Minecraft Recipes This booklet explains how to make items in Minecraft. It covers all the crafting recipes and many other recipes. It doesn't list brewing recipes - there's a good diagram on the Minecraft wiki for those. This booklet was updated on 03 April 2014 and applies to version 1.7.5 of the official PC game. The latest booklet is at www.el.by/minecraft/recipes. Every recipe in this booklet has a number - these will help you find recipes using the index at the end of the booklet. Some recipes have a choice of ingredients - look out for the "Can Swap" sections which list the other ingredients you can use. Stores blocks and items and has 27 spaces total. Placing two chests side by side creates a large chest with 54 storage slots. 006 Torch × 4 Coal × 4 Stick × 4 Used to create a source of light. Torches also melt snow and ice. Can Swap → © Kieran Elby, 2014. This document is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. Much of the content is based on the Minecraft Wiki. Minecraft content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Mojang and its licensors. The creator of this document is neither endorsed nor affiliated with Mojang. Charcoal Crafting Recipes Crafting Recipes - Manufactured № Name Ingredients 007 Glowstone Glowstone Dust To make the items in this Crafting section, arrange the ingredients on the crafting grid as shown in the recipe. Most of the recipes need you to use a Crafting Table, since that has a bigger crafting grid than the one in your inventory. Used to create brighter light source than torches. Melts snow/ice and can be used underwater. If mined again without ''Silk Touch'', it turns back into Glowstone dust. Crafting Recipes - Basic № Name 001 Any Wooden Planks Ingredients Any Wood Recipe 008 White Wool Recipe String Used as a building material and can be colored with dyes. Usable as a building material, and can be crafted into many things. Apart from colored stairs and slabs, items using wood can be made from any mixture of plank colors. 009 TNT (shape doesn't matter) 002 Stick × 4 Sand Any Wooden Planks × 4 Used to craft torches, arrows, signs, ladders, fences, paintings and as handles for tools and weapons. Used to cause explosions when lit with Flint and Steel or activated with redstone. 010 003 Crafting Table Gunpowder Any Wooden Planks Any Wooden Slab × 6 Any Wooden Planks × 6 Used for making long staircases. Two slabs placed on top of each other will create a normal-sized double slab block. Displays a 3x3 crafting grid allowing the player to craft items that can't be crafted in the inventory. 011 004 Furnace Cobblestone Stone Slab × 6 Stone × 6 Used for making long staircases. Two slabs placed on top of each other will create a normal-sized double slab block. Allows the player to smelt and cook. Can Swap → 005 Chest Any Wooden Planks → Bricks Cobblestone To Craft Bricks Slab × 6 Cobblestone Slab × 6 012 Any Wooden Stairs × 4 → Sandstone Sandstone Slab × 6 → Block of Quartz Quartz Slab × 6 → Nether Brick Nether Brick Slab × 6 → Stone Bricks Stone Bricks Slab × 6 Any Wooden Planks × 4 in Stronghold. 018 Nether Brick Nether Brick (Item) Used as a building material found naturally in Nether Fortresses. Used for compact staircases and decoration. 019 013 Cobblestone Stairs × 4 Cobblestone × 4 Used as decoration, or to give an Enchantment Table a boost for better enchantments. 020 Can Swap → Snow Bricks To Craft Brick Stairs × 4 → Sandstone Sandstone Stairs × 4 → Block of Quartz Quartz Stairs × 4 → Nether Brick Nether Brick Stairs × 4 → Stone Bricks Stone Brick Stairs × 4 Snowball Sandstone 021 Smooth Sandstone × 4 022 Chiseled Sandstone 015 023 Block of Quartz Used as a building material, or as compact storage for Clay. White marble like block. 016 024 Bricks Brick Stone Bricks × 4 Pillar Quartz Block × 2 Sandstone Slab Nether Quartz Block of Quartz × 2 Marble like pillars. Used as a building material. 017 Any Sandstone × 4 Smoother version of Sandstone More decorative version of sandstone. Clay Sand Used as a building material. Is not influenced by gravity like normal Sand. Used as a building material, or as compact storage for Snowballs. Snow Blocks are also used to craft Snow Golems. Clay (block) Any Wooden Planks Book Used for compact staircases and decoration. 