SOUTHLAND BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL NCEA Level One Year 11 2015 COURSE BOOK SOUTHLAND BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL Year 11 LEVEL ONE NCEA COURSE BOOK NCEA stands for National Certificate in Educational Achievement CONTENTS How to use this book ......................................................................................................................... 3 How to Understand NCEA…………………………………………………………………………………..4-9 Choosing School Subjects…………………………………………………………………………………10-14 Option Choice Information ................................................................................................................. 15 Subject Choice Summary……………………………………………………………………………………..16 Subject Information……………………………………………………………………………………… 17-67 Glossary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………68 Subject Charges……………………………………………………………………………………………. .. 69 Option Choice Form........................................................................................................................... 70 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 2 HOW TO USE THE BOOK Steps to take when choosing an NCEA Course Student subject choices are very important. A subject choice can affect a student's career prospects, entry into tertiary institutions and what options he can take in the following year. Students should go through the steps in the flow chart below, making sure that they receive appropriate advice from the Careers Adviser and their subject teachers along the way. Student Subject Choice Flowchart Tick the boxes as you complete each step Read about the National Certificate in Education Achievement (NCEA) Read through the subject descriptions in this book on pages 12 to 44 Use the Subject Choice Summary on page 7 to help guide you. Select your Subjects (check individual Faculty flowcharts) Record your option choices on the back page Check your option choices with your parent(s)/caregiver Show your tutor teacher that you have completed each step. The more informed people you consult the better your decision will be. T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 3 How to understand NCEA Not sure how NCEA works? Find out how credits add up to qualifications, background to NCEA, how the system works, and what you can do as a parent? What is NCEA? Students' work is assessed internally and externally NCEA stands for National Certificate of Educational Achievement. NCEA is the national qualification system for New Zealand's senior secondary school students. It is made up of three certificates at Levels 1, 2 and 3 and usually studied in Years 11, 12 and 13. NCEA qualifications are part of the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). What is the NZQF? The NZQF is a framework of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications. It is made up of 10 levels, with Level 1 the most basic qualifications and Level 10 the most complex. Qualifications are assigned to a level on the scale depending on the difficulty of the skills or knowledge learned. Qualifications fit into the framework as follows: Levels 1-7 are national certificates. Levels 5-7 are national diplomas. Levels 7-10 are national degrees and postgraduate qualifications. How does NCEA fit into the New Zealand Qualifications Framework? NCEA is part of the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3 are Levels 1, 2 and 3 of the NZQF. Secondary school students generally study at these levels. Levels 4 and above are usually studied after finishing school. How do NCEA levels compare with School C etc.? NCEA Level 1 is usually studied in Year 11. It replaces School Certificate. NCEA Level 2 is usually studied in Year 12. It replaces Sixth Form Certificate. NCEA Level 3 is usually studied in Year 13. It replaces Bursary. The New Zealand Scholarship exams are usually studied in Year 13 but they are not part of NCEA. The Scholarship is a financial reward for top-performing students who intend to enter tertiary study. The Scholarship does not contribute towards a qualification. Why was NCEA introduced? Under the old system, students’ results were often scaled so only a certain number of students could pass. So some students would receive a fail grade regardless of how they performed. NCEA measures each student’s learning against set standards, instead of comparing students and ranking them. Not all skills and knowledge can be assessed using tests and exams (e.g. fluency in foreign languages, competency in conducting science experiments). NCEA provides a range of assessment methods that are appropriate to the subject being assessed. T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 4 How is NCEA different from the old system? NCEA allows students to work towards other qualifications on the New Zealand qualifications Framework at the same time as they are working toward their NCEA. For example, a student studying materials technology at school might also be working on the National Certificate in Elementary Construction Skills. So, they can earn NCEA credits and a national certificate at the same time. How is work assessed? Students’ work is either externally or internally assessed. External assessment means that students sit for an external exam that is set and marked by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). Most external assessment will involve a national exam at the end of the year. Internal assessment refers to work that is set and marked by the school (e.g. essays, tests, experiments), but the marking is checked by independent moderators from the NZQA to make sure all schools are assessing work to the national standard. How the system works What are credits? Each Achievement Standard and Unit Standard is worth a certain number of credits. When a student achieves a standard, they earn the amount of credits that standard is worth. A single Achievement Standard is usually worth three to four credits. A single school subject usually has five to eight Achievement Standards. Depending on the school, the usual number of credits needed per subject is 18 to 25. How many credits are needed to earn NCEA? To gain NCEA Level 1: Achieve 80 credits at any level (Level 1, 2 or 3). This must include a minimum of 10 credits in literacy and 10 in numeracy. To gain NCEA Level 2: Achieve a minimum of 60 credits at Level 2 or above; and 20 credits at any level. This must include a minimum of 10 credits in literacy and 10 in numeracy. To gain NCEA Level 3: Achieve a minimum of 60 credits at Level 3 or above; and 20 credits at Level 2 or above. This must include a minimum of 10 credits in literacy and 10 in numeracy. To gain University Entrance Achieve NCEA Level 3 including 14 Credits in 3 approved subjects (please see for list) 10 Credits in Level 1 Numeracy 10 Credits in Level 2 Literacy (5 reading, 5 writing) HOW TO GAIN UNIVERSITY ENTRY SCORE: (GPA) Approved Subject (best 24 Excellence Merit credits per subject) Credits (x4) Credits (x3) English 8 6 Statistics 6 Chemistry 4 4 History 10 Geography SubTotals 12 26 Best 80 Credits 12 26 Points Score (x4) 48 (x3) 78 Achieved Credits (x2) 6 10 16 10 24 66 42 (x2) 84 An up to date list of the approved domains can be found on the NZQA website. T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 5 Rank Score 210 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 6 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 7 The credits needed to achieve the three NCEA levels. What are standards? What’s the difference between Achievement Standards (AS) and Unit Standards (US)? Standards describe particular skills or knowledge within an area of study (e.g. English or Maths). Students gain NCEA and other qualifications by working towards a combination of Achievement Standards and Unit Standards. Achievement Standards are gained from studying traditional curriculum subjects. Depending on their performance, students may gain Achievement Standards with either ‘Achieved’, ‘Achieved with Merit’ or ‘Achieved with Excellence ’. Unit Standards are gained from studying towards traditional curriculum subjects as well as vocational subject areas (e.g. tourism or hairdressing). Students are awarded Unit Standards on an ‘Achieved’ (pass) or ‘Not Achieved’ (fail) basis. What are ‘Merit’ and ‘Excellence’ Endorsements? Merit and Excellence endorsements are ways to recognise students who have achieved outstanding results. You can gain a Merit or Excellence endorsement for individual Achievement Standards, or for an individual NCEA course or certificate. What is needed to gain a ‘Merit’ or ‘Excellence’ grade for an Achievement Standard? This will vary depending on the subject. However, as a general guide: ‘Achieved’ means that the student has gained the achievement standard by