NYLSTROOM ADMINISTRATIEWE DAME • Netjiese voorkoms • Stiptelik • Hardwerkend • Betroubaar • Opleiding word verskaf • Excel ondervinding is ‘n vereiste GOEIE BYVOORDELE WORD AANGEBIED Faks CV na 086 655 8642 VAKATURE - BELA-BELA VAKATURE - Modimolle VERTEENWOORDIGER VOORRAAD & ADMIN KLERK TYDELIKE PROMOSIEWERK Stuur u CV na epos accounts@builditbelabela.co.za SPA TRAINING MANAGER We invite applications for a Qualified SPA Training Manager at Sondela Nature Reserve. We are offering a fantastic opportunity for a go-getting candidate with knowledge and experience as a SPA Training Manager. Essential Requirements • Diploma in Somatology with workplace experience • Provide massages, reflexology, manicures, pedicures, facials, body wraps and exfoliations, waxing, facial tinting. • Product Knowledge: Lillian Terry, Nimue, Kalahari, Matsimela • Extensive experience in a Spa reception, managing therapists and managing stock • Good Interpersonal skills; Computer literate (Word & Excel spreadsheets) • Excellent skills in Guest relations. • Workplace coaching, facilitating, assessments, moderation will add value to your application. • You must be able to provide training to private students and staff members. • Ability to work under pressure. • Good communication, preferably in English & Afrikaans • You must be able to work weekends, public holidays and school holidays Application closing date: Friday, 20 February 2015 Please consider your application unsuccessful if you have not received feedback within 2 working days. ID BOOK & CONTACTABLE REFERENCES ESSENTIAL AT INTERVIEW HAND IN YOUR APPLICATION AND CV AT HR DEPARTMENT OR FAX: 086 660 5528 OR EMAIL TO: hrman@sondela.com Ons benodig die dienste van ‘n jong dame wat bogenoemde werk kan doen. Die netjiese en goed versorgde dame moet vriendelik, spontaan, entoesiasties en tweetalig wees. Skakel 071 679 1591 vir ‘n afspraak MANAGER REQUIRED Vacancy for a restaurant manager at Bela Bela & Modimolle. Applicant must have matric, be computer literate, have been in a senior or management position. CV to be handed in at either of the stores or email to Modimolle@oceanbasket.com Closing date for applications 18 February 2015. References to be supplied. STALMAN/ GROOM DRINGEND BENODIG Moet ondervinding met perde hê. E-pos asb u CV na: management@ sibakalodge.co.za of faks na 086 618 9225 VERKOOPSPERSOON BENODIG • • • • • • WARMBAD / NYLSTROOM Vorige verkoopsondervinding (verkieslik in/staal en hardeware) Tweetalig • Goeie kliënteverhoudings Rekenaarondervinding Nie ouer as 40 jaar nie Verwysings word benodig Skoolverlaters baie welkom om ook aansoek te doen Aansoeke sluit: 18 Februarie om 17h00 Stuur asb verkorte CV na Mariëtte by 086 678 6344 of bat@breakaway.co.za ATKV-betrekkings ATKV-Klein-Kariba Hoofkok: Restaurant Die ATKV is ’n dinamiese en snelgroeiende Afrikaanse kultuurorganisasie en het ‘n vakature vir ‘n gekwalifiseerde persoon om as hoofkok by die restaurant van ATKV-KleinKariba diens te verrig. Die ATKV volg ‘n gelyke-indiensnemingsbeleid. Indien jy oor ‘n toepaslike kwalifikasie beskik met goeie organisatoriese en voedselvoorbereidingsvaardighede, kookvaardigheid in die voorbereiding van ‘n wye verskeidenheid geregte en ondervinding in spyseniering, met spesifieke verwysing na spyseniering op groot skaal, is dit die geleentheid vir jou. Die vernaamste verantwoordelikhede is: Voedselvoorbereiding; Sistematiese afhandeling van relevante administratiewe take; Personeelbestuur van restaurant op skof; Gehaltebeheer en kontrole; Beplanning opstel van spyskaarte volgens resepte, hoeveelhede en kliëntbehoeftes; Kliënteskakeling en diens intern en ekstern; Hantering van daaglikse kontantgelde; Beheer bestellings by verskaffers, hantering van krediteur fakture, oorplasings voorraadbeheer ens; Hulpverlening met opstel van maandstate; Voorraad-, porsie- en sleutelbeheer; Aflosdienste in handelsafdeling. As jy voel jy wil vir so ‘n dinamiese organisasie werk, stuur jou volledige CV aan: Suzanne Maritz, ATKV-Klein-Kariba, Posbus 150, Warmbad, 0480 of stuur ‘n faks na 011 919 0221 of e-pos suzannem@atkv.org.za. Aansoeke moet ATKV-Klein-Kariba voor 20 Februarie 2015 bereik. Gebruik asseblief verwysing: KKREST06 VACANCY MAINTENANCEMAN: VEHICLES Applications are required from qualified candidates for the above position: 1. Main duties include: • Maintenance of vehicles (diesel & petrol), lawnmowers and wheat eaters. 