uplifting boosted flourish

the leading provider of learning and
development to the public sector
welcome to
Chamberlain Dunn Learning
GateHouse has been delivering high quality, bespoke, in-house training programmes
for the NHS and public sector for over 25 years. For the past seven years we
have been part of Chamberlain Dunn Associates, a leading design, events and
communications agency that specialises in working with the NHS and public
sector. And now as Chamberlain Dunn Learning we continue to deliver dynamic,
innovative and engaging programmes, some of which you will find featured here.
From leadership and management to customer care, we have a range of
programmes that will help develop your staff, giving them the skills to do the
very best job possible, providing excellent patient care and well-led services.
All of our programmes are designed in partnership with you and delivered by expert
tutors at your organisation. For more information on how we can help your people be
the very best, get in touch with one of our team on 020 8088 1470 or contact us via
Joy Shepherd
Programme co-ordinator
Chamberlain Dunn Learning
(Formerly GateHouse)
and professional
programme leaders
All our tutors are experts in their
field and have been chosen for
their in-depth knowledge and
exceptional ability
to design and
deliver high quality,
and workshops.
And here are three good reasons to choose
a Chamberlain Dunn Learning programme...
Training anywhere
in the UK
Our programme leaders are
happy to come to you in
England, Scotland, Wales
or Northern Ireland.
Tailor-made programmes
We work with you to design and
deliver a programme that is unique
to you and will allow participants to
apply their learning in a practical way
that will make a real difference in
the workplace.
What are
learning &
Our advanced learning programmes are designed
to help you and your staff achieve groundbreaking,
organisation-wide improvements in the service you
deliver to your patients and clients.
Each programme can also be designed to meet
your specific needs by choosing from an extensive
selection of modules. See page 4 for details.
call Joy to find out more
020 8088 1470
or visit www.chamberlaindunnlearning.co.uk
4 our approach to learning
development programmes
6transforming culture
8coaching in leadership
9harnessing positive energy
10the innovation imperative
the leading provider of
learning and development
to the public sector
special workshops
12dementia awareness workshops
14 creating & strengthening teams
15developing resilience in yourself
& others
16reputation & brand management
18political competence in
public services
20cultivating compassionate care
21 here are other courses we offer...
21and organisations we have
worked with...
22 programme leaders & us
24finally, any questions?
our approach
to learning
customised programmes to develop
your leaders and managers
Each of our development programmes can be designed to
meet your specific needs so they can include any modules
from our comprehensive range of courses, programmes
and workshops that we offer.
how it works
All of the programmes featured in this brochure can be delivered as
they are described. However, because we have an extensive range of
different modules and expertise from our programme leaders, we are
able to tailor the programmes to meet any specific needs too.
For example, if you felt that your organisation needed the programme
on harnessing positive energy but also required support with coaching,
we can incorporate a coaching module into your programme. We will
discuss the options in detail with you to design the most appropriate
programme for you.
what learning methods are used?
Depending on the specific needs of the participants,
programmes comprise a range of elements including:
Research and study
Formal and informal 360 degree feedback
Live pilot projects
Action learning sets
1:1 coaching and feedback.
Employee engagement and
effective leadership emerges
as the best predictor of NHS
trust outcomes.
Professor Michael West
Lancaster University Management School
the modules
To find out more about
our customised learning
approach, contact:
Joy Shepherd
020 8088 1470
There are lots of mod
ules to choose from.
Here are three of our
most popular ones:
Creating a
coaching culture
Developing a coaching
approach will enable you
to carry out your role in
supportive way to individ
a more naturally
uals, teams and the org
sation as a whole. This
output, commitment, mo
will enhance their
tivation and performanc
e on a day-to-day basis
These skills will then be
longer term.
available for you to use
every day or during mo
such as one to ones, sup
re specific occasions
ervision or appraisal.
Motivation – creating
an inspiring wor
Motivation is an import
ant tool that managers
often assume exists in
the conditions of their
individuals by virtue of
roles and their environme
nt, without influence fro
now understood that eac
m internal factors. It is
h individual has their ow
n set of motivating forces
manager to carefully ide
. It is the duty of the
ntify and address these
unique personal drivers.
tool, motivation is much
As a management
under-utilised in today’
s workplace. Through
motivate individuals, ma
wledge of how to
nagers can create a wo
rkplace where people are
both on their own and
inspired to work –
in teams – to produce
the best results and the
highest patient care.
