EDMS No.: 1460238 Group Code: TE/EPC MS-4094 /TE Market Survey Technical Description for the supply of three 18 MW power converters for the Booster 2 GeV project Abstract This technical description concerns the design, manufacturing, testing and delivery to CERN of three identical 18 MW, 6000 A / 3000 V power converters for the Booster 2 GeV project. This market survey will be followed by the issue of an invitation to tender to qualified and selected firms in April 2015 for a contract to be awarded in September 2015. February 2015 i EDMS No.: 1460238 MS-4094 /TE Table of Contents 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. 3. 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4. 4.1 4.2 5. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction to CERN ....................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction to the Technology Department and Electric Power Converter group ........................... 2 Introduction to the PS Booster accelerator ........................................................................................ 2 SCOPE OF THIS MARKET SURVEY ........................................................................................ 2 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SUPPLY ...................................................................... 2 New Main Power System for PS Booster.......................................................................................... 3 Main Power Converter standard load cycle ..................................................................................... 3 Energy exchange ............................................................................................................................... 4 Scope of the supply ........................................................................................................................... 5 Main Power Converter topology ....................................................................................................... 5 AFE and DC/DC topology ................................................................................................................ 7 Control system ................................................................................................................................... 7 Cooling system .................................................................................................................................. 8 Technical Requirements .................................................................................................................... 8 Ratings .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Testing requirements ......................................................................................................................... 9 PROVISIONAL DELIVERY SCHEDULE .................................................................................. 9 Provisional delivery schedule ............................................................................................................ 9 Contract Follow-up and Progress Monitoring ................................................................................. 10 CERN CONTACT PERSONS ..................................................................................................... 10 List of Acronyms / Abbreviations AFE Active Front End DTR Dipole Trim power converter IEGT Injection-Enhanced Gate Transistor IGBT Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor IGCT Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristors LIU LHC Injectors Upgrade MPC Main Power Converter MPS Main Power Supply (include MPC and QTR and DTR) NPC Neutral Point Clamped QTR Quadrupole Trim power converter PSB Proton Synchrotron Booster PWM Pulse Width Modulation 1 EDMS No.: 1460238 MS-4094 /TE 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction to CERN CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is an intergovernmental organization with 21 Member States 1. Its seat is in Geneva but its premises are located on both sides of the French-Swiss border (http://cern.ch/fplinks/map.html). CERN’s mission is to enable international collaboration in the field of high-energy particle physics research and to this end it designs, builds and operates particle accelerators and the associated experimental areas. At present more than 11 000 scientific users from research institutes all over the world are using CERN’s installations for their experiments. The accelerator complex at CERN is a succession of machines with increasingly higher energies. Each machine injects the beam into the next one, which takes over to bring the beam to an even higher energy, and so on. The flagship of this complex is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as presented below: Figure 1: CERN Accelerator Complex Further information is available on the CERN website: http://cern.ch 1 The CERN Member States are currently Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. In addition: Serbia is Associate Member State in the pre-stage to Membership and Romania is Candidate for Accession. 2 EDMS No.: 1460238 MS-4094 /TE 1.2 Introduction to the Technology Department and Electric Power Converter group The Technology (TE) Department is composed of the groups responsible for technologies which are specific to existing particle accelerators, facilities and future projects. The main domains of activities cover: magnets (superconducting, normal conducting, fast pulsed magnets, electrostatic and magnetic septa), their machine integration and protection, power converters, cryogenics, high and ultra-high vacuum systems, coatings and surface treatments. The Electric Power Converter (EPC) group, part of the TE department, is responsible for design, development, procurement, construction, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of all power converter systems for the present and future accelerators, including experimental areas and tests facilities at CERN. 1.3 Introduction to the PS Booster accelerator The Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) is the smallest circular proton accelerator in the accelerator chain at the CERN Large Hadron Collider injection complex. The accelerator has been constructed in 1972 and it is composed of four superimposed synchrotron rings with a radius of 25 m. The accelerator currently takes protons with energy of 50 MeV from the linear accelerator Linac 2/3/4 and accelerates them up to 1.4 GeV, ready to be injected into the Proton Synchrotron. The PS Booster is controlled with a pulse modulation with 1.2 s cycle length (repetition time of 1.2 s). With a circumference of 157 m, the PS Booster contains 264 magnets of 15 different types, including 32 dipole magnets (192 mH / 500 mΩ) and 48 quadrupole magnets (8.8 mH / 83.6 mΩ). 