2. Required skills, knowledge and personal attributes • Be able to work under pressure and make responsible decisions • To be able to work on your own but also be part of a team. • Must have at least five (5) year solid experience on maintenance of vehicles (diesel & petrol), lawnmowers and wheat eaters. • Must be a very good organizer and be able to prioritize work • Must be cautious, alert and be accurately in his/her work • Must have a valid driver’s license (Code EC1 and PDP) • A recognized qualification as a motor mechanic will be to your advantage. • Must be prepared to work flexible hours. 3. Salary & Benefits • A market related salary and company benefits (including housing & medical aid) form part of the package. Note: If you do not get any feedback from the company within two weeks after the closing date, deem your application as being unsuccessful. The closing date for the application will be on Monday, 23 February 2015, interested applicants should forward their C.V’s to Tumi Molefe: Human Resources Department: E-mail: warmbathshr@foreversa.co.za or fax to 014 736 8560, Tel: 014 736 8500 BEMARKERS - MODIMOLLE AFGRI POULTRY - SETTLERS DATA CLERK AFGRI requires the services of suitably qualified, well-motivated and results driven candidate to appoint in the above mentioned vacant position. Requirements: • Grade 12/Std 10 • At least 3 years’ experience • Sequel program • Excellent Advanced Excel • Computer literacy • Valid driver’s license • Good communication and interpersonal skills Duties include: • Responsible for data capturing on Sequel, and on Excel Pivot and Dash board • General administrative management Dinamiese persone met eie vervoer wat ondervinding in Besigheidsbemarking/IT het word genooi om aansoek te doen. Bepaal jou eie salaris tussen R4 000- R20 000. Kontak Kowie 083 609 9818 Aansoeke sluit 27 Februarie 2015 VAKATURE - MODIMOLLE VOORMAN / MASJINIS • Vorige ondervinding is prioriteit • Goeie mense verhoudings Sluitingsdatum: 20 Februarie 2015 Faks u CV na 014 717 1269 vir aandag Annelie Applications together with CVs should be forwarded to the attention of: Me Elmien Benson E-Mail: elmien.benson@afgri.co.za Fax: 014 730 1904 Closing Date: 20 February 2015 Applicants who have not heard from us within 30 days of the closing date may assume that their applications have been unsuccessful, and are hereby thanked for their interest. The filling of these positions will be aligned to AFGRI’s Employment Equity Policy VAKATURE Afdeling: Betrekking aangebied Geleentheid vir betroubare eiendomsagente om by suksesvolle agentskap aan te sluit en hoë kommissie te verdien. Ook ander onderhandelbare opsies. Eie vervoer en selfoon ‘n vereiste. Agente wat reeds NQF4 het sal voorkeur geniet. Naboomspruit, Nylstroom, Warmbad en Centurion. Sel: 082 787 4280 of E-pos: mprops1987@gmail.com SUSAN STRIJDOMSKOOL/ SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENT OF 5 GENERAL ASSISTANT SGB POSTS 1. Post description: • General Assistant 2. Period: • As appointed by SGB 3. Requirements: • Application letter • Copy of ID • Curriculum Vitae • Z83 form • Able to read and write 4. Applications forwarded to: The Principal, Susan Strijdom School Private Bag X 1021 MODIMOLLE, 0510 5. Closing Date: 18 February 2015 13:00 6. Shortlisting: 19 February 2015 7. Interviews: 23 February 2015 If you don’t hear from us by 27 February 2015, know that your application was unsuccessful. J LECHELELE SGB CHAIRPERSON RD SELAMOLELA PRINCIPAL BOONZAAIER & DU PLESSIS PROKUREURS MODIMOLLE (NYLSTROOM) benodig die dienste van ‘n LITIGASIETIKSTER met eie vervoer om so gou as moontlik diens te aanvaar. Vereistes: - Rekenaarvaardig - Tweetalig (Afrikaans & Engels) - Ondervinding in Litigasie en Invorderings - Goeie menseverhouding Faks CV na 086 614 1476 / E-pos na jolandi@bdlaw.co.za DSTV INSTALLERS WANTED Experience beneficial but not essential. Requirements: Valid Code 08 Licence, Reliable work history references. Applicants must have good communication & People skills, work under pressure, proud & diligent work ethics, Prepared to learn and grow in the position. Salary neg. Will be discussed in interview. Fax 3 page CV to: 086 459 1950 Applications close: 28/02/2015 If you haven’t heard from us within 14 days after closing date, your application wasn’t successful.
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