Resilience – yourself an
d others
The development of res
ilience is vital to enable
individuals, teams and
whole to thrive, particula
organisations as a
rly in times of change and
uncertainty. Leaders wh
from setbacks, keeping
o bounce back
a constant and steady
hand on the helm, are
steer their teams throu
r equipped to
gh tough times. Not on
ly do they face problems
provide colleagues with
on, but they also
support and guidance
thus building more rob
Participants have the op
resilient teams.
portunity to refocus on
themselves building on
better in the face of ad
the capacity to cope
versity. With a focus on
new different ways of wo
identify appropriate str
rking, participants will
ategies for a speedier rec
overy response to adver
for setting up more rob
sity as well as ideas
ust and reliable support
other modules include:
Building effective
high-performing teams
Understanding the health
and social care system
in England
Creating high
functioning teams
Effective team meetings
Management and
leadership styles
Feedback, appraisal and
difficult conversations
Innovation, measurement
and KPIs
Leadership and narrative
Lean thinking
Reputation and
brand management
Political competence
Organising yourself & others
Managing team performance
Developing the team
Handling difficult
people situations
Interviewing and selection
Political competence
Managing change
Briefings and presentations
Influencing others
Communication skills at work
Negotiation skills
Facilitation skills
Problem-solving and
development programme
Build on the positives to dramatically improve patient care
who should attend
This highly practical leadership
programme is typically delivered as two
five-day modules with the emphasis on
creating a culture that celebrates the
positives within your organisation.
Aspiring leaders, middle and
senior managers; clinicians;
multi-disciplinary groups.
why choose this programme?
This is a fresh, innovative approach to leadership development that
will help your leaders and managers deliver first class patient care.
This is your opportunity to work with experts to design a leadership
programme that will be the envy of other organisations; that will
inform and transform a new generation of leaders.
after this programme, you will know how to:
Create a positive, open culture that celebrates the excellent
work that your organisation does
Find ways to engage staff in order to improve their health,
well-being and ultimately their ability to do their job well
Help your staff to feel valued so that they can provide
patient-centred, compassionate care
Improve the way you communicate with your teams
Understand how your leadership skills can help lower
work-related stress levels
Refocus on your own capacity to be resilient
Take on board feedback about your teams and space to
identify improvements and make changes.
what it covers
This programme is a highly practical learning experience
underpinned by a robust theoretical approach. Our approach to
leadership development will help your people understand how to
lead and manage more effectively and get the best from their teams,
and ultimately provide high quality, well-led services.
Presented by
Kathleen Sullivan
Deborah Simmons
Howell Schroeder
case study
To find out more about
leadership development
Joy Shepherd
020 8088 1470
West London Mental Health NHS Trust
a framework for change:
engage, inspire & empower
the brief
In 2013 West London Mental Health NHS Trust, one of London’s
largest providers of mental health care, embarked on a Trust-wide
staff engagement project. Two of the key actions from this exercise
was the introduction of a new Leadership and Management
programme for bands 5–8 and the implementation of 360° appraisals.
Chamberlain Dunn Learning was asked to design a leadership and
management programme that would help participants in engaging
their team, helping them to achieve their potential in the workplace.
Bruce Potter
our solution
We designed a programme that spans 6–8 weeks and comprises:
Individual research and pre-study
360° feedback
Two five-day modules spaced 5–6 weeks apart
Action learning sets
Small-scale pilots experimenting with good management practices
The opportunity to share learning with a wider audience
the programme
Through talking and listening to members of the Leadership and
Management work stream, we developed a programme that:
Is underpinned by two theories: building on what’s working well and going for a succession of small scale wins rather than the ‘magic bullet’ overall solution
Encompasses a variety of learning techniques to ensure that all
learning styles are catered for within the modules
Is highly practical providing relevant tools for everyday use whilst reinforcing the mission and values of the team and organisation.
Reflects good practice within the organisation by inviting `Inspiring
Managers’ to deliver sessions highlighting good management.
Is accredited so provides the opportunity to gain 20 academic credits from the University of West London at Level 7 (Masters level) or an ILM endorsed programme certificate as a record of
their learning.
the outcome
Using live examples from the Trust has enabled the programme to
draw the connection between good management, staff engagement
and high quality patient care. Participants have also put into practice
pilot projects implementing any good management practice they
discover as they progress through the programme.
I found the
programme to be
Technical instructor
Fantastic – I have
already been
emailing staff to
book on the training
to experience this
positive and effective
course. This course
has increased my
confidence beyond
Dawn Harwood
Interim deputy director WLPS
I have really enjoyed
the course, it has
given me confidence
in dealing with
day-to-day challenges.
I have introduced
some small changes
which have had
instant results.
Fiona Watson
Contact centre duty manager
Accredited by:
development programme
in leadership
How to empower your staff
who should attend
This is a two-day workshop, delivered
approx. 6-8 weeks apart, which teaches
participants coaching conversation
skills that can be practised at work
and then reflected on in day two.
Managers and leaders who want to
empower individuals and teams to
want to improve their performance.
why choose this programme?
Developing a coaching approach will enable you to develop the skills needed
to support individuals and teams, which will enhance their commitment,
motivation and performance. These skills will then be available for you to
use on a daily basis or during more specific occasions such as one to ones,
supervision or appraisal.
after this programme, you will know how to:
Hold effective conversations
Become more self-aware of your current and preferred ways of
managing and leading
Use a coaching approach to enhance your leadership style
Share your own knowledge and understanding effectively with your team
what it covers
Day one has been designed so that you can start to build on your skills and
hold more effective and focused conversations. These conversations will
empower individuals and teams to want to improve their performance.