demonstrating elementary level skills or knowledge ‘Achieved with Merit’ means that the student has gained the achievement standard by demonstrating intermediate level skills or knowledge ‘Achieved with Excellence’ means that the student has demonstrated highly developed skills or knowledge. Here are some examples of achievement criteria for some of the Achievement Standards for Biology, History and Graphics at various NCEA levels: T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 8 Achieved Achieved with Merit Achieved with Excellence Level 2 biology Describes biological concepts and processes Explains biological concepts and processes Discusses biological concepts and processes Level 3 history Demonstrates an understanding of an historical idea Demonstrates an informed understanding of an historical idea Demonstrates an informed and perceptive understanding of an historical idea Plans and produces a presentation to communicate design ideas Plans and produces an effective presentation to communicate design ideas Plans and produces an effective, high quality presentation to communicate design ideas Level 3 graphics What is needed to gain a ‘Merit’ or ‘Excellence’ grade for a course? To gain a ‘Merit’ or ‘Excellence’ grade for an individual course or subject, you need to achieve 14 or more merit or Excellence credits in that course within a single year. For example, to gain ‘NCEA Level 2 English with Excellence’, you would have to gain enough Level 2 English Achievement Standards at Excellence level to add up to 14 or more credits. At least 3 of these credits need to be from externally assessed Achievement Standards, and 3 credits from internally assessed Achievement Standards. What is needed to gain a ‘Merit’ or ‘Excellence’ grade for an NCEA certificate? To gain a ‘Merit’ or ‘Excellence’ grade for an NCEA certificate you need to gain 50 or more credits at Merit or Excellence in one particular NCEA level. For example, to gain ‘NCEA Level 2 with Excellence ’, you would have to gain enough Level 2 Achievement Standards at Excellence level to add up to 50 or more credits. For more information on NCEA levels, certificates and Merit and Excellence standards, visit the NZQA website. NZQA website - information on NCEA levels and certificates I still don’t understand how NCEA actually works! How do I put all this together? A student will typically begin working for their NCEA in their third year of secondary school (Year 11). They will no longer be awarded a single grade for a subject. Instead, each subject is now divided into pieces of skills and knowledge called standards (Unit Standards or Achievement Standards). The standards clearly set out what a student needs to be able to demonstrate to achieve that particular standard. Each standard has a certain number of credits. When a student receives an ‘Achieved’ for a standard, they will have earned credits towards their NCEA. (See above for how many credits are needed to pass NCEA Levels 1, 2, and 3, and to enter university.) This system allows a student to work towards an industry qualification as well as NCEA while still at school, as the credits they earn for an NCEA level may also be counted towards a national certificate of the same level. New Zealand Qualifications Authority website - more information on NCEA Find out more: Careers New Zealand website T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 9 Choosing school subjects Choose subjects you enjoy as you will be motivated to learn Here are some tips to help you make a decision about what school subjects to choose. Know your options Here at Southland Boys’ High School we offer a number of different options such as Technology, Catering, Graphics and Languages just to name a few. Some of the options you can take may vary depending on your timetable. Think about your abilities and interests at school What subjects are you good at or not so good at? What does this tell you about yourself? Are you a good writer, good with numbers, a practical person? Which subjects have you enjoyed studying? Which do you dislike and why? Keep your career options open Most people change their minds about what they want to do in the future. Your interests and abilities will change over time, or you might find out about new careers that you had never heard of before. If you’re unsure about what job you want to do, try to study a wide range of subjects at school. This will give you more options later on. CHOOSING YOUR SUBJECTS Consider: The subjects you are studying this year and your achievements so far. Talk to subject teachers if you have doubts about your ability to cope with the work Note any compulsory subjects Select the optional subjects that interest you and you are good at Your possible career. Check out requirements and discuss these with Careers and Guidance staff Most scientific or engineering careers must include Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Few science careers require Physics without Chemistry; or Biology without Chemistry Mathematics and English are needed for most careers Employers are more often interested in your results and attitude to work rather than the actual subjects chosen Try to avoid choosing subjects for the wrong reason. It would be foolish to give too much weight to: - Teachers you like or dislike - The subjects your friends are planning to take - Subjects you think might help you pass examination, but are not in your future career interests NOTE 1) Your choice of subject will be checked by senior staff. If considered necessary, or where subject choice and career are at variance, an interview will be arranged. 2) Subject availability is dependent each year upon staffing, student numbers and funding. Where possible we try to meet the needs of each student. T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 10 Choosing school subjects Use this plan to help you decide which subjects to take in your next school year. Step 1: Work out what subjects you enjoy: Subjects I like doing now Subjects I’m interested in doing next year that I haven’t already studied Subjects that include activities I like doing outside of school eg, playing music, helping people, thinking creatively Step 2: Work out what subjects you are good at Subjects I am strongest in Subjects others say I’m good at T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 11 Step 3: Find out what subjects you need for your career ideas Explore the Jobs database on the Careers New Zealand website to find out what subjects you need for your career ideas. Career ideas Subjects I need Looking for career ideas? Use the interactive tools on the Careers New Zealand website to help you get some career ideas: Subject Matcher – job ideas based on subjects you enjoy Jobs by Interest – jobs that relate to areas of work you are interested in CareerQuest – job ideas based on your interests Skill Matcher – job ideas based on your skills Still unsure about what career would suit you? It’s OK if you don’t know what you want to do in the future. Studying a broad range of subjects will keep your career options open. Keeping up with English, Maths and at least one Science subject is a good place to start. Talk it over Talk about your subject choices with your parents and whānau, teachers and careers advisers. Talk to Careers New Zealand advisers if you need more help. Call 0800 222 733 or chat online. T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 12 Levels and Credits Y11 Level 1 NCEA – working towards (100-120 credits) Y12 Level 2 NCEA – working towards (100-120 credits) Y13 Level 3 NCEA – working towards (? credits) Please note: students can work at more than one Level in a year, depending on their previous year’s grades e.g. Level 2 English but working at Level 1 Maths if they did not pass Maths in the previous year. ENTRY TO LEVEL 1 Students begin working on Level 1 credits in Year 10 ENTRY TO LEVEL 2 To qualify for Level 2 you must have completed your Level 1 course In general, all subjects have entry requirements. Students should check with teachers to find out what these are Placement in Level 2 is at the discretion of the school You will be required to study six subjects English is highly recommended (refer to University Entrance requirements) ENTRY TO LEVEL 3 To gain entry to Level 3 you must have completed your Level 2 course ie: you must have attained 16 credits or more in every subject in your Level 2 course. - All students take 5 subjects - Any subject can be selected, if it can be timetabled, staffed and there are sufficient numbers - Boys aiming for tertiary study should study 5 subjects in Year 13 Details on University Entrance requirements can be found on page 5 For more information please go to the Careers Services website: and click on the