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’na‘ h Isjanpoul 1972-in! <r=anauart h
Po[axici Fama lsaranin Mi=axga\in |arab;rouj;anz yiu[hn! Inqxinq ke nkath axatamit
gro[ ou qa[a qakan m;knaban! Ir \ødoua‘n;re
lo\s ke t;sn;n ªSjarº ;u ªFiurrihj Th\li Niuxºin
mh=! J[jakiz h na;u ªNiu :orq Ja\mxºi! Lo\s
en‘a\a‘ h ;rkou fatorn;r^ "Islam Without Extremes:
A Muslim Case For History" (2011)% incphs na;u^
"Rethinking The Kurdish Issue: What Went Wrong? What
Next" (2013)!
tauor acqow dit;l m;x minc;u 2013-i khse!
A\sphs% ªTawosi patafareº caxd;z na;u Jourqio\ warkauorman at;n Freedom House-i ko[mh% or
\aya. ªsionisjº kaxmak;rpoujiun me nkatoua‘
hr AKP-i famar! Ardar;u% Jourqia 4&5 kht staza‘ hr 7-i wra\% mincd;® AKP-i vamanak% at;n
me bar;lauou;zau 3-i i=n;low% ;u apa bar]razau
3&5-i^ 2013 ;u 2014-in! :xrakazn;low& w;ro\i,;al
tou;aln;rou fiman wra\% Hrto[ani Jourqio\ patk;re irakanin mh= a[artou;zau oc jh ªTawosiº
dhpqhn ;tq% a\l 2013-i khs;roun& dar]akhte K;xi
"arqi bo[oqi ,arvoumn hr% xor znz;z Jourqian
’anøj& >mb&
2013-i amran!
Ba\z inco#u K;xi "arqi bo[oqn;re v.takan f;|ounouari khs;roun% Jourqio\ warcap;t Afmht
t;uanq me oun;zan!
Tauoutø[loun \a\tn;z% jh ir ;rkrin patk;re
K;xi "arqi ,arvoumin dhm Hrto[ani kar‘r fav.takan dar]a‘ h Ar;umt;an Mamoulin mh=% inc
Mousja`a Aqiol
kaxd;zoujiunn hr% ambo[=azoua‘ faka-ar;umt;an
or dauadroujiun men hr! Lragrakan mi=axga\in
zanz me go\oujiun ouni! +anq;r ja';lou wra\ ;nq m;r lauago\ne f®;torouj;amb% or baza\a\t;z dimagi‘e tipar b®natirakan waren;lou! Saka\n w;ro\i,;al zanze oro,a‘ h w;r= tal Jourqio\ \a- cakargi me! Zo\z;rou a®a=in ørhn% Anqaran bo[oqn;re pitak;z
=o[ouj;anz% a\safar;low na.agaf Â;yh' Ja\\ip Hrto[ane! A*\s h ibr;u Ar;umt;an ga[tni kaxmak;rpouj;an gor‘akaln;r% ª,afamol
w;ro\i,;al mamoulin npatake! Anika Jourqio\ dhm ;la‘ h& kar‘hq lopiº% isk Ar;umt;an mitian^ ibr;u .®owararn;r! Nman po®jkoum2009-hn \;to\ koyaki me wra\ ko.oua‘ h% Tawosi* mh=% wa\rk;ani me n;r bnakanabar ,'oj;zouzin ar;umt;an m;knabann;re% oronq birt
qnnadatouj;an ;njark;zin Jourqian!
dhpqhn ;tq!
An,ou,t c;nq oux;r .ndro\ a®arka\ dar]n;l Ar;umt;an mitiaEst Tauoutø[loui 'rø-isra\hl;an ,r=anakn;re kat[a‘ hin ªNor
Jourqio\º dhm% anor qa=akorow k;zoua‘qin famar i pa,tpanoujiun \in ko[mh bo[oqn;roun a®arka\akan qnnarkoume! Incphs ar;u;lqzin;re k*en;n% ar;umt;an m;knabann;rn al au;li* famakranq ke
ko.krtoua‘ pa[;stinzi vo[owourdin!
N,anak;liørhn% a\s t;sakhte mia\n Tauoutø[louin ci patkanir& zouzab;r;n ir;nz nmann;roun! A\s patya®ow al% K;xii ,arvoume
irakanouj;an mh= atika pa,tønakan k;zoua‘qn h na;u Ardarou- wipakanaza‘ hr% ;u ;rb;mn anor wantalixme^ acqajo[ ;[a‘! F;jiun ou Xargazoum Kousakzouj;an (AKP)! W;r=in ;rkou tarin;roun% t;uabar% ar;umt;an lragroujiune qic t;[;ak hr% na.entr;low
no\n 'ro'akante% gr;jh ørn iboun% k*imananq na;u no\n kousakzou- ct;sn;l or anonzmh ,at;r ªaxatamitn;rº chin% a\l^ nor axga\naj;an mamoulhn ou bamb;rn;rhn! Ardar;u% k*esoui jh AKP-n jira. kann;r (neonationalists)! A\nphs or jourq warcakargin m;natirakan
dar]a‘ h Ar;umt;an ,r=anakn;roun% orowf;t;u pafapan h yn,;al fakaxd;zoujiune ;u anor dauadrouj;amb jhakan ambastanoujiunn;re% wrdowic hin axatakan akan=n;roun% manauand^ a\n Ar;uislamn;roun!
mt;ann;roun% oronq ‘a®aza‘ hin K;xi "arqi dauadrouj;an ibr;u
Yi#,d h ard;øq a\s bolore!
Mhke or ‘anøj h ou møthn ke f;t;ui Ar;umt;an Mamoulin (;u or k;dronat;[i!
Minc a\d% ard;øq isra\hl;an lopin or;uh d;r oun;za#‘ hr AKP-i
baxmajiu angamn;r pa,tpana‘ h AKP-n)% patas.ane o*c h! Bazawarkab;kman mh=! Fastataph*s& a\o*! Isra\hl;an a= fosanqin ko[mtrouinq!
Jourq-frhakan 'o.\arab;roujiunn;re bnakanabar ]gtoua‘ hin nakizn;re dhm ;[a‘ ;n Hrto[anin 2009-hn iw;r! Jourqio\ dhm daTawosi fanra‘anøj mi=adhphn ;tq% 2009 |ounouarhn sks;al% ;rb a\n uadrouj;an me fauatazo[n;re ke .orfin% jh Ar;umoutqi ªga[tni
at;n warcap;t Hrto[an dataparta‘ hr Isra\hli na.agaf <imon oro,oumn;reº k*a®nouin mhkh au;li k;dronat;[in;rou mh=! Asor fa";rhse ªmanoukn;r spann;lounº famar Kaxa\i mh=! |arab;roujiun- kapatk;row% Ar;umt;an mamoulin gl.auor fosanqe famaroum ounhr
n;re au;li watjarazan 2010-in% Mawi Marmara\i mi=adhpin f;- Jourqio\ ªca'auor islamisjº ka®awarouj;an wra\% minc;u K;xi
t;uanqow% incphs na;u^ Jourqia dhm qouharka‘ ellalow Irani fan- "arqi bo[oqn;re% oronzmh ;tq \;tdar] katar;z fimnowin \ousadhp a®nou;liq patvami=ozn;rou a®a=arkin% MAK_i Apafowouj;an .abou;low!
Ploumperki \ødoua‘agir Marq C;m'ieni mhk groujiune% 2013 D;k>orfourdi mhk nistin! I dhp% Mart 2013-in% na.agaf P& Øpama\i
mi=amtouj;amb% Isra\hl n;ro[oujiun .ndr;z Jourqia\hn Mawi Marmara\i ariunaf;[ouj;an famar! A\s na.a];®noujiune ];uow me ke
n,anakhr% jh Frhastan farkadroua‘ xgaza‘ h gor‘akzil Hrto[ani
* :uropa\i bar]rago\n qa[aqn h% 1560 m;jr ‘owou mak;r;shn!
ka®awarouj;an f;t!
Mia\n 11%210 fogi bnakcouj;amb% g;rmana.øs (87 a® fariur
A\d paraga\in i#nc hr Ar;umt;an mamoulin k;zoua‘qe& Jour- xouiz;riakan a\s qa[aqin mh= amhn tari t;[i k*oun;na\ hockqia#n ibr;u jira. ounhin! Am;n;uin& endfaka®ake! Jourqian ,a- ey-i bavaki mrzoum! No\nphs fon ke goumaroui tar;kan World
rounak;z ditouil drakan patk;razoumow Ar;umoutqi mh=% Tawosi Economic Forum-e!
'ojorkot dhpqhn ;tq^ 2009-hn 2012! Mak;r;sa\in qnnadatoujiunn;r
Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an
;[an mamouli axatouj;an ka,kandoumn;roun ou lragro[n;rou ];rbakalouj;anz dhm! Ar;umt;an ma\raqa[aqn;re ,arounak;zin npas<ar& h= 15
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2:03 PM
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N.O. February 12, 2015, No. 7:N.O. Blank
2:03 PM
Page 5
ªKanq% piti lin;nq ou d;® ,atananqº
Gra.øsoujiun^ "RO~& AU:TIS "A"AX:AN
F A | : R E
Amhn mi fa\ phtq h fpart
lini ir fa\ lin;low! Afa jh inc
h as;l >M fimni ba®;ri f;[inak
Farold Â;gistane&
ª:s fa\ ;m! :u da asoum ;m oc
jh a®iji b;roumow% a\l fpartouj;an xgazoumow^ fa\;azqs
ou[[;low im armatn;rin im
wan;zi na.nin;ri yanaparfin!
:s fpartouj;amb ;m qa\loum
:r;uani 'o[ozn;row% ’i‘;®nakab;rdi bar]rounqoum .onarfou;l
;m :[;®ni xof;ri \i,ataki a®=;u ou noriz fogous mh= .lrtaz;l
h na.nin;ri kance!
qani d;® axgis ja'a®akan
qarauann;re c;n fauaqou;l
ir;nz pap;nakan fo[i wra\º!
A\s mitqe patkanoum h Yh\ms
:s fauataza‘ ;m% or ke ga\
a\n øre% or a,.arfow mhk s'®oua‘
fa\;ri m;‘ mase ke fauaqoui
Fa\astanoum ;u m;r ;ritasard
fa\r;nashr s;rounde k*apazouzi%
or Fa\astane karo[ h da®nal
a,.arfi a®a=adhm ;u xargaza‘ ;rkrn;riz mhke!
Ouxoum ;m b;r;l na;u m;r axgi
m;‘ bar;kam Lort Ba\roni kar-
Wani b;rde
:s fa\ ;mº!
Los Any;lesoum lo\s t;sno[
ªMasisº ,abajaj;rji a,.atakizn;riz mhke Fa\astan a\z;l;low j;rji mh= \ødoua‘ hr
tpagr;l a\n masin% or fiaza‘ h
fa\kakan yartarap;touj;amb%
ba\z n,oum h a\dqan ;k;[;zin;r
,in;lou 'o.arhn% mia\n mi amroz
t;sa\% phtq h amrozn;r ,inhin!
A\sør hl ,arounakuoum h ;k;[;zin;ri ka®ouzoume% 'o.anak
a\d goumarn;row gor‘at;[;r
st;[‘ou;n% orphsxi mardik a\l
;rkrn;r cgnan ir;nz entaniqi
nouaxago\n kariqn;re fogalou
Fa\e fauatow h na\oum apaga\in! Incphs Ar'iar Ar'iar;ann h asoum&
ª&&&Fa\e ariunin f;t ke va®angh martirosazman xgazoume!
A\d va®angakan xgazoumn h% or
m;r z;[e ke =lapndh ;u \o.ortabar j,namoun dimadr;lou
xøroujiune ke parg;uh m;xi!
Fark h fauatal m;r vo[owrdi
n;rouvin% w;ra‘noundin% nra
pa\‘a® apaga\in% m;r ;rkri
w;ra,inouj;an ga[a'arin ;u
miasnakan Fa\astani t;slakaninº!
ª:jh ;s fa\ linhi% in] ;r=anik chi famari% minc;u a\n pafe%
‘iqe fa\ axgi masin&
ªFa\e yn,oua‘ ou axniu axg h%
or ya,ak;l h fr;an;ri ;u \o\n;ri
aqsorn ou g;roujiune% a®anz
a®a=ini carouj;an kam ;rkrordi strkabaro\ouj;an! A\s vo[owourde ];®q h b;r;l farstoujiun
a®anz wa,.i% na;u a\n bolor
patiun;re% or karo[ ;n ,norfou;l
a[a.inin^ a®anz nra f;t
ga[tni sira\in kap oun;nalou!
Saka\n nranq ;rkar vamanak%
a\noufand;r]% grau;l ;n ªG:ROUJ:AN TANº mi mase% ore w;r=;rs
baxmapatkou;l h a®an]natn;row! J;r;us dvouar lini gtn;l
mi a\l axgi tar;groujiun% orn
au;li qic n;rkoua‘ lini oyirn;row& qan jh fa\ axgine! Nra
a®aqinoujiune ;[;l h .a[a[oujiune% isk arate^ farkadranqe!