Day two will follow a similar structure to day one, working in a relaxed yet
energised atmosphere, making time to develop knowledge and understanding
of the coaching approach. The emphasis will be on building the competencies
of an effective coaching manager/leader. By the end of the workshop we will
have explored and practised the EMCC Foundation Level competencies.
There will be time for:
Sharing experiences and reflecting with your peers on your new
coaching skills
Participating in coaching rounds and practice giving effective feedback
Modelling a coaching conversation from an ICF-accredited coach
Building new skills using new coaching models and techniques
Planning your own personal development.
Presented by
Jude Ryan
I had a successful
team meeting
as a result of
coaching. Going
to put coaching
into practice. My
team will see me
transformed into an
inspired leader.
Chaudhary Rasool
West London Mental Health Trust
development programme
positive energy
Refocus your teams on what they do best
who should attend
A three-day programme that
confronts the negative issues found
in most organisations, enabling the
positive energy to be released for
more productive outcomes.
Multidisciplinary teams of
managers, team leaders and
senior clinicians.
why choose this programme?
Recent and continuing pressures faced by the NHS, as well as bad
publicity, have seen an increase in negative energy. This has led to dips
in morale and difficult challenges for staff. It is vital to understand these
obstacles so you can tackle them head on and understand how to
counteract them through focussing on what you do well.
after this programme, you will know how to:
Name, understand and find positive outlets for negative energy
Identify what people do best and what you have achieved already
Enable your staff to be positive, outward looking, energised
and optimistic
Spread positive energy so that it isn’t fragmentary and more systemic
Challenge beliefs and assumptions that limit you and your staff
Learn how to tell a positive story about your future and with conviction.
Presented by
Kathleen Sullivan
Howell Schroeder
what it covers
This programme will explore how managers and teams can focus and
build on what they do best. Our starting point is acknowledging what the
limits are and where they come from, then moving on to find and harness
the positive energy to achieve better results. The programme is in three
parts, with work before and between the modules:
art one – naming the negatives: how do you characterise these
and how do you see the effects? How much energy is present in the
negatives and where are they coming from?
Part two – learning from the obstacles and refocusing on what you
are doing well.
Part three – using this learning to transform the future and harness
the positive energy present.
To find out more about
harnessing positive
energy or coaching in
leadership contact:
Joy Shepherd
020 8088 1470
development programme
the innovation
Embedding innovative thinking and action in your organisation
who should attend
A three-day programme to inspire you to
work with colleagues to do more of the
good stuff in your organisation, using a
range of tried and tested approaches,
techniques and tools with a new twist.
Senior managers, middle managers
and clinicians from health and social
care services in all sectors, local
government, voluntary organisations
and social enterprises.
why choose this programme?
It is hard to innovate when the ground seems to be giving way beneath
your feet – but that’s exactly when you have to do it! There’s no shortage
of great ideas, but many promising initiatives wither on the vine instead
of moving from first steps to diffusion because of work pressures and
restraints. But learning how to become innovative will enable you to
hardwire good practice, and adopt a disciplined approach to system-level
transformative change.
at the end of this programme, you will know how to:
Take a fresh and realistic approach to innovation
Use your own experiences and learning, combined with tested tools
and approaches and examples of good practice
Disseminate your approach and learning to others in the organisation
Create the optimum conditions for continuous innovation
Be an entrepreneurial leader of innovation
Move from the first steps to organisation-wide diffusion.
Presented by
Jane Salvage
Howell Schroeder
case study
what it covers
The innovation imperative: the local and the wider policy context
Understanding innovation: evidence and experience
The psychology of change and resistance
Creating a change culture in yourself
Creating a change culture in your workplace
Top down or bottom up: where will your changes begin?
Making the business case for change
Managing the change process
Monitoring and evaluating the innovation
Diffusing the innovation: understanding the power relations
and hardwiring the changes.
To find out more about
introducing innovation
Joy Shepherd
020 8088 1470
Whittington Health
the brief
To encourage innovative thinking and boost morale in a busy
Emergency Department in a London general hospital.
our solution
We devised a three-day programme in partnership with the hospital
steering group. The programme was designed and developed by
Howell Schroeder and Jane Salvage, one a management consultant,
the other a nurse.
the programme
During the development stage it became clear that the ED team
had experienced significant change and was struggling with
morale – if we worked on this, the innovative thinking would flow.
Its main conceptual foundations were complexity theory and
appreciative inquiry. Complexity theory views the future as inherently
unknown, and therefore suggests avoiding grand designs and
concentrating more on incremental steps. Appreciative inquiry
suggests that focusing on what is working well, and when we feel
that we are able to give of our best, stimulates energy and is more
productive than concentrating on
what is going wrong and who
or what might be to blame.
the outcome
The programme was evaluated by an external party three months
after the programme finished. Patient flow data showed a small
reduction in patient time spent in the department after the
intervention and patient satisfaction surveys showed a fall in the
number of complaints in the months after the programme.
