KAK KUSHIGURA BA ARLEY / AGED Item# LS4024, 12/750ML JAKUUNBAK KU BARLEY Item# LS4007, 12/750ML H HITOTSUBU NO O MUGI BARLEY Y Item# LS4016, 12/750ML P a g e 1 | 16 KINTARO BARLEY LS40066, 12/750ML Item# TSUKU SHIRO USHI BARLEY LS4004, 12/750ML Item# TSUKU KURO USHI BARLEY Item# LS4005, 12/750ML P a g e 2 | 16 TORIKAI RICE R 12/750M ML Th he Best Sellling KOMEE Shochu HAKUTAKE SH HIRO RICE 24% LS4022, 12/750ML Item# LS4028, 24/200ML Item# SENGETSU RICE 6/7500ML HAKUT TAKE SHIRO RIICE 25% 12/750ML P a g e 3 | 16 K KINJO R SHIRO RICE Iteem# LS4029, 67750ML 24-DO GINREI SHIRO RICE Ittem# LS4017, 6//750ML Iteem# LS4018, 244/200ML 24-DO BE RICE KAWAB Item# 6 LS4019, 6/720ML P a g e 4 | 16 440-DO MUGON RICE 6/750ML SATSUMA A HOZAN SWEE ET POTATO 24% % Iteem# LS4020, 122/750ML SATSUMA HOZAN SWEET PO OTATO 25% Item# LS4020, 12/750ML, 1 $30.332 / $29.42 TOMI NO O HOZAN SWEE ET POTATO 24% % TOMI NO HOZ ZAN SWEET PO OTATO 25% 12/750ML Item# LSXXXX P a g e 5 | 16 KICCHO HOZAN SWE EET POTATO 244% ML 12/750M SATSUMA A SHIRANAMI SWEET S POTATO O 24% Item# LS4021 , 12/750ML KIC CCHO HOZAN SWEET S POTATTO 25% Ittem# SATSUMA S SHIR RANAMI SWEETT POTATO 25% % Item# LS40211, 12/750ML, $1 9.57 / $18.99 SATSUM MA KURO SHIR RANAMI SWEET T POTATO 12/7750ML P a g e 6 | 16 KA AIDO SWEET PO OTATO Item# LS4023, 12//750ML SATSUM MA OTOME SW WEET POTATO Iteem# LS4015, 122/750ML TSUWAB BUKI MONJIRO O SWEET POTAT TO Item# LS4008, 12/750ML 1 P a g e 7 | 16 SHIRANA AMI KURADAS SHI GENSHU SW WEET POTATO S4010, 6/750ML Item# LS SUGAR JJOUGO R CANE Iteem# LS4025, 122/750ML KOISHISO O SHISO (PERILLA HERB LEA AF) Item# LS4027, 6/750ML 6 P a g e 8 | 16 AWAMORI RICE M MIZUHO Item# LS4001, 12/750ML 1 AWAMORI RICE SHIIMAUTA Iteem# LS4002, 122/750ML HANA A SHIMAUTA AW WAMORI RICE Item# LS4009, 12/750ML P a g e 9 | 16 SUDACH HI Item# LS4026, 12/750ML 1 SEN NNEN NO NEMU URI BARLEY Iteam# LS4033,, 6/750ML This shochu s based plum liq quor is made by highlyy skilled master brewe er, and sele ect natural ingredients.. It is refresshing plum flavor and aroma a without th he cloying ssweetness o of typical um meshu. Brewe ery: Eiko Sa ake Brewerry Co. Classification: Sh hochu Ingred dients: Kom me Shochu, Ume, Sugar Alcohol: 14% KU URAMOTO NO UMESHU U (PLUM M) Item# LS40033, 12/750ML P a g e 10 | 16 Passio on Series # On ne AYAMUR RASAKI N SWEET POTA ATO HOZAN Item# LS4012, 12/750ML Passion SSeries # Two HOZAN SWEET SHIROYUTTAKE S POTATO O Iteem# LS4013, 122/750ML Passio on Series # Th hree BENIAZZUMA HOZAN SWEET S POTATO O Item# LS4014, 12/750ML 1 P a g e 11 | 16 TENSHI NO YUWAKU SWEET S POTATO O Ittem# LS4011, 122/750ML KURO O KIRISHIMA 244% SWEET POT TATO Item# LS30001, 6/750ML The most m popular shochu in n Japan ma ade by swee et potato. T The finest black rice malt co onstructs th he distinguisshed sweett taste and fresh remain ning taste. It has afterttaste of botth sweetnesss and bitte erness in it. Brewe ery: Kirishim ma Shuzo Prefec cture: Miyaz zaki Classification: Sh hochu Alcoho ol: 24% Made entirely frrom Thai ricce, it is earrthy on the p palate with arom mas of whea at, banana and licorice e. The quin ntessential taste e of tradition nal awamori and the e essence of Okinawa are hidden in this bottle. b Distillery: Kum mejima’s Ku umesen Co.., LTD. Koji: Long grain indica ricce Alco ohol: 24% AWAMOR RI KUMESEN Item# LS33002, 6/750ML P a g e 12 | 16 U le earthy no ose of an im mo shochu.. This yieldss to a Unmistakabl bu uttery soft mouthfeel. m Surprisingly supple given what’s in store ottherwise. An A extremely light swee etness yield ds to a veryy dry, tight fin nish. The dryness wou uld overwhe elm except the soft mo outh prrovides eno ough mellow wness to crreate an intteresting co ontrast. Distillery: D Ok kuchi Shuzo o Co Lo ocation: Isa a, Kagoshim ma, Kyushu u Island, Japan Grain: G 83% sweet s potatto (imo) & 1 17% rice (kkome) Koji: K black (k kuro) KU URO ISANISHIK KI 24% SWEET POTATO P Item# LS33003, 12/750ML This prem mium Shoch hu is made from 100% % select barrley. Kannoko, which mea ans 'river prrotected byy the gods' iin ma dialect, is the name ed after a sttream in So outh Kagoshim Kagoshim ma. Kannokko has rich a and mellow w flavor with h fragrant aroma. Ka annoko's am mber color comes natturally from the oak barrel aging processs for 3 