Nranz ;rkire endmi,t phtq h
mna\ a,.arfi am;naf;taqrqir
;rkrn;riz mhke ;u j;r;us nranz
l;xoun mia\n pafan=oum h au;li
lau ousoumnasiroujiun% au;li
grauic da®nalou famar! :jh
sourb grq;re yi,d faskazou;n%
apa Fa\astanoum h ;[;l Dra.te! Fa\astanoum hr% or =rf;[;[e
a®a=ine dadar;z ;u a[aunin
za‘ i=au! Ba\z ir^ dra.ti
anf;tazman f;t miasin% j;r;us
<ar& h= 15
Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;a\ tar;lizi a\s ør;rin gras;[anis wra\ h ir vamanakin
lousafogi Liparit Axat;ani
f;[inakouj;amb lo\s t;sa‘ ;u
ir makagrouj;amb nouirab;roua‘
ªFa\ Orb;re M;‘ :[;®niº .ist
arvhqauor 3 fatorn;re fratarakoua‘ 1995% 1999% 2002 jouakann;rin Los Any;lesoum!
|atkan,akan h% or Liparit
Axat;ane ‘nou;l h 1915 j& Marti 28-in M;‘ :[;®ni ør;rin ;u
'oqr tariqiz korzn;low føre
xgaz;l h orb lin;lou ‘anr wiyake ;u fasounaza‘ tariqoum
sks;l h =anadir niuj;r% 'astagr;r% wka\oujiunn;r fauaq;l fa\
orb;ri masin fa\r;ni ;u øtar
ar.iun;riz M;‘ :[;®ni orb;ri
w;rab;r;al ;u na.a];®n;l h
fratarak;l a\s fatorn;re!
Bnakanabar a\s bolore nra
;rkar tarin;ri tqna=an ;u
dvouarin a,.atanqi ardiunqn
;n% oronq kataroua‘ ;n fa\r;nasirakan m;‘ nouiroumow ;u
A,.atouj;an skxboum truoum
h M;‘ :[;®niz \;to\ snki nman
aya‘ fa\ orbanozn;ri famapar'ak patmoujiune! |atkaphs
Liparit Axat;ane est arvanuo\n gnafat;l h fa\r;ni ;u øtar
bar;gor‘akan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rin% bar;rarn;rin% oronz
=anq;row w;rapr;zin faxarauor
fa\ orb;r!1
|;taga\oum f;[inake ,;,te
dr;l h fa\ orb;ri wka\oujiunn;ri
;u akanat;si acqow patma‘
nranz ta®apanqn;ri ;u dvouarin pa\mann;ri masin! Faka®ak
];®q a®noua‘ mi=ozn;rin% nranziz ,at;re b®ni jrqazan% qertazan ;u arabazan! A\d bolori
f;t;uanqe anm;[% angitakiz
;r;.an;ri afauor axga'o.oujiunn hr! No\nisk Siria\i tara‘qoum gtnouo[ orbanozn;roum
fa\ ;r;.an;ri nkatmamb katarouo[ davanoujiunn;rn ou
b®noujiunn;re% fauata'o.oujiunn ou partadir jourqazoume
nkat;low% Falith Htipi nman
mol;®and jrqoufin angam ci
jaqzr;l ir no[kanqe a\s o[ b;rgakan ;r;uo\ji fandhp% as;low%
or ªinqe ;rb;q chr zankana\
nman orbanozi f;t gor‘ oun;nalº!2
M;‘ :[;®ni \a=orda‘ tarin;rin fa\ vo[owrdi \arat;uman
famar .ist kar;uor ;u k;nsakan farz;riz mhke orbafauaqi
.ndirn hr! A\s .ndroum ;us ;[;l
;n jh fa\ ;u jh øtar nouir;aln;r% ba\z fa\ gor‘icn;re a®au;l
t;ndagin% a®au;l f;t;uo[akan
d;r ;n .a[az;l! Acqi a®a=
oun;nalow amhn mi wtang 'or];l
;n axat;l ;u krkin ir vo[owrdi
girke w;radar]n;l fa\ orb ;r;.an;rin!
Liparit Axat;ane manramasn andrada®nalow a\s far-
zin groum h& ªFa\kakan axga\in
;u a\l fastatoujiunn;r ir;nz
karo[ouj;an fam;mat satar
fandisaza‘ ;n orbafauaqi a,.atanqn;roun% \atkaphs anfatn;r% oronq ir;nz k;anqi
gnow% n;toua‘ ;n a\s sourb gor‘in ;u fa\ mankikn;r 'rka‘ ou
w;radar]ouza‘ fa\ouj;anº!
|a\tni `ita\i% s;bastazi
Mourate% 1916-in :rxnka\i mh=%
Ka\‘ak A®aq;li f;t^ ªorono[
.mb;rº h kaxmoum ;u baxmajiu
;r;.an;r ou a\rin;r axatoum
jourq;ri ;u qiurt;ri tn;riz%
ªMhk fa\^ mhk oskiº n,anabanow!
Orbafauaqi gor‘oum .ixa.
gor‘ounhoujiun h oun;z;l xh\jounzi g;rdastani xauak "a®nak <i,ik;ane% no\n inqe Afmht
hl Y;xxan% ore Siria\i anapati
mh= ou[t;ri fowiu hr! Ir ];®n;rhzouj;amb ;u anw;f;r ararqn;row astiyanabar m;‘ fambau
];®q b;r;low% anapata\in arabn;ri ;u p;takan pa,tøn;an;ri
møt axat;l ;u ir vo[owrdin hr
w;radar]r;l au;li qan 500 orb;r!
A\d ør;rin fa\ ;r;.an;rin
fauaq;lou ;u Falhp t;[a'o.;lou
dvouarin gor‘in an]nouirabar
l‘ou;l ;n na;u xh\jounzi :[ia
lousafogi St;'an Ala=a=;ani
fa\re)% Abrafam <i,man;ane%
Abrafam {ouray;ane% Sinan;an
;[ba\rn;re% falhpzi Mifran
Mifran;ane% Mousouliz^ Siulinax
Danihl;ane% Our`a\iz^ >ajoun%
Hmirxh ;u Lousia Q;j;ny;ann;re
ambo[= g;rdastanow!
Liparit Axat;ane n,oum h%
or orbafauaqi a,.o\v gor‘icn;riz mhkn hr na;u Âoubhn F;r;ane! Na ªMi=ag;tqi fa\ taragirn;ri pa,tpan marmnoumº
.ist patas.anatou ;u kar;uor
d;r hr kataroum ;u arab p;t;uii taraxi tak anapatoum
fauaqoum hr fa\ orb;rin!
Fa\ orb;rin fauaq;lou% patspar;lou ;u .nam;lou .ndroum
m;‘ a,.atanqn;r ;n katar;l
xanaxan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r%
<ar& h= 14
N.O. February 12, 2015, No. 7:N.O. Blank
2:03 PM
Page 6
NOR ØR% 12 ":TROUAR 2015
TEL: (323) 461-4377 FAX: (323) 461-4247
|arg;li fa\r;nakizn;r%
Wach S;m;ry;an
:rouand Axat;an
JMM Ar,ak Tigran;an warvarane% 1981-in ir fimnadrouj;nhn
i w;r ;u minc;u a\sør% ‘a®a\a‘ h fa\ ga[oujin% fa\ nor s;roundin%
amrapnda‘ h anor axga\in inqnoujiunn ou gitakzoujiune ;u
toua‘ fariurauor ,r=anauartn;r% oronq dar]a‘ ;n am;rikafa\
ga[ouji ;u am;rik;an fasarakouj;an akanauor dhmq;r! Qa[aqakan gor‘icn;r% tnt;saghtn;r% irauabann;r% yartarap;tn;r%
yartaraghtn;r% bvi,kn;r ;u a\l bar]r masnagitouj;anz thr
tigran;anzin;r dvouar ch t;sn;l m;r a®ør;a\in mh=% m;r ,r=anakn;rhn n;rs jh andin!
Warvarane ke mna\ fauatarim ;u \an]na®ou ir a®aq;louj;an%
pafpan;lou ir anendmh= go\oujiune! Warvarani ‘a®a\ouj;an
\arat;uoujiune ;u fa\ manouki apaga\i k;rtoume anwiy;li npatak ;n JMM Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvarani patkan marminn;roun
Nkati oun;nalow% saka\n% Warvarani a\vmou wa\rin ou ,r=anakin^ Foliwouti mh= fa\ ga[ouji xargazman bazasakan enjazqe% f;txf;th kanonauor nøsrazoume% tnt;sakan 'o'o.oujiunn;r%
;u a\l ,r=ann;rou mh= noray fa\ baxmouj;an go\azoumn ou kariqn;re% warvarane droua‘ h% xgazakanørhn dvouarin% ba\z tramabanørhn ;u irauat;sørhn an.ousa';li oro,oumi me dhm \andiman!
Gin;]ønhn t;saran me
<our= ;r;soun tari (1977-2006)%
ªNor Ørº pa,tønaj;rji h=;re
farstazno[ ªLousar]akin takº
w;rnagroua‘ a®a=nordo[ w;rlou‘oumn;rou ;u t;souj;anz stouar
fauaqa‘o\ me^ ,our= 1300 h=;rou
mh=% n;r'akoua‘ h ;rkaram;a\
fasarakakan gor‘ic% ousouzic ;u
lragro[ Wach S;m;ry;ani xo\g
fatorn;roun mh=!
Ph\roujhn^ 1956-hn piti skshr
lragrakan ;u miouj;nakan
k;anqe S;m;ry;ani ;u w;z tasnam;akn;rou wra\ piti ;rkarhr
fraparakagrakan ir wastake!
Ir n;r,ncoumn ou qa=al;roujiune
piti gar ir patmouj;an ousouzichn^ G;rsam Afaton;anhn% orou
m,takan n;rka\oujiune Jhqh;an
K;droni ªXarjønqº øraj;rji
.mbagratan mh=% mna\oun acqi
me nman piti fskhr S;m;ry;ani
ou ir anmi=akan bar;kamn;roun^
Kotalax;an-Axat;ani% Qh,i,;ani% Mserl;ani a,.atanqn;roun!
Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an Mkrtic "orjougal;an
ousano[akan akoumbin at;nap;toujiune% skixbe piti da®nar
gor‘icin baxmajiu tarin;rou
b;ra‘ wastakin! Apa^ Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i mh= ir stanna‘ patas.anatououjiunn;re
Â&A&K& <r=ana\in Warcouj;an ou
au;li w;re^ K;dronakan Warcouj;an ,r=anakn;roun mh= fska\
n;rdroum me piti ellar kousakzakan k;anqin mh=! Bnakan
,arounakouj;amb me% S;m;ry;an
;rkou tasnam;akn;r war;lh ;tq
kousakzakan pa,tønn;r% sira-
\øvar stan]n;z ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjin .mbagroujiune minc;u 2005 Fokt;mb;r! Fasarakakan k;anqin an'o.arin;li wastake S;m;ry;ane møt;zouza‘ h
Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an%
orou Los Any;lesi masnayiu[i
at;nap;toujiune a\sør ke ,arounakoui d;®^ qa®ord darh
:rkou tari a®a=^ 2012-in
fratarakoua‘ ª|i,atak;li dimaqandakn;rº iura\atouk fatorhn ;tq% S;m;ry;an lo\s k*en‘a\h ªLousar]akin takº ;rkou
fatorn;row girqe% orou n;rka\azoumi na.a];®noujiune oun;zau Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an Los Any;lesi warcoujiune!
Ph,khøjiur;an K;droni srafe%
Ourbaj |ounouar 30-i ;r;kon
vamadrawa\rn hr miouj;nakan
;u mtauorakan bar;kamn;rou!
};®narke fowanauoroujiune ke
wa\;lhr J;mi bar;.nam A®a=nord G;r,& Thr |ownan Arq& Thrthr;anin! N;rka\ hin m;‘ar;alin bar;kam krønakann;r% Miouj;an K;dronakan Warcouj;an
andamn;r% oronq ;rkrin tarb;r
qa[aqn;rhn vamana‘ hin Gin;]ønin a®ijow% incphs na;u m;r
fama\nqhn n;rs fangamanq oun;zo[ fasarakakan gor‘icn;r!
>namoua‘ \a\tagirin enjazq
touau S;m;ry;ani ;rkar tarin;rou gor‘akiz^ Bars;[ Garjal;ane% or fakiry .øsqow ir fry<ar& h= 14
T;[a'o.ou;lou frama\akan^ dhpi fa\a,at mhk a\l ,r=an% a®anz
annpast \apa[oumi% enjanalou nor ou[[oujiunn;row% zouzab;r;low
norog;al b‘a.ndroujiun ;u fa\ a,ak;rtin lauago\nn ou bar]rago\ne matouz;lou ansakark \an]na®oujiun% dimaka\;low nor
forixonn;r% dimagrau;low nor martafrauhrn;r ou kira®;low vamanakakiz yartaragitakan møt;zoumn;r% pafpan;low miavamanak anoune% \an]na®oujiune% patmoujiunn ou auando\je% incphs
na;u kaxmak;rpcakan ou .namatarakan ka®o\ze!