014 Bookshelf Stone × 4 Used as a building material. To obtain stone, smelt cobblestone or utilize Silk Touch enchantment on a pickaxe when mining stone; found naturally 025 Chiseled Quartz Block Quartz Slab More decorative version of Block of Quartz 033 Activator Rail × 6 Iron Ingot × 6 Stick × 6 Redstone Torch × 6 026 Jack 'o' Lantern Used to activate or disactivate TNT, Command Block, and hopper minecarts. Also will remove entities from minecarts (upcoming in 1.8) 034 Minecart Iron Ingot Pumpkin Torch Used to transport the player or a mob along rails. Used to create brighter light source than torches. Melts snow/ice and can be used underwater. 027 Ender Chest Obsidian 035 Eye of Ender Minecart with Furnace Minecart Contents of the chest are put into all Ender Chests created, but the contents are localised to the player in SMP. When mined they will only drop 8 Obsidian. 028 Anvil Block of Iron Used to push other Minecarts along rails using fuel. 036 Minecart with Chest Iron Ingot Beacon Chest Minecart Used to repair and rename items and blocks, and are affected by gravity. 029 Furnace Used to transport goods along rails. Glass 037 Minecart with TNT Nether Star TNT Minecart Obsidian Activated with the Activator Rail to create an explosion . Used to provide both a unique landmark, and selected potion buffs to all players in the vicinity Crafting Recipes - Transportation № Name Ingredients 030 Rail × 16 Iron Ingot × 16 Stick × 16 Used to guide minecarts. 038 Minecart with Hopper Recipe Hopper Minecart Used to suck items lying on tracks and from containers above them, and then transport the items into another container. 039 Carrot on a Stick Fishing Rod Carrot 031 Powered Rail × 6 Gold Ingot × 6 Used while riding pigs to direct them. Stick × 6 Redstone × 6 Used to speed up or stop minecarts. 032 Detector Rail × 6 040 Boat Any Wooden Planks Used to travel on water faster than swimming. Iron Ingot × 6 Stone Pressure Plate × 6 Redstone × 6 Functions like a Pressure Plate (sends a Redstone signal when powered) but can only be activated by a minecart. Crafting Recipes - Tool № Name Ingredients Recipe 041 Wooden Pickaxe Any Wooden Planks Can Swap → Stick Required to mine stone-related blocks, iron-related blocks and ore. Can Swap → 042 Wooden Axe To Craft Cobblestone Stone Pickaxe → Diamond Diamond Pickaxe → Gold Ingot Golden Pickaxe → Iron Ingot Iron Pickaxe → Diamond Diamond Hoe → Gold Ingot Golden Hoe → Iron Ingot Iron Hoe Iron Ingot Flint Used to create fire and light portals. (shape doesn't matter) 046 Can Swap → Cobblestone Bucket To Craft Stone Axe → Diamond Diamond Axe → Gold Ingot Golden Axe → Iron Ingot Iron Axe 047 Compass Iron Ingot Redstone Points to the player's original spawn point. 048 Empty Map Paper Compass Any Wooden Planks Stick Will create an image of an area explored while held. This can be used for path-finding. Used to dig dirt, grass, sand, gravel and snow faster than by hand. Shovels are required to dig snowballs. Can Swap → Iron Ingot Used to collect and transport water, lava and milk. Used to chop wood-related blocks and pumpkins faster than by hand. Wooden Shovel Flint and Steel To Craft Stone Hoe Any Wooden Planks Stick 043 045 Cobblestone To Craft Cobblestone Stone Shovel → Diamond Diamond Shovel → Gold Ingot Golden Shovel → Iron Ingot Iron Shovel 049 Clock Gold Ingot Redstone Displays positions of the Sun and Moon. 050 Fishing Rod Stick String Used to catch fish. Can also be used to pull mobs and other entities. 044 Wooden Hoe Any Wooden Planks Stick Used to till dirt and grass blocks to prepare for crops (carrots, melons, potatoes, pumpkins, wheat). 051 Shears Iron Ingot Used to collect dead bush, leaves, tall grass, vines and wool from sheep. Also breaks leaves, wool, and cobweb faster than by hand. Shears can be used to collect tripwire without triggering a redstone pulse. 