Roadrunner Feb. 13, 2015

The Roadrunner is published twice a month by the Rio Verde Community Association
Next Issue February 27
Rio Verde’s new website
Next Roadrunner
Tuesday, Feb. 24
Issue No. 15-3 - February 13, 2015
RVCA Board
Meeting: 2 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 19
RVCC Board
Meeting: 2 p.m.
Feb. 25
Golf News
pages 4 & 5
Planning Update
RVCA Board
See page 6 for a
report on the Feb. 3
& Feb. 4 meeting
and next steps in
the planning
The minutes of the
January Board
meeting are
Community Enhancement Committee...
Home & Landscaping Improvements a Priority
Rio Verde is going through a major regeneration. The RCVA has invested
over $3 million in the past four years updating streets, modernizing the pool
area, refreshing the Community Center, erecting new signage and giving
many common areas a facelift. In 2014, over 75 residents repainted their
homes. Much is happening and more can be accomplished.
The members of the Community Enhancement Committee, Jack Arnold,
Ann Dodd, Roger Kuhl, and Wayne Wenthe, met recently to identify those
aspects of the community that would be attractive to future homebuyers and
those that may turn them away.
Here are a few observations based on a causal drive-around:
!Eliminate railroad tie walls and/or dividers
!Modernize overgrown or dated landscaping
!Replace the few remaining asphalt drives with concrete or pavers
!Remodel or enclose older, cluttered carports
Removal of Railroad Ties First Priority
“We need to be able to help community members resolve some of these
issues” is the general consensus of the Committee. To do so, the Committee
identified a first initiative: Eliminate the use of unsightly, disintegrating
railroad ties as they no longer serve their original purpose.
The Committee is negotiating with several contractors to provide discounts
for the removal and disposal of ties--with or without replacements of some
sort. Replacements might include fencing, rock walls, pavers, landscaping
block, stone, etc.
Watch the Feb. 27 Roadrunner for more attractive, helpful ideas to make
changes and to update the look of our homes.
See page 9 for ideas to improve your landscaping and information about
rebates and discounts to get the job done.
Rio Verde Community Association
Rio Verde Wins GEM Award
3rd Year in a Row
Niners president Nancy Miller (left)
and WGA President Gail Fischer
accepted the GEM (Golf Endorsed by
Members) award on behalf of the Rio
Verde Country Club at a Jan. 22
dinner. Presenting the award from the
Arizona Women’s Golf Association
was Phil Ray.
Following the awards ceremony,
Nancy Miller said, “I was honored to
accept the award on behalf of all our
women golfers. Winning the award
three years in a row is a testament to
the dedication of our members and
the pride we take in being part of Rio
Verde Country Club.”
Library Needs Your Help
RVCA 2015 Elections...
Recently several audio books and
movies have been returned to the
Rio Verde Library without all of
their CDs and DVDs. Please check
for any misplaced discs so that
others may enjoy them.
Five candidates are running for the five open positions on the RVCA Board
of Directors. The candidates are: Judy Erfling, Sue Kuhl, Joe Lucas, Diane
Rutenbeck and Ken Vos.
Jane Dietz and Julie Pappas
Our Community...
Preferred Retailer List: Check out
the updated list of the Verdes
Preferred Retailer Discount Program.
On the list are a wide variety of local
businesses and services offering
special discounts to Verde residents.
Pick up a copy in the Community
Center or the Post Office. Questions?
Call the RVCA Office at 471-2068.
Thank You from Kathleen & Bill
Cartwright: “Many thanks to
everyone in Rio Verde and Tonto
Verde who helped us through
Kathleen's injury. Words alone cannot
express what a blessing you all are
and what good fortune we have to be
your neighbors and friends.”
Thank You from Jane & Harry
Fisher: “Harry & I want to thank all
our friends in Rio Verde for the lovely
calls, flowers and cards of sympathy
following my beloved son’s death in
Salt Lake City on Jan. 6.”
With Sympathy: The Association is
saddened to learn of the deaths of
Patsy Caulkins, Sherman Child, Jo
Patterson and Jack Ramsey.
