Mailing Address: P. O. Box 916, Palm City, FL 34991 R EGULAR M A SS S CHEDULE S ACRED H EART C HAPEL :---F EBRUARY 19 TH --A PRIL 1 ST . MONDAY—FRIDAY—7:00 AM M AIN CHURCH : MONDAY—FRIDAY—8:00 AM Saturday Vigil Vigil— —4:00 & 5:30 PM Sunday Sunday— —7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM and 12:15 PM C ONFESSIONS —SATURDAYS 2:30 2:30— —3:30 PM R OSARY IN THE C HURCH MONDAY—FRIDAY 7:3 7:30 0 AM HOLY REDEEMER CHURCH AND SACRED HEART CHAPEL MONDAY—FRIDAY 7:00 AM—3:30 PM Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. SACRED HEART NOVENA AND A DORATION ON F RIDAYS IN THE S ACRED H EART C HAPEL 8:30 AM AM— —9:30 AM First Friday Adoration IN THE S ACRED H EART C HAPEL 8:30 AM AM— —3:30 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE T EL : (772) 463-1579 CHURCH OFFICE M ONDAY —F RIDAY 8:30 AM AM— — 4 : 0 0 PM Tel: (772) 286 286-- 4590 Fax: (772) 286 286-- 8792 Martin B. Mulqueen .......... Pastor John A. Kasparek ............. Parochial Vicar Patsy Amabile .................. Assisting Priest Jim M c Ennery .................. Seasonal Assistance Mr. Frank Gluhosky .......... Permanent Deacon HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH W e b : w w w . h o ly r e d e e m e r c c . o r g SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 15, 2015 WHETHER YOU EAT OR DRINK, OR WHATEVER YOU DO, DO EVERYTHING FOR THE GLORY OF G OD . —1 C ORINTHIANS 10:31 For the Glory of God The entire history of the Jewish people is directed toward one goal: that God might be glorified through the chosen people. Christians, too, are called to “do everything for the glory of God.” In today’s scriptures Paul reminds us that the best way for us to glorify God is to seek to benefit “the many,” as Christ did when he shed his blood for all of humankind. The reading from Leviticus explains one way the Jews sought to benefit the many, by keeping lepers and leprosy away from the chosen people. Jesus finds a better way. He cures the leper, who immediately re-enters the community to spread the good news about Jesus to everyone who will listen. In this way both Jesus and the leper fulfill their calling to glorify the God who fills us “with the joy of salvation.” —Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Parish Stewardship Collection February 7 7--8, 2015 1st Collection (Offertory) ............... $ 20,153.00 2nd Collection (Parish Maintenance & Dev.) $ 4,650.70 Thank you for your continuous and generous support to Holy Redeemer and those in need. 2 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday, February 16 8:00 AM Richard Agnew Tuesday, February 17 8:00 AM John C. Halpin Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday-Fast and Abstinence 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:15 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM Thursday, Margaret and Anthony Seguna Hope Giordano Jeff Schreck Jane Rainis Garrett Holt February 19 7:00 AM weekday Masses in the Sacred Heart Chapel 7:00 AM Theresa Arruda 8:00 AM Everett Baldwin Friday, February 20 7:00 AM Carl Liner 8:00 AM Hon. Louis Fusco Jr. Saturday, February 21 4:00 PM Jennie and Sebastiano Scollo 5:30 PM James Kaercher Sunday, February 22 7:30 AM Parishioners of Holy Redeemer 9:00 A M Trish Lawler 10:30 AM Carol Keough 12:15 PM Rose Arnone The Sanctuary Lamp prayer intention in the church this week is for Stella Siatecki. The Sanctuary Lamp prayer intention in the chapel this week is for Jane Rainis. 809HR021515 Our parish community extends a warm welcome to all who have joined us for today’s liturgy. We invite you to become grateful stewards of God’s many gifts and to be an active and participating member in every aspect of parish life by becoming a member of our Parish community. If you would like to become a registered member of our parish, please register by taking the registration package at the entrance to the church or stop by the office. ` Today’s Readings FIRST READING—The leper will dwell apart, making an abode outside the camp (Leviticus 13:12, 44-46). PSALM—I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation (Psalm 32). SECOND READING—Do everything for the glory of God; be imitators of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:31 — 11:1). GOSPEL—The leprosy left him immediately, and he was made clean (Mark 1:40-45). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Readings for the Week MONDAY—Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc -17, 20-21; Mk 8:11-13 TUESDAY—Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10; Mk 8:14-21 WEDNESDAY—Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 1214, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 THURSDAY—Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 FRIDAY—Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 SATURDAY—Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 SUNDAY—Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:1822; Mk 1:12-15 Treasures from our Tradition Lent, the Church’s annual pre-baptismal retreat, prepares us to gather around the Easter font, renew our baptismal vows, and receive new life from the water as the elect are plunged into Christ’s death and resurrection. This core meaning is more or less available, depending on whether we journey with catechumens in the parish and on the vigor of our liturgical celebration of the Triduum. Some persist in seeing Lent as a lonely journey in the wilderness; yet this week we enter the Lenten fast in solidarity with one another. The smudged foreheads you will spy throughout Ash Wednesday on buses, street corners, and supermarket aisles remind you that you are hardly alone in your desire to enact a spring cleaning regime for your spiritual life. Long ago, this kind of repentance was available to Christians only once. Ashes and sackcloth were not raiment for a day, but permanent habits for public sinners. Fasting became a way of life, and if they sinned severely again, there was no hope of restored communion. Happily, this system did not endure. It produced reluctant Christians who even held back from baptism, like St. Augustine did, out of fear. Today we have recovered an ancient tradition that conversion and repentance are constant themes on life’s journey, and that Lent is an annual opportunity to revive our baptismal identity, both as individuals and communities. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 809HR021515 3 GOD’S WORD TODAY Being a disciple of Christ means being an imitator of Christ. When we hear a Gospel passage such as today’s, we may think that we could never come close to imitating Christ. After all, he had such miraculous power. The story of the cleansing and curing of the leper may have something deeper to teach us. In the Lord’s time, people were simply not to go near a leper. To touch a leper was unthinkable. It rendered the person ritually impure and susceptible to contagion. Just listen to today’s first reading to find out how lepers were to be treated. Jesus goes beyond the usual boundaries and, moved with pity, heals the man. We are called to be like Christ—to move beyond those boundaries that prevent healing and reconciliation from occurring. Some of these boundaries we set up ourselves. As the cleansing word of God is proclaimed today, let us pray that God will help us to reach across established boundaries to embrace and be reconciled with those whom today’s world sees as “unclean.” From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company Parish News Coffee and Donuts Coffee and donuts available this Sunday after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 AM Masses. Volunteer opportunities are available and include picking up the donuts, serving after one of the Masses, or cleaning up after the 10:30 AM Mass. A substitute list will also be created, if you can not make a regular commitment. If you are interested or have any questions please contact Amy Belisle at hrccoutreach@gmailcom. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sacred Heart Chapel Please note, Chapel Adoration takes place on Fridays 8:30-9:30 AM. First Friday Adoration 8:30-3:30 PM. Apart from these times, the chapel is open for private prayer Monday-Friday, 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM. For information please call Tisha Piazza (561) 707-3125, or Joanne Stanton (772) 283-6858. 4 Parish News 7:00 am weekday Lenten Mass Please note, for Lent, we are adding an extra 7:00 AM weekday Mass in the Sacred Heart Chapel starting on Thursday, February 19thWednesday, April 1st. This extra Mass will give you the opportunity to enter into the Lenten Spirit. The regular weekday 8:00 AM Mass will take place in the church as usual. For further information or to request a Mass for your deceased loved one, please stop by the parish office. Stone Soup Dinner tickets The Bible Study Group starts off the Lenten season with a “Stone Soup Supper” on Friday, February 27th at 5:30 PM. Tasty home-made soups (no meat) will be served at 6:00 PM followed by Stations of the Cross at 7:00 PM. Take part by bringing a dessert to share. Volunteers are needed! Tickets available in the Hall on February 14th-15th and February 21st-22nd, after the weekend Masses. Donation: $3.00 for Adults, children under 12 free. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Carol Trimble (772) 485-5658 or Sally Voisinet (772) 283-4922. Paschal Candle Did you know… the light and life Christ brings into the world are reflected in the symbols of the Paschal Candle, which is lit during the Easter Vigil and during all liturgies of the Easter Season? After that, it is kept next to the baptismal font and lit at baptisms. It is also used at funerals. 809HR021515 2015 Diocesan Services Appeal—A family of Faith in service of others We are all one family experiencing the grace of God, and sharing our gifts with our brothers and sisters in His name. Let us follow the model of our Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, so that together, as “A Family of Faith in Service to Others” we share the hope and salvation of Christ, our brother. --Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito “A Family of Faith in Service of others” 2015 Diocesan Services AppealDiocesan Assessment Number of Families in the Parish Number of Families Pledged First week Balance Due $222,000 2,289 187 $64,370 $157,630 HRCC 2015 Lent Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday will take place on Wednesday, February 18th. Ash Wednesday is a day of FAST AND ABSTINENCE. Masses with distribution of ashes at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Prayer Service with distribution of ashes will take place at 12:15 PM Stations of the Cross Join us every Friday of Lent for Stations of the Cross in the Church at 7:00 PM starting on Friday, February 20th. Eucharistic Exposition Join us every Friday 8:30 AM—9:30 AM at the Sacred Heart Chapel for adoration and silent prayer. Please note, First Friday of the month adoration hours 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Lenten Regulations Fasting Fasting is to be observed by all 18 years of age through age 59. On a fast day one full meal is allowed (unless impractical for medical reasons). Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk & juices are allowed. Means all who have reached their 14th year are bound to abstain totally from meat. Abstinence from meat is required on all Lenten Fridays. Note that when health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. 809HR021515 5 Parish News Religious Education HS Group Monks Bread Sale Important Parent Meeting The Trappist Monks of the Genesee Abbey in Piffard, NY have been making quality Monks Bread since 1953. The monks pride themselves on the care that goes into baking every loaf of their bread. All breads are zero trans fat and cholesterol free. Each loaf is 1-pound (16 slices). Jams and preserves are 12 oz. Donation $ 7.00. Parents of children preparing for First Sacraments are invited to attend a very important meeting focusing on our celebration of First Eucharist. The meeting will take place during your child’s class time on March 9th, 10th and 11th. Parents who cannot attend during their own child’s class are welcome to attend any other day. Please call Janice Maniscalco at 463-1579 for further information. ONE WEEKEND ONLY! Friday, Feb. 27th at the Stone Soup Supper Saturday, Feb. 28th, after the 4:00 PM Mass Sunday, March 1st, after the 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 AM Masses. To place a pre-order, contact Desma Cowhill by February 15th, by calling (772) 678-2941 or All proceeds benefit the Monks AND our High School Youth Group Summer Mission Trip! Religious Education Religious Education Classes There will be NO religious education classes February 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th, due to Ash Wednesday. Classes will resume on Sunday, February 22nd. Please view the full calendar at Class time Stations of the Cross Please join the Religious Education classes in praying the Stations of the Cross during class time on March 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Stations of the Cross for Children will be offered for those in grades 1st through 5th in the first ½ hour of class time; Stations of the Cross for Teens for grades 6th through 8th will be offered in the second ½ hour of class time. 6 Vacation Bible Meeting Please join us on Friday, February 27th at 10:30 AM on the second floor of the Parish Hall, for an informational meeting regarding the 2015 Holy Redeemer Vacation Bible Study (scheduled for June 15th-19th). We are looking for all adults interested in being part of this funfilled, faith-filled event that shares our faith with children of all ages! Please respond to Amy Belisle at or 220-8389, if you are interested in joining the team! The experience is priceless and inspirational, and we hope you don’t miss it!! Women’s Guild Women’s Guild Board Meeting Women’s Guild Board Meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 25th at 9:00 AM in the Parish Hall. New to you you--Reserve your table Reserve your table for the NEW TO YOU Indoor Garage Sale, which will be held on Saturday, March 14th, in the Parish Hall from 8:00 AM–1:00 PM. Comfortable indoor air-conditioned surroundings with coffee, bagels, pastries and luncheon available for purchase. Excellent place to sell your treasures! Rent an 8x3” table for $30.00. For questions or to reserve a table call Tisha Piazza at (772) 219-3244 or (561) 707-3125. 