A\l .øsqow% warvarani d®n;re paf;l baz^ i shr fa\ a,ak;rtin
ou anor% f;t;uabar na;u m;r vo[owourdi% apaga\in famar!
W;ron,;al tramabanakan ;xrakazoujiune ;u a\l;us an\;ta]g;li oro,oume ounin na;u Ar;umt;an J;mi Bar;.nam A®a=nord
G;r,& T& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ani lriu a=akzoujiunn ou ørfnoujiune% a\n .orin famoxoumow% or fariurauor jh faxarauor fa\
a,ak;rtn;r anmi=akan kariqn ounin fa\ dprouj;an a\s tan%
a\nt;[% our or ir;nq kan!
A® a\d% warvarane phtq h ,arounakh ir akn;r;u a®aq;loujiune ;u matouzoume ir n;rka\ wa\rin mh=% minc;u t;[a'o.oujiun!
A\s vamanakauor npatakin famar Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvarane
anmi=akan ou ,arounakakan kariqn ouni bolorid incphs niujakan
no\nphs baro\akan xørakzouj;an!
Fauatalow Fa\ Dprozi anwiy;li anfrav;,touj;an ;u i shr
fa\ manoukin% wstaf ;nq or ke fama]a\niq m;r mtq;roun% a\nouf;t;u chq .na\;r or;uh mi=oz kam k;rp% xørakz;lou ;u ];r bavinn
ou n;rdroume oun;nalou m;r bolorin isk pa\‘a® ou fa\awa\;l
wa[ouan k;rtman nouirakan gor‘in mh=!
Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an
K;dronakan Warcoujiun
JMM Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvarani
JMM Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvarani
Los Any;les%
";trouar% 2015
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Volume 93, No. 7
Kurdish Mayor: We
Are Ashamed Of What
Our Ancestors Had
Done To Armenians
Kurdish co-mayor Ahmet Turk of
Mardin, Turkey, has stated that he is
ashamed of what their forefathers had done
to the Armenians.
At a meeting with the Kurdish population in Germany, Turk spoke about the domestic politics in Turkey, the Kurdish issue,
and the Armenian genocide, reported
Cumhuriyet daily of Turkey.
“We are ashamed of what our ancestors
had done to the Armenians and the Assyrians. When [they] left these ancient lands,
we were faced with poverty; they were the
wealth of our country. What a pity that the
Kurds likewise were used in the massacres
which the Young Turks had carried out,”
Ahmet Turk said.
Turkey PM: We Will
Not Bow Before
Armenian Lobby
Turkish PM Ahmet Davutoglu stated
that his country will not bow before the Armenian and other lobby groups.
Speaking at the Istanbul convention of
Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development
Party (AKP), Davutoglu, who is also chairman of the AKP, harshly criticized Fethullah Gulen—a Turkish Islamic opinion
leader who currently lives in a self-imposed
exile in the United States—accusing him of
supporting Armenian, Greek and Jewish
lobbies, Kanal A website of Turkey reported.
“I hereby announce that we will not
bow before neither the Jewish nor the Armenian nor the Greek lobbies.
“I call upon the ‘parallel structure’ [i.e.,
the Gulen movement, which is a transnational religious and social movement led by
Fethullah Gulen], which sends messages to
these lobbyists. Wherever you may be, we
stand firm. You will cringe away for betraying this [Turkish] nation, homeland,”
Ahmet Davutoglu said.
Belgian MEP Files A Bill To Recognize The
Armenian Genocide By Turkey
On January
29, 2015, anniversary of the
recognition of
the Armenian
France, the Belgian MEP Gerolf
Annemans (nationalist party Vlaams Belang "Flemish Interest") submitted to European Parliament a bill calling Turkey to
recognize the Armenian genocide.
The proposal is also signed by the
French deputies of the Front National party,
with its President Marine Lepen.
A. Considering these resolutions have
not led the Turkish government to recognize the genocide;
B. Considering a century after the
event, the time
has come to initiate reconciliation;
1. Calls the
Turkish government to officially recognize
the genocide in 1915 by the last government of the Ottoman Empire against the
Armenians living in Turkey;
2. Instructs its President to forward
this resolution to the Turkish government,
the Armenian government, the Commission, the Council and the Presidents of the
Parliament of the Republic of Turkey and
the Parliament of the Republic of Armenia.
Jean Eckian / Paris
Armenia Deepening Ties With Iraqi Kurdistan
Armenia will open a consulate in Iraqi Kurdistan and
launch direct flights to its capital
Erbil this year as part of efforts to
forge closer ties with the semi-autonomous region, official Yerevan
confirmed. Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian underlined
those efforts on Saturday when
he met with the region’s President Massoud Barzani on the sidelines of an international security conference in Munich.
In a statement on the meeting, the Armenian Foreign Ministry said Barzani welcomed
Yerevan’s decision to open a consulate general in Erbil and expressed confidence that the
move “will help to expand cooperation” between Armenia and Iraqi Kurdistan.
EU Accepts OSCE Minsk Group’s Leading Role
In Karabakh Peace Process - Herbert Salber
Armenian Defense Minister
Seyran Ohanyan on Monday received a delegation led by Herbert Salber, the EU Special
Representative for the South
Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, the press service of the Armenian Defense Ministry
Ohanyan briefed Salber on the situation
on the Line of Contact between Karabakh
and Azerbaijani troops, drawing his attention to the sharp increase of tensions since
the beginning of the year. He also stressed
the need for the international community
to curb the aggressive actions of the Azerbaijani forces.
The Armenian Minister reaffirmed the
importance of implementing measures to
build confidence between the conflicting
Ambassador Salber expressed concern
over the border incidents, noting that the
EU accepts the OSCE Minsk Group’s leading role in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace
process, and is willing to contribute to the
negotiation process.
Serzh Sargsyan receives EU Special
Representative Herbert Salber
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan re-
ceived today the EU Special Representative
for the South Caucasus and the crisis in
Georgia Herbert Salber, according to the
presidential press service.
S. Sargsyan stressed that Armenia attaches importance to the European Union’s
consistent balanced position on the
Karabakh conflict settlement and the commitments of the EU to create a favorable atmosphere to continue talks and find a
comprehensive solution to the problem.
The president noted Armenia’s willingness to continue constructive cooperation
with the EU. He expressed hope that the activities of the EU special representative and
his regional trips will help create an atmosphere of trust and establish stability in the
H. Salber said he will use regional visits
to expand links with government and nongovernment circles in order to give the EU
an opportunity to assist efficiently with establishment of peace.
U.S. Envoy Calls On
Turkey To Be
‘Respectful’ Over
Genocide Centenary
PanARMENIAN.Net - In an interview
on Turkish television last week, the United
States’ ambassador to Turkey, John Bass,
commented on Turkey’s denial of the Armenian Genocide and the Turkish government’s decision to host commemorations of
the Battle of Gallipoli on April 24, the same
day that Armenians will be commemorating the Genocide centennial.
Speaking about the U.S. position on the
Armenian Genocide, Bass said, “I cannot
speak to how the events will be characterized in whatever the President or Congress
chooses to say on the anniversary, but, I can
tell you that our policy hasn’t changed. Our
policy is that we believe that a full, frank
and just acknowledgement of the facts surrounding those terrible massacres and
tragedies in 1915 is in the interest of the citizens of Turkey, it is in the interest of the citizens of Armenia and it is in the interest of
the descendants of people who suffered in
that period.
Bordering On War:
Russia Reacts To
Deadly Skirmishes In
Conflict Zone
Armenia’s politico-military and economic ally, Russia, has finally expressed its
concern regarding the “serious” situation
around Nagorno-Karabakh calling for deescalation of tensions.
Russian Foreign Ministry official representative Alexander Lukashevich, at a
news briefing in Moscow on Thursday,
spoke about the increase of ceasefire regime
violations in the conflict zone, frequent
clashes and sabotage, expressing his concern about “serious deterioration” of the
Nagorno-Karabakh situation and urging
the parties to the conflict to deescalate tensions.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 12, 2015
Armenian Studies Program
California State University, Fresno
Historic Armenia After 100 Years
Ani, Kars, And The Six Provinces Of Western Armenia
By Matthew Karanian
Attorney Matthew Karanian
will be the guest speaker of the Armenian Studies Program for a talk,
“Historic Armenia After 100 Years:
Ani, Kars, and the Six Provinces of
Western Armenia” at 7:30PM on
Tuesday, February 17, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the
Fresno State campus.
The lecture is part of the Spring
Lecture Series of the Armenian
Studies Program, with the support
of the Leon S. Peters Foundation.
One hundred years after the
Armenian Genocide, the homeland
of the Armenians remains unknown to much of the world. During the century since the Genocide of 1915, most of the
cultural monuments of the Armenian nation in the lands of historic Armenia have been
eliminated or repurposed. But there is much that still remains. Author Karanian celebrates
the Armenia that has avoided destruction, as well as the hidden Armenians who have
struggled to carry on in the face of persecution.
The text describes the history and culture of the Armenian monuments and artifacts
that are still present in Ani and Kars, and in the six Armenian provinces of Van, Erzerum,
Kharpert, Bitlis, Diyarbakir, and Sebastia. Many important smaller towns are featured, including Sasoon, Gurun, Chunkush, Palu, Zara, Mush, Erzincan, and Egin.
The lecture is free and open to the public. Free parking is available, with parking code 273505,
after 7:00PM at Fresno State Lots P5 and P6, near the University Business Center.
For more information about the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at
278-2669, or visit our website at www.fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies.
Society For Armenian Studies Holds Elections
For Executive Council Officers For 2015
The Society for
(SAS) celebrated its
40th anniversary at
its Annual Membership meeting held in
held on Saturday, November 22.
A new Executive
Council was elected
with Barlow Der Mugrdechian (California
UniversityFresno) chosen as the new SAS President.
Also elected were Vice President Bedross
Der Matossian (University of NebraskaLincoln); Secretary Lilit Keshishyan
(UCLA); Treasurer Sergio La Porta (California State University, Fresno); and advisors Tamar Boyajian (Michigan State
University), Marc Mamigonian (NAASR),
and Jean Murachanian (University of New
On behalf of the SAS newly elected
President Der Mugrdechian thanked outgoing President Kevork Bardakjian (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) and
outgoing Secretary Ani Kasparian (University of Michigan-Dearborn) for their dedicated service to the Society.
“It is a privilege to be elected as the new
President of Society for Armenian Studies.
The SAS plays an important role as a forum
for scholars to meet and exchange ideas.
SAS members conduct research in many
different fields, but in each case this is related to the study of Armenia and the Armenian people. This research is shared with
other academics and with the public at
large, bringing greater awareness about Armenian culture,” stated Der Mugrdechian.
In 2014 SAS held several major activities to mark its 40th anniversary, including
an international Armenian Studies Work-
shop in Yerevan, Armenia, October 3-5,
with 44 scholars participating from Armenia and abroad. In November the Society
sponsored a two-day conference in Washington, D.C. on “Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in the 19-20th Centuries.”
This year the SAS planning several activities in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
including co-sponsorship of a major international conference “Crossing the Centennial: The Historiography of the Armenian
Genocide Re-Evaluated,” March 19-20,
with the Department of History and Humanitarian Affairs Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, organized by SAS
Vice-President Bedross Der Matossian.
The SAS annually publishes a peer-reviewed Journal of the Society for Armenian
Studies, edited by Sergio La Porta, and a
The SAS website, societyforarmenianstudies.com, provides information about
events and activities about the Society. The
Society does encourage supporting membership for those who wish to financially
support the SAS. The Secretariat of the SAS
is based in the Armenian Studies Program
at California State University, Fresno. For
more information please call the SAS at
559-278-2669 or send an email to barlowd@csufresno.edu.
Keyan School Reveives Grant From Garabedian
Fresno/Clovis – The Board of Education of the Charlie Keyan Armenian Community School proudly announces the
receipt of a sizeable grant from the Bertha
and John Garabedian Charitable Foundation. For the past two decades, the foundation has been a consistent supporter of the
Armenian Community School, donating a
total of over $300,000 in that period. In
2011, it funded the installation of the Bertha
and John Garabedian Charitable Foundation Pre-School Annex, which has provided
needed space to the school’s youngest students. The foundation’s yearly patronage
has additionally underwritten the costs of
numerous improvement projects and education programs.
“As our school continues to grow, both
in size and influence, it does so in large part
with the help of generous donors who believe in the mission of this school. Key
among them is the Bertha and John Garabedian Charitable Foundation, and we are
very much appreciative of their gift,” said
Board Chairman Marshall D. Moushigian.
Along with its commitment to the
school, the Bertha and John Garabedian
Charitable Foundation is a major contributor to various educational, social, and philanthropic organizations throughout the
Central Valley, including (among others)
the Fresno Regional Foundation, Valley
Public Radio and Television, California
State University, Fresno, and the Armenian
Genocide Centennial—Fresno Committee.
Established in 1977, the Armenian Community School provides an exceptional education while teaching Armenian language and
culture to the youth of the Central Valley. In
2007, Fresno native Charlie Keyan donated the
necessary funds to purchase the land for the
construction of a new campus. To honor this
unprecedented monetary contribution, the
school’s Annual Assembly unanimously voted
to rename the school after Mr. Keyan. The
school is an accredited institution of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges
(WASC) and the National Association for the
Education of Young Children (NAEYC). For
more information about the Charlie Keyan Armenian Community School, visit its website at
$500 Million To Armenia Over Next 5 Years
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a new country partnership strategy
with Armenia which includes targeted support for infrastructure, urban development, and
energy to underpin more resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth.