The Roadrunner is published twice a
month by
The Rio Verde Community Association
Editor: Linda Hefter
Association Staff:
Doris Findling, Connie Sauter &
Anne Ciotta
Rio Verde is an Active Adult Community
for Persons Age 55 and Older
To learn more about the candidates, read their biographies which are
posted in the Community Center and Post Office and plan to attend the
Candidates Meet & Greet Thursday, Feb. 19, at the Community Center. The
“Meet & Greet” will start immediately following the Board Meeting.
See below for answers to frequently asked ballot questions.
Annual Meeting March 19...
Voting Underway for 2015 RVCA Board Elections
Watch your mail for the 2015 RVCA Ballot which was mailed today, Feb. 13.
Included with the ballot is the announcement of the Annual Meeting set for
9 a.m. Thursday, March 19, in the Community Church Sanctuary. Residents
will be choosing five directors and, as in past years, authorizing the setting
aside of reserve funds enabling the reserve funds to be excluded from
taxable income.
Read the Voting Instructions Carefully
Be sure to read the voting instructions carefully. Ballots need to be returned
to the Association Office by Monday, Mar. 16, or be delivered to the RVCA
Secretary before the start of the Annual Meeting when the ballots will be
turned over to the Teller Committee for counting.
Here are the Answers to Some Frequently Asked Ballot Questions:
!Question: Why do we have to vote either "for" or "against" a candidate?
Answer: This is required by Arizona's Planned Community Act. (Note: Even
though the law requires the option of voting "for" and "against," the Teller
Committee will only count the votes "for" candidates.)
!Question: What is cumulative voting?
Answer: Cumulative voting involves designation of two or more votes for a
single candidate. This is not allowed under the RVCA Bylaws.
!Question: How many candidates do I have to vote for?
Answer: Since there are five openings on the RVCA Board, you may vote for
no more than five candidates. You may vote for fewer than five if you wish.
!Question: Can you explain Matter No. 2 on the ballot?
Answer: This item has appeared on the RVCA ballot each year since 1996. It
is considered sound business practice to set aside reserve funds as outlined
in Matter No. 2. The IRS requires a vote of the membership rather than just
the Board of Directors. In so doing, the reserves are then excluded from
taxable income.
McDowell Mountain Road Clean Up
The next Adopt-A-Road clean up is set for Saturday,
Rio Verde
Mar. 7. Participating groups include Rio Verde golfers,
tennis & pickleball players, dancers and hikers. On Mar. 7
everyone will meet at 7:30 a.m. at the Community Center
to check in, divide into groups and pick up supplies of bags, gloves and
grabbers. If you can help, sign up at the Community Center.
Rio Verde Community Association
ASU Lecture Series:
The ASU Lecture Series continues at
4 p.m. Tuesdays through Mar. 3.
The Feb. 17 and Feb. 24 lectures will be
held in the Community Church
Sanctuary. The final lecture on Mar. 3 will
be held at the Community Center.
Feb. 17: The Problem of Patient Safety by Professor Michael Saks
Feb. 24: New Deal Art in Arizona by Professor Betsy Fahlman
Fun & Interesting Things To Do...
Bunco Night: Monday, Feb. 16
The next Bunco Night at the Community Center is Monday, Feb. 16. Play is
from 7 to 9 p.m. Bring $2 in change. Reservations are necessary. Call
Merideth Hale at 471-1003.
Hike with John Burke: Thursday, Feb. 19
Join John Burke on Thursday, Feb. 19, for a
hike on the new trails around Granite
Mountain in the north part of the Scottsdale
Sonoran Preserve. This area east and north
of Brown’s Ranch has spectacular rock
formations and great views. Though there
are only mild up and downs, the loop
covers six miles and is therefore rated
moderate. Meet at the Community Center for an 8 a.m. departure. (Note
earlier time.) Return will be by 1 p.m. Bring at least two liters of water, a
snack or light lunch, and a hiking stick if you wish. Questions? Call John at
206-218-5696 or e-mail
Line Dancing: Wednesday Afternoons
Learn to Line Dance at 4 p.m. Wednesdays in the Community Center Wood
Floor Room. Note on Feb. 25 and Mar. 11 & 25, Mark Carpentier will teach
the Texas Two Step from 4 to 4:30 p.m. Couples and singles are welcome.
Line Dancing will follow at 4:30 p.m. Questions? Call instructor Carol
Scheuing at 471-7393.