809HR021515 JAY SMULLEN All County Funeral Home & Crematory Stuart Centre 3355 S.E. Federal Hwy. Stuart, FL 34997 Catholic Family Owned & Operated Crematory On Premises 772-692-4055 (772) 220-2401 BETTER HOMES REAL ESTATE LAVIANO & ASSOCIATES ANGIE LAVIANO, PARISHIONER AND GARDENS Quality Service Pool Supplies Renovations E-mail: Website: http:/ Vincent Carole Sharkey Air, LLC. 772-220-2487 Vince Lic. #CAC1816853 10% Off Service Call The Sharkey Family Certified Residential Specialist 3228 SW Martin Downs Blvd., Palm City, FL 34990 • 772-631-9620 (New Customers) Richard A. Krathen, MD DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES OF THE PALM BEACHES Martin County’s Only Mohs College Trained Skin Cancer Surgeon Margaret Scoboria, LCSW Skin Diseases, Aging Skin & Skin Cancer Surgery Call 772-403-2227 For Appointments Psychotherapy Healing Inner Wounds A Member of the ClubCorp Family WE CAN HOST ANY TYPE OF EVENT: 3654 SW 30th Ave., Palm City, FL 34990 Happy Hour Daily 4-6pm 19th Hole Bar Specials Adults • Children • Marriage • Family $1.00 Off Daily 4-6pm Medicare & Insurance Accepted House Wine, All Cocktails & Beer 772-220-4745 3208 SW Martin Downs Blvd Sunset Entrees 4-5:30pm $5 & $8 Appetizers Starting at $9.95 A Maintenance-free lifestyle on the Waterfront A full service amenity package…. restaurant-style dining, housekeeping, transportation, social events, and a full wellness calendar. The only Life-Care Retirement Community in Martin and St. Lucie Counties… An active adult community that offers a full continuum of care. 759 SW Federal Hwy. • Ste 203 • Stuart, FL 772-220-4755 SW #0003027 MS Cleaning Service Best Cleaning Guaranteed COASTAL CRISTINA LAFEMINA Private Events Coordinator 14 Yrs. Exp. • Great References 10% Discount w/ Bulletin (772) 286-8447 ext. 247 (561) 324-7049 Cell 240-0909 (1st Visit Only) Accu-Temp A/C & Heating • Holy Communion Parties CATARACT SURGERY OCULOPLASTIC SURGERY BOTOX INJECTIONS MULTIFOCAL IOL • Wedding Receptions DERMAL FILLERS ACCOMMODATIVE IOL • Business Meetings • Seminars EYE CENTER, PA • Rehearsal Dinners Are You Concerned: Probate/Estate Taxes? Nursing Home Fees? Shaun W. Wiedrick, P.A. Catholic Attorney • Elder Law/Medicaid • Wills & Trusts • Estate Planning PAUL D. 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M. in Estate Planning, Certified Public Accountant Board Certified Specialist in: Tax Law and Wills, Trusts & Estate Law The Keane Law Firm, Chartered 772-288-0000 1000 SE Monterey Commons Blvd, Suite 202 Stuart, Florida 34996 Life • Health • Auto • Commercial Keith Trowbridge-Licensed Insurance Professional 2646 SW Mapp Road, Suite 305 Palm City, FL 34990 • T: 877-573-1991 Email: Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 P ALM CITY NURSING & REHAB CENTER Serving the Treasure Coast for 27 Years License #CGC1507879 Short Term Rehab Suites Available NIS AIR Serving Martin County Since 1973 2505 S.W. Martin Highway • Palm City, FL 34990 Tel: 772-288-0060 • fax: 772-288-3218 Air Conditioning & Heating Lic. #CACO 41199 Since 1975 Mon-Sat 9-5 Sunday 10-4 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. , LLC Rates Designed to Meet Your Budget & Services to Meet Your Needs Locally Owned & Operated 5500 SW Martin Hwy. Palm City 772-781-8085 PHONE: 772-201-5284 Licensed, Bon Bonded & Insured Diocese Member (772) 283-0904 Special Financing Deals ~ Rebates ~ Need A New A/C Call Us! New Customers Mention This Ad for a 10% Welcome Discount PALM CITY AUTO LUBE & SERVICES * Pennzoil’s 10 Minute oil Change * Discount Gasoline & Diesel Fuel * Food Mart * L.P. Gas * Open 7 Days a Week 3584 SW. Armellini Ave, Palm City 772.223.5823 Michael DiTerlizzi, owner William H. Davenport, M.D. • John M. Guerrero, M.D. Nelson C. Klaus, III, M.D. • James P. Truitt, Jr., M.D. Michael F. Carelli, O.D. David Seyffart Funeral Director/Owner 2090 S.E. Ocean Boulevard, Stuart, FL 34996 Visit Our Website at: • 287-8777 “Our Family Serving Your Family” The only locally family owned and operated funeral home and crematory in Martin County. Over 25 Years Experience 961 South Kanner Highway Stuart, Florida 34994 Burials • Cremations • Shipping 772-223-5550 Sprinkler Systems Evaluated • Installed Maintained • Renovated ROB TAYLOR • 772.286.4600 PO Box 106 • Palm City, FL 34991 809 Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Palm City, FL (i) M PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS HUBERT S. McGINLEY, M GINLEY, ESQ. 7111 Fairway Drive, Suite 105 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Telephone: Facsimile: Toll Free: Español: (561) 694-6079 (561) 694-6089 (877) 694-6079 (561) 691-5856 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. 