There was a notable fall in complaints about the `attitude’ of staff.
Staff feedback was extremely positive. Many who attended the
course, and some who did not, could point to changes which
they felt resulted, at least in part, from the effects of the course.
the external evaluator summary
It was felt by attendees and non-attendees the unconventional
content of the training, coupled with the personal style and
commitment of the trainers produced a unique experience that
provoked a rare degree of engagement from those staff who
attended. And some of that ambition to be more conscious and
positive about their work had a lasting effect on staff in the ED.
One of the most
enjoyable courses
I’ve attended.
Actually looked
forward to attending
these study days.
Brought us as staff
closer together.
Fiona McGann
The course exceeded
all my expectations
I had prior to it.
I didn’t think it could
be such a positive
experience taking part
in these study days.
Sally King
the innovation
doing more of
the good stuff
special workshops
dementia awareness
Understanding and supporting people living with dementia
who should attend
We can deliver a series of three
workshops exploring the key skills staff
need to understand how to provide
thoughtful and compassionate care.
All staff working in a care setting.
Managers in organisations that are
developing their behaviours and
values approach or reviewing their
mandatory induction programme.
why choose these workshops?
With an ageing population, dementia is becoming more of a concern.
It is estimated that by the middle of 2015 there will be 850 000 people
with dementia in the UK. However, care of these patients has not
always been of the highest standard due to a lack of awareness of
staff of the best way to care for these patients or how to communicate
with them. These workshops provide up-to-date, interactive,
experiential and engaging training, equipping participants with the
knowledge and skills to support, care for and help improve the lives
of people with dementia. Based on best practice in dementia care,
the workshops can be cascaded throughout your organisation.
Presented by
Jude Ryan
after these workshops, you will know
how to help your teams to:
Promote and support excellence, helping them to build
and develop their knowledge, skills and values
Engage and deliver empathetic compassionate person-centred
dementia care
Develop the essential attitudes and behaviours needed to
ensure the needs of each person living with dementia are
met with compassion, kindness and caring
Gain an insight into the everyday experience of dementia
by understanding the signs, symptoms and potential impact
of the condition.
To find out more about
developing dementia
awareness workshops
Joy Shepherd
020 8088 1470
dementia care skills:
communication & behaviours
what it covers
This workshop considers the meaning behind communication and behaviour. It looks at the
impact of your own behaviour and communication skills on that of the person living with dementia.
It also covers the challenges that can face carers and explore what practical solutions and actions
can be used to respond to and support people living with dementia in a person-centred manner.
after this workshop, you will know how to:
Use factors that can influence communication and interactions with individuals who have dementia
Use a person-centred approach to encourage positive communication
Explore and practice person-centred care
techniques that can enhance your interactions
Recognise the impact of dementia,
on both the person living with
dementia and the carers
Recognise and respond to stress and
distress, and support people living with
dementia to maintain their quality of life.
dementia care skills:
the cascade approach
what it covers
Barbara’s Story is a set of training materials originally designed
by the Burdett Trust for Nursing for Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS
Trust for hospital staff. The workshop uses these materials so
participants can follow Barbara through her healthcare journey
as her dementia gradually advances. It follows the step model
approach and uses examples of best practice and evidencebased materials to complement your mandatory training.
what your teams will learn:
dementia awareness
Our expert facilitators can train your teams to use these
materials in a way that will inform and transform the way they
engage with patients living with dementia and their carers.
We can also design a specific programme to meet the needs
of your staff whether in a hospital, care or community setting.
what it covers
Using a coaching approach this one-day workshop
will help you to reflect upon what it may be like to have dementia,
recognising that people living with dementia have unique needs and
preferences, and considering how you can better support those in your care.
after this workshop, you will know how to:
Support people with dementia using a person-centred approach
Recognise what is delirium and depression and understand the differences
between depression, delirium and age-related memory impairment
Understand key features of the theoretical models of dementia
Understand factors relating to an individual’s experience of dementia
Explore and recognise the possible physical and mental experience
of people living with dementia
Outline the impact that the attitudes and behaviours of others may have
Name local services and resources which could help support
the person living with dementia, their carer and their family.
special workshops
creating &
strengthening teams
Strategies and tactics for fast team building
who should attend
This workshop introduces you to dynamic
techniques to create effective, cohesive teams
when time is in short supply but organisational
demands are high. This works even when
these teams are made up of diverse providers.
Team leaders and managers – both
clinical and non-clinical – within public
sector areas that are undergoing
change programmes.
why choose this workshop?
Team leaders and managers are having to build new partnerships and
teams quicker than ever. These teams often include temporary employees
so the personnel and dynamics may never be the same from one meeting
– or shift – to the next. In addition to introducing you to effective strategies
and tactics for fast team building, the workshop addresses challenges
that stand in the way of team creation such as resistance to change and
difficulty in adapting to new situations and work requirements.
after this workshop, you will know how to:
Immediately apply techniques and tactics in the workplace that will
instantly create effective and cohesive teams
Focus your new teams on the task at hand, rather than on team politics
Inspire and gain buy-in for a shared commitment to organisational
and team aims
Create stronger relationships with clear provider expectations.