“ADB plans to provide financial assistance of around $500 million over the next five
years to support improved transport links, to upgrade secondary towns where poverty is
highest, and to strengthen energy security,” said David Dole, ADB’s Country Director for
Armenia. While ADB will continue financing infrastructure, it will aim to gradually shift
its focus to catalyzing support from the private sector, and providing knowledge products
and services. Given ADB’s limited resources and assistance from other development partners, ADB won’t be significantly involved in the finance, health, and education sectors.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 12, 2015
The House Of My Childhood
By Alice Krumian
Beloved house of my playful childhood,
The eye-witness of my fanciful early youth,
My wish is that my memory may never fail,
To reminisce you forever in your every detail.
At the corner of two unpaved narrow streets,
It stood humbly across from a bumpy, dusty field,
That was our playground throughout summer days,
In the absence of any better open playing place.
Pots of geraniums, carnations, roses and lilies,
Would line up our courtyard as well as the windowsills;
When flowers got in full bloom every spring and summer,
Their fragrance would permeate every room and corner.
All along the delightful cloudless summer nights,
In bed, on the rooftop, under enchanting shiny stars,
We would, in no time, close our sleep heavy eyes,
While counting the number of infinite fiery spots.
When our limbs would get numbed in the icy winter,
We would huddle together around the only tiny heater,
Made of a wooden frame with an open fire in the center,
To warm, for a few hours, our frozen physical structure.
When the torrential rains pouring for several days,
Would clog water pipes and most drainage systems,
Causing overflowing of sidewalks, streets and ramps,
Our basement would turn into a small, muddy swamp.
It was a rather plain house, devoid of all amenities,
Yet a true blessing for our parents long-suffering,
Who, having survived the horrors of the Genocide,
Were daily thankful to God for a solid rooftop above.
Two aunts, two uncles, Grandma, and five cousins,
We were the occupants of that same tiny residence;
Each nuclear family being assigned to a single room,
To be used as a dining, living, as well as a bedroom.
It was a delightful life of communal duty and sharing,
Including the care of the household and of daily living;
Respect and obedience were always due to the elderly,
Mutual love and concern, everybody's right and responsibility.
The precious house of my childhood, in war- torn Aleppo,
Has neither a standing wall, nor a solid roof, right now;
With shattered doors and windows, and flowers forever gone,
It now lives, fresh and sweet, in my homesick, nostalgic heart...
''Armenian Standard'' Presents the Trailer of ''Taj
Mahal: Armenian Woman and Symbol of India''
The trailer of the film ''Taj Mahal: Armenian Woman and Symbol of India'' has been already presented to the public. The premiere of the documentary shot by the cinema center ''Armenian Standard'' will take place soon.
''Armenian Standard'' Production
Little-known facts about honey
While we know that honey is a delicious
natural sweetener, fewer people are aware
that it is also one of the oldest known medicinal substances. Additionally, there are many
little-known facts about this versatile food
such as the multiple health-related uses it possesses.
1. Honey is a natural sweetener and it
does not cause tooth decay.
2. As the color of honey becomes darker, the amount of minerals and polyphenol it
contains increases.
3. Unless it comes into direct contact with heat for a long time, honey's components do
not spoil – even if honey is added to hot beverages or meals.
4. Honey's antioxidant properties are enhanced when it is consumed with black or
herbal teas.
5. If you sweeten fresh fruits with honey after slicing them, you can prevent the loss of
6. When honey is plastered on wounds or small burns, it accelerates the recovery
process as it increases lymphocytic and phagocyte activities.
7. Studies have shown that regular honey consumption can prevent myocardial infarction (heart attack), and boost the performance of heart muscles.
8. When honey is consumed after Probiotics activity, it becomes a natural antibiotic.
9. Honey decreases the growth speed of cancerous cells and protects against colon,
prostate and breast cancers.
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
52 - Ugur Üngör
By Hambersom Aghbashian
U!ur Ümit Üngör was born
in 1980, in Erzincan, Turkey
and raised in Enschede , in the
Netherlands. Currently, he is
Assistant Professor at the Department of History at Utrecht
University and at the *NIOD,
which is an Institute for War,
Holocaust, and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam.. He specializes in genocide, mass violence
and ethnic conflict. Dr. Üngör
gained his Ph.D. in 2009 (cum laude)** at
the University of Amsterdam. In 20082009, he was Lecturer in International History at the Department of History of the
University of Sheffield, and in
2009-10, he was Post-Doctoral
Research Fellow at the Centre
for War Studies of University
College Dublin. His main area of
interest is the historical sociology of mass violence and nationalism and his most recent
publications include "Confiscation and Destruction: The Young
Turk Seizure of Armenian Property" (New York/London; Continuum
award-winning "The Making of
Modern Turkey: Nation and State in Eastern Anatolia, 1913-1950" (Oxford; Oxford
University Press 2011).(1)(2)
"Confiscation and Destruction: The
Young Turk Seizure of Armenian Property"
by Ugur Ungor and Mehmet Polatel is the
first major study of the mass sequestration
of Armenian property by the Young Turk
regime during the 1915 Armenian genocide. It details the emergence of Turkish
economic nationalism, offers insight into
the economic ramifications of the genocidal
process, and describes how the plunder
was organized on the ground. The interrelated nature of property confiscation initiated by the Young Turk regime and its
cooperating local elites offers new insights
into the functions and beneficiaries of statesanctioned robbery. By drawing on secret
files and unexamined records, the authors
demonstrate that while Armenians were
suffering systematic plunder and destruction, a range of properties were assigned to
ordinary Turks for the purpose of their
U!ur Üngör's book "The making of
modern Turkey. Nation and State in Eastern Anatolia, 1913-1950" is a study which
highlights how two successive Turkish-nationalist regimes, from 1913 to 1950, subjected Eastern Turkey to various forms of
nationalist population policies aimed at
ethnically homogenizing the region and including it in the Turkish nation state. Moreover, it examines how the regime used
technologies of social engineering such as
physical destruction, deportation, spatial
planning, forced assimilation, and memory
politics, in order to increase ethnic and cultural homogeneity within the nation state.
The province of Diyarbakir, the heartland
of Armenian and Kurdish life, became an
epicenter of Young Turk population policies and the theater of unprecedented levels
of mass violence. These violent processes
of state formation often destroyed historical regions and emptied multicultural
cities, clearing the way for modern nation
states(4). The book was the winner of the
Erasmus Research Prize (Praemium Erasmianum - 2010) and of the Keetje Hodshon
Prize, awarded by the Royal Netherlands
Society of Sciences and Humanities. Besides, he was awarded by the 2012
Heineken Young Scientist Award in History
by the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences.
In his article entitled "Prolific Young
Scholar on Armenian Genocide
in Holland", Aram Arkun
wrote in "The Armenian Mirror-Spectator", Feb. 7, 2012,
Ugur Ümit Üngör is one of a
new generation of scholars
emerging from Turkey who
deal forthrightly with the Armenian Genocide. Üngör was
led to his interest in the Armenian Genocide by reading
about the Holocaust, and in
particular, "Rethinking the Holocaust", a
book by Yehuda Bauer , and he made comparisons with other genocides, including
the Armenian one. Despite his own family
origins in the same region as
this genocide, Üngör said, “I
had never heard about such an
event and it sparked my curiosity. When I did my research, I
was amazed by the difference
between the denial of official
histories in Turkey versus what
the ordinary population in Eastern Turkey knew about the
Genocide. I traveled around
Eastern Turkey and did many
interviews with old people, who
openly spoke about the Armenians as having been massacred by the government.”(6)
"Turkey Has Acknowledged the Armenian Genocide" is U!ur Üngör article in
The Armenian Weekly ( April 27, 2012),
where he wrote “Turkey denies the Armenian Genocide” goes a jingle. Yes, the
Turkish state’s official policy towards the
Armenian Genocide was and is indeed
characterized by the “three M’s”: misrepresentation, mystification, and manipulation.
But when one gauges what place the genocide occupies in the social memory of Turkish society, even after nearly a century, a
different picture emerges. Even though
most direct eyewitnesses to the crime have
passed away, oral history interviews yield
important insights. Elderly Turks and
Kurds in eastern Turkey often hold vivid
memories from family members or fellow
villagers who witnessed or participated in
the genocide. There is a clash between official state memory and popular social memory: The Turkish government is denying a
genocide that its own population remembers.(7)
*NIOD: Institute for War, Holocaust, and
Genocide Studies in Amsterdam , Neterlands,
is an organization which maintains archives
and carries out historical studies into the Second World War. The institute was founded as a
merge of the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (Nederlands instituut voor oorlogs
documentatie, NIOD) and the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (CHGS).
**Cum laude is an honor added to a diploma
or degree for work that is above average. (with
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 12, 2015
A Beautiful Mind:
A Powerful Interview With Seeroon Yeretzian
By: Christine Soussa
Edited By: Meleeneh DerHartunian
There are many opportunities for Armenians to unite, especially
as we prepare for the Armenian Genocide Centennial.
opportunity was beautifully displayed on the
morning of the first day
of 2015 as the American
Armenian Rose Float
Association Inc. debuted
their first float in the
126th Tournament
Parade, titled
which won
President’s Trophy.
W h e n
looking at the
float, my eyes
were immed i a t e l y
drawn to a
tree, a three
representation of an illustration by Seeroon Yeretzian
titled “Pomegranate Tree” known as the
“Tree of Life” on the float. I had the profound opportunity to meet with Seeroon
and was instantly moved by her strength,
vibrant personality, dynamic background,
and all she has done to bring together our
community. Seeroon’s artwork represents
power, energy, and strength of mind. She
suffers from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
(ALS) also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease,
a progressive neuro-degenerative disease
that involves the death of neurons. It results
in difficulty speaking, swallowing, and
eventually breathing. Even in her severe
condition, she manages to crack jokes during our interview, and her willpower, love
for beauty, and expression are captivating.
When I first entered Roslin Art Gallery,
named after the famous artist Toros Roslin,
to meet Seeroon in Glendale, California, I
was moved by the power of her artwork.
Her pieces truly stimulate the senses; some
pieces showcase dark imagery, while others are vibrant in color. The obscure pieces
have commanding features and signature
elements include nudity, eyes, skulls, and
children. The more vibrant paintings include animals and gorgeous intricate lifegiving and religious symbols like the sun,
flowers, peacocks, and pomegranates.
Seeroon says, “My works are Sunshine and
Moonshine. The gloomy pieces are about
the Armenian Genocide and human suffrage. The theme of bodies and heads represent the displacement of the Armenian
people. While we may have been displaced,
we still carry on. The Sunshine pieces, I typically did during the day at the gallery.
They represent the ability for us to carry on
and rise to success, knowledge, and beauty.
The darker art, I would paint in my home
studio at night after all were asleep.”
Seeroon has a collection of pieces dedicated to and inspired by the Armenian
I sat in the art gallery on a rainy yet
sunny day and thought of several dichotomies. First, her artwork showcases
sunlight and moonlight. Second, she has an
acute condition–paralyzed and in a wheelchair–yet present at the
gallery with a captivating energy and perspective.
On the one side of
the gallery I noticed one
of my favorite Armenian
artworks, thcolorful and
globally recognized Armenian “Splendor of Aypupen.” That painting is
probably in
every Armenian household
either as a
poster, bookmark, calendar etc. I
assumed it was
a historic Armenian painting; I had no
idea it was a
painting by a
modern female Armenian artist who
I was sitting
across! When
I realized that Seeroon was the original
artist of such a powerful, beautiful, and
globally-recognized masterpiece, I showcased gleeful excitement with a “WOW,
you painted this? WOW, this is probably inevery Armenian household worldwide!”
Seeroon reacted with exuberance! Since
she can no longer speak, I will forever remember the sound of her reaction. The
story of the painting is that she overheard a
conversation that only some Armenian letters were done in ornate initials, there wasn’t a painting that captured the entire
alphabet, so, in 1988, she took the initiative
and composed it.
Born in 1951, Seeroon was born in the
Tiro refugee camp in Lebanon. Her Father
was an Armenian Genocide survivors who
crossed the Syrian Desert and settled in
Beirut. “Rats, mice, mosquitoes roaches,
flies and slugs were blood brothers and
constant companions,” she described of the
refugee camp. When she was 17, her father
passed away in an accident.
Seeroon, the second oldest to a family
of five siblings, began providing for her
family financially and emotionally.
Art comes easily to Seeroon as she has a
deep love for it. However, as mentioned in
her book, Seeroon Yeretzian, “My mother
taught me as she was taught: ‘It is dishonorable for girls to study art and paint nude
figures. A girl should marry and have children.’” So, Seeroon did just that; she married her husband Haroutioun Aram
Yeretzian in 1974 and had a son in 1976.
When the war happened in Lebanon, they
fled and came to Hollywood, California.
After she was married, she began formal training in Fine Arts at UCLA and OtisParsons where she graduated in 1985. Soon
after graduation, she developed earnestly
as an artist.