parents, family and whānau link… Here you will find interactive tools that will help you and your son with subject choices, where each subject can lead to and much more. T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 13 Other Programmes Alternative Pathways The Alternative Pathways course is by invitation only. Students will study at their own pace in a homeroom under close teacher guidance. Students will work towards finishing NCEA Level 1 and obtaining NCEA Level 2 through Numeracy, Literacy, Technology, Core Generic Models (such as communication, life skills, work and employment skills) and Health and Physical Wellbeing. Gateway Y12 & Y13 – Level 2 and Level 3 The Gateway programme is run by the Careers Department. It is designed for students who wish to carry out some work or tertiary training while remaining at school. Students selected for this course will spend some of their time in the work force completing Unit Standards relevant to the industry they are in and time at school completing standards such as reading and writing standards, numeracy standards, and transition to work standards. The Gateway course is by application and interview with the Careers team. Application information will be advertised in the SBHS the Daily Notices. There are limited places for 2015. This course cannot be chosen as an option. University Scholarship The Scholarship programme is separate from NCEA. Scholarships are entered through separate written examinations and/or submissions of work for external assessment. A University Scholarship recognises outstanding achievement in at least three subjects. Scholarships are awarded nationally in the following areas: o Top all round scholars - performance across five subjects o Top Māori scholar - male and female o Top Pasifika scholar - male and female o New Zealand scholar - across three subjects o Top subject scholar - top achiever per subject T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 14 OPTION CHOICE INFORMATION What is Southland Boys' High School policy? We believe all students can gain NCEA qualifications. The challenge is to get a certificate at the highest possible level. Obviously employers will be more impressed with a certificate made up of Excellence and Merit level passes than all Achieved level passes. We have provided a range of courses that will enable all students to pass Level 1 and give enough flexibility to enable all students to strive for Excellence. How do students select subjects? The subjects available in 2015 are on the option list on page 16 and pages 17-48 A full year of English You must then choose fivesubjects. Read through the subject descriptions contained in this booklet. Use the Option Choice sheet on the back page to work out your subjects. All option subjects are dependent on numbers and staffing T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 15 Subject Agriculture & Horticultural Science Department Achievement Standard (AS) or Unit Standard (US) Internal (I) or External (E) Page AS I&E 29 US I 48 Science Alternative Pathways Catering Technology US I 35 Commerce 101 Commerce AS I&E 31 Design Technology Technology Digital Technologies Information Technology . Engineering; or . National Certificate in Building, Construction and Allied Trade Skills AS I&E 34 AS & US I 42 Technology Technology US US I I 33 English 101 English AS I&E 18 English 102 English AS I&E 18 English (Employment) English AS & US I 19 ESOL Languages US I 22 Geography 101 Social Sciences AS I&E 39 Graphics (Design & Visual Communication) Technology AS I&E 34 Health & Phys Ed 101 Health & Phys Ed AS I&E 46 Health & Phys Ed 102 Health & Phys Ed AS I&E 46 Health & Phys Ed 103 Health & Phys Ed AS I 46 History 101 Social Sciences AS I&E 39 Japanese Languages AS I&E 21 Mathematics 101 Mathematics AS I&E 24 Mathematics 102 Mathematics AS I&E 24 Mathematics 103 Mathematics AS & US I 25 Media Studies English AS I&E 40 Performance 101 Arts Music / Drama AS I&E 44 Science 101 Science AS I&E 27 Science 102 Science AS I 28 Science 103 Science AS I 28 Te Reo Maori Languages AS I 21 Visual Art Arts AS I&E 37 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 16 SENIOR SUBJECTS IN THE ENGLISH FACULTY Junior English Year 9 and 10 Year 11 Level 1 NCEA English 101 English 102 Year 12 Level 2 NCEA English 201 English 202 Year 13 Level 3 NCEA English 301 English 302 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 17 Employment English Level 1 NCEA - Year Course English 101 Pre-Requisite: Consistent completion of work at level 6 of the curriculum This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: This is an advanced stimulating course that allows students the opportunity to gain endorsement in NCEA English. This demanding programme is based on a study of literature, language and production. It provides a comprehensive foundation for further study of English at Level Two. Course Outline AS Title Credits Internal or External AS90849 1.1 Understanding written texts 4 External AS90850 1.2 Understanding visual texts 4 External AS90052 1.4 Produce creative writing 3 Internal AS90053 1.5 Produce formal writing 3 Internal AS90855 1.7 Create a visual text 3 Internal AS90856 1.11 Film Analysis 3 Internal Total 20 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course English 102 Pre-Requisite: Satisfactory completion of Year 10 English This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: This is a comprehensive course similar to English 101. It covers many of the achievement standards available at Level One. This programme is based on a study of literature, language and production and provides a sound foundation for study of English at Level Two. Course Outline AS Title Credits Internal or External AS90849 1.1 Understanding written text 4 External AS90850 1.2 Understanding visual text 4 External AS90052 1.4 Produce creative writing 3 Internal AS90853 1.5 Produce formal writing 3 Internal AS90855 1.7 Speech 3 Internal AS90056 1.11 Close viewing 3 Internal Total 20 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 18 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Employment English Pre-Requisite: Completion of Year 10 English This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Unit Standards (US) Course Information: This course provides a foundation for progress on Pathway B and is designed to provide success at level 1 over two years. Course Outline AS or US Title Credits Internal or External AS90856 Film Analysis 3 Internal US1273 Produce writing 4 Internal US504 CV 2 Internal US3483 Fill in a form 2 Internal US10792 Letter writing 3 Internal AS90854 Wide Reading 4 Internal AS90855 Static Image 3 Internal Total 21 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 19 SENIOR SUBJECTS IN LANGUAGES Junior Languages Year 9 and 10 Year 11 m Level 1 NCEA Japanese Te Reo Mäori Year 12 Level 2 NCEA Japanese Te Reo Mäori ESOL Year 13 Level 3 NCEA Japanese Te Reo Mäori ESOL T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 20 ESOL Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Japanese Pre-Requisite: Satisfactory completion of Year 10 course This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: The study of languages in Year 11 maintains and builds on the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing that students have acquired in Year 10. Portfolios of student work will be compiled throughout the year for assessment purposes. Students will be able to communicate information, ideas and opinions through different text types; express and respond to personal ideas and opinions; and communicate appropriately in different situations. Course Outline AS or US Title Internal or External Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Japanese External AS 90893 texts relating to areas of most immediate relevance Give a spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates Internal AS 90894 a personal response Interact using spoken Japanese to communicate personal Internal AS 90895 information, ideas and opinions in different situations Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written / visual External AS 90896 Japanese texts on areas of most immediate relevance Write a variety of text types in Japanese / on areas of most Internal AS 90897 immediate relevance. Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Te Reo Mäori Pre-Requisite: Year 10 Mäori Studies or proven ability to undertake work to an acceptable level of competence. This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: Students are required to build a portfolio throughout the year providing three assessment tasks for each internal Achievement Standard. Students may also have the opportunity to get credits for Kapa Haka and Whakairo (carving). Course Outline AS Title Internal or External 90189 Waihanga tuhinga i te reo o tõna ao Internal 91085 Whakarongo kia mõhio kite reo o tõna ao Internal 91086 Kõrero kia whakamahi i te reo o tõna o Internal T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 21 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course ESOL Pre-Requisite: Open to students who speak English as another language (International fee paying students and by referral for migrant, refugee and Pasifika students) and need language support. These students will also take English. This course is assessed using: Unit Standards (US) Course Information: This is an English course that covers reading, writing, listening and speaking. The aim of the course is to improve language skills for everyday life and to develop language skills in order to achieve in other learning areas. Course Outline US Title Internal or External US 2985 Read simple information texts (ESOL) Internal US 17139 Write simple descriptions (ESOL) Internal US 17366 Write simple recounts of personal experiences (ESOL) Internal US 17358 Talk about self and family using simple learnt language Internal patterns (ESOL) T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 22 SENIOR SUBJECTS IN THE MATHEMATICS FACULTY Junior Mathematics Year 9 and 10 Year 11 Level 1 NCEA Mathematics 101 Mathematics 102 Year 12 Level 2 NCEA Algebra 201 Statistics 201 Year 13 Level 3 NCEA Calculus 301 Statistics 301 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 23 Mathematics 103 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Mathematics 101 Pre-Requisite: Entry to this course is by invitation only by the Head of Mathematics, due to a high standard of achievement in Year 10 mathematics This course has: This course is assessed using: Internally assessed credits Achievement Standards (AS) 8 12 Externally assessed credits Total number of Credits 20 Course Information: This course provides a comprehensive foundation for further study of Mathematics at level 2. This course builds on work done in Years 9 & 10 with a focus on the applications of algebra into the areas of number, measurement, trigonometry, geometry, statistics and probability. This course leads to Algebra 201 in year 12 and Calculus 301 in year 13. Students are expected to provide their own calculator. Course Outline AS Title Credits Internal or External 91026 Apply numerical reasoning in solving problems 4 Internal 91027 Apply algebraic procedures in solving problems 4 External Investigate a given multivariate data set using the 91035 4 Internal statistical enquiry cycle Investigate relationships between tables, equations and 4 External 91028 graphs 91031 Apply geometric reasoning in solving problems 4 External TOTAL CREDITS 20 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Mathematics 102 Pre-Requisite: Satisfactory level of achievement in Year 10 mathematics This course is assessed using: This course has: Achievement Standards (AS) Internally assessed credits 20 Total number of Credits Course Information: This is a comprehensive course but is not as demanding as Mathematics 101. This course builds on the work done in Years 9 & 10 and focuses on number, measurement, trigonometry, statistics and probability. This course leads to Statistics 201 in Year 12 and Statistics 301 in Year 13 Students are expected to provide their own calculators. Course Outline AS Title Credits Internal or External 91026 Apply numerical reasoning in solving problems 4 Internal Apply right-angled triangles in solving measurement 91032 3 Internal problems 91030 Apply measurement in solving problems 3 Internal 91029 Apply linear algebra in solving problems 3 Internal Investigate a given multivariate data set using the 4 Internal 91035 statistical enquiry cycle 91038 Investigate a situation involving elements of chance 3 Internal TOTAL CREDITS 20 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 24 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Mathematics 103 This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Unit Standards (US) This course has: 24 Internally assessed credits Total number of Credits 24 Course Information: This course is designed to enhance student understanding of basic mathematical processes. The emphasis is on number, statistics and measurement. Students are expected to provide their own calculator. Course Outline AS or US Title Credits Internal or External US 26627 Use measurement to solve problems 3 Internal AS 91030 Apply measurement in solving problems 3 Internal US 26626 Interpret statistical information for a purpose 3 Internal Investigate a given multivariate data set using the AS 91035 4 Internal statistical enquiry cycle US 26623 Use number to solve problems 4 Internal AS 91026 Apply numerical reasoning in solving problems 4 Internal Apply right-angled triangles in solving measurement 3 Internal AS 91032 problems TOTAL CREDITS 24 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 25 SENIOR SUBJECTS IN THE SCIENCE FACULTY Junior Agriculture Junior Science Year 9 and 10 Year 11 Level 1 NCEA Year 12 Level 2 NCEA Year 13 Level 3 NCEA Science 101 Chemistry 201 Chemistry 301 Science 102 Biology 201 Biology 301 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 26 Science 103 Physics 201 General Science 201 Physics 301 Agricultural/ Horticultural Science 101 Agricultural/ Horticultural Science 201 Agricultural/ Horticultural Science 301 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Science 101 Pre-Requisite: Students will be allocated to this course based on NZCER test results and overall teacher judgement from Year 10 Science This course is assessed using: 5 Achievement Standards (AS) This course has: 8 Internally assessed credits 12 Externally assessed credits 20 Total number of Credits Course Information: This course is required for those students who wish to study Sciences in Year 12 and 13. There is a Workbook requirement that entails purchase of Workbook(s) covering the 3 externally assessed Achievement Standards. Course Outline AS 90930 90944 90940 90955 90948 Title and version Carry out a scientific investigation with direction. Version 2 Demonstrate an understanding of an aspect of acids and bases. Version 3. Demonstrate an understanding of mechanics. Version 2. Investigate an Earth Science event. Version 2. Demonstrate an understanding of biological ideas relating to genetic variation. Version 2. TOTAL CREDITS T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 27 Credits 4 Internal or External Internal 4 External 4 External 4 4 Internal External 20 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Science 102 Pre-Requisite: Students will be allocated to this course based on NZCER test results and overall teacher judgement from Year 10 Science. This course has: This course is assessed using: Internally assessed credits Achievement Standards (AS) 5 16 4 Externally assessed credits 20 Total number of Credits Course Information: This course is required for those students who wish to study Sciences in Year 12. There is a Workbook requirement that entails purchase of Workbook covering the one externally assessed Achievement Standard. Course Outline AS 90930 90949 90945 90953 90940 Title and version Carry out a scientific investigation with direction. Version 2. Investigate life processes and environmental factors that influence. Version 2. Investigate implications of use of carbon chemicals as fuel. Version 2. Demonstrate an understanding of carbon cycling. Version 2. Demonstrate an understanding of mechanics. Version 2. TOTAL CREDITS Credits 4 Internal or External Internal 4 Internal 4 Internal 4 Internal 4 External 20 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Science 103 Pre-Requisite: Students will be allocated to this course based on NZCER test results and overall teacher judgement from Year 10 Science This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) 5 This course has: Internally assessed credits 20 Total number of Credits Course Information: This course is offered for those students who wish to study Sciences in Year 11 only. There are no external assessments. All work is by way of internal assessment. This course does not enable entry into Year 12 Sciences Semester 1 Course Outline AS Title and version Credits 90946 Investigate the implications of the properties of metals 4 for their use in society. 90949 Investigate life processes and environmental factors 4 that affect them. 90945 Investigate implications of the use of carbon 4 compounds as fuels. 90953 Demonstrate understanding of carbon cycling. 