Presented by
Kathleen Sullivan
Deborah Simmons
what it covers
Easy-to-implement strategies for creating effective, motivated teams fast
Processes for accountability, conflict resolution and decision making
Creating strong alliances and connections quickly and effectively
Implementing enhanced interpersonal communication skills
Mastering body language techniques that help create
positive connections
The essential components of successful collaboration
Creating and implementing a common values-based vision
Recognising signs of resistance in your team and how to deal with it.
To find out more about
developing resilience
or fast team building
Joy Shepherd
020 8088 1470
special workshops
developing resilience
in yourself & others
who should attend
A dynamic one-day workshop to help
you to thrive in times of change and
uncertainty, facing problems head on
and providing colleagues with support
and guidance.
Managers at middle and senior levels,
clinicians and team leaders
why choose this workshop?
Steering your team through tough times
This workshop offers an opportunity to focus on yourself, building on the
capacity within each of us to cope in the face of adversity. It is packed
with practical and relevant strategies designed both to help you spot the
symptoms of overload and to address them before they escalate so you can
build more robust and resilient teams.
after this workshop, you will know how to:
Adapt to uncertainty in a more robust way and with less resistance
Take a more solution-focused approach and address problems head on
Draw on, and have confidence in, your inner resources
Pre-empt issues such as sickness absence and low morale
Craft and implement a more balanced working life
Introduce peer support groups
Maintain a more positive mindset, focusing on a proactive rather than
passive approach to workplace challenges
Apply the principles of emotional intelligence for better team dynamics.
what it covers
Recognising the signs of overload and stress – and understanding the
impact that stress can have
Understanding your current working life balance and learning how to
identify an appropriate balance
Creating strategies to achieve a good balance
Developing a flexible, resilient mindset enabling you to cope
with uncertainty
Using collaborative communication to build resourceful teams
The importance of emotional intelligence and how to develop it
Setting focused goals to achieve organisational and personal aims
The benefits of peer mentoring and how to introduce professional
support systems.
Presented by
Kathleen Sullivan
Deborah Simmons
Very well put
together – kept
everyone involved.
It will be of great
help as I intend
to challenge
some issues very
differently in a more
positive way.
Christopher Murden
Heatherwood & Wexham Park
NHS Trust
special workshops
reputation &
brand management
How to take your professionalism to greater heights
who should attend
This workshop is rated as one of our
most engaging and inspiring by previous
participants. It helps your people to
get ahead more quickly by enhancing
opportunities for success.
Middle and senior management levels
in the NHS and other areas of the
public sector.
why choose this workshop?
Reputation and personal brand management is an emerging area
linked to successful career management. This workshop brings out
the highly confident, effective, authentic professional within you and
will give you the opportunity to take a fresh look at yourself as a highly
effective, successful leader in your field.
after this workshop, you will know how to:
Manage yourself so that you can be more consistently effective,
using coaching and neuro-linguistic programming techniques
Recognise the intuitive skills which you already possess and
understand how to replicate them
Be aware of what you do, how you behave and how this
affects what you get
Take powerful steps to realise the results you want for yourself,
as well as the teams and organisations with which you work.
Presented by
Kathleen Sullivan
Deborah Simmons
case study
what it covers
Taking your professionalism to a new level
Enhancing your confidence
Creating greater clarity around your personal brand
Seizing opportunities for getting noticed and promoted
Managing your professional reputation and that of
your team or organisation
Using techniques such as coaching, neuro-linguistic
programming and Clean Language
Understanding how you interact with and are
perceived by others.
To find out more about
reputation and brand
management contact:
Joy Shepherd
020 8088 1470
& Innovation
Agency for
the brief
The National Leadership and Innovation
Agency for Healthcare (NLIAH)’s leadership
and OD directorate identified the need for
individuals to maximise their talent and
potential by focussing on their reputation
and understanding the link between their
personal brand and authentic leadership.
our solution
We designed a programme for graduate
alumni which enabled them to update their
‘soft skills’ and sharpen their leadership
talents as they prepared for a significant
step change in their professional careers.
Emma Copp
the programme
The programme, underpinned by the
NLP approach, incorporated practical
tools and effective techniques to enable
individuals to create a more confident,
authentic impression as well as clarify
their personal brand.
the outcome
We went on to deliver the programme
to four other NLIAH Leadership groups.
Building on the work we did with the
Enhanced Leadership Programme
we subsequently delivered a Career
Development workshop which allowed
participants to focus and build on
strengths and passions and enabled
them to tap into their own creativity.
You will see a new me!
I have an action plan
with dates and I will
achieve these.