The following is an excerpt of my interview with Seeroon.(Note: She answered
each question through an electronic eyecontrolled computer that allows her to
communicate with her eyes.)
To be continued
Let’s get to know the American University of
Armenia and its study opportunities for
Armenian-American students in California—
a presentation by Arina Zohrabian
Los Angeles - On February 24, 2015 at 6:30 pm, the
Armenian General Benevolent Union and the Armenian Society of Los Angeles
will jointly host an event of
great interest at the ASLA
Center on 117 South Louise
Street in Glendale, CA 91205.
Ms. Arina Zohrabian, Director of Admission at the
American University of Armenia (AUA),
will make a special presentation to the Armenian community about the educational
opportunities available at AUA, which will
be followed by a Questions-Answers session and a reception. The event is open to
the general public.
Ms. Zohrabian’s presentation will highlight the exceptional classes and cultural
programs AUA has to offer at a fraction of
the cost compared to universities in the
United States. At AUA, students have the
advantage of getting their education from
a University of California (UC) affiliated institution. Furthermore, AUA is accredited
by the WASC Senior College and University Commission, which is the accrediting
commission for most universities on the
West Coast of the United States. The UC affiliation and WASC accreditation make it
easy to transfer credits for AUA courses to
universities in the United States.
AUA offers 8 master’s and 3 undergraduate degree programs. Of the more
than 1,200 current students, over 10 percent
are from outside Armenia, and this percentage is growing every year. Students
enjoy the university’s many research centers and state-of-the-art facilities, including
the newly renovated AGBU Papazian Library and the modern Paramaz Avedisian
Building with fully equipped classrooms.
Whether students are interested in getting a four-year degree or simply wish to
study abroad for a summer, semester or
year, AUA has excellent study programs to
offer. The newly announced AUA-UCLA
joint summer intensive program in Armenian Studies provides the ideal experience
for students who wish to
completely immerse themselves in Armenian language, history and culture.
Ms. Zohrabian’s presentation at the ASLA Center is
part of a much larger recruitment tour that AUA is
making throughout California from February 15 to
March 1. Ms. Zohrabian will
be making stops at high schools and colleges in the San Francisco Bay Area, Fresno
and Southern California. The tour will also
include meetings with Armenian churches,
community members, and various chapters
of the Armenian Student Association. The
gathering at the ASLA Center provides an
ideal opportunity to members of the community at large, particularly parents of
prospective students, to learn about the educational opportunities offered by AUA. At
this event, Ms. Zohrabian will talk about
the AUA degree programs, study-abroad
opportunities, and the requirements for application and admission.
Arina Zohrabian manages the strategy
and operations for undergraduate and
graduate admissions, national and global
outreach, and international student services at AUA. Previously, she served as the
Regional Director for Education Programs
and Country Director for the International
Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) Armenia office, managing and implementing
higher education programs funded by the
US Department of State and other private
sources. Ms. Zohrabian, whose parents hail
from Isfahan, moved to Yerevan in 2002 as
a volunteer. What was meant to be a one
year trip evolved into a life changing experience.
For more information about the event please
contact Shake Toumayan at the AGBU office,
(626) 794-7942, or ASLA at (818) 241-1073. To
learn more about admission to AUA, please
visit http://admissions.aua.am. You may also
visit the AUA website at www.aua.am for more
information about the university.
We are pleased to announce that The Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund will
provide financial assistance toward the publication of certain select doctoral
dissertations on subjects related to Armenian studies, works on ancient Armenian
history by Armenian historians, and works of Armenian literature of the 19th or
earlier century. These works could be either in Armenian or English. In the case of
the former, they must be accompanied by an English translation.
Applications for publication grants must be submitted before April 15 and
November 15 of each year.
For further information and application forms, please write to:
c/o Mr. M. Haigentz 1518
11th Street Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Drought Tolerant Landscaping
We Specialize in landscaping and designs
with Drought Tolerant Plants, Bark, Gravel
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E-mail: hexlor11@yahoo.com
N.O. February 12, 2015, No. 7:N.O. Blank
2:03 PM
Page 7
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Fayo\qow ke fa[ord;nq% jh Tolorhs Xøfrap Lipman
Fimnadrame niujaphs piti øvandakh
or fratarakouin entr;al
a& wardap;takan auartaya®;r fa\agitakan
niuj;rou masin%
b& fa\oz fin patmouj;an ;rk;r fa\ patmabann;rou%
g& 19-rd darou ;u au;li wa[ ,r=ani fa\ grakanouj;an
N;rka\azno[ a,.atasiroujiunn;re krnan ellal ka*m
fa\;rhn ka*m angl;rhn l;xouow! :jh gor‘ me fa\;rhn
l;xouow h% anor phtq h enk;rana\ angl;rhn orakauor
jargmanoujiun me!
Dimoumnagirn;re n;rka\azn;l amhn tarouan April 15
;u No\;mb;r 15 jouakann;rhn a®a=!
|au;loua‘akan t;[;kouj;an ;u dimoumnagri j;rjik
stanalou famar dim;l&
c/o Mr. M. Haigentz
1518 11th Street
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
N.O. February 12, 2015, No. 7:N.O. Blank
2:03 PM
Page 8
NOR ØR% 12 ":TROUAR 2015
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Ou n;rka\hn% anz;alin m;kno[ yamborde k*ellam^
"latakin endmh=hn m;r 'a®q;roun kor‘ana‘!
:u \ou,;rou mh= baxoum ;s mtaso\x^ farz kou tam%
Fordan;rou barbaros wofmakn;roun mh= \auht^
Ogoroumh ogoroum^ incph@s pap;rs im krzan%
:rkn;l ando*ul ;rkounqow w;f dproujiun ou arou;st!
Pap;rs incph@s kangn;zin aparanqn;r ou tayar^
Ga[a'ari% t;silqi marmar;[hn ibr;u va\jq%
:rb mafas'iu® b®nouj;an ke tirhr kamqe .auar%
:rb a\loz 'a®qn hr ir;nz lok ;riwarn ou nixak!
Incphs% incph@s 'ar;zan anonq mouryin ou mayin
:u fog;uin t;ncazin ‘.anin ‘o@u.e andorr%
:rb anfamar ouri,n;r lok thgn ir;nz yøy;zin%
F;tq;rn ir;nz krounkin^ k;anqin ,irimn erin .or!
A\l im pap;rs i@nc .ro.t% oso.in dhm zzou;zan^
Lan=qin nman l;®n;rou^ fo[m;roun dhm mol;gna‘%
Sasna\ Daujin journ fatou ka\‘ak;zin \a[jakan%
Mtan damban f;rosi da'nin;row 'a®apan‘!
Ou ktr;lh ;tq ou[in ma®a.lapat dar;rou%
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Incph@s dar];al kangn;zan og;norog ;u fouvkou^
Darbn;lou ba.te ir;nz% k;rt;lou ,hn ostann;r!
:rb ke banam fiazik^ mat;ane m;r patmouj;an%
Fogiis mh= ou®yazo[ ke xgam .o\a*nq me anpart%
:u k;anqin dhm ke zzouim ;s fauatqow m*ansasan%
Im pap;rous phs ari% im pap;rous phs fpart!
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N.O. February 12, 2015, No. 7:N.O. Blank
2:03 PM
Page 9
(<ar& na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=)
M;r k;anqe% anka. m;r kamqhn
ou zankouj;nhn% k*axdoui ou ke
taroui a,.arfa\nazman fosanqhn! A\s norast;[‘ m,ako\jin
l;xouow fark h .øsil ou pa,tpanouil! A\l .øsqow% fa\ayanaco[oujiune phtq h oun;nal ibr;u
fimnakht ;u lauago\ns øgtouil
ankh b.a‘ kar;lioujiunn;rhn!
Masnauor;low m;r .øsqe fa\oz
l;xoui wra\% m;r m,ako\ji fimnakan a®anzqe kaxmo[ ø[ake
m;r l;xoun h% or ke famaroui m;r
anfatnoum gan]e% or ke ba,.oui
amhnqin ;u ke lousauorh ir faraxat xauakn;re am;nour;q ;u
ke =;rmaznh anonz zrtaza‘
A,ou[ +iuani imastounørhn
;rg;z^ ªFa\;rs mhk l;xou% mhk
krøn ouninq% ouri, ocinc m;xi s;'akan cka\&&&! Mi Fa\ :k;[;zi
ouninq^ m;rn h xout% parx h% couni
a\nqan ban;r noramout& ;rg;re
grauic% m;[m% foghøgout% m;r
,arakani phs ,arakan cka\&&&!
Thr% pafh* Aram;an fog;uor
gafe% mi* marh mi fatik =afe%
nra f;t kapoua‘ h m;r axgi
,afe% bazi sourb ajo®e m;x pafapan cka\º!
I mti oun;nalou ;nq% or a,.arfa\nazoume fimnakanin mh=
st;[‘oua‘ h baz kam axat ,ouka\i droujiun st;[‘;lou axg;rou
mi=;u! An ke miti oc mia\n
tnt;sakan% a®;utrakan ;u nmanatip gor‘a®o\jn;r ;r;uan b;r;lou% a\l;u^ m,akouja\in 'o.anakoum! A\l .øsqow% a,.arfa\nazoume w;razoumn h bolor a®;utrakan% fa[ordakzakan ;u m,akouja\in 'o.anakman ou xargazman mardast;[‘ .ocendotn;roun! An,ou,t or drakan baxmajiu ko[m;r ouni a,.arfa\nazoume% incqan at;n or git;nq
øgtouil anor en];®a‘ fnarauoroujiunn;rhn% a®au;loujiunn;rhn!
A,.arfa\nazman patya®ow%
m,akouja\in xougam;r]oujiun
t;[i k*oun;na\ n;rka\is! Ørinaki
famar% endfanour fakoum ka\ dhpi ar;umt;an m,ako\je^ nmanak;lou am;rikazin;roun k;nza[ak;rp;re! Kan na;u a,.arfi m,ako\ji famas;rouj;an 'or];r%
our axg;r ke na.entr;n angl;rhne dar]n;l ir;nz m,takan
l;xoun^ i wnas ir;nz axga\in
A,.arfa\nazoume ouni an,ou,t baxmajiu drakan ko[m;r%
oronzmh ghj \i,;nq^ a®;utrakan
s;rt kap;rou fastatoum bowandak a,.arfi axg;rou mi=;u%
npastoum yartararou;sti xargazman ou tara‘man% a[qatouj;an nouax;zoum% a,.arfi axg;rou møt;zoum ou s;rt \arab;roujiun% artadroujiunn;rou øgtagor‘oum am;nour;q fauasaraphs^ a,.arfi cors ‘ag;roun%
mi=;rkra\in yambordoujiunn;rou
\aya.akioujiun ;u fa[ordakzouj;an kap;rou baxmazoum%
a®at git;liqn;rou ;u enjazik
t;[;koujiunn;rou s'®oum% m,akouja\in mia.a®noujiun ;u
ousoumnasirouj;an kar;lioujiun
tarb;r m,ako\jn;rou! W;r=aphs%
g;tni wra\% piti ga\ au;li
ank;[‘ ou famar]ak dar]n;lou
xir;nq! Anonq au;li jo\latou ou
fandourvo[ piti ellan tarb;r
m,ako\jn;rou n;rka\ouj;an ou
go\at;uman! A,.arfa\nazoume
tnt;sakan ‘owa.a[azq h% or
f;txf;th ke tara‘oui ambo[=
Ar;u;lafa\in san]ar]ak 'o.a®oujiunnn;roun dimaz ar;umtafa\e ca'axanz xousp h ou
xgo\,! An^ b‘a.ndrouj;amb ou
.[ymtouj;amb% ke jargmanh
amhn øtar ba®% ke fa\aznh ou
apa gor‘a‘ouj;an ke dnh! M;r
Ar;umtafa\ gro[n;re% i pafan=;al farkin% ;rb xgaza‘ ;n øtar
grouj;anz mh=% =anaza‘ ;n kam
fa\arvhq ba®e gtn;l ;u kam%
øtar ba®i gor‘a‘ouj;an paraga\in% ,;[agir dra‘ ;n kam
cak;rti mh= a®a‘^ a® i xgou,oujiun fanra\in tara‘oumh!
A\sqan xgou,auoroujiun zouzab;ra‘ h ir l;xouin fandhp pandou.t fa\e øtarouj;an mh=!
A\spisow% ana[art pafa‘ h
Ar;umtafa\;rhne ;u f;®ou^ øtarazman wtanghn! Fa\ ba®arann;re li ;n norast;[‘ ba®;row! C;nq es;r or bolor norak;rt
ba®;rn ;n \a=o[! Yi,d h% ,at
ba®;r bantarkoua‘ ke mnan
ba®arann;roun mh=^ ir;nz angor‘nakanouj;an
Andin% saka\n% ,at \a=o[ak
ba®;r% ;ka‘ ;n farstazn;lou fa\
Kaloua‘a\in ,inararouj;an
fastatoujiun me gor‘auor/a,.atauorn;rou
kariqe ouni!