4 90943 Investigate the implications of heat for everyday life. 4 TOTAL CREDITS 8 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 28 20 Internal or External Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Agricultural and Horticultural Science Pre-Requisite: Preferential entry will be given to those students who pass Year 10 Agricultural/Horticultural Science. Students will be allocated to this course based on NZCER test results and overall teacher judgement from Year 10 Science. This course is assessed using: 6 Achievement Standards (AS) This course has: 14 Internally assessed credits 9 Externally assessed credits Total number of Credits 23 Course Information: This course is required for those students who wish to study Sciences in Year 12. There is a Workbook requirement that entails purchase of Workbook covering the externally assessed Achievement Standards. Course Outline AS 90920 90160 90155 90918 90919 90921 Title and version Geographic distribution of primary production Environmental impact of primary production Pasture and crop management practices Carry out an agricultural/horticultural investigation Demonstrate an understanding of soil management practices Demonstrate an understanding of livestock management practices TOTAL CREDITS T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 29 Credits 3 3 4 4 4 Internal or External Internal Internal Internal Internal External 5 External 13 SENIOR SUBJECTS IN COMMERCE Enterprise Studies Year 10 (1/2 year) Year 11 Level 1 NCEA Year 12 Level 2 NCEA Year 13 Level 3 NCEA Commerce Accounting Economics Accounting T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 30 Economics Business Studies Business Studies Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Commerce 101 Pre-Requisite: Advanced Mathematics and English or permission of HOD This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: This Commerce course aims to promote knowledge and understanding of Economics and Accounting as financial languages for individuals, businesses, community organisations and government. Choice of Achievement Standards studied will depend on staffing. approximately 21 credits in total. Course Outline AS Title 90976 90981 90982 90985 90985 90987 90986 Accounting Concepts Financial Decisions Cash Managment Demand Supply Government Choices Analysis and Interpretation T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 31 In total, the course will add up to Credits 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 Internal or External External Internal Internal External External Internal External SENIOR SUBJECTS IN THE TECHNOLOGY FACULTY Technology Graphics/Catering Year 9 and 10 Year 11 Level 1 NCEA Design Technology Year 12 Level 2 NCEA Design Technology National Certificate in Building and Construction Allied Trade Skills National Certificate in Building and Construction Design Technology (Engineering) Design & Visual Communication (Graphics) Catering Design Technology (Engineering) Design & Visual Communication (Graphics) Catering Design & Visual Communication (Graphics) Catering Allied Trade Skills Year 13 Level 3 NCEA Technology T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 32 NB: Important – please note Students cannot do both National Certificate in Building AND Engineering. They may only pick ONE. National Certificate in Building, Construction and Allied Trades Skills (Entry Level) (Level 1) Qualification Summary This is the first of two qualifications designed specifically to provide a progressive pathway for secondary school students to integrate into a wide range of trade related occupations. This qualification will be awarded to people credited with the core compulsory standards and who have met the requirements of both the core elective and elective sections. Pre-Requisite: None This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Unit Standards (US) Course Information: This is an informative hands on course assessed in completing booklets, tests - both written and practical, meeting performance criteria Course Outline US Title Internal or External US 24355 Materials Internal US 24352 Safe Working Internal US 24356 Procedures and Processes Internal US 25920 Joints Internal US 25919 Hardware – Fastenings Internal Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Design Technology Engineering Pre-Requisite: Satisfactory completion of Year 10 Workshop programme in the appropriate materials or by interview with Head of subject. A reasonable standard of Maths and English is required. This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Unit Standards (US) Course Information: This course provides the student with the opportunity to achieve a Level 1 qualification in Engineering by following a prescribed Industry Training Organisation (COMPETENZ) series of Unit Standards (max 24 credits). The course combines theory and practical units and uses metal work as the main discipline. Students who achieve all 24 credits in this subject and achieve an additional 16 credits in Maths, English or Science will be qualified to apply for the National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (level1). A maximum of 24 level 1 credits are offered in Year 11. All unit standards are internally assessed and externally moderated by COMPETENZ. Course Outline US Title Internal or External US 22923 Demonstrate basic engineering skills Internal US 22924 Develop a simple product using engineering materials Internal US22926 Demonstrate knowledge of safety in engineering Internal T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 33 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Design and Visual Communication (Graphics) Pre-Requisite: Year 10 Graphics an advantage This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: Design and Visual Communication (Graphics) is a design brief based subject. Students will be aiming for 23 credits in this programme. The focus is functional design and creativity skills with an emphasis on drawing and rendering skills. This subject has no formal examinations but is a work and skill based subject where homework is a requirement to pass. Course Outline AS Title Internal or External AS91063 Produce freehand sketches to communicate own design ideas External AS91066 Use rendering techniques to communicate the form of own design ideas Internal AS90167 Use the work of an influential designer to inform design ideas Internal AS90168 AS90169 AS91054 AS91065 Undertake development of design ideas through graphics practice Promote an organised body of design work to an audience using visual communication techniques Demonstrate understanding of basic human factors in design Produce instrumental drawings to communicate design ideas Internal Internal Internal External Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Design Technology Pre-Requisite: Year 10 Design Technology or Year 10 Art. Competency in Maths and English. This course is assessed using: Achievements (AS) Course Information: This is an informative hands’ on course offering 23 credits. Students design and create tangible objects using a design brief. The programme has been produced to enable students the freedom to explore their creative ideas and develop them into unique finished products. Projects may include but are not limited to design and creation of furniture, outdoor furniture, public sculpture, wearable sculpture and jewellery. Title Credits Internal or External 91047 Undertake development to make a prototype to address a Internal Internal brief 91017 Produce a finished work that demonstrates skills appropriate to cultural conventions Internal 91044 Undertake brief development to address a need or opportunity Internal 91057 Implement basic procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product Internal T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 34 Internal Internal Level 1 NCEA - Year Course CATERING YEAR 11 – National Certificate in Hospitality Year 1 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course CATERING YEAR 11 – National Certificate in Hospitality Year One. Pre-Requisite: None This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Unit Standards (US) Course Information: Over a 2 year period at year 11 and year 12 the boys can complete the National Certificate in Hospitality (Foundation). This 40 credit programme as be designed specifically for secondary school students. To gain the qualification the boys much gain a minimum of 40 credits. If the student does not progress into year 12 he is not disadvantaged as he will still gain the unit standards from year 11 and the credits towards NCEA. You will cook 2 periods per week with 2 period of theory per week. Course Outline AS or US US 90959 US 15900 US 15901 US 15892 US 19770 US 21059 US 15892 US 497 Title Demonstrate knowledge of practices and strategies to address food handling issues Prepare and present meat in the hospitality industry Prepare and present fruit and vegetables in the hospitality industry Demonstrate Knowledge of