CARE EXTENDER PROGRAM DEPARTMENT INFORMATION DEPARTMENT: Radiology DEPARTMENT PHONE NUMBER: (310) 481-7545. DEPARTMENT COORDINATOR: Hayk Hakobyan EMAIL: DCs PHONE NUMBER: (818) 749-7338 DCs PHONE HOURS: 6:00am-11:00pm CURRENT ROTATION: Winter 2015 REQUIRED NUMBER OF SHIFTS: 12 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Care Extender Office: (424) 259-8165 Program Director: Silva Thomas Office: (310) 267-8186 Pager: (310) 267-8477 ID# 92463 Email: Program Manager: Stephanie Hinojosa Office: (310) 267-8180 Monday, (424) 259-8166 Tuesday-Friday Pager: (310) 206-8477 ID# 91263 Email: Associate Manager: Sharona Hariri Email: DC Supervisor: Barsegh Barseghian Email: Announcements and Reminders: • • • If you will be MISSING your shift, call prior to your shift and let a staff member know AT LEAST 15 minutes ahead of time. Get his or her name and position (e.g. Care Partner, R.N., M.D., etc.) If you will be LATE to your shift, call the department AT LEAST 15 minutes ahead. If you wish to cancel a shift, contact your DC WITHIN 24 hours. All absences must be made up. Important Dates: • • • • • • Sunday, 2/8/2015: Department meeting for this rotation Sunday, 2/22/2015: Preferences sign up for next rotation opens Wednesday, 2/18/2015: Extension Request form due Sunday, 3/8/2015: Preferences due Sunday, 4/5/2015: Preferences posted Sunday, 5: Department meeting for next rotation Introduction to Department: As a second rotation department, Radiology provides a smooth transition for Care Extenders that desire hands on experience with various imaging services. The Radiology department is known for its versatility, where Care Extenders are welcome to extend their services in departments such as the ER, Med-surg, and CCL. Care Extenders are expected to assist technicians with various imaging techniques, facilitate a smooth visit for patients to the Radiology department, and provide a yearning desire to learn about the art of imaging/diagnosing in patient care. Tips on Success: • • • Be proactive! Remember; you’re there to help AND get clinical experience! Ask what not the hospital can do for you, but what you can do for the hospital! Get to know the Care Partners, Nurses, AND Doctors, the entire hospital staff! Frequently Asked Questions: • What shifts can I do? o Monday through Sunday, 7-11AM, 11AM-3PM, 3-7PM, 7-11PM • What is my uniform? o Care Extender polo with khaki pants and white tennis shoes. Your polo must be tucked in with your ID badge clipped at the collar, facing forward. • What do I do when I get injured while I’m on shift? o Tell the charge nurse, go to OHF in Westwood if during normal business hours and you are able to, page both Silva Thomas and Stephanie Hinojosa as soon as possible. • When do I sign up for shifts? o The 10th thru the 15th of the previous month. For example, for December you are able to sign up starting November 10th. • If I need to sign up for an extra shift, when do I email my DC? o You should allow at least three days to sign up for additional shifts to give the DC enough time to schedule you and update the calendar. Shift Calendar: Current Care Extenders Website **The calendar is located at the bottom of the page, as a Google Drive link, and this department can be found under the tab labeled with this department.
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