052 Fire Charge × 3 Blaze Powder × 3 Coal × 3 Gunpowder × 3 Can be shot out of dispensers. Also can be used to create fire and to light (shape doesn't matter) blocks and entities on fire. Can Swap → Charcoal Crafting Recipes - Weapon № Name 053 Wooden Sword Ingredients Any Wooden Planks Recipe Stick 057 Leather Tunic 054 Bow To Craft Cobblestone Stone Sword → Diamond Diamond Sword → Gold Ingot Golden Sword → Iron Ingot Iron Sword Stick String 058 Leather Pants Arrow × 4 → Gold Ingot Golden Helmet → Iron Ingot Iron Helmet Leather Diamond To Craft Diamond Chestplate → Fire Chain Chestplate → Gold Ingot Golden Chestplate → Iron Ingot Iron Chestplate Leather Diamond To Craft Diamond Leggings → Fire Chain Leggings Flint × 4 → Gold Ingot Golden Leggings Stick × 4 → Iron Ingot Iron Leggings Feather × 4 Used as ammunition for bows. Crafting Recipes - Armor № Name 056 Leather Cap Chain Helmet Leather Pants give 2 armor points Golden Leggings give 3 armor points Chain Leggings give 4 armor points Iron Leggings give 5 armor points Diamond Leggings give 6 armor points Can Swap → Allows for ranged attacks by using arrows. 055 Fire Leather Tunic gives 3 armor points Golden Chestplate gives 5 armor points Chain Chestplate gives 5 armor points Iron Chestplate gives 6 armor points Diamond Chestplate gives 8 armor points Can Swap → Deals mobs more damage than by hand. Can Swap → → Ingredients Leather 059 Recipe Leather Cap gives 1 armor points Golden Helmet gives 2 armor points Chain Helmet gives 2 armor points Iron Helmet gives 2 armor points Diamond Helmet gives 3 armor points Leather Boots Leather Leather Boots give 1 armor points Golden Boots give 1 armor points Chain Boots give 1 armor points Iron Boots give 2 armor points Diamond Boots give 3 armor points Can Swap → Can Swap → Diamond To Craft Diamond Helmet Diamond To Craft Diamond Boots → Fire Chain Boots → Gold Ingot Golden Boots → Iron Ingot Iron Boots Crafting Recipes - Mechanism № Name 060 Trapdoor × 2 Redstone Ingredients Any Wooden Planks × 2 Recipe Trapdoors are activated by clicking, and function as normal doors, but are a 1x1 one block and lie flat on the ground. Can also be activated with redstone. 061 Wooden Pressure Plate Can Swap → Weighted Pressure Plate 067 Used to hold and drop items in a random order when given a Redstone charge. 068 Iron Ingot Any Wooden Planks Cobblestone Iron Ingot Redstone To Craft Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) Pushes blocks and entities. 069 Sticky Piston Slimeball Piston Pushes blocks and entities, and will pull back the block next to the end when retracted. 070 Button Piston Gold Ingot Can Swap → Cobblestone Redstone To Craft Stone Stone Pressure Plate (Light) Sends a variable signal depending on how many items are on them; since 1.7 they respond to mobs, with each having its own weight. 063 Dropper Any Wooden Planks Used to send an electrical charge when stepped on by a player or a mob. Wooden Pressure Plates can also be activated by dropping something on them. 062 Used to hold and shoot out items in a random order when given a Redstone charge. Redstone Lamp Redstone Stone Glowstone Used to send an electrical charge by being pressed. Stays activated for approximately a second before shutting off again. Can Swap → 064 Note Block (shape doesn't matter) To Craft Any Wooden Planks Wooden Button Any Wooden Planks Redstone Used to create brighter light than torches. Melts snow/ice and can be used underwater. It can be turned on and off using redstone. Requires a redstone connection to emit light. 071 Redstone Torch Redstone Stick Constantly sends an electrical charge, or can be used as a receiver/transmitter when connected the side of a block. Can also be used for low-level lighting. 072 Lever Stick Plays a note when triggered. Right click it to change the pitch of the note. Placing this on top of different blocks changes its type of instrument. 