800-333-3166 • KITCHEN AND BATH SPECIALIST Treasure Coast Ear Nose & Throat, PA. Snoring • Sleep Disorders • Adult & Pediatric ENT Hearing • Dizziness • Hearing Aid Sales • Laser Surgery Daniel E. Sharkey, M.D., F.A.C.S. Stuart J. Sabol, M.D., F.A.C.S. Robert A. Nunez, M.D., F.A.C.S. Kirsten Atwood, AuD, Certified Audiologist design & remodeling 546-7669 Joe Zangre Parishioner/Choir mbr. SS State Cert.# CRC017467 FREE ESTIMATES Lic. # CMP 5471 ACCEPT MEDICARE ASSIGNMENT “No Job Too Small” SOUTH SHORE Plumbing Company 2221 E. Ocean Blvd. SS 220-8459 GREGORY M. KLYM, D.M.D., P.A. Prosthodontist Specialist in Implant, Esthetic, and Reconstructive Dentistry CROWNS, BRIDGES, PARTIALS, DENTURES, IMPLANTS & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 1001 E. Ocean Blvd. • Stuart, FL Parish Member 286-1606 Dean L. Schumm, C.P.A., P.A. 20 years Financial Services, Tax & Accounting Experience Certified Public Accountant 1172 SW 30th Street • Suite 4 • Palm City 221-8882 Parishioner License #MCFE 6070 Owner / Operator Daniel Lawrence Licensed, Bonded & Insured Aluminum PVC Wood Chain Link ALL TYPES & STYLES 772-283-2383 COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL COASTAL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Commercial and Estate Maintenance “The only call you need to make” P.O. Box 105 • Palm City, FL 34990 ROB TAYLOR 772-288-2814 Larry Addeo, Parishioner 772-215-5352 RAYMOND JAMES Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC LEO F. GALANTI Our Providers are available any day, and hour of the week. We can help each person stay independent and stay at home by providing loving and compassionate essential services including: Companionship • Light Housekeeping • Meal Preparation • Shopping Transportation • Small Repairs/Yard Work • Overnight Stays • and MORE If you need help or would like to help we would like to talk to you. Walter & Rita Gwinn • Owners/Parishioners HCS #231696 Branch Manager 1980 S.E. Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL 34996 Tel: (772) 283-9988 Email: Wm B. Ianiero Remodeling Solutions Kitchen & Bath Makeovers • Home Renovations & Repairs Water Restoration Services • Home Inspections • Flooring Molding • Decks • Windows • Doors • Siding CBC1252137 Licensed & Insured Free Estimates 772.223.3470 In Jupiter: 561-204-9099 In Palm City: 772-223-9950 THE LAW FIRM OF KITCHEN & BATH REMODELS • General Contractor CUSHNIE CGC: 504157 & Mc McMAHON P.L. • Closet Systems Personal Injury • Wrongful Death • Accident Law 543 NW Lake Whitney Place • Suite 106 • Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Paul McMahon ~ Parishioner 772-335-9219 • 100% Wood Cabinets • Free Estimates JEFF & NANNETTE WALSH Parishioners 257 SE Monterey Road • Suart, FL 772-324-8277 SUPREME MEATS 2026 South Federal Hwy. Stuart, Florida Winn-Dixie Center 772-283-7567 “Best Meats in Town” MANERO’S RESTAURANT Steaks, Prime Rib, Fresh Fish & Gorgonzola Salad Open for Lunch, Dinner & Private Parties THOMAS C. JONES, D.D.S. Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry 2688 S.W. Immanuel Drive • Palm City, FL 34990 (between Palm City Library and Lutheran Church) Parish Member 772-220-3011 2851 SW High Meadow Ave., Palm City 286-8600 HEATING & COOLING INC. INSTALLATION • SALES • SERVICE Licensed • Insured • CAC 1814590 Ryan Osler, Owner 772-224-9486 La Borgata PICK UP & FREE DELIVERY AVAILABLE “Palm City’s Best Kept Secret” Ristorante & Pizzeria LUNCHES STARTING AT ONLY $3.00! 3227 SW Mapp Rd., Palm City (Across From The Fire Station) LABORGATARISTORANTE.COM BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY CATERING! 10% OFF FOR PARISHIONERS LARGE 2 TOPPING PIZZA $9.99 (Tues • Wed • Thurs • Cash Only • Take Out Only) 772-288-2121 • 772-288-2426 JOHN DE LUCA LICENSED REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL Holy Redeemer Parishioner 6424 SW BUSCH ST. PALM CITY, FL 301-379-7928 JOHNDELUCA0@GMAIL.COM 809 Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Palm City, FL (b) M John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. 800-333-3166 •
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