F;taqrqrouo[n;re krnan f;®a]a\n;l
l;xoui ba®agan]e! Kar;uore a\n
h% or 'o.a®oujiunn;re ellan
tramabanakan% famoxic ;u g;[;zik! Ba\z inco#u cøgtouil fa\
l;xoui ba®akaxmakan fnarauoroujiunn;rhn! Ba®a,inouj;an
mi=ozn;re fa\;rhni a\nqan ,at
;n% or ;rb;q kariq cka\ øtar
ba®;rou n;rmou‘ouj;an! Nor ba®;r kaxm;lou famar ke kirarkouin armatn;rn ou ];uo\jn;re!
Ba[adrouj;an kam ba®abardouj;an yanaparfow fa\;rhne
endounak h st;[‘;lou ba[adr;al
kam bard faxarauor ba®;r! Ba®akaxmakan na.a‘anzn;re% mi=a‘anzn;re ;u w;r=a‘anzn;re
m;‘ fnarauoroujiun k*en];®;n
l;xouin^ ba®ak;rtouj;amb xba[;lou! L;xouakan a\s fnarauoroujiune a®a=qe a®a‘ h øtar
ba®;rou ant;[i n;rja'anzoumin
m;r l;xouhn n;rs!
A,.arfa\nazman wtange a\sør akn;r;u h m;r l;xoui mh=% ;rb
m;r fa\r;nakizn;re ke na.entr;n øtar l;xouow patrasti ];u;r% ba®;r% arta\a\toujiunn;r%
dar]oua‘qn;r% j;uauor .øsq;r
normou‘;l fa\ l;xouhn n;rs! Ar;umtakananalou fow;r ou ]gtoumn;r kan am;nour;q! A\s patya®ow ;u cka\ entroujiun ba®;rou%
orphsxi ghj famoxic jouan
A,.arfa\nazman axd;zoujiune ke t;sn;nq na;u an‘anøj
krønn;rou Fa\astan anka,kand
n;rja'anzoumow! Fa\;rs% irøq or%
xarmanali fog;banouj;amb mardik ;nq^ mi,t fakoua‘ norararouj;anz ou tramadroua‘^ qa[;lou ou wa\;l;lou anonz ardiunqe! Dvba.toujiune saka\n a\n
h% or m;xmh ,at;r c;n git;r jh
inc;ro*u ke 'arin! Amhn ªaliur ou
,aqarº ba,.o[in kar;li ch*
møt;nal! Anz;ali patmoujiune
wka\% or a\d ];®q ;rkaro[ ou
gja®atoujiun zouzab;ro[ mardik ;kan zr;lou ;u \ø,ot;lou
bari føte fa\oz! Fa\oz patmoujiune dimakax;r‘a‘ h a\d ga\l;re ;u datapartouj;an siunin
gama‘ anonz apaxga\in ararqn;re! Kariq cka\ krkn;lou no\n
s.aln;re! A\o% ;rb;*q kariq cka\
f;®auor ;rkirn;rhn øtaraxgi
qaroxicn;r b;r;lou% \a',takou;lou ;u n;rgrauou;lou anonz sin
.øsq;row! Incqa@n diura.ab h
m;r mitqe% or patrast h anmi-
=aphs lq;lou ir na.nin;rou
srbagor‘oua‘ fauatqe ;u darauor srboujiunn;re ;u \ar;lou
øtari ousmounqin! Au;li m;‘
dvba.toujiun h ;rb fa\ a[andauore ir an]nakan 'a®qhn ou
,afhn m;kna‘ nor a[and ke b;rh
Fa\oz A,.arf ;u ke molor;znh
baxoum fogin;r^ ktr;low ou xrk;low xanonq Ma\r :k;[;zihn ou
fa[ordouj;nhn! Incph#s kar;li h
mhk faroua‘ow =n=;l m;r l;xoun%
m;r fauatqe% m;r fa\r;niqe% m;r
pa,tpanouj;an famar m;r pa,t;li na.niq ir;nz sourb ariune
ja'a‘ ;n! Incph#s ;u i#nc .[yow
kar;li h inqxinq fa\r;nashr koc;l% ;rb fa\ anm;[ mardkanz
mitqe ke .angarh ou ke jounauorh fa\ a[andauore! Omanq
xout ibr;u ,afi a[biur dar]ouza‘ ;n ir;nz matouza‘ krøni
ousmounqe! Anonq ant;[;ak ;n
ir;nz patya®a‘ af®;li wnasn;roun! Amhn inch a®a=% a\d
wnase fog;banakan h% wasnxi
mardoun mitqn ou fogin ;n% or
ambo[=aphs k*axdouin ou ke ,'ojin! Ou[;[alouazqe b®ni kataroua‘ ararq h mardoun srbaxan fauatqin% axat ou anka,kand famoxoumn;roun% skxbounqn;roun ;u nouirakanoujiunn;roun
dhm! A\s otnako.oume oc mia\n
qstmn;li h% a\l;u^ datapart;li
ou patv;li! A,.arfa\nazman
nman qa\l;rh fark h 'arsa.n;row f;®ou mnal wasnxi piti a\las;r;n fa\ axge ;u a®a=nord;n
Ard% xgønoujiun ou f;®at;soujiun% fog;uor arioujiun ou a®fauakan b‘a.ndroujiun zouzab;r;lou pafn h bowandak fa\ouj;an^ i Fa\astan ;u i s'iu®s
a,.arfi! Øtarazman wtange
am;nour;q h!
Paf;nq m;r l;xoun ana[art%
isk m;r sourb krøne^ anfp;li! A\s
;rkouqn h% or m;xi fa\ ou qriston;a\ pafa‘ ;n ;u oronq% sakarkouj;an niuj c;n krnar ellal% oc al^ wiyabanouj;an!
M;r s;pouf ;u srbaxan partqn h%
ibr;u y,marit fa\;r% 'ara‘
mnalou m;r l;xouin% anor ana[artouj;an ;u m;r krøni an'o'o.ouj;an! I xour cesau Au;tiq
Isafak;an^ ªM;r l;xoun m;r fa\r;niqn hº!
N.O. February 12, 2015, No. 7:N.O. Blank
2:03 PM
Page 10
NOR ØR% 12 ":TROUAR 2015
<ar& h= 6-hn
ouanqe \a\tn;z bar;kami me
gor‘in lo\s en‘a\oumin% incphs
na;u pat,ayørhn n;rka\azouz
n;rka\ fiur;rn ou A®a=nord
A®a=in .øsqow fandhs ;kau
warcakan gor‘akiz% grakanaght Lilij Qhfh\;ane! An b‘a.ndrørhn n;rka\azouz Fa\astani ;u Arza.i f;t kapoua‘
farz;roun% mna\oun xargazoumn;roun% incphs na;u kowkas;an
kny®ot kazouj;an ou[[oua‘
S;m;ry;ani m;knabanoujiunn;rn
ou ;xrakazoujiunn;re A& fatorin mh=!
F;[inakin cors bar;kamn;rou
o[=o\ni .øsq;rhn a®a=in ;lo\je
katarou;zau ar]akagir Sargis
Wafagni ko[mh% orou =;rm arta\a\toujiunn;re ou[[oua‘ hin f;[inakin lragrakan ;u fraparakagrakan faroust wastakin!
F;[inakin ou Miouj;an gor‘ounhouj;an møthn ‘anøj% Los
Any;lesi Nafanga\in famalsarani am;rik;an grakanouj;an na.kin dasa.øs Dokt&
Ar'i Sara`;an \ouxic ba\z
bowandakaliz .øsqow drouat;z
S;m;ry;an-mardoun% lragro[in
;u bar;kamin fa[ordakan ar]nauoroujiune!
O[=o\ni ir orakauor .øsqow
fandhs ;kau grakanaght% grakanouj;an na.kin dasa.øs
Maria Qris;ane% orou ‘anøjoujiune f;[inakin^ kou ga\ Ph\rouji k;nsounak ør;rhn! An \i,;z
S;m;ry;ani lragrakan a®a=in
qa\l;roun \a=o[oujiunn;re!
Corrord srti .øsqe trou;zau
na.kin falhpafa\ mtauorakan
gor‘ic% srtaban Grigor Atanal;anin% orou f;[inakauor ;u
axdou wka\oujiune fay;li hr
ounkndr;l% manauand ;rb angir
;lo\j oun;zo[n;rou jiue xgalaphs paksa‘ h m;r b;m;rhn! Ank;[‘% kou® ;u srtamøt ;lo\j men
hr Atanal;ani .øsqe!
G;[arou;stakan bavnin mh=
a®a=in ;lo\j oun;zo[n;rn hin
:rkna\in Ta[;r xo\gin^ srngafar Salbiin ;u taui[afar Søsiin fra,ali ;lo\jn;re! Bar]rørhn gnafatou;zan da,nakafar
<ou,an |akob;ani ;u =oujakafar Ø`;lia Nanakiul;ani kataroumn;re% manauand ;rb Moskoua\i ø';ra\i pass kataro[
Wa[ar, Martiros;an miazau
xo\gin^ P;llinii mhk aria\i m;knabanouj;amb!
W;r=in .øsq a®no[e ;[au
\atkaphs a\s a®ijow Tijro\jhn vamana‘ Jhqh;an M,akou-
ja\ini K;dronakan Warcouj;an
girq;rou f;[inak ;u fasarakakan wastakauor gor‘ic :rouand
Axat;an mt;rime ;[a‘ h S;m;ry;anin^ 1956-hn i w;r% ;rb
Ph\rouji mh=% ;rkouqe^ famalsaranakan ousano[n;r% .mbagra‘
ou frataraka‘ ;n ªXarjønqS'orº ,abajaj;rje^ ªXarjønqº
øraj;rji :rkou,abji ør;rou
\au;loua‘e! ªAr;uº kousakzakan
pa,tønaj;rji .mbagrouj;an
tarin;roun S;m;ry;an \aya.
a,.atakza‘ h Gafirhi ørkanin! Ir;nz kape mnaza‘ h mi,t
s;rt% =;rm ;u irarou fa[ord!
Axat;an drouat;z kousakzakan
lragrouj;an nouir;al S;m;ry;ani wastake% anor \atkan,akan gi‘;re% m;knabanouj;an
iura\atkoujiunn;re ;u qa[aqakan fasounoujiune% or ansa\jaq
mnaza‘ h S;m;ry;ani lragrouj;an mh=^ manauand nor fratarakoua‘ fauaqa‘o\in h=;roun
mh=! Axat;an sramtouj;amb me
\i,;z na;u S;m;ry;ani \atkani,^
axata.ofouj;an ;u lragrakan
wnasn;roun ;u ir apra‘ karg me
bar]rørhn gnafat;z fasarakakan faroust wastake ir bar;kam m;‘ar;alin% manauand
Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i fama\nqa\in k;anqhn n;rs!
"akman .øsqow fandhs ;kau
G;r,& Srbaxan Fa\re% or andradar]au S;m;ry;ani f;t ir bar;kamouj;an^ a®a=nordi pa,tøni kocou;lhn ;tq! Ir ørfnab;r
.øsqow gnafat;z Masnayiu[e
na.a];®noua‘ a\s ];®narkin
a®ijow% incphs na;u fratarakoua‘ girqin b;roua‘ øvandakouj;an famar!
|a\tagri auarthn anmi=aphs
a®a= ir kou® ,norfakalouj;an
.øsqow fandhs ;kau Wach S;m;ry;an% or pat,ay ,norfakalakan arta\a\toujiunn;rh ;tq%
andradar]au na;u ªLousar]akin takº ;rkfator;akin ‘noundin
};®narke xouarj ;r;uo\j me
stazau% manauand ;rb S;m;ry;an n;rka\azouz Gin;]øni ga[a'ari ‘noundin patya®n;rn
ou girqe ªginiow loualouº masnakizn;re frauir;lou nrboujiunn;re&&&!
<ar& h= 5-hn
Jaurixi am;rik;an orbanoze% 1924 j&
mioujiunn;r% fimnadramn;r% enk;roujiunn;r!
Grqoum b;roua‘ 'ast;re zo\z
;n talis% m;‘ jiuow fa\ kam
øtar anfatn;r% mardasirakan
m[oumow ardiunauht a,.atanqn;r ;n tar;l orbanozn;r fimn;lou ;u 'rk;lou fa\ orboukn;rin
mafouan yirann;riz!
M;nq .ore ;ra.tagitouj;amb \i,oum ;nq fa\ ;u fa\ashr
a\n øtar gor‘icn;rin% oronq
an]nouirabar pa\qar;zin% fauaq;zin ;u .nam;zin M;‘ :[;®ni fa\ orb;rin% orphsxi nranq
apr;n% fa\;zi dastiarakoujiun
stanan% arf;stn;r sowor;n% masnaghtn;r da®nan ;u ‘a®a\;n
ir;nz vo[owrdin!
Stor;u ;s \i,atak;lou ;m
nranziz mi qanisi anounn;re%
oronq srtamøt ;u srboujiun ;n
iuraqanciur fa\i famar!
Na. piti n,;m mi qani fa\
anouani banast;[‘n;ri ;u a\l
mtauorakann;ri anounn;re% oronq
ambo[=owin nouirou;zin fa\
orb;ri 'rkouj;an w;f gor‘in!