065 Jukebox Cobblestone Any Wooden Planks Used to send an electrical charge by being turned on or off. Stays in on or off state until clicked again. Diamond 073 Plays Music Discs. Tripwire Hook × 2 Iron Ingot × 2 Stick × 2 Any Wooden Planks × 2 066 Dispenser Cobblestone Bow Used to send an electrical charge whenever a player or entity steps on a tripwire connected to it. 074 Daylight Sensor Glass Bowl Nether Quartz Wooden Slab Restores 6 food points. Bowl is not lost when eaten. Used to send a variable charge proportional to the intensity of sunlight. 075 Hopper Iron Ingot (shape doesn't matter) 082 Bread Wheat Chest Restores 5 food points. Used to move items from one container to another. 076 Trapped Chest Tripwire Hook 083 Sugar Sugar Cane Chest Used when crafting Pumpkin pie, Cake and brewing a Potion of Swiftness. Sends a redstone signal when opened. 077 Wooden Door Any Wooden Planks Wooden doors are activated by clicking or with redstone. Iron doors are similar but can only be opened by Redstone, Switches, or Pressure Plates and things close to that. (shape doesn't matter) 084 Cake Milk Sugar Egg Can Swap → 078 Redstone Repeater To Craft Iron Ingot Iron Door Redstone Torch Redstone Wheat Restores 2 food points on every use. Can be used 6 times, for a total of 12 food points restored. Returns empty buckets when crafted. 085 Cookie × 8 Wheat × 8 Cocoa Beans × 8 Stone Used in redstone circuits as repeater, a delayer, and/or a diode. 079 Redstone Comparator Redstone Torch Nether Quartz Stone Used in redstone circuits as a comparator, an inventory checker, or a delay without repeating. Crafting Recipes - Food № Name Ingredients Recipe 080 Bowl × 4 Any Wooden Planks × 4 Restores 2 food points. 086 Golden Apple Gold Ingot Apple Restores 4 food points, and slowly regenerates 4 health points (Regeneration II for 4 seconds), it also gives an 4 health points absorption effect (Absorption for 2 minutes). It is one of two foods that can be eaten with a full Hunger bar. 087 Enchanted Golden Apple Block of Gold Apple Used to hold mushroom stew and to milk a Mooshroom. 081 Mushroom Stew Red Mushroom Brown Mushroom Restores 4 food points, and regenerates health rapidly (Regeneration IV for 30 seconds), it also gives an 4 health points absorption effect (Absorption for 2 minutes), and gives Resistance and Fire resistance for 5 minutes. It is one of two foods that can be eaten with a full Hunger bar. 088 Melon Seeds Melon Plantable on farmland. Will produce one Melon Block on an adjacent dirt blocks each harvest. (shape doesn't matter) 089 Pumpkin Seeds × 4 Pumpkin × 4 Plantable on farmland. Will produce one Pumpkin on an adjacent dirt blocks each harvest. 095 Iron Ingot × 9 → Diamond Block of Diamond → Emerald Block of Emerald → Redstone Block of Redstone → Iron Ingot Block of Iron → Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli Block Block of Iron × 9 Used to reclaim ingots/gems/dyes from blocks. (shape doesn't matter) 090 Pumpkin Pie Egg Sugar Can Swap → Pumpkin Restores 8 food points. (shape doesn't matter) 091 Hay Bale Wheat Decorative block, and food for horses. First craftable food that is not for the player. 092 Wheat × 9 Hay Bale × 9 096 Lead × 2 Allows Hay Bales to be converted back into wheat. (shape doesn't matter) To Craft Block of Diamond Diamond × 9 → Block of Emerald Emerald × 9 → Block of Gold Gold Ingot × 9 → Block of Redstone Redstone × 9 → Lapis Lazuli Block Lapis Lazuli × 9 String × 2 Slimeball × 2 Used to tie up non-hostile mobs. (shape doesn't matter) 093 Golden Carrot 097 Ladder × 3 Stick × 3 Gold Nugget Used to climb vertically. Carrot Restores 6 food points. Usable in potions and to breed horses. 098 Crafting Recipes - Miscellaneous № Name Ingredients 094 Block of Gold Gold Ingot Recipe Allows ingots, gems, or dyes to be crafted into placeable blocks. Can be used as an expensive building block or compact storage of the ore. Redstone blocks also provide a redstone signal to adjacent mechanisms. Block of Coal can be used also as better fuel for furnaces. Can Swap → Coal To Craft Block of Coal Glass Pane × 16 Glass × 16 Have similar placement behavior as Fences and use the same texture as Glass. 099 Iron Bars × 16 Iron Ingot × 16 Have similar placement behavior as Fences, but their height is counted as only 1 block. 