2. SCOPE OF THIS MARKET SURVEY The purpose of this market survey is to identify potential bidders for the supply of three 18 MW main power converters (hereinafter referred to as MPC). The new power systems will supply the dipole magnets of PS Booster accelerator. Only firms qualified by CERN after analysis of their reply to this market survey and after having proven their capability to manufacture medium voltage high power converters in accordance with the conditions of this technical description will be included in the forthcoming invitation to tender. The selection criteria under which companies will be assessed are defined in the document entitled “Qualification Criteria”, and in the appended document “Selection and Adjudication Criteria for Supply Contracts”. CERN reserves the right to visit the bidder premises and its sub-contractors. 3. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SUPPLY As part of the LHC accelerator chain and in the frame of the Large Hadron Collider Upgrade project, an increase of the particle energy from the present 1.4 GeV to 2 GeV of the Booster has been foreseen. This increase in energy of the particles requires a proportional increase of the power ratings of the main power supply. 3 EDMS No.: 1460238 MS-4094 /TE 3.1 New Main Power System for PS Booster A consolidation program for the main power supply (MPS) has been launched (known as Booster 2 GeV project), with the objective to design and build a new MPS. To accommodate the energy upgrade and to keep the existing dipole magnet isolation levels, the existing magnet ring will be split into two separate and independent circuits. The two new magnetic circuits are identical and represent inductive loads of 96 mH and 250 mΩ each. The MPS is constituted by three identical sets of main power converters (MPC) (Figure 2). Two are used to supply the magnet strings and one is kept as spare system. Each MPC block is based on medium voltage drive technology and consists of the Active Front End (AFE) rectifier and the DC/DC output converter. This market survey refers to the supply of the three MPC. MPS MPC 1 DC/DC DC AFE AC DC AC DC MPC 2 DC/DC AFE PS Booster magnets – ring 1 PS Booster magnets – ring 2 DC AC DC AC DC MPC S DC/DC DC AFE AC DC AC DC Figure 2: Booster 2 GeV new main power system 3.1.1 Main Power Converter standard load cycle The operating conditions of the MPC are reported in Figure 3. The current in the load magnets runs from 500 A to 6000 A and back to 500 A in 1.2 s. The cycle is used for dimensioning of the main power converters. The cycle is executed every 1.2 s, non-stop around the clock, 11 months per year. 4 EDMS No.: 1460238 MS-4094 /TE Magnet current Magnet voltage Figure 3: MPC standard load cycle 3.1.2 Energy exchange In order to limit the instantaneous power (peak power) taken from the 18 kV AC network, a DC storage capacitor will be used as energy storage. The capacitors provide the energy required by the Booster magnets during pulsed operation (Figure 5). During this energy exchange voltage across capacitors varies from 3000 V to 5000 V during each cycle as depicted in Figure 4. With this approach, the peak power drawn from the AC network is limited to 3 MW compared to the instantaneous peak power of 18 MW. Magnet current Capacitor voltage Magnet voltage Figure 4: MPC storage capacitor discharge cycle 5 EDMS No.: 1460238 MS-4094 /TE Magnet power AFE power Storage power Figure 5: MPC power flow conditions 3.2 Scope of the supply The supply shall include the design, manufacture, factory tests and delivery of three identical 18 MW medium voltage power converters required to supply the Booster 2 GeV dipole magnets. In addition, 20% of spare components shall be provided as part of the contract. For each converter the following (indicated by red dotted rectangles in Figure 6) shall be supplied: • AFE converter with associated filtering elements; • DC/DC converters with associated filtering elements; • AC inductor; • Decoupling inductors; • Output filter. The supply shall not include: • DC storage capacitor; • Power transformer; • Control system; • Cooling system; • Installation on site. 3.3 Main Power Converter topology The proposed topology for the three Booster 2 GeV MPC is shown in Figure 6. 6 EDMS No.: 1460238 MS-4094 /TE AFE Converter DC Storage Capacitors DC/DC Converter Positive DC/DC Converter Negative Ldiff Ldiff AC Inductor In1 In2 In3 Ip1 Ip2 Ip3 Decoupling Inductors Lfilter Lfilter Power Transformer Rcc C EMI 2xCf 2xCf Rfx Cfx Output Filter L crowbar Figure 6: MPC topology of one converter Each of the three converter units shall be composed of the following components: a) One power transformer 18/2 kV 2.5 MVA (not included in the scope of supply) b) One AC/DC Active Front End (AFE) sinusoidal rectifier. This converter will rectify the AC voltage and control the power flow from AC to DC side with unity power factor. The AC current harmonic distortion will be kept very low by means of the input AC inductors. In addition the inductors shall limit/reduce the dv/dt generated by the AFE converter. c) One DC storage capacitor required for energy exchange with the Booster magnets (not included in the scope of supply) The DC storage capacitor will provide energy to the