Afa nranq& |owfannhs Jouman;an% Wafan Jhqh;an% Xaphl
:sa\;an% Aram Manouk;an ;u
,at ou ,at ouri,n;r! Am;rikazi
;u ;uropazi nouir;aln;re fariur
faxarn;row fa\ orb;r 'rk;zin!
Fa\ orb;ri 'rkouj;an patmouj;an mh= ir;nz iura\atouk
patouo\ t;[n oun;n tan;marqazi 3 .nk;li anounn;r^ Ør& Qarhn :''hn% ore ambo[= ir k;anqe nouir;z fa\ orb;rin! Tanimarqoufi Ør& Maria Yh\qepsene%
Qarhn ";j;rsoni f;t miat;[
l;®na\in Libanani Xouq giu[oum ;u a\nouf;t;u Ph\rouji møtaka\qoum gtnouo[ Yiph\l giu[oum fimn;zin ªJ®cnoz Bo\nºe!
<ouhtoufi^ Alma :ofansone% hs-
jonoufi^ F;douik Piule% skowtiazi^
Aknhs Salmende% ,ouh\zarazi^
|akob Qiun]l;re% or kocou;zau
ªFa\ Orb;rou Fa\rº!
:u w;r=aphs m;‘ fa\r;nashr
;u a\npisi f;[inakauor an]inq
incpisiq hin^ Dokt& |owfannhs
L;'siouse% Yh\ms Pra\se% Arnolt
Jo\npin% ~rit\o` Nanshne ;u
a\l ,at nouir;aln;r!3
:xrakazn;low n,;m% or Liparit Axat;ane k;anqiz f;®azau
.ore ‘;rouj;an tariqoum! Jo[
or nra \i,atake pa\‘a® mna\
bolori srt;roum!
1& :rkrord ;u ;rrord fatorn;ri skxboum troua‘ h f;t;u;al }øne^ ªM;‘ :[;®ni w;rapro[ a\n orb;roun% oronq krzan
fa\ mnal% fa\ april ;u nor
‘il;r ar]ak;lº!
2& The Memoirs of Halide Edib,
New York, London, p. 428.
3& Im patmagitakan a,.atanqin xougenjaz ;s a®an]in
\ødoua‘n;r ;m fratarak;l
orbafauaqi masin! 1) ªP;t;uii taraxow fa\e kam orbafauaqi fauatarim nouir;aleº& t;*s ªZ;[aspanoujiun ;u
go\at;uman pa\qarº% :r;uan%
2000% h= 138! 2) ªM;‘ :[;®ni Orbafauaqi A®a=in Nouir;aleº%
t;*s ªPa\qar |anoun Ardarouj;anº fat& B& :r;uan% 2004%
h= 57! 3) ª:s :rb;q Chi Zankana\ Nman Orbanozi F;t Gor‘
Oun;nalº% (Falith Htip)! 4)
ªO#w h Jagoufi Manouk;aneº%
t;*s ªFauasti wka\oujiunn;r
Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masinº% Los Any;les% 2007% h= 102%
N.O. February 12, 2015, No. 7:N.O. Blank
2:03 PM
Page 11
F A | : R E
<ar& h= 5-hn
n,ou;l h ;rkri dvba.touj;an
ørajiue qanxi% jh;u ;rkar mnaza‘ mi fxør jagauoroujiun%
faxiu jh ;rb;uh anka. h ;[;l!
Parskastani satrapn;rn ou
Jourqia\i 'a,an;re no\n ];uow
ama\azr;l ;n a\n tara‘qe% ort;[ Astoua‘ st;[‘;z mardoun
ir s;'akan patk;rowº!
2010-in 20 taroua\ bazaka\oujiuniz \;to\ a\z;l;zi Fa\astan!
:r;uane lzou;l hr nor ,hnq;row% ,inoujiunn;row!
Toun hinq war];l Jouman;an
'o[ozi wra\% Abow;an 'o[ozi ;u
Fiusisa\in po[ota\i mi=;u%
w;r;ui \arkoum! Famar;a bolor
,hnq;re mhk \arkow bar]razou;l
hin% end oroum tou`ak;rt ,hnqi
wra\ cgit;s inco#u ,aroua‘qe
p;mxablokn;row hr% ore gzoum hr
,hnqi t;sqe ;u amroujiune% qani
or fa,ouarke kataroua‘ hr
a\dca' \ark;ri (b;®i) famar!
Cgit;m fima incphs h% saka\n
a\n vamanak f;tiotn;rn ou ;rj;u;koujiune baxmajiu .a.toumn;row hin ,arvuoum! Ma\rou[in;ri wra\ ;u 'o[ozn;roum sakau hin yanaparfn;ri ;rj;u;kouj;an n,ann;re! Mi dhpqi
masin ;m ouxoum patm;l!
Gnaz;l hinq Wana]or im lau
enk;ro=s møt! W;rada®nalis
enk;rs m;r famar taqsi war];z
;u m;nq Spitakow-Giumriow ;kanq
Giumrioum bauakanin nor ,hnq;ri ko[qin d;®;us zankapatoua‘ 'latakn;r ka\in!
Qi;u;an 'o[ozow ,r=ou;zinq
Ørb;li 'o[oze! N;rq;u i=no[ g‘;re lriu xba[;zoua‘ (.yo[oua‘
Mhk hl w;r;u bar]razo[ g‘iz%
m;r g‘ow t;sanq i=noum h s;u
krpaki t;sqow ªM;rs;t;sº makni,i m;q;na\! M;r warorde ,'ojou;z% cgithr o#ur 'a.znhr m;q;nan! :s asazi& inco#u ;s \ouxuoum% wa.;noum! Na patas.an;z&
ªA\ a.p;r% ;s i#nc imanoum% or
=oci lakotn a% c'a.zn;m karo[
a hlni in] .'iº! Inco#u famar
b;r;zi a\s ørinake!
Ouxoum ;m% or ørhnqi a®=;u bolore fauasar lin;n% ,at ørinakn;r kan% oronq zo\z ;n talis
Mi qani tari a®a=% Hsjonia\oum ardaradatouj;an na.arare oc sja' wiyakoum inqna,arve war;lis ostikane nran
kangn;zr;l hr! Na.ararin fan;zin pa,tøniz! A\dpisi ban Fa\astanoum karo#[ hr pataf;l!
Mi zankoujiun ;us! Aproum
;nq Los Any;lesoum% m;‘ masamb
øgtuoum ;nq fa\kakan .anoujn;riz ;u ;jh fnarauor h fa\astan;an apranqn;r ;nq gnoum!
Mi qani tari a®a= Fa\astaniz n;rmou‘oum hin ªLo®iº panir% ore ,at;rin dour hr galis
;u gnoum hin% ;rb;mn hl chr yaruoum% orowf;t;u spa®oume m;‘
hr! Artadro[n;rn øgtou;low
draniz inc-inc .a®nourdn;r
.a®n;low i=;zr;zin paniri orake ;u draniz \;to\ a\d panire
a\l;us ci n;rmou‘uoum% orphsxi
mi=axga\in ,ouka\oum fa\kakan
apranqn;re pafan=ark oun;nan
mi,t orake phtq h bar]r paf;l!
:us mhk farz% orn in] fangist
ci jo[noum!
:r;uanoum ,at ;n øtar l;xoun;row groujiunn;r% .anoujn;ri%
fiuranozn;ri% .a[atn;ri wra\!
Nor taroua\ f;®oustat;sa\in
fa[ordoumn;ri vamanak% mi ,arq
au;li ,at angliakan ba®;row
;rg;r hin ;rgoum% qan fa\kakan%
isk fa\kakann hl vo[owrdagrakan ;rg;r ;u par;r!
O#ur mnaz m;r dasakan ;rav,toujiune ;u par;re! A®a=
gnalou 'o.arhn ;t ;nq gnoum!
|i,hq Wi;nna\iz amhn tari
nor taroua\ dasakan ;rav,touj;an fam;rgn;re% ;rb fncoum ;n
fin siroua‘ wals;re^ vo[owrdi
‘a';ri n;rqo\!
:s axgashr (nazionalist) ;m%
ba\z siroum ;m na;u a\laxgin;ri
m,ako\je% incphs na;u kar‘oum
;m m;r axgn hl mi=axga\in axg
h% 'aste apr;low tarb;r ;rkrn;roum m;ronq tou;l ;n tou;al
t;[;roum apro[ axg;rin famapatas.ano[ ast[;r! Âouse fa\;rin anouanoum h (ª.itri armianin - a\sinqn .oramank
fa\º)% ;s kar‘oum ;m% or m;nq
.oramank c;nq% a\l endfaka®ake^ no\nisk miamit! M;nq
.;lazi axg ;nq ;u a\d .;lqe
phtq h øgtagor‘;nq m;r axgi
barørouj;an famar!
M;r ;rkardar;a\ ani,.anouj;an vamanak fa\in fa\ h paf;l m;r ;k;[;zin% orin k*ouxhinq
miasnakan t;sn;l!
Fa\apafpanouj;an gor‘oum%
\atkaphs s'iu®qoum m;‘ d;r ;n
.a[az;l m;r auandakan kousakzoujiunn;re& Fa\ |;[a'o.akan
Axatakan Kousakzoujiune ;u
Sozial D;mokrat Fncak;an
Kousakzoujiune% incphs na;u Fa\
Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Mioujiune!
:u w;r=oum k*oux;na\i% or m;nq
oun;na\inq famaxga\in ‘ragir%
ore m,akhin Fa\astani ;u s'iu®qi karo[ ouv;re!
>orfrda\in tarin;rin go\oujiun ounhin fngam;a\ ‘ragirn;r% oronq anpa\man k;anqi hin
kocoua‘! Imi=ia\loz AMN-i fimnarkn;roum hl or;uh ‘ragir ouni
katarman vamkht ;u a\n anpa\man phtq h kataroui!
M;nq famoxoua‘ ;nq% or m;r
vo[owourde ouni fxør n;rouv ;u
phtq h npatakn;r dn;l ;u a\n
katar;l i barøroujiun m;r vo[owrdi!
:s fauataza‘ ;m% or FA|:RE
da k*an;n! M;r j;rji \a=ord
famarn;roum ];x ke n;rka\azn;m
tarb;r bnagaua®n;roum anouani ;u \a\tni fa\;rin!
(<ar& 3)
<ar& h= 3-hn
t;mb;rin% lauago\ns ke zolaznh bar]razo[ dvgofoujiune! Fakaxd;low Hrto[ani mhk .orfrdakanin% or k*ambastanhr ar;umt;an qnnadatn;re ªAr;u;lagitouj;amb (orientalism)º% C;m'ien k*eshr& ªTarin;r ambo[=% incphs ,at me ar;umt;an j[jakizn;r Jourqio\ mh=%
pa,tpan;zin Hrto[ane ;u ir ka®awaroujiune% a,.arfik (secular)
jourq;rou fiuandagin kaska‘amtouj;an dhm% a\n ambastanouj;amb% or atika armatakan islamisj kam m;natirakan ‘ragir
me ke f;tapndhr&&& minc;u or qani me tarin;r a®a= ambastanoua‘
hr dourse% i,.anouj;an iragor‘oumn;roun famar% ;u or a®a=norda‘
hr ªjrqakan mothlº ;xrin! N;rka\is% a\l;us n;rbo[n;r (praise) c;n
lsouir% orowf;t;u tarin;rh iw;r dadra‘ ;n axatakan bar;kargoumn;re! Ørinaki famar% mamouli axatoujiune ;tdar] era‘ h! Ou
minc ke ,arounak;nq gnafat;l Hrto[ani .a[a[ouj;an yig;re
qiurt f;r]oua‘o[n;rou f;t% kar;li ch miavamanak t;[;kagr;l \ousa.aboujiunn;re dito[n;rou% manauand^ Jourqio\ mh=% ;rb ke t;snoui korsoua‘ a®ije m;‘ouj;an fasn;lou! "o.arhne% Hrto[an ke
f;tapndh ko[mnakal% ga[a'ara.øsakan ‘ragir me% or ke ‘a®a\h
ir .aris.in amrapndman% \a®a=ika\ tarouan entrouj;anz mtafogouj;ambº!
Faka-ar;umt;an a\s ‘anr ba®apa,are ;jh w;razouhr% farz;re
,at au;li lau piti enjana\in jh* Ar;umoutqin ;u jh* Jourqio\%
;u endfanraphs islamisj a,.afin famar! A\n at;n Jourqia piti
oun;nar au;li* k,i® ;u axd;zoujiun pa[;stin;an irauounqn;rou kapakzouj;amb% :giptosi p;takan faroua‘in% kam^ anardaroujiunn;rou a®ncouj;amb mi=axga\in famakargin mh= ;u f;t;uabar ir
qnnadatoujiunn;re% piti nkatouhin ,inic n;rdroum Ar;umoutqi
mh=! A\soufand;r]% nman farz;r ou®ouzik dar]a‘ ;n% ou m;r ør;roun
anonq ke katarouin t;[akan spa®man famar% ‘a®a\;low ibr;u
ª'ro'akant islamn;rou møtº!