100 Fence × 2 Stick × 2 Used as a barrier that cannot be jumped over. Counts as 1.5 blocks high for mobs and players, but 1 block high for other blocks. Can Swap → 101 Fence Gate Nether Brick To Craft Nether Brick Fence × 6 Stick Any Wooden Planks Used as a door while looking similar to fence blocks. Fence gates can only be opened by right-clicking and Redstone. Since patch 1.4.2, doors can't be opened with left-click either. 102 Cobblestone Wall × 6 Cobblestone × 6 Used to create books and maps. 108 Book Paper Leather Used to create a bookshelf, book and quills or an enchantment table. Does not use leather in Pocket Edition. 109 Book and Quill Feather Ink Sac Book Books which can be written in and edited. Decoration block which acts similar to fences. (shape doesn't matter) 110 Bed Any Wool Any Wooden Planks Can Swap → 103 Melon (Block) To Craft Moss Stone Mossy Cobblestone Wall × 6 Melon Can be used for compact storage of melon slices. However, breaking a single melon block yields 3-7 melon slices. 104 Painting Stick Used to advance time from night to morning (in SMP, all players in the Overworld must be in beds). Also changes the spawn point of the player (but compasses are unaffected until you die and respawn). 111 Gold Ingot Gold Nugget Used in Tools, Armor, Clocks, Powered Rails, and Gold Blocks. 112 Eye of Ender Any Wool A decoration for your wall 105 Item Frame Stick Shows text entered by the player. Paper × 3 Flower Pot Brick Any Wooden Planks × 3 Stick × 3 107 (shape doesn't matter) 113 Allows saplings, mushrooms, flowers, cacti, ferns and dead bushes to be placed in it. Displays the item or block that is inside it. Sign × 3 Blaze Powder Used to locate Strongholds, craft Ender Chest and repair an End Portal block. Leather 106 Ender Pearl Sugar Cane × 3 Crafting Recipes - Dye № Name 114 Bone Meal × 3 Ingredients Bone × 3 Used to grow crops, trees, tall grass, huge mushrooms, wheat, pumpkin vines, melon vines, and flowers. Also used in creating pale dye colors. Recipe (shape doesn't matter) 115 Light Gray Dye × 3 Bone Meal × 3 121 Orange Dye Orange Tulip See previous entry. Ink Sac × 3 Used to dye wool, sheep, or leather armor light gray. (See Light Gray Dye page for comparison of recipes' efficiency.) (shape doesn't matter) (shape doesn't matter) 116 Light Gray Dye × 2 Bone Meal × 2 122 Dandelion Yellow Dandelion Used to dye wool, sheep, or leather armor. Also used in creating orange dye. Gray Dye × 2 See previous entry. (shape doesn't matter) 117 Light Gray Dye Can Swap → Azure Bluet See previous entry. 123 Lime Dye × 2 (shape doesn't matter) To Craft Sunflower Dandelion Yellow × 2 Cactus Green × 2 Bone Meal × 2 (shape doesn't matter) Can Swap → Used to dye wool, sheep, or leather armor lime. (shape doesn't matter) Oxeye Daisy 124 → 118 Gray Dye × 2 Light Blue Dye × 2 White Tulip Lapis Lazuli × 2 Bone Meal × 2 Ink Sac × 2 Used to dye wool, sheep, or leather armor light blue. Bone Meal × 2 (shape doesn't matter) Used to dye wool, sheep, or leather armor gray. Also used in creating light gray dye. 125 (shape doesn't matter) 119 Rose Red Light Blue Dye Blue Orchid See previous entry. Poppy Used to dye wool, sheep, or leather armor red. Also used in creating several other dye colors. (shape doesn't matter) 126 Cyan Dye × 2 Cactus Green × 2 (shape doesn't matter) Can Swap → → Red Tulip To Craft Rose Red Rose Bush Used to dye wool, sheep, or leather armor cyan. (shape doesn't matter) Rose Red × 2 127 120 Orange Dye × 2 Lapis Lazuli × 2 Rose Red × 2 Purple Dye × 2 Lapis Lazuli × 2 Rose Red × 2 Dandelion Yellow × 2 Used to dye wool, sheep, or leather armor purple. Can also be used in creating magenta dye. Used to dye wool, sheep, or leather armor orange. (shape doesn't matter) (shape doesn't matter) 128 Magenta Dye × 2 Purple Dye × 2 134 Any Wool Pink Dye × 2 White Wool Any Dye Used to dye wool, sheep, or leather armor magenta. (See Magenta Dye page for comparison of recipes' efficiency.) The first colored block introduced to the game. (shape doesn't matter) 129 Magenta Dye × 4 (shape doesn't matter) Bone Meal × 4 135 Lapis Lazuli × 4 Decorative block. Can be placed on any block. Any Carpet × 3 Any