Verdes Car Show: Saturday, Apr. 4
Do you have a special vehicle that you would like to show in the RVCA
Events Committee’s 2015 Car Show? Show time is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday,
Apr. 4, in the Community Center parking lot. Eighty spots will be available.
To book a spot call the RVCA Office at 471-2068.
Wood Carvers Group: Every Thursday
All wood carvers, including beginners, are invited to meet from 1:30 to
4 p.m. every Thursday in the Community Center Art Room. Questions? Call
Ken Skold at 471-7086.
Poker Group: Interested?
Are you interested in joining a new Poker Group? Call Stafford Toliver at
Rio Verde Community Association
CRC News...
Spring Luncheon & Style Show:
Wednesday, Mar. 11
Join the fun at the CRC Spring
Luncheon & Fashion Show, Timeless
Elegance, on Wednesday, Mar. 11. Lunch will be served at noon
followed by a fashion show of the latest spring styles by Eileen Fisher
of Kierland. Fashions will be
modeled by Rio Verde friends and
neighbors. Marketplace
The Clubhouse lobby will be
transformed into a Marketplace
featuring jewelry, olive and
avocado oils, sweets, paper
products and more crafted by local
artisans. The Marketplace will open
at 10 a.m.
Starting Wednesday, Feb. 18,
reservations will be accepted by email (
or by phone (471-0963). When you
make a reservation please include
all the names of the people in your
party. This event always fills up
quickly, so make your reservation
Rio Verde 2015 Home Tour:
Friday, Mar. 27
Mark your calendar for Friday,
Mar. 27, the date of CRC’s 2015
Home Tour of five amazing Rio
Verde homes. Each home will have
a fabulous tablescape displayed on
the patio that will be raffled off.
Watch for more information about
ticket sales.
Easter Egg Hunt:
Saturday, Apr. 4
Please note that CRC will hold its
annual Easter Egg Hunt for young
visitors on Saturday Apr. 4, rather
than on Easter Sunday. The change
of date will avoid conflicts with
Easter church services and family
brunches and get togethers.
Greens and Grounds Update Meeting:
3 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17, in the Sundance Room
The meeting will include an update on golf course capital improvements
made to date and the improvements planned for this coming year. Marc
Logan of Greenway Golf will be at the meeting to answer questions about
course conditions and review upcoming projects. Topics to be discussed
include: drainage update and plan, options to fix Quail Run #6, and the
2015/2016 capital budget. Please plan to attend this important meeting.
Paul Miller, chair of the Greens and Grounds Committee, has posted a
Dec./Jan. drainage project update on Login
and click on News & Updates.
Congratulations to MGA Match Play Winners
Andre Lemieux (pictured) is the 2015 Rio Verde Match
Play Champion. Flight winners are: 1st Flight, Dave
Rogers; 2nd Flight, Paul Imle; 3rd Flight, Wayne
Stewart; 4th Flight, Larry Bonoff, and 5th Flight, Bob
9/18 Mixer Was a Huge Success
The Camp WannaWinIt theme was a big hit with the
women attending the 9/18
Mixer. Everything from
the log cabin centerpieces
to singing camp song
favorite Do Your Ears Hang
Low made for a fun event.
The event committee
included Chair Kendra Davidsen, Connie Lewis, Nell Bigley, Liz Danyi and
Sandy Tonso.
Ice Machine Installed in White Wing #9
Bird Feeder
The MGA and the Couples Golf Association
donated a new ice machine for the White
Wing# 9 Bird Feeder. In addition to the ice
machine, both the White Wing and Quail Bird
Feeders now have soda and water vending
Reminder: Please use your own water bottles when playing golf. Styrofoam
cups are not only a large expense for the Club but they are also bad for the
environment, leaching toxic chemicals into the air, ground and water as they
Congratulations to Laura
Laura Buckley posed with her
foursome following her recent
hole-in-one shot on Quail Run
# 16. Pictured with Laura (in
the green shirt center) are
Janece Valentine, Gretchen
O’Connell and Jen Tomlinson.
Upcoming Golf Events
MGA’s Member-Member:
Feb. 16 and 18
Monday, Feb. 16, play begins with
an 8:30 a.m. shotgun on Quail Run
and Wednesday, Feb. 18, play
begins at 12:30 p.m. on White Wing.