Terminology used in food and recipes in cookery Prepare and present egg and cheese dishes in the hospitality industry Demonstrate Knowledge of Knife Care Demonstrate knowledge of names and terms used for food and recipes in commercial kitchens Demonstrate Knowledge of workplace health and safety T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 35 Internal or External Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal SENIOR SUBJECTS IN ARTS Art Year 9 and 10 Year 11 Level 1 NCEA Art Year 12 Level 2 NCEA Art Year 13 Level 3 NCEA Photography Design T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 36 Sculpture Print Making Painting Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Visual Art Pre-Requisite: Satisfactory completion of year 10 level or HOF approval. This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: Two achievement standards are internal, one is external. Extra credits may be gained through added internal AS Students study various skills based on a theme chosen by the teacher. External component consists of 2 panels combining developmental and finished works. Course Outline AS Title Internal or External AS 90914 Use drawing methods for recording information using wet and dry media Internal Produce a finished work that demonstrates skills appropriate to cultural Internal AS 90917 conventions Produce a body of work informed by established practice, which develops External AS 90916 ideas, using a range of media T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 37 SENIOR SUBJECTS IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Studies - Years 9 & 10 Year 11 Level 1 NCEA Geography 101 History 101 Year 12 Level 2 NCEA Geography 201 History 201 Tourism 203 Media Studies 201 Geography History Tourism Media Studies 301 Year 13 Level 3 NCEA T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 38 Media Studies 101 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Geography 101 Pre-Requisite: None This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: This course is an introduction to Geography. Students will be taught and will use a wide range of skills: graphing, mapping, data collection, analysis, evaluation, synthesis, paragraph writing, problem solving and prediction. These skills will be taught through three main topics: Extreme natural events Population patterns, processes and issues Resource use Course Outline AS Title Credits Internal or External Demonstrate geographic understanding of environments 4 External 91007 (1.1) that have been shaped by extreme natural event(s) Demonstrate geographic understanding of population 4 External 91008 (1.2) concepts. Apply concepts and basic geographic skills to demonstrate 4 External 91010 (1.4) understanding of a given environment 91011 (1.5) Conduct a geographic research, with direction. 4 Internal Describe aspects of a contemporary New Zealand 3 Internal 91012 (1.6) geographic issue. Level 1 NCEA - Year Course History 101 Pre-Requisite: None This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: Level 1 History studies the period leading up to and immediately following World War 2. It does so from two perspectives; the war period looks from an international perspective at the Origins of the war and then after the war it looks at New Zealand’s search for security following Britain’s movement away from the Pacific Course Outline AS Title Internal or External Carry out an investigation of an historical event, or place, of significance to Internal 91001 New Zealanders Demonstrate understanding of an historical event, or place, of significance Internal 91002 to New Zealanders 91003 Interpret sources of an historical event of significance to New Zealanders Internal 91005 Demonstrate the causes and consequences of an historical event External 91006 Demonstrate how an historical event affected New Zealand society External T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 39 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Media Studies 101 Pre-Requisite: Students will gain entry into 101 Media Studies through a successful Year 10 in English and/or Social Studies. This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: This course examines the dynamic role of the media in society, how the media constructs messages about individuals, communities and cultures and how media products are produced, controlled and distributed. Through Media Studies students gain the knowledge and skills to conceive, plan, design and make media products that engage audiences. Course Outline AS or US AS90989 Title Demonstrate understanding of how individuals interact with the Media AS90991 Demonstrate understanding of Media coverage of a current issue or event External AS90992 Demonstrate understanding of characteristics of a Media genre Produce a design and plan for a media product using a specified range of conventions Complete a Media product using a specified range of conventions from a design and plan External AS90993 AS90994 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 40 Internal or External Internal Internal Internal SENIOR SUBJECTS IN DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES Junior ICT Year 9 and 10 Year 11 Level 1 NCEA Digital Technologies 101 Year 13 Level 3 NCEA Digital Technologies 201 Year 13 Level 3 NCEA Digital Technologies 301 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 41 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Digital Technologies (Computing) 101 Pre-Requisite: Year 10 Digital Technology is an advantage This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: Digital technology covers a range of basic computer skills in Microsoft Word and Excel spreadsheets. As well as advanced creative design skills using Photoshop in logo and web design projects that include html/ css coding. Students also code and create a game as project. The subject feeds into 3 major areas with the IT industry, creative (web design, graphic and media), administrative (network administrators) and computer science (programming) all requiring higher levels of study before entering industry. Course Outline AS Title Internal or External AS91070 Demo understanding of basic concepts of info management External Implement basic procedures to produce a specified digital AS 91071 Internal information outcome AS 91072 Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts of digital media Internal Implement basic procedures to produce a specified digital media AS 91073 Internal outcome AS 91075 Construct a plan for a basic computer program for a specified task Internal AS 91076 Construct a basic program for a specified task Internal T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 42 SENIOR SUBJECTS IN THE PERFORMING ARTS Music Year 9 and 10 Drama Year 9 and10 Year 11 Level 1 NCEA Performance 101 Year 12 Level 2 NCEA Performance 201 Year 13 Level 3 NCEA Performance 301 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 43 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Performance 101 Pre-Requisite: Successful completion of Year 10 Music and or Drama or participation in Music or Drama performance. This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: A course suited to those students who have a sound background in either Music or Drama. Students will be encouraged to continue to develop their skills and improve performance. Course Outline Students will choose in conjunction with their teacher appropriate Assessment Standards from the following list. AS or US Title Internal or External AS 91090 Perform two pieces of music as a featured soloist Internal Demonstrate ensemble skills through performing a piece of music as a AS 91091 Internal member of a group AS 91092 Compose two original pieces of music Internal AS 91093 Demonstrate aural and theoretical skills through transcription External AS 91095 Demonstrate knowledge of two music works from contrasting contexts Internal Demonstrate understanding of the use of drama aspects within live AS 90011 External performance AS 90997 Devise and perform a drama Internal AS 90998 Demonstrate understanding of features of a drama/theatre form External AS 90999 Select and use features of a drama/theatre from in a performance Internal AS 91000 Demonstrate understanding of a significant play Internal AS 90009 Perform an acting role in a scripted production Internal AS 90006 Apply drama techniques in a dramatic context Internal Perform a substantial piece of music as a featured soloist on a second Internal AS91274 instrument T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 44 SENIOR SUBJECTS IN THE HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION FACULTY Health and Physical Education Year 9 and 10 Year 11 Level 1 NCEA Health & Physical Education 101 Year 12 Level 2 NCEA Physical Education 