Wool × 3 Rose Red × 4 See previous entry. (shape doesn't matter) 130 Magenta Dye × 3 136 Any Stained Clay × 8 Pink Dye × 3 Hardened Clay × 8 Bone Meal × 8 Lapis Lazuli × 3 This block has the highest blast resistance of colored blocks. Rose Red × 3 See previous entry. Can Swap → (shape doesn't matter) 131 Magenta Dye Allium 137 See previous entry. Any Stained Glass × 8 Any Dye Glass × 8 Bone Meal × 8 This colored block is transparent. (shape doesn't matter) Can Swap → 132 Pink Dye × 2 Lilac To Craft Magenta Dye × 2 Rose Red × 2 138 Bone Meal × 2 16 A cheaper, thinner version of stained glass. (shape doesn't matter) 133 Pink Dye Can Swap → Pink Tulip See previous entry. Any Stained Glass Pane × Any Dye Any Stained Glass × 16 Crafting Recipes - Enchantment and Brewing № Name Ingredients 139 Enchantment Table Book Diamond Obsidian (shape doesn't matter) Can Swap → To Craft Peony Pink Dye × 2 Used to Enchant Tools, Weapons, and Armor. 140 Glass Bottle × 3 Glass × 3 Bottles for Potions. Crafting Recipes - Dyed Block № Name Ingredients Recipe Recipe 141 Cauldron № Name 148 End Portal Iron Ingot Used to store water for Glass Bottles, and remove dye from leather armor. Ingredients End Portal Block × 12 Eye of Ender × 12 142 Brewing Stand An End Portal (sometimes called Ender Portal) is a structure that is used to travel into The End. Blaze Rod Recipe First, make sure you have a large flat area of ground / floor - at least 7 blocks by 7 blocks. Start by building the frame flat on the floor out of End Portal Blocks - it should be in a ring shape: Cobblestone Used to Brew potions. 143 Blaze Powder × 2 Blaze Rod × 2 Can be combined with an Ender Pearl to make an Eye of Ender. Can also be used to craft Magma Cream, Fire charges and Potions of Strength. (shape doesn't matter) 144 Magma Cream Blaze Powder Slimeball Used in Potions for fire resistance. 149 Nether Portal Flint and Steel (shape doesn't matter) 145 Fermented Spider Eye Spider Eye Obsidian × 10 Takes you to the Nether (or back again, if you're already in the Nether). Brown Mushroom The empty middle of the frame should be 3 blocks by 3 blocks. Finally, put an Eye of Ender on top of each of the End Portal Blocks - the End Portal will then activate. We want to build a frame that's four blocks wide, one block deep and five blocks high. We can leave the corners out to save on Obsidian. The shape should be like this: Sugar Used in Potions. Most potions with Fermented Spider Eye in them have negative effects, so this ingredient is used in many splash potions. 146 Glistering Melon Gold Nugget (shape doesn't matter) Melon Used in Brewing to create health restoration Potions. 147 Gold Nugget × 9 The empty middle of the frame should be 2 blocks wide and 3 blocks high. Finally, use Flint and Steel on the frame you built - the Nether Portal will then activate. Gold Ingot × 9 Used to craft Glistering Melon with Melons, or a Golden Carrot with a Carrot. (shape doesn't matter) Structure Recipes To make the items in this Structure section, arrange the blocks in the world as explained in the recipe text. Structure Recipes - Portal Structure Recipes - Mob № Name 150 Snow Golem Ingredients Snow × 2 Pumpkin Snow Golems are friendly to their creator and throw snowballs at enemy mobs. Recipe Put a block of snow on the ground. Then put another block of snow on top of the first block. Finally put a pumpkin on top. 151 Iron Golem Iron × 3 Pumpkin Iron Golems defend villagers against enemies. 152 Wither Soul Sand × 4 Wither Skeleton Skull × 3 The wither is a dangerous mob that will attack the player and all other mobs apart from Skeletons, Zombies and other Withers. Structure Recipes - Miscellaneous № Name Ingredients 153 Large Chest Chest × 2 Put a block of iron on the ground. Then put another block of iron on top of it. Then add two more blocks of iron to make the arms - you should end up with a T shape. Finally put a pumpkin on top. Put a block of soul sand on the ground. Then put another block of soul sand on top of it. Then add two more blocks of soul sand to make the arms - you should end up with a T shape. Finally, put