Cocktails and dinner will follow
Wednesday golf. The format is one
best ball on all holes except par 3s
where it will be two best balls. The
event will be flighted and the last
two flights will play from the silver
tees. MGA is sponsoring a $1,000
Hole-In-One prize! Cost is $55.
Couples Monthly Golf Event:
Feb. 21
The Saturday, Feb. 21, Couples
event begins with a 12:30 p.m.
shotgun. The game will be a True
Scramble, with a maximum of
seven drives per player. Cocktails
and dinner will follow golf. Cost is
$28.95++ plus $6 for golf prizes.
Sonoran Desert Classic Couples
Feb. 26 through Feb. 28.
Guests will be here in Rio Verde
from many parts of the country for
the Sonoran Desert Classic Couples
Invitational. On Thursday, Feb. 26,
the practice round will be followed
by a barbecue and dancing at the
Verde Ranch. On Friday, Feb. 27,
golf begins at 12:30 p.m. following a
brunch and putting skills contest.
On Saturday, golf begins at 8:30
a.m. The Saturday, Feb. 28, evening
dinner, awards and dancing kicks
off at 6 p.m.
MGA Stroke Play Tournament:
Mar. 2 and Mar. 4.
Tee times for the MGA Stroke Play
Tournament will begin at 8 a.m. on
both Monday, Mar. 2, and
Wednesday, Mar. 4. The event will
be flighted so sign up today.
Call the Golf Shop at 471-9420.
Rio Verde Community Association
Pink Army on the Move...
Help Support Breast &
Prostate Cancer Research
All residents, both golf and social members,
are invited to join Rio Verde’s Pink Army on
Tuesday, Mar. 3, for an 18-hole Shamble golf
outing. Shotgun time is 12:30 p.m.
Following golf, enjoy cocktails, appetizers and a picnic buffet dinner.
Cost is $40 for golf and $18++ for dinner.
Pay It Forward
Men may “Pay it Forward--$25 to move up to the silver tees, $50 to move up
to the copper tees. There will be other fun events on the course as well.
Entry fees and “Pay it Forward” fees are tax deductible.
Wine Pull Donations Needed
A new feature this year will be a Wine Pull--$10 for each pull. The bottle
labels will be covered to hide the value. Hidden among the bottles will be
some excellent, expensive wines.
Please consider donating a bottle or two of wine, red or white, with a value
of $15 or more. Drop your donated wine off at the home of Jane Wick, 26031
Sierra Vista between 9 and 11 a.m. on Wednesdays, Feb. 18 and 25.
To all wine donors, we sincerely appreciate your contribution. It will add a
fun element to the event and a nice addition to the bottom line of our
fundraising for breast and prostate cancer research.
Golf Tournament Prizes
!Golf Cart for Hole-In-One
!$500 Golf Shop Credit (split among HIO winners on WW & QR)
!$100 Fleming’s Steakhouse gift certificate for closest to the pin
!Plus prizes for longest putt and closest to the pin money and two free raffle
tickets and one free mulligan
Raffle and Silent Auction
At registration for the golf tournament and at the dinner, you can buy raffle
tickets, 50/50 tickets and take a look at the Silent Auction items featuring:
!A Summer Getaway
!Treasure Hunt for 16
!Hayride and Dinner for six
!Firemen’s Dinner and Tour for four.
If you would like to attend the dinner only, please make your reservation by
e-mailing or calling 471-0963.
Men and women can sign up separately for the golf event on ForeTees.
Note: Signing up for the golf event includes signing up for dinner, please do
not make additional dinner reservations.
Please join us and support Breast and Prostate Cancer Research!
Thank you! The Play for Pink and Arnie’s Army Committee
Questions? Call Patti Rogers at 734-347-0551
Rio Verde Community Association
Gigantic FootJoy Sale:
Feb. 16 through Feb. 20
Everyone in Rio Verde is invited to
the Golf Shop’s gigantic FootJoy
sale which starts Monday, Feb. 16,
and runs through Friday, Feb. 20.