Senior finance analyst
Whatever my future
holds, I will use the
tools and techniques to
enhance my reputation
and this increases my
ability to influence in
the workplace.
Sandra Marshall
Head of workforce development
I feel energised and
more enthusiastic
and positive. I want
this feeling to last
and apply it in the
Angharad Davies
HR officer
special workshops
political competence
in public services
How to become politically savvy
who should attend
This workshop will help you to become
more effective as a leader by developing
your political competence using a range
of approaches, techniques and tools.
Senior managers, middle managers and
clinicians from health and social care
services in all sectors, local government,
voluntary organisations and
social enterprises.
why choose this workshop?
Some people find politics a scary notion, but organisational politics are
a fact of life in every sector – whether you call it politics with a small ‘p’
or a large one. The NHS should not be a political football, but it is rarely
free from a political storm. Health and social care leaders, whether
managers, clinicians or educators, need to become politically savvy if
they are to ride the storm and ensure that their organisations help to
deliver high quality services.
after this workshop, you will know how to:
Deal more confidently with organisational politics
Recognise and work with your own personal and
professional codes and values
Think like a skilled political operator
Understand the broader picture of the new health
and social care political structures.
Presented by
Jane Salvage
case study
what it covers
Exploring definitions and stereotypes of politics in organisations
Defining what political competence is
Personal values, professional codes and organisational politics
The importance of political awareness in your daily work
Identifying political behaviour in others and responding appropriately
Identifying the political animals in your organisation and how their
political agendas relate to yours
Navigating political barriers and dealing with difficult situations
Dealing with political challenges/dilemmas
Becoming a policy entrepreneur.
To find out more about
becoming politically
savvy contact:
Joy Shepherd
020 8088 1470
He pe
NH alt ria
S T hca l
ru re
the brief
Doctors can no longer expect to move almost
automatically into a consultant post. In many
specialities the posts are hotly contested with the
use of assessment centres and a rigorous interview.
The interview often focuses on non-clinical skills such
as understanding trends in healthcare, NHS structures,
leadership, teamworking and communication.
Chamberlain Dunn Learning was invited by Imperial
Healthcare NHS Trust in London to provide a day’s
course on political awareness for doctors preparing
for a consultant’s post.
our solution
We designed a workshop that would help participants
to become more effective in their future career by
developing their political competence, using a range
of approaches, techniques and tools.
Akila De Silva
Specialist registrar
the programme
Run by Jane Salvage and Alison Dunn, the participants
were encouraged to ‘tell a story’ about real situations
where their political skills were brought into play in
preparing for questions they may be asked at interview.
the outcome
The day equipped doctors to tackle situations in a
politically astute way, using evidence, opportunities
and networks to build support.
Provided a very
useful introduction
and stimulated
thoughts on good
preparation for
It’s given me
leadership tools
and skills and
improved my
knowledge of
the health and
political system.
Juan Carlos Aguirre
Clinical fellow anaesthesia
This course gives you
the enthusiasm to
take on board new
challenges in your
Marius Venter
Specialist registrar
special workshops
compassionate care
Rebalance, restore, improve and protect the compassionate qualities,
behaviours and cultures of you and your team.
who should attend
This practical one-day workshop will
rebalance, restore, improve and protect
the compassionate qualities, behaviours
and cultures of you and your team.
Operational managers in HR and OH,
lead nurses, matrons, AHPs, clinicians,
social workers and registered managers
in residential and care settings.
why choose this workshop?
The recent focus on compassionate care was sparked by the Francis report
into events at Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust, and the strategy launched by
the top nurses at NHS England and the Department of Health. But research
suggests that sustaining high levels of empathy, compassion and emotional
labour can lead to ‘compassion fatigue’, depersonalisation, emotional
exhaustion, and increased sickness and absenteeism.
after this workshop, you will know how to:
Be energised, reconnected, resilient, supportive and optimistic
Improve the delivery and quality of compassionate person-centred care
Counterbalance the negative impact of emotional labour
Develop interpersonal skills that foster staff wellbeing and resilience
Develop proactive compassionate person-centred policies and approaches
Provide practical, realistic and measurable solutions that will bring
‘caring for and about each other’ to life.
Presented by
Jude Ryan
what it covers
Delivering compassionate care without suffering fatigue
Learning how to thrive and excel in difficult situations
Incorporating reflective practice in supervision, peer coaching
and mindfulness skills into your approach to work
Exploring how emotional labour, empathy and compassion
enhance outcomes for service users
Understanding the processes and practices that can offset
the negative impact of the job demands
Using compassionate person-centred approaches.
To find out more
about cultivating
compassionate care
Joy Shepherd
020 8088 1470
other programmes we offer...
Here is a selection of training we offer, but it’s just a starting point. We develop a programme that suits the needs of your people.