yearss. y: Satsuma Shuzo Co, Ltd. Distillery Koji: whitte (shiro) Alcohol: 25% KANNOK KO 25% BARLE EY Item# LS3004, 6/750MLL This pre emium Sho ochu is mad de from 100 0% select b barley. Kannok ko, which m means 'riverr protected by the godss' in Kagosh hima dialectt, is the nam med after a stream in South Kagosh hima. Kanno oko has ricch and mello ow flavor w with fragrantt aroma. Kannoko'ss amber color comes n naturally fro om the oak barrel aging a proce ess for 3 years. ery: Satsum ma Shuzo C Co, Ltd. Distille Koji: white w (shiro) Alcoho ol: 24% KANNOKO O 24% BARLEY Y Item# LS33005, 6/750ML P a g e 13 | 16 Th he name Ko ohaku no Y Yume mean ns 'amber dream' in Ja apanese. Th his Shochu is made fro om 100% sselect barleyy, then age ed in oak ba arrels, giving it a maturre mild tastte with a fru uity aroma. Kohaku No o Yume's amber a colorr comes natturally from m the oak ba arrel ag ging proces ss. All naturral ingredien nts. Diistillery: Sa atsuma Shu uzo Co, Ltd d. Ko oji: white (s shiro) Allcohol: 25% % KO OHAKU NO YUM ME 24% BARLE EY Item# LS30077, 12/750ML Tasty libation made from bu uckwheat with very sm mooth taste. hu made by st time. Un nkai Soba Shoch buckwhea t for the firs shochu u is a very agreeable e experience e. For those e who are looking g to expand d beyond ko ome shochu, but are n not ready fo or imo sh hochu or aw wamori, Unkkai is a goo od place to start. It’s relative ely light in flavor, f with a sensation similar to o taking the first sip of a well made e Guinnesss. Distillery: Unkais shuzo (Miya azaki) Koji: white w (shiro o) Alcohol: 25% OCHU UNKAI SOBASHO Item# LS30013, 6/750ML IITO OMO BARLEY Item# LS3014, L 12/750M ML Smooth S tastte shochu m made by hig gh quality b barley and w water with bit b of fragna ance to it.. Distillery: D Unkaishuzo U o (Miyazaki)) Koji: K white (shiro) ( Alcohol: A 25 5% P a g e 14 | 16 SATSUMA GOD DAI SWEET POT TATO Item# LS33016, 6/750ML KU UROUMA SILVE ER BARLEY (MUGI) Item# LS20001, 12/750ML KUROUMA GOLD G JUKUSEI Item# LS20002, 12/750ML Sa atsuma Go odai is a stra aightforwarrd sweet po otato shochu with a sw weetly earth hy nose. Th he white ko oji and atmo ospheric disstillation give it a roun nd, rich, swe eet flavor. M Molasses n notes domin nate the pa alate. This strongly s sw weet flavor ssettles into a cinnamon finish. Distillery: Yamamoto S Shuzo Co, L Ltd. Lo ocation: Sa atsuma Se ndai City, K Kagoshima, Kyushu Issland, Ja apan Grain: 83% sweet pota ato (imo) & 17% rice (kkome) shiro) Koji: white (s Good blen nd of distilla ation underr diminished d pressure and atmosphe eric distillatiion Very aro omatic and d pleasant. y: Kagurash huzo Co, Lttd. Distillery Koji: Alcohol: 25% Japan- A Japanese Distilled Sp pirit Similar to o Vodka. Exxtra Special Aged So oju from Miyyazaki Prefeccture, delica ately aged fo or three years in French oakk barrels to g give extra sm mooth and rich clean finish. ery: Kagura a Shuzo, Co o, LTD. Distille Koji: Alcoho ol: 25% P a g e 15 | 16 Tenson Kourin is on ne of the m more afforda able sweet potato shochus s available in the U.S. The complexity begin ns with the nose e – earth an nd clay mingle togethe er to promisse a robust fla avor. It delivers acrosss the board d. A sweet sstart quickly transitions into an herb bal middle w with a butte ery gers into a p peppery fin nish. mouthfeel. This ling Distillerry: Kagura S Shuzo, Co,, LTD. Koji: bla ack (kuro) Alcohol: 24% TENSION KOURIN IMO Item# LS20003, 12/750ML The love ely golden a and deep ru uby red labe el on the bllack bottle cu uts a striking g figure. It a also promisses a richne ess and elegance e beyond th he price point. Don’t ju udge a bookk by its cover or a shochu b by its bottle e. This is a vvery easy d drinking shochu, probably frrom mixing rice and ba arley, two o of the smoothe est shochu grains, with h a third gra ain that is a also very neutrally y flavored. Distillerry: Kagurasshuzo Co, L Ltd. Koji: bla ack (kuro) Alcohol: 24% KAGUR RA TENSHO SO OBA Item# LS2004, L 12/750ML Fuji is the e best Barle ey Chochu made with Natural Sp pring water and d has a very ry mild taste e. Distillery y: Konishi S Shuzo (Hyo ogo) Koji: Alcohol: 25% SHIRAYUKI FUJI F BARLEY (MUGI) Item# LS2006, 6/750MLL P a g e 16 | 16
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