201 Year 13 Level 3 NCEA Physical Education 301 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 45 Health & Physical Education 102 Practical Physical Education 202 Practical Physical Education 302 Health & Physical Education 103 SBHS Outdoor Education Programme Year 12/ 13 High Performance Programme Year 12/13 Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Health & Physical Education 101 Pre-Requisite: Successful completion of Year 10 English, PED and Health. This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: This is a practical skills based course with emphasis on physical activity, participation and study of relevant health needs of Year 11 students. Course Outline AS Title Internal or External AS90962 Participate in Physical Activity Internal AS90963 Demonstrate knowledge of body structure Internal AS90964 Demonstrate performance Internal AS90967 Examine quality of movement Internal AS90972 Demonstrate understanding of nutritional needs External AS90971 Take action to improve wellbeing Internal Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Health & Physical Education 102 Pre-Requisite: Successful completion of Year 10 PED and Health. This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: This is a largely practical based course with emphasis on physical activity, participation and relevant health needs of Year 11 students. Course Outline AS Title Internal or External AS90962 Participate in Physical Activity Internal AS90963 Demonstrate knowledge of body structure Internal AS90964 Demonstrate performance Internal AS90967 Examine quality of movement Internal AS90971 Take action to improve wellbeing Internal Level 1 NCEA - Year Course Health & Physical Education 103 Pre-Requisite: Successful completion of Year 10 PED and Health. This course is assessed using: Achievement Standards (AS) Course Information: This is a largely practical based course with emphasis on physical activity, participation and relevant health needs of Year 11 students. Course Outline AS Title Internal or External AS90971 Take action to improve wellbeing Internal AS90964 Demonstrate performance Internal AS90962 Participate in physical activity Internal T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 46 ALTERNATIVE PATHWAYS (INVITATION ONLY) Year 9 / 10 Homeroom Year 11 Level 1 NCEA Year 12 Level 1/2 NCEA Year 13 Year 9 / 10 Basic Alternative Pathways Alternative Pathways Combination of Level 2 & 3 credits As required T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 47 ALTERNATIVE PATHWAYS (Invitation only) ALTERNATIVE PATHWAYS Limited numbers – for selected students only This course is designed for students who have been identified by Heads of Faculty as students who will have difficulty transitioning into NCEA Level 1 through our standard courses and who would be better suited to a modified course tailored to meet their needs. Course Information Students will study at their own pace in a homeroom situation under close teacher guidance and assistance Students will have Health and Physical Wellbeing and Technology as their option subjects Students will complete an S.I.T. STAR course in the second half of the year Students will begin some work exploration Students who show a high level of ability may be allocated other options e.g. Art, Music, DTW at the discretion of Head of Faculty. In the classroom the students will complete a course made up of Numeracy, Literacy, Science, Physical Education and Employment Skills to enable them to achieve NCEA Level 1. Alternate Pathways Year 11 Pre–requisite: A limited number of invited students that have been contacted by the school. Generally from year 10 Homeroom. This course is assessed using: Unit Standards (US) plus selected Achievement Standards Course information: The course has been specially prepared for students who will benefit from working in a small supportive environment that is targeted to their specific learning needs. Course outline: Students will study at their own pace in a Homeroom situation under close teacher guidance and assistance. Students will work towards obtaining NCEA Level 1 through Numeracy, Literacy, Technology, Core Generic Modules (such as communication, life skills, work and employment skills,) and Health and Physical Wellbeing. Students will complete at least one S.I.T. STAR Course (carpentry, joinery, automotive, etc.) Students will begin work exploration through a brief work placement. At the discretion of the Head of Faculty, certain students, depending upon their interest and previous efforts in the subject, may be given an option (e.g. design technology engineering, design technology wood, design technology graphics, music, art, catering). Students will be expected to have almost obtained NCEA Level 1 by the end of the year. T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 48 NET NZ Pre Requisite: Students selecting a Net NZ eLearning course will require and interview and approval from Senior Management. Course Information: This is an online course provided for motivated, independent students who may have timetable clashes or wish to undertake study in subjects not offered in 2015. Note: Not all courses listed will be offered in 2015. Confirmation will be made in early February 2015. If you are interested in including a NET NZ course you must see Miss Sasaki for further information and an application form. NOTE: Course will not be confirmed until early 2015 and is subject to availability. Students must attend an interview with Senior Management. What is Net NZ? NetNZ is a community of secondary and area schools in Canterbury, Otago and Southland that engage in eLearning to better meet the needs of students and teachers. How does it work? Each of our schools offers at least one course with a teacher(s) which then allows them to enrol students in courses offered by NetNZ and schools across the Virtual Learning Network (NZ). Generally a course consists of 8-15 students who are taught by an eTeacher (who will be from a participating school) using an approach that blends face to face style video conference tutorials with a mix of online and paper based learning. You would typically find a course consists of 5-7 different schools throughout the country. Much of the learning will be accessed through an online space where students can receive work, download assignments, and interact with teacher and other students. Each participating school also provides an eDean whose role is to support the students on site and provide an important line of communication between teacher and student. This means students are not left on their own to cope if they are having difficulties. Our commitment • • • • All courses will be aligned with the New Zealand curriculum and NZQA requirements All schools will provide an on-site support person (eDean) for students All courses will be taught by a qualified and registered teacher from a school in New Zealand All course will provide engaging, flexible learning using digital tools and resources blended with video conference tutorials Why take an online course? • • • • If the course/subject you want to take is not available at your own school If the subject you want to take clashes with another timetabled class If you want to develop your ability to self-manage your learning If you want to experience a course that is fully online and enables you to interact with students across the country T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 49 What students need to consider Learning online often requires a change of thinking from students who are used to a structured lesson by lesson day. You will need to be willing to learn how to manage your own time effectively and to direct your leaning more than in a traditional classroom. With this comes a lot more flexibility, especially if you are taking more than one online course (some students have up to three), but also more responsibility for your learning. Students need to be able to take the initiative and ask the teacher, the eDean and other students for help when they need it. Learning online does not mean the absence of a teacher. If fact, because of the small number of students in a course, e Teachers can often provide more feedback than in a traditional classroom, but this feedback is not instant and students need to go into the programme understanding this. NetNZ course 2014 Languages The Arts Beginner’s Japanese L1 Art L1 Japanese Introduction to Art History (L1) L2 Japanese L2 Art History L3 Japanese L3 Art History L1 French L2 Photography L2 French Science L1 Spanish L1 Chemistry L1 Te Reo Maori L2 Chemistry Social Sciences L3 Chemistry L1 History L2 Biology L2 History L3 Biology L3 History L2 Physics L1 Geography L3 Physics L2 Geography L3 Agriculture Introduction to Classical