a Wither Skeleton Skull on top of the three upper blocks. Recipe Put two chests side by side. A large chest can hold more than a normal chest. Smelting Recipes The recipes in this Smelting section are easy - put the ingredient in the top of the something to burn in the bottom (such as Smelting Recipes - Food № Name 154 Cooked Porkchop Furnace, and Coal). Ingredients Raw Porkchop 155 Steak Raw Beef 156 Cooked Chicken Raw Chicken 157 Cooked Fish Raw Fish 158 Cooked Salmon Raw Salmon 159 Baked Potato Potato Smelting Recipes - Ores and Materials № Name Ingredients 160 Iron Ingot Iron Ore Notes Fills 8 food points compared to 4 food points for raw. Fills 8 food points compared to 4 food points for raw. Fills 6 food points compared to 2 food points for raw. Raw might poison you! Fills 5 food points compared to 2 food points for raw. Fills 5 food points compared to 2 food points for raw. Fills 6 food points compared to 1 food points for raw. Notes See the index for the many items you can craft from this. 163 Stone Cobblestone 164 Brick Clay 165 Nether Brick (Item) Netherrack 166 Hardened Clay Clay Building material. Also used for crafting various items such as Buttons. Index Name Activator Rail Crafted By 33 Ingredients For Recipe Number — Allium — 131 Anvil 28 — Any Carpet 135 — Any Dye — 134, 136, 137 Any Sandstone — 21 Any Stained Clay 136 — Any Stained Glass 137 138 Any Stained Glass Pane 138 — Any Wood — 1 Any Wooden Planks 1 Any Wooden Slab 10 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 19, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 53, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 73, 77, 80, 101, 106, 110 — Any Wooden Stairs 12 — Any Wool 134 104, 110, 135 Apple 86 86, 87 Arrow 55 — Axe 42 — Azure Bluet — 117 Baked Potato 159 — Beacon 29 — 161 Gold Ingot Gold Ore Bed 110 — 162 Glass Sand Blaze Powder 143 52, 112, 144 Blaze Rod — 142, 143 Carrot 93 39, 93 Block of Coal 94 — Carrot on a Stick 39 — Block of Diamond 94 95 Cauldron 141 — Block of Emerald 94 95 Chain Boots 59 — Block of Gold 94 87, 95 Chain Chestplate 57 — Block of Iron 94 28, 95 Chain Helmet 56 — Block of Quartz 23 11, 13, 24 Chain Leggings 58 — Block of Redstone 94 95 Charcoal — 6, 52 Blue Orchid — 125 Chest 5 36, 75, 76, 153 Boat 40 — Chestplate 57 — Bone — 114 Chiseled Quartz Block 25 — Bone Meal 114 115, 116, 118, 123, 124, 129, 132, 136, 137 Chiseled Sandstone 22 — Book 108 19, 109, 139 Clay — 15, 164, 166 Book and Quill 109 — Clay (block) 15 — Bookshelf 19 — Clock 49 — Boots 59 — Coal — 6, 52, 94 Bow 54 66 Cobblestone — Bowl 80 81 Cobblestone Slab 11 4, 11, 13, 41, 42, 43, 44, 53, 66, 67, 68, 72, 102, 142, 163 — Bread 82 — Cobblestone Stairs 13 — Brewing Stand 142 — Cobblestone Wall 102 — Brick 164 16, 113 Cocoa Beans — 85 Brick Stairs 13 — Compass 47 48 Bricks 16 11, 13 Cooked Chicken 156 — Bricks Slab 11 — Cooked Fish 157 — Brown Mushroom — 81, 145 Cooked Porkchop 154 — Bucket 46 — Cooked Salmon 158 — Button 63 — Cookie 85 — Cactus Green — 123, 126 Crafting Table 3 — Cake 84 — Cyan Dye 126 — Carpet 135 — Dandelion — 122 Dandelion Yellow 122 120 Fermented Spider Eye 145 — Daylight Sensor 74 — Fire — 56, 57, 58, 59 Detector Rail 32 — Fire Charge 52 — Diamond 95 41, 42, 43, 44, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 65, 94, 139 Fishing Rod 50 39 Diamond Axe 42 — Flint — 45, 55 Diamond Boots 59 — Flint and Steel 45 149 Diamond Chestplate 57 — Flower Pot 113 — Diamond Helmet 56 — Furnace 4 35 Diamond Hoe 44 — Glass 162 29, 74, 98, 137, 140 Diamond Leggings 58 — Glass Bottle 140 — Diamond Pickaxe 41 — Glass Pane 98 — Diamond Shovel 43 — Glistering Melon 146 — Diamond Sword 53 — Glowstone 7 70 Dispenser 66 — Glowstone Dust — 7 Door 77 — Gold Ingot 95, 111, 161 Dropper 67 — Gold Nugget 147 31, 41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 86, 94, 147 93, 111, 146 Dye — 134, 136, 137 Gold Ore — 161 Egg — 84, 90 Golden Apple 86 — Emerald 95 94 Golden Axe 42 — Empty Map 48 — Golden Boots 59 — Enchanted Golden Apple 87 — Golden Carrot 93 — Enchantment Table 139 — Golden Chestplate 57 — End Portal 148 — Golden Helmet 56 — End