Am'o';low& ;r;uaka\a‘in oc mhk ouv ªptoutake s;[ma‘º h Hrto[ani i,.anouj;an dhm! :u ;jh or;uh ªko.oua‘ koyakº Jourqian
;u Ar;umoutqe irarmh bavna‘ h% atika am;nhn a®a= na.a];®noua‘ h jrqakan ka®awarouj;an ko[mh! Asika iro[oujiun h% or
emb®nou;lou h Anqara\i ko[mh% ;jh k*aknkaloui or \arab;roujiunn;re bnakanon da®nan Ar;umoutqi ou Jourqio\ mi=;u!
(Al-Monijer% |ounouar 22% 2015 jiu)
Aljatina\i mh= war]ou h
Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an
W;ranorogoua‘ ou bar;xardoua‘
Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni g;[at;sil srafe%
\armar bolor a®ijn;rou famar
Manramasnouj;anz famar kar;li h
f;®a]a\n;l Ghorg Qhø,khr;anin^ f;t;u;al
N.O. February 12, 2015, No. 7:N.O. Blank
2:03 PM
Page 12
NOR ØR% 12 ":TROUAR 2015
• ";trouari 8-22-e ª<irakeº Anjalia\oum
k*anzkazni w;r=in ousoumnamarxakan fauaqe! Wardan Bica.c;ani gl.auorouj;amb
fauaqin ke masnakz;n 24 `oujpolist!
ª<irakeº fauaqi enjazqoum k*anzkazni
cors stougo[akan fandipoum!
ª<irakeº fravarou;l h Øl;g Kotl\ari ;u
Arkadi Jouman;ani ‘a®a\oujiunn;riz% jimi f;t fauaqin ke masnakzi \ar]akouo[
W\oul;n A\wax;ane!
• :r;uani ªOuliseº ;rkrord .a[oum anendmh= ;rkou gndak .';z mrzakzi darpase%
ba\z da hl bauarar c;[au \a[janaki fasn;lou famar! {axa.akan ªTaraxiº f;t
ªOulisiº fandipoumn auartou;z 2-2 fa,ouow!
• Nikita Simon;ane ou Al;qsantr Mirxo\;ane mi .oumb a\l `oujpolistn;ri ;u marxicn;ri f;t dar];l ;n Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº w;j;rann;ri norast;[‘ .orfrdi
andamn;r% ore tarb;r farz;row 'or];lou h
øgn;l jimin!
• FF axga\in fauaqakani ;u folandakan
ªAlm;ri Sijiº \ar]akouo[ Nora\r Aslan;ane
sks;l h marxou;l .ota‘a‘ki wra\! Nora\re
au;li wa[ ;njarkou;l hr ko\r a[iqi wirafatouj;an!
• FF axga\in fauaqakani ;u iranakan
ªHsj;xaliº pa,tpan Fra\r Mko\;ane wnasoua‘q ouni ;u a\d patya®ow ci masnakzoum ir jimi fandipoumn;rin!
• ";trouari 5-in <ouh\zaria\i Nion
qa[aqoum t;[i h oun;z;l :uropa\i minc;u 21
tar;kann;ri 2017 j& a®a=nouj;an entrakan 'ouli wiyakafanoujiune! FF fauaqakane endgrkou;z 5-rd .mboum% ort;[ nra
mrzakizn;re ke lin;n Dania\i% Âouminia\i%
Ouhlsi% Poulkaria\i ;u Liuqs;mbourgi fauaqakann;re!
• Bound;aliga\i 19-rd mrza'ouloum Dortmoundi ªBorousianº fiurenkal;l hr ªAousbourginº ou partou;l 0-1 fa,ouow! M.ijar;ane 'o.arinman h dours ;k;l fandipman
w;r=iz 20 roph a®a=! 20-rd mrza'ouloum
ªBorousianº w;r=aphs \a[janak tøn;z^
mrzakzi \arki tak 3-0 fa,ouow \a[j;low
ª~ra\bourginº! F;nri. M.ijar;ane 'o.arinman dours ;kau 80-rd rophin! A\s \a[janaki ,norfiu jime lq;z w;r=in t;[e!
• ª"iunikº-ªBananzº^ 2-0 enk;rakan .a[iz \;to\ Sargis |owsh';ane n,;z% or auartou;z a®a=in ousoumnamarxakan fauaqe!
";trouari 11-in m;knoum ;nq Anjalia% ort;[ m;x ke mianan nor `oujpolistn;r!
• Fa\astani minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane k*anzkazni enk;rakan fandipoumn;r!
Øgostosi 11-in ;u 13-in :r;uanoum m;r
`oujpolistn;re ke mrz;n Slowakia\i% isk
S;pt;mb;ri 16-in ;u 18-in Moltowa\i ir;nz
fasakakizn;ri f;t!
• ~oujpoli patmouj;an ;u wiyakagrouj;an mi=axga\in da,noujiune (IFFHS) fraparak;l h axga\in a®a=noujiunn;ri amhnam;a\ warkani,a\in a[iusake! FF bar]rago\n .oumbe gtnuoum h 97-rd t;[oum% anz;al
taroua\ 87-rd t;[i 'o.arhn! Fam;matouj;an famar n,;nq% or Atrph\yani Pr;mi;r
likan 37-rd t;[oum h% isk Wrastani bar]rago\n .oumbe^ 79-rd!
Wana]oroum auartou;z \ounaf®omhakan
emb,amarti Fa\astani a®a=noujiune% orin
masnakzoum hin ,our= 110 embi,!
2015 j& Fa\astani a.o\;ann;r dar]an&
Âoman Amo\;ane (59 qk&)% War,am Boran;ane (71 qk&)% Frac |owfannis;ane (80 qk&)
;u Wafh Simon;ane (98 qk&)!
Aram +oul`alak;ane (66 qk&)% Karap;t
Cal;ane (75 qk&)% Arjour <afin;ane (85 qk&)
;u Hdgar >acatr;ane (130 qk&)!
N,;nq% or a®a=nouj;ane cmasnakz;zin FF
ouv;[ago\n embi,n;r Arshn +oul`alak;ann
ou Arjour Al;qsan;ane% saka\n nranz bazaka\oujiune caxd;z pa\qari srouj;an wra\!
A®a=nouj;ann a®o[=akan nkataroumn;row n;rka\ chr axga\in fauaqakani gl.auor marxic L;uon +oul`alak;ane ;u nra partakanoujiunn;re vamanakauoraphs kataroum hr fauaqakani 2-rd marxic Samouhl
A®o[=akan .ndirn;ri patya®ow a®a=nouj;ane ckaro[azau masnakz;l 66 qk& qa,a\in Mifran |aroujiun;ane% ow a\d qa,a\in kargoum \a[jo[i fimnakan j;kna‘oun
hr! Na n;ro[oujiun h .ndr;l nranziz% owq;r
fauatoum hin nran ;u vaman;l hin Wana]or!
|ounouari 24-31-e Qouh\joum enjanoum hr
4-rd mi=axga\in kran 'rin% orin Fa\astaniz masnakzoum hin Mariam Miqa\hl;ane%
Xauhn Igij;ane ou Nora\r A®aq;l;ane% FF
fra]gouj;an da,nouj;an gl.auor qartou[ar Ar;g Sarib;k;ani gl.auorouj;amb!
Mariam Miqa\hl;ane 10 m& 40 krakoz a[=ikn;ri mrzoumn;roum% orin masnakzoum hin
11 ;rkrn;ri 16 marxoufi 408&7 miauorow grau;l h 3-rd t;[e! 1-in t;[e 411&5 miauorow
grau;l h Ouxb;kstane n;rka\azno[ Margarita خlowan!
Fa\astani mius n;rka\azouzicn;r Nora\r
A®aq;l;ann ou Xauhn Igij;ane fandhs
;kan ødam[ic atryanak ];uoum!
FF 2-rd fauaqakani mi .oumb fra]ign;r
masnakzoum ;n Miun.;noum m;knarka‘ fra]gouj;an mrza,arin!
";trouari 21-in t;[i h oun;nalou Abrafam-Smij mart-®;uan,e! B®nzqamartikn;re
pa\qar;lou ;n ;rkrord mi=in qa,a\in kargoum WBO warka‘ow a,.arfi a.o\;ani kocman famar!
ª:s fauatoum ;m% or karo[ ;m nokaouti
;njark;l nran% fauatoum ;m% or øvtoua‘ ;m
ouvow% ore bauakan h% zankaza‘in nokaouti
;njkar;l! Fauatoum ;m% or karo[ ;m \a[j;l
a\d martoumº% as;l h Smije!
Smije na;u \au;l;l h% or a®a=in m;namartoum mrzawarn;re \øgout Abrafami ;n oro,oum ka\azr;l% qani or% est britanazou% na
®aountn;row g;raxanz;l h fa\axgi Abrafamin!
Arjour Abrafamn hl \au;l;l h% or a\s angam nokatouti k*;njark;m Smijin!
Nowosibirskoum ka\aza‘ AIBA Pro Boxing
,arqi mrza,aroum nouay;low \a[jo[i kocoume ®ousastanzi Armhn Xaqar;ann gor‘nakanoum apafow;z 2016 j& Âio\i Ølimpiakan .a[;ri ou[;gire! 64 qk& qa,a\in kargi
;xra'akicoum Armhne 78!74% 78!75% 78!74
fa,ouow a®au;louj;an fasau G;rmanian
n;rka\azno[ Art\om |aroujiun;ani nkatmamb! Ølimpiakan ou[;gir stanalou famar
Xaqar;ani phtq h n;rka\ana\ AIBA Pro
Boxing (APB) ;rkrord mrza,r=ani \a[jo[i
f;t m;namartin ;u stana\ axga\in da,nouj;an fastatoume! Au;li wa[ APB \a[jo[i kocoume nouay;l h 52 qk& qa,a\in ®ousastanzi Mi,a Alo\;ane!
";trouari 7-in C;rimaloum (M;qsiqa) 10
®aountanoz m;namartoum a,.arfi na.kin
bazar]ak a.o\;an Wig Darcin;ane (52&2 qk&
qa,) fandip;z m;qsiqazi >ouan >im;n;si
f;t! Darcin;ane 9-rd ®aountoum \a[j;z
t;.nikakan nokatoutow!
• ~ID:_n fraparak;l h ";trouari 1-i
drouj;amb a,.arfi 100 ouv;[ago\n grosma\st;rn;ri warkani,a\in a[iusakn;re!
T[amardkanz a[iusake na.kini phs
gl.auoroum h a,.arfi a.o\;an Magnous
Ka®ls;ne (2865 miauor)! L;uon Aron;ane 2777
miauorow 5-6-rd t;[iz glorou;l h 9-rd t;[e!
100 lauago\nn;ri mh= ;n na;u 67-rde^ Frand
M;lqoum;ane (2673)% 75-rde Gabrihl Sargs;ane (2668)% 82-rde^ S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane
(2663)% 83-rde^ Tigran L& P;tros;ane (2663)%
89-rde^ Wladimir |akob;ane (2660)!
Kananz 100 lauago\nn;ri zouzake a®a=in
angam gl.auor;z Foou |i`ane% |oudij Polgari 'o.arhn! Hlina Danihl;ane (19-rde%
2488)% Lilij Mkrtc;ane (41-rde% 2450)% Almira Skripc;nkø-A[apap;ane (55-rde% 2421)!
:ritasardn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h Âicert Âapporte (2703)! M;r Karhn Grigor;ane 11-rdn h (2596)% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane
(17-rde% 2553)% Samouhl S;u;ane (AMN% 25-rde%
2531)% Tigran |aroujiun;ane (75rde% 2445)%
Dauij Pa®aw;ane (ÂD% 86-rde% 2435) ;u
Manouhl P;tros;ane (100-rde% 2427)!
A[=ikn;ri mh= fa\;r ckan!
T[amardkanz 10 lauago\n ;rkrn;ri mh=
Fa\astane 2651 miauorow 7-rdn h! A®a=atare Âousastann h 2744% \a=ord t;[;roum
;n& 2& Cinastane^ 2703% 3& Ouqranian^ 2688% 4&
AMN^ 2667% 5& ~ransian^ 2658% 6& Fndkastane^
Kananz lauago\n ;rkrn;ri mh= Fa\astane
2248 miauorow 19-rdn h! A®a=atare^ Cinastann h^ 2496!
• G;rmania\i Badhn Badhn qa[aqoum
auartou;z ªGrenke Chess Classicº g;rmrza,are% orin masnakzoum hr L;uon Aron;ane!
L;uone \a[j;z a,.arfi na.kin a.o\;an
Anandin% partou;z ‘ago[ ast[ Karouana\in
;u mnaza‘ fandipoumn;re auart;low oc-oqi
7 fnarauoriz wastak;z 3&5 miauor ;u `ransiazi Baqro\i f;t bavan;z 5-6-rd t;[;re!
4&5-akan miauorow 1-2-rd t;[;re bavan;zin
Na\dice ;u Ka®ls;ne! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row a®a=in mrzanakin tirazau Na\dice!
4-akan miauorow 3-4-rd t;[;re kis;zin
Karouanan ;u Atamse! 2&5 miauorow na.aw;r=in t;[oumn hr Anande% isk Barami];n
wastak;z 1&5 miauor!