—April 16-17, 2015 Presented by: TASER International This course provides the basic operational theory and practical training to instruct users to reasonably safely and effectively operate TASER CEWs. This course covers the TASER X26, X26P and X2 CEWs, and will certify those who successfully complete the course as TASER instructors for a period of 2 years. This course is open to sworn law enforcement officers, military personnel, and licensed professional security employees. Part 1 of the courses is completed online. New instructors will spend approximately 4 hours online before participating in 16 hours of practical training (Day 1 and Day2). Recertifying instructors will spend approximately 8 hours online before participating in 8 hours of practical training. Project #: LE150321 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Main Campus, Classroom #2 and Gymnasium Fees: $175 Recertification or $350 Original Certification/person, payable to TASER. Meals and Lodging—$30/Double Occupancy or $45/Single Occupancy per day. DO NOT REGISTER WITH KLETC—Register at https://taserintl.force.com/support/ CommunitiesSelfRegSecure?lg=1&typ=LE. Commuting students are responsible for their own lunch; $5 cash or check only. Page 8 Available Courses Death Investigations—April 20-24, 2015 Presented by: Chuck Fann, Hutchinson Community College Topics include causes of death (drowning, fires, gunshots, etc.), and basic body handling. Students will learn how to: • Conduct an investigation of death resulting from criminal, suspicious, known causes, or undetermined causes. • Interview witnesses and prepare full descriptions of scene and pertinent facts relating to the death. • Examine and secure official possessions. • Gather evidence and related materials at the scene. • Obtain exemplar material from suspects in criminal cases. Project #: LE150333 Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom B Fees: $225/person—Meals and Lodging: $350/Double Occupancy or $425/Single Occupancy; rates include the tuition fee. Domestic Violence Training for LEO’s—April 28, 2015 Presented by: TBD The training will provide comprehensive, up-to-date information to address basic, as well as new and emerging issues, and moves beyond information-based training towards building skills. Material Covered: To enhance skills and knowledge, the Communication Specialist training in your region will include sections on the following: • Domestic violence overview • Protection orders • Arrest decision and investigation • Stalking Project #: LE150354 Times: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Location: ESA Building, 702 Second St. Clay Center, KS Fees: Tuition FREE!!! Fair and Impartial Policing—April 28, 2015 Presented by: Sgt. Patrick Tiede, Riley County Police Department This course will utilize the Fair and Impartial Policing (FIP) Perspective developed by Dr. Lori Fridell, University of South Florida, to suggest a new way of thinking about the issue of biased policing. The course is based on the science of human bias, which suggests that biased policing is not, as some contend, due to widespread racism (and other prejudices) in policing. In fact, the science suggests that even well-intentioned humans manifest biases that can impact on their perceptions and behavior. This training presents what is known about human biases and provides guidance for promoting fair and impartial policing. This course will also identify important information about racial or other biased-based policing by exploring the new statutes and how the changes will impact law enforcement in Kansas. Project #: LE150355 Times: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Location: ESA Building, 702 Second St., Clay Center, KS Fees: Tuition FREE!!! This course will satisfy the annual training requirement on Racial Profiling & Bias Based Policing. Page 9 NOTICE: Please check course description to see if the KLETC Registration Form is Applicable CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSE APPLICATION SPECIALIZED TRAINING TELENET TRAINING BOX 1 APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name: (Last) (First) (Middle) Male Female Title/Rank: Agency: Agency E-Mail Address: Agency Phone: Applicant E-Mail Address: Agency Fax: Please add this address to the KLETC Continuing Education E-mail listserv for notification of upcoming classes and events Agency Mailing Address: (Street or PO Box) (City) (County) (State) (Zip) BOX 2 COURSE INFORMATION Project Number: Course Title: Location of Course: Course Dates: Course Times: MEALS AND LODGING BOX 3 Meals and lodging and any costs incurred during this course will be the sole responsibility of the applicant and/or their agency, unless otherwise noted in the course description. Meals and lodging at KLETC are subject to limited availability, and are not guaranteed until confirmed. Lodging rates at KLETC are based upon double occupancy. Requests for single occupancy will be considered on a space available basis, at an additional cost. I request meals and lodging REASONABLE ACCOMODATION BOX BOX34 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, KLETC will consider any reasonable need or purpose which the applicant or his/her agency may have regarding the requested course or training. Do You Request a Reasonable Accommodation? YES NO Comments: FEES BOX 5 Payment Method: (PLEASE ENCLOSE): Commuter: $ Meals & Lodging: $ Check Money Order Bill My Agency Government Purchase Order **NO FEE CLASSES ONLY** I plan on purchasing meals for cash at the KLETC Cafeteria: YES NO Course fees vary. Please consult the course announcement. Make checks or Purchase Orders payable to The University of Kansas at the address below. APPLICANT PRIORITY BOX 6 If your agency is submitting more than one application for this course, circle the priority of THIS applicant: (highest) 1 2 3 4 5 (lowest) AGENCY EXECUTIVE AUTHORIZATION (Name) (Title) Send completed application form to: KLETC Registrar PO Box 647 Hutchinson, KS 67504-0647 Fax: (620) 694-1420 E-mail: coned@kletc.org Questions regarding the application process should be directed to (620) 694 -1410. BOX 7 (Signature) The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information in the University’s programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access, IOA@ku.edu, 1246 W. Campus Road, Room 153A, Lawrence, KS, 66045, (785) 864-6414, 711 TTY. “Integrity is the Basis for Community Trust” (Date) For KLETC Use Only Project #: _____________ Date: _________________ By: ___________________
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