Our extensive network of trainers and associates means that we can research, design and develop new programmes for clients
rapidly – so if you don’t find the course you are looking for below, it’s only a phone call away. Call Joy on 020 8088 1470
administration skills
Developing management skills
in PAs and administrators
Customer care and
remote communication
How to be a first class receptionist
How to be a first class administrator
How to be a first class
office manager
Minutes and notetaking
The effective PA
The executive assistant
iversity, equality
& human rights
Equality Act 2010
Equality and diversity
in the workplace
Equality and diversity:
the business case
Equality and diversity impact
assessment training
edia, presentation
& writing skills
Polishing up your
media performance
Presenting and speaking
with impact
Report writing
Facilitation skills
c areer transition &
talent management
Career coaching
Career transition masterclass
How to get the job you want
Personality profiling
anagement &
leadership skills
Achieving savings: a one-day
course for budget holders
Appraisal skills
Coaching and mentoring
Commercial awareness
Customer care
Driving service improvements
through complaints
Effective mentoring
Having courageous conversations
How to run a successful meeting
Interview and selection skills
Leading for productivity
in leaner times
Managing career change
Managing change
Managing with
emotional intelligence
Managing with excellence
Performance management
Rapid teams, rapid results
Succeeding at interviews
The new manager
Understanding the health and social
care system in England
roject & programme
Practice of project management
PRINCE2® overview
PRINCE2® Foundation
PRINCE2® Practitioner
PRINCE2® 5-day Foundation
& Practitioner
MSP® Foundation and Practitioner
mental health
Carer involvement
Caring for people with dementia
Developing good practice
in clinical risk management
Mental Capacity Act
Mental Health Act 1983
Mental health awareness
Self injury awareness
Service user participation
personal development
Achieving personal impact:
how to create your brand
Assertiveness at work
Communication skills
Counselling skills
Facilitation skills
Getting more from a shorter day
Handling people problems
Negotiation skills
Personal effectiveness
Problem solving
and organisations we have worked with...
Barnet and Chase Farm
Hospitals NHS Trust
Heatherwood and Wexham Park
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
NHS Wirral
British Medical Association
HPMA Academy
Buckinghamshire County Council
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Royal College of Midwives
Bedfordshire Police
Lambeth Living
Royal College of Obstetricians
and Gynaecologists
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
London Ambulance NHS Trust
South Essex Partnership NHS Trust
Coloplast Ltd
London Borough of Camden
St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust
Department of Health
National Blood Service
University College London
General Medical Council
NHS West Cheshire CCG
West London Mental Health NHS Trust
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust
NHS Education for Scotland
Welsh Assembly Government
Health and Safety Executive
NHS Tower Hamlets
Royal Marsden NHS Trust
our tutors & us
We regard ourselves as the home of quality training. All of our programmes are led
by highly qualified specialists who demonstrate a wealth of practical experience
in their chosen field and exemplary presentation skills. Every programme leader
brings the tools and techniques to keep people engaged and to make your
Chamberlain Dunn Learning programme inspiring and full of practical solutions.
Chamberlain Dunn Learning team
Joy Shepherd
runs Chamberlain
Dunn Learning,
specialising in
learning and
development for
the NHS and
public sector.
She has worked
at Chamberlain Dunn Learning for over
13 years across the whole portfolio:
training and development, conferences
and event management. She project
manages our in-house training contracts
and ensures excellent service delivery
by creating close relationships with
our clients.
Alison Dunn
has been involved
in healthcare
for over 30
years and brings
her experience
of publishing,
public relations
and marketing into play to help clients
reach their audiences in the most
effective ways. She was editor of
Nursing Times and HSJ, and director of
communications at the Royal College
of Nursing, before setting up the RCN’s
publishing company. For the past 18
years she has been joint managing
director of Chamberlain Dunn and
Chamberlain Dunn Learning.
ChamberlainWebber has
been involved
in design and
for the past 25
years. For the
last 20 years,
he has been joint managing director of
Chamberlain Dunn and Chamberlain
Dunn Creative. He has helped many
clients realise their ambitions to do
things in a better or unusual way.
Most recently he has worked with the
charity, The Burdett Trust to help them
publish a learning pack on dementia to
send out to 1,000 organisations for
staff training.
Chamberlain Dunn Learning programme leaders
Deborah Simmons specialises in
coaching and training executives who
are committed to being successful
in the workplace – either through
achieving personal goals or through
becoming inspiring leaders to enable
the development of their employees.
Deborah is a qualified, accredited
coach and NLP practitioner.
John Illman specialises in media
training, presentation skills,
crisis management and writing
skills. He spent five years as medical
correspondent on the Daily Mail;
eight years as health editor on
The Guardian; and three years on
The Observer. As a visiting tutor
at the University of Westminster in
London, he has helped to pioneer
Europe’s first BA (Hons) Medical
Journalism course.
Nick Oliver has worked as a training
professional in the private and notfor-profit sectors for over 15 years
during which time he has delivered
organisation-wide development
initiatives including competency
management and leadership
development programmes.
Nick is a registered user of a
number of psychometric tools.
Jude Ryan is an executive coach and
change management consultant.
