2015 WCOUA Umpire Clinic - West Central Ohio Umpires Association

2015 WCOUA Umpire Clinic
February 21, 2015
Tippecanoe Middle School
555 North Hyatt Street Tipp City, Ohio 45371
Cost: $40 Pre-Registration; $50 Day Of Clinc
(includes $20 dues for WCOUA members)
*Receive 1 Local Meeting Credit (BB AND SB)
*Top Notch Instructors from OHSAA, NCAA, Pro Umpire School Grads
*Observers on hand from CBC, OHC, SCAL, GWOC, and more!
*Pick the sessions YOU want to attend! (list on back)
*Lunch provided to participants
*Please dress/arrive in base umpire uniform; bring plate gear.
(cut and detach here)
(Pre-Registration Recommended)
Name:_____________________________________________________ BB_____ SB_____ Both_____
Phone:___________________________________ Email:____________________________________________
(weather issues relayed through email)
Years of Service (as of 2014 season): BB_____ SB_____
2014 WCOUA Member? YES_____ NO_____
OHSAA Permit No: _________________ BB Class_____ SB Class _____ (put 4 if do not do a sport)
By signing below, I hold harmless the West Central Ohio Umpires Association (WCOUA), Tipp City Exempted Village Schools
(TCEVS), and any of their agents, for any injury, illness, or other liability which I may incurr from my attendance and particpation in this
Please print and mail registration form and payment (cash or check made out to West Central Ohio Umpires
Association) to the Clinic Director:
Chris Prokes 1351 Ronald Street Vandalia, Ohio 45377 (937) 570-1928 chris.prokes83@gmail.com
***Questions can also be directed to this contact information***
Reg. Rec’d Date:_________ by: _________
Payment: Check/#:_________ CASH:_________
*Get to pick FIVE to attend
Softball Specific
*Two-Man Softball Mechanics
*Possible 3-Man Mechanics
*Live Pitching
*Plate Work/Mechanics
*Rules/Plays that Trip you Up
*Lineup cards, Flex, and DP
*Softball Legal/Illegal Pitching
General Sessions
*Using Video to Improve Umpiring
*Handling Situations
Baseball Specific
*Two-Man Baseball Mechanics
*Possible 3-Man Mechanics
*Live Pitching
*Plate Work/Mechanics
*Rules/Plays that Trip you Up
*Effective Pre-Game
*Dead ball/Delayed Dead Ball