Studies L1 Technology L2 Classical Studies L1 Design and Visual Communication L3 Classical Studies L2 Design and Visual Communication L1 Economics L3 Design and Visual Communication L2 Psychology L1 Digital Technology Maths L2 Media Studies L1 Accounting L3 Media Studies L3 Mathematics Health and Physical Education L3 Calculus L2 Physical Education L3 Statistics L3 Physical Education T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 50 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 51 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 52 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 53 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 54 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 55 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 56 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 57 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 58 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 59 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 60 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 61 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 62 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 63 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 64 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 65 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 66 T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 67 Glossary Achievement Standard A nationally registered, coherent set of learning outcomes and associated performance criteria for credit, merit and excellence grades. Achievement Objective A desired learning outcome that is consistent with the aims of a programme Aim A goal that is set for a programme Assessment Collecting and evaluating evidence to establish the level of an individual's performance Certificate A document that shows that a qualification has been awarded Core Compulsory subject Credit A numerical value assigned to a unit standard that represents the estimated time needed for a typical learner to demonstrate that all specified outcomes have been met Credit Accumulation The collecting of credits towards qualifications ESOL English for speakers of other languages. Externally Assessed Student’s work will be evaluated by an official independent of Southland Boys' High School. This is usually done by an examination at the end of the academic year. Internally Assessed Student’s work will be evaluated by a Southland Boys' High School teacher according to national criteria. Moderation A term that broadly covers processes used for assuring the consistency of assessment with the required standard across all schools. Moderator Independent person who has the expertise to confirm that assessment results meet intended standards. National Certificate A qualification that is usually registered between NCEA Level 1 to 3 National Qualification A particular combination of unit standards or achievement standards as determined by a national standards setting body. National Qualifications Framework Collectively, all nationally registered qualifications, achievement standards and unit standards, and with the relationship among these. NCEA National Certificate in Educational Achievement NES National Employment Skills NZQA New Zealand Qualification Authority Portfolio A learner's personal collection of evidence of achievement Programme Term used to encompass courses of study and/or research activity. Qualification Requirements for certification established by a recognised standard setting group. Record of Achievement An individual learner's transcript of unit/achievement standards credited and national qualifications completed, provided by NZQA from a national database upon request. Reporting Supplying information on the progress and achievements of a learner Standards Defined learning outcomes, together with performance criteria, examples of their interpretation and application and associated quality assurance processes - see also unit standard; defined organisational or systems criteria, together with performance indicators. Standards-based Assessment Process of judging learner achievement against defined standards Unit Standard A nationally registered, coherent set of learning outcomes and associated performance criteria Valid Assessment Assessment that achieves its purpose by using evidence directly related to the type and level of performance required in a specific standard, and by being fair and consistent. T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 68 Subject Charges: additional charges are required to be made for materials used by boys in various subjects and for the use of some facilities in the community. Such charges are over and above government requirements and undoubtedly enhance your son’s education. Below is an indication of option charges for 2015 based on previous years. These are subject to change. SUBJECT: Art Ys 7, 8 DESCRIPTION: Materials COST: $20.00 SUBJECT: Y 9 Horticulture DESCRIPTION: Materials COST: $10.50 Art Y 9 Art Y 10 Materials Materials $20.00 $40.00 Y 10 Ag/Horticulture Agriculture 101,201,301 $10.50 $26.50 Art 101, 201, 301 Careers Trip –Y 13 Accounting 101 Economics 101,201,301 Business Studies Young Enterprise Studies $50.00 $30.00 $25.00 $20.00 $24 $32 Physics 301 Biology 201 Biology 301 Chemistry 201, 301 Physics 201 Biology/Geography Drama 101,201,301 Junior Drama English Year 8 Materials Dunedin University Consolidation Book Consolidation Book Consolidation Book Exam/Consolidation Book Materials Materials Speech Board Exam Materials Consolidation Book/Notes Consolidation Book Consolidation Book Consolidation Book Consolidation Book Consolidation Book Camp Fiordland $25.00 $10.00 $50.00 English Y7-13 Year 7 Camp Year 8 Camp Social Sciences Tourism Course French 201,301 Japanese Y10 Japanese 101, 201 Japanese 301 Year 10 Outdoor Ed Y13 Senior Camp Performance Fee Borland Lodge Deep Cove Consolidation Book Consolidation Book Consolidation Book Consolidation Book Consolidation Book Consolidation Book Camp at Boyd Creek Camp at Borland $5.00 $150.00 $250.00 $10.00 $45.00 $37.00 $20.00 $37.00 $37.00 $200.00 $130.00 Technology Y 7, 8, Technology Y 9 Design Tech Y 10 Y 11 DTE Engineering Graphics Y 10 Furniture/Jewellery 103 Design Tech Eng 103 Graphics 101,201,301 Furniture/jewel 203,303 Design Tech Eng 203 Food Tech Y 8, 9 Catering 103 Catering 103 Catering 203 Homeroom Catering $50.00 $55.00 $100.00 $150.00 $25.00 $150.00 $150.00 $20.00 $165.00 $165.00 $75.00 $280.00 $50.00 $280.00 $148.00 HPW 101/102 Course Phys Ed 201 Course Trip Consolidation book, camp,etc Camps Bus to swimming $60.00 $220.00 Homeroom Design Tech Outdoor Ed 201 Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials/printing Materials Materials Materials/printing Materials Materials Ingredients, etc Ingredients, etc Consolidation Book Ingredients, etc Ingredients, Consolidation book Materials Course $495.00 $20.00 Outdoor Ed 301 Course $800.00 Phys Ed 301 Course PED Y7, Y9 $45.00 $35.00 $35.00 $30.00 $45.00 $125.00 $100.00 $1000.00 NOTE: 1. Subject availability is dependent each year upon staffing, student numbers and funding. Where possible, we try to meet student needs. 2. Think carefully, and seek advice if needed, before making your final subject choice. T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 69 Option Choice Form Year 11, 2015 Please complete and bring this form to your course selection interview beginning Wednesday, 10 September. (You will be advised of your interview time during the week beginning Monday, 8 September). Parents will be contacted if there is a need for a second interview due to issues occurring with course selection. Name: ______________________________________ Tutor Group: Asttle English PAT English Mathematics _____________________ /9 /9 See your Tutor or classroom teacher to get the above results 2014 Current Subjects Core Subject English Mathematics Science Social Science A P B Homeroom Tick one for each subject Subjects 2015 Compulsory Subjects English Mathematics Science 101 102 103 Tick one for each subject Teacher Signature: …………………………………… Teacher Signature: …………………………………… Teacher Signature: …………………………………… Plus list in order of preference 4 other subjects (from this students will be placed into 3 option subjects) 1. …………………………………………………………. 2. …………………………………………………………. 3. …………………………………………………………. 4. …………………………………………………………. Student Signature: ………………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………….. Parent Signature: ………………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………….. These option choices can also be made via the Parent/Student Portal at or via SBHS website Web Portal T:\Options Folder\2015 Options\Options Booklet Yr 11 - 2015.doc Page 70
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