She is an Associate Certified Coach of
the International Coaching Federation
(ICF), NLP Master Practitioner and
MBCT Mindfulness teacher.
Jude is an experienced facilitator and
trainer. Jude’s style is empathetic,
person centred, solution focused and
transformational; her workshops are
highly interactive and effective.
Noel Plumridge was an NHS finance
director for eight years, having
previously worked in publishing and
local government. He managed an
innovative programme on health care
staffing for the NHS Modernisation
Agency and is the author of CIPFA’s
publication, Payment by Results.
Noel writes regularly for HSJ and
Public Finance.
Alison Rushworth is a personal
development specialist and trainer
with a wealth of experience, and a
proven track record. She is an expert
in communication skills, training
techniques, presentation skills,
with an ability to help people to
solve problems. Her style is
interactive, believing that people
learn best by applying theories to
their own situations.
Debbie Smith is a personal brand
specialist, impact trainer and career
coach. She is one of only a few
highly experienced and qualified
personal brand specialists in the UK.
She coaches and trains on issues
including personal brand impact,
emotional intelligence and career
strategy, and has developed a series
of unique training programmes.
Kathleen Sullivan is a lecturer,
professional coach and trainer
working mainly with healthcare
professionals to enhance those
skills not generally taught as part
of their clinical qualifications. She is
a part-time careers adviser at the
Professional Support Unit of Health
Education North West London.
Howell Schroeder is an independent
consultant and Ashridge Associate.
He has worked in management training
and consultancy for nearly 25 years,
for Arthur D Little, for Ashridge, where
he ran the Strategic Management
Programme, and for the last ten years
as an independent. He was one of the
founding tutors on the National Public
Health Leadership Programme.
Ian Bendrey is a qualified PRINCE2®
Practitioner and an accredited
PRINCE2® trainer. He has facilitated
PRINCE2® training for councils and
NHS Trusts, as well as recently
managing a major project for an
international Network Security
Organisation using PRINCE2®.
ndrew Wetherell has worked for
the UK mental health service user
movement since early 1994 including
developing self-help support
initiatives and managing advocacy
services. He was a member of
the Government’s Independent
Reference Group and has worked
for the NHS Executive, responsible
for service user participation at high
security hospitals. He now runs a
mental health training consultancy.
Roberta Wetherell is a founding
member and former national
co-ordinator of the UK Advocacy
Network and founder chairperson of
the European Network of Users
and Ex-Users in Mental Health.
Roberta was a member of the NHS
Executive’s Mental Health Task Force
User Group, the National Users and
Carers Group and has sat on advisory
committees to the UK Government
and European Parliament.
Gamiel Yafai through Diversity
Marketplace has worked on a wide
range of projects in public and
private sector organisations including
NHS Scotland, the Welsh Assembly
Government and Birmingham City
Council. He has also worked with the
Department of Health’s equality unit
‘Positively Diverse’ to compile a Good
Diversity Practice Reference Guide
used to promote good practice.
Jane Salvage is a versatile healthcare
consultant, trainer and writer with
skills in strategy, change management
and communications. She is well
known as a policy activist and
passionate advocate of supporting
health workers to develop their skills.
Her experience includes editor of
Nursing Times and chief nurse at
the World Health Organization.
She is writer in residence and visiting
professor at Kingston University and
St George’s, University of London.
Jane Cole has more than 30 years’
experience within medical personnel
having worked in a number of trusts
in England and Wales. She has
considerable expertise in recruitment
of all grades of doctors, reducing
junior doctors’ hours and reducing
medical locum costs. She delivers
training and provides consultancy
on medical staffing, appraisal and
revalidation and job planning.
finally, any
Where will it be held?
Once your training needs have been
assessed we agree a date at a venue
of your choice. It could be a training
room on-site, a local hotel or other
venue. Equipment and refreshments
are arranged by you.
What training materials
are provided?
Shortly before the programme
is due to run you will receive the
Chamberlain Dunn Learning Training
Box which contains everything you
will need on the day: handouts,
evaluation forms, tent cards,
pens, pads and certificates.
Who will deliver the
We have a wide faculty of tutors who
can deliver your training programmes
in-house. They range from award
winning journalists to a part-time standup comedian but all are experts in their
field and will help make your training
truly memorable and full of practical
solutions for the workplace.
How will our training
needs be met?
The programme leader will
tailor your training after detailed
discussions with you and your
colleagues or we can create
a bespoke programme from a
range of subjects.
Where do you
deliver the training?
Our programme leaders are
happy to come to you in
England, Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland.
How many people
can attend?
Maximum numbers on the
majority of programmes is
15 with a minimum of 5.
My question isn’t
answered here!
If you have any further questions
or wish to discuss options for
in-house training please call
Chamberlain Dunn Learning on
020 8088 1470
Chamberlain Dunn Learning
The Old Candlemakers, West Street, Lewes BN7 2NZ
t 020 8088 1470 e joy@chamberdunn.co.uk
w www.chamberlaindunnlearning.co.uk