magnets during the current rise and operate as an energy sink when the current decreases. This strategy decouples the instantaneous power required by the magnets from the AC network (see § 3.1.2). d) One DC/DC converter that controls the output voltage across the magnets The DC/DC converter shall consist of two identical power modules, each of them consisting of a 3-leg H-bridge. The legs will be interleaved in order to reduce the output voltage/current ripple and increase the current capability of the DC/DC converter. The three legs shall be connected by coupling inductors. e) One output filter and crowbar protection 7 EDMS No.: 1460238 MS-4094 /TE The output filter shall have a second order parallel damped structure. This shall reduce the voltage ripple, and hence the current ripple in the dipole magnets. A crowbar protection system shall be employed to discharge the magnet energy in case of emergency. 3.3.1 AFE and DC/DC topology The three-level Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) topology shall be used as the internal power structure both for the AFE and DC/DC power modules as shown in Figure 7. Power Module Power leg G1 D1 G2 D2 G3 D3 G4 D4 Dp AC/DC DC AC Dn Figure 7: MPC power module - leg topology 3.3.2 Control system CERN will provide the control system (hardware and software) for both AFE and DC/DC converter. The control system will be centralized and will provide the Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) gating signals to all required switching components (converters and crowbar). The simplified schematic of the CERN control system is shown in Figure 8. The voltage reference will be generated by the Function Generator Controller FGC3 using measured magnetic field or current. The voltage regulation is then implemented in the DSP part of the CERN regFGC3 control crate. The IGBT switching signals are then generated on the DSP board and transmitted to the IGBT transceiver card. The interface with the power converter will be agreed with the contractor at a later stage. 8 EDMS No.: 1460238 MS-4094 /TE BOOSTER 2GeV POWER PLANT VS_REGULATION_DSP AFE GPS TIME Voltage Regulation VS_IGBT_TRANSCEIVER AFE PWM Logic Fibre Optics AFE IGBT pulses AFE IGBT Driver Interface DCDC IGBT pulses DCDC IGBT Driver Interface SYNCHRONIZATION FGC3 Remote Control VS_REGULATION_DSP DCDC B-field/ Current Regulation Voltage Regulation PWM VS_IGBT_TRANSCEIVER DCDC Logic Fibre Optics Measurements INTERLOCK STATE CONTROL LOCAL HMI PLC MCB, PRECHARGE, FAST LOOP, Digital I/O Figure 8: MPC control system 3.3.3 Cooling system CERN will provide the cooling of the MPC converters. Direct cooling of the converters (pumps are not required as part of the converter) will be provided by CERN. The standard demineralised water with conductivity of 0.5 µS/cm will be used as a coolant (as normally required for a converter of similar power range). 3.4 Technical Requirements The power system (all elements specified in the scope of supply) shall be designed, produced and tested by the contractor, based on the working load specified by CERN. This power system shall be built with a modular concept to facilitate the operation and exploitation of the system. The supply shall be in conformity with the following requirements: • Connection of switches in series or parallel is not allowed. Therefore one switch shall be represented by one component; • The switches shall use press-pack technology: namely IGBT, IEGT or IGCT. The power converters will be installed indoors in a dedicated building. 9 EDMS No.: 1460238 MS-4094 /TE 3.5 Ratings The converter design shall be rated based on the parameters as given in Table 1: Parameter Value Rated voltage of power transformer 18 kV / 2 kV Rated power of power transformer 2.5 MVA Rated voltage of DC storage capacitor (max/min) 5 kV / 3 kV Rated DC/DC converter output voltage ± 3 kV DC Rated DC/DC converter output current peak/rms 6 kA / 2.4 kA Converter leg rated current peak/rms 2 kA / 0.8 kA Insulation level 7.2 kV AC RMS (1 min) Rated capacitance of each DC storage capacitor 0.3 F PS Booster dipole magnet resistance 250 mΩ PS Booster dipole magnet inductance 96 mH Table 1: MPC design parameters 3.6 Testing requirements The contractor shall perform all routine and type tests, and provide the corresponding test certificates. The tests shall include the following: Routine test: • Drive test on inductive load at nominal current; • Stack/leg nominal current and voltage test at power factor 1; • Insulation tests of the MPC. Type tests: • Heat run test; • Short circuit test. 4. PROVISIONAL DELIVERY SCHEDULE 4.1 Provisional delivery schedule The contract is scheduled to be awarded in September 2015. Further to notification of the award of contract, the supply shall be delivered to CERN according to the following provisional schedule: 1st batch (1st MPC): nd nd June 2017 2 batch (2 MPC): August 2017 3rd batch (3rd MPC): October 2017 10 EDMS No.: 1460238 MS-4094 /TE 4.2 Contract Follow-up and Progress Monitoring The contractor shall assign a person responsible for the technical execution of the contract and its follow-up, as well as a person responsible for the commercial follow-up, throughout the duration of the contract. They shall be able to communicate in one of the official languages of CERN (English or French). 5. CERN CONTACT PERSONS Persons to be contacted for technical matters: Name/Department/Group Gregory Skawinski TE/EPC Fulvio Boattini TE/EPC Tel-Fax Tel: +41 22 767 3085 Fax: +41 22 767 5300 Tel: +41 22 767 8542 Fax: +41 22 767 5300 Tel: +41 22 767 3474 Fax: +41 22 767 5300 Email Gregory.Skawinski@cern.ch Fulvio.Boattini@cern.ch In case of absence: Karsten Kahle TE/EPC Karsten.Kahle@cern.ch Persons to be contacted for commercial matters: Name/Department/Group Ivo Lobmaier Tel-Fax Tel: +41 22 767 2025 Fax: +41 22 766 9948 Tel: +41 22 766 2532 Fax: +41 22 766 9279 Email Ivo.Lobmaier@cern.ch In case of absence: Boi-Lan Nguyen Lemoine Boi-Lan.Nguyen.Lemoine@cern.ch
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