Portal Block — 148 Golden Hoe 44 — Ender Chest 27 — Golden Leggings 58 — Ender Pearl — 112 Golden Pickaxe 41 — Eye of Ender 112 27, 148 Golden Shovel 43 — Feather — 55, 109 Golden Sword 53 — Fence 100 — Gray Dye 118 116 Fence Gate 101 — Gunpowder — 9, 52 Hardened Clay 166 136 Leather Boots 59 — Hay Bale 91 92 Leather Cap 56 — Helmet 56 — Leather Pants 58 — Hoe 44 — Leather Tunic 57 — Hopper 75 38 Leggings 58 — Ink Sac — 109, 115, 118 Lever 72 — Iron — 151 Light Blue Dye 124, 125 — Iron Axe 42 — Light Gray Dye 115, 116, 117 — Iron Bars 99 — Lilac — 131 Iron Boots 59 — Lime Dye 123 — Iron Chestplate 57 — Magenta Dye 128, 129, 130, 131 — Iron Door 77 — Magma Cream 144 — Iron Golem 151 — Melon — 88, 103, 146 Iron Helmet 56 — Melon (Block) 103 — Iron Hoe 44 — Melon Seeds 88 — Iron Ingot 95, 160 Milk — 84 Iron Leggings 58 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 68, 73, 75, 77, 94, 99, 141 — Minecart 34 35, 36, 37, 38 Iron Ore — 160 Minecart with Chest 36 — Iron Pickaxe 41 — Minecart with Furnace 35 — Iron Shovel 43 — Minecart with Hopper 38 — Iron Sword 53 — Minecart with TNT 37 — Item Frame 105 — Moss Stone — 102 Jack 'o' Lantern 26 — Mossy Cobblestone Wall 102 — Jukebox 65 — Mushroom Stew 81 — Ladder 97 — Nether Brick 18 11, 13, 100 Lapis Lazuli 95 94, 124, 126, 127, 129, 130 Nether Brick (Item) 165 18 Lapis Lazuli Block 94 95 Nether Brick Fence 100 — Large Chest 153 — Nether Brick Slab 11 — Lead 96 — Nether Brick Stairs 13 — Leather — 56, 57, 58, 59, 105, 108 Nether Portal 149 — Nether Quartz — 23, 74, 79 Raw Fish — 157 Nether Star — 29 Raw Porkchop — 154 Netherrack — 165 Raw Salmon — 158 Note Block 64 — Red Mushroom — 81 Obsidian — 27, 29, 139, 149 Red Tulip — 119 Orange Dye 120, 121 — Redstone 95 31, 32, 47, 49, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 78, 94 Orange Tulip — 121 Redstone Comparator 79 — Oxeye Daisy — 117 Redstone Lamp 70 — Painting 104 — Redstone Repeater 78 — Paper 107 48, 108 Redstone Torch 71 33, 78, 79 Peony — 133 Rose Bush — 119 Pickaxe 41 — Rose Red 119 120, 127, 129, 130, 132 Pillar Quartz Block 24 — Sand — 9, 20, 162 Pink Dye 132, 133 128, 130 Sandstone 20 11, 13, 21 Pink Tulip — 133 Sandstone Slab 11 22 Piston 68 69 Sandstone Stairs 13 — Planks 1 Shears 51 — Poppy — 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 19, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 53, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 73, 77, 80, 101, 106, 110 119 Shovel 43 — Potato — 159 Sign 106 — Powered Rail 31 — Slab 10 74 Pressure Plate 61 — Slimeball — 69, 96, 144 Pumpkin — 26, 89, 90, 150, 151 Smooth Sandstone 21 — Pumpkin Pie 90 — Snow 14 150 Pumpkin Seeds 89 — Snow Golem 150 — Purple Dye 127 128 Snowball — 14 Quartz Slab 11 25 Soul Sand — 152 Quartz Stairs 13 — Spider Eye — 145 Rail 30 — Stained Clay 136 — Raw Beef — 155 Stained Glass 137 138 Raw Chicken — 156 Stained Glass Pane 138 — Stairs 12 — White Wool 8 134 Steak 155 — Wither 152 — Stick 2 Wither Skeleton Skull — 152 Sticky Piston 69 6, 30, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44, 50, 53, 54, 55, 71, 72, 73, 97, 100, 101, 104, 105, 106 — Wood — 1 Stone 163 11, 17, 61, 63, 78, 79 Wooden Axe 42 — Stone Axe 42 — Wooden Button 63 — Stone Brick Stairs 13 — Wooden Door 77 — Stone Bricks 17 11, 13 Wooden Hoe 44 — Stone Bricks Slab 11 — Wooden Pickaxe 41 — Stone Hoe 44 — Wooden Planks 1 Stone Pickaxe 41 — Wooden Pressure Plate 61 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 19, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 53, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 73, 77, 80, 101, 106, 110 — Stone Pressure Plate 61 32 Wooden Shovel 43 — Stone Shovel 43 — Wooden Slab 10 74 Stone Slab 11 — Wooden Stairs 12 — Stone Sword 53 — Wooden Sword 53 — String — 8, 50, 54, 96 Wool 134 104, 110, 135 Sugar 83 84, 90, 145 Sugar Cane — 83, 107 Sunflower — 122 Sword 53 — TNT 9 37 Torch 6 26 Trapdoor 60 — Trapped Chest 76 — Tripwire Hook 73 76 Weighted Pressure Plate 62 — (Heavy) Weighted Pressure Plate 62 — (Light) Wheat 92 82, 84, 85, 91 — 117 White Tulip
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