Shop for golf shoes, walking shoes,
golf gloves, shirts, shorts, pants and
sweaters. FootJoy also has an
excellent line of outerwear,
everything from rain resistant
jackets to waterproof jackets and
pants. Pay just 15% over wholesale. A
FootJoy representative, along with
the Golf Shop staff, will be on hand
to help with your order.
Host Families Needed for
Collegiate Golf Tournament
As in the past Rio Verde families will
be hosting the players and coaches
here for the 2015 Women’s Collegiate
Invitational Mar. 12 to Mar. 15.
If you are interested in hosting a
collegiate golfer or coach, contact
Carol Scheuing at 471-7393 or
Donors Needed for Women’s
Collegiate Invitational Party
Howdy Rio Verde Residents,
I need your help!! We had a good start
to raising the necessary money for the
College Women’s BBQ. We are half
way there but still need a few more
commitments. We are looking for 20
donors willing to be a $100 sponsor
with the promise that you will not be
allowed to do it again for at least two
years. Looking forward to hearing
from you. If you are not sure how
long it has been, I have the history.
Terry Cummings
VISION 2020 Update
by Jill Arnold and Jim Justus
Co-chairs of the Joint Strategic Planning Committee.
Building on the strategic planning progress to date, the Rio Verde
Community Association and the Rio Verde Country Club are ready to
develop our vision going forward and the plan to achieve it. Community
input and participation is critical. Our future, this is what VISION 2020 is
all about. Greg Harvey, RVCA President
Report on Strategic Planning Meeting
A strategic planning meeting jointly sponsored by the RVCA and the RVCC
was held on Feb. 3 and Feb. 4. Present were members of the Joint Strategic
Planning Committee, representatives from the RVCA Board of Directors and
the RVCC Board of Directors and others from the community.
This meeting was the first step of the VISION 2020 information gathering
process. An initial framework for VISION 2020 was developed along with a
set of discussion guidelines for the Feb. 23, 24 & 25 Community Focus
Groups and the March Community Survey.
The agenda for the two day meeting included:
!Planning for the upcoming Community Focus Groups
!Review and refinement of the VISION 2020 information gathering process
that is underway
!Development of a draft vision statement
!A Rio Verde SWOT analysis
!Discussion of key issues and opportunities including capital needs and
The meeting was facilitated by Bob Bodman, President of Club Resources. Bob is a highly regarded strategic planning expert and meeting facilitator in
the private club industry, and is a business partner of Ken Kelley, the Club’s
general manager. Bob donated his time and travel expenses to facilitate the
meetings and complete the final report. Desert Highlands donated meeting space in exchange for a few rounds of
golf. All other expenses of the joint meeting (lunch & refreshments) will be
shared equally between Club and the RVCA.
The final written report of the meeting is expected within a few weeks and
will be posted on the private side of the new Rio Verde website
Participants were very positive about the meeting and are looking forward
to the next step of information gathering--the Community Focus Groups.
Strategic Planning Process: Next Steps
▶Community Focus Groups: Five focus groups will be held on Feb. 23, 24
and 25 at the Advanced Strategy Center at Pinnacle Peak. Resident input
from these focus groups will help form the set of strategic issues,
questions, and opportunities that the Community Survey will address.
▶Community Survey: Input from all residents will be gathered through a
Community Survey in mid-March. ALL residents are encouraged to
participate in the survey!
▶Communication: A mid-April Town Hall meeting will be held to review
the survey with the community and outline the next steps in the Strategic
Planning process.
Hall of Fame Dinner: Mar. 18
Every year the Lower Verde Valley
Hall of Fame honors residents from
Fountain Hills, Fort McDowell and
the Verdes for their outstanding
contributions to their communities.
Rio Verde’s 2015 Hall of Fame
inductee is Carol Scheuing.
Everyone is invited to attend the
Mar. 18 Hall of Fame dinner at the
Fountain Hills Community Center
where Carol will be honored. The
festivities start at 6 p.m. Cost is $40.
To make a reservation to sit at a Rio
Verde table call Mary Derby at
471-0168 or Diana Rutenbeck at
Postal Problems
If you have questions or concerns
about the handling and delivery of
your mail, call the US Postal
Inspection Service at
MCDOT Open House: Feb. 26
The Maricopa County Department
of Transportation (MCDOT) will
hold an open house in the
Community Center Multi-function
Room from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursday,
Feb. 26. MCDOT is seeking resident
input on its blueprint for long range
transportation projects addressing
needs of county residents through
2035. For more information visit
DAR Spring Fling: Mar. 7
The Four Peaks Chapter of the
Daughters of the American
Revolution will hold a Spring Fling
Fashion Show and High Tea from
11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Mar. 7, at
the Rio Verde Country Club. For
tickets call Annetta Haack at
471-7425 or Nan Sigaty at 471-7438.
Cost is $28. The event is a
fundraiser for Fountain Hills High
School scholarships. There will also
be a 50/50 raffle and Silent Auction.
Rio Verde Community Association
Firewise News...
Urgent Firewise Call for Community Support
The Cave Creek Ranger District of the U.S. Forest Service is proposing to
remove live and dead vegetation fuels on National Forest Lands at the
eastern boundary of the Rio Verde community. This work is necessary for
our community to remain an approved Firewise Community and will
reduce wildfire risk to life, property, and natural resources at no cost to Rio
The Rio Verde Firewise Task Force and the Rio Verde Fire District urge all
residents to voice their support for this important project by writing to
Andrew Mandell at or calling him at 480-595-3351 before
Friday, Feb. 27. If you have any questions about this process, please call the
Rio Verde Fire District at 480-471-2304. This is your opportunity to
participate in this planning process and make a difference for our
community. You may have heard Andrew tell us about his work since he has
twice been a featured speaker at our Annual Firewise Day.
The Rio Verde Fire District has e-mailed further details about this highly
beneficial project to Rio Verde residents. Please respond promptly and
encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.
Thank you for your vital support.
Computer Learning Center News...
One-on-One Assistance
Welcome to Barbara Smith, the newest member of the Computer Center
team. A new Rio Verde resident, Barbara has an extensive background in
computers. She is offering one-on-one assistance to help you learn your
computer system (PC or MAC), iPhone, iPad or other devices. To make an
appointment call her at 845-701-6571.
Workstation Safety
Two workstations are available for your use in the Computer Center during
regular business hours. Please remember to NOT save account information,
including passwords, on these computers. It might be convenient for you to
save it there, but it is also open for others to access your information. Never
save private information on a public computer or while using public wi-fi.
iTunes and Facebook Training Sessions
iTunes and Facebook Training sessions are being offered by Lisa Burnside in
the Computer Learning Center.
Facebook: 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24
iTunes: 3 to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Mar. 3
Bring your devices set up for Facebook and iTunes if you want to access
them during the sessions. Also remember to bring your user code and
Need Help? Have Questions?
The Computer Center volunteers would like to hear from you. What kind of
classes or help sessions would you like them to offer? E-mail your
suggestions to the committee at
Rio Verde Community Association
Verdes Cavalcade 2015
The Community Church of the Verdes
was the place to be on Friday evening
Jan. 30, as a full house of nearly 500
enjoyed the long awaited Cavalcade
The show with music from the 50s
and 60s included comedy sketches,
singing and dancing all with a golf
theme backdrop. The cast included an
eight-piece band, five professional
vocalists and 58 Rio and Tonto
residents. Cavalcade 2015 was written,
produced and directed by Tom
The final event in the Church’s
Performing Art Series will feature Jim
Curry in A Tribute to John Denver on
Feb. 20. Tickets are available at the
Church Office.
Verdes Art League Upcoming Events...
The upcoming Verdes Art League (VAL) lectures are open to all residents.
The workshops are open to non-VAL members on a space available basis.
Phoenix Art Museum Lecture: Today, Feb. 13
At 2 p.m. today Phoenix Art Museum docent Sherry Koopot will discuss the
1930s Harlem Renaissance, a time of amazing creativity in literature and the
visual arts in New York Harlem. The lecture will be held in the Community
Center Computer Room.
Quilting Lecture: Wednesday, Feb. 18
Fiber artists Sandra Bronjord and Betty Hahn will present a Quilting Lecture
at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 18, in the Art Room. Cost is $5. Following the
lecture there will be a hands on surface design workshop limited to 15
participants for an additional cost of $20.
Artist Book Workshop: Feb. 21
On Saturday, Feb. 21, Marcia McLellan’s Artist Book workshop will explore
German Long Stitch. Marcia will supply leather for journal bindings and
supplies for working the leather. Participants should bring sheets of blank
watercolor paper for the pages. Class size limited to 12, cost is $40 plus $15
for materials.
Watercolor Workshop: Feb. 27 & Feb. 28
Southwest structures will be the focus of Judy Patti’s watercolor workshop
on Feb. 27 & Feb. 28. This workshop is scheduled for a half day on Friday
and a full day on Saturday. Class size limited to 14. Cost is $100.
Ink Workshop: Mar. 4 & Mar. 11
Learn the technique of using inks on black scratch board from 1 to 4 p.m.
Wednesdays, Mar. 4 & Mar. 11. Instructor will be Justine Mantor-Waldie.
Class size limited to 15, cost is $95.
Phoenix Art Museum Lecture: Mar. 13
The Greatest Art Looting Operation of the 20th Century is the topic of the
Phoenix Art Museum lecture at 2 p.m. Friday, Mar. 13, in the Community
Center Multi-function Room. We’ve all heard stories of the WWII mass
killing of millions of people, the bombings and the devastation of the cities,
but not many of us know the extent of the Nazi’s art looting. Phoenix Art
Museum docent Maureen Chestnut will discuss the Nazi’s lust for art and
their programmed looting and pillaging of Europe.
Poured Watercolor Workshop: Mar. 24 & Mar. 25
Margie Barritt will conduct a workshop on Poured Watercolors from 9 a.m. to
noon, Tuesday and Wednesday, Mar. 24 and Mar. 25. Poured watercolor is a
technique that uses the qualities of transparency and fluidity inherent in
watercolors. The results are vibrant and mysterious as the pigments combine
and react to create fascinating colors and shapes. Class limit is 10, cost is $30.
Verdes Art League Spring Fine Art Show: Mar. 21
The Verdes Art League’s Spring Fine Art Show will take place from noon to
5 p.m. Saturday, Mar. 21, at the Community Center. Stop in to see and
support the many talented fine artists in our community.
For More Information
If you have questions about Verdes Art League events or would like to be
added to our mailing list, please contact Marie Celona at
CRC Trivia Night Champs...
In the top photo the winning team
poses with their trophy: Aggie
Kramer, Barry & Anne Kramer, Ray &
Trish Ugorowski, Mary Eitel and Dick
& Rosalie Bush. The bottom photo is
of the CRC Committee and Trivia
master John Williamson.
Of interest...
Phoenix Ag Club Annual
Outlook Meeting: Feb. 19
Everyone is invited to a special
meeting of the Phoenix Ag Club
from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday,
Feb 19, at ASU’s Sky Song campus.
The morning agenda includes a
discussion of strategies to reduce
food insecurity and a progress
report on food production
After lunch, ASU President Michael
Crow will outline partnerships
developed to create the Julie Ann
Wrigley Global Institute of
Sustainability. Cost is $75 for Ag
Club members and $85 for nonmembers.
There is still time to register. Call
Ted Axland at 471-3518 or Also visit the
Ag Club’s website at
Rio Verde Community Association
Simple Ways to Update Your Landscape
by Noelle Johnson
Has your landscape seen better days? Last month, we talked about the five
signs of an outdated landscape which included railroad ties, ‘empty emitter
syndrome,' old overgrown plants as well as empty landscapes where rock is
the main feature. Like the interior of homes, landscape trends come and go.
While avocado green appliances and shag carpeting was a hot trend in the
70’s, you wouldn’t want it now, would you?
Today, let’s look at simple things you can do to update your landscape.
1. Replace old, overgrown and/or outdated plants, replacing them with
drought tolerant, low-maintenance ones. Believe it or not, there are some
plants that date your property because they were heavily used in the past.
Examples are heavenly bamboo, dwarf myrtle, juniper, photinia and
pyracantha. There is nothing wrong with these plants and they do just fine
in our climate. However, they do harken back to the 70s and 80s and can
date your property.
2. Take out railroad ties. Replace, if needed, with concrete curbing or
3. Refresh old river rock and gravel areas with a new layer. Over time,
gravel coverage begins to thin and the ground begins to show through. In
addition, river rock areas can become filled with debris and mixed with the
surrounding gravel. To refresh gravel areas, add 1 inch of the same color of
gravel. If you are changing to a different type of gravel, than you’ll need
enough for 2 inches of coverage.
4. Replace old pots with large, colorful glazed containers filled with
succulents. As pots age, they can begin to chip away or become layered with
mineral deposits which detract from your home’s appearance. Adding new
containers in bright colors such as blue or orange is an easy way to introduce
color in the landscape. While colorful flowers are pretty, they are labor
intensive, susceptible to javelinas and have to be replaced seasonally.
Succulents such as agave, firesticks, golden barrel or lady’s slipper make
great low-maintenance container plants and are a popular garden design
5. Add new plants by empty emitters. Well-designed landscapes include a
combination of trees, shrubs as well as perennials/ground covers. While
perennials and ground covers provide a lot of color and interest to the
landscape, they are short lived. At the end of their life, they are often pulled
out and never replaced. The same can happen to shrubs as well. At the end
you are left with a landscape with trees and a cactus or two, which is not
attractive and does not enhance your home. The best rule of thumb is to
replace plants when they die or become overgrown and unattractive.
6. Avoid pruning trees and shrubs into outdated, round shapes. If you take
a drive into an older community, you’re likely to see trees and shrubs
pruned into a variety of shapes – balls, cupcakes and squares. Not only is
this unhealthy for plants, it is old-fashioned. Allow them to grow into their
more natural shapes by restricting pruning to 1 – 2X a year and using hand
pruners and loppers instead of hedge trimmers.
Updating your landscape increases the value of your home and can decrease
the maintenance required. By taking these simple steps, you are sure to
enjoy the beauty of your updated landscape, as will your neighbors.
Noelle Johnson is a horticulturist, landscape consultant and certified
arborist. For more information visit her website at
Rio Verde Community Association
Rebates & Discounts
to Help with Landscape
To help you get started on
improving your home landscape
the RVCA Community
Enhancement Committee has
arranged for a number of rebates
and discounts.
Rebates from RVCA/Living Green in
the Verdes
$150 on Xeriscape Plant Material
$50 on Citrus Tree Removal
$75 on Discharge Water Softener
10% Discount on Plant Material and
Installation at Verde Valley Nursery,
(480) 837-8131
$50 or more Discount on Landscape
Consultation and Design by Noelle
Johnson (480) 415-8641
$100+ Discount on Rainbird Smart
Sensor Irrigation Controller – Price
$50 plus tax if purchased at the SRP
Mar. 7 Water Conservation Expo in
For More Information
Visit the Community Association
Office for flyers explaining the
programs. The rebates are limited
in number so sign up soon.
Let’s Dance...
On Saturday, Jan. 31, the Ballroom Dancers had their first Dance Party. Over
50 dancers enjoyed a wonderful evening of music, dance, good food and
fun. Instructor Roger Allen brought two guest instructors to help everyone
dance the night away.
Second Dance Party: Feb. 21 The second Ballroom dance party will be Saturday, Feb, 21, and all are
invited. If you are not enrolled in the classes, call Ruth Orton 480-264-4522 to
sign up. The cost is $5 for Roger’s students and $10 for guests.
Bring your own drinks, glasses and an appetizer or sweet to share. There
will be a raffle for $2 a ticket and an appreciation envelope for the
instructors. Come and see what we are learning—you might want to dance. Sign Up For New Six Week Session
The sign up sheets for the new six-week session of classes are in the
Community Center Office. Wednesday night basic classes will meet from 6
to 7 p.m. Feb. 18 to Mar. 25. On Friday night there are two classes--basic
from 6 to 7 p.m. and intermediate from 7 to 8 p.m. The Friday night classes
will meet from Feb. 20 to Mar. 27. Cost is $120 per couple.
For More Information
Call Ruth Orton 480-264-4522 or for information.
Rio Verde Dancers...
Right Top: Carol Scheuing and instructor Roger Allen
Right Middle: Judy and Bill Erfling
Right Bottom: Kathy and Bob Fletcher
Above left: Kathy and Frido Fridovich
Above right: Jim and Heidi Manning
For lots more information about dance, exercise, yoga classes and more
pick up a copy of the new Health & Wellness Newsletter in